Bite-Sized Training™: Finding Your Unique Strengths

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Bite-Sized Training

Finding Your
Unique Strengths

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Finding Your Unique

Bite-Sized Training
This e-book is published by:

Mind Tools Ltd.

Copyright Mind Tools Ltd, 2006-2012. All rights


Version 1.3

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1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Understanding Uniqueness ........................................................................................................... 5

3. Determine the Competencies that People Value ........................................................................... 6

4. Rank Yourself against Others ....................................................................................................... 9

5. Your USP .................................................................................................................................... 13

6. Build and Market Your USP ........................................................................................................ 15

7. Key Learning Points .................................................................................................................... 17

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1. Introduction
This is the third of our Bite-Sized Training altogether possible that some of these people will
sessions focused on helping you make the most do these things better than you.
of who you are at work and in your life. These
sessions are designed to apply useful business To be the very best at anything whether it is
strategy tools to your personal life, and by doing computer programming, writing advertising copy,
so, help you make the most of the opportunities counseling, or playing sports takes an incredible
open to you. Our first session used SWOT amount of focus, determination, sacrifice, and a
Analysis to look at your strengths and the whole lot of natural aptitude. And even if you are
opportunities open to you. The second session the best at one thing, that does not necessarily
used PEST Analysis to screen these mean you will have the opportunity to make a
opportunities. living doing it, or even want to.

In this session we look at USP (Unique Selling Its much better, and easier, to be the best in the
Proposition) Analysis, a tool commonly used by industry across a range of dimensions. This is
businesses when they are trying to determine what USP analysis focuses on: How do you make
how to market their products and set themselves yourself stand out in a sea of common traits and
apart from the competition. Here, youre going to factors? When it comes right down to it, any one
analyze your strengths further to see how you can of your strengths, skills, talents and abilities is not
differentiate your skills and talents from other what make you unique; its how and where you
people doing the same job or looking for the use and combine these things that make the
same type of work. By doing this, you can make difference. Deciding exactly how to package your
yourself and your skills uniquely valuable, and strengths, and tailor them to the opportunities you
command the rewards that come with this. are seeking is the whole point behind a personal
USP analysis.
The SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis and USP This Bite-Sized Training session focuses on
sessions help you make the most of who you are. the essentials of conducting a personal USP
analysis. In one hour, you will have learned how
Youll also need to have well crafted personal to:
goals to motivate you to achieve your personal
strategy. Read our article on Goal Setting so you Determine what employers or customers
know where were going. Youll find this here. (if youre self employed) value the most.
Assess yourself against people around
As you found out in your SWOT analysis, you you, using the same dimensions.
have some core strengths that have probably Identify a competitive position that builds
contributed to the career choices you have made on strengths that matter.
up till now, and to the types of opportunities you
are interested in pursuing. The reality is, though, This lesson on USP Analysis will give you tools
that many other people have very similar that you need to look at your strengths across
strengths. For example, its not uncommon to find multiple dimensions, and come up with a great
other people who communicate really well or who and marketable USP that you can then use to get
are strategic thinkers. If you look a bit harder, you the career of your dreams.
will probably be able to find a few other people
with similar skills and abilities to you. And, its

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2. Understanding Uniqueness
Think about when you last bought something Relevant to the consumer.
expensive (perhaps a car.) Difficult to imitate.
Widely applicable across a number of
Did you go into the first showroom you saw and markets.
buy the cheapest product you could find? Or did
you think carefully about what you wanted, OK, so this applies to businesses. But how does it
research the market, choose the product that apply to individuals? The answer is that its the
most uniquely suited your range of needs, and person who most uniquely suits the role who gets
then try to get the best price? hired. And its the person whose unique and
irreplaceable skills help an organization the most,
OK, so some people will buy on cost only, and who can command the highest rewards. (In some
may then rue the consequences. But many others companies, the top salesperson routinely earns
will find the product that best fits what they want. more than the CEO.)
And while its brutally difficult for businesses to
make a profit by competing on price alone, its Now, when we apply this definition to our
much easier to make a profit by offering a higher- personal uniqueness, you can see that it
priced product that uniquely meets someones becomes much harder to do. That is why we need
needs. This is why being unique is such a highly to look at our personal competencies as a
valued attribute. package. So, for us to be unique, we need to
define a set of competencies that we can
For most businesses, their uniqueness comes leverage to make the most of our life and our
from their core competences. The people who career.
defined this relationship the best, C. K. Prahalad
and Gary Hamel, argued in their 1990 paper from
the Harvard Business Review, The Core Before you proceed with this lesson you may want
Competence of the Corporation, that core to read through our short articles on Core
competencies are some of the most important Competence and USP Analysis. This will give you
sources of uniqueness: They represent the things a more in-depth understanding of the conventions
that a company can do uniquely well, and that no- of these two tools.
one else can copy quickly enough to affect

To determine that a competence is indeed a core

one, it must be:

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3. Determine the Competencies that People Value

The first step in USP Analysis is to determine in previous sessions, you will have identified a
what the people making the decision value. number of good opportunities.
Applied to ourselves, these customers are the
gatekeepers to the opportunities we want to (If you havent done a PEST Analysis, we highly
pursue. These people will value certain skills, recommend you set aside time to work through
knowledge and abilities, which we can gain that session. For now, however, use an
through employment in a certain field or industry, opportunity that you are excited about and that
or though self-employment or returning to school you believe is viable given your economic and
and retraining. socio-cultural reality.)

However, before we can look at these, the first Choose the top three opportunities you should be
step is clearly to decide what opportunities are considering and, if youre currently employed,
attractive to us. make sure that your current position is one of
them. (We suggest this because your current job
Identify Opportunities Using your PEST can be used as a baseline against which you can
Analysis evaluate options that you are not familiar with.)

If you have already completed the Personal Write down the opportunities you are going to
SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis we looked at analyse here:

My Top Three Opportunities are:




Brainstorm Valuable Characteristics

Your personal USP will be the package of skills What skills and personal qualities do they
and talents that you bring to the table. You wont possess?
know what sort of package to bring, or develop, What skills do they value?
unless you analyse what is it that makes people What skills should they value?
successful in the roles you desire, and unless you What skills set apart the people who excel
look at the things that your customers want. in this field?
What skill set does the organization they
Look at people who are currently working in the work for value? If you have a particular
position or field: employer in mind, try to find out what
specific competencies the hiring
managers look for.

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It is critical that you identify the most valuable more time, you can come back and do the same
characteristics, so spend a sufficient amount of for the other opportunities.
time on this stage. If you are analyzing yourself
based on factors that the employer, or industry Note:
doesnt value, then you are wasting your time: If For now, record your best guess given the amount
no one cares that you can write well, then dont of knowledge you have or the research youve
include it as a valuable characteristic. done on the opportunity. After this session, get
more specific information from direct sources. Talk
Action: Use the brainstorming template below to to people working in the job or company, go on
record your ideas. information interviews, look at company websites,
and so on.
Start with the first opportunity and then move on
You may also want to complete a USP Analysis for
through the USP analysis. Then, when you have other opportunities you identified in the PEST
analysis, or from elsewhere.

Opportunity #1:

Likely Valued Characteristics

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Opportunity #2:

Likely Valued Characteristics

Opportunity #3:

Likely Valued Characteristics

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4. Rank Yourself Against Others

Now that you know what characteristics and other areas where you excel, while also setting a
competencies are valued for the opportunities you goal to develop further skill in your weaker area.
are interested in, you need to know how your own Perhaps you need to make sure you bring
talents measure up. Remember, this exercise is someone else in to counter your weakness. Or
designed to figure out how you can best market perhaps you should focus on part of the industry
yourself using a combination of skills. where the weakness doesnt matter.

This doesnt mean you have to be the best at any Action: Determine the top five to eight valuable
individual thing. What it means is that you need to characteristics for the first opportunity that you
understand and develop what youre good at, so identified in your brainstorming. Make sure that
that you can firstly pick the opportunities most you include technical skills as well as soft skills
likely to suit you, and secondly concentrate on and attitudes. Then give scores out of ten (where
building your skills to give you that unique edge. 1 is poor and 10 is excellent) for these top
characteristics for yourself, for average people
As you go through this exercise, its really in the field, and for two identified high performers
important that you remain objective and simply at the job. Record the characteristics and the
concentrate on evaluating yourself and others scores on the table on the next page.
against the actual skill or attribute being analyzed.
You dont want to get personal. This really isnt Remember to make your judgment as objective
about being better than anyone else its about as possible, and try to see yourself, and the other
marketing yourself in the most effective way and people, from the employers perspective.
working to add extra product features to make
your USP truly unique. Complete this for the first opportunity now, and
come back to complete the others later.
Its also important to remember that when you
encounter a skill where you are not ranked highly, Tip:
this does not mean you cant be successful at the You can use gut instinct or use decision-making
opportunity, and nor does it mean you cant tools. Grid Analysis and Paired Comparison
pursue the opportunity. What it indicates is that Analysis are ideal here.
you need to have a well-thought-through strategy
for dealing with this. Perhaps you should
emphasize the combination of skills you have and

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Opportunity #1:

Score (10=excellent/1=poor)
High High
You Performer Performer
1 2

Opportunity #2:

Score (10=excellent/1=poor)
High High
You Performer Performer
1 2

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Opportunity #3:

Score (10=excellent/1=poor)
High High
You Performer Performer
1 2

Graph the Results

Now, get a visual view of your results by plotting a people you evaluated. Use different colors for
bar chart of the rankings for each characteristic each person.
within each opportunity onto a bar chart.
Action: Print out the next page. Use one chart for The example in our article on USP Analysis shows
each opportunity. Record the characteristics for you how to do this effectively. Click here to read
your first opportunity on the first bar chart. Then, this article.
plot your scores and the scores of the other

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Opportunity #1


Score out of 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Opportunity #2

Score out of 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Opportunity #3

Score out of 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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5. Your USP
The graph you have just completed shows how Action: Use the table below to record the results
your skills and abilities rank compared to those of of your analysis using the opportunity that youve
people who are successful in the position, been working on. Identify the characteristics
industry, or company that you want to be in. By where you are more highly ranked than anyone
analyzing your scores against these benchmarks, else. Identify characteristics where you score
you can quickly determine how competitive you well, and finally identify areas where others score
currently are, and where you need to develop more highly than you.
further skills in order to improve your position.

Areas Where You Areas Where You Areas of

Are Top Ranked Are Well Ranked Weakness

Now look at the common characteristics Next, look at your areas of weakness. Being
(competencies) listed. Some may be highly realistic, will they severely impact you (in which
developed, some may need work, and some may case should you consider other opportunities?) or
be present weaknesses. That is OK. Remember, are there things you can do to neutralize them?
this is all about packaging and you work with what
youve got and make a plan to add essential Beyond that you need to look closely at the highly
elements later. ranked competencies of your benchmarks and
identify those areas where you can further
Develop your USP Statement develop your skills.

You are now in a position to start writing your For example, if Joan and Barry are both creative
USP statement. thinkers and that is not a well defined strength of
yours, you need to ask yourself:
Action: Start with the list of areas where youre
top ranked. These are the obvious competencies Can I be successful without being highly
you should stress in your USP. You can then creative?
move to the other characteristics you ranked If I cant, then how do I go about
highly in and ask yourself: developing my creative abilities?

Which of these reinforce areas where Im

top ranked?
Do any of my strengths counteract my
areas of weakness?

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Action: Spend a few minutes pulling these points Tip 1:

together into a clear and simple USP statement If youre in the great position of choosing between
for this opportunity and record it below. Then look good USPs, think about which one is most
at the USP, and think about what sort of sustainable. A good way of doing this is to look at
organization would be looking for someone with each one using the tests for core competences,
that USP. based on relevance; difficulty to imitate; and
breadth of application. (You can read more about
Here is an example: core competences in this article.)

Tip 2:
I am an effective communicator who excels in Before you finalize your USP, make sure that it is
understanding the needs of customers in the ABC realistic. Put yourself in the minds of the people
industry, communicating those needs clearly and who are the gatekeepers of the opportunity, and
accurately, and guiding the development of ask whether it stacks up as something that will
effective solutions to those needs. matter decisively to them. Secondly, make sure
that the USP genuinely suits you, and captures the
essence of who you are. People will see through
you quickly if youre a fake.


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6. Build and Market Your USP

Youve now got an effective sales pitch and Professional development.
youre confident in your ability to make your Further education in the area.
career goals a reality. But just like any business Consulting to build experience.
out there, new competitors can come out of the Freelancing, to experience the problem in
woodwork, and current competitors can adjust different situations.
their own USPs to compete with you. Continual surveying of the valued
Developing a USP is not an end point; it is just
the beginning. From here you need to identify Action: Take some time now to identify one or
how you will continue to build your USP and keep two USP-building goals you can start working on
your position strong and viable. This may include right away, and record your thoughts in the box
activities like: below.

I will build my USP by:

Aside from building your USP, you should have a Job fairs.
plan to market it and make the greatest use of it. Seminars.
Its no good for you to know your USP is well Mentoring.
suited to a certain career or industry if the
organizations hiring dont know it as well.

Action: Take a few minutes to identify ways you

can start marketing your skills to the people in a
position to hire you or help move you forward to
your ultimate career goals: Ideas include:

Informational interviews.

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I will market my USP by:

Finally, go back and repeat this exercise for the strongest? This may help you to choose between
other two top opportunities you identified. You opportunities, because you are most likely to
can then compare the USP statements you have succeed with the opportunity for which your offer
developed for each of the opportunities. Which is is strongest.

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7. Key Learning Points

USP Analysis is a great tool for determining how The process of the analysis makes you aware of
you can market your skills and abilities in a way your competitors positioning as well; something
that is unique, compared with other people you need to scan on a continual basis. If you view
interested in the same career as you. a USP as a dynamic statement that changes as
you change and that requires continual
By going through this exercise you should have a development and improvement, you are in a great
greater appreciation for what makes you who you position to keep yourself ahead of the pack and in
are, and what combination of skills, knowledge prime position for the career of your dreams.
and attributes you possess that you can capitalize
on to make yourself stand out in a crowd.

You dont have to be the best at any one thing,

what a USP aims to do is make your skill package
more desirable than your competitors.

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