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The Matrix of duality or The Unconscious Mind Control Matrix

September 12, 2017 - - Leave a Comment
The Matrix of duality or The Unconscious Mind Control Mat
Humans are entrapped in a matrix of duality which is controlled by the 90% unconscious or subcon
scious Mind Control Matrix. Most of this 90% subconscious mind have been formed by a fear based
culture and fearmongering governments to stay in control. A fear based conscious cant evolving hi
gher enlightment.
Here is 11 ways to how they hindering you from find your true self

1. Poisoning the water with fluoride to inactivate the pineal gland

2. Learning humans they have 97-98% junk DNA

3. Darwin theory humans are from the apes (in this world the Alpha male can rule the world)

4. Humans consciousis is 10% and almost 90% is subconscious. 90% subconscious energy control
s humans

5. Humans have just a 2 DNA strand and not 12 DNA strand

6. Using media/tv to mind control everyone, brainwashing people every day, mk ultrasize othe
r humans

7. We living in a low frequency energy grid systems controlled by the archons called the mat
rix simulation

8. Social engineering to destroy, change, manipulate and lock the DNA or the original Blueprint
of Crystal Light

9. GMO engineering and nanoparticles in food ( genetic engineering or biotechnology)

10. Nanoparticles, silent technology, RFID chip

11. Persecution is gangstalking and what ostracism, scapegoating was in earlier societies, it is th
e same meaning but with a new word, and they use psychological torture, noise harassment
/torture, psychological manipulation, obstructing, oppressing, delaying, sabotage, manipula
tion of software functions, create pain, terrorizing just like demons do, traumabase, victimzin
g, sensitizing, fearmongering, so you inner amygdala dont cant heal and creat light. When th
e amygdala begins to heal (ONENESS instead for duality) it creates light and then the third e
ye slowly starts opening (your pineal gland opens up with light/love)
Brainwashing, Gaslighting, Gangstalking all share the malignant idea to total mind control ever
yone or someone

Todays malignant psychology is a idea and malignant dream from ONE NEW WORLD ORDER

Democracy is no longer a democracy. There has been a political poleshift from democracy to t
echnocracy. The role of the Bilderberg Group is: a cartel that replaces the democratic society

one international identify (observing) one set of universal values

centralized control of world populations by mind control; in other words, controlling world
public opinion

a New World Order with no middle class, only rulers and servants (serfs), and, of course, no

a zero-growth society without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the

manufactured crises and perpetual wars

absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various

Technocracy is a camouflage of democracy. A political system wolf in sheeps clothing with cov
ert fascism and the technological domination over the human individuality. Democracy is technocr
acy and technocracy is the birth of scientific dictatorship over humans personal life, integrity and pr

Harry Martinsson depicts even this development as a camouflage that is difficult to detect. The ruli
ng technocracy in todays modern society functions much as a democratic camouflage that is diffic
ult to detect. They pretend, in the cultural sector, as though life still basically ran on as before, whil
e in fact we at full speed is entering a new geological age.

There are less and less democracy everwhere and more of this;





scientific dictatorship (mind control technology and brainwashing psychology)


These images symbolizes this developement


The Science of Thought Control and a malignant idea. The dream of totally controlling a human mi
nd. At its heart brainwashing is a malignant idea the dream of totally controlling a human mind, w
hich affects all of us one way or another. Brainwashing is the ultimate invasion of privacy: it seeks to
control not only how people act but what they think. It arouses our deepest fears. Threatening the l
oss of freedom and even identity. Yet we know remarkably little about it.
Both brainwashing and gangstalking is the ultimate invasion of privacy and integrity.


The birth of Scientific dictatorships and a diffuse HIVE MIND. Gangstalking is also malignant ide
a to totally mind control the humand mind. Gangstalking in Sweden for example is like a invisbl
e technocratic dictatorshop. Big Brother sees you, but you cant see Big Brother. Gangstalking i
s a totalitarian and malignant idea to force everyone or brainwwashing everyone to be like them
. It is similar to how cults working; forced to submission. They are not satified with regulating the
outward behaviors. They want to posses and dominate the souls and minds of their victims.

Gangstalkers physical and psychological garbaging and poisoning and infecting other humans lifes
and minds with garbage, negativity, flooding feeling, obstructing, trauma-base, provoke, stress, fea
r, scare mongering, sound harassment, screamings, wickedneess, duplicating and acting wicked, tri
gger words, panic, horror, terrorizing, victimzing, senstizing, mind controlling, and invading and intr
uding humans integrity and privacy by crowding, intidimiate, garbaging by humiliate themselfes, so
ical humiliation, interrupting, intergrating, disturbing, overwhelming with negative thoughts, emotio
nal flooding, trying to activate or provoke subconsiouness fear patterns in amygdala, attcking self-i
mage and self-esteem, demoralization and so on..


The double whammy is a harmful method of mind control employed widely in everyday life as a m
ethods for attaining dominance over others through causing emotional distress and impairing, at le
ast temporarily, their cogntitive functions. The most common ays individuals control and dominate
others are by inculcation of painful emotions such as shame, guilt, fear, anxiety. When gaslighting a
nd/or the double hammy are done repeatedly, the psychioc damage may be serious, it can inlude
enduring types of chronic psychiatric disorders.

The birth of Scientific dictatorships has become the new tyranny over humans freedom, personal
privacy and integrity, freedom of speech.

Tyranny: despotism, domination, suppression, oppression,

coercion, cruel authority. harshness. totalitarianismthese
synonyms for tyranny describe what can happen when a tribe,
a nation, an alliance, a religion, an interest group or a political
group gives a way of thinking and perceivinga belief system-
absolute, unquestioning power.

Beliefs are an unavoidable part of the human experience. It

is apparent that conicting beliefs exist in this world side by side,
and from a collection of beliefs entire cultures are created. Those
living in a particular belief system perceive the world in a way
unique to that mindset.

Our world is full of a diversity of beliefs, customs, foods,

religions, laws, etc. Each cultural group agrees to live by certain
rules and customs, and those who deviate from those rules and
customs are looked upon as outsiders within that culture. They
can even be punished or executed for their deviations from the
accepted norm, That is how much power humankind has given
belief systems.
Oneness and a healed amygdala a conscoiuness built on love and light, not duality and fear

The Greek word for mark is charagma or charakter, which

sounds like the word character. DNA is the language of the books
in our bodies. The sentences are the genes. There are 22 Amino
acids in DNA ancl 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Amino acids
act as proteins. When you break down the word DNA it means
de (according to, from), oxi (sharp, Heb. 4:12), ribs (sweet, Psalms
119:103), nucleic (seed, Luke 8:11), Arid (Olive tree of Life, oil,
Romans 11). We will either receive the mark (DNA) of the beast
or the seal (DNA) ofthe Holy Spirit. which is resurrection DNA.

Junk DNA

Scientists claim that only ten per cent of our DNA is useful. The other ninety per cent they
refer to as junk, which seems a bit short-sighted to me. I find that nature. or if you like, Spirit.
doesnt create junk. There seems to be a use tor everything. We just have to understand
what it is. T0 do this we have to discover where the other ninety percent of our DNA is coming
from and how it gets into Our physical body. Then we have to learn how to use it.

So far we have just blindly accepted that all living things are born with two-strand DNA
inherited from our parents. We accept that this DNA carries all the information necessary to
create and perpetuate our physical body. We also accept that this two-strand DNA is only
10% of our total DNA.

But what about the non-physical things we call emotions, thoughts, beliefs? Somehow, this
information contained in the different light frequencies of the other tayers of our aura has to
be communicated. Who are the energetic messengers of these different frequencies?
Maybe these different frequencies have something to do with the other 90% of our junk
DNA. If this is so, then this is not really junk and we have to consider that DNA is more
complex than we currently understand.

Within us, is tlle full potential for the total healing and
resolution of all duality programs as they surface or
appear in our daily life, and I say it is an appearance
because it has become a crystallized illusion and part of
the old, limited, conditioned human matrix in this third
dimension. With the current two-strand DNA, we have no
memory of where we came from, we are disconnected from
source, and therefore we are entrapped in the illusions of the
outer world and all the stimulus we are programmed and
bombarded with daily. With only the two-strand DNA, we
become enslaved and dependant in dysfunctional, socio-
economic institutions, religions, and false belief systems
that never truly deliver what they preach.

The true END-GAME of each souls journey is to free

themselves from this conditioned state of duality once and
for all, and return to the Source from which we originally
manifested, while still in a physical body in 3D. You can call
this original source God, Higher Self, Unconditional Divine
Love or unlimited freedom. You can achieve this freedom
by utilizing your original, God-given Divine Intelligence,
through the power of Divine Love, and regain your lost Will
by reactivating your original, unlimited sleeping DNA codes.

Gangstalkers are similar to the Archons

The ankle biters and are mind parasites
living on fear
Gangstalkers are similar to the Archons The ankle
biters and are mind parasites living on fear They
want keep you down in their darkness and using
mind manipulation to play bad chess Never Call
Them Archons How You Can Help Bust Up the
Matrix By Cameron Day, on January 31st, 2012 This
Continue reading

Peter Horttanainen 0
Facing the Archons within us and without us can feel like a constant battle.
These anti-awakening forces may present themselves as people who have no interest
in supporting us, betraying us, belittling us, tempting us, and gaslighting us.

The process of control, which I like to call the hive mind,

is well advanced and infiltrates every aspect of our lives.

They keep keep humans constantly frustrated and eternally restless.

They stress and rushes peoples life and minds

They try to make you angry and provoke

They manipulate computer software functions, changing layouts from one day to another and then
back again just to (confuse, decieve, gaslighting), delaying, obstructing, disturbing and affecting the
human thinking pattern to get the person unfocused (and broken and fragmentized in the mind)

They using mind infiltration psychology and interference psychology to invade both mind and priv
acy as in gangstalking (no privacy, no integrity, no walls psychology, no silence (noise harassment),
no recovery, no peaceful mind, no postive thoughts or positive light thinking).

They walking around and fearmongering, using scaremongering behaviors, using mind infiltration
psychology, trying to programming the dreams to get you back in their mind control matrix, makes
subtle threatens, screamings, banging, smashing, hitting floors, walls (as gangstalkers do), they bot
h fearmongering and trying to mind control, brainwashing people minds every day as gangstalkers
also sensitizing people every day)

They feeding on fear, negativiy and hate.

The Archons will then starve without the negative energy to feed on.

The grid is programmed with negative feedback that sends subtle signals
into the sub-conscious and ego mind to keep people focused on low-frequency beliefs
and thought patterns.

At this point, the ankle biters will be upset and trying to make you feel bad about yourself in an
y way that they can. I suggest that you laugh at them and remind them that they were NEVER give
n permission to take your energy or enslave humanity.

When you notice ankle biters trying to interfere with your thoughts, emotions or energy, immed
iately start expanding your Divine Inner Light from your heart until it surrounds your body. This
pure, intense light of your Divine Being is painful for these low-frequency ankle biters to be near, a
nd they will withdraw.

Archons The Ankle biters will very often manipulate people in their dream state to reinstall or
strengthen limiting sub-conscious programming. Fear is their primary tool, so they will embed fe
arful scenarios in the dream state in order to make a person susceptible to their programming. It is
very much like a form of hypnotic suggestion, and it requires tremendous self-awareness to break
free from this programmed mind system. Each night before you go to sleep, invoke your Divine I
nner Self from your heart and declare that you will dream safely within your Divine Inner Light. St
ate that you intend to remember ALL of your dreams, so that you can dissolve any limiting sub-con
scious beliefs that are revealed in your dreams.
In the morning, take 10 minutes to reclaim energy from any limitations or fears that were exposed i
n your dreams. Even if you cant remember them, take those few minutes to expand your Inner Div
ine Light, clear your energy field and start your day from your inner divine inspiration.

The more clear you get, the less the ankle biters will be able to manipulate you into low-frequency
emotional patterns. Always remind yourself, I am the Power they want and then stand strong in
the power of your Divine Inner Self. Blaze your light like a million suns, for you are so much more t
han you realize, and soon you will know without any doubt how powerful you truly are.

Once the archons realized how easy it would be for them to control beings
in such a dense environment, they did not want souls to be successful in breaking
out of their system. They realized that they could have this experience for a very,
very long time as they fed off of the negative, dense energy created from their control systems.

As long as we allow the archoncontrollecl governments and

religions to suppress our vibration using fear tactics, we will
have great diiculty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure
re way to shut down our vortex of creation and turn us into
impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As
long as our vibration is kept low we will be docile pawns in
the hands of the new world order desired by the archons.

Of course the answer to not fear is to raise our vibration by not

being afraid of anything, What good will that do anyway?
Once we align with our vortex of creation and see our power
as innite consciousness, all fear {and the archon is promoting
fear) will dissipate and the world will change.

The spirit of light

By raising out vibration, any anger or hive mind attacks

that surround us will necessarily disappear since, again, a
low vibrational energy cannot co-exist with high vibrational
energy. This is such an important concept it is worth repeating
a hundred times until we grasp it. It is similar to the idea
that whatever we are thinking and feeling we will attract in
our life, though I believe understanding how to raise our
vibration is a much more power of truth when it comes to
manifesting our desires.

They can create mind control programs to directly affect humans via television,
radio, internet, magazines and newspapers, education, pharmaceutical, health,
finance, computer games, music, and advertising.

Control of mass media to amalgamate individual thought patterns into a hive

mind: Electronic media, particularly TV, has played an integral role in
engineering consent and subverting individual reasoning. Robert Shea and
Robert Anton Wilson provide a concise summation 0F this form ofcontrolz
A monoploy on the means of commumtatian may dene a ruling elite
more precisely than the celebrated Marxian formula of monopoly on
the means of production. Since man extends his nervous system
through channels of communication like the written word, the tele-
phone, radio, etc.,
He who controls these media controls part of the
nervous system of every member of society
The contents of these media become part of the contents of every individuals brain (Shea 86
Wilson, p. 796, 1975). Immersed within the surrogate realities provided by electronic media,
human consciousness is unied in a somewhat diffuse hive mind.

The All Seeing Seeing Eye above the unfinished pyramid, the ultimate end of
society governed by scientism?

Indeed. war is peace.

The peace afforded for the technocracy at the expense of others shall mean perpetualwar
for the rest of humanity

The Bible speaks of just such a time:

For when they shall say. Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh
upon them, as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape (1
Thessalonians 5:3)

lt is central to the occult Darwinian doctrine of the ruling class

The citizens of the global scientific dictatorshop shall hear talk of peace, but she shall
see nothing but war. This is because war is integral to the evolutionary script
that the elite have written for humanity. lt is central to the occult Darwinian doc-
trine of the ruling class.

The elites occult Darwinian doctrine constitutes part of this l0ngterm

occult agenda and, therefore plays a signicant role in the shaping of world
events. lt is within the body politic that the Hegelian framework of the elites
evolutionary script is rangibly enacted. Thus, this portion ofthe text will examine
the geopolitical ramications of the elites long-terrn occult agenda. Having
esrablisliecl the centrality ofwnr to the World Controllers evolutionary script for

Politics have become a hidden and occult agenda driven by secrets societies behinds close doors

Politic has become a cartel of secret societies (they replacing th democracy) and very few people
knowing what they planning for humans. Ordinary people are no longer a part of this. There is no lo
nger a democracy for people, instead there is technocracy (this is the political pole shift from dem
ocracy to technocracy).

The masses are trapped in the matrix and are not given any information

C.Wright Mills claims that members of the masses are captive in their own environment. Only the
elite can go beyond the environment in which it is located, as long as the mass community preva
ils. Only the elite of societys command posts reaches a general overview. In contrast to the elite, th
e mass lacks a viewpoint from which it can overlook the social structure as a whole. The members
of the masses are not organized for coordinated political action.

Secrets societies, elitism, technocracy, the new scientific dictatorship=a social engineer and sci
ences ability to control everything right.
Elitism associated with it is a social engineer and sciences ability to control everything right. Techn
ocracy is also based on the idea that those who have the best scientifically best knowledge, withou
t being politicians, will have political power in a State.

The combination of scientism and elitism means or gives a gentleman who is usually called social
engineer, a man have faith in sciences ability to steer things right and believes that the good societ
y can always be administered in the front. But it also requires changes on both human and society.
Scientisten has an elitist view of human beings based on that the experts should govern.

The big question os; Is it possible to reconcile a scientific dictatorship with a democracy?

It stops probably at that scientists becomes elitist in his scientism. The position of the scientist who
sees his task not just to explain the world without also altering it, thus becomes quite inevitably, re
presentative of an elitist view of human beings. He does not see the humans as either a passive or
active entity. He is acting based on a view of human beings where he sees; a few people lawma
kers, teachers, writers with social ideals that very active subject and many people masses as
very passive .


Developement of convergent technologies programs: This is the most promising

area of the elites research to create a hive mind. Through these programs,
the Technocracy intends to eventually download human consciousness
into a computer-based network. Within this electronic matrix, the
individual will be subsumed by a psychocognitive singularity.

A new machine- religiosity, a blind worshipping and use of the technology

There is an unpublished material on the Folke Fridells criticism of the modern machine civilization:

He expresses; The indirect democracy has indirectly created a vacuum around the individual, who
se position must be considered as rather helpless rather than equal. This vacuum was not somethi
ng that came out of the modern technology, but was linked with an uncritical new god-technology
-worship, a new machine- religiosity.

For todays latest generation of people has grown up with this matrix and have nothing else to com
pair with.

Todays generation is the only one that grows up with technology as a designer of human so
cial activities. It is also the only generation where the self sounds shaped and created base
d on digital everyday activities and habits in social media.

He who controls these media controls part of the nervous system of every member of soc

There is big risk human will lose their identity in this global world brain matrix without contro
l and without critical thinking and without creativity, and at least the lost of their own ultimat
e concern (their higher meaning and purpose with their lifes, or the lost of their true-self.

Humans brains and their nervous system has become a part of todays technology and medi
a, what will happen if a longer powerbreak for weeks starts

Harry Martinsson space-epic Aniara worshippimg a all-knowing computer

Harry Martinsson describes this particular worship in his space-epic Aniara, where the people abo
ard the craft worship Miman (which increasingly retrospectively regarded as a goddess), a kind of a
ll-knowing computer, possibly divine, which captures fragments of thoughts and pics in space, whi
ch serves as the entertainment and spiritual food for the hungry onboard. Technocracy is describe
d in a similar way with words; the Orwellian society and space-epic Aniara brings together a new pi
cture of an electronic Panopticon-Miman in Aniara, described as a sort of all-knowing computer
and an Orwellian society ruled by a invisible face and comprehensive complex controlled by bure
aucracies with a technocratic ideology.

The word virtual means ostensibly existing

The common designation for the modern virtual reality (virtual means seemingly existing).

The virtual does not express the reality as it is, but conveyed only in bits per second. The explanati
on for the apparent is described as; replacing the whole experience of the 25 million bits a second
from a beautiful landscape with equivalent to 25 million bits a second from the same province.

There is good reason to question science how technology will affect human ability to perceive reali
ty in a coherent and understandable way when man loses the knowledge of the world when it sele
cts a level above another.

The information society is approaching and promises to alleviate many of the pains of capitalism h
as caused the people; poor working conditions, ruined health and devastated environment. But the
information society is threatening another danger: the lack of information.

It is a society in which most peoples work entirely takes place via the languages low bandwidth. T
his development can be summarized in these words: man has climbed down to a lower bandwidt
h. ..//medvetandet, feed on a few bits per second. ..//det is like fast food: almost nothing to melt
, no bone and fibers to dispose of on the road. ..//livet become a strenuous attempt to get higher
up in the tree on the basis of a bit of information from one screen. ..//the working process is no lo
nger contains an abundance of details and sensuality, but just a big dry and parched minimal food
/nutrition of information, which must arrayed in exformation to be meaningful. ..//the problem is
no one are longer travelling in the real terrain, but just sitting and paving out roads on a map //
therefore it becomes difficult to formulate their needs through the low bandwidth of the language.

Humans also get less and less information whats happening in their society and democracy (techn
ocracy). Secret societities has replaced the democracy.The partcipants on these meetings cant sp
eak with journalists and journalists cant report from these meetings the symbol for a close matrix
working in darkness and with a hiddeen face. This virtual terrain or virtual reality is a seemingly exi
sting or ostensibly existing in a lower bandwidth.

Technological developments are creating finished solutions presented on a computer screen with
out the human need to consider.

Machines can not be as human beings, but people can gradually become like machines

In the last part of his book Mind over Machine, author Dreyfus states that it is the view of what a h
uman is separating him from the AI metaphysics. He claims that man has no fixed nature but is de
termined based on his duties, interests, and what she really wants with her life, her ultimate concer
n. The computer, on the other hand, has a fixed nature, and it has no utmost interest. Therefore, it c
an not be like a human, but people can eventually become like machines.
In Karel Capeks drama R.U. R describes the author to the robots eventually rebel against the peopl
e, then the robots become aware that they do not know the secret of their own creation. But the la
st man as they try to lure out the secret feel to it. Is this science fiction hypothesis an expression for
the robots is missing an inherited role to play, but which in humans expresses itself as the meaning
of life to find out what it would do? The robot does not have this extreme interest and has no ultim
ate concern.

Let the Computer decide for you.

In an American newspaper, it says; Let the Computer decide for you. Here, the message speaks o
f many peoples dreams that the machines will take over the heavy and human routine work-freein
g man as from what is described as human being to work in their sweat. They have probably not fol
lowed the thought of its ultimate consequence; that the machines have taken over all the decision
s and hence the will and creativity of the people completely out of order. What happens to the hu
man ability to formulate new issues and new problems, when people are increasingly evolving agai
nst answering machines that receive ready-made solutions, where electronic agents and servers t
hink, choose and plan peoples everyday lives to an increasing extent?

The danger is not that it appears over-intelligent computers, but under-intelligent people, as the
author expresses.

The big dream seems to be able to create a thinking machine

The big dream seems to be able to create a thinking machine to be able to construct an artificial
brain according to the same principles that can be found in the brains nervous system. It seems th
at there exists an ancient, almost alchemical longing of man to make it exist. An artificial brain cou
ld use other than biochemical structures to achieve the same goal. A new contest poses new quest
ions that require new answers that are not taken from yesterdays society.

The artificial brain The World Computer Brain

The artificial brain, artificial intelligence and artificial morality mean that man has constructed mach
ines, but not equipped with the ability to distinguish between themselves and the world. It is artifici
al life that is being created and constructed, which has huge storage space with information no on
e can imagine the extent of. They are getting life. Therefore, the unbridled new life forms are sprea
d in them. What is happening in society and with man about the artificial may become the rule for
how the outside world should be perceived? Is life then also perceived on the basis of an artificial v
iew, as a form of imitation or worse copy of reality?
Now that we are on the precipice of a shift in human consciousness,
we are aware of what has happened and we are able to make conscious decisions
to break free from the programming.

Like Morpheus said in The Matrix: Its like a splinter in your mind,
driving you mad.

Morpheus, The Matrix

The matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy.

Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the
people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a
part of that system, and that makes them our enemy Most of
these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are
so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to
protect it.

They grok instinctively that the message will have lost a great deal of its purity
by being filtered down to us through the various media channelsi.e., the matrix
but appreciate that the essence, miraculously, has survived intact. This essence might be
reduced to three basic facts or acceptances:

1) This world is a prison a dream world woven out of our own thoughts,
dreams, fears, and desires in order to blind us to the truth of ourselves.

2) We are slaves. We have no more say in our choices, our lives, and our
destinies, than does cattle that is herded, or chickens in their coop. We are
at the mercy of forces we cannot even begin to comprehend, forces that
denitely do not have our welfare at heart.

3) Humanity is a food source, and the world as we know it is simply the

elaborate, intricate mechanism by which we are distracted from this fact:
that the world is a farm, and we are the livestock. All our dreams then, are
dreams of meat, on its way to being eaten.

Artificial intelligence has at last successfully infiltrated the human


The desire to dominate and control our environment is a desire

that humans alone of all the animals possess.

Humans have become unwittingly enslaved to the dark,

destructive agenda of this world. Exactly as in The Matrix!

Once again, the crux of the error here, the nature of this
rebellion, and the essence of our damnation or fall from grace (if
such they are), lie in the strange capacity of humans to project
their desires, hopes, fears, and beliefs outward, to seek meaning
outside of themselves rather than in the only place where meaning
might logically be foundwithin. By neglecting and denying the
inner processes of the psyche and soul, and focusing exclusively
on the outer achievements of mind and body, we have effectively
stripped existence of all meaning, purpose, value, and yes, reality.

The Gatekeepers are the rulers or Archons of the matrix dream

world. They are the embodiments of the Artificial Intelligence
which humanity has created.

The matrix is the pit. The rabbit hole. The Cave, The labyrinht:
The mental mind prison of mind and the Matrix is the prison guard
and the Gatekeepers are the Archons. the dark lords helpers,
who humanity imprisoned within the pit. Gangstalkers are these dark entities
gatekeepers and using all form of door slamming or sound harassment you to
keep you away from the freedom.

Thats why gangstalkers living in a illusion and are police patrolling the streets
or security patrolling, or walking around with their hands behind the back.

The matrix provides humatons with something invaluable: illusion.

Life in the matrix gets more secure with every passing hour,
as the prison becomes smaller and more confining, and
accordingly, humatons become more passive and docile.
Ironically, humatons associate this process with an ever more
privileged lifestyle, and love to talk about an age of luxury just
around the corner.

Between bureaucracy and a faulty system, you can feel your soul dimming,
your mind numbing, and your heroic side perishing. You become forgetful and anxious,
a Stockholm Syndrome victim to a passive aggressive kismet.

The State of Sweden or Swedes has gangstalking me for over 6 years, and during this time I have r
eqognized a common thing; the lust to infiltrate your life, integrity, privacy, social domain, even you
r sleep and dreams. This type of infiltration and revealing psychology taking place everywhere. Wh
o controlling the Swedes or what make them acting in infiltrated way, almost like a cult trying to ta
ke over your life or mind? Have this matrix eaten up the Swedes minds?
Cults, the matrix, gangstalking,

During the 6 years they have been gangstalking I have notice many simlarities cults, gangstalking a
nd the matrixhumans are entrapped in. If you trying to get free from the matrix they working in sam
e way if a member trying to leave a cult.

Cult-ure is called just that for a reason. Its pretty blatant nomenclature. Merriam-Webster defines c
ulture as the following:

: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

: a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

: a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)

There I live in Gothenburg in Sweden, people acting like they are driven by some form of a cult me
ntality. They acting in a strange and manipulated way everywhere, and they acting in infiltrated min
d gaming way, and they invading your privacy, integrity. People ACTING in a manipulated way ever
ywhere, outdoors, food stores, pharmacies, on the street, social service trying to gaslighting you an
d so on. It almost feels like people are driven by something similar to a nazi-gestapo society

In a mind control cult like in Nazi Germany you must be careful of what you say and do; The walls
have ears. Everyone is encouraged to watch out for struggling brothers and sisters and report wh
at they see to leadership. Often information given in deepest confidence is automatically reported t
o leadership. Cult leaders will then use this information to convince their members that they have a
supernatural link, the trusting member does not suspect the very natural mechanism behind the su
pernatural revelations they are given.

People in a mind control cult will also hide their true thoughts and feelings, and instead wear a mas
k which presents them as a perfect cult member. This mask is a defense against being reported to l
eadership and being punished for not measuring up (cult members never feel like they measure u
p to the cults ideals, and yet often believe the other members around them do, when in reality the
others feel the same as them). Hence cult members are trained not only to deceive outsiders, but a
lso to deceive their fellow cult members. (People trying to deceiving, gaslighting you, mirroring, bra
inwashing, mind controlling you and ostrasized you 24/7)

Mind control cults keep their members so busy with meetings and activities that they become too
busy and too tired to think about their involvement.

Time control also helps the cult keep their members immersed in the manufactured cult environm

And time control helps keep cult members away from friends and family.

The State of Sweden transmit chorus songs into my apartment and playing music chorus like; W
e control the sunlight

Fear is the force that drives a cult (Sweden have been using scaremongering tactics for over 6 year
s now). They even lock up my apartment door during the night to make you scared and feel unsafe
or unsecured.

Cults know that if they can control your relationships then they can control you (same in gangstalki
Cults also try to cut you off from your friends and family because they hate others being able to infl
uence you (same in gangstalking, no support system)

A mind control cult will seek to manoeuvre your life so as to maximize your contact with cult mem
bers and minimize your contact with people outside the group, especially those who oppose your i

Those who control the information control the person. In a mind control cult any information from o
utside the cult is considered evil, especially if it is opposing the cult. Members are told not to read it
or believe it.

Gangstalking controlling people, if they can control your sleep they control your life. They manip
ulate software programs and manipulate music files and changing the speed and even mixing with
the sound from low to high.

The principle behind the game of cults goes like this. If any ideology or belief system is injected
with critical emotion, say for example 1,000,000 people, it becomes a reality and a living matrix.

The more the people believe, the more aggressive the matrix becomes. The cults become an e
ntity as a Collective Consciousness in the minds of the believers powered by their emotion. The
more passion the people inject in the cult, the more powerful the matrix becomes. The moment
there is no emotion or passion in the cult, the matrix becomes an illusion. The main objective of
rituals and ceremonies, conventions or gatherings, is to charge the cult with emotions periodic
ally, like euphorism, sadism, hate, aggression or peace. The matrix of any ideologies or culls live
s by the faith of the believers in the ideology. It is a number game; the more the people believe
and buy into it, the more powerful it becomes. Same thing will happen if you try to leave or bre
ak free from the daily brainwashing matrix.

Gangstalking is more advanced than cults and using tons of methods.

ll is a rare organization or leader that can say, Thank you for joining us for the time you did. We
now trust your decision to move on, and we wish you well. Instead, when yot| tell such anorgan
ization you are leaving, or you leave without telling them, l he group calls in its heavies aritl doe
s everything in its power to force you to stay. Some religions practice shunning and treat you lik
e a criminal or a nobody if you start lo stray. Other cults will hound you for years with letters, ph
one calls, visits, and threats. if you want to assess the level of health of an organization, study h
ow it deals with those who leave (same with gangstalking, crowd invading, people running ever
where, door-slamming, cars, barking dogs, sirens, honking hornes, subtle threats, firecrackers, l
oud musis, drum beats).

The modern definition of a mind control cult refers to all groups that use mind control and the dev
ious recruiting techniques

The modern definition of a mind control cult is any group which employs mind control and decepti
ve recruiting techniques. In other words cults trick people into joining and coerce them into staying.
This is the definition that most people would agree with. Except the cults themselves of course!

Guilt, Character Assassination and Breaking Sessions. Guilt will be used to control you. Character A
ssassination is used to help create the guilt in you. Character Assassination is a type of false reasoni
ng used by people and groups who have no real arguments. The technical name for Character Ass
assination is The Ad hominem Fallacy.

For instance, city vehicles, postal vehicles, re trucks, school buses, and taxis are reportedly stalkin
g people. Construction projects encircle a targeted persons home and also spring up at frequently
visited places. Utility companies interrupt service. Local businesses provide poor service, appear in
competent or clumsy and work with
civilian informants to harass targeted people in their stores.

Here is a perfect example how the State of Sweden using trucks, postal vehicles, city vehicles or ot
her transport vehicles with same colors in their gangstalking. Here is four examples of vehicles and
all have the same color, and all are participants in gangstalking. Gangstalking is about anchoring an
d chaining. Then the anchoring become a chaining process (see next image). Cults are using same
colors, and gangstalkers also using same colors. To sensitizing you even more the State of Sweden
airstalking you with helicopters and they play sirens for hours every day indoors and outdoors, and
children walking around and imitating the sound of siren.

The anchoring process with senstizing your brain and mind can begin wit cars in same colors, and t
hen used for chaining with cloths in same color or as in Sweden same hair color.
Same color as Blucifer and the Blue Star Lucifer The Star of Sirius.

First they gangstalking you with blue cars and then they give you a employment as a postman in s
ame company (second image to the right Postnord Postal Service), and the problems start imme
diately. They dont have working cloths, so you have to wear some of your own jacket in the middle
of winter. A lot of the post was incorrectly sorted, so you have to run up and down in the stairs.
Everytime I walking outdoors to exercise, visit a shop or market, pharmacy, social service, or somet
hing else people acting in a gangstalking manner, your social secretary in social service trying to g
aslighting you, if you start up with some form of working project the envirorment and working tasks
are manipulated to affect you, and during this time a helicopter airstalking you, if you get a job by t
he employment agency in a government company as a postman they airstalking you, they mixing
with the post so you must run up and down in the stairs, and they even get a work on Siriusgatan (T
he Street of Sirius of all streets The symbol for the Blue Star Lucifer and the Blue horse Blucifer).
This is how they working with these methods in Sweden.
The Blue Star Sirius

This weird psychology mind gaming process is the most weird of all process and going on 24/7 in
Sweden in differents ways when you leaving your home and going outside.

Children are now participating in the Gang Stalking oftargeted people. lnfants too, are dressed in c
olors that targets have been sensitized to. They are used as a billboard for symbolism, as theyre pa
raded around by their parents who encircle targets in public. As demonstrated, after a target has b
een alerted that theyre being watched, this color
essentially acts as a uniform and a weapon. Later as the infants can walk and communicate theyre
used in other types of Staged Events (Street Theatre). Even at young ages, these children are able t
o understand how to perform these skits. This program appears to be multigenerational, for both ta
rgeted people and the stalkers. Reportedly, entire families are now participating in patrols (Gang St
alking). Similarly, according to the book, The File, by Timothy Ash, sometimes entire families were r
ecruited as lMs in East Germany. At this point we dc-nt know exactly

To sensitizing you even more they play sirens for hours every day. They transmit these sound into y
our apartment, and they even using children for this purpose. These children can sit outside your w
indow and babbling non-stop, or they can walk outside your window and just high-pitch screaming
hysterical for hours, and some of them walking around and imitating and making sound of sirens, ot
her can bouncing a basketball for 2-3 hours outside your window, another can drive a mini-motorc
ycle in circles for hours everyday outside your window, and they starts and turn off the engine cons

I have observing these (cults or matrix driven people) and these gangstalking behaviors in Sweden
for over 6 years now. Just now and while I am writing this text a helicopter flew around my apartme
nt. An another neighbor starts hitting in the floor.

Think of the works of Franz Kafka, The wall and Kafka labyrinth. When you leaving your home peop
le seems just waiting to start acting in a strange manipulated or in a fake constructed manner (a for
m of psychological street theater by behaving/acting weird).

Gangstalking including a form of psychological street theater with words

Street theater is common in gangstalking, but this street theater is also including a form psychologi
cal street theater with words when people speaking in a manipulated manner to affect you, to sens
itize you, to mind control you in some way, or to create or induce a feeling of infiltration/spying on
your life. When you reading and learn more about how this matrix works; it is like they trying to crea
te a form of a shadow (shadowing) that is stalking you in public domains, shops, or neighbors shado
wing your in your apartment, or mindstalking you.

Cults trying to take over other lifes and gangstalking trying do the same

In an Archon-ruled universe, we are all outlaws who dont even know it.

How to handle or fight the archons; We fight the (Archons-Ancle Biters) like the ancient Gnostics di
d: with knowledge, wisdom, and detachment.

To be in the world and not of it

Bible verses about this Matrix or pattern in Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Jesus tells His followers, You do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world (
John 15:19). He also says the disciples are not of the world any more than I am of the world (John 1

The ankle biters (Archons) are not going to give up easily, and they are already fighting back with
everything they have. Their increased frequency and intensity of attacks on lightworkers and ca
sual meditators alike reveals their desperation. They have been weakened by the generally risin
g consciousness on the planet and they are very dangerous, like an animal backed into a corner.

In order for the plan to remove their influence from human consciousness to work, we need an
army of lightworkers expanding their Inner Divine Light and acting as Galactic Conduits, piercin
g the dark control grid full of holes that allow tremendous light to stream into the earth. If we c
an do our part here on the ground, the non-incarnated members of the Forces of Light will be able
to make the final move and strip away the dark control grid from this planet, resulting in an instant
uplifting of all life on Earth.

I cant emphasize strongly enough how important this step is in our planetary ascension. This da
rk control grid has been corrupting and stifling human consciousness for many, many millennia. W
hen it is removed along with the ankle biters, it will be like an instant consciousness expansion for
every person on the planet. Imagine everyone suddenly being free of the dark side of human nat
ure so that the true glory of loving human consciousness can expand within the hearts and minds
of everyone on Earth.

Unplugging From The Matrix Of Duality

Our healing journey begins by freeing ourselves from the

conditioned, duality-based, socio-economic-cultural-
religious belief system Matrix of this 3 dimension that
has enslaved our psyche and soul for so many lifetimes.

The psyche is the delicate instrument of communication

between your soul and your human personality. How we
have used our personal energy, power, and will in
fulfilling our desires or denying them becomes stored in
our psyche, which in turn inuences the activity of the

Old Programmed Limiting DNA Codes (2 Strand)

1. False Beliefs that are fear- based, created for

humanity to conform to controlled social
standardsfstructures, religions, and limiting belief
systems that are designed to tell you what to do, what
to believe, by presenting a false and limited cosmology
of creation. Belief in the nature of good and evil.
Duality based thinking and beliefs.

2. Fearing God, to fear God, a projected male authority

figure sitting on a throne who will punish antl chastise
you for going against His will.

3. Fear of Exploring our sensual, sexual side freely

without guilt, shame, or fear.

4. Belief that money is not spiritual. Poverty and

humility are the ways to God.

5. Women are less than men. Over-attachment to

gender identification, role playing, etc.

6. Giving your power away to spiritual or religious

authority figures who will save you. Victim
consciousness. The belief that you have to give up a
part of your self and your personal fulfillment to be
worthy of being loved by someone else or God.

7. Fear of Death. The belief that we have to get sick

and die. The death gene. The belief that we are this
physical body. Identification with the body as the
primary life force. Ignorance that the soul is the Living
Breathing Entity keeping the physical body

8. That we have to suffer in order to experience bliss.

9. Judging others and ourselves.

10. Conforming to current trends, fashion, and

continuously feeding the consumer industry. lhe
feeling of never having enough, wanting more. The
belief that buying more or having more makes you

11. Marriage Code and breeding children.

Over identification with Gender. I am a woman or I am
a Man. (Polarities Left brain male and right brain female).
You are a soul.

12. The belief that we have to work hard in order to be


13. The illusion of ownership and the consumer

industries manipulation of the pressure to constantly
purchase more products, consume, have the latest,
greatest, more, and the need to create more debt.

14. I have to work hard to feel worthy, I have to

compete to be successful.

15. Obsession with external image, outer phenomena,

anything to keep you distracted from your inner self,
and inner world.

I6. You cant have pleasure without pain.

17. Addiction to lower emotions such as fear, anger,

greed, hate, jealousy, envy, etc.

18. Obsession with violence, the need to be superior,

attachment to rigid belief systems, and dying for those

19. There is lack in the world, and some can have

while others just cant have.

20. Addiction to sex and substance abuse, to keep you

stuck in lower charkas.

21. Over-dependency on external stimuli.

22. Reacting to the dark shadow side of existence and

giving it power.

As we begin to awaken and activate our soul purpose, these

old DNA codes begin lo have less power and oneS soul
evolution is greatly accelerated. This is when the activation
of the 5 dimensional light body begins to transform the
inner core of your true more limited identity, as you
gradually evolve beyond the illusions of this projected 3
and 4 dimension.

Jeremiah 31:22 3 dimensional man and 4 dimensional wo

A woman shall compass a man. Mathematically, a woman can encompass a man. Man cannot co
mpass a woman, for he is only a three- God-Man: The Word Made Flesh line creature, while she is f
our. Therefore, four is able to compass, or contain within its radius, three. Woman may be represent
ed by the square (four lines) .
There is a interesting connection to do between Mary Mag
dalene and Jeremiah 31:22 A Woman will encompass a

There is a interesting connection to do

between Mary Magdalene and Jeremiah
31:22 A Woman will encompass a man
There is a interesting connection to do between Mary Magdalene and
Jeremiah 31:22 A Woman will encompass a man There is a interesting
connection to do between Mary Magdalene and Jeremiah 31:22 A Woman
will encompass a man Man is only three (3) dimensions. Dimension means
line. The human body as well as Continue reading

Peter Horttanainen

Mary Magdalene served as the matrix and generator of the Light in the above that the men went o
ut to extend,
and the rst apostle and Holy Bride was the center of the matrix of the light- transmission. And so s
he is to this very day. Mary Magalene was called the illuminator.

The ratio of height to width of this intersection is the square root of three, its closest approximation
being the ratio of 265/153=1.73203. This ratio was abbreviated to the number 153. It represents the
union of two equals, spirit and matter joined. The measure of the fish is also ealled The Matrix (T
he Mother). The shape of the vesica piscis, also called the mandorla or almond shape. Mary Magda
lene also means Amygdala and when the amygdala starts to heal it begins produce or illuminate l
ight, and when this process start the third eye slowly begins to open up. So Mary Magdalene mea
ns the creation of light vesica piscis.
The ancient Greek mathematicians described the vesica piscis as the womb, or the doorway lo lif

The corpus callosum is the bridge between the two halves of the brain (hemisphere. A lesson conc
erning what goes on in the human mind and how one may escape the bondage of the lowerthoug
ht patterns that originate in the left hemisphere. We focus on passover as the significant text as it d
escribes a movement away from bondage to a new existence termed the promised land. PASSOV
ER TO A NEW MIND Each one of us must pass over. We
must take part in an Exodus of the mind and away from the things that have kept us in bondage to
fear. Exodus away from sickness, and death, and violence, to a new consciousness. A new mind, a
new way of living. If the Bible story is symbolic of what goes on within each of us, then we must car
efully fit the pieces together in what really is the Passover Puzzle. The pieces of our search will con
tain ancient texts , the Bible etc, Scientific discovery , and of
course astronomical phenomena. This also known as the possover, the seder, the christ mind.

Jeremiah 31:22 A Woman will encompass a man

Jesus, the doorway and the nous

Jesus talkes about a doorway or the nous in Luke 24:45

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.

John 10:9

Truly, truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep.

John 10:9
I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pas

Philippians 4:7-9

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds i
n Christ

The amygdala is the heart chakra of the brain, and amydala comes from Mary Magdalene

When it starts open the whole brain starts to become healed.

There is a interesting connection to do between Mary Magdalene and Jeremiah 31:22 A Woman
will encompass a man.

Man is proved to be a three dimensional creature by physiology; and woman is the fourth dimensio
n, by the same means of proof. Woman may be represented by the square (four lines) . Man may b
e represented by the triangle (three lines).

It is portal or entrance to the femine qualities in right brain (4 dimensional

The amygdala (Mary Magdalene) is part of the portal to the feminine entrance to the third eye, fo
und att the back of the brain. When it opens, the third eye starts to open up slowly and softly. The a
mygdala is the heart of the brain. When it opens, the whole brain starts to become healed, as light
and love radiates from the amygdala to the other brain centers.

There must be a door, gate, portal between a 3 dimensional world view and up to a 4 dimensional
world view. And this door or gate is what separate the earthly world from the heavenly world.

If the amygdala is affected by fear it cant open this doorway or gate. If the amygdala is unhealed a
n affected by a fear-based culture or consciouness it cant support the pineal gland (third eye to op
en). If the brain or mind is trapped in duality and not a healed oneness these mind doors cant be o

Jesus says:

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and hel
p you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, pre
sent your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

John 14:27

Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do
not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.
2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The
one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Isaiah 43:1

But now, this is what the Lord saysFear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name
; you are mine.

Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, fo
r the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Psalm 91:1-16

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the L
ord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.He will cover you with his feathers, and
under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear t
he terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the
plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, bu
t it will not come near youFor he will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your wa
ysBecause he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my
name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and ho
nor him

Philippians 4:7-9

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds i
n Christ

The nous is the mind in the heart

The nous is the mind in the heart, that centre of intelligence which
includes intuition and sensibility within its compass. it is the subject
of a profoundly significant teaching given in The Gospel of Mary

Entire Magdalene gospel text in our recent book, The Secret

Teachings of Mary Magdalene. This made all clear, and revealed
what the nous truly is. In the Mary gospel, Jesus speaks of it as the
point between the soul and the spirit. It connects our head and our
heart-centres via the antahkaranah, the rainbow bridge which links
heaven and earth, but it is centred in the heart. If we remember that
the soul is the first, pristine body of the indwelling spirit (it has to
be kept pristine) the spirit that is the little spark which has come
down to earth to learn to grow into a fully fledged spiritual being
(an apt description, because we do develop wings] we can
understand that they are virtually one. But they are not quite one
until the mystical marriage has taken place, which can only happen
after soul ascension has been accomplished.

We find our way home to our spirit through Our soul. This is why it is so vital to
nurture our soul, according it high honour and ministering to it so
that we might find our way to the Source, the spirit.
Therefore the nous does lie in the soul (The eye of the vision
is in the soul, lines 23, p.1, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene], but
it is also the connecting point between the soul and the spirit, the
magical threshold and doorway. That is why Jesus tells us, Where
the nous is, diere lies the treasure. (line 15, p.10, The Gospel of
Mary Magdalene). Nevertheless, we ourselves have to make the
connection; we have to marry the soul and the spirit via our own
aspiration and free will. lt is a procedure we must initiate it is not
done for us. when at last the soul opens the magical doorway and
fully admits the light of the spirit, then we become fully human.

Your Third Eye and Pineal Gland Is the way out of the rab
bit hole (the matrix), the labyrinth of our body
Each color expresses a range of frequencies that fall within
specific wavelengths of radiant information. The colors of the
visible light system are just above Infrared and below Ultraviolet.
The Chakras are specifically designed to act as one level of a
tuning antenna, aligned with a note on the scale of seven. They
intercept specific wavelengths of energy containing radiant
information and bring that information down into the density of the
body structure to utilize.

Additionally, more refined tuning occurs at the molecular level,

as genetic receptors receive information at an even greater level
of vibration frequency.

The spin rate of the Chakras is a part of the fine tuning of this
system. The higher chakras spin faster than the lower ones. There
is a direct relationship between each individual chakra center and
the specic ranges of energy within the human creation Matrix.
The chakra is the interface point the energetic organ linking
various aspects of the physical body to its non-physical
counterpartsi.e. the Matrix Grid.

It is through this interface that the reality of the human

experience becomes apparent. The human being is not the
individual and independent being as we peroeive. The body is
connected to one level of an interlocking series of grids. These
grids, having seven sections or sets of vibrations, with seven
levels of knowledge in each section, are ranges of experience
referred to as Dimensions.

Only the Root, Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra are able to
access and receive energies from the Higher Self. Any other
Chakra can receive these energies only after they have been
filtered through one of these three Chakras.

The light 0f the body is the eye, if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of l
This eye is the tunnel to All-that-is and it functions within our brain, connecting spirit, mind
and body. Is the way out of the rabbit hole (the matrix), the labyrinth of our body.

Platos Allegory of The Cave is a illustration of the dark rabbit hole, the Kafka labyrinth with w
alls and mirrors everywhere to blocking out the real reality from you. Mirrors blocking out the re
ality in same way a Narcissus Self-image does. It just reflecting back same image, not the deep
er soul-image of your true self. Humans are entrapped in this matrix, rabbit hole or the cave.

In the beginning of this post you read about this; 11 ways how they hindering you from find your
true self. The whole capitalism is built on keeping humans down in the lower chakra levels, so y
ou always will be hungry after more, desire more, more of same, in same cycle of consumtion. I
n fact this is same rules as for disaster capitalism (creating war and weather manipulation for a
example). In same way human living in a form of dissatisfaction industry
Disaster capitalism (wars and weather manipulation) and dissatisfaction industry keeps nations, so
cieties, humans down in a struggle after more or after freedom). They making money on wars and t
hey making money on human dissatisfaction, so I have to work hard to feel worthy, I have to comp
ete to be successful. And it is good for the business if the Pineal Gland will be unactivated and that
s why they poisoning the water with flouride.

Your spirit is your strength

Your spirit is your strength, your help in distress. You may be shaken, but you will ncvcr fall. The
waters around you may rage, but you will have a strong foundation. The spring of life will bring
forth streams of gold. Your spirit is in the midst of that zenith and will never be shaken. Even
though the world is full of suffering, you do not have to be a part of that. Your fundation shall
be strong and your spirit shall stand with you.

From duality to ONENESS

Guard Your Mind from Garbage

The second thing to learn in this battle for the mind is guarding your mind from garbage. The old cl
ich from the early days of the computer ,garbage in/garbage out is still true today. If you put
bad data into a computer, you will get bad results out. If you put mental garbage into your mind, yo
u will get garbage out in your life. Proverbs 15:14: A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the
fool feeds on trash (NLT).

Proverbs 10:14 says, Wise men store up knowledge (not money)(NIV).

Proverbs 18:15 (icb) says, The mind of a smart person is eager to get knowledge [thats a mark of in
telligence!], and the wise person listens to learn more. We need to be eager to learn and willing to
listen. Learn this old clich: God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as m
uch as we speak. Proverbs 10:14 says, Wise men store up knowledge (NIV).

In Scripture, knowledge is the only thing we are supposed to store up. Jesus says we are not to stor
e up money. Dont store up treasure. Dont store up material possessions where moth and rust deca
y. But store up knowledge because knowledge is far more important than money. You can always
get more money, but knowledge is something you are going to take with you to heaven. You will le
ave all your material wealth behind, but a wealth of knowledge goes with you.

The Bible says Wise men store up knowledge ( Proverbs 10:14 NIV ). And heres Proverbs 19:8: Wh
oever gets sense loves his own soul; he who keeps understanding will discover good. We must m
ake time to think. Plan it in your life. Strategize for a balance between doing and thinking. We need
both of them in our lives.
We need to learn knowledge. God says in Hosea 4:6, My people are destroyed for lack of knowle
dge. When we dont know the Word of God, we can be destroyed.
Isaiah 26:3 says, You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in
you. Your mental state depends on what you think about. Keep your mind fixed on the Word of Go
d, the mind of God, the convictions of God, the character of God, and the skills of God.

3,4. The miraculously provided rnannaoi the wilderness is called

spiritual meal because it came as bread from heavemandnot as
common bread which is a product oi nature. All is used
each time to contrast the nal outcome as in verse 5, describing
their apostasy after such divine benefits. The spiritual drink was the
waterfromthe smitten rock (see Ex. 11:6), called spiritual because
it was supernaturally provided: Both the meat and the drink were
typical of Christ who followed and attended them. Rabbinical tra-
ditions are attached by some older commentators, among them-
(1) that the rock which was smitten by Moses followed the Israelites
in all their wanderings and continually furnished them a supply of
water; (2) others conjectured that the stream from the rock followed

We need to become great, godly dreamers. Proverbs 29:18 says, Where there is no prophetic visio
n the people cast off restraint. The word vision relates to dreaming. It means a kind of revelation,
a vision from God. And where theres not this vision, this God-directed dreaming, the people cast o
ff restraint literally, they get out of control. When we do not have an overarching vision or drea
m or goal for our lives, our lives are out of control. What we need today are great dreamers.

My prayer is that Acts 2:17 will be true in your life and in your church: And in the last days it shall be
, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall pro
phesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

The only difference between an innovator and anybody else is not that the innovator sees more th
an what everybody else sees but that he asks questions that nobody else does. Perhaps the bigge
st limitation on your growth and your ministry to others is your imagination. God cannot fulfill your d
ream if you dont have one. God cannot bless your vision if you dont have his vision for your life. Go
d cannot help you reach a goal if you dont have a goal.

A goal is a kind of statement of faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God ( Hebrews 11:6), an
d whatever does not proceed from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). The Bible says that according to yo
ur faith be it done to you (Matthew 9:29). And when we set goals, we are saying, God, I believe you
want me to accomplish this with your help by this time. I am challenging you. I am daring you. I am be
gging you: dream great dreams for God, and teach others to dream great dreams for God.

There are three that bear witness in heaven, the father, the word, and the holy spirit, and these
three are one. (1 John 5:7)

Interestingly enough this is the only passage in the Bible that clearly articulates the Trinity. While th
ere are other passages that may hint at the Trinity this particular passage distilled hundreds of year
s of theology by the early church into a Bible verse added into the text.

Nollpunktens Omega Foucaults parrhesiast Expertsamhllet

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