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Septemberr 10th 2017 Finish Timeline Spreadsheet

September 18th 2017 Start research on camera angles

September 25th 2017 Compile research and start a rough draft of research paper

September 29th 2017 Use revisions from rough draft to create good copy (typed) of research

October 1st 2017 Watch "The Revenant"

October 1st-3rd 2017 Analyse camera angles used in "The Revenant" and research how they
were completed

October 4th 2017 Start creating a powerpoint or similar presentation f form showing
what I've l learned with some pictures to hhelp the audience to better
understand what I'm referencing

October 8th 2017 Have powerpoint finished entirerely and uploaded onto a USB and Weebly

October 16th 2017 Start brainstorming and lisitng down ideas for my short film

October 23rd 2017 Start creating the script for the short film including locations etc.

November 3rd 2017 Fnal revision and typed out script will be uploaded to Weebly

November 5th 2017 Start filming

December 4th 2017 Complete filming and upload files to Hitfilm (editing software)

December 5th 2017 Start editing footage

December 18th 2017 Finish editing footage add any final touches/credits/export etc.

December 19th 2017 Start preparing an explanation explaining my film and the angles used

December 22nd 2017 Complete and type out the explanation paper uploading it to Weebly

December 27th 2017 Come up with the final conslusion points and type them up into a
conslusion paper, revised, and uploaded

December 28th 2017- January 16th 2018 Go over all elements making sure everything Is completed
to the best possible outcome, revise for errors and practice the
presentation aspect as well as tying everything together
January 17th 2018 Present capstone project and receive feedback from others
and Weebly

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