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Character Sheet:


You will be Level 5 at the start.

Class: Conduit (a creature whose power comes from an outside source infused into it)
Source: Valoran Artifact

Long before the times of man a race known by historians today as the Valoran ruled the known
world. They created a Utopian society so advanced that they quickly stopped worshipping the Gods
and instead began worshipping their own elders. This would lead to their eventual destruction at
the hands of Minoro, acting on behalf of the other Gods, who shattered their world with
plagues in order to regain the belief, through fear, hope or otherwise of the mortals.
Prior to their society's destruction, they created artifacts of immense power. At the height
of their magical prowess, Elder Valorans on their passing had their lifeforce infused into items.
These items granted the wielder immense power, and granted the Elder a form of immortality, trapped forever in the

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Conduit level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + CON
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + CON

Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose Two (Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival)

Unarmored Defense
While not wearing armor, your armor class equals 10 + CON + DEX

You gain the ability to unlock one tier per level.

Level Prof. Bonus Features

1 +2 Minor Magnetism, Unarmored Defense
2 +2 Tier 1 Ability (free)
3 +2 Thunderwave
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement
5 +3 Magnetism
6 +3
7 +3 Force Shield
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement
9 +4 Kinetic Reflex
10 +4
11 +4 Iron Skin
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement
13 +5 Mental Affinity
14 +5
15 +5 Corruption
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement
17 +6
18 +6 Diamond/Onyx Absorption
19 +6 Ability Score Improvement
20 +6 Celestial/Infernal Option
Ignus - The Forge Gauntlet

You traveled far to Neverwinter to discover the source of this gauntlet. The gauntlet has markings
which a historian in Neverwinter translated as "Ignus - Master of the Forge."
Not much has been found regarding this Valoran elder, all the historian was able to tell
you was it was an Elder who valued physical strength and great craft works above all. He is known for the
construction of great works out of gemstones. The artifact has been dormant for thousands of years, and increasing
in level while wielding the gauntlet represents the gauntlet awakening and realizing it's true power. The Forge
Gauntlet is capable of extolling particular abilities based on its own mineral make-up. There is a circular Onyx gem in
the palm of the Gauntlet, and placing metal, gems or other minerals against this gem absorbs the material and
incorporates the material into the Gauntlet itself, changing its makeup.

Level 1 - Minor Magnetism

Being made of Iron, the Gauntlet can always utilize Magnetism.
You are capable of pushing or pulling a small object, a maximum size of Simple Weapons. Magnetism actions are
treated as a bonus action unless they are particularly taxing.
Crushing damage is generally calculated as 1d8+WIS, additional damage die may be granted based on circumstance.

Level 3 - Thunderwave
You can cast Thunderwave as an action. This ability has a cooldown of 5 Minutes. This increases in power every 5
Character levels as if being cast at a higher level.

Level 4 - ASI

Level 5 - Magnetism
You are now capable of moving and throwing metallic objects. The amount you can move maximizes at 300lbs, the
lighter the object the faster it can be moved. Magnetism actions are treated as a bonus action unless they are
particularly taxing.
Crushing damage is generally calculated as 1d8+WIS, additional damage die may be granted based on circumstance.

Level 7 - Force Shield

As a Bonus Action you can ready a field of Magnetic Energy emanating 5 feet around you (allies can enter this field
unaffected). When this shield is up, metal projectiles bounce harmlessly off it and any melee attack made with a
metallic weapon is made with Disadvantage. This ability has a cooldown of 1 Minute.

Level 8 - ASI

Level 9 - Kinetic Reflex

You sense greater power emanating from the Gauntlet as it gets stronger. When you are in danger, the Gauntlet will
physically pull you out of the way even if you are unaware of the danger. Gain advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws
you are aware of, and once per day you may use Kinetic Reflex actively to avoid one obstacle or attack even if you
did not have warning of it.

Level 11 - Iron Skin

The Gauntlet appears to be binding into your skin, and your skin around the gauntlet is becoming metallic, matching
the gauntlet. Your armor class is increased by 2.

Level 12 - ASI

Level 13 - Mental Affinity

You can feel the Gauntlet's will entering your mind. You occasionally have dreams in a strange land, that feels
familiar. You are now immune to negative mental effects and seem to be capable of slightly altering other's
perception, gain double proficiency in Persuasion, Intimidation and Insight if you were previously proficient in any of
them (otherwise gain single proficiency).

Level 15 - Corruption
The presence of Ignus is made known.

Level 16 - ASI

Level 18 Diamond/Onyx
You gain the ability to absorb either Diamond or Onyx based on your previous decisions. These gems can be used as
fuel for any element.

Level 19 - ASI

Level 20 Channel Ignus

Depending on whether you have previously absorbed Diamond or Onyx, you gain one of the two following
Diamond Celestial Bravery. You are granted the power of the Paragons of Valoran. As a reaction once per week,
you may surround yourself in a shimmering field of diamond and cannot be harmed even by damage that should be
lethal. Anything that crushes against the barrier is either reflected off or destroyed.
Onyx Infernal Rage. The hatred of Ignus has corrupted your mind and you seethe with raw rage. Any time you are
struck in combat you may make an attack of opportunity against the creature that struck you without expending a

Leveling up unlocks the capability below, however the Gauntlet still requires the fuel with which to perform these
actions. Your gauntlet must consume enough of the Gem or Metal associated with the element to truly gain access
to the ability. These can be split and will affect the appearance of the Gauntlet.

Tier 1 - Free

Tier 2 - A single gem or 1lb of metal.

Tier 3 - 3 Gems or 2lbs of metal.

Tier 4 - 6 Gems or 4lbs of metal.

Tier 5 - 12 Gems or 8lbs of metal.

Tier 6 - 24 Gems or 16lbs of metal.

Ruby, Gold - Fire

Tier 1 - Imbue Flame

You can imbue flame into the Gauntlet itself or into an item you are holding. If the item has combustible parts, they
will disintegrate one minute after it is imbued.

When attacking with an imbued item, add 1d8 Fire Damage to your attack with the item. It must be wielded in the
hand the Gauntlet is on.

Tier 2 - Propulsion
You can utilize the power of fire in your Gauntlet to propel either an attack or yourself. If you choose an attack, on a
hit the attack is an automatic critical hit. On yourself, you may double your movement speed. This can be utilized in
other ways at the DM's discretion. This ability can be used once per short rest. Increases to twice per short rest at
Character Level 10.

Tier 3 - Living Furnace

You gain resistance to fire damage and can channel your inner flame to remove any debilitating effects on yourself
from within or external effects resulting from bindings or other combustible effects once daily.

Tier 4 - Bulwark of Flame

You can conjure a flaming shield emanating frJadeom your Gauntlet. This is a concentration spell you can use at will,
and will increase your AC by 3 and cause any projectile fired into the shield to disintegrate.

Tier 5 - Relentless Assault

Burning with energy, when make an attack with the attack action, you can now strike twice. When you strike a killing
blow on a creature, gain temporary hit points equal to your Strength modifier.

Tier 6 - Investiture of Flame

You can cast Investiture of Flame once per day. Instead of being able to cast a line of fire with its effects, that is
replaced by improved melee combat. While IoF is active, you must make a Wisdom Contest each turn vs the

Jade, Titanium - Earth

Tier 1 - Gain the Mold Earth, Shape Water, Thunderclap cantrips.

Tier 2 - Strength of Will

Once per long rest you may substitute a Strength check with proficiency for any other physical skill check.

Tier 3 - Crushing Blows

Your unarmed attacks are imbued with the strength of the Earth itself. Calculate all unarmed attacks as if they are
coming from a Warhammer (1D10).

Tier 4 - Rock Skin

Your skin has taken on an unnatural ability to resist physical damage. Gain resistance from non-magical, non-silvered

Tier 5 - One with the Earth

You gain Tremorsense and are capable of speaking with animals freely.

Tier 6 - You can cast Stone Shape (lv4) as a cantrip. You can use this ability to surround yourself with stone
increasing your AC massively and increasing your unarmed attack damage, but reducing your movement speed.
While you are using this ability you must make a Wisdom Contest vs. the Gauntlet.

Sapphire, Silver - Ice

Tier 1 - You can cast Armor of Agathys as a cantrip. This increases in spell level every 5 levels.

Tier 2 - Chains of Ice

You imbue an item with the essence of Ice and throw it at a target creature as a Spell Attack. If it hits, deals 1d8 cold
damage and the target is frozen into the ground. This effect spreads to any creatures within 5ft, and continues
spreading until no creature is within 5ft. Will effect friendly creatures.
Tier 3 - Arctic Blessing
Once per day you may cast Arctic Blessing, which rains glittery snow onto the ground and heals any friendly
character in the area for 1d8+Spell Casting Bonus.

Tier 4 - Entomb
Channeling your Gauntlet, you surround target creature in a block of ice. While encased, the creature cannot act,
however it regains 10HP per turn frozen. The ice will melt after 30s (5 turns).

Tier 5 Virulent Frost

If you hit an enemy three times in a row (without attacking another enemy), they are paralyzed until passing a DC15
CON check.

Tier 6 - Tundra Ultimatum

Once per day You slam your fist into the ground within 5ft of target creature. A dome of ice surrounds you and the
creature, and any creature immediately next to the target. This ice is incredibly hard to destroy, physically or by
melting, and can normally only be destroyed by the creator. While inside of the ice, you regain 20hp per turn but
must make a Wisdom Contest vs. the Gauntlet.
About Your Character

You were defeated in mutual combat for the Chief role over your tribe. And have been drifting ever since.

You found the Gauntlet while exploring rumors of a magical power in an ancient ruin. A dwarven engineer caused an
explosion that caved in the tunnel you were exploring, and you found and utilized the Gauntlet to save yourself and
escape the collapse. Do you blame the Dwarf? How do you feel about these events?
Using the gauntlet to move the minerals that collapsed around you, you eventually found yourself amongst ancient
ruins, with a rather skinny looking dwarf and many of his dwarven compatriots around him cursing him for
apparently causing the cave-in. As the dwarf looks remorseful you presumed it was an accident, and while angry at
his recklessness, you felt bad for the Dwarf, being berated by his kin, as it seemed a bit familiar.

What qualities do you value in a party member? In yourself?

High value is placed on competition, always looking to prove himself. Keeps a vocal kill count during battle and
wishes for someone who can keep up with him. High value on honor, loyalty and trustworthiness.

What was your favorite weaponry to use prior to finding the Gauntlet?

You joined with the Lords Alliance to attempt to do some good why did you do this? What do you hope to
I joined the Lord's alliance because I thought it was a good way to continue pushing me further, guiding me toward
more difficult challenge
And while in the tribe I trained with many weapons, but my favorite were axes. Ranged was throwing handaxes, then
a greataxe up close
But I was also known as an impressive wrestler (i.e., I plan to try to use a lot of those up close things like

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