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Science and Public Policy, 37(7), August 2010, pages 473484

DOI: 10.3152/030234210X511990;

Channels, benefits and risks of publicprivate

interactions for knowledge transfer: conceptual
framework inspired by Latin America

Valeria Arza

There are both benefits and risks involved in interactions between public research organisations
(PROs) and industry. This paper proposes a conceptual framework that associates firms and PROs
motivations, channels of interaction and benefits. It suggests that each channel triggers predominant
types of benefits and claims that policy-making to support PROindustry (PRO-I) interactions should
be selective. Policy design must take into consideration the skill-related characteristics of the actors,
and the characteristics of the interaction channels in order to achieve the best possible balance between
the benefits and risks of PRO-I interactions. The geographical focus of the discussion is Latin America.


the private sector and PROs have the potential to
create and diffuse knowledge, but imply some
risks related mainly to the privatisation of public re-
search outputs and also to the diversion of the re-
developing countries, with a focus on Latin Amer-
ica. We make two main claims. First, the channel of
PRO-I interaction used by firms and researchers is
defined by the specific combination of goals that
motivates the interaction. Secondly, since the bene-
search agenda away from socially more useful fits of interactions are generally in line with the
purposes. Most of the literature on PRO-I interac- initial motivation, certain channels of interactions
tions designed to inform policy either supports or are more likely to result in certain types of benefits
disapproves the promotion of more intense linkages. for each of the actors (i.e. firm and PRO). Similarly,
In fact, there have been very few attempts in this the risks associated with PRO-I interactions vary
literature to distinguish the particularities of interac- depending on the interaction channel.
tions using different channels. We believe that this paper is relevant to science
This paper discusses the channels of PRO-I inter- and technology policy (STP) because it discusses the
actions and the associated benefits and risks in pros and cons of certain channels of interactions be-
ing promoted rather than others in order to achieve
particular benefits and avoid some of the risks.
Valeria Arza, Argentinian National Council for Science and Jointly assessing the benefits and risks is essential
Technology Research (CONICET), Research Centre for Trans- if PRO-I interactions are to work to upgrade the
formation (CENIT), Callao 796 6to, (1023) Ciudad de Buenos
overall national system of innovation (NSI).
Aires, Argentina; Website:; Email: The paper is organised into five sections. The
I am grateful for useful comments on a previous version of second section highlights the specificities of PRO-I
this paper from Claudia Vazquez, Andrs Lpez, Glenda Kruss, interactions in Latin America. The third section ad-
Jo Lorentzen, Keun Lee and Jong-Hak Eun. The methodological vances the discussion on the motivations and bene-
appendix was enriched by discussions with Gabriela Dutrnit fits of PRO-I interaction and proposes a conceptual
and Claudia de Fuentes. Finally, I would like to acknowledge framework which relates the motivations, interaction
the comments of two anonymous referees. The usual disclaim-
ers apply. CONICET, Argentina, IDRC (International Devel- channels and benefits. The fourth section extends the
opment Research Centre), Canada, and La Ville de Paris (City conceptual framework to consider the potential so-
Government of Paris), France contributed funding for this cial risks of PRO-I interaction. Finally, specific
project. hypotheses are derived, which are then tested in the

Science and Public Policy August 2010 0302-3427/10/070473-12 US$12.00 Beech Tree Publishing 2010 473
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A conceptual framework for publicprivate interactions in Latin America

there is also evidence of functional fragmentation

Valeria Arza is a researcher in economics of innovation at
the Argentinean National Research Council (CONICET) and
between research, teaching and outreach activities.
at CENIT(Argentina) and a lecturer at the University of Bue- Moreover, STP has not been consistent over time
nos Aires. She has completed a postdoctoral study on uni- and, consequently, the developmental role assigned
versityindustry interactions at the Centre dEconomie de la to PROs has not been continuous.3 In this context,
Sorbonne, Paris. She holds a PhD from SPRU, University of
Sussex, UK and an MSc from the London School of Eco- the promotion of PROfirm interactions, although
nomics. She has undertaken research on topics related to emphasised more since the 1990s, has not been part
the determinants of innovative behaviour by firms in devel- of an integrated STP plan, but the result of isolated
oping countries. In particular, she has published papers and
book chapters on the role of the environment in investment policy actions, usually seeking economic benefits for
decisions by firms and the relevance of public/private and the under-funded PROs.4
local/global partnerships to technology diffusion. Similarly, the average technological dynamism of
firms in developing countries cannot be compared to
that of similar firms in developed countries. PRO-I
empirical contributions in this special issue of interactions can be effective only if there is proactive
Science and Public Policy.1 demand for knowledge in the industry (Mazzoleni
and Nelson, 2007). Firms absorptive capabilities are
required to exploit external sources of knowledge
PRO-I interactions in developing countries, (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990) and also to diffuse the
with focus on Latin America knowledge received from the PRO to other actors in
the local system (Giuliani and Arza, 2009).
Most of the theoretical and empirical research on The literature on PRO-I interactions in Latin
PRO-I interactions focuses on developed economies. America often claims that an important limitation for
However, the requirements for developing countries the wide diffusion of interactions is lack of industry
to upgrade their NSIs are different from those in de- demand for sophisticated technological knowledge,5
veloped countries (Mazzoleni and Nelson, 2007), as or, at least, poor demand for domestic sources of
are their PRO-I interactions. knowledge: foreign firms demand technology from
First, the socio-economic needs are different. their headquarters, and many local firms prefer to
Unlike the usual reality in developed countries, large import technologies (Velho, 2003). Similarly, some
fractions of the population in developing countries authors note that the productive structure in Latin
live in poverty. Moreover, the income distribution is America is not knowledge intensive and, therefore,
highly unequal, and education and health systems is deriving fewer benefits from PROs,6 which, in
are deficient, which perpetuates social inequality. turn, means that PROs have fewer opportunities for
Furthermore, the level of pollution, largely the result applications.
of outdated production technologies, is distressing. In sum, the small literature that specifically stud-
All these features create specific demands on ies PRO-I interactions in developing countries in
PROs, which are often not comparable to the de- general, and in Latin America in particular, points to
mands of economic activity in developed countries. the idiosyncrasies of firms and PROs and the moti-
As Mazzoleni and Nelson (2007) claim, the key to vations for PRO-I interactions. None can be assimi-
catching up is research that is useful for the individ- lated to those in developed countries. This justifies
ual country. Thus, research needs to be oriented to the need for more specific research on PRO-I inter-
the social needs of users. However, in a context actions and their benefits in developing countries.
where many technology users are poor, which means This special issue tries to fill this gap using the case
that their needs may not be converted into effective of Latin America.7
market demand, the demand exerted by private firms
on PROs may not agree with the needs of the majority
(Ravjee, 2002). Conceptual framework of relationships
Secondly, both PROs and firms in developing between motivations, channels of
countries have specific and distinctive characteristics interactions and their benefits
compared to their counterparts in developed
countries. A strong scientific base is a prerequisite Actors motivations for linking
for catching up, as historical experience shows
(Mazzoleni, 2008). For example, Liefner and In order to schematise the analysis, we classify the
Schiller (2008) claim that among academic institu- various motivations for interacting into two main
tions in developing countries there are no synergies in groups for each actor: economic and intellectual for
terms of the three missions of teaching, research and PROs, and passive and proactive for firms. This clas-
outreach (including PRO-I interactions). According sification constitutes the main pillar of our conceptual
to Liefner and Schiller, one of the characteristics framework.
of these institutions is the fragmentation of their It should be noted that, although a two-by-two
various functions. classification of the motivations for interacting
Although there is a long tradition of good quality necessarily involves simplification of the reality, we
scientific research in many Latin American PROs,2 believe it is justified in the Latin American case. In

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A conceptual framework for publicprivate interactions in Latin America

fact, a dichotomy between firms passive and proac- productive activities. We refer to this firm motiva-
tive strategies is common in the literature on Latin tion for PRO-I interaction as a proactive strategy. In
American firms. Many argue that a general lack of this case, PRO-I interaction is a key component of
confidence in the sustainability of any state of af- the firms innovation strategy and interaction will be
fairs, due to high macro-economic uncertainty, ex- aimed mostly at obtaining and creating updated, and
plains firms defensive (passive) strategies,8 which usually tacit, knowledge to solve technological
need to be counterbalanced by policies designed to bottlenecks (Brostrom et al., 2009).
reward proactive schemes. Similarly, in the case of Other motivations to interact with PROs include
researchers, it is often argued that Latin American reducing some development costs (e.g. testing and
PROs (and especially universities) have traditionally monitoring) or operating costs by substituting inter-
been disconnected from (and usually opposed to) the nal innovation or production activities with external
private sector. However, it has been claimed that the sources (e.g. gaining access to PRO facilities at sub-
increased tendency for researchers to interact with sidised rates) (Bonaccorsi and Piccaluga, 1994). In
firms is due to budget pressures9 (rather than intel- this case, the knowledge received will be highly
lectual motivations). codified and mature, and it will not demand very so-
phisticated knowledge resources from the firm, al-
Motivations for PROs In the case of researchers though there is a minimum threshold for knowledge
working in PROs, interacting with firms may re- from external sources to be absorbed. Thus, PRO-I
spond to the PROs institutional imperatives or may interaction would not necessarily be a component of
result from researchers individual motivations. In an innovation strategy. Firms would be more inter-
either case, we can identify two ideal types of ested in solving concrete and fairly simple, short-
motivations. term production problems than thinking in the long-
On the one hand, there may be institutional im- term. We refer to this type of firm motivation to
peratives to diversify funding resources for infra- interact with PRO as a passive strategy.
structure and staff support which drive interaction
with industry. Researchers may also be seeking to Benefits of PRO-I interactions
complement their personal incomes (i.e. individual
motivation).10 We refer to these motivations as the The literature is generous in identifying the different
PROs economic strategies. types of benefits that firms and PROs can expect
On the other hand, PRO-I interaction may be trig- from their interactions. We organise them into four
gered by the primary goals of the PRO to enhance groups in line with the motivations for linking
the quality of research and teaching by learning in discussed in the previous section: intellectual or eco-
the context of application or by learning about pro- nomic benefits, for PROs; and contributing to inno-
duction technologies which may be useful for further vation strategies or solving short-term production
research. This strategy could be part of an institu- problems, for firms.
tional imperative or respond to the researchers per-
sonal ambitions to produce original and high-quality Intellectual benefits for PROs Research may be
research outputs.11 In other words, PRO-I interaction inspired by industry applications and knowledge
may fulfil the PROs (and researchers) intellectual exchange with industry (Meyer-Krahmer and
strategies by, for example, suggesting new avenues Schmoch, 1998), which provide new insights for the
for exploration, monitoring the latest technological research agenda (Fritsch and Schwirten, 1999; Lee,
developments, tackling challenging problems etc.12 2000). This applies particularly to research fields lo-
cated in the Pasteur quadrant (Stokes, 1997), which
Motivations for firms In order to cope with accel- advance through simultaneous performance of basic
eration in technological change, innovative firms and applied research (e.g. all types of engineering,
need to gain access to the knowledge produced by biotechnology, metallurgy, computer science etc.).
PROs because, in many productive activities, scien- Both the quality and quantity of the knowledge pro-
tific knowledge weighs increasingly more in techno- duced by PROs can improve from their responding
logical upgrading. Thus, for many firms, the main
motivations to interact with PROs are the need to
identify and exploit external and applied techno-
logical opportunities to a full extent (Bonaccorsi
and Piccaluga, 1994: 232). In other words, the Firms and PROs can expect various
strategy may be designed to gain access to scientific benefits from interacting. There can
knowledge to enable the firm to become a real inno-
vator (i.e. to push the technological frontier). Of be intellectual or economic benefits,
course, such a strategy demands a high level of for PROs. For firms benefits can
knowledge commitment and proactive behaviour on contribute to innovation strategies or
the part of the firm, not only to absorb the externally
produced knowledge, but also to contribute to the solve short-term production problems
creation of technological knowledge suitable for

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A conceptual framework for publicprivate interactions in Latin America

to the opportunities opened up (or problems faced) employment and contribute to production and inno-
by innovative firms. vative activities in the private sector (Rosenberg and
Some scholars have attempted to assess whether Nelson, 1994). This occurs even if the PROs do not
PROs become more productive in terms of knowledge strategically orient their teaching programmes to
creation (usually measured by publications) from in- topics that industry considers relevant. Furthermore,
teracting with firms. Most show that collaboration is PROs develop new laboratory instruments and ana-
positively associated with research productivity.13 lytic methodologies that constitute fundamental in-
puts for industry (Rosenberg, 1992). Finally, PROs
Economic benefits for PROs In line with the moti- produce knowledge related to the economic and
vations, the literature confirms that obtaining extra social context in which firms produce and trade,
funds is one important benefit of PRO-I interac- which could influence the ultimate success of their
tion.14 There is also evidence that by commercialis- production decisions (Fritsch and Schwirten, 1999).
ing their research, PROs learn to identify the most
valuable research from the pool of their inventions Conceptual framework
(Owen-Smith and Powell, 2003) and, therefore,
become better at raising private funds (i.e. a self- The analytical framework proposed in this section
reinforcing mechanism is in place). combines the motivations for firms and researchers
discussed in the section of this paper on the actors
Benefits related to firms long-term innovation motivations for linking, highlighting specific chan-
strategies Some problems faced by industry de- nels of interactions that best serve each combination
mand a combination of technologies that no single of motivations. Moreover, since it is benefits that are
firm could develop on its own, but which can be associated with the initial motivations for interact-
solved by exploiting the knowledge stock in PROs ing, we show that each channel of interaction creates
(Patel and Pavitt, 1995). Thus, PRO-I interactions a predominant, specific combination of benefits.
contribute to firms innovation strategies, leading to Figure 1 depicts the motivations of firms and
innovative outcomes. Moreover, the technological PROs. The vertical axis represents PROs strategies
upgrading of linked firms may be conducive to and the horizontal axis represents firms strategies.
broader economic and social development due to These strategies are not dichotomous and should be
knowledge spill-overs.15 read as a continuum between two extremes: at the
extreme for PROs are intellectual strategies (i.e.
Benefits related to short-term production activities learning in the context of application) and economic
by firms PROs widen the capacity of industry to strategies (i.e. accessing new sources of funding); at
solve real production problems. First, universities the extreme ends for firms are proactive and passive
provide training for graduates who then take up strategies.16 We classify channels based on these


(II) (III)
Traditional Bi-directional
Training graduates Joint research
Publications Networks

to use (I) (IV) Proactive:
PROs Service Commercial to exploit
outputs and Consultancy Spin-offs PROs
resources Tests Incubators knowledge
for more Monitoring Licences resources
efficient proactively in
operation innovative
activities by


PROs motivations

Firms motivations

Figure 1. Motivations and channels of interaction

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A conceptual framework for publicprivate interactions in Latin America

four extremes, depicted in the four quadrants in technology licensing and firms exclusive rights
Figure 1. on patented products or processes, whose inven-
tion is based on PRO-I interactions. Personal in-
Quadrant (I) contains interactions motivated by teraction is usually required in the first stages of
economic strategies by PROs and passive strate- the relationship when the parties have to agree on
gies by firms. The result is interactions that could the type of knowledge that is being commercial-
be associated with the provision of scientific and ised. Also, it is argued in the literature that this
technological services in exchange for money, channel is more effective when systematic and
where knowledge flows mainly from PROs to direct relations between institutional members are
firms (e.g. consultancy, use of equipment for established.17
quality control, testing and monitoring etc.).
These are usually short-tem interactions. Al- The originality of this framework lies in the use of the
though there may be some degree of personal in- motivations of the PROs and firms as the relevant di-
teraction, much of the knowledge transmitted is mensions for classifying PRO-I interactions. This
mature and can be transferred without intense helps us to relate the channels of interactions to the
face-to-face collaboration. benefits triggered by the interactions. The literature
Quadrant (II) is defined by the intellectual strate- highlights the existence of a variety of forms of PRO-I
gies of the PRO and the passive strategies of the interactions (Bekkers and Freitas, 2008; DEste and
firms. We refer to it as the traditional channel be- Patel, 2007). Channels have been classified according
cause it resembles the traditional ways that firms to the degree of formality in the organisational
benefit from actities by PROs (e.g. hiring gradu- agreements,18 the degree of articulation and personal
ates, conferences, publications etc.). Knowledge communication between the actors,19 and the relative
flows mainly from PROs to firms, but the knowl- potential for conveying novelty.20 It is also argued
edge content is defined by the traditional func- that the intensity of use of different forms of interac-
tions of the academic/research institutions. tion is sector, field and/or technology specific.21 The
Personal interaction between the individuals from literature on channels of PRO-I interactions mainly
the different institutions is not required in this analyses what determines the use of different chan-
case. nels22 or identifies the variety and relative frequency
Quadrant (III) includes interactions that originate of the use of different channels by specific actors.23 It
from the intellectual strategies of the PROs and tends to overlook the relation between channels of in-
proactive strategies by the firms. In this case the teractions and the benefits they potentially trigger. 24
knowledge flow is bi-directional and the potential In classifying channels according to the original
for joint learning is high. This quadrant includes motivation we are one step away from relating
joint research and development projects, partici- channels to benefits. Table 1 presents hypotheses on
pation in networks, scientifictechnological parks the relations between channels and benefits. We
etc. Generally, personal interaction is required claim that different channels prioritise some types of
throughout the period of the interaction agreement benefits over others. This does not mean that each
(usually more than one year). channel triggers only one/some types of benefits:
Quadrant (IV) is defined by the economic strate- rather it means that, ceteris paribus, each channel
gies of PROs and proactive strategies by firms. predominantly contributes to certain types of bene-
This is the commercial channel of interactions, fits for the actors, more explicitly, those that corre-
where the main motivations for PROs are the spond to the initial motivations for interacting.
keenness to commercialise their scientific results. Thus, it would be expected that traditional and bi-
Emblematic examples of this channel are spin-off directional channels should yield intellectual bene-
companies and incubators. Also included are fits for PROs, and service and commercial channels

Table 1. Predominant benefits expected from channels of PRO-I interactions

Channels Benefits

PROs Firms

Intellectual Economic Short-term Long-term

(production) (innovation)

Service X X
Traditional X X
Bi-directional X X
Commercial X X

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would yield economic benefits for PROs. For firms, Extending the conceptual framework to achieve
bi-directional and commercial channels may be the more relevant policy recommendations:
most effective way to convey novelty and, therefore, social risks of PRO-I interactions
to facilitate technological upgrading. These channels
involve a higher level of articulation than other Since the 1990s, the governments of many countries
channels, promoting the transmission of tacit knowl- have attempted to improve the relations between
edge (Perkmann and Walsh, 2007). Tacit knowledge PROs and firms (Dasgupta and David, 1994; Etzko-
usually conveys more novelty than explicit/codified witz et al., 2005; Nelson, 2004; Slaughter and Leslie,
knowledge because the latter is less costly and, 1997) in the expectation that strong and widely dif-
therefore, diffuses widely. Thus, PRO-I interactions fused PRO-I interactions would strengthen innovation
using these channels are expected to be more condu- in the NSI. In the case of the Latin American countries,
cive to innovation outcomes for firms. the impetus to support those relations was accompa-
In contrast, since the traditional and the service nied by the imperative to increase and diversify
channels generally involve the diffusion of codified sources of funding for PROs, which were facing seri-
and mature knowledge, it is less likely that interac- ous cuts to their budgets (Arocena and Sutz, 2005).
tions using these channels will contribute to path- Our conceptual framework demonstrates that
breaking solutions. Yet, they may provide insights PRO-I interactions can give rise to different types of
for marginal improvements of processes or products. benefits, depending mainly on the channels used.
Finally, the relationship between channels and The claim that the benefits to be gained through the
benefits is expected to be mediated by firms inno- interactions are not necessarily homogeneous sug-
vative capabilities and researchers knowledge gests the need for more targeted support for specific
skills. channels of interactions according to the policy ob-
The literature is very clear about the positive role jectives. We would claim, therefore, that the rele-
of a firms capabilities to increase the effectiveness vance of our conceptual framework, if validated by
of any interaction.25 Firms need to have achieved a empirical data, is that it is rooted in the contribution
minimum threshold of internal capabilities to be able to a better and more informed policy design that
to absorb and integrate external knowledge (e.g. optimises the promotion of PRO-I interactions.
knowledge obtained through the traditional and However, our conceptual framework only ex-
service channels). If firms are to be proactive in the plores the private benefits reaped by PROs and
process of knowledge creation (i.e. if they use the bi- firms, assuming somehow that these benefits exceed
directional and commercial channels), the threshold their private costs associated with interactions,
is likely to be higher. which explains the initial decisions to interact. How-
For PROs, the effect of knowledge skills on bene- ever, some recent studies highlight a series of poten-
fits may depend on the channel of interaction. As tial costs (i.e. risks) involved in PRO-I interactions
pointed out above, researchers who interact with that may affect the creation and diffusion of knowl-
PROs have frequently been found to be the best edge in the NSI as a whole (i.e. social risks). Since
qualified or most productive in terms of publica- policy recommendations cannot be derived without
tions. Second-tier PROs or researchers with lower analysing the social risks of the interactions, we
quality skills may also interact with industry. How- need to extend our conceptual framework to explore
ever, these interactions are usually different in the extent to which they may be associated with the
nature and are aimed mainly at solving simple and use of specific channels.
immediate problems (Fukugawa, 2005; Mansfield This section discusses the literature that identifies
and Lee, 1996). In this case, interactions may target social risks related to the intensification of PRO-I in-
knowledge diffusion rather than knowledge creation. teractions. These risks do not necessarily directly af-
In fact, researchers with less sophisticated knowl- fect the actors involved in interactions, but may
edge skills probably have few opportunities and little induce adverse effects on the quality and effective-
interest in, or ability to, undertake blue skies re- ness of knowledge production and diffusion by the
search. They may prefer to be involved in less ambi- NSI as a whole. They must therefore be considered
tious research, more oriented towards problem- in any policy analysis. We classify them into four
solving for industry (DEste and Patel, 2007), groups and end this section of this paper with a dis-
through consultancies or other services. cussion of whether or not each channel of interaction
In sum, knowledge skills are important factors implies specific types and levels of risks.
mediating the effectiveness of the PRO-I interac- First, there is the question of the quality of the re-
tions through the bi-directional (Fukugawa, 2005) search that is triggered by PRO-I interactions. Two
and commercial channels (Lockett et al., 2005; risks emerge: the risk of unethical behaviour due to
Wright et al., 2008). In those cases the contribution conflicts of interest and the risk of attention being
made by the knowledge is highly relevant to convey diverted away from research that is socially more
the novelty that may solve technological bottlenecks. useful.
However, benefits can still be obtained by lower-
skilled researchers who choose to use the service or The integrity and quality of teaching and research
traditional channels. comes under threat when interactions create

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A conceptual framework for publicprivate interactions in Latin America

conflicts of interest between these activities, and (e.g. Godfrey, 2005). For example, Blumenthal et al.
the needs of the funders. It has been shown that, es- (1996) claim that industrial partners are more likely
pecially in the area of clinical research, interactions to impose secrecy on universities than other partners
may induce researchers to hide research outputs would. Power asymmetries, which amplify the risks
that conflict with the interests of private funders.26 of privatisation, are frequently present in developing
PRO-I interactions involve the risk of diverting at- countries, especially in relation to intellectual prop-
tention away from certain research lines towards erty rights claims if large and/or multinational cor-
those that serve the needs of those with market porations are involved in the interactions.
power (Parkinson and Langley, 2009). This implies Fourthly, there is the issue of PRO accountability.
that research carried out in PROs could be re- When research agendas are decided autonomously
oriented in directions that benefit linked firms (and by PROs, there is a risk of loss of accountability to
perhaps also some consumers and other intercon- funders (both government and private sector), which
nected firms), but which do not necessarily meet may derive in socially futile public research activi-
the needs of the majority of the population.27 This ties. Moreover, in PRO-I interactions, researchers
is a particular risk in the context of high inequali- may appropriate scientific results and start their own
ties in income, such as occur in Latin America. businesses, or they may act as brokers diffusing in-
formation to partner firms competitors, creating
Secondly, there may be opportunity costs when the conflicts with the private funders. Nevertheless, be-
time devoted to interaction implies less time for yond misbehaviour, there are also real uncertainties
teaching and research, or when the research aban- in the process of knowledge creation which promote
doned due to a changed research agenda resulting conflicts in the distribution of responsibilities and
from PRO-I interaction, would have been of higher duties (Bonaccorsi and Piccaluga, 1994).
social value than the research actually pursued. Most
of the literature on opportunity costs in research dis- Speculations about the relationship between chan-
cusses whether, by interacting, researchers at PROs nels and risks We can revise the four channels of
reduce the time devoted to fundamental (basic) re- interactions through critical reflection on the inten-
search.28 However, opportunity costs are more often sity of different risks (summarised in Table 2).
an issue of concern in relation to training students.29
It is claimed that the quality of training is reduced Service channel: First, since this channel involves
because students are pushed to be involved in the knowledge diffusion rather than knowledge crea-
PRO-I interactions of their research groups. This tion, and under the assumption that researchers
implies that they become less autonomous, have less knowledge skills are strong, PRO that use this
opportunity to explore their own research paths, and channel intensively may be subject to high oppor-
are in danger of becoming too specialised too soon: tunity costs (i.e. there may be socially more useful
all of which will undermine the quality and inde- things in which to invest the researchers time).
pendence of research in future generations. This Secondly, since most of the knowledge trans-
concern is particularly relevant when interactions are ferred through this channel is mature, there is less
motivated by financial constraints in PRO, which, risk of publicly produced knowledge becoming
again, often applies to Latin American PROs. privatised. There is also a lower risk that conflicts
Thirdly, there is the risk of privatisation of public of interest will emerge, although this can occur,
research outputs. In their interactions with industry especially if private funds obtained through this
PROs produce useful research outputs to continue channel represent a large proportion of the PRO
research downstream. Nelson (2004) argues that budget.
fundamental knowledge from science, even if it is in Traditional channel: This channel does not neces-
fields of research with semi-immediate application, sarily require personal interactions with industry
must remain open to public use. There is evidence and it involves research activities which usually
that firms demand exclusive rights in the form of follow researchers/PRO own agenda. Thus, al-
patents, or secrecy when they interact with PROs though this channel does not imply any of the first

Table 2. Expected intensity of risks for NSI as a whole, using different channels

Channels Risks

Weak quality Opportunity Privatisation of Lack of accountability

(conflicts of interest) costs public research of PRO activities

Service Medium High Medium Low

Traditional Low Low Low High
Bi-directional Medium Low High Medium
Commercial High Medium High Low

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three risks described above, there is a high risk of the relation between channels and benefits. We
weak accountability of PRO research. would suggest that the better the innovative capabili-
Bi-directional channel: The knowledge flows in ties of firms, the greater the effectiveness of all
both directions via this channel, and knowledge channels. Regarding researchers knowledge skills,
outputs are supposed to be created based on the in our view, they are required for more effective in-
contributions of all actors. In a context of power tellectual benefits, especially for the bi-directional
asymmetry, it constitutes a high risk of a privati- channel, but also to reap the economic benefits from
sation of public research. However, opportunity the commercial channel.
costs would be expected to be low since research- The final section in the main part of this paper
ers follow their intellectual motivations. Given proposes an extended version of the conceptual
that communication between the actors is frequent framework, which explores the extent to which
and permanent, this would seem to present only a PRO-I interactions could create social risks for the
medium risk of poor accountability on the part of NSI as a whole. This discussion is particularly rele-
the PRO, and of conflicts of interest. vant for policy-makers. Although we speculate about
Commercial channel: This is the channel most of- the relations between channels and type and inten-
ten identified in the literature as risky (especially sity of risks and argue that the commercial channel
in relation to start-ups and spin-offs).30 It clearly is the one which creates more intense social risks,
involves high risks of conflicts of interest, unethi- further empirical research is needed to derive spe-
cal behaviour and privatisation of publicly created cific hypotheses, methodologies and empirical vali-
knowledge. Since interactions through this chan- dation of the relation between channels and risks.
nel usually require little personal interactions, We now highlight some policy challenges related
mainly at the start of the relationship, opportunity to harnessing the potential of PRO-I interactions
costs are unlikely to be high, but this situation while not absorbing all the risk. First, PRO-I interac-
could change if researchers time is used to sup- tions should be supported and regulated selectively.
port newly born firms. We argue that different channels of interactions bring
about specific benefits and risks and claim that these
relations are mediated by the specific skills of the ac-
Conclusion tors. Thus, policy-makers should analyse the initial
conditions of the actors involved in the interaction,
There are benefits and risks involved in PRO-I inter- assess the types of benefits to target and the risks to be
actions. The better they are balanced, the more effec- avoided, and select policy tools to support specific
tive will be the interaction in terms of upgrading the channels of interaction under different conditions.
NSI. This paper proposes a conceptual framework Secondly, it is worth considering a division of
that associates actors motivations for interacting, labour in relation to PRO interaction activities to re-
with channels of interaction. The main hypotheses duce the opportunity costs of the interaction, espe-
derived from the framework associate channels with cially in terms of services. Instead of universities or
benefits. They can be summarised as follows: top research institutes, specially designed public
support institutions could be given the responsibility
H1: PRO-I interactions through the service chan- of diffusing mature knowledge through the service
nel produce predominantly economic benefits for channel to all types of firms, including those with
PROs and contribute to short-term production ac- weak innovative capabilities. These new institutes
tivities by firms. could be responsible for diffusing traditional PRO
H2: PRO-I interactions through the traditional research outputs, promoting internships for students,
channel produce predominantly intellectual bene- managing personnel exchanges etc.
fits for PROs and contribute to short-term produc- Thirdly, since traditional PRO-I interactions are
tion activities by firms. led by market demand, which is not necessarily in
H3: PRO-I interactions through the bi-directional line with the needs of the majority of the population,
channel produce predominantly intellectual bene- reward mechanisms should be created to promote re-
fits for PROs and contribute to long-term innova- search aimed at solving social problems (health,
tion strategies by firms. housing, environmental) with weak commercial
H4: PRO-I interactions through the commercial potential.
channel produce predominantly economic benefits Finally, there is an urgent need to limit the risk of
for PROs and contribute to long-term innovation privatisation of knowledge, and to avoid the tragedy
strategies by firms. of the scientific commons (Nelson, 2004) that could
occur if actors in trying to maximise their own bene-
These hypotheses are tested in the empirical papers fits, endanger the wider diffusion of (publicly created)
in this special issue of Science and Public Policy, knowledge. This risk arises mainly in relation to the
using a methodological approach presented in the commercial and the bi-directional channels and is par-
Appendix to this paper. ticularly relevant in developing countries where large
We also discussed how knowledge skills and in- firms have better access than many PROs to intellec-
novative capabilities can act as mediating factors in tual property rights mechanisms.

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A conceptual framework for publicprivate interactions in Latin America

Appendix: Proposed methodology for empirical validation of the conceptual framework

In order to identify the determinants of the benefits researchers and firms that actually interact. These
we estimate two sets of equations: one for researchers and firms may enjoy special charac-
researchers and one for firms. teristics (which promote the interaction in the
first place). To deal with potential selection bias
Models we suggest the use of the Heckman two-step
method. For the selection part of each Heckman
Researchers model (Equations (1a), (1c), (2a) and (2c)), the
d _ V RVi i (1a) dependent variable (d_Vi) is a dummy variable
that equals one when the firm or researcher is
IBi Chi Ri i (1b)
connected. The vectors of the independent vari-
d _ V RVi i (1c) ables in these equations are the features of re-
EBi Chi Ri i (1d) searchers (RVi) and firms (FVi) that affect their
probability of linking, and are also informed by
the literature.
Since the selection part of the Heckman esti-
d _ V FVi i (2a) mates the inverse Mills ratio which corrects for se-
PBi Chi Fi i (2b) lection bias, we need first to identify the best
possible model for selection. Different probit
d _ V FVi i (2c)
model specifications should be contrasted by as-
InBi Chi Fi i (2d) sessing the goodness of fit of the models (e.g.
using the Bayesian information criterion).
The conceptual framework suggests that different All the country studies in this special issue are
channels of interactions (Chi) have the potential to based on surveys of researchers and firms. In the
trigger different kinds of benefits, both for re- cases of Mexico and Argentina, both linked and
searchers (intellectual benefit (IBi) and economic unlinked researchers and firms are surveyed; in
benefit (EBi) and for firms (benefit related to pro- the case of Brazil only linked actors are included.
duction activities (PBi) and to innovation activities Thus, it is not possible to estimate Heckman mod-
(InBi) (see Equations (1b), (1d), (2b) and (2d), re- els in the Brazilian case. Costa Rica is a separate
spectively). Moreover, there are other researcher case with complete data on firms, but only linked
and firm features (Ri and Fi, respectively) that may researchers were surveyed. The authors of the
affect their benefits, which we include as control papers in this special issue previously agreed on
variables in the equations. These control variables similar proxies for the key variables, such as the
are informed by the literature. benefits and channels of PRO-I interactions. This
The benefits, modelled by Equations (1b), (1d), allows the results to be compared, which is done
(2b) and (2d), can only be measured for the in the final paper in this special issue.

Notes agriculture. Suzigan and Albuquerque (2009) studied the im-

portance of university research for the development of the
aircraft, steel and agricultural industries in Brazil.
1. This paper is part of the project Interactions between Univer- 4. See Arocena and Sutz (2001, 2005), Bernasconi (2005) and
sities and Firms: searching for Paths to support the changing Llomovatte et al. (2006).
role of Universities in the South (Africa, Asia and Latin Amer- 5. See Dagnino and Velho (1998), Moori-Koenig and Yoguel
ica) financed by IDRC (Canada). This special issue of Sci- (1998), Sorondo (2004) and Vega-Jurado et al. (2007).
ence and Public Policy discusses empirical findings for the 6. See Arocena and Sutz (2005) and Casas et al. (2000).
four Latin American countries covered by this project. All the 7. See the country study papers in this special issue. Other col-
country contributions in this special issue were motivated by leagues use similar empirical sources to analyse PRO-I inter-
the conceptual discussion in the present paper and use the actions; i.e. Kruss (2009) for African studies and the special
methodological approach in the Appendix to this paper. issue of the Seoul Journal of Economics, (2009) Vol. 22, No.
2. E.g., three Argentinian scientists working in Argentinian 4, for Asian studies.
PROs won Nobel Prizes for Science and a Mexican graduate 8. See Arza (2005), Cimoli and Katz (2003) and Katz (2004).
from a public Mexican university won a Nobel Prize for Chem- 9. See Arocena and Sutz (2005), Bernasconi (2005) and Vega-
istry based on research conducted at Massachusetts Institute Jurado et al. (2007).
of Technology, USA. 10. See Azagra-Caro et al. (2006), Dasgupta and David (1994),
3. See Dutrnit et al. (2010), Lpez (2007) and Velho (2005). Etzkowitz et al. (2005), Lopez-Martinez et al. (1994), Nelson
Nevertheless, PRO research has been and is key to success- (2004), Perkmann and Walsh (2008) and Slaughter and
ful experience in some sectors in Latin America. Gutirrez Leslie (1997).
(1993), and Len and Losada (2002) stressed the importance 11. See Lee (2000) and Meyer-Krahmer and Schmoch (1998).
of PRO research for technological upgrading in Argentinian 12. See Lopez-Martinez et al. (1994) and Perkmann and

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A conceptual framework for publicprivate interactions in Latin America

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