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The Process: Complete Genius Hour Every Friday

Blog Information: Create a blog two days prior to beginning Genius Hour
At this point, I should have received your blog URL. If you go to the student blog page and your
name is not hyperlinked to your blog, I have not received an accurate link from you. Please
submit your link ASAP to

Grades will be given on these blogs. If I cannot view your blog, I cannot give you any grade
other than a zero.

You do not need to send me a new blog link each week. The blogs are online and will update
automatically for me.

Genius Hour: Week 1: Questions

Respond to the following questions in your journal:
1. Identify 3 things you are passionate about.
2. Identify 3 careers you would like to learn more about or pursue after high school.
3. Identify 3 colleges or universities you would like to explore for more information about
continuing your education after high school. OR Identify a branch of military, volunteer
organization (Peace Corps, Americorps), or other experience youd like to learn more
4. Explain- Where do you see yourself in seven years? How will you get there from here?
What is already in place for you to reach your goals? What do you anticipate needing in
order to reach those goals?

Create a list of inquiry questions about the above identified responses.

Example: How does one fund college? What are the admission requirements for Penn State?
What scholarships are available for children of military officers?

Blog Post:
Create a blog entry the encapsulates all ideas from above. Due Monday.

Genius Hour: Week 2: Inquiry Research

Work to research answers to your inquiry questions
Identify one career path/interest
Complete some research on that career
job opportunities/availability
prerequisites for employment
Blog Post: Creative Title
Type 3:
FCA #1- paragraph form- write about your research findings
FCA #2- reflect on your findings and whether you want to stay on this path or select another
FCA #3- writing is formal, supported, and spell checked

Genius Hour: Week 3: Contacting an Authority

Contacting an authority in your career/college:
Identify who you will need to contact- someone who has the career already, human
resources at a company, admission counselor at a college, etc..
The person may not be a relative
Create a script in class today: Hello, my name is __________ and I'm a student at
Central York High School. I'm calling to inquire about _________. Do you have a
moment to speak with me?
Come up with 3-5 inquiry questions that you will ask
If you need to leave a message, provide your first and last name, a good time to be
reached (Eastern Standard Time) and your phone number with area code
Blog: Write your script and questions (minus your full name and high school information when
posting on the World Wide Web) in your blog. Explain your thoughts about this part of the
process. Will you contact more than one place? What is the most important information you
want/need to know? What anxieties might you have? What might you be looking forward to?

Homework: Blog post due Monday by 11:59pm and you must contact someone by phone prior
to our next Genius Hour class.

Genius Hour: Week 4: Reflection

Where is your research taking you now that you have spoken with someone?
4. Blog: Write a reflection on the process of the phone call. What was it like for you? Were you
anxious? Did you get in touch with someone? What were the results/what did you learn?

Write in paragraph, reflection format, NOT question/answer format

Explain the process thoroughly
Did you need to make more than one phone call?
Did you have all your questions answered?
Did you ask more questions?

Pitch Day brainstorming- explained in class (We will be conducting a different kind of Pitch Day
for juniors. Usually, community members, family members, and administrators come to hear the
ideas of the students. This time, we will invite the career, college, and military recruiters to come
to our school for a mini fair. During this time, students will have the opportunity to ask the
recruiters questions about what the student needs to do in order to better prepare for
acceptance into the military or college or career. Students will move around the room.
Recruiters will bring prizes for the students who dress the part of a professional, mature
individual who is communicating effectively. Students MUST have the college resume available
and printed for the recruiters).
Genius Hour: Week 5: Continuing the Circular Process

Continue to work to answer inquiry questions as they develop based on your communication
and findings over the past couple of weeks. Use class time to make phone calls, discuss future
plans, and complete a college resume that will be used for obtaining letters of recommendation
from teachers next year and for applying to colleges.

Update blogs with reflections of personal growth and development over the past 5 weeks.

Genius Hour: Week 6: College Resume

College Resume- share on Google Docs with for editing

***Provide students with a template***

Blog Post:
When you think about your dream college (or career), explain what its features are. How
does this build upon your personal strengths and passions in life? What questions do you
have for recruiters that will help you better prepare for college and career choices? MUST
identify 3-5 questions.

What kinds of questions do you want to ask the college/military recruiters?

scholarships, grants, honors college, room/board, extracurricular, sport teams, class schedules,
SAT scores, letters of recommendation, characteristics of applicant, application deadlines, early
admission, tutors, resources, etc..

Genius Hour: Week 6: Recruiter Fair

Genius Hour: Week 7: Reflection on Genius Hour

Blog- Reflect on the Recruiter Day: Blog 2-3 paragraphs. DO NOT answer in Q & A

What was your experience?

What did you learn?
What questions do you have now?
What is your next step in planning your future?

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