Parent Invitation To Pinning

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Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you for supporting your childs participation in FKEs Student Council 2017-
2018. We are looking forward to a great year with many opportunities for the
students to make decisions for the student body, to grow as leaders, and to have
fun while working collaboratively with their peers. This opportunity is such an
honor that we would like to invite you to our pinning ceremony on Friday,
September 15, 2017. This ceremony will be held in the gym, in front of the
student body, during our morning assembly from 7:50-8:10. We will recognize
all the students at the event where they will receive a pin as an induction into the
council. We are proud of their willingness to lead and serve our wonderful school.
Thank you again for your support and we look forward to working with your
student this school year.

Mrs. Pedolzky and Ms. Riggs

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