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CONTENTS BE 4 HAVE 7 ARTICLES: A/AN, THE 9 DEMONSTRATIVES: THIS/THAT/THESE/THOSE 11 NOUNS 13 COUNTABLE UNCOUNTABLE, PROPER POSSESSIVES PRONOUNS 18 SUBJECT SUBJECT AND OBJECT POSSESSIVES PRESENT PROGRESSIVE 21 THERE IS/THERE ARE; PREPOSITIONS (PLACE) 23 SOME/ANY 26 HOW MUCH? HOW MANY? 29 NUMBERS AND TIME 30 TELEPHONE YEARS, CARDINAL ORDINAL TELLING THE TIME PREPOSITIONS WITH TIME PHRASES CAN ABILITY PERMISSION MUST IMPERATIVES INDIRECT OBJECT LET’S SIMPLE PRESENT ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY 47 GOING TO WAS/WERE HAD SIMPLE PAST PREPOSITIONS (PLACE) — SUMMARY LIST OF VERBS AN ‘Anna Tony / John | Fran Marie student teacher student teacher student teacher English English American | American | French French London London New York | New York | Paris Paris 1 Write is or are ‘Anna is astudent. | [Anna is English. John and Marie | are | students. John and Fran | are | American. 1 Anna _is_ astudent, 7 Anna —is English. 2 Pierre a teacher, 8 Fran American. 3° Marie and John students. 9. Pierre and Marie French. 4 Tony a teacher, 10 Tony and Anna English, 5 Fran a teacher. 11 John and Fran _____ American. 6 Tony and Fran teachers. 12 Tony —__ English. 2 Ask and answer Is ‘Anna Are Fran and Tony ateacher? | Yes./No. teachers? | 1 Anna/a teacher Is Anna a tencher? No. 2 John and Marie/students 3 Franv/a teacher 4 Pierre and Tony/teachers 5 Anna/a student 6 Fran and Tony/students BE 3 Write is/isn’t/are/aren’t is - John > att English. American. are Annaand Tony | aren't | French. 1 John _ist't English. He —i8 American. 2 Anna —i8 English. She _ist’t_ American. 3. Marie and Pierre French. They English. 4 Anna American. She English. 5 FranandJohn __ American. They English. 6 Pierre _ English. He French. 7 Tony English. He French and he American. 4 Ask and answer is Tony? He London. 1? = ee Where Anna? She in | New York. are John and Fran? They | are Paris. 1 Marie Where is Marie? She is in Paris. 2. John and Fran 3. Tony 4 Pierre and Marie 5 Who is it? 1 2 Tm in Paris. I'ma student, Marie We're in New York We're American. BE 6 Find the answer Are you Greek, Anna? Are you a teacher, Marie? Are you a student, 1 2 3 4. Are you French, Tony? 5 Are youa student, 6 John? Pierre? Are you a teacher, Fran? ANSWERS No, I'ma student. No, I'm English. Yes, I'ma student. No, I'm not French No, I'ma teacher. Yes, I'm a teacher. 7. Write what Anna, John and Pierre say 'm ry | I (am) I'm not He ts: Hee, She (is) shee ‘Anna is English. She isn’t American. And she isn'ta teacher, she is a student. anna; [im English. I'm not American. And I'm not a teacher, I'ma student JOHN: PIERRE: 8 What about you? And your friend? My name is His/Her name is Tm is Tm not isn’t Ima isa Tm nota isn’ta HAVE [ I 2 You You a We [have We | don'thave They They He He é She has She doesn’t have Read and write This is the Green family. - rs ¥ & SA Mr Green is the father. Mrs Green is the mother. Mr and Mrs Green have four children. They have two boys, Don and Joe, and two girls, Jenny and Penny. Don and Joe have two sisters, and Jenny and Penny have two brothers. Write has or have and a number: 1 one/2 two/3 three/4 four 1 MrandMrsGreen /uve four children. 2s — boys, 3 Don sisters and _____ brother. 4 Jenny and Penny —____ ______ brothers. 5 Joe ——— brother, and he sisters 6 Penny —__ sister, and she brothers. 2 What do they hav 1. The Greens/a dog The Greens have a dog. 2 Mr Green/a car 3 Donia bicycle 4 Jenny/a radio 5 Penny/a camera a= 6 The girls/a bird HAVE 3 What don’t they have? 1. Mrs Green/a car Mrs Green doesn't have a car. 2 Joe/an umbrella 3. The children/a oD beg 4 Dora camera 5 Mr Green/a bird jenn anya OS 4 What about you and your family? Do you have.. --acar? a bicycle? -.a dog? --acat? a radio? a television set? --an elephant? ‘Yes, I/we have a No, we don’t have a 5 And what about your friend? Does your friend have . -an umbrella? --acat? -a bicycle? a television set? «a bird? Yes, he/she has a... ‘No, he/she doesn’t have a... 6 Write sentences but my friend doesn’t have My friend has a... , but I don’t have a.. I My friend I ARTICLES: A/AN, THE 1 Saeetan NEES ph cat elephant Write a or an ‘ pS A oe parrot owl Ce es roa vee +s He bee 7 Qo parrot © 36cm animals insects nesAeeure isan animal 5 ie 2 owl 6 elephant 5 bee 7 cat 4 donkey 8 parrot . é abird ; 3 Ask and answer] Is fe an animal 2 || Yes. itis. an owl No, it isn’t an insect, 1 beelinsect? Isabeean insect? Yes, itis. 2 elephantbird? _—‘ISan elephant a bird? No, it isn’t 3. owlbird? 4 donkey/animal? 5 camel/animal? QP 6 duckinsect? tof 7 lion/animal? By rearing a Se 9 octopustbird? gf2 — ARTICLES: A/AN, THE 4 What are they? C3 3 Gl ‘Sam Snoopy Spotty Shu-shu Susie Stripy 1 Spotty isan insect Gecase 2° Shu-shu 5 Snoopy 3. Sam 6 Stripy 5 Look at this ace 1 A glass, an egg, a 2 The egg is in the glass. 3 A handkerchief. 4 The handkerchief is over the glass. Zz 5 The handkerchief. ES © 7 Where is the egg? paheeze! Now write + ak 2 3 4 an apple E g 4 Uo g 5 6 ee 8 “Sh 10 DEMONSTRATIVES: THIS/TH a cE) this stamp that stamp these stamps | _ those stamps <| a 1 Write This or That and finish the sentences 1 This stamp i Greek. E Zi 2 That stamp & Italian. 8 es eS ee. poe Se pip tenemos end * ATCT, = 5 French. Bp oo a Creal 2 Write sentences with These or Those 1 ___ These stamps are Greek. a 6S Se eee =H 3 Find the right answer a ee stamp is Greek. 2 Those stamps are a That stamp is 3[ These Tae Thee | Stamps are Italian 4| This That DEMONSTRATIVES: THIS/THAT/THESE/THOSE 4 Finish these sentences This stamp is British. = This is a British stamp. ‘That stamp is British. = That's a British stamp. = 1 This stamp is British. This isa British stamp. 2 Patents ee is French 2 a = eeg eae are American stamps. Bao eS 4 —____ are Greek stamps. gems are. Greek Sin — + SSS — ‘ig Ttalint, B isan Italian stamp. 5 Write two sentences se stamps are Greek. Those are Greek stamps 6 Do you have a British stamp? This stamp Put a British stamp here This is 2 NOUNS COUNTABLE NOUNS | Complete, with these nouns books boys flowers pencils radios keys a A ee. t200 pencils 2 Write the plurals of these nouns actress apple baby camera city country glass horse lady match stamp watch 1ts 2 +es 3 yt ies apples actresses babies 3 Write and draw aman and a woman two _Men and two _1women NOUNS Sou a knife and a fork 3 32) a =o three < a baby with 97 a baby one tooth, with two. « 4) a fish erg four two —_________ and two forks 4 a foot i two 6 a mouse three a thief UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Complete with glass/bottle/piece/kilo of... 1 water 2 Coca Cola 3 chalk 4 cheese 5 meat 6 49 SBwe s chocolate 4 slass.of water. ____ jug | ey WG ©)% B'\ oe @ la NOUNS, PROPER NOUNS 5 Write true sentences from ug te the abl BOSTON ENGLAND, Se LONDON AcmyIN FRANCE MILAN 1s | THECAPMALOF| — Greece Cities and countries start NEWORK: BALK Sa CRaTALaTiEe OXFORD THE UNITED PARIS STATES. ROME Athens _is the eapital of Greece. Boston, 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 8 6 Write these sentences correctly Days and months start with a cavrrat Lerrer ‘Names of people and places start with a carrraL LErTER TIS MONDAY MORNING. It is Monday morning. FS MONDAY THE THIRD OF APRIL. (MR SMITH IS IN PARIS. ANNAISN’TIN PARIS. SHE ISN'T IN FRANCE. 2S ee Biicyre lo to SHE'S IN ENGLAND, SHE'S IN MR BROWN'S OFFICE. 8 THE OFFICE IS IN OXFORD STREET 9 wR sMoTHs TF :PHONING. 10 1S THAT YOU, Miss BROWN? TI YES, THIS IS ANNA BROWN. 12 GOOD MORNING, MR SMITH. 15 NOUNS. POSSESSIVES 7 Choose the right answer 2) the girl's umbrellas __ the girls’ umbrellas the girls’ umbrella the girl's umbrella 8 Look and write 1 x John's radio the Greens Le@ag dog or Mr Green Zo the boys shirts Pp tetany BED NOUNS. 9 —_—__——_ Mr Green’ car Look and write | living things ‘sors’ the girls’ bedroom the dog’s basket : the windows of the house other ngs ofthe the side of the house Look at this house It’s the Greens’ house. Z " Ithas a living room, a (i Ponisi ae dining room, a kitchen, DINING uM foe a bathroom and four BOC ea fr HATCHER =| bedrooms. + Jee Ly Back, 7 inks lg 20] Room | DON | | parents 2 4 @ ee A. — at Front Look at the plan of the house, and write house/Greens windowsiliving room bed/Jenny bedroom/parents telephone/Greens back door/house window/baby’s room Don/bedroom eCeyane ene basket/dog 10 door/girls’ room the Greens’ house the windows of the living room 10 Write sentences 1 Don/bedroom/at/front/house Don's bedroom is at the front of the house. 2 windows/living room/at/side/house 3. bathroom/at/back/house 4 baby/room/at/side/house v7 PRONOUNS 1 SUBJECT PRONOUNS Don Mrs Green the house the baby |. | Jenny she | the garden Mr Green. Penny the radio the dog = Jenny and Penny Mrand Mrs Green they the TV and the radio Look at the pictures and answer the questions okies fee ahh Where is/are... Mr Green? = He is tw the garden) Jenny and Penny? They are in the bedroom. . Mrs Green? . the baby? 1 2 3 4 ...Don? 5 6 -Mr Green and the dog? 2 SUBJECT AND OBJECT PRONOUNS ‘OBJECT AND ] suBECT AFTER PREPOSITION, T me you you he him she her it it Answer these questions re me Where can you see... they them Renna can see her in the bedroom. Mrs Green? ..Don? the girls? Mr Green and the dog? . «the radio? the baby? ery aoe eann «Penny? PRONOUNS 5 What about you and your family Draw and write sentences Ihave a. Thisis my My friend has This Athome we This 6 Your or youre? Its or it’s? Their or they’re? POSSESSIVE PRONOUN + VERB your its their you're (= you are) its (= itis) they're (= they are) Write your or you’re A This is *your book. “You're reading it. Its 2 English book. + learning English. $_________ reading 6 _ English book. Write its or it’s B John has a television set in his bedroom 2 small, but picture is very good. 3 German. It has an aerial. Can you se aerial? Write their or they're © Can you see the girls? oS SS in bedroom. 3 names are Jenny and Penny. Mrs Green says Jenny, Penny!’ It's lunch time and lunch is ready. 5 ___ in the dining room now. 20 PRESENT PROGRESSIVE ] What are they doing? Pera washing the car. Look at the pictures and The dog, e eae anes write six sentences Don ree ae eee are eee in the garden. The baby is eating. aoe ene 2 Correct these sentences Penny is feeding the dog. No, she isn't feeding the dog. She's feeding the baby, 2. Donis washing the windows. 3. Jenny and her friend are playing football 4 The baby is sleeping. 5 Mrand Mrs Green are working in the kitchen. 6 The dog is eating, a PRESENT PROGRESSIVE 3 Who? What? Where? Look at the answers and write the questions 1 ———Whereare____ Mr and Mrs Green working? In the garden. 2 What is Jenny doing? Playing tennis. 3 feeding the baby? Penny. 4 the baby eating? In the kitchen. 5 Don washing? The car. 6 he washing it? In the garden. ie Mr and Mrs Green doing? 4 Ask and answer he the baby aussie? she | ™ is | Don Fee? Yes, Penny Se. they are. eating? Ps 2 2 Are Mr and Mrs Green Wa Saigo alsyeael he on No, | she they aren’t. 1 baby/sleeping Is the baby sleeping? No, he isn't 2 girlsidoing their homework 3 Doniwatching football on TV 4 Mr Greeniworking 5 he/working/in his office 6 Penny and the baby/playing 5 What about you? What are you doing now? And where? Im 2 ‘THERE IS/THERE ARE; PREPOSITIONS (PLACE) 4 Write sentences about this room in the big hotel 1 light/above/bed There's a light above the bed. 2 small table/beside/bed 3. telephone/or/small table 4 mirror/above/large table 5 bag/underitable 6 chair/in front offtable 7 book/on/table. 8 ashtray/on/table 9 Ietter/between/book/ashtray 10 photographiin/letter 5 Finish these sentences with these prepositions above between _beside in near on _ under 1 The telephone is _between_— the bed and the table. 2 The bag is the chair. 3. The photograph is the letter. 4 The mirror is the table. 5 The bag is the table. 6 The book is the table. 7 There's a small table the bed and the large table. ‘THERE IS/THERE ARE; PREPOSITIONS (PLACE) 6 Write questions with Is there...? or Are there. a post office Js there a post office near the hotel? museums a bus stop a theatres cinemas a bookshop ie What about your home? Give short answers ‘Yes, there is/are. No, there isn’taren’t. Is there a post office near your house? ee Is there a museum? Is there a bus stop near your home? Is there a cinema? Is there a school near your house? Are there a lot of shops? Are there a lot of trees near your home? 8 Finish the conversation with there or it Jim is asking Nick about hotels in a big city. JM: Is ‘there a snack-bar at the Dolphin Hotel? Nick: Yes, and it’s a very good snack-bar. a a restaurant? mick: Yes, 4 is. jim: What about the swimming pool? Is big? Nick: No, & isn’t. But 7 ‘sa big pool at the Grand Hotel. JM: And tell me about the restaurant at the Grand. Is & good? mick: Yes, very good. In fact 2 .» are two restaurants. mm: Two? Is a very big hotel, then? u nick: Well, yes, is, it has 300 rooms. m bs 2 very busy in summer? 2 Nick: Of course. are a lot of tourists here then. 25 SOME/ANY 1 TN AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS some + uncountable noun some + plural noun some fat some apples milk tomatoes Write sentences What is there in the refrigerator? 1 Fruit? es. there's some fruit. 2 Apples? Yes, __there are some 3. Milk? 12, ————— 4 Butter? Yes, 5 Vegetables? Yes, Se 6 Tomatoes? Yes, 7 Meat? Yes, yp TN QUESTIONS AND NEGATIVE STATEMENTS ‘any + uncountable noun any + plural noun (59) ep re (not) any gare Answer the questions Is/Are there any . 1 ...cheese? No, there isn’t any cheese. 2 ...epgs? No, there aren't any eggs. 3... milk? ———————— 4 potatoes? DO 5 tomatoes? Yes, 6 ————————— ns 7 .., lemons? No, ————_—__________ 3 Ask questions and answer 1 bread Is there any bread? BS No, there isn't 26 SOME/ANY eas FE Sra BRS Cn ——— a, i 5 pears eZ dumps PR What about your kitchen? Write about it There's some _______________, and there's some There are ‘There isn’t any and there isn’t There aren’t Look cheese] eggs | salad | fruit Andrew, Betty, Dot and Fred are eating. Andrew | \/ ZAeUs area ead eet |B Y2 ¥ | x Who has what? Dot WA an ee Fred meal rie oe Write sentences and draw pictures 1 Andrew las some cheese, some salad and some fruit, but he doesn’t have anv eggs. ORNs I Betty's lunch, 2 Betty but SS , but O —= i c= Fred’s lunch Ss 4 Fred a tut Dot's lunch 7 SOME/ANY Read and then write the conversations Maria is buying some fruit. Do you have any bananas? No, I'm sorry, there aren’t any bananas today. Well, do you have any grapes, please? No, I don’t have any grapes, either. Do you have any apples, then? woman: Yes, Ihave some very nice apples. 1 You are buying vegetables. (beans, tomatoes and oe x x you: MAN! you: MAN: you: 2 You want some ice cream. (chocolate ice cream, coffee ice cream and lemon ice cream.) x x you: MAN? 3. You want some flowers for your friend in hospital (red sos, yellow roses, white roses.) x x you: WOMAN: you: WOMAN: you: WOMAN: 28 . HOW MUCH? HOW MANY? HOW MUCH + UNCOUNTABLE HOW MANY + PLURAL sugar How much ‘patie How many eggs apples 1 Read and then write conversations You're making a cake with your friend, Jan. How much flour is there in the cake? 500 gms. How much flour do we have? Oh dear, only 250 gms. 1 (sugar) you: How much sugar is there in the cake? JAN: 250 gms. you sax: Only 100 gms. 2 (butter) you: jan: 350 gms. you: yan: Oh. Only 250 gms. 3° (eggs) you Jan: Four. you: Jan: Oh dear, we only have three, 4 (chocolate) you: JAN: you: JAN: 100 gms. We don’t have any chocolate 29 NUMBERS AND TIME TELEPHONE NUMBERS 1 Write these numbers in figures three o eight, five two five one 3085251 five nine eight, seven eight six one © three one, three six two seven eight four nine, three four three seven six 0 two, four five nine two 2 Write these telephone numbers in words ven Jane _five nine two. 0 one three Peter Aunt Lydia Harry and Kate John Sylvia YEARS 3 When were they born? nineteen forty-six ANSWERS BE DEMONSTRATIVES x1 lis 2is Gare dis Sis oare 7is Ex1 I Thisstampis 2 Thatsiampis 3 This stamp Bis Fare Iare Mare 12is is 4 Thatstampis 5 Thisstamp is 6 That stamp is Ex2 1 IsAnnaa teacher? No. 2 Are John and Marie students? Yes, 3 Is Frana teacher? Yes. 4 Are Pierre ‘and Tony teachers? Yes. 5 Is Anna a student? Yes. 6 Are Fran and Tony students? No, Ex3 1 isn't, is 2 is,isn’t 3 are, aren't Bare, aren't 6 isn’t, is 7 is, isn't, isn’t Ex4 1 Where is Marie? She isin Paris. 2 Where are’ John and Fran? They are in New York. 3 Where is, 4 isn't is ‘Tony? He is in London. 4 Where are Pierre and Marie? y are in Paris. Ex5_1 Marie 2 Anna 3 JohnandFran 4 Anna and Tony Ex6 1 No,I'mEnglish. 2 No, I'ma student, 3 Yes, 'mastudent. 4 No, I'm not French. Tmateacher. 6 Yes, I'ma teacher Ex7_ 1 I'm English. I'm not American, And I'm nota teacher, I'ma student. 2 I'm American. I'm not EnglishvFrench. And I’m nota teacher, I'm a student 3 'm French. I'm not English/American, And I'm not a student, I'ma teacher. Ex 8 (students own answers) 5 No, HAVE Ex1 1 have four 2 havetwo 3 has two, one Fhavetwo 5 has one, has two 6 has one, has two Ex2 1 TheGreens havea dog. 2 MrGreen has a car. 3 Donhasabicycle. 4 Jenny has a radio. 5 Penny has acamera. 6 The girls havea bird Ex3_ 1 Mrs Green doesn’t have acar. 2 Joe doesn't have an umbrella. 3 The children don’t have a cat. 4 Don doesn’t havea camera. 5 Mr Green doesn't haveabird. 6 Jenny and Penny don’t have an. elephant Ex 4, Ex5, Ex 6 (student's own answers) ARTICLES xd la 2an 3a dan 5a 6a 7a Ban Ex2 1Adogisananimsl. 2 Anowlisabird 3 beeisaninsect. 4 Adonkeyisan animal. 5 Anant isaninsect. 6 Anelephantisan animal. 7 A catis ananimal, 8 A parrotiisa bird. x3 1 Isa beeaninsect? Yes, itis. 2 Isan elephant a bird? No, itisn’t. 3 Isan owl abird? Yes, itis. 4 Isa donkey an animal? Yes, itis. 5 Isa camel an animal? Yes, itis. 6 Isaduck an insect? No, itisn't. 7 Isa lion an animal? Yes, tis. _§ Is an eagle a bird? Yes, it is. 9 Isan octopus a bird? No, itisn't Ex4 1 isaninsect. 2 isan animal. 3 isa bird isananimal. 5 isananimal. 6 isan animal. Ex5 1 aglass, anapple 2 The apple is in the glass. 3 ahandkerchiet 4 The handkerchief is over the lass, 5 the handkerchief 6 the glass! 7 Whereis the apple? 8 The apple! Ex2_1 These stampsare Greek. 2 Those stamps are Italian. 3 Those stamps are British, 4 These stamps are French. 5 Those stamps are American. 6 These stamps are American, t00. Ex3 1 This 2That 3 These 4 That Ex4 1 This stamp, This 2 That, That stamp 3 Those stamps, Those 4 These, These stamps 5 This stamp, This Ex5 1 Those stamps are Greek. Those are Greek stamps. 2 These stamps are American, These are American stamps. 3 This stamp is French. This is a French stamp. 4 That stamp is British. That is a British stamp. Ex6 1 is British, a British stamp. NOUNS Fx1 1 two pencils 2 three keys 3 two flowers 4 three radios 5 five books 6 three boys Ex2_T apples cameras horses stamps 2 actresses glasses matches watches 3 babies cities countries ladies Ex3_ 1 two men and two women 2 two knives and two forks 3 three sheep 4 two feet 5 a baby with twoteeth 6 three mice 7 fourfish 8 two thieves. Ex4 1a glass of water, a jug of water 2 a bottle of Coca Cola, a glass of Coca Cola 3 a piece of chalk, a box ‘ofchalk 4 a piece of cheese, akilo of cheese 5 a pieco ‘ofmeat 6 apiece of chocolate, a bar of chocolate. Ex5_ 1 Athens is the capital of Greece. 2 Boston is a city in the United States. 3 London is the capital of En- gland, 4 Milan is aity in Italy. 5 New Yorkis a city in the United States, 6 Oxford is a city in England. 7 Parisis the capital of France. & Rome is the capital of Italy, Ex6 1 It is Monday morning. 2 It is Monday the third of April. 3 MrSmith isin Paris, 4 Anna isn’t in Paris, 5 She isn’tin France, 6 She's in England. 7 She's in Mr Brown's office, 8 The office is in Oxford Street. 9 Mr Smith is telephoning, 10 ‘Is that you, Miss Brown?’ 11 ‘Yes, this is Anna Brown. 12 Good morning, Mr Smith” Ex7 1 the girl's umbrella 2 the girls’ umbrella 3 the gitls’ umbrellas 4 the girl's umbrellas Ex8 1 John’s radio 2 the Greens’ dog 3 Mrs Green's basket 4 the girls’ bird 5 Mr Green's car 6 the boys’ shirts 7 the family’s house Ex9 1 the Greens’ house 2 the windows of the living room 3 Jenny's bed 4 the parents’ bedroom 5 the: Greens’ telephone 6 the back door of the house 7 the window of the baby’s room 8 Don's bedroom 9 the dog's basket 10 the door of the girls’ room Ex 10 1 Don's bedroom is at the front of the house. 2 The windows of the living room are at the side of the house. 3 The bathroom is at the back of the house. 4 Tho baby's room is at the side of the house. PRONOUNS EX1 1 Heisinthe garden. 2 Theyareinthe bedroom weisin the kitchen. "4 He isin the ii isinthe kitchen, 6 They are in the garden, Ex2 [can see} 1 herin the bedroom. 2 her in the Kitchen. 3 himin theliving room. 4 them in the bedroom. 5 themin the garden. 6 itin the ‘kitchen. 7 himin thekitchen. 8 her in the bedroom. Ex3 1 i'm 2 livingroom 3 they 4 you Sthey 6 with 7 We're 8 He's 9 garden iGhim ifm Wwe Ihe 1you 18 he's Ex4 1 Does Penny have a camera? Yes, that’s her camera, 2 Do the Greens have a garden? Yes, that’s their garden. 3 Does Don have a football? Yes, that’s his football, 4 Do the children havea dog? Yes, that’s their dog. 5 Does Mrs Green have a radio? Yes, that’s her radio. 6 Does Mr Green have acar? Yes, that's his car. Ex S (students own answer Ex6 Al your 2 You're 3 your 4 You're 5 You're 6 your Bilt’s Zits 3Ws 4 its Ci They're 2 their 3 Their 4 their 5 They're PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Te 1 1 The baby is eating, 2 Penny is feeding the baby. 3 Thedogis sleeping. 4 Don is washing the car. 5 Jenny and her friend are playing tennis. 6 Mr dnd Mes Green ore working in the garden Ex2_ 1 No, she isn't feeding the dog. She's feeding the Ibaby. 2 No, he en’t washing the windows. He's ‘washing the car. 3 No, they aren't playing football They‘re playing tennis, 4 No, he int sleeping, He's eating, 5 No, they aren't working inthe kitchen. ‘They’ working in the garden, 6 No, heist eating He's sleeping Ex3_ 1 Where are 2 Whatis 3 Whois 4 Where is 5 Whatis 6 Whereis 7 What are Ex4_ 1 Isthe baby sleeping? No, he isn't. 2 Are the Bil doing their homework? No, they aren't. 3 IsDon ‘watching football on TV? Yes, hei. 4 Is Mr Green ‘working? Yes,heis. _§ Ishe working in his office? No, heisn’. 6 Are Penny and the baby playing? No, they aren't Ex. (Ghsdents oun answers) table. 8 There's an ashtray on the table. _ 9 There's a lettor between the book and the ashtray. 10 There'sa photograph i the ter Ex5 I between 2 nearbeside 3 in 4 above Sunder G.0n” 7 between Ex6 1 Isthere post office near the hotel? 2 Are there museums nen the hotel? —3 Is there a bus stop near the hotel? 4’ Are there theatres near the hotel? 5 Are there cinemas near the hotel? 6 Ts there a ‘bookshop near the hotel? Ex (tittnt’ oro answers) Ex8 there 2it 3 there 4 there Sit 6 it There $i 9 there Wit Wit 123k 43 There SOME/ANY Ex. 1 there's some fruit. 2 there are some apples, 3 there's some milk. 4 there's some butter. 5 there: fare some vegetables, 6 there are some tomatoes. 7 there's some meat. Ex2 1 thereiisn'tany cheese. 2 there aren’t any. eggs. 3 there is some milk. 4 there aren't an potatoes. 5 there are some tomatoes, 6 there isn’t any wine. 7 there aren‘t any lemons, Ex3_ 1 Isthere any bread? No, thereisn’t. 2 Is there any ice? Yes, there is. 3 Are there any beans? No, there aren't. 4 Isthere any jam? Yes, there is. 5 Are there any pears? Yes, there are, 6 Are there any grapes? No, there aren't Ex 4 (student's own answers) Ex5_ 1 Andrew has some cheese, some salad and some fruit, but he doesn't have any eggs. 2 Betty has some cheese, some eggs and some salad, but she doesn’t have any fruit. 3 Dot has some cheese, some eggs and some fruit, but she doesn’t have any salad. 4 Fred has some ‘eggs, some salad and some fruit, but he doesnt have any cheese. Ex 6 (answers follow move! dialogue) HOW MUCH? HOW MANY? Ex1_ 1 How much sugar is there in the cake? How ‘much sugar do we have? 2 How much butter is there in the cake? How much butter do we have?’ 3 How ‘many eggs are there in the cake? How many eggs do we have? 4 Flow much chocolate is there in the cake? How ‘much chocolate do we have? THERE IS/THERE ARE; PREPOSITIONS (PLACE) Ex1 1 Thereare 2Thereis 3 Thereis 4 There are 5 Thereis 6 Thereare 7 Thereare 8 There x2 1 Thereisn’'ta bathroom. 2 There isn'ta {clevision, 3 There isn’ta telephone. 4 Thereisn’ta picture on the wall. 5 There aren't two beds. There is ne bec, 6 There aren't four chairs. There is one chair, 7 There aren't two mirrors. There is one mirror, & There aren't three tables. There is one table. Ex 3 (sildent’s non answers) Ex4_ 1 There’sa light above the bed. 2 There's a small table beside the bed. 3 There’s a telephone on the small @ble, 4 There's a mirror above the large table, 5 There's a bag under the table. 6 There's a chair in front of the table, 7 There's a book on the NUMBERS AND TIME Ex 1 1 3085251 2598-7861 3.031 3627 43493497 5 02 4592 Ex2_ 1 fivenine two, o one three seven 2 eight seven. nine, two five twonine 3 six two six, seven five three eight 4 two six seven, three one four six 5 three eight seven, nine four o two 6 four eight six, 0 six five Ex3_ 1 nineteen forty-six 2 eighteen ninety-cight 3 nineteen seventy-five 4 nineteen seventy Srnineteen thirty-seven 6 nineteen fifty-four Ex4 13187 22232 3352 49468 51541 6669 74773 8 twenty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-two Ex5 1 eighty, eighteen 2 fifteen, fifty 3 forty, fourteen 4 seventy, seventeen 5 thirty, thirteen 6 sixteen, sixty Bx6 1v 2x 3/ 4x SV 6x 7/ BY OV Ex7 1 first 2 second 3 fourth 4 eighth S twelfth 6 fifteenth 7 eighteenth 8 twenty-second 9 twenty-sixth (+ is the. letter.) Ex8 1 twelve 2 first 3 twelfth 4 seven S thirty 6 second 7 fifty-two 8 seven EX9 1teno'dock 2 half past two 3 ten to four 4(a) quarter past one 5 (a) quarterto eleven 6 twenty past six 7 five past nine 8 six o'clock, Ex 10 1 onefifteen 2 seven thirty 3 four ten 4 eleven fourteen 5 three forty 7 twelve thirty 8 six thirty-eight PREPOSITIONS WITH TIME PHRASES Ex1 Lat 2in 3at dat 8in 9in Wat Ex 2. (student's own answers) CAN Ex 1 (true answers from table) x2 (Giudent’s wr answers) x3. 1 They can climb this tree, but they can’t climb 6 eight Btty-five Bin 60n Zon thatone. 2 He can carry this boat, but he can't carry that one. 3 She can ride this bicycle, but she can't ride that one. 4 He can clean this window, but he can’t clean that one. 5 Tcan post this leter, but I can't post that one, 6 He can carry this case, but he can’t carry that one, Ex 4 1 Can Don take good photographs? No, he can’t 2 Can the baby drive the car? No, he can't. 3 Can the girls play tennis? Yes, they can. 4 Can they play football? No, they can’t. | 5 Can Mr Green cook? Yes, he Ex5_ 1 Can [borrow your book? television? 3 Can play football? dress? 5 Can we go to the cinema? picnic? Ex6 1 Youcan, Youcan't 2 You can't, You can 3 Youcan't, Youcan 4 You can’t, You can Ex 7, Ex 8 (students own ansioers) MUST Ex1 1 You must turn right. 2 You must be careful. 3 You muststop. 4 You must look out for children. 5 You must drive slowly. 6 You must tum left Ex2_ 1 You mustr’tleave your carhere. 2 You mustn't light a cigarette here. 3 You mustn't drive your carhere, 4 You mustn't talk to your friends here. 5 You mustn't play football here. 6 You mustn’t take your dog for a walk here. x3. 1 You mustn’teat sweets. 2 You can eat meat. 3 You can eat vegetables. 4 You mustn't eat cakes. 5 You can catfish. 6 You mustn’t eat chocolate. IMPERATIVES Ex1_1 Turn right. Don’t go straight ahead. Don’t turn’ left. 2 Go straight ahead. Don't fun right, Dont turn Tett, 3 Tain lele Dont go straight ahead, Don turn right Ex 2. (all conversations follow the mode) Ex3_ 1 Be quiet. Don’t talk. 2 Be careful. Don't drop it, 3 Remember to write. Don’t forget. 4 Keep still 2 Can we watch 4 Can Ihave anew 6 Can we havea Don't move. _5 Phone the police. Don’t move him. 6 Hurry up. Don’t walk so slowly. Ex4 (student's won an INDIRECT OBJECT Ex1 1Sendheratoy. 2 Buy themarecord. 3 Give hima clock. 4 Take her some flowers. 5 Send her a bottle of perfume, 6 Give them a box of chocolates Ex 2 (student's oton answers: Please bring (pronoun a (noun) LEY’ Ex1_1 Yes, lets goto Palm Beach. 2 Well, le’s go to the cafe. 3 All right, lets take lemonade and coffee. 4 Yes, let's make some cheese sandwiches, 5 No, let's leave at half past eleven. 6 Yes, let's take apples and oranges, Ex 2 (student's own answers) SIMPLE PRESENT. Ex. 1 likes apples and bananas, oranges. 3 likes oranges and bananas. 2 like apples and 4 likes apples. 5 like apples, 6 like oranges. 7 like ‘bananas, Ex2_ I Does Mrs Green like oranges? 2 Do Penny and Jenny like apples? 3. Does Don lke apples? 4 Does Mr Green like bananas? 5 Do Don and Mrs Green like bananas? 6 Does Mr Green like oranges? Ex3_1 What 2Do 3 What 4 Does 5 Do 6 What Ex4 1 MrGreen likes apples, but he doesn’t ike ranges. 2 The girls like oranges, but they dont like bananas. 3 Don likes bananas, but he doesn’t like apples. 4 Mrs Green likes bananas, but she doesn’t like oranges. 5 Mrand Mis Green like apples, but they don't like oranges. 6 Don likes bananas, but the girls don'tlike them. 7 The children like oranges, but their parents don't like them, Ex 5 (student's own answers) Ex6_ 1 He'sa teacher. He teaches. 2 She's a singer. Shesings. 3 He’sa writer. He writes. 4 He'sa painter. He paints. 5 He's an actor. He acts. 6 She's a dancer. She dances. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Ex1_ 1 He always eats at 12.30. 2 He often works in the garden on Sunday. 3 He sometimes washes the car fon Sunday morning. 4 They usually play tennis on Saturday afternoon. 5 he never goes this office on Saturday. 6 Shealways visits her mother on Tuesday. 7 He often plays footbal at school on Tuesday moming. 8 he never watches television school Ex2 (students oun ansers) Tx3_ 1 MrGreen shaves every morning. 2 Mis Green Visits her mother every Tuesday’. 3 Don dreams about football every night. 4 They have a holiday in France every yenr. 5 They have turkey and plum pudding every Christmas Ex4_ 1 Mrs Green visits her mother once a week 2 The girls play tennis twice a week. 3. Mr Green goes: toLondon twicea month. 4 Jenny and Penny brush their teeth three imes a day. 5 But they only brush ‘heir hair once a day! ExS (student's oun ) Fx6 1 Heisalways busy. 2 His waiting room is never empty. > There are usually a lt of people in the moming. 4 There are sometimes a lot of people in the evening, too. 5 Patrick is always there at 6 pm, 6 Heis often there at ten o'clock, too. 7 He is always very tired. 8 He is usualy asleep at eleven o'clock. Ex7 1 works 2 likes 3 help 4 are playing 5 play 6 doesn'tlike 7 likes 8 isn't playing 9 is, washing 10 washes 11 wants 12 watches 13 doesn't like GOING TO Ex1 Imgoingtobe + Ladoctor. 2adancer. 3a footballer. 4 a teacher. racing driver. Ex2_ 1 No, Betty is going to take pictures. 2 No, Colin is going to work ina school. 3 No, Fred is going towin races. 4 No, Donis going to play football 5 No, Jenny is going to help sick people. 6 No, Penny is going to work in a theatre, EXx3_ 1 Is Anna going to write a letter? Is she going to do her homework? Is she going to draw a picture? 2 Is ‘Tom going to wash the windows? Is he going to paint the ‘walls? Is he going to mend the roof? 3 Are the gicls ‘going to play tennis? Are they going to have a picnic? Are they going to go shopping? Ex4 1 Anna is going to draw a picture. She isn't going to do her homework. She isn’t going to write a letter. 2 Tom isn’t going to wash the windows. He isn’t going ‘to mend the roof. He's going to paint the walls. 3 The ‘girls aren‘t going to have a picnic, They aren't going to go shopping. They're going to play tennis. Ex5_ (student's own answers) Ex6 1 asks, asking; plays, playing; shows, showing 2 comes, coming; likes, liking; lives, living 3 catches, catching; washes, washing 4 runs, running; begins, beginning 5 fies, ying; hurries, hurrying 6 is. washing, washes, towash 7 runs, is running, to run. 8 flies, i Flying, to fly 5 aphotographer. 6 a WAS/WERE Ex1_1 Yesterday they were at school, too. 2 Yesterday he was at school, too. 3. Yesterday he was in his office, too. 4 Yesterday she was there, too. 5 Yesterday there were two people in the room, too. 6 Yesterday he was out, too. 7 Yesterday they were at home, too. 8 Yesterday there was a bird at the ‘window, too. x2. 1 Were Jenny and Penny at school on Monday? 2 Was Don at home on Sunday? 3 Was the manager in his office on Friday? 4 Were there a lot of people at the tennis club on Sunday? 5 Was the baby in the kitchen ateleven o'clock? 6 Was there a letter for Jenny this morning? 7 Were there any letters for Mr Green today? Ex3_1 he wasn’t at work yesterday. 2 they weren't at ‘school yesterday, 3 she wasn’t at the supermarket yesterday, 4 there weren't three people at the tennis ‘lub yesterday. 5 he wasn’t atthe cinema yesterday. 6 they weren't in the park yesterday. Ex (student's own answers) HAD Ex1_1 No, she didn’t have itat school. She had itat a friend's house. 2 No, he had it in his office. He didn’t have it inarestaurant. 3 No, she had it in a restaurant She didn’t have it at her mother's house. 4 No, he had it at school. He didn’t have it at home. Ex2_ 1 Did you have lunch at home, Jenny? No, I didn't. 2 Did you have lunch in yourthe office, Mr Green? Yes, Idid, 3 Did you havelunch at home, Mrs Green? No, Ididn’t. 4 Where did you have lunch, Mrs Green? In a restaurant. 5 Did you have lunch at home, Don? No, Ididn't. 6 Where did you have lunch, Don? At school, SIMPLE PAST Ex. 1 They camped last year. 2 MrGroen/He packed the carlast year. 3 The children/They helped him last year. 4 Mrs Green/She baked a cake'last year. 5 Mr Green/He looked tired last year. 6 He wanted acup of tea last year! Ex2 1 They wentto France. 2 They leftearly in the morning. 3 They took abig tent. 4 Mrs Green oughta lot of food. 5 The children took some toys. 6 They found a good camp site. 7 Everyone went in the sea. 8 They all had a good time x3. 1 She didn’t learn to swim last year. 2 He didn’t catch a lot of fish last year. 3 They didn’t sleep ina small tent last year. 4 They didn’t speak French last year. 5 They didn’t eatin the restaurant last year. 6 He didn’t go with them last year. Ex4 1 Did Jenny and Penny like the food? 2 Did Mr Green go ishing? 3 Did Don help with the ent? 4 Did the girls swim every day? 5 Did Mrs Green drive the car? PREPOSITIONS (PLACE) - SUMMARY Ex1 Lat 2outof 3in 4to Soutof 610 Tinto Bin 9 to x2. 1D 2B 3E 4¢ 5A 6F NUMBERS AND TIME CARDINAL NUMBERS 4 Write these numbers in figures 10 100 1000 10000 ten ahundred a thousand _ten thousand three thousand one hundred and eighty-seven aaa e two thousand two hundred and thirty-two three hundred and fift two one thousand five hundred and forty-one six hundred and sixty-nine * 2 3 4. nine thousand four hundred and sixty-eight 5 6 7 four thousand seven hundred and seventy-three Now add them. Write your answer in words 8 Look at the bottom of the page. Is your answer right? 5 How old are they? Finish the number words 13 4 15 16 7 18 30 40 50 60 70 80 The manisei ghty. 2 The gitl is fi The boy is ei —___ Her mother is fi —_ The woman isfo 4 The man is se The boy is fo ___ His grandson is se — The teacher is thi____ 6 1 The girl is si —__ ‘The student is thi ___ q Her uncle is si ‘omy-Ayua% pue paspuny oa puesnoyy omy-Aw9AN WAMNSNY 31 NUMBERS AND TIME ORDINAL NUMBERS Ist 2nd = 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th = 10th first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth —_ tenth Right or wrong? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1 A is the first letter of the alphabet. is the fifth letter. Ee is the third letter after H. is the third letter before H. is the second last letter. is the fourteenth letter, is the fourteenth letter, is the twentieth letter. we eranean isl te) ee e4 4 te) Ft ta is the last letter. Write about these letters 1 A. is the first letter of the alphabet. 2 B isthe letter. 3D 4H oid 60 7R av 9Z _ and it’s the last letter, too. Finish these sentences There are 1fwelve months in the year. The “first. month is January, and the 2 and last month is December. 4 months have thirty-one days, and four months have £ days, February, the © month, has twenty-eight or twenty-nine days. There are 7 weeks ina year, and days in a week. 32 NUMBERS AND TIME TELLING THE TIME four o'clock Oo ten past four (@) quarter past four | half past four es) twenty to five © (2) quarter to five 9 What time is it? 2 Fs a ten o'clock Sometimes we only say numbers four thirty eleven forty-five six twenty-two ee 10 What time is it? 1 £27 & > © : oo. one fifteen PREPOSITIONS WITH TIME PHRASES AT (atime) at ten o'clock, at six thirty (a festival) at Christmas, at Easter NOTE at night ON (day) on Monday, on my birthday (a date) on the first of May, on the tenth of June IN (year) in 1980, in 1815 (a month) in May, in November (@ century) in the twentieth century (@ season) in (the) summer, in (the) winter (a time of day) in the morning, afternoon, evening 1 Write the correct preposition 1 Jenny and Penny start school 2 the morning. They have lunch and they finish 4 three thirty $ 6 afternoon. They don’t go to school Saturday or 7 start & they have two or three weeks’ holiday and Christmas. nine o'clock twelve, Sunday. Their summer holidays July and finish 2 September. And Easter y Look and write She was born at nine thirty in the morning on Saturday the ninth of September, nineteen Time of birth 9.30 Senne areeroont Moming Day Saturday Date oth Month September Year = Now write a sentence about yourself Iwas born Ey CAN CAN (ABILITY) 1 Can they? Can’t they? drink milk. Horses fly Dogs ae climb trees. People ee drive cars. Tore (= cannot) eat people. Monkeys breathe under water. Babies sing songs. carry things. Write true sentences with can Horses Lions Babies Monkeys Dogs People Now write true sentences with can’t People Dogs Lions Babies Monkeys Horses y What about you? And your friend? Can you swim? play tennis? drive a car? cook? type? play football? tide a bicycle? ....? ca ee EM yifend can ean ee My friend can't Ten —___, but my friend can’t My friend can, but Tean’t 35 CAN 3 Look and finish the sentences Execs 4 They-can climb this tree, but they can't climb that one. ae 2 carty this boat, be 3 de iis Bicycle) J 4 clean this window, post this letter, 6 —_____ carry this case, 4 Ask and answer he vent he can. Can she a ae they. No, they can't. 1 Don/take good photographs Can Don take good photographs? Gj No,becan', 2. the baby/drive the car 3. the girls/play tennis 4 they/play football 5 Mr Green/cook 36 CAN CAN (PERMISSION). 5 Write the correct sentences Can we have I borrow we watch we go Tplay Thave to the cinema? a picnic? anew dress? football? television? your book? 2 Jenny and Penny: = ——— Mrs Green: —_No, it’s time for bed now. 3 Don: 4 Jenny: Mrs Green: For the party? Yes. 5 Jenny and Penny: 6 Don: MrsGreen: Yes, if it's good weather. Jenny: No, Lneed it, son 1 Penny: Can I borrow your book? fa MrGreen: Yes, all right, Don. MrGreen: Maybe, Is it a good film? 6 Can you or can’t you? Finish the sentences park a motor cycle. ©, 3 turn right. OD) secre par yoir arn ® 4 drive fast here. park it here, ———_ park ithere. (2 turn right here. drive fast here. CAN Ue wares you do in your English class? speak English? drink coffee? play football? sing songs? talk French? read books? eat cakes? draw pictures? watch television? buy things? write stories? ee?) Write sentences with can and can’t We can We can’t 8 Can you do these things at home? watch television till midnight? borrow your father’s car? leave your books in the living room? spend all your money on ice cream? Who says no? Who says yes? Your mother? Your father? Write sentences like this ‘My mother says I can’t buy a new dress every week. My father says I can’t play football after 9 o'clock. MUST 1 What must you do? You must turn right. You must stop. turn rightleft be careful. drive slowly. look out for children. A. 6 ©. e 2 Find the right answer drive | acigarette leave | your dog for a walk You mustn’t | light | your car here. play | your car take | to your friends talk football NO PARKING , i You mustn't leave your car here 2 NOSMOKING NOENTRY = SILENCE PLEASE 4 NOBALLGAMES| 5 NO DOGS 6 Oo sweets meat FB vegetables cakes fish GAS, chocolate What does the doctor say? You mustn't eat sweets Frances Black is very fat. The doctor says ‘You mustn't eat ice cream. ‘You can eat fruit.’ 39 IMPERATIVES 1 Tom a Don’t turn left. G : Tore . straight ahead. ate: Br eh =e arom ie Tum left Go straight ahead. Turn right. Write three sentences for the pictures a 1 Tum sight. Don’t go-stvaigitt ahead. Don’t turn left. ae aaee— ee —— Si 2 Write conversations, like this MRSGREEN: Remember to buy some bread, please. MR GREEN: Where? At the supermarket? MasceeeN: No, don’t go to the supermarket, go to the baker's. 1. (cheese/grocer’s?%/supermarket) MRS GREEN: MR GREEN: MRS GREEN: 2 (coffee/supermarket?/grocer’s) YOUR FRIEND: you: ‘YOUR FRIEND: 3. (fruit/supermarket?/fruit shop) JENNY: 3 Write two orders for each picture Remember to write. Hurry up. Keep still Be quiet, Phone the police. ; Be careful. (Don’t) drop it, talk, move him. move walk so slowly. forget 1 Shhh! Be quiet. Don't talk. 3 Goodbye! 5 Anaccident! 2 Itisn’t mine. 4 Who says these things to you? Be quiet! Sit down and open your books. Please come and help me in the kitchen. Don’t put your coat on the floor. Don’t play your records so loudly! Come and see me again soon. a INDIRECT OBJECT Give him Send her: Take them some. Buy Write Pat’s answers Pale &@ ‘Anna John Grandmother | the twins 1 you: What can I send Betty? She has a new baby. So) Semiheantn mes ee a 2 you: And what can I buy the twins? It's their birthday on Tuesday. ao A ee ee ee 3 You: What can I give John? He's always late 8 PAT: a 4 you: What can I take Anna? She’: hospital. & eee ee 5 you: And what can I send Grandmother for Christmas? a aT: 6 you: What can I give Harry and Kate? | PAT: - you: Good. Thanks for your help, Pat. What do you write? I'm coming to visit youat Christmas. Please. : write and tell me what everyone wants This is a lotter from your your parents, your mother and sisters, the baby, Uncle Bob in New York. everyone! What do you want? Please bring 2a Your mother? Please bring Your father? Please Your brothers/sisters? 2

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