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Topical Application of Antibiotics in Primary Teeth:

An Overview
Gurusamy Kayalvizhi, BDS, MDS
Balaji Subramaniyan, BDS, MDS
Gurusamy Suganya, BDS

Root canal infections are polymicrobial in nature, consisting of both aerobic and an-
aerobic species. The successful treatment of both primary and secondary endodontic
infections involves effective eradication of the causative microorganisms during root
canal treatment procedures. Reduction and elimination of microorganisms from the
infected root canal provides optimal opportunity for treatment success. Local appli-
cation of antibiotics has been considered an effective way to deliver antibiotics. A
combination of antibiotic drugs have been tried under the concept of lesion steri-
lization and tissue repair therapy to eliminate the target bacteria, which are possible
sources of endodontic lesions. The purpose of this article is to discuss the lesion steri-
lization and tissue repair therapy technique in primary teeth.
(J Dent Child 2013;80(2):71-9)
Received October 23, 2011; Last Revision February 13, 2012; Revision Accepted
April 16, 2012.
Keywords: triple antibiotic paste, propylene glycol, endodontic micro-
flora, primary teeth, lesion sterilization

oot canal infections are polymicrobial in nature, the clinician, due to the typical primary tooth mor-
consisting of both aerobic and anaerobic species.1 phology (tortuous root canals, presence of multiple
Recently, molecular approaches have confirmed accessory canals, ramifications, and ample medullary
the existence of mixed infections with predominant bone spaces that favor dissemination of infection). In
anaerobic bacteria, in permanent as well as infected pri- addition to that, obtaining a hermetic seal is difficult
mary teeth.2,3 There is a diverse microbial profile with due to the lack of apical closure following physiologic
over 700 bacterial species and strains, over half of root resorption owing to the close proximity of the
which were uncultivated bacteria (ie, new endodontic developing permanent tooth germ to the roots of the
pathogens) detected in the oral cavity alone.4 primary teeth.5-7 A further challenge presented to the
Endodontic treatment of primary teeth with necrotic dentist in rendering effective endodontic treatment is
pulps is routinely done in dental practices. The suc- the behavior management of uncooperative children.
cessful treatment of both primary and secondary endo- Numerous measures have been described to reduce
dontic infections involves effective eradication of caus- the number of microorganisms using instrumentation
ative microorganisms during the root canal treatment techniques, irrigation regimens, and intracanal medica-
procedures. This often presents a challenging task to ments. The complexity of root canals, however, pre-
cludes complete elimination of bacteria from the root
canal system by instrumentation alone. Hence, disin-
Dr. Kayalvizhi is a reader, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive fection is deemed necessary to kill these microorganisms8.
Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry,
India; and Dr. Subramaniyan is an associate professor, Department Use of topical antibiotics in endodontics dates back
of Dentistry Sree Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, to the 1950s.6,9 Early investigators tried a combination
Puducherry, India; and Dr. Suganya is a postgraduate student, De-
partment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Krishnadevaraya College
of antibacterial drugs like Grossmans polyantibiotic
of Dental Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. paste containing penicillin, bacitracin, or chloramphe-
Correspond with Dr. Kayalvizhi at nicol and streptomycin.10 Despite its therapeutic effect,

Journal of Dentistry for Children-80:2, 2013 LSTR technique in primary teeth Kayalvizhi et al 71
it was ineffective against anaerobic species. Later, a PROTOCOL FOR PREPARATION OF 3MIX
mixture of neomycin, polymyxin, and nystatin11 was If these drugs are enteric coated, the coating can be re-
tried, but the spectra of activity were unsuitable against moved with a scalpel and pulverized using a mortar and
the commonly reported endodontic bacteria.9 Conse- pestle. Capsules can be separated and the powder
quently, both these preparations had limited efficacy as should be stored in tightly capped containers.16
intracanal medicaments. Recently, a combination of According to Takushige et al.,12 3Mix can be pre-
ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline has been pared in 2 ways: 3 Mix sealer (ie, 3Mix with canal
investigated in an effort to eliminate all bacteria from sealer) or 3Mix with MP. The authors recommended
infected root canals.12-14 1 part of ciprofloxacin added to 3 parts mino-
Local application of antibiotics is considered more cycline and 3 parts of metronidazole. For the stan-
effective than systemic administration. Because of the dard preparation, 1 part of MP should be mixed with
diverse microflora, and complexity of root canal in- 7 parts of 3Mix to get a blend that smears easily but
fections, the use of a single antibiotic might not result does not crumble. To obtain a creamy consistency, a ratio
in effective disinfection of the root canal system. To of 1:5 (MP:3Mix) is recommended.25
address this diverse microflora, a combination of anti-
biotic drugs was tested using lesion sterilization
With the LSTR technique, local anesthesia and rubber
and tissue repair (LSTR)8 by a group of Japanese re-
dam isolation are recommended. Access to the pulp
searchers. The theory behind it is that the repair of
chamber is gained, the roof of the pulp chamber is re-
damaged tissues might occur if lesions are disin-
moved, and either a pulpotomy12 or a pulpectomy13 can
fected. This technique has also been referred to as
be completed.
non-instrumentation endodontic treatment. 12,15,16
Studies have recommended irrigating canals with
The purpose of this article is to discuss the LSTR
saline 13,26 and treating dentinal walls with ethylene
technique in primary teeth.
diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA).26,27 Hemorrhage is
INDICATIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS OF LSTR controlled by applying sterile cotton pellets moistened
LSTR is commonly indicated in infected teeth with with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCL) against the pulp
an abscess/sinus tract, in cases of pathologic root re- stumps for 1 minute.17 The root canal orifices are en-
sorption and/or spontaneous pain. The therapy is also larged to create a medication cavity (1 mm diameter and
indicated if there is a radiolucency in the bifurcation 2 mm depth) as a receptacle for the medicament. 12
area and/or loss of alveolar bone radiographically. It The medication cavity is half-filled with a creamy 3Mix
is contraindicated in teeth with a perforated pulpal MP, or it can be placed over the pulpal floor if a medi-
floor, radiographic evidence of excessive internal cation cavity cannot be prepared. Following placement
resorption, excessive bone loss in the furcation of the medicament, the orifice is sealed with glass iono-
area involving underlying tooth germ, and in non- mer cement (GIC)7,12,13,17,27,28and further reinforced by
restorable teeth. 7,12,13,17 composite resin (CR) 12,13,27,28 and/or a stainless steel
crown (SSC).7,17,28
The LSTR technique involves the use of 3 broad- METHOD FOR REVIEWING LSTR STUDIES
spectrum antibioticsciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and Comprehensive searches of the MEDLINE database
minocycline (3Mix)in a carrier of macrogol and were performed between 2008 and 2011. First-stage
propylene glycol (MP). This mixture is also known screening through PubMed identified all relevant
as triple antibiotic paste/polyantibiotic paste, anti- studies, irrespective of the language of publication.
biotic mixture, or mixed drugs. Metronidazole was The keywords used in the search related to primary
selected as an appropriate drug given its activity against teeth were: pulp therapy, 3Mix, metronidazole,
obligate anaerobes, which comprise the majority of ciprofloxacin, minocycline, endodontic treatment,
bacteria in the root canal system. 18 It has been re- lesion sterilization and tissue repair therapy, anti-
ported that it can penetrate into deeper layers of bacterial drugs, noninstrumentation endodontic
carious dentin and disinfect the lesions in vivo. 19 treatment, topical antibiotics in endodontics, bacterial
Metronidazole alone, however, even at a concentration profile, endodontic infection, and triple antibiotic
of 100 g/ml, cannot eradicate all of the bacteria,15,20 paste. Two independent authors read the titles and ab-
indicating the need to add other drugs to sterilize stracts of the 376 articles to determine their eligi-
infected root dentin. 13 Ciprofloxacin, a bactericidal bility for inclusion. Clinical trials were selected with
agent effective against gram-negative species and mino- children of any age treated with LSTR in primary
cycline, a long-acting bacteriostatic agent effective teeth displaying clinical, radiographic, and overall
against a wide range of microorganisms, were added to outcomes.
metronidazole. These antibacterial drugs were selected During the second-stage screening, articles were
based on the studies done to understand the target included from a hand search of the journals, references
bacteria in LSTR endodontic treatment.12,21-24 listed from primary sources, related citations, textbooks,

72 Kayalvizhi et al LSTR technique in primary teeth Journal of Dentistry for Children-80:2, 2013
IndexCopernicus and web searches through specific Sato et al. 30 evaluated the potential of 3Mix to
journal websites not indexed. A total of 44 articles were kill bacteria in the deeper layers of root canal dentin
selected for review, from which eventually 5 in vitro in situ. Twenty-four hours after applying it, no bac-
studies and 7 clinical articles were identified as poten- teria were recovered from the infected dentin of
tially relevant. Articles in the English language were the root canal walls, except in one case in which a
included, while studies that included permanent teeth, few bacteria were recovered. They concluded that this
unpublished conference proceedings, and articles in drug combination could penetrate into dentinal tubules
Japanese with only English abstracts available were and was effective against bacteria infecting the root
excluded. Full content of the selected articles was canal dentinal walls.
retrieved. These 44 articles were published between
1966 and 2011, while clinical trials were published
Enterococcus faecalis has recently gained attention in
from 2004 to 2011. Clinical trials had 55 citations in
endodontics, as it can be frequently isolated from
PubMed central, and 2 references were from the Text-
root canals, that failed treatment, sometimes even
book of Endodontics.24,29
after treatment using calcium hydroxide. Hence, Alam
et al.31 evaluated the susceptibility of E. faecalis to the
LITERATURE REVIEW 3Mix drug mixture in vitro. The minimum inhibitory
IN VITRO TRIALS: EFFECTIVENESS OF MIXED concentrations of ciprofloxacin and minocycline on
ANTIBIOTICS E. faecalis and Enterococcus faecium were 5g/ml to
Sato et al. 21 evaluated the antibacterial efficacy of a 20g/ml, respectively, and no inhibitory effect was
mixture of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline observed with metronidazole. 3Mix, at 100g of each
with rifampicin (4Mix) and without (100 g each/ml) drug/ml, however, completely inhibited the growth of
against oral bacteria in children. Although more than every strain.
101 colony forming units (bacteria) occurred in samples
taken from carious lesions, endodontic lesions, and peri- CLINICAL TRIALS (TABLE 1)
odontal pockets, none were recovered in vitro in the Takushige et al. 12 evaluated the efficacy of 3Mix in
presence of either mixture, indicating that the mixed ointment (ie, with MP) and of a root canal sealer
drugs inhibited growth of all the bacteria present in on the clinical outcome of LSTR therapy in 56 4-
these samples. Additionally, in situ experiments con- to 18-year-old patients. Out of 87 primary teeth, 81
firmed the sterilization of dentinal lesions with 4Mix. had physiologic root resorption and 54 radiolucent
They concluded that carious and endodontic lesions periradicular lesions were present. After accessing
of primary teeth could be sterilized by topical appli- and extirpating the coronal necrotic pulp, the medi-
cation of the mixed drugs. cament was placed in the medication cavity, the
Sato et al. 22 evaluated the antibacterial efficacy of access was sealed with GIC and a composite resin
mixed antibacterial drugs on the bacteria of carious and inlay was performed. They reported that the clinical
endodontic lesions of human primary teeth in vitro. symptoms disappeared in 83 teeth, but it resolved
Minocycline is known to cause pigmentation, especially only after retreatment using the same procedure in 4
in calcifying teeth, so different combinations were tried: cases. Gingival abscesses and draining sinuses, if pre-
mixtures of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and a third sent, disappeared after a few days, and the perma-
antibiotic (amoxicillin, cefaclor, cefroxadine, fosfomycin, nent successor erupted without any problems. The
or rokitamycin). No bacteria were recovered in the pre- mean function time of the primary teeth was 680 days,
sence of any combination of the mixtures (100 g each/ except for 1 case with congenitally missing permanent
ml), but bacterial growth occurred on control plates teeth. All the cases were evaluated as successful.
(101 to 107 colony forming units). These findings indi- Prabhakar et al.13 evaluated the clinical and radio-
cated that mixed drugs could sterilize carious and endo- graphic success of endodontic treatment in infected
dontic lesions. primar y teeth using the same combination of
Hoshino et al.23 investigated the antibacterial effect drugs as above. They treated 60 teeth in two groups:
of 3Mix with rifam-picin (4Mix) and without on bac- teeth treated with pulpotomy and teeth treated
teria taken from the dentin of infected root canals. When with pulpectomy. The coronal access was sealed with
combined, these drugs were able to consistently disinfect GIC and reinforced with CR. One-year follow-up
all samples at concentrations of 25 g each/ml. Al- showed considerable clinical success in both groups,
thoughrifampicin alone, at concentrations of 10 g /ml, but a statistically significant difference was ob-
25 g /ml, 50 g /ml, and 75g /ml, substantially de- served between them radiographically, wherein the
creased the bacterial recovery, it could not kill all the pulpectomy teeth had 83% success compared to 37%
bacteria. Additionally, rifampicin was not clinically ac- for pulpotomies.
ceptable due to discoloration. Takushige et al.27 conducted a retrospective clinical
study of 360 teeth diagnosed with pulpitis, which

Journal of Dentistry for Children-80:2, 2013 LSTR technique in primary teeth Kayalvizhi et al 73
were treated with antibacterial drugs via an indirect or substantial clinical success at 6 and 12 months,
direct pulp capping procedure. Patients with a clinical whereas radiographic success at 6 months was 84%
diagnosis of pulpitis (spontaneous pain, pulp exposure, for 3Mix and 80% for Vitapex, and at 12 months
deep carious lesion) received 3Mix-MP on the pulpal was 76% and 56%, respectively, which was not statis-
floor of the carious lesion, where softened dentin was tically significant. Thus, they suggested that 3Mix and
intentionally left. The treated lesions were sealed with Vitapex could be used as root canal treatment agents
GIC and then restored with a resin inlay. This therapy in pulpally involved primary teeth.
was successful in 95% of the 360 cases. Six cases pro- Pinky et al. 26 conducted a study on 28 4- to 10-
gressed to pulpal necrosis, and the remaining 12 required year-olds with 40 infected primary teeth to evaluate
retreatment using the same 3Mix-MP, subsequently re- the clinical and radiographic success of endodontic treat-
sulting in a good outcome. Recalcification of the soft- ment using combinations of antibacterial drugs con-
ened dentin was evident on postoperative radiographs. sisting of 3Mix (group A) and ciprofloxacin, ornida-
These data suggest that 3Mix-MP may be worth eval- zole, and minocycline (group B). A LSTR procedure
uating in prospective randomized clinical trials for treat- similar to that of Takushige et al. 12 was performed
ment of pulpitis, including cases of irreversible pulpitis. and medication cavities were filled with the antibiotic
Nakornchai et al. 17 compared the clinical and ra- pastes, followed by GIC and SSC placement. Clinical
diographic success of 3Mix and Vitapex (NEO Dental and radiographic evaluations at 3-, 6-, and 12-month
International Inc. Federal Way, Wash.) for root canal intervals showed no statistically significant differences
treatment in 50 pulpally involved primary molars between the groups, suggesting 100% success with these
from 37 healthy children, employing a prospective, combinations in treating necrosed primary teeth.
single-blinded, randomized design. In the control Agarwal et al.7 assessed the clinical efficacy of pulpo-
group, a pulpectomy procedure was performed and root tomy procedures using Pulpotec (Produits Dentaires
canals were filled with Vitapex; in the experimental SA, Vevey town in Switzerland),32 a pulpotomy material
group, a LSTR pulpotomy was performed. All teeth composed of polyoxymethylene, iodoform, dexametha-
were restored with SSCs. Both groups demonstrated sone acetate, formaldehyde, phenol, and guaiacol, LSTR

Table 1. Characteristics of LSTR Clinical Studies Reported in Primary Teeth

Clinical studies Takushige et al.12 Prabhakar et al.13 Takushige et al.27 Nakornchai et al.17 Pinky et al.26 Agrawal et al.7 Trairatvorakul and
(2004) (2008) (2008) (2010) (2011) (2011) Detsomboonrat28

Age group (ys) 4-18 years 4-10 years Not specified 3-8 years 4-10 years 4-9 years 3-8 years

Primary teeth selected Upper and lower Lower molars* Not specified Upper and lower Lower molars* Lower molars Lower molars
molars/anteriors molars

Number of teeth 87 teeth (56 patients) 60 teeth (41 children) 360 teeth 50 teeth (37 children) 40 teeth (28 children) 60 teeth (34 children) 80 teeth (58 children)
Group A: 30 teeth 3 Mix group: 25 teeth Group A: 20 teeth Group 1 (ZOE):
20 teeth
Group B: 30 teeth Vitapex group: Group B: 20 teeth
25 teeth Group 2 (Pulpotec):
20 teeth
Group 3 (3Mix):
20 teeth

Intervention/ Pulpotomy Group A: Pulpotomy Pulpotomy Pulpotomy Pulpotomy Pulpotomy Pulpotomy

technique technique technique technique technique technique technique technique
Group B: Pulpectomy

Medication cavity Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes

Ratios of drugs used 1:3:3 1:3:3 1:3:3 1:1:1 1:3:3 1:3:3 1:1:1

Irrigants/cleansers Phosphoric acid Saline Ethylene diamine tetra Sodium chloride Saline Ethylene diamine
acetic acid tetra acetic acid

Permanent Glass ionomer Glass ionomer Glass ionomer Glass inomer Zinc oxide eugenol- Glass inomer Glass inomer
restoration cement cement cement cement glass ionomer cement cement cement/composite
followed by followed by followed by followed by followed by stainless followed by resin/stainless steel
composite resin composite resin composite resin stainless steel steel crown after stainless steel crown crown
inlay inlay crown 1 month (24 hour)

Follow-up period 68-2,390 days 12 months 123-2,065 days 12 mos (1week, 6 12 mos 12 mos 24-27 mos (6, 12,
(avg=2 months up to (1, 6, 12 mos) final follow-up and 12 mos) (3, 6, 12 mos) (1, 3, 6, 12 mos) 18-21, and 24-27 mos)
6.5 years)

* Not specified clearly, but through case figures and literature it is assumed to be lower molars. Not mentioned in the study.

74 Kayalvizhi et al LSTR technique in primary teeth Journal of Dentistry for Children-80:2, 2013
using 3Mix, and zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) pulpectomy. The LSTR procedure is simple and requires less
Thirty-four children 4- to 9-year-olds with 60 pulpally chair time by reducing the need for multiple visits.12
involved primary mandibular molars were selected and Mechanical instrumentation is not required, which causes
randomly divided into 3 groups, with 20 teeth in each too much enlargement of root canals and unnecessary
group. Clinical evaluation at 1 month showed only irritation to periapical tissues, especially in teeth with root
70% success in the LSTR group (group 3) compared resorption. In addition to that, the presence of accessory
to 100% success in the other 2 groups. The teeth canals and the porosity and permeability of the pulpal
were evaluated clinically and radiographically at 3, 6, floor region in primary teeth indicate a probable con-
and 12 months. By the end of 12 months, the LSTR nection between pulpal and periodontal tissues. 3Mix
group displayed a poorer success rate compared to the might be easily distributed through these regions and
ZOE pulpectomy group. Thus, the authors concluded induce a sterile zone, which is expected to promote
that pulpotomy using Pulpotec could be a good alter- tissue repair. Furthermore, this technique helps to pre-
native for a conventional ZOE pulpectomy compared serve the primary tooth until its exfoliation, reducing
to LSTR pulpotomy. the need for unnecessary extraction and placement of
Trairatvorakul and Detsomboonrat 28 investigated a space maintainer.17
the success rates of 3Mix in LSTR of 80 primary In vitro research has demonstrated that 3Mix-
mandibular molars in 58 children, employing a rigo- MP was able to kill bacteria isolated from infected
rous evaluation criteria. They also scrutinized whether root canals and penetrate through root dentin. 21-23,30
there were any statistically significant differences In vivo research has demonstrated that it is effec-
in the success rates when using 3Mix-MP among tive as a pulpotomy and pulpectomy medicament
different levels of severity of the preoperative radicular in treating infected primary teeth (including teeth
pathology and tooth type. After pulpotomy, medication at varying stages of physiologic root resorption) and
cavities received 3Mix, which were then sealed with irreversible pulpitis. 7,12,13,17,26-28
GIC and CR before permanent restoration with a In all studies, there was no mention about
SSC. The patients received a clinical and radiographic sample size calculation. Smaller sample size selection
assessment every 6 months over a 2-year follow-up was a drawback of these clinical studies, 7,12,13,17,26-28
period. Internal resorption, increase in inter-radicular which might have resulted in a low probability of de-
radiolucency, and stasis of radiolucent areas contrib- tecting clinically meaningful treatment effects. An
uted to 38 failures (63%). In addition to that, the re- appropriate age group for LSTR is approximately
sults showed no statistically significant difference 3 to 8 years old.17,28 The Takushige et al.12 study had
between success rates and the radicular pathology the longest follow-up time. Their age selection was
severity. Regarding tooth type, less success was observed not appropriate, however, because primary teeth in
in primary first molars than primary second molars. the 10- to 18-year-old age group (23 of 87 teeth)
Although LSTR using 3Mix-MP resulted in good need not be saved via LSTR, as premolars and maxi-
clinical success, it had a low radiographic success rate at llary and mandibular canines start their eruption
the 2-year follow-up. Hence, 3Mix antibiotic treatment process subsequently. 12 Mandibular molars are pre-
cannot replace a conventional root canal treatment agent ferable, for this type of study as it is easier to identify
as a long-term therapy. radiographic pathology and healing more pre-
cisely in them. This is important, considering the
DISCUSSION reduced overlap of permanent mandibular tooth
Endodontic therapy plays an important role in re- buds and primary molar roots and/or furcations
moving bacteria and their byproducts and substrates on radiographic examination, which might have attri-
by disrupting and destroying the microbial ecosystem buted to the low success rate inthe Trairatvorakul
through chemical and mechanical methods. 33 Bacteria and Detsomboonrat study. 28These authors excluded
present mainly in the root canal and on the superficial teeth with physiologic root resorption greater than
layer of the canal wall may be easily removed by con- one third of the root length, in contrast to Takushige
ventional endodontic treatment. The bacteria that et al.12 Teeth at this stage will undergo natural exfoli-
remain in the deeper layers of root canal dentin, how- ation within a short period of time; thus, their in-
ever, might leak out to the periapical region and cause clusion is questionable. Tooth mobility assessment was
complications.13 Thus, in recent years there has been not standardized, and how complete disappearance
a tendency to use more potent antibacterial agents of mobility was quantified was not discussed.
capable of penetrating tissues and controlling in- Heterogeneous treatment techniques were observed
fection. As a therapeutic measure, these antibacterial in these studies. The pulpotomy technique advocated
drugs (ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline) by Takushige et al.12 demonstrated 100% clinical sucess
were applied to sterilize such endodontic lesions in with few cases requiring retreatment, whereas other
the LSTR technique.6,12 LSTR studies7,17,28 displayed only 75% success without

Journal of Dentistry for Children-80:2, 2013 LSTR technique in primary teeth Kayalvizhi et al 75
retreatment. This procedure could be recommended was ineffective against facultative bacteria and mino-
in cases with physiologic root resorption. The LSTR cycline may cause tooth discoloration (ie, localized
pulpectomy technique (group B) performed by minocycline staining of the permanent tooth bud).17
Prabhakar et al.13 displayed a success rate of approxi- Therefore, amoxicillin, cefaclor, cefroxadine, fosfomycin,
mately 83% radiographic, which is comparable to and rokitamycin were tried as a substitute to mino-
the success rates of conventional pulpectomy procedures cycline and were found to be successful in vitro. 21,22
using ZOE (85%) and Vitapex (89%) at 12 months.34 Further investigation is needed, however, regarding
Thus, complete removal of infected tissue (ie, radicular their safety and clinical efficacy. Recently, ornidazole has
pulp extirpation) increases the chance for success.35 In been tried in place of metronidazole because it has
their retrospective clinical study, Takushige et al.27 per- shown longer lasting action with better efficacy and
formed direct or indirect pulp capping by placing the slower metabolism.26 However, using this drug without
medicament on overlying dentin without expanding any in vitro trials is uncertain when compared to
the size of exposure and sealing it with GIC. This pul- metronidazole.17,20,26
pitis treatment was termed LSTR 3Mix-MP save pulp The use of systemic antibiotics for local application
therapy, as the inflamed and infected pulp tissues raises concerns due to its adverse effects. These include
were not removed but saved in order to restore pulpal allergic reactions, drug side effects, potential for emer-
functions compared to conventional treatment. They gence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, risk of
demonstrated good clinical outcome (95% success rate), developmental anomalies in permanent teeth if used
regardless of the presence of spontaneous pain. Handajani in primary teeth, and cyst formation if the focus of
et al.36 confirmed this histopathologically and stated chronic infection is left.12,16 Nevertheless, the volume
that disinfection of infected and inflamed pulp tissue of these drugs used as topical agents in LSTR is very
even with spontaneous pain, pulp exposure, or partial small, and there are no reported side effects. LSTR is
necrosis of pulp tissue using 3Mix-MPmight stop not recommended in children at risk of infective
pulp destruction and help the survival of pulp tissue endocarditis, nor in patients sensitive to these drugs.17
when observed 7 days to 19 months after treatment. MP is an efficient vehicle to carry 3Mix into the
This means that, by keeping the pulp sterilized, new dentin through the dentinal tubules to kill bacteria in
pulp tissue could be induced. the pulpal lesions, as those that invade and reside
Sodium hypochlorite is the most commonly used within dentinal tubules may survive if the medica-
irrigant due to its ability to dissolve necrotic tissue and ments introduced into the root canals are not deli-
organic remnants and its superior antimicrobial activ- vered efficiently.6,39,40
ity. In researching clinical studies on primary teeth, Conflicting data exist concerning the ratio and pro-
only Nakornchai et al. 17 was found to have used portion of these drug mixtures. Clinical studies7,12,13,17,26-28
NaOCL. Others have used saline for irrigation, but they used either 1:1:1 or 1:3:3 ratios of ciprofloxacin, mino-
did not mention the reason for its selection over cycline and metronidazole, respectively. The rationale
NaOCL.13,26 Although saline has the ability to flush behind the change in the ratio of the mix is unknown.
out debris from the root canals and reduce the number This could be one of the reasons for the failures seen in the
of bacteria in infected root canals by 100 to 1,000 Trairavorakul and Detsomboonrat study,28 even though
fold, it does not possess superior antimicrobial pro- they treated teeth with vital pulp and used defined
perty like NaOCL. Nevertheless, while considering radiographic criteria. Nakornchai et al.17 also used the
the disadvantages of NaOCL (such as irritation to same 1:1:1 ratio, but they irrigated with NaOCL, which
periapical tissues and burning of surrounding tissues, might have initially decreased the bacterial load. It is
which could worsen the situation in primary teeth), debatable whether the concentration of the drugs used
saline is preferred, especially in cases selected for in vitro could be adequate in vivo. Further in vivo studies
LSTR. Additionally, an antibiotic mixture might help may provide information regarding them. Permanent
eliminate the remaining bacteria.15,37 restoration in most studies was achieved via SSC,17,26,28
EDTA was preferred, because, in addition to smear as it is the standard material for extended pulp-treated
layer removal, it acts on the dentinal wall to produce a teeth compared to CR,12,13,27 which may result in micro-
clean surface and patent dentinal tubules, which would leakage and treatment failure in the long-term, thus
allow antibiotics to penetrate into dentinal tubules.27-29,38 affecting results.
Hemorrhage was controlled by using NaOCL, which is Pinky et al.26 performed a multi-visit technique, where-
an effective hemostatic agent. It is also nontoxic, does in they initially put ZOE on top of the medicament
not interfere with pulpal healing and aids in the re- followed by GIC after 15 days, in contrast to other
moval of clots and stops hemorrhage that compro- studies where GIC was placed over 3Mix. 12,13 The
mises pulpal healing.17 reaction between eugenol, the remaining pulpal tissues,
The antibiotic drugs used in LSTR offer a few dis- and 3Mix is not discussed. Moreover, the authors did
advantages when used alone. Ciprofloxacin has re- not mention whether there was any leakage before
duced activity against anaerobes, while metronidazole placement of the SSC at the 30-day recall. These

76 Kayalvizhi et al LSTR technique in primary teeth Journal of Dentistry for Children-80:2, 2013
weaknesses might affect the outcome of the LSTR Agarwal et al.7 studies may be considered fair (having
technique and the quality of the study. medium risk of bias). The other 3 studies12,27,28 have
The study by Takushige et al.12 provided the longest no comparison group, although the study by Trairat-
follow-up period (ie, until the teeth exfoliated and vorakul and Detsomboonrat28 could be considered of
the succe-daneous teeth erupted), but their follow-up good quality, as they performed blinded investi-
schedule was random compared to Trairatvorakul and gations, employed well-defined radiographic criteria,
Detsom-boonrat.28 A major limitation with long-term and abided by a uniform follow-up schedule with no
follow-up studies are that the number of teeth selected attrition bias reported. Takushige et al.12 had no radio-
for the study preoperatively will get reduced over a graphic follow-up compared to the other studies, and in
period of time, leading to attrition bias. Consequently, in the study by Takushige et al. 27 there was no mention
the study by Takushige et al.,12 only 70 of 87 teeth re- about age group/teeth included; results were only des-
mained successful after a single treatment. Similarly, criptive without any further statistical analysis. More-
out of the 80 primary molars that received treatment over, both studies13,27 did not use specific evaluation cri-
by Trairatvorakul and Detsomboonrat,28 only 60 teeth teria and regarded retreatment cases as successful. Hence,
were available for evaluation at the final follow-up. The based on the weaknesses of these studies, they can be
reason for dropouts was not mentioned in these studies. assigned as having high risk of bias.44
Evaluation criteria are specific to each LSTR clini- Variation in the success rates of the clinical studies
cal study on primary teeth. There are differences in the on LSTR was mostly due to the differences in the
postoperative clinical success evaluations in these stud- sample selection, inclusion and evaluation criteria
ies, as they were carried out within a different follow- methods, techniques, materials used, data reporting,
up periods. Based on the radiographic evaluation in and outcome bias. Formulation of well-defined clinical
LSTR, bone regeneration was considered as success.28 In and radiographic criteria would help validation and
the static group, absence of change in discontinuity of standardization of future studies. Additionally, in or-
the lamina dura or in the size of any radiolucent der to determine the efficacy of LSTR therapy, well-
area was considered observed at 6 months and a designed, randomized and unbiased clinical trials, with
failure at the 12-month recall.20 This is concurrent with histological and radiographic evaluations and long-
the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry guide- term follow-up are warranted.
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