Exercise Inisiasi 2

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A. Dapatkah Anda mengidentifikasi apakah frasa nomina yang

digarisbawahi berikut ini berperan sebagai subjek, objek kata kerja,
pelengkap pelaku atau objek penderita, sebagai objek suatu preposisi,
gerund phrase atau infinitive phrase dengan cara menyebutkannya
dalam tanda kurung di belakang setiap kalimat!

1) Most of the neighbourhood children took part in Saturday baseball game with their parents.
2) Images and sounds were running through his mind.
3) Mat is ten years old and always nervous about something.
4) To frighten away strange noises is his mothers intention.
5) On the way is the theatre, Brians mom watched him pull faces at her through the rear view
6) The old woman put her hands on her wide hips.
7) Brians mom apologized and took Brian down a long dark hallway without the popcorn.
8) Brian ran through the dark hall of the movie theatre.
9) She was sharing her happiness with others.
10) He might run out of good feelings for himself.

B. Garis bawahi frasa verba di bawah ini!

1) Puffer, a bunny, had scurried down into a hole and was crawling through a tunnel.
2) All the kids climbed back over the fence and trudged home.
3) All fish love swimming around in the shallow water and being together.
4) He swam with the big fish towards these vast waters with great dreams.
5) Mrs. Flowers tucked her daughter, Blossom, into bed and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
6) Blossom yawned and closed her eyes to keep.
7) Looking around the room, she didnt see a thing, but stood too afraid to look under the bed.
8) George felt restless and discontent and he wanted.
9) Soon the water began to feel cold and he was seeing giant fish that looked very hungry.
10) Blossom kneeled down in her bed with patches beside her and began to pray.

C. Pilihlah frasa adjektiva yang tepat!

1) One day, after dark, someone heard them talking about getting away.
A. Talking about getting away
B. Them talking about getting away
C. Getting away
D. Heard them talking about getting away
2) Bryant and his family, along with seven other convict, had escaped the night before in a
fishing vessel belonging to the colony
A. A fishing vessel
B. A fishing vessel belonging to the colony
C. Belonging to the colony
D. In a fishing vessel
3) They were staying in Fawcetts hotel, overlooking Ballycotton Harbour.
A. Fawcett hotel
B. Overlooking Ballycotton Harbour
C. Ballycotton Harbour
D. Fawcetts hotel overlooking Ballycotton Harbour
4) And there they were, all eight of them, looking mighty miserable.
A. Looking mighty miserable
B. All eight of them
C. All eight of them looking mighty miserable
D. They were looking mighty miserable
5) As they drew nearer, Rick idly watched the men climbering over the clippers.
A. Rick idly watched the men
B. As they drew nearer
C. The men climbering over the clippers
D. Climbering over the clippers

D. Garis bawahilah adverbial phrase dalam kalimat di bawah ini.

1) Many passengers sent messages to England.
2) They knew about it that evening.
3) The first anchor cable snapped at 01.30 a.m., the second an hour later.
4) Water was pouring in through the bows at a rate of 400 tons a minute.
5) Lord arrives on the bridge soon after.

E. Garis bawahilah prepositional phrase dalam cerita pendek di bawah ini!

House On Fire
Once taking a night stroll, Michael saw fire coming out of his neighbour's house. He
shouted, "Fire! Fire!" but there was nobody to hear his shouts.
Michael called the fire department. Meanwhile, he t ried to get into the house. Somehow
he succeeded to break into the house and rescued a cat. The fire was spreading into other rooms
also when luckily the fire engine arrived. The firemen soon put out the fire.
When the neighbours came back, they were very sad seeing the condition of their house
but thanked Michael for saving their cat.

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