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Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 1 of 187 PageID 1129





v. CIVIL ACTION NO. 3:16-cv-2579

STEPHANIE BRANCH, individually and in
her official capacity as a Dallas Area Rapid
Transit Police Officer,




Description Page No.

Declaration of Avi S. Adelman 3-12
Excerpts of Deposition of Stephanie D. Branch 13-21
Excerpts of Deposition of Chief James D. Spiller 22-33
Excerpts of Deposition of Morgan Lyons 34-41
DART Police Internal Affairs Report 42-53
Record of Inconsistencies in Officer Branchs Incident Report 54-57
Combined Statements of DART Officers to Internal Affairs 58-65
Emailed Statement from Dallas Fire-Rescue 66-67
Recommended Disciplinary Action Stephanie Branch 68
Officer Branch Audio Recording 69-73
Officer Cannon Audio Recording 74-80
DART General Orders Arrest Without a Warrant 81-85
DART Resolution Adopting Code of Conduct 86-91
Criminal Trespass Warning to Avi Adelman 92
Dallas County Jail Booking for Avi Adelman 93
February 16, 2016 Letter from J. Spiller to A. Adelman 94
February 12, 2016 Interoffice Memorandum from Chief Spiller 95
News Articles on Arrest of Avi Adelman 96-101
Combined Emails re: Media Statements by Morgan Lyons 102-07
DART Records of Criminal Trespass Warnings and Arrests 108-82
DARTs Second Supplemental Objections and Answers to 183-87
Plaintiffs First Set of Interrogatories

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Respectfully submitted,


By: /s/ Tyler J. Bexley

Tyler J. Bexley
State Bar No. 24073923
750 N. Saint Paul St., Suite 610
Dallas, Texas 75201-3202
214.382.9810 telephone
214.501.0731 facsimile



The undersigned certifies that, on September 15, 2017, the foregoing document
was submitted to the clerk of the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas, using
the electronic case filing system (CM/ECF) of the court. I certify that the document was
served on all known counsel of record electronically as authorized by Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure 5(b)(2).

s/ Tyler J. Bexley

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v. CIVIL ACTION NO. 3:16-cv-2579

STEPHANIE BRANCH, individually and in
her official capacity as a Dallas Area Rapid
Transit Police Officer,



Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746, I hereby declare as follows:

1. My name is Avi S. Adelman. I have personal knowledge of the facts

contained in this declaration, which are true and correct, and if sworn as a witness, I

could and would testify competently thereto. My knowledge of the information in this

declaration comes from (a) my knowledge of my own personal background; (b) my

personal involvement as the individual arrested and jailed by Officer Stephanie Branch

and Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART); and (c) my review of documents, photographs,

and videos produced in this matter.

2. I am a freelance journalist and photographer, and I regularly take

photographs of crime scenes, accidents, and medical scenes. I often use these photographs

on my own websites, blogs, and social media accounts. I have also sold or given my

photographs to other media outlets, including WFAA News8, CBS11, Fox 4 News, the

Dallas Morning News, and the Dallas Observer.

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3. I have been a journalist and professional photographer for about 30 years,

during which time I have held a Secret Service clearance, a Dallas Police Department press

credential, and a Department of Defense clearance. In addition to providing photographs

to media outlets, I have published a neighborhood blog ( and managed

the Daily Crime Report and Daily Police Watch websites.

4. I am also a member of the National Press Photographers Association

(NPPA) and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ). The NPPA is an advocacy group

dedicated to the advancement of visual journalism in all news media. The SPJ is a broad-

based journalism organization dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism

and high standards of ethical behavior. In October 2014, I worked with NPPA to

organize the first "Right to Photograph and Record in Public" program in Texas. Nearly

200 North Texas law enforcement officers attended this free program (DART declined an

invitation to attend). I also provided support for a similar program held in September

2015 in Pasadena, Texas, where more than 200 South Texas law enforcement officers

attended. I manage the Right to Photograph in Public website, which provides

information about this NPPA program on a nationwide basis. In January 2016, I was

invited to participate in a Houston Bar Association panel on Photography in Public,

sitting alongside the former Houston Police Chief and several prominent attorneys and

media professionals.

5. As part of my involvement with crime reporting and police watch websites,

as well as my freelance photography work, I regularly monitor the police scanner to stay

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informed of police activity. On February 9, 2016, I was in downtown Dallas listening to

the police scanner for that purpose.

6. At around 8:00 p.m. on February 9, 2016, I heard a call for Dallas Fire-

Rescue (DFR) paramedics to respond to a K2 overdose victim at DART's Rosa Parks

Plaza. I decided to go to the scene to see what was happening and, potentially, to take

photographs. When I arrived at Rosa Parks Plaza, I noticed a man lying on the ground

and being attended to by DFR paramedics. Given the K2 epidemic that had been in the

news recently, I believed that this medical scene might be of public interest, so I began to

take photographs. A true and correct copy of one of the first photographs I took is

attached hereto as Exhibit A and accurately depicts the scene shortly after I arrived at

Rosa Parks Plaza.

7. Within a few moments of when I began photographing, a uniformed DART

police officer noticed me taking photographs and appeared to be agitated. I would later

learn that this was Officer Stephanie Branch. A true and correct copy of a photograph

that I took depicting when Officer Branch first noticed me is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

8. Shortly after Officer Branch noticed me taking photographs, she positioned

herself between me and the medical scene in a way that seemed like she was trying to

block me from taking photographs. Even though I knew that I had a right to be taking

photographs, I did not start a confrontation with Officer Branch, instead trying to

reposition myself so that I could continue photographing without obstruction. But each

time I relocated, Officer Branch would move to obstruct my ability to take photographs.

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A true and correct copy of a video clip depicting Officer Branch's obstructive actions is

attached hereto as Exhibit C.

9. During the entire time that I was photographing, I remained several feet

away from the medical scene and made sure not to interfere with the paramedics or police

officers. Other than Officer Branch, no other police or emergency personnel seemed

concerned with my presence or ever asked me to move back.

10. After several minutes of trying to obstruct my view and also talking on her

cell phone and radio, Officer Branch approached me and demanded that I stop taking

photographs. She confronted me, without any provocation from me, and her first words

to me were, "Sir leave," apparently directing me to leave Rosa Parks Plaza. She

immediately demanded my identification, told me numerous times to leave Rosa Parks

Plaza, and told me that I could not take photographs. She also insisted that I was not

allowed to photograph a medical scene, but I knew that the Health Insurance Portability

and Accountability Act (HIPPA) did not prohibit photography of medical treatment in a

public place. In addition, based on my experience with NPPA and training programs on

the right to photograph, I knew that I had a constitutional right to take photographs of

medical and police activity in a public space. I informed Officer Branch that I knew my

rights and that I was not required to leave or to stop taking photographs.

11. Officer Branch ignored these rights and told me that she was detaining me

less than five minutes after she first approached me to demand that I stop taking

photographs. She then informed me that she was arresting me for criminal trespass. At

that time, Officer Branch placed me in double-lock handcuffs and put me in a squad car.

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I was then transported to Lew Sterrett Justice Center, where I was placed in the general

jail population. I was not release until the following morning, when I posted bond. I

spent over 20 hours in custody in Lew Sterrett. Before this incident, I had no criminal

record and had never been jailed, arrested, or cited for any offense other than minor

traffic violations.

I declare under the penalty of pequry that the statements included m this

declaration are true and correct.

Executed on this 14th day of September 2017.


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Video file (ASA-001149) submitted by envelope

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Stephanie Branch - May 3, 2017


v. C.A. NO. 3:16-cv-2579
individually and in her
9 capacity as a Dallas Area
Rapid Transit Police
10 Officer,
14 MAY 3, 2017
17 STEPHANIE D. BRANCH, produced as a witness at the
18 instance of the Plaintiff, and duly sworn, was taken
19 in the above-styled and numbered cause on the 3rd of
20 May, 2017, from 10:18 a.m. to 5:38 p.m., before Kim M.
21 Dickman, CSR in and for the State of Texas, reported
22 by machine shorthand, at the offices of Dallas Area
23 Rapid Transit, 1401 Pacific Avenue, in the City of
24 Dallas, County of Dallas, State of Texas, pursuant to
25 the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

Dickman Davenport, Inc

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6 (Pages 6 to 9)
Stephanie Branch - May 3, 2017

6 8
1 PROCEEDINGS 1 for ten years. Did you have a different position with
2 (Media 1.) 2 DART before that?
3 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This marks the 3 A. Yes.
4 beginning of media 1, Volume 1, in the deposition of 4 Q. What position was that?
5 Stephanie Branch in her individual capacity. This 5 A. Fare enforcement officer.
6 deposition is being taken on behalf of the plaintiff 6 Q. What is a fare enforcement officer?
7 in the matter of Avi S. Adelman versus Dallas Area 7 A. You check fare on the trains.
8 Rapid Transit, et al, in the DART offices at 1401 8 Q. Is a fare enforcement officer a certified
9 Pacific Avenue in Dallas, Texas, on Wednesday, May 9 peace officer?
10 3rd, 2017. 10 A. No, sir.
11 I'm the videographer, Kathy Bentley, and 11 Q. As a Dallas Area Rapid Transit police
12 the court reporter is Kim Dickman, and we're with 12 officer, you are a certified police officer, correct?
13 Dickman Davenport of Dallas, Texas. 13 A. Yes.
14 We're now going on the record. The time 14 Q. And, again, as in the last deposition, I'll
15 is now 10:38 a.m. 15 refer to Dallas Area Rapid Transit as DART if that's
16 Will counsel please state their 16 all right with you. Is that okay?
17 appearances for the video record along with any 17 A. Yes.
18 agreements or stipulations and then the court reporter 18 Q. So how long were you a fare enforcement
19 will then swear in the witness. 19 officer for DART?
20 MR. BEXLEY: Tyler Bexley for the 20 A. A year and I think five months.
21 plaintiff, Avi Adelman, and with me is Mr. Adelman. 21 Q. Okay. So that, if I'm -- if I'm doing my
22 MS. BISHKIN: Jane Bishkin, attorney for 22 math right, takes us back to about 2005 or 2006 when
23 defendant Stephanie Branch. 23 you started?
24 MR. GAMEZ: Gene Gamez for Dallas Area 24 A. Yes.
25 Rapid Transit, and, again, we would like 30 days for 25 Q. What did you do prior to 2005 or '6 when you
7 9
1 review and signature. 1 joined DART as a fare enforcement officer?
2 MR. BEXLEY: Agreed. By the Rules 2 A. I worked at Dallas Independent School
3 otherwise? 3 District.
4 MS. BISHKIN: Agreed. 4 Q. What did you do for DISD?
5 STEPHANIE D. BRANCH, 5 A. Para transit officer.
6 having been first duly sworn, testified as follows: 6 Q. What's a para --
7 EXAMINATION 7 A. I mean para professional officer.
8 BY MR. BEXLEY: 8 Q. What -- say again.
9 Q. Will you please state your full name for the 9 A. I was a school liaison where I worked in the
10 record? 10 schools as security.
11 A. Stephanie Diane Branch. 11 Q. Essentially a -- a security guard in schools;
12 Q. Sorry if this feels like deja vu, but because 12 is that fair?
13 this is a separate transcript, I'm going to go through 13 A. Yes.
14 some of the preliminaries again that I did before. 14 Q. Is that a certified peace officer?
15 How are you employed, Officer Branch? 15 A. No, sir.
16 A. Dallas Area Rapid Transit police officer. 16 Q. DISD has its own police force, correct?
17 Q. And how long have you been a Dallas Area 17 A. Yes.
18 Rapid Transit police officer? 18 Q. What's the difference between the position
19 A. Around ten years. 19 that you held on the DISD police force?
20 Q. Now, a moment ago we went through some of the 20 A. It wasn't a certified peace officer. It was
21 deposition rules that still apply here, and you 21 a security guard.
22 understand you're still under oath as if testifying in 22 Q. How long did you hold that position at DISD?
23 a court of law? 23 A. Not long. I don't remember.
24 A. Yes. 24 Q. Less than a year?
25 Q. You said you've been a DART police officer 25 A. Yes.

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24 (Pages 78 to 81)
Stephanie Branch - May 3, 2017

78 80
1 free of being photographed while getting medical 1 Q. Can't see his injury, an injury on him,
2 attention? 2 correct?
3 A. I -- I assumed he had, you know, a right to 3 A. It's really dark.
4 some privacy while he's getting medical attention. 4 Q. Okay. How about in 35? It's a little better
5 Q. Do you have any training on medical whether 5 view in that one. What about this photograph would
6 someone has a right to privacy while receiving medical 6 you say violates his personal dignity or privacy or
7 attention in a public space? 7 right to receive medical treatment?
8 A. No, I don't, sir; just going by my moral 8 A. It -- sir, it's just -- look how he's holding
9 compass. 9 his hands, it's -- it's so deplorable, he's -- he's
10 Q. Okay. Do you have any training on HIPAA and 10 getting help. He's -- you know, he's out of his wits.
11 how it applies to photography in public spaces? 11 They're trying to help him. I don't know what's going
12 A. No, I don't. 12 on, you know, as I look at it. I wasn't paying
13 Q. So this was just sort of your intuition on 13 attention when -- because I was on the phone. But as
14 what you believed might be right? 14 I look at it now, he looks so sad, you know, so
15 A. Yes, sir. 15 lonesome.
16 Q. And you know now that it's not, correct? 16 Q. Is that it? Anything else about his rights
17 A. Yes, indeed. 17 that you believe are being violated in this picture?
18 Q. You know that a person who is receiving 18 A. I mean, somebody, you know...
19 medical treatment in public can be photographed? 19 Q. Is it the way he's holding his hands? Is
20 A. Yes, that's sad, but yes. 20 that what makes you --
21 Q. You've read newspapers before, I'm sure, 21 A. He just looks hurt, you know. He looks like,
22 correct? 22 you know, someone should just protect him. You know,
23 A. Yes. 23 they're -- they're surrounding him to give him
24 Q. Seen and watched the news before? 24 protection, to -- to give him some type of help.
25 A. Yes. 25 Q. I thought they were surrounding him to treat
79 81
1 Q. You've seen photos and video of injuries and 1 him?
2 crime scenes and things like that before on the news, 2 A. Isn't that the same thing?
3 correct? 3 Q. Well --
4 A. Not so harsh as, you know -- yes, I have, but 4 A. Help.
5 they're always hardened to see. 5 Q. Are you saying they're surrounding him to
6 Q. Well, I understand, yeah, they can be very 6 block him from being photographed or to provide
7 difficult to see, but as of this date, you had 7 medical treatment?
8 certainly seen news stories or photographs in 8 A. To get close to give him medical treatment.
9 newspapers of people at crime scenes or medical 9 Q. That's -- that was my understanding, just
10 scenes, correct? 10 making sure.
11 A. But they're always photographed with some 11 Did this gentleman who is laying on the
12 type of integrity, they're covered, they're -- you 12 ground here, did he ever tell you to provide him with
13 know, they're preserved, their dignity is preserved. 13 privacy or that he didn't want to be photographed?
14 MR. BEXLEY: Yeah, I'm going to object as 14 A. I -- I wasn't talking to him. I was dealing
15 nonresponsive. 15 with Mr. Adelman.
16 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) You, prior to this date of 16 Q. Is that -- that's a no?
17 the arrest, had seen news broadcasts or read newspaper 17 A. No.
18 articles in which you saw photos or videos of people 18 Q. After the fact did he ever say, hey, thank
19 receiving medical treatment at a crime scene, correct? 19 you, I'm really glad, I was offended that someone was
20 A. Yes. 20 taking pictures of me?
21 Q. Now, will you look with me at Exhibit 33? 21 A. I was still dealing with Mr. Adelman. No.
22 What about this gentleman who's sitting on the ground 22 Q. Have you spoken with him since this incidence
23 facing backwards away from the camera, what about this 23 occurred, this gentleman?
24 photograph is violating his personal dignity? 24 A. No.
25 A. Nothing as of now. 25 Q. Do you -- do you know who he is --

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27 (Pages 90 to 93)
Stephanie Branch - May 3, 2017

90 92
1 A. Well, I was trying to have a happy medium 1 When you're arresting someone, you're
2 with Mr. Adelman. I was trying to be professional 2 arresting them for criminal charges.
3 with him and just ask him to get back, just -- just 3 Q. Okay. So at the point where you said, "I'm
4 get -- get back. It's -- he can take pictures. I 4 detaining you," Mr. Adelman was still free to leave at
5 had a lot -- it was that he was being overwhelming, 5 that point?
6 just yelling and screaming to being disorderly, you 6 A. Yes. I hadn't had -- he wasn't in handcuffs
7 know. I just wanted him to move back. 7 or anything like that.
8 Q. You thought he was interfering with the 8 Q. Okay. Well, then the next statement he asks,
9 medical treatment? 9 "Are you arresting me?" And then you respond, "Cause
10 A. Yes. 10 I asked you to're refusing to give me
11 Q. Why didn't you cite him for that? 11 identification."
12 A. Why didn't I cite him for -- 12 Do you see that?
13 Q. Interfering with a public servant, that's a 13 A. Uh-huh.
14 charge, isn't it? 14 Q. You -- is that a yes?
15 A. Yes, it is. 15 A. Yes.
16 Q. Why didn't you cite him for that? 16 Q. You didn't say yes or no to are you arresting
17 A. That wasn't on my mind at the -- at that 17 me here, right?
18 point. 18 A. Because he's fighting me then.
19 Q. So because that wouldn't have been 19 Q. How is he fighting you?
20 supportable when DFR says they never told him 20 A. You can see I'm saying, stop, stop, stop.
21 anything? 21 Q. Okay. Well, let me be clear, because you
22 A. No. 22 said he could leave when you said -- when you just had
23 Q. Turns out the criminal trespass charge wasn't 23 him detained and so now you're saying --
24 supportable either, correct? 24 A. He's refusing to leave.
25 MR. GAMEZ: Objection, speculation. 25 Q. Okay. Well, let me be clear. So you say,

91 93
1 A. It was dismissed. 1 stop, stop, stop about what, about him trying to leave
2 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Do you know why it was 2 or about -- what's he doing that you're telling him to
3 dismissed? 3 stop at this point?
4 MS. BISHKIN: Objection, speculation. 4 A. He coming towards me. He started coming
5 Answer if you can. 5 towards me.
6 A. No. 6 Q. Okay.
7 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Lack of evidence, lack of 7 A. If he would -- he said he's leaving, you
8 probable cause? 8 know, a couple things, he said he's leaving, if we go
9 MS. BISHKIN: Objection, speculation. 9 back, he said he's leaving, he's done, but then he
10 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Does that sound right? 10 turns around and he comes back at me, and I'm like,
11 MS. BISHKIN: You can answer. 11 stop, stop, stop.
12 A. Yes. 12 Q. Okay. At what point did you decide to arrest
13 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) On page 3, couple lines 13 him then?
14 down, Mr. Adelman says, "Are you detaining me?" And 14 A. I arrested him when the sergeant got there --
15 you say, "I'm detaining you." 15 Q. Which?
16 Do you see that? 16 A. -- when I told the Sergeant Hutch --
17 A. Yes. 17 Hutchinson, Homer Hutchinson.
18 Q. At this point, you had made the decision to 18 Q. Did Homer Hutchinson approve the arrest of
19 arrest Mr. Adelman? 19 Mr. Adelman?
20 A. I was detaining Mr. Adelman. I wasn't 20 A. Homer Hutchinson talked to -- yes, he did.
21 arresting him. 21 Q. On what grounds?
22 Q. What's the difference? 22 A. On the grounds that he was criminally
23 A. Detaining is when you can -- you can detain 23 trespass, he was actually -- he was violating a Code
24 someone, you can just detain them for -- for 24 of Conduct.
25 investigation purposes and then you're free to go. 25 Q. Who provided the information to Sergeant

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30 (Pages 102 to 105)
Stephanie Branch - May 3, 2017

102 104
1 They've already dropped it. 1 Q. Isn't it true that the reason you first
2 Q. As you sit here today, Officer Branch, do you 2 contacted Avi Adelman was due to him taking pictures?
3 disagree with DART's decision to drop the criminal 3 A. He was walking towards us. He had a camera,
4 trespass charge? 4 and I was -- you know, the policy states that I can
5 A. I don't know. 5 investigate, I can initiate a contact.
6 Q. You don't have an opinion one way or the 6 Q. Okay. I'm going to hand you -- if you'll
7 other on that? 7 flip in there to a document that's previously marked
8 A. No. 8 as Exhibit 25, so it will be behind tab 25. This is a
9 MR. BEXLEY: Do you-all want to break now 9 document dated February 12th, 2016 from Chief James
10 or otherwise I've got about an hour or more or two 10 Spiller. So that's four -- or three days after you
11 hours of the next topic? 11 arrested Mr. Adelman, correct?
12 MS. BISHKIN: Maybe we should break for 12 A. Uh-huh.
13 lunch. 13 Q. Is that a yes?
14 MR. GAMEZ: Yeah, let's do a short break. 14 A. Yes.
15 MR. BEXLEY: Okay. 15 Q. Chief Spiller is the head of the DART police
16 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We're now going off 16 force?
17 the record. The time is now 12:41. 17 A. He's the chief.
18 (Recess 12:41-1:36.) 18 Q. He's your ultimate boss?
19 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We're now going back 19 A. Yes.
20 on the record. The time is now 1:36. 20 Q. Okay. And the subject of this is Avi Adelman
21 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Officer Branch, before we 21 arrest - Officer Stephanie Branch. Do you see that --
22 took a break for lunch, we talked about you charging 22 A. Uh-huh.
23 Mr. Adelman with criminal trespass, correct? 23 Q. -- under subject? Yes?
24 A. Yes. 24 A. Yes.
25 Q. If someone were to walk across the plaza to 25 Q. And you -- Mr. Spiller writes, I am directing
103 105
1 go to -- across Rosa Parks Plaza to go to one of the 1 an investigation into the arrest of Avi Adelman by
2 shops over there close to the Rosa Parks Plaza, would 2 Officer Stephanie Branch on February 9th, 2016 for
3 that be a criminal trespass if they didn't have a DART 3 possible violations of department guidance on
4 fare pass? 4 photography by persons in public areas.
5 MS. BISHKIN: Objection, speculation. 5 Do you see that?
6 You can answer. 6 A. Yes.
7 A. No, it's not DART property. 7 Q. Then he -- after that he writes, on February
8 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Well, if they were crossing 8 9th, 2016, Officer Stephanie Branch arrested Avi
9 over DART property without a fare pass to go to a 9 Adelman at Rosa Parks Plaza for criminal trespass.
10 store over there or a shop, would that be a criminal 10 However, Officer Branch's audio recordings indicate
11 trespass? 11 that her reason for contacting Avi Adelman was due to
12 A. They're in transit, sir. They're walking. I 12 him taking pictures of a person receiving medical
13 can't prevent anybody from walking. 13 treatment by Dallas Fire Rescue personnel.
14 Q. Okay. So walking across counts as -- as 14 Did I read that correctly?
15 transit that's -- that's a permissible purpose of 15 A. Yes.
16 being on DART property? 16 Q. According to Chief Spiller anyway, your audio
17 A. Any -- any -- DART property is accessible to 17 recordings indicated that your reason for contacting
18 everyone, sir. 18 Mr. Adelman was due to him taking pictures of a person
19 Q. Okay. Why did you first approach Mr. Adelman 19 receiving medical treatment?
20 that day? 20 MS. BISHKIN: Objection, speculation.
21 A. We approached each other, sir. 21 You can answer.
22 Q. Okay. Why did you first approach him? 22 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Correct?
23 A. Mr. Adelman was approaching me, I was 23 A. That's what he wrote.
24 approaching him, we were approaching each other, and I 24 Q. Do you agree or disagree with Chief
25 wanted to know why he was approaching us. 25 Spiller's --

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62 (Pages 230 to 233)
Stephanie Branch - May 3, 2017

230 232
1 MS. BISHKIN: I think that was my 1 knows, when -- and they're on DART property without a
2 mistake. 2 permit, how would you handle that under this policy?
3 MR. BEXLEY: Okay. I just -- well, I -- 3 MS. BISHKIN: Objection, speculation.
4 I'm not criticizing. I just want to make sure -- 4 You can answer.
5 A. No. 5 A. How would I handle it opposed to they're
6 MR. BEXLEY: -- to be on the same page. 6 peaceful protesters, there's nothing I can do. I
7 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Is this what you had in 7 mean, I can alert my supervisor, let him know. Other
8 mind, this 2.02(a)(15)? 8 than that, I'm not doing anything.
9 A. Yes, yes. 9 Q. Well, this says, one of the prohibited acts
10 Q. Okay. And several other places in discovery 10 and the one that you arrested Mr. Adelman under is
11 it says 2.12. Would it be fair to assume that that 11 unauthorized use of a DART facility or DART property
12 really meant 2.02? 12 for nontransportation related purposes. Wouldn't
13 A. Yes. 13 protesting on DART property be use of DART property
14 Q. Okay. So the specific piece that this refers 14 for nontransportation related ser -- purposes?
15 to, 2.02(a)(15) identified on Exhibit 46, Prohibited 15 A. And I'm not going to do anything without
16 Conduct and Enforcement, "A person is prohibited from 16 supervisor approval from here on out.
17 committing the following acts on a DART vehicle, DART 17 Q. And I -- that's a good plan, but I guess my
18 facility, or DART property unless otherwise specified 18 question is, would you go talk to your supervisor and
19 in this Section." And then (15) is, "Unauthorized use 19 ask if you should make an arrest or do something?
20 of a DART facility or DART property for 20 A. No, I will go talk to my supervisor and let
21 nontransportation related purposes." 21 them know about the situation. As far as that, I'm
22 Do you see that? 22 not doing anything.
23 A. Yes. 23 Q. Okay. Do you believe -- do you view
24 Q. And this is policy as well as the no 24 2.02(a)(15) as in conflict with the new photography
25 photography policy you were relying on in arresting 25 policy that we've been discussing?

231 233
1 Mr. Adelman? 1 MR. GAMEZ: Objection, that's -- that's
2 A. Yes. 2 improper for this witness, she's not the corporate
3 Q. We covered this a little bit earlier, but I 3 rep, speculation.
4 just want to make clear now that we have the Code of 4 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) You can answer because I
5 Conduct in front of us, would you interpret this 5 asked if you view it that way, not if DART views it
6 policy, this 2.02(a)(15) to also prohibit somebody 6 that way.
7 from protesting on DART property? 7 A. That was my reason for contact at the
8 MR. GAMEZ: Objection, that's improper 8 beginning, but I don't -- you know, everything is not
9 scope of questioning for her. She's not a corporate 9 black and white here, so I could say yes, it caused a
10 rep on the First Amendment. 10 conflict with me.
11 A. I agree with the attorney. 11 Q. Okay. What if somebody's out with a Bible
12 MS. BISHKIN: I'm going to object as to 12 trying to proselytize tomorrow -- or on your -- on
13 speculation. 13 your shift on Friday or, you know, handing out
14 You can answer. 14 religious materials, but they don't have a DART fare
15 A. I don't know. 15 pass and they're not trying to get on a -- a DART bus,
16 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Okay. Well, when is your 16 how -- how would you approach that situation under
17 next shift? 17 2.02(a)(15)?
18 A. In 48 hours. 18 MR. GAMEZ: Objection, speculation.
19 Q. Okay. So Friday, say you go out Friday -- 19 A. Once again, I will contact my supervisor.
20 A. Uh-huh. 20 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) As you read the policy, do
21 Q. -- for your shift and you encounter a group 21 you believe it permits somebody to be out handing out
22 of people with signs protesting something, Donald 22 religious material -- material?
23 Trump or -- the first thing that comes to mind in 23 A. I'm going to have to contact my supervisor.
24 this -- in this political climate or anything else, 24 Q. You don't have an opinion one way or the
25 United Airlines, maybe they're still protesting, who 25 other today?

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1 A. Not today. 1 led to this policy?
2 Q. You don't make it a practice though to ask 2 A. No.
3 every person that you see on DART property if they 3 Q. Okay. As you look down at number II, Policy,
4 have a fare pass, do you? 4 DART has written in this policy, "Short of the
5 A. Do I make it a practice as of -- 5 application of force and arrest is the most serious
6 Q. Today. 6 action an officer can undertake. An arrest can cause
7 A. No. 7 repercussions throughout a person's life, even if
8 Q. How about back in February 2016? 8 eventually found not guilty or never brought to
9 A. Sir, it was required that we ask -- we make 9 trial."
10 contact with everybody on that platform and ask them 10 Did I read that correctly? Did I read
11 for their DART pass and their purpose on DART 11 that correctly?
12 property. 12 A. Yes.
13 Q. Okay. I didn't know that. 13 Q. Do you agree with that?
14 So back in February 2016, there was a 14 A. Yes.
15 policy requiring you to ask every person on DART 15 Q. The next page there's Roman numeral V, Arrest
16 property if they had a fare pass? 16 Without A Warrant; do you see that?
17 A. There was a memorandum, that was an 17 A. Uh-huh.
18 understanding, that was what we were told in detail, 18 Q. You see subpart B, "When warrantless arrests
19 that was our purpose of being down there on overtime. 19 may be made"?
20 Q. And when did that change? 20 A. Uh-huh.
21 A. I couldn't tell you. Probably after this 21 Q. Do you see that? Is that a yes?
22 incident. 22 A. Yes.
23 Q. Okay. Are you familiar with DART's probable 23 Q. Okay. It says, "The Texas Code of Criminal
24 cause policy? 24 Procedure, in Chapter 14, gives officers the authority
25 A. Yes. 25 to make warrantless arrests, supported by 'probable
235 237
1 (Exhibit No. 47 marked.) 1 cause', as follows." And then there's little a
2 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) I guess actually, I'll ask 2 through little g there.
3 it again. Are you familiar with DART's arrest without 3 I would like you to take a look through
4 a warrant policy? 4 that and see which of those provisions authorized you
5 A. Have I seen it? 5 to arrest Mr. Adelman without a warrant. Well, let me
6 Q. Yes, ma'am. Handing you a document marked 6 strike that question.
7 Exhibit 47 and the subject matter is Arrests Without A 7 You arrested Mr. Adelman without a
8 Warrant? 8 warrant, correct?
9 A. Yes. 9 A. Uh-huh.
10 Q. You've seen this policy before? 10 Q. Yes?
11 A. Yes. 11 A. Yes.
12 Q. Have you received any training related to 12 Q. Okay. Then now I'll ask the question. Which
13 this policy? 13 of these little a through little g authorized you to
14 A. Yes. 14 arrest Mr. Adelman without a warrant?
15 Q. What type of training? 15 A. A and b.
16 A. Roll call training, in-service training. 16 Q. Okay.
17 Q. What's the difference between those two 17 A. And I would go with a.
18 things? 18 Q. So a says, "Officers may arrest persons found
19 A. Roll call training is to bring you up to 19 in suspicious places and under circumstances which
20 speed with changes that -- that will occur with 20 reasonably show that such persons had been guilty of
21 certain policies and certain procedures. And 21 some felony or breach of the peace, or threaten, or
22 in-service training is to let you know if law 22 are about to commit some offense against the laws."
23 trained -- laws change that will directly affect your 23 Do you see that?
24 job. 24 A. Yes.
25 Q. Okay. Was there a -- a change in law that 25 Q. Okay. Mr. Adelman was not found in a

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1 suspicious place that led you to believe that he had 1 A. Yes.
2 committed a felony, correct? 2 Q. And it says breach of the peace is the one
3 A. Correct. 3 you're relying on, as far as I understand it, and I
4 Q. Okay. How about a breach of the peace -- 4 just want to clarify how not using DART services is a
5 A. Yes. 5 breach of the peace.
6 Q. -- you believe -- okay. 6 A. Okay. The policy is given -- I mean, the
7 What -- what did you see or what were the 7 Code of Conduct -- Conduct is given to us to enforce,
8 suspicions that led you to believe that Mr. Adelman 8 and it has a whole list from 1 through 17, and if --
9 had breached the peace? 9 as DART officers we're asked to follow those and asked
10 A. For his loud, abusive language, failure to 10 that our patrons follow those, anytime they're not
11 follow police instructions to stay back from a -- an 11 following those, we're -- we have that right to ask
12 active medical scene. 12 them to leave.
13 Q. Okay. What -- what's breach of the peace 13 Q. And I think we might be speaking past each
14 mean to you? 14 other, okay? So we have -- we have the DART Code of
15 A. A beach -- a breach of the peace means to me 15 Conduct here that we looked at, right --
16 is if someone's causing disruption, being disruptive, 16 A. Yes.
17 being inappropriate sexually or showing, you know, 17 Q. -- that's Exhibit 46?
18 parts of their body that they shouldn't, that would 18 I want to put that aside. I understand
19 cause me to say a breach of the peace. 19 your position as to why Mr. Adelman violated that.
20 Q. He certainly didn't do anything at the last 20 I want to move separately to what we're
21 part of your -- your comment, right? 21 calling Exhibit 47, which is when you can arrest a
22 A. No. 22 person without a warrant and then there are very
23 Q. Didn't expose himself to anybody? 23 specific circumstances listed here on page 2 regarding
24 A. No. 24 when a warrantless arrest can be made. You would
25 Q. Okay. So you're relying on he maybe yelled 25 agree with that, correct?
239 241
1 or -- or spoke loudly, is that what he did that 1 A. Yes.
2 breached the peace? 2 Q. And this is a DART policy that you've been
3 A. And not following police directions. 3 trained on, you've been given, correct?
4 Q. Okay. So just so we're very clear, the two 4 A. Yes.
5 ways that you believe Mr. Adelman breached the peace 5 Q. And you've just identified breach of the
6 and the reason why you believe you had probable cause 6 peace under Roman numeral V, big B, number 1, small a,
7 to arrest him under this policy is that he was being 7 as the grounds you relied upon in arresting him, and
8 loud, correct? 8 so I want to be clear as to how you want -- how you
9 A. Correct. 9 interpret use of DART facilities for something other
10 Q. And that he was not following officer 10 than transportation as a breach of the peace under the
11 instructions? 11 policy in Exhibit 47.
12 A. And he wasn't using -- utilizing DART 12 A. Because I asked him to leave. He's not
13 services. 13 utilizing DART services and I asked him to leave. He
14 Q. Okay. Is not using DART services a breach of 14 refused to leave. He refused to follow, you know, any
15 the peace? 15 commands that I gave him, you know, leave, step back,
16 A. That's in our Code of Conduct, sir, and 16 you know. Everything that I asked him to do, he
17 that's why I said I made -- according to our training 17 refused.
18 and according to our daily practice when we're down 18 Q. Okay. So to make sure we're on the same
19 there, that's what we're told to do, make contact with 19 page, I heard you identify being loud and abusive as
20 anybody that's loitering, you know, in places that, 20 one and failure to follow instructions as two. Is
21 you know, they're not using DART services. 21 there a third to not using transportation? Is that
22 Q. Well, I understand that. 22 separate or does that fall within not following your
23 What we're looking at now though is 23 instructions?
24 circumstances in which you can arrest a person without 24 A. Okay. It goes under the -- the -- the part
25 a warrant, do you understand that? 25 where I'm -- I'm going to say disruptive behavior

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1 including loud communication, you know, not profanity. 1 A. Of criminal trespass.
2 Q. I'm sorry, where are you? 2 Q. Okay. Are those the only two grounds or
3 A. I'm at number 4 on our Code of Conduct. 3 reasons that you're relying on for a warrantless
4 Q. Okay. I'm sorry. We're on different -- 4 arrest under this policy that's Exhibit 47?
5 A. Okay. 5 A. Yes.
6 Q. -- different documents. 6 Q. Okay.
7 A. I used those -- we use the Code of Conduct as 7 A. That's all I can think of at -- at this
8 a way to gauge our contact with people that are not 8 point, yes.
9 using our -- our DART services and we reserve that 9 Q. Okay. Thank you.
10 right to ask people to leave because, as you say, I'm 10 Yeah, now, you mentioned b a moment ago
11 a representative of DART. On our Code of Conduct we 11 as well. I don't know that that applies, so I want to
12 said we can ask people to leave if they're not using 12 be clear that it does.
13 DART services. 13 It says, "If an officer has probable
14 Q. Okay. So let me see if I can boil this down. 14 cause to believe that a person has committed an
15 If somebody is violating Exhibit 46, the Code of 15 assault resulting in bodily injury to another" --
16 Conduct, do you believe that you can lawfully make an 16 A. No, no.
17 arrest even if the arrest is inconsistent with the 17 Q. It doesn't apply?
18 probable cause policy in Exhibit 47? 18 A. No.
19 A. Sir, I'm using the Code of Conduct as my 19 Q. Okay. And c doesn't apply either, does it?
20 gauge and when it come down to the -- the warrantless 20 A. No, he's not receiving any medical phone call
21 arrests, because I asked you to leave and I'm a direct 21 related to family violence.
22 representative and I'm on property and I'm asking you 22 Q. And d doesn't apply, correct?
23 to leave property and you refuse to leave, then I can 23 A. No.
24 enforce a code of criminal trespass. I can verbally 24 Q. And e doesn't apply, correct?
25 tell you, please, Mister -- 25 A. It's not a felony.
243 245
1 Q. Bexley. 1 Q. And f doesn't apply, correct?
2 A. -- Bexley, leave, and if you refuse to leave, 2 A. No.
3 then I can say, hey, I'm going to do a criminal 3 Q. And g doesn't apply, correct?
4 trespass, you know. I can give you the criminal 4 A. No, he hasn't confessed to any felonies that
5 trespass banning you from six months to a year from 5 I know of.
6 that prop -- from that property, particular property, 6 (Exhibit No. 48 marked.)
7 like Rosa Parks, and not to come back without the 7 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) I'm going to shift gears and
8 written consent of the owner, which is DART, per se, 8 talk about what you've done to search for documents in
9 and I'm no longer in it. And if you come back within 9 this case. Are you aware that Mr. Adelman submitted
10 that time, then you're going to jail for violating a 10 to your attorney requests that you turn over any
11 criminal trespass. 11 documents related to the case? No?
12 Q. Okay. And I'm not trying to be argumentative 12 A. Uh-huh.
13 or repetitive here, but I really want to make sure 13 Q. Yes or no?
14 we're on the same page because you're telling me a lot 14 A. No, I don't recall.
15 about the Code of Conduct, and I appreciate the way 15 Q. I'm going to hand you a document that I've
16 you interpret that and you've explained that very 16 marked as Exhibit 48.
17 well, and I -- I understand where you -- you're at on 17 MR. BEXLEY: I only have one copy, but
18 the Code of Conduct. 18 these are just RFPs.
19 I'm focused only on warrantless arrests 19 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) And this document is
20 pursuant to Exhibit 47, the warrantless arrest policy. 20 entitled Defendant Branch's Objections and Response to
21 And so I've heard you articulate that you believed 21 Plaintiff's Request for Production.
22 that Mr. Adelman being loud and disruptive and not 22 A. Okay.
23 following orders or commands from a police officer was 23 Q. Have you ever seen this?
24 a breach of the peace and so you believe that 24 A. No.
25 justified a warrantless arrest, correct? 25 Q. Okay. Well, I will just give you a very

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4 Plaintiff, )
5 versus )
and STEPHANIE BRANCH, ) 3:16-cv-2579
7 individually and in her )
official capacity as a )
8 Dallas Area Rapid Transit )
Police Officer, )
9 )
Defendants. )
10 *******************************************************
13 JULY 28, 2017
14 VOLUME 1 OF 1
15 ******************************************************
17 SPILLER, produced as a witness duly sworn by me at the
18 instance of the Plaintiff, was taken in the above styled
19 and numbered cause on JULY 28, 2017, from 9:09 AM to
20 12:30 PM, before Beth Howard, CSR in and for the State
21 of Texas, reported by Machine Shorthand, at the offices
22 of Dallas Area Rapid Transit, located at 1401 Pacific
23 Avenue, Dallas, Texas, pursuant to the Federal Rules of
24 Civil Procedure, Notice of Deposition, and the
25 provisions stated on the record or attached hereto.

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5 7
1 VIDEOGRAPHER: Going on the record at 9:09 1 Q. You'll know what I mean?
2 AM. Today is Friday, July 28th, 2017. This is the 2 A. Yes.
3 beginning of Tape Number 1, Volume 1. 3 Q. Okay. You understand you've been designated
4 We are here for the deposition of Dallas 4 today as a corporate representative on certain topics
5 Area Rapid Transit corporate rep James Spiller, in the 5 for DART?
6 case of Ari S. Adelman versus Dallas Area Rapid Transit 6 A. Yes.
7 and Stephanie Branch. 7 Q. And do you understand that that means that you
8 This deposition is taking place at the 8 speak on behalf of DART with respect to those topics in
9 offices of Dallas Area Rapid Transit, 1401 Pacific 9 this deposition?
10 Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202. 10 A. Yes.
11 The court reporter is Beth Howard. We are 11 Q. Okay. Have you received a copy of the
12 with Dickman Davenport, 4228 North Central Expressway, 12 Deposition Notice that lists those topics?
13 Suite 101, Dallas, Texas 75206. 13 A. Can I see it?
14 Will counsel and all those present please 14 Q. Yes, sir. I'm marking that as Exhibit 53.
15 state their appearances for the record. 15 (DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 53 MARKED.)
16 MR. BEXLEY: Tyler Bexley, representing the 16 A. Yes.
17 Plaintiff, Avi S. Adelman, and with me is Mr. Adelman. 17 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) You've reviewed this document,
18 MR. GAMEZ: Gene Gamez, for Dallas Area 18 Exhibit 53?
19 Rapid Transit, and behind me is Janith Lewis-Bryant and 19 A. Yes.
20 an intern, Vanessa, that will be in for some of the 20 Q. And you understand that -- You can keep it over
21 deposition. 21 there.
22 If I could, could you have the -- the 22 You understand that Exhibit 53 is a
23 record reflect that it's -- the corporate rep is DART 23 Deposition Notice that lists the topics that this
24 Chief of Police James Spiller? 24 deposition will be about?
25 VIDEOGRAPHER: Yes. 25 A. Yes.

6 8
1 (OATH ADMINISTERED BY THE REPORTER.) 1 Q. And if you'll flip to Page 3, where the topic
2 CHIEF JAMES D. SPILLER, 2 list starts, it's my understanding that you have been
3 having been first duly sworn, testified as follows: 3 designated as DART's corporate representative, either
4 EXAMINATION 4 the only corporate representative or one of multiple
5 BY MR. BEXLEY: 5 corporate representatives, on every topic except for 1,
6 Q. Good morning, sir. Will you please state your 6 12, and 13. Can you confirm that that's correct?
7 name? 7 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to intervene on that.
8 A. James D. Spiller. 8 I've got 14, and maybe there's a -- there's a
9 Q. And are you the Chief of the Dallas Area Rapid 9 misunderstanding on that.
10 Transit Police? 10 MR. BEXLEY: You have him not on 14.
11 A. That's correct. 11 MR. GAMEZ: Correct.
12 Q. Is it okay with you if I refer to you in this 12 MR. BEXLEY: I have a response e-mail that
13 deposition as Chief Spiller? 13 you sent to that one that you're referring to, where you
14 A. That's fine. 14 said to add him to 14, but you can take a look and
15 Q. Chief Spiller, do you understand that you are 15 confirm that for me, Mr. Gamez.
16 testifying today in a deposition in a lawsuit filed by 16 MR. GAMEZ: Okay. No, that's fine. I see
17 Mr. Avi Adelman? 17 14, yeah. I think it's -- that's fine.
18 A. Yes. 18 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) So let me ask the question
19 Q. And do you understand that that lawsuit relates 19 again.
20 to an arrest of Mr. Adelman by a Dallas Area Rapid 20 Is it your understanding that you have been
21 Transit police officer on February 9th, 2016? 21 designated as one of -- at least one of DART's corporate
22 A. Yes. 22 representatives on every topic listed here except 1, 12,
23 Q. Is it okay with you if I refer to the entity as 23 and 13?
24 "DART" for short? 24 A. Yes.
25 A. Yes. 25 Q. And are you prepared to testify on DART's

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13 15
1 A. Yes. Verbal counseling. 1 Is it your testimony that DART has never
2 Q. During your tenure as the chief and deputy 2 been sued for constitutional rights violations during
3 chief of the DART Police Force, have you been involved 3 your tenure, or you just don't recall any such --
4 in any DART litigation other than this case? 4 A. Not that I'm aware of.
5 A. As far as deposition? 5 Q. -- lawsuits?
6 Q. Start with that, sure, as a deposition. 6 So you don't know one way or the other?
7 A. I think I sat in on one with the chief, but I 7 A. No.
8 was not called, because I was new. 8 Q. Okay. Are you aware of any complaints against
9 Q. Have you ever been deposed? 9 DART during your tenure as chief or deputy chief
10 A. I don't recall, but I think I have. 10 relating to constitutional rights violations?
11 Q. And since you don't recall, you don't -- I 11 A. No.
12 assume you don't have any recollection of what that 12 Q. I mentioned a moment ago you understand we are
13 deposition was related to? 13 here today to talk about the arrest of Avi Adelman on
14 A. No. 14 February 9th, 2016?
15 Q. All right. During your tenure as the chief and 15 A. Yes.
16 deputy chief of the DART Police Force, are you aware of 16 Q. And Mr. Adelman was arrested by DART Officer
17 any litigation against DART relating to wrongful arrests 17 Stephanie Branch on that date; is that correct?
18 other than this case? 18 A. Yes.
19 A. No, but I will say this was not -- No. Your 19 Q. And Officer Branch was at that time a DART
20 answer is no. 20 police officer and still is today, correct?
21 Q. Are you aware of any DART -- any litigation 21 A. Yes.
22 against DART in your tenure as chief or deputy chief 22 Q. And on February 9th, 2016, Officer Branch, when
23 involving the First Amendment? 23 she arrested Mr. Adelman, was acting in the course of
24 A. No. 24 her employment as a DART police officer?
25 Q. During your tenure as chief and deputy chief, 25 A. Yes.

14 16
1 are you aware of any litigation against DART involving 1 Q. And on February 9th, 2016, when Officer Branch
2 any allegations of constitutional rights violations? 2 arrested Mr. Adelman, she was acting under color of
3 A. I think one. 3 state law, correct?
4 Q. And what -- what do you recall about that case? 4 A. Yes.
5 A. It was where we preferred charges against an 5 Q. Have there been any complaints, other than
6 officer. 6 those related to this case, about Officer Branch that
7 Q. And the officer filed suit against DART? 7 you're aware of?
8 A. No. 8 A. There may have been, but nothing -- nothing
9 Q. So explain to me what -- what that involved. 9 jumps out.
10 A. An officer picked someone up and versus filing 10 Q. Are you aware of any prior discipline issues
11 a charge on them, he carried them to a place and 11 with respect to Officer Branch?
12 performed -- had a sexual encounter with them. Nothing 12 A. I'd have to be looking at her records.
13 was reported. 13 Q. You haven't reviewed those records?
14 We pressed charges on him -- filed charges 14 A. I reviewed her records in the past, but as far
15 with him, with the District Attorney's Office, and he 15 as discipline, I'm not aware of any discipline taken
16 was convicted as well in the federal system. 16 against her.
17 Q. And was there litigation by the -- the victim? 17 Q. Is it fair to say that other than knowing that
18 A. No. 18 she was a DART police officer, Officer Branch wasn't
19 Q. So I'm a little confused, because my question 19 really on your radar prior to February 9th, 2016?
20 was whether you're aware of litigation involving 20 A. All officers are always on my radar.
21 constitutional rights violations. Was -- is that 21 Q. Was there any special reason to know about her
22 something you're saying involves constitutional rights 22 or have her on your radar, beyond just the fact that she
23 violations and litigation? 23 was a DART police officer?
24 A. No. It involved constitutional rights. 24 A. That -- that would be correct.
25 Q. I understand. Thank you. 25 Q. Do you socialize at all with Officer Branch?

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17 19
1 A. I don't socialize with officers. 1 is "Arrests Without A Warrant." Do you see that?
2 Q. Outside of the fact that you're her ultimate 2 A. Yes.
3 boss, do you have any relationship or interaction with 3 Q. And this was issued September 23rd, 2011; is
4 Officer Branch at all? 4 that correct?
5 A. I don't socialize with officers at all. 5 A. Yes.
6 Q. Okay. Was Officer Branch's arrest of 6 Q. And under the authority of the chief of police,
7 Mr. Adelman on February 9th, 2016 consistent with DART 7 which is you, correct?
8 policy? 8 A. Correct.
9 A. Yes. 9 Q. And you were the chief of police on this date
10 Q. Did the arrest of Mr. Adelman on February 9th, 10 as well, correct?
11 2016 violate the First Amendment of the U.S. 11 A. Correct.
12 Constitution? 12 Q. And this policy is still in effect today,
13 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object. You're 13 correct?
14 asking for a legal conclusion. 14 A. Correct.
15 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) You can answer. 15 Q. Under "Policy," you see the first sentence
16 A. What was the question? 16 that -- Section II says, "Short of the application of
17 Q. Did the arrest of Mr. Adelman on February 9th, 17 force, an arrest is the most serious action an officer
18 2016 violate the First Amendment of the U.S. 18 can undertake. An arrest can cause repercussions
19 Constitution? 19 throughout a person's life, even if eventually found not
20 MR. GAMEZ: Same objection. 20 guilty or never brought to trial."
21 A. No. 21 Did I read that correctly?
22 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) I didn't hear you, sir. 22 A. Yes.
23 A. I stopped. 23 Q. Do you agree with that statement?
24 MR. GAMEZ: Thanks for giving me the couple 24 A. Yes.
25 of seconds. 25 Q. Then the next sentence says, "The most

18 20
1 Same objection: It's asking for a legal 1 important legal question facing an officer at the moment
2 conclusion and -- legal conclusion. 2 of an arrest is the existence of probable cause.
3 MR. GAMEZ: You can answer, if you 3 Without probable cause, the arrest is illegal and the
4 have a.... 4 evidence of criminality that was obtained because of the
5 A. Would you repeat the question? 5 arrest is inadmissible."
6 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Sure. Did the arrest of 6 Do you see that?
7 Mr. Adelman on February 9th, 2016 violate the First 7 A. Yes.
8 Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? 8 Q. Do you agree with that statement?
9 A. No. 9 A. Yes.
10 Q. Did the arrest of Mr. Adelman on February 9th, 10 Q. And so it's your understanding that an arrest
11 2016 violate the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. 11 without probable cause is illegal, correct?
12 Constitution? 12 A. Correct.
13 A. No. 13 Q. And that's well-known and clearly established
14 Q. Does DART have an arrest without a warrant 14 among police officers, that you cannot arrest a person
15 policy? 15 without probable cause, correct?
16 A. If you have something in front of you -- 16 A. Correct.
17 Q. Sure. 17 Q. How many arrests have you personally made in
18 A. -- that you're looking at, I'll be glad to look 18 your career, roughly?
19 at it. 19 A. You're -- you're asking for an assumption over
20 (DEPOSITION EXHIBIT 7 MARKED.) 20 26 years.
21 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) I'm handing you a document 21 Q. Hundreds or thousands, probably?
22 marked as Exhibit 7. Does this document look familiar 22 A. Hundreds.
23 to you? 23 Q. And supervised or been the chief while many,
24 A. Yes. 24 many more were made, correct?
25 Q. This is a DART General Order, and the subject 25 A. Yes.

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1 Q. So it's fair to say that you have some 1 cause, right?
2 expertise in what constitutes probable cause and what 2 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object to those.
3 doesn't, correct? 3 It's a misrepresentation of the facts.
4 A. Yes. 4 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Is that correct?
5 Q. If you'll flip with me to Page 2, there's a 5 A. I have to be looking at what you're
6 Section V, "Arrest Without a Warrant." Do you see that? 6 specifically referencing.
7 A. Yes. 7 Q. You've read the Internal Affairs report?
8 Q. And it says, "Federal and state constitutions 8 A. I read it.
9 protect individuals from arbitrary and oppressive 9 Q. And you understand that there's a statement in
10 interference with privacy by law enforcement officials. 10 there that says that the evidence indicates that Officer
11 Further, officers must have probable cause that a crime 11 Branch did not gather enough articulable facts and did
12 has been committed and that the person to be arrested 12 not establish probable cause to effect the arrest of
13 has committed the crime." 13 Adelman?
14 Do you see that? 14 MR. GAMEZ: Same -- same objection. You're
15 A. Yes. 15 misquoting the facts, and the facts not in evidence.
16 Q. Do you agree that it is a constitutional rights 16 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Well, since your lawyer thinks
17 violation to arrest a person without probable cause? 17 I'm misquoting something, let me use the document, and
18 A. Yes. 18 I'll read the exact quote that you wrote or that
19 Q. Then Section B says, "When warrantless arrests 19 somebody wrote on your behalf.
20 may be made. 20 This is a document that's been previously
21 "The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, in 21 marked as Exhibit 1 to another deposition, and this is
22 Chapter 14, gives officers the authority to make 22 the Internal Affairs report that DART commissioned and
23 warrantless arrests, supported by 'probable cause' as 23 wrote, correct?
24 follows," and then there's an A through G listed there. 24 A. Correct.
25 Do you see that? 25 Q. Do you stand by this Internal Affairs report?

22 24
1 A. Yes. 1 A. Yes.
2 Q. Did Officer Branch have probable cause under 2 Q. Does DART stand by this Internal Affairs
3 any of these provisions, A through G? 3 report?
4 A. We didn't read A through G. Are we going to go 4 A. Yes.
5 through all of them and -- 5 Q. Okay. Flip to the page that says -- at the
6 Q. You can read them silently and identify which, 6 very bottom, you'll see numbers beginning with "DART."
7 if any of them, Officer Branch had probable cause under. 7 There's a "DART," a bunch of zeros, and then the number
8 A. (Referring to document.) 8 "7." Do you see that?
9 What was your question? 9 A. Yes.
10 Q. Which of those, if any, did Officer Branch have 10 Q. Okay. Find the exact bullet that I'm referring
11 probable cause under which to arrest Mr. Adelman? 11 to, because I want to get this quote correct.
12 A. I think what we're confusing here is 12 MR. ADELMAN: Page 7.
13 understanding your question as pertaining to this, but 13 MR. BEXLEY: I got it.
14 we're also not looking at the DART Code of Conduct, and 14 MR. ADELMAN: Okay.
15 I think it's important that we take a look at the DART 15 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Okay. If you will look down to
16 Code of Conduct and what it also says, because arrests 16 the second-to-last bullet on that page, do you see that,
17 can occur there also. 17 beginning with "the evidence indicates"?
18 Q. Okay. And I -- I intend to get to that in a 18 A. Yes.
19 moment, but for now, I just want to focus on whether or 19 Q. It says, "The evidence indicates that Officer
20 not Officer Branch had probable cause under any of the 20 Branch did engage in conduct which was illegal or could
21 enumerated clauses in Section I of Exhibit 7. 21 reflect negatively on DART if brought to the attention
22 A. Not here, no. 22 of the public, could consult in justified unfavorable
23 Q. Okay. And in fact, there's an Internal Affairs 23 criticism of that employee, DART, or the Transit Police
24 report in which DART concluded that Officer Branch's 24 when she failed to gather enough articulable facts and
25 arrest of Mr. Adelman was not supported by probable 25 did not establish probable cause to effect the arrest of

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1 Adelman." 1 A. Yes.
2 Did I read that correctly? 2 Q. You understand that Officer Branch has
3 A. Yes. 3 testified that this policy was the basis for her
4 Q. Do you stand by that statement? 4 criminal trespass arrest of Mr. Adelman?
5 A. Yes. 5 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object to
6 Q. Does DART stand by that statement? 6 comparative testimony.
7 A. Yes. 7 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Do you understand that?
8 Q. You can put that aside and we'll come back to 8 A. I'm not aware of what she testified to.
9 it. 9 Q. Okay. Do you agree that that is the basis for
10 Now, you mentioned just a moment ago the 10 Officer Branch's arrest of Mr. Adelman?
11 Code of Conduct, so I want to look at that, and 11 MR. GAMEZ: Objection. Those are facts not
12 that's -- I'm handing you that as an exhibit that was 12 in evidence.
13 previously marked as Exhibit 46. 13 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Do you agree that this
14 Is this the document that you're referring 14 provision, Section 2.02(a)(15), is the policy basis for
15 to? 15 Officer Branch's arrest of Mr. Adelman?
16 A. Yes. 16 A. Yes.
17 Q. Okay. And this is the DART Code of Conduct; is 17 Q. Now, the -- this unauthorized use provision
18 that right? 18 that we've been talking about, that applies to all
19 A. Yes. 19 non-transportation activity, correct?
20 Q. And it is currently in effect, correct? 20 A. On DART facilities, property, vehicles, yes.
21 A. Yes. 21 Q. And so a person who is protesting on a DART
22 Q. And it was in effect when Mr. Adelman was 22 facility for non-transportation purposes would be in
23 arrested as well, correct? 23 violation of this provision, correct?
24 A. Yes. 24 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object to
25 Q. Flip to Page 3, please. 25 speculation.

26 28
1 MR. GAMEZ: Will you refer to the DART's 1 MR. BEXLEY: He's going to object during
2 Bates number, so that -- 2 the deposition and unless --
3 MR. BEXLEY: Yes, it's Bates number 194. 3 THE WITNESS: Okay.
4 No problem. 4 MR. BEXLEY: -- he instructs you not to
5 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Are you there? 5 answer, you can go ahead and answer.
6 A. Yes. 6 So let me ask the question again.
7 Q. And there's a Section 2.02, "Prohibited Conduct 7 THE WITNESS: Sure.
8 and Enforcement." You see that? 8 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Section 2.02(a)(15) would
9 A. Yes. 9 preclude a person from engaging in protests on DART
10 Q. And Section (a) states, "A person is prohibited 10 property for non-transportation related purposes,
11 from committing the following acts on a DART vehicle, 11 correct?
12 DART facility, or DART property unless otherwise 12 A. No.
13 specified in this Section." 13 Q. Okay. Why not?
14 And if you'll jump down to Number 15, it 14 A. Because they could have permission.
15 says, "Unauthorized use of a DART facility or DART 15 Q. Okay. Let me ask the question differently.
16 property for non-transportation purposes." 16 Section 2.02(a)(15) would prohibit a person
17 Did I read that correctly? 17 who does not have permission from protesting on DART
18 A. "Non-transportation related purposes." 18 property for non-transportation related purposes,
19 Q. Thank you. I apologize. 19 correct?
20 A. Yes. 20 MR. GAMEZ: Objection, speculation.
21 Q. Is that an accurate reflection of DART's 21 You can answer.
22 current policy? 22 A. Correct.
23 A. Yes. 23 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) And Section 2.02(a)(15) would
24 Q. Is that an accurate reflection of DART's policy 24 prohibit a person who does not have permission from
25 when Mr. Adelman was arrested? 25 taking photographs on DART property for

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1 non-transportation related purposes? 1 because of all the terror-related incidents and events
2 MR. GAMEZ: Objection, speculation. 2 that occur.
3 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Is that correct? 3 So I'm not sure I'm answering your
4 A. Repeat your question. 4 question, but that -- and that's a lot of speculation on
5 Q. Section 2.02(a)(15) would prohibit a person 5 my part, because different officers will interpret it
6 from taking photographs on DART property for 6 different ways. But I think if they see someone there
7 non-transportation related purposes if they don't have 7 taking those pictures, they are going to do those
8 permission; is that correct? 8 things.
9 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object to -- to -- 9 MR. BEXLEY: I'm going to object as
10 it's a speculation and facts not in evidence. 10 nonresponsive.
11 You are referring to -- When you say 11 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) I'm going to break this up into
12 "photography," can you clarify whether you're talking 12 small pieces, one at a time, so we can get to where I'm
13 about commercial or photography pursuant to the Police 13 trying to get with this question.
14 Department policy? 14 My first question is only this: Section
15 MR. BEXLEY: I'm asking a straightforward 15 2.02(a) says, "A person is prohibited from committing
16 question. Your objection is noted. And we'll move on, 16 the following acts on a DART vehicle, DART facility, or
17 and he can answer the question, subject to the 17 DART property unless otherwise specified in this
18 objection. 18 Section," and 15 is, "Unauthorized use of a DART
19 Will you read back the question for me. 19 facility or DART property for non-transportation related
20 (RECORD READ BY THE REPORTER.) 20 purposes"; is that correct?
21 A. A person could be there taking pictures and not 21 MR. GAMEZ: Objection, asked and answered.
22 necessarily have permission, because photography is not 22 Go ahead.
23 prevented. 23 Q. (BY MR. GAMEZ) Is that what that provision
24 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) I understand there's a separate 24 says?
25 policy on photography -- 25 A. You know, again, I'm going to give you the same

30 32
1 A. Okay. 1 answer.
2 Q. -- and we're going to talk about that and how 2 Q. I'm just asking you if that's what the
3 that interplays with Section 2.022 here in a moment. 3 provision says.
4 But for now, my question is limited to the language of 4 A. That's what the provision says --
5 2.02(a)(15). Okay? 5 Q. Okay.
6 A. Okay. 6 A. -- but my answer still remains the same.
7 Q. And that says that, "A person is prohibited 7 Q. Okay. That's what the provision says, correct?
8 from committing the following acts on a DART vehicle, or 8 A. As you read it.
9 DART facility, or DART property unless otherwise 9 Q. Okay.
10 specified in this Section," and then 15 is "unauthorized 10 A. That's as stated.
11 use of a DART facility or DART property for 11 Q. Okay. And in Section 15, the phrase
12 non-transportation related purposes." 12 specifically used is "unauthorized use for
13 A. You know, I'm not sure I'm really understanding 13 non-transportation related purposes"; is that right?
14 what you're trying to get at here, because you could be 14 A. That's what the statement says.
15 there taking pictures, not necessarily using the 15 Q. Photography is a non-transportation related
16 property, but does not prevent an officer from coming up 16 purpose, correct?
17 and making contact with you based upon Homeland Security 17 MR. GAMEZ: Objection. Those -- those
18 rules and concerns. 18 facts are not in evidence. Misstatement of the DART
19 So, yes, you could be there taking pictures
19 Police photography policy.
20 but, yes, we could come up and contact you to ascertain
20 MR. BEXLEY: What fact? I'm asking if
21 why you're taking pictures, what's your reason for being
21 photography is a non-transportation related purpose.
22 there.
22 That's all I'm asking.
23 And if you're consistently there taking
23 MR. GAMEZ: Because we've given you the
24 photography policy, so they're -- you know, you're --
those pictures and doing things, then we could go into
25 the facts aren't there.
another phase from a Homeland Security perspective

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1 MR. BEXLEY: I get it, Gene. The witness 1 that's been previously marked as Exhibit 19.
2 can answer. You can object to form, and the answer is 2 Do you recognize this as DART's photography
3 subject to the objection. 3 policy that went into effect on June 4th, 2014?
4 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Let me ask you again, because 4 A. Yes.
5 this is a very simple, straightforward question: 5 Q. And what was the reason that this policy went
6 Photography is a non-transportation related purpose; is 6 into effect at this time?
7 that correct? 7 A. Just to clarify that people were allowed to
8 A. As the statement reads here. 8 take photographs --
9 Q. That's a "yes"? 9 Q. Was there any written --
10 A. That's yes, as -- per the -- per the statement 10 A. -- as stated.
11 as written. 11 Q. Was there any written policy on photography
12 Q. Okay. And if you want to take a moment to read 12 prior to June 4th, 2014?
13 the whole policy, you're welcome to, but the word 13 A. When you say "written policy," are you meaning
14 "photography" and discussion of photography is not 14 in a memo or --
15 mentioned anywhere in this Code of Conduct; is that 15 Q. Anything in writing.
16 correct? 16 A. -- signs posted? Yes, there were -- there were
17 A. I haven't read it, so if you want to take that 17 two signs posted in my early years here at two DART
18 time or you want me to take your word for it. 18 locations.
19 Q. I'll tell you what. We're going to take a 19 Q. And those were "no photography" signs?
20 break at some point in the next half hour or so, and so 20 A. Yes, or something along those lines. Yes.
21 if you want to read it, then I'll come back and ask you 21 Q. Was there any written policy permitting
22 if you saw the word "photography." 22 photography in place prior to June 4th, 2014?
23 A. What about if I take the break at the same time 23 A. Not from the police, from my recollection.
24 as you and not use my break time to read what you want 24 Q. Is it your belief or understanding as DART's
25 me to read. 25 chief of police at this time that photography was

34 36
1 Q. Well -- 1 permitted prior to June 4th, 2014?
2 A. Is that fair? 2 A. With the exception of where those signs were
3 Q. That's perfectly fine, but -- 3 posted.
4 A. Okay. 4 Q. It just wasn't in writing anywhere, as far as
5 Q. -- if you come up with the word -- I will tell 5 you know?
6 you it's not in Exhibit 46. 6 A. That's correct.
7 A. Okay. 7 Q. Is there any particular event or issue that led
8 Q. If you find that at any point today, or between 8 to this policy being reduced to writing on June 4th,
9 now and when this case is tried to a jury, feel free to 9 2014?
10 point out that I'm wrong. But I've read that several 10 A. I think we had seen something up on the East
11 times, and I can tell you -- 11 Coast, an event that took place up at one of the other
12 A. That's why I asked if you wanted me to take 12 transit properties.
13 your word, but -- 13 Q. Was it a court case?
14 Q. Okay. 14 A. It resulted in a court case with one of the
15 A. -- don't ask me to use my break time if you're 15 transit properties.
16 not going to use yours. 16 Q. Who was responsible for putting this policy in
17 Q. I'm going to be using mine to stay prepared for 17 Exhibit 19 together?
18 this deposition the whole time -- 18 A. Who put it in 19, or who wrote the document?
19 A. All right. 19 Q. I'm just referring to the document by its
20 Q. -- and you're free to do the same or not do the 20 number for the record. Who put this document together,
21 same. 21 wrote this document that's Exhibit 19?
22 A. I'll use mine to -- 22 A. I and/or my staff comprised it, and I am the
23 (REPORTER REQUESTS ONE SPEAKER AT A 23 signature person on it.
24 TIME.) 24 Q. Was there a particular person on your staff
25 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) I'm handing you a document 25 that took the lead on this?

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1 Q. Okay. And just because -- so that we're all 1 limited to stations, buses, trains, or other vehicles
2 clear, the case that your lawyer made a speaking 2 for their personal use. Persons taking photographic or
3 objection on, interposed so that you would think about 3 video images must not interfere with transportation or
4 it when you were answering, that case was decided well 4 public safety activity while taking images."
5 after this and well after the photography policy was put 5 Do you see that?
6 into the place -- place. Are you aware of that? 6 A. Yes.
7 A. Our policy was 2014. 7 Q. Was Mr. Adelman interfering with transportation
8 Q. Okay. Thank you. 8 or public safety activities when he was arrested?
9 So back to the photography policy. If you 9 A. I need to look at the report again, because I
10 will compare that -- if you will take Exhibit 19 and 10 do recall she approached him. Upon her approach, it was
11 Exhibit 46 and look at them together. And Exhibit 46 is 11 because of the photography. However, she was mistaken,
12 the Code of Conduct that we were talking about a moment 12 because -- she was mistaken because she was, as I
13 ago. I think it's folded up and you just passed it. 13 recall, interpreting HIPAA rules, which led to her
14 A. No, this is not it. I was going the right 14 approaching him, which later required her -- or she
15 direction. 15 asked him to leave several times, which he failed to do
16 Q. Got it? 16 so --
17 A. Yes. 17 MR. BEXLEY: Objection --
18 Q. So if you'll compare Exhibit 19 and 46 that 18 A. -- which resulted in an arrest for criminal
19 we've talked about. On Page 3 of Exhibit 46, we talked 19 trespass.
20 about that Section 2.02 a moment ago. Do you recall 20 MR. BEXLEY: Objection, nonresponsive.
21 that? 21 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Was Mr. Adelman interfering
22 A. Yes. 22 with transportation or public safety activities when he
23 Q. Okay. Which of these two policies trumps or -- 23 was arrested?
24 or controls if there's a conflict between them, Exhibit 24 MR. GAMEZ: Asked and answered. I think he
25 19 and Exhibit 46? 25 wanted to see the report that....

46 48
1 A. Are you talking overall or -- 1 A. Yeah, I'm going to ask to see the report again,
2 Q. Overall. 2 because I think you're referring to a specific area in
3 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object to 3 that report. And again, I can give you an answer based
4 speculation. 4 upon this statement in and of -- by itself, but I think
5 A. The policy that's going -- going to be the one 5 there is the totality of the circumstances here that
6 that our officers are going to abide by, though they're 6 we're not addressing and that are those other things in
7 going to enforce both. 7 the report.
8 MR. BEXLEY: Okay. Well, I'm going to 8 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) We can look at the report in a
9 object as nonresponsive -- 9 moment. My question is very simple, and it's a "yes" or
10 THE WITNESS: Okay. 10 a "no" question.
11 MR. BEXLEY: -- because that doesn't really 11 Was Mr. Adelman interfering with
12 answer my question. It's a little bit different. 12 transportation or public safety activities when he was
13 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) If there's a conflict between 13 arrested?
14 those two policies out in the field, which one would 14 A. And my response to that is going to be on
15 control the officer's decision? 15 Officer Branch's response in the investigation. She
16 A. DART's policy. 16 thought he was. However, she was mistaken because she
17 Q. And which one of these is DART's policy? 17 was interpreting HIPAA rules. And, again, it led to her
18 A. The Code of Conduct. 18 asking him to leave, based upon that mistaken
19 Q. And that's Exhibit 46? 19 interpretation of those rules, and subsequent his
20 A. Yes. 20 refusal to provide ID and/or to depart the area.
21 Q. Now, looking back on Exhibit 19, the 21 MR. BEXLEY: Objection, nonresponsive.
22 photography policy, it says, in the second paragraph, 22 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Sir, you've been designated as
23 "Persons may take photographic or video images, 23 DART's corporate representative today, correct?
24 including but not limited to film, digital or video 24 A. Correct.
25 recordings, images, of DART property, including but not 25 Q. Is it DART's position that Mr. Adelman was or

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1 over? 1 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Did you hear the officer say
2 MR. BEXLEY: Correct. It's all publicly 2 that not being able to take video or pictures is part of
3 available on the Internet. 3 DART's Code of Conduct?
4 MR. GAMEZ: I said, "Has it been turned 4 A. Yes.
6 MR. BEXLEY: I've already answered you 6 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Did you hear the fare officer
7 "no," several times. 7 ask him if he had a DART ticket?
8 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object. And just 8 A. Yes.
9 so that I don't interfere with your questions, I'm going 9 (VIDEO PLAYED ON LAPTOP COMPUTER.)
10 to object to any questions -- an ongoing objection to 10 MR. BEXLEY: I'm going to stop it there.
11 any questions to Exhibit 55 and Exhibit -- under USB 11 MR. GAMEZ: One more objection on there.
12 Exhibit 8. 12 MR. BEXLEY: There's not a pending
13 MR. BEXLEY: Okay. 13 question.
14 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Now, sir, for the record, 14 MR. GAMEZ: Well, I'm still going to put an
15 Exhibit 8 is a video that is embedded in the blog post 15 objection, because you've presented the exhibit,
16 that we've just talked about that I marked as Exhibit 16 Exhibit 55, a USB exhibit.
17 55. Okay? 17 And my additional objection is relevance,
18 A. Okay. 18 based on it looks like now, getting an opportunity to
19 (VIDEO PLAYED ON LAPTOP COMPUTER.) 19 review the document I'm first just seeing, it's dated
20 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Now, I'm going to pause it 20 March 20th of 2014, and that is before the current
21 here. 21 photography policy of June 4th of 2014, so my objection
22 Can you identify whether that is or is not 22 is relevance.
23 a DART police officer in the video? 23 MR. BEXLEY: Please don't make speaking
24 A. Yes. 24 objections that aren't deposition objections. Relevance
25 Q. Yes, it is? 25 is not a form objection and it's not a deposition

58 60
1 A. Yes. 1 objection.
2 Q. Is that the Officer T. Morris that you were 2 MR. GAMEZ: Please don't bring exhibits
3 just thinking of? 3 that you haven't produced and try to ambush my witness.
4 A. I guess so. 4 MR. BEXLEY: We'll take that one up with
5 MR. ADELMAN: I'm watching the video. 5 the Court as well.
6 THE WITNESS: Okay. 6 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) So there was a prior incident,
7 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Yes, it is Officer T. Morris? 7 that we just saw, less than two years before
8 A. Yes. 8 Mr. Adelman's arrest, where a DART officer told someone
9 Q. And without more, can you recognize which DART 9 that they're not allowed to film or video or pictures of
10 station this is? 10 police on DART property, correct?
11 A. No. 11 A. Let me ask a question, because there's no
12 Q. Okay. I'm going to keep playing, and if at any 12 date -- no year date on here. So we're saying this was
13 point, you can, would you mind just stopping me and 13 March of '14?
14 telling me what station you think it is? Is that okay? 14 Q. Right.
15 A. We're going to have to move it up here, maybe 15 A. Okay.
16 I -- 16 Q. Is that correct?
17 Q. That's fine. 17 A. Give me your question again.
18 A. -- I need to move so I can see. 18 Q. There was a prior incident less than two years
19 Q. How's that? 19 before Mr. Adelman's arrest, where a DART officer told
20 A. Okay. 20 someone they are not allowed to take photos or videos of
21 (VIDEO PLAYED ON LAPTOP COMPUTER.) 21 police on DART property; is that correct?
22 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Did you hear the officer say, 22 A. Yes.
23 "You can't videotape or take pictures here"? 23 Q. Okay. And in that incident, a DART employee,
24 A. Yes. 24 in that case a fare officer, also asked to see a DART
25 (VIDEO PLAYED ON LAPTOP COMPUTER.) 25 fare pass from the individual who was filming, correct?

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1 Did I read that correctly? 1 Administrative Employment Manual and did not refrain
2 A. Yes. 2 from activity which was illegal or could reflect
3 Q. And so it sounds like Officer Branch took the 3 negatively on DART when she made various inconsistent or
4 initiative to contact the photographer, and it was not 4 mistaken statements on her DART Police incident report,"
5 part of her required duties at that time, right? 5 and there's a number, "and made the arrest of Avi
6 A. Correct. 6 Adelman for criminal trespass."
7 Q. And if you'll flip to the next page -- no, I'm 7 Did I read that correctly?
8 sorry, to the one ending in 006. Are you there? 8 A. Yes.
9 A. Yes. 9 Q. And so DART's finding is that Officer Branch's
10 Q. And there's a heading at the bottom that says 10 arrest of Avi Adelman was illegal?
11 "Conclusion"? 11 A. Yes.
12 A. Yes. 12 Q. And then if you flip to the next page, DART
13 Q. The first sentence, "After careful review of 13 00008, it says, "Based on the preponderance of evidence
14 interviews and all documents available, DART Police 14 the alleged complaint is sustained," right?
15 policy violations were committed. There is sufficient 15 A. Yes.
16 evidence that shows Officer Branch did violate DART 16 Q. So Allegation 1 was sustained?
17 Police procedure when she failed to gather enough 17 A. Yes.
18 articulable facts and did not establish probable cause 18 Q. Allegation 2 pertains to the DART Police
19 to effect the arrest." 19 General Order 7.01 Arrest Without a Warrant, right?
20 Did I read that correctly? 20 A. Yes.
21 A. Yes. 21 Q. And this quotes from the probable cause policy
22 Q. Does DART stand by that finding? 22 that we already discussed, right?
23 A. Yes. 23 A. Yes.
24 Q. So it's DART's position that Officer Branch did 24 Q. And then one of the statements that I
25 not have probable cause to effect the arrest of 25 highlighted before, but I want to make sure we see

110 112
1 Mr. Adelman, correct? 1 again, in that first paragraph under "Policy," it says,
2 MR. GAMEZ: Objection, it's -- just 2 "Without probable cause, the arrest is illegal and the
3 objection; facts not in evidence. 3 evidence of criminality that was obtained because of the
4 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Is that DART's position? 4 arrest is inadmissible."
5 A. Yes. 5 A. Okay. You lost me.
6 Q. Flip to the next page, and there's a series of 6 Q. I'm sorry. A couple sentences down after the
7 allegations under -- 7 "Section I. Policy" --
8 A. 007? 8 A. Okay.
9 Q. 007, yes, sir. 9 Q. -- do you see it says "without probable cause"?
10 There's a series of allegations, beginning 10 A. Okay. Now I'm with you.
11 with Allegation 1. Do you see that? 11 Q. Okay. And so it's DART's policy, as reflected
12 A. Yes. 12 in this document, that an arrest without probable cause
13 Q. Allegation 1 relates to the DART Administrative 13 is illegal, right?
14 Employment Manual, Section 9.2, right? 14 A. Yes.
15 A. Yes. 15 Q. And then if you'll flip over to the page ending
16 Q. And then there's a Section E that's excerpted 16 in 009, the first bullet point says, "The evidence
17 out of that down below, and it says, "Conduct which is 17 indicates that Officer Branch did not gather articulable
18 illegal or would reflect negatively on DART, may be the 18 facts and did not establish probable cause to effect the
19 basis for discharge"; is that correct? 19 arrest of Adelman," correct?
20 A. Yes. 20 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object. You --
21 Q. Officer Branch was not discharged here, though, 21 I'm sorry, you missed a couple words there.
22 right? 22 MR. BEXLEY: Okay. Let me read it again.
23 A. Correct. 23 A. Let me clarify. You're on -- which bullet are
24 Q. And then the next sentence says, "The evidence 24 you on?
25 indicates that Officer Branch did violate the DART 25 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) The very first bullet.

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Chief James D. Spiller - July 28, 2017

113 115
1 A. Okay. All right. 1 DART's position that Officer Branch's arrest of
2 Q. And the first sentence says, "The evidence 2 Mr. Adelman was an illegal arrest without probable
3 indicates that Officer Branch did not gather enough 3 cause?
4 articulable facts and did not establish probable cause 4 MR. GAMEZ: Same objection; facts not --
5 to effect the arrest of Adelman," correct? 5 facts not in evidence.
6 A. Correct. 6 Go ahead and answer.
7 Q. Okay. Officer Branch's arrest of Mr. Adelman 7 THE WITNESS: Okay. All right.
8 then was an illegal arrest without probable cause, 8 A. Again, to answer your question, yes, without
9 correct? 9 going into anything else.
10 MR. GAMEZ: Objection. Objection, 10 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Thank you.
11 misstates the facts. 11 And so down below, it says, "Based on the
12 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Is that DART's position? 12 preponderance of evidence the alleged complaint is
13 A. I'm sorry. Were you asking me a question to 13 'Sustained.'"
14 this statement or -- 14 Do you see that?
15 Q. I'm asking you, based on what we just read on 15 A. Where are you reading from?
16 the prior page, that an arrest without probable cause is 16 Q. Right before it gets to Allegation 3.
17 illegal, and what we just read on this bullet point, 17 A. Okay. All right.
18 that Officer Branch arrested Mr. Adelman without 18 Q. Do you see that?
19 probable cause, is it DART's position that Officer 19 A. Yes.
20 Branch's arrest of Mr. Adelman was an illegal arrest 20 Q. And so DART sustained the violation of DART's
21 without probable cause? 21 probable cause policy, right? That's what this
22 MR. GAMEZ: Same objection. 22 allegation pertains to?
23 A. I agree with the statement that's written, yes. 23 A. The arrest without warrants, yes.
24 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) Okay. Is it DART's position 24 Q. Right.
25 that the arrest of Officer Branch was an illegal -- I'm 25 A. Yes.

114 116
1 sorry. Let me withdraw the question. 1 Q. I'm calling it a "probable cause policy." It's
2 Is it DART's position that Officer Branch's 2 technically called "arrest without warrants," right?
3 arrest of Mr. Adelman was an illegal arrest without 3 A. Okay. Yes.
4 probable cause? 4 Q. Okay. So I'll ask it with that phrasing.
5 A. Again, I -- and I think I'm agreeing with you. 5 A. Okay.
6 I agree with the statement here as written, as the DART 6 Q. Officer -- or DART's finding was that Officer
7 representative, and in agreement with what's in the 7 Branch violated DART's policy on arrests without
8 report. 8 warrants, correct?
9 Q. Do you agree with my question as I phrased it? 9 A. Yes.
10 A. As you phrased your question, I would be -- if 10 Q. Is it DART's position that an officer in
11 I answer it, I would be having to go back to an answer 11 Officer Branch's position would be reasonable in
12 that I previously gave to you. 12 arresting Mr. Adelman?
13 But having the report in front of me, yes, 13 A. I'm going to answer the question, but I'm not
14 I concur with what's written here with the report. 14 sure I'm answering the question that you're looking for,
15 Q. You understand that as a litigant, I'm -- an 15 because, again, when we refer to "arrest" -- And in this
16 attorney representing a litigant, I'm entitled to ask 16 particular case, your question is: Was the arrest
17 questions in discovery as I see fit? You understand 17 appropriate? And I say yes, the arrest was appropriate.
18 that, right? 18 MR. BEXLEY: I'm going to object as
19 A. Yes. 19 nonresponsive, because my question is a little bit
20 Q. And you understand that as DART's corporate 20 different.
21 representative, whether you agree with the way the 21 MR. GAMEZ: He's answering your question.
22 question's phrased or not, you're obligated to answer it 22 MR. BEXLEY: Well, that's your opinion.
23 truthfully and to the best of your knowledge, correct? 23 That's fine.
24 A. Yes. 24 Q. (BY MR. BEXLEY) I'm going to ask it again.
25 Q. With that in mind, I will ask you again: Is it 25 Would an officer similarly situated to

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individually and in her
9 capacity as a Dallas Area
Rapid Transit Police
10 Officer,

11 Defendants.
21 APRIL 19, 2017

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6 8
1 PROCEEDINGS 1 of those, there are also other people designated as
2 (Media 1.) 2 corporate representatives; is that correct?
3 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This begins the 3 MR. GAMEZ: That is correct, except for
4 videotaped deposition of Dallas Area Rapid Transit 4 the ones that have a compound sentence; for example,
5 corporate representative Morgan Lyons. We are on the 5 like number 13 and 14 that -- that have to do with
6 record at 9:23 a.m. Today is Wednesday, April the 6 First Amendment or Fourth Amendment and the right to
7 19th, 2017. This is the beginning of tape 1. 7 photograph, that's either a combination of either DART
8 We are here on behalf of Avi Adelman with 8 police and Mr. Lyons, but he is able to talk about the
9 Reese Gordon Marketos. This deposition is located at 9 photograph, both the commercial and -- and DART's
10 1401 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, Texas, 75202. This is 10 photography on there, so some of those are split.
11 the case of Avi S. Adelman versus Dallas Area Rapid 11 MR. BEXLEY: Other than that, by the
12 Transit, et al, Cause Number 3:16-cv-2579, in the 12 Rules?
13 United States District Court, Northern District of 13 MR. GAMEZ: That's fine.
14 Texas, Dallas Division. 14 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the reporter
15 The reporter is Kim Dickman and I am 15 please swear in the witness?
16 Randall Myers, the videographer. We are with Dickman 16 MORGAN LYONS,
17 Davenport, 3131 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Suite 320, 17 having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
18 Dallas, Texas, 75219. 18 EXAMINATION
19 Will counsel and all those present please 19 BY MR. BEXLEY:
20 state their appearances for the record? 20 Q. Will you please state your full name for the
21 MR. BEXLEY: Tyler Bexley, I represent 21 record?
22 the plaintiff, Avi S. Adelman, and with me is my 22 A. Morgan Joe Lyons.
23 client, Avi S. Adelman. 23 Q. What is your work address, Mr. Lyons?
24 MR. GAMEZ: Gene Gamez for Dallas Area 24 A. 1401 Pacific, Dallas, 75202.
25 Rapid Transit, and for the record, we -- we have -- 25 Q. How are you employed?

7 9
1 the -- the representative today is Morgan and his last 1 A. I'm assistant vice president of external
2 name is Lyons, L-Y-O-N-S. 2 relations at Dallas Area Rapid Transit.
3 MS. BISHKIN: My name is Jane Bishkin. I 3 Q. Have you ever given a deposition?
4 represent co-defendant Stephanie Branch. 4 A. Yes.
5 MS. LEWIS-BRYANT: My name is Janet 5 Q. About how many times?
6 Lewis-Bryant. I'm assistant general counsel to Dallas 6 A. Once, that I recall, several years ago.
7 Area Rapid Transit. 7 Q. Was that in connection with a DART
8 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will counsel please 8 proceeding?
9 state all agreements and stipulations for the record? 9 A. Yes.
10 MR. BEXLEY: We have agreed to maintain 10 Q. And what was the nature of that case, if you
11 the confidentiality of this deposition until the 11 recall?
12 conclusion of trial or unless it's necessary to file 12 A. My recollection's probably ten, 12 years ago
13 some portion of the deposition excerpts in the public 13 was a wrongful termination case.
14 record. Does that state our agreement accurately? 14 Q. Do you recall the name of the plaintiff in
15 MR. GAMEZ: Yes. 15 that case?
16 MR. BEXLEY: And then I, Tyler Bexley for 16 A. Ken Mercer.
17 the plaintiff, I wanted to note which topics the 17 Q. Were you designated as a DART corporate
18 parties have agreed would be covered of the corporate 18 representative or were you simply giving an individual
19 representative deposition topics, and I have -- that 19 deposition in that case?
20 Mr. Lyons will be the Dallas Area Rapid Transit 20 A. I don't recall.
21 corporate representative on topic numbers 7, 9, 12, 21 Q. On that issue, do you understand the
22 13, 14, 15, 21, 24 with respect to public relations 22 distinction between giving an individual deposition
23 and media-related admissions and denials; 26 with 23 and a deposition as DART's corporate representative?
24 respect to public relations and media-related 24 A. That is correct, I do, yes.
25 discovery; 27, 28 and 29. And with respect to certain 25 Q. And you understand that on some of the topics

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1 statement, correct? 1 officers responding to that. I don't recall that I
2 A. That's correct. 2 had names at that time.
3 Q. And you began that statement with, we have 3 Q. Okay. You also wrote in there on the third
4 reviewed the exchange. Do you see that? 4 sentence, "Dallas Fire Rescue asked him to move and
5 A. Yes. 5 asked us to ask him to move several times. He failed
6 Q. So by this time, you had touched base with 6 to comply and that's why he was arrested."
7 somebody or spoken with somebody inside of DART who 7 Do you see that?
8 had had a chance to review the incident with 8 A. I do.
9 Mr. Adelman, correct? 9 Q. And the "he" you're referring to and the
10 A. That is correct. 10 "him" you're referring to there is Avi Adelman?
11 Q. And to formulate DART's position at that 11 A. That is correct.
12 time, correct? 12 Q. So as of February 10th, 2016 at 5:21 p.m., it
13 A. Yes. 13 was DART's position that Dallas Fire Rescue asked
14 Q. And you stated, we have reviewed this 14 Mr. Adelman to move from the scene?
15 exchange and believe the officers acted properly; did 15 A. That was the information provided to me, yes.
16 I read that correctly? 16 Q. And that Mr. Adelman failed to comply and was
17 A. Yes. 17 arrested as a result?
18 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object to 18 A. That was the information provided to me, yes.
19 leading. 19 Q. You now know that that information is not
20 MR. BEXLEY: It's -- it's an adverse 20 correct; isn't that right?
21 witness. 21 A. I believe so, yes.
22 MR. GAMEZ: That's fine. 22 Q. Did you ever issue a correction or a
23 MR. BEXLEY: Okay. 23 retraction of this statement?
24 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) You -- you wrote, "We have 24 A. Yes.
25 reviewed the exchange and believe the officers acted 25 Q. When -- when did that take place?

15 17
1 properly." Do you see that? 1 A. I believe it would have been February 16th
2 A. Yes. 2 once we received -- or once I received some additional
3 Q. So as of February 10th, 2016 at 5:21, DART 3 information from Dallas Fire Rescue and once I was
4 believes that the officers acted properly in arresting 4 informed by police that the charges were being
5 Mr. Adelman, correct? 5 dropped.
6 A. That was the information presented to me. 6 Q. I'll circle back to some of the documents
7 Q. Is that a yes at that time? 7 with that, but as I understand it, I think you're
8 A. That was the information presented to me. 8 referring to a series of e-mails that you sent
9 Q. As of February 10th at 5:21 p.m.? 9 attaching the letter dropping the charges.
10 A. That is correct. 10 A. That is correct.
11 Q. And you made the statement on behalf of DART, 11 Q. In your cover e-mail to that, did you say I'm
12 correct? 12 retracting the statement that I previously issued?
13 A. That is correct. 13 A. I need to see the e-mail.
14 Q. And when you wrote, "the officers acted 14 Q. Okay. We'll come back and -- and talk about
15 properly," was one of the officers you were referring 15 that in a few minutes then.
16 to Officer Stephanie Branch? 16 Did you ever apologize to Mr. Adelman for
17 A. I did not know that at the time. 17 the inaccurate information that was conveyed in this
18 Q. You know now that she was the arresting 18 statement?
19 officer? 19 A. I provided the information that I was given.
20 A. Yes. 20 MR. BEXLEY: I'm going to object as
21 Q. So it would have been fair for a member of 21 nonresponsive.
22 the media to assume that that included her? 22 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) My question's a little bit
23 A. I don't know that. 23 different. It's did you ever apologize to Mr. Adelman
24 Q. Which officers were you referring to? 24 for the inaccurate information that was presented in
25 A. My understanding was there were multiple 25 this statement?

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1 A. My answer is the same, I provided the 1 question and that I'm going to reserve the right to go
2 information that I was given. I communicated an 2 to the court and seek attorneys' fee sanctions for
3 e-mail copy of the letter that Mr. Adelman received, a 3 having to come back and do this again.
4 physical copy, I -- I provided that actually before 4 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) How long have you been with
5 the letter was sent. 5 DART, sir?
6 MR. BEXLEY: Objection, nonresponsive. 6 A. 20 years.
7 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Do you understand the 7 Q. What was your first position there?
8 question I'm asking? 8 A. Media relations representative.
9 A. Yes. 9 Q. Is that -- who did you report to at that
10 Q. My question is not whether there's an excuse 10 time?
11 for why this information was provided or there's an 11 A. At that time, I believe the title was -- the
12 explanation for it. It's a very simple question. Did 12 person I reported to was either director of
13 you ever apologize to Mr. Adelman for the inaccurate 13 communications or manager of communications.
14 information that was conveyed in this e-mail? 14 Q. Is it fair to say that that was a lower down
15 A. Again, anytime someone's arrested or we have 15 position than you are today?
16 to -- to act in this fashion to arrest someone, it's 16 A. That is correct.
17 an unfortunate series of events. I communicated our 17 Q. Was that an entry level media position?
18 response to him that the charges would be dropped. 18 A. No, sir.
19 That's the information that I communicated to the 19 Q. You had people below you?
20 media who asked about it. 20 A. No, not at the time, I had no staff reporting
21 Q. Sir, this -- we're going to be here a long 21 to me at that time.
22 time and -- and probably going to be back here with an 22 Q. So what -- what -- you said 20 years, so what
23 order from a judge for another deposition if I can't 23 year would that have been when you --
24 get answers to my questions. So I'm going to try it 24 A. 1996, November of '96.
25 again because I still haven't heard you say yes, I 25 Q. How many different positions have you held at

19 21
1 apologized or, no, I didn't apologize. So let me -- 1 DART over that time?
2 let me try to ask it as simply as possible. 2 A. Probably four or five different promotions.
3 Have you ever apologized to Mr. Adelman 3 Q. And to the best of your recollection, what
4 for the inaccurate information that was conveyed in 4 are those four or five different positions you've
5 this e-mail? 5 held?
6 A. I believe I provided the correct information 6 A. Senior media relations representative,
7 that I had at the time. 7 manager of media relations, senior manager of media
8 Q. Have you ever apologized to Mr. Adelman for 8 relations, director of media relations, and then my
9 the information conveyed in this e-mail? 9 current position.
10 A. I believe I provided the information that I 10 Q. And just briefly, what are the differences
11 had at the time. 11 between those various positions?
12 Q. Okay. We're going to come back and do this 12 A. My initial position was truly focused just on
13 again, I'm sure. 13 media relations work. Over time we added Internet
14 You've never apologized to Mr. Adelman; 14 responsibilities, added some staff there. Also at
15 is that correct? 15 different times was responsible for internal
16 A. I believe I provided the information that I 16 communications, audio/visual publications. Most
17 had at the time. 17 recently added -- no longer have internal
18 Q. Why are you not answering my question, sir? 18 communications; added community engagement, community
19 A. Sir, I have answered your question. 19 relations to that, along with publications and then
20 Q. Did you say you apologize to Mr. Adelman? 20 all social digital media.
21 A. I believe I provided the information that I 21 Q. In your current role, are you the senior-most
22 had at the time. 22 person over media relations?
23 Q. All right. 23 A. Yes.
24 MR. BEXLEY: I'm going to state for the 24 Q. Who do you report to?
25 record that I've not received an answer to the 25 A. I have two direct reports, one in -- in that

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1 Mr. Adelman, correct? 1 the media, correct?
2 A. Yes, I did. 2 A. That is correct.
3 Q. You reviewed it before you sent it? 3 Q. Do you recall those e-mails, where you sent
4 A. Yes. 4 them?
5 Q. You read it and presumably understood it 5 A. Yes.
6 before you sent it? 6 Q. Okay. You essentially said the charges have
7 A. That is correct. 7 been dropped, here's a letter?
8 Q. Okay. So what did you understand the 8 A. Yes.
9 policies that were violated if you're now saying he 9 Q. You didn't provide any commentary or
10 was allowed to take photographs? 10 editorializing on that?
11 A. That he would -- he was allowed to take 11 A. I don't recall that I did.
12 photographs. He took several of them because he sent 12 Q. You never told any member of the media, for
13 them to us. 13 example, our account of what happened between the
14 Q. So -- and so -- 14 paramedics and Mr. Adelman was inaccurate?
15 A. He should not have been cited for criminal 15 A. I would need to see the e-mails again, I'm
16 trespass. 16 sorry.
17 Q. Mr. Adelman's arrest was a violation of the 17 Q. Do you have any recollection of having said
18 photography policy, correct? 18 that?
19 MR. GAMEZ: Objection, that's a legal 19 A. I -- no, not off the top of my head, no, sir.
20 conclusion. 20 Q. And I -- I think we -- well, we tried to
21 A. I don't know that. 21 establish, but I didn't get an answer, you never have
22 Q. Well, you just said he shouldn't have been -- 22 apologized to Mr. Adelman, correct?
23 A. He was cited -- he was cited for criminal 23 A. I believe the answer that I provided on the
24 trespass. 24 16th speaks to us removing the -- removing the
25 Q. You just said he shouldn't have been cited 25 charges.

127 129
1 for criminal trespass. 1 Q. I just want to give you an opportunity to
2 A. He should not have, that is correct. 2 answer that question so we don't have to come back
3 Q. What policy did he violate? 3 here. I'm going to ask you again: Did you apologize
4 A. They're separate -- 4 to Mr. Adelman for the statements reflected in your
5 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to -- I'm going to 5 comments to members of the media?
6 object to speculation on -- on -- on he knows 6 A. We informed the media that the information we
7 whether -- speculation as to the criminal trespass and 7 had was incorrect and we provided them updated
8 he's not -- he's not the designated -- proper 8 information, including our decision to drop the
9 corporate rep for that question. 9 charges.
10 A. Yeah, I can't speak to that. 10 Q. Is it difficult for you to apologize to
11 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Okay. Well, you've already 11 somebody?
12 testified that he shouldn't have been arrested for 12 A. Again, I believe I've answered your question.
13 criminal trespass. I want to know the basis for that 13 Q. Is it difficult for you to apologize to
14 statement. What is the violation or what is the 14 somebody?
15 reason he should not have been arrested for criminal 15 A. No.
16 trespass? 16 Q. Is it difficult for you to discuss whether
17 A. He should have been allowed to continue 17 you've apologized to somebody?
18 taking photos. 18 A. No.
19 Q. Under what policy? 19 Q. Have you apologized to Mr. Adelman for the
20 A. Our photography policy. 20 comments that you made in e-mails to members of the
21 Q. Do you know what Chief Spiller meant when he 21 media?
22 wrote, although the officer's actions appear to be 22 A. We provided information based on the -- the
23 within her authority? 23 reports we had at the time; that information changed
24 A. No. 24 once we received additional information; that
25 Q. You sent this same letter on to members of 25 information was shared with the same media who made

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1 inquiries initially about his arrest. 1 Q. I want to -- I think it's really important
2 Q. Don't you think the jury has the right to 2 for the jury to get an understanding of a -- a
3 know whether you apologized to Mr. Adelman? 3 timeline of how things happened, so I want to back up
4 A. Again, the -- we provided updated 4 and go back through the incident as well as your
5 information, corrected information to the media who 5 interactions with the media and then this dismissal
6 made inquiries about his arrest. 6 and just make sure we have the dates all correct.
7 Q. Don't you think the jury has a right to know 7 A. Okay.
8 whether you apologized -- 8 Q. So on February 9th, 2016, sometime in the
9 MR. GAMEZ: I'm going to object -- 9 evening, Officer Branch and other DART officers
10 MR. BEXLEY: Let me finish my question, 10 arrested Mr. Adelman, correct?
11 please. 11 A. That is my understanding.
12 MR. GAMEZ: I'm sorry. 12 Q. On February 10th, 2016, at 7:32 a.m., we
13 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Don't you think the jury has 13 looked at an e-mail where Mr. Spiller, Chief Spiller
14 the right to know whether you apologized to 14 instructed his staff to review the incident before
15 Mr. Adelman? 15 responding to you?
16 MR. GAMEZ: Object, asked and answered. 16 A. That is correct.
17 A. I believe I've answered your question several 17 Q. On February 10th, 2016, at 5 -- I'm sorry, at
18 times, sir. 18 2:11 -- 2:29 p.m., you issued the first public
19 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) That's the only answer 19 statement on behalf of DART relating to the arrest of
20 you're going to give? 20 Mr. Adelman?
21 A. Yes, sir. 21 A. Correct.
22 Q. Okay. So as of February 16th, 2016 when 22 Q. And you issued another statement that same
23 DART -- or when you forwarded that letter from DART to 23 day to Mr. Miles at 5:20 p.m., correct?
24 Mr. Adelman, DART had determined that the arrest was 24 A. Correct.
25 not proper, correct? 25 Q. And at some point you later made additional

131 133
1 A. Yes. 1 statements on -- on later days, February 11th and
2 Q. And DART had determined that the original 2 12th, 2016, correct?
3 statements issued to the media were not accurate -- 3 A. Correct.
4 A. Correct. 4 Q. And the statements were substantially similar
5 Q. -- right? 5 to the effect the officers acted properly and that DFR
6 What happened in the intervening time 6 had instructed Mr. Adelman to move, correct?
7 between your last statement on February 13th, 2016 and 7 A. Correct.
8 this dismissal of charges on February 16th, 2016? 8 Q. And on February 12th, 2016, are you aware
9 A. I -- I don't recall in -- in my particular 9 that Chief Spiller initiated an investigation into
10 area, I don't recall anything other than getting a 10 Officer Branch and indicated that the audio recordings
11 call from Jason Evans and I can't recall if that 11 indicate the arrest may not have been proper?
12 was -- let's see, I think the 16th is probably a 12 A. I am not.
13 Friday. I don't recall, but a day or so before that; 13 (Exhibit No. 25 marked.)
14 might have even be the same day I received a 14 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Handing you a document
15 communication from Mr. Evans. 15 marked as Exhibit 25. Have you seen this document
16 Q. Was the statement from Mr. Evans the basis 16 before?
17 for DART's decision? 17 A. I -- I can't recall, I'm sorry.
18 A. I do not know that. You would need to ask 18 Q. Okay. This was an Interoffice Memorandum
19 Chief Spiller. 19 from DART Police; do you see that?
20 Q. You weren't involved in that decision? 20 A. Yes.
21 A. No. 21 Q. And it's dated February 12th, 2016?
22 Q. Mr. Lyons, are you personally aware of any 22 A. Yes.
23 new information, other than what Mr. Evans provided, 23 Q. And it is from Chief James Spiller, correct?
24 that would have changed DART's decision? 24 A. Correct.
25 A. I am not. 25 Q. The subject is Avi Adelman Arrest - Officer

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1 and I'd make a phone call and it's taken care of. 1 A. Our dispatch center, train control centers.
2 Q. Can you tell the jury any specific dates or 2 Q. What about out on public platforms?
3 names of people that have made those complaints? 3 A. Platforms, no.
4 A. I cannot. It's very infrequent. 4 Q. You -- you're certain of that?
5 Q. About how many times, can you recall? 5 A. Yes.
6 A. I think I had said earlier maybe a half a 6 MR. GAMEZ: Can you put on Exhibit 27, do
7 dozen times a year. That -- again, I don't keep track 7 you know when that photo was taken, do you have a
8 of that. 8 context for that photo? It just says April 11th. It
9 Q. Okay. 9 doesn't have a year up there.
10 A. We typically deal with it in the moment and 10 MR. BEXLEY: I'm going to say probably
11 rarely, if ever, have any issues. 11 2014, but I don't know for certain.
12 Q. Are you aware of any other arrests or 12 (Exhibit No. 28 marked.)
13 trespass warnings that were issued to either members 13 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Handing you a document
14 of the media or members of the public who were taking 14 marked as Exhibit 28. This is an Administrative
15 pictures on DART property? 15 Policy/Procedure and it's numbered ADM-34 from DART.
16 A. I am not. 16 A. Yes.
17 Q. Have you done any research into whether 17 Q. Do you see that?
18 that's happened before? 18 A. Uh-huh.
19 A. I have not. 19 Q. And its effective date is May 3rd, 2004?
20 Q. You don't know one way or the other? 20 A. Correct.
21 A. That is correct. 21 Q. Its subject matter is Reasonable Regulation
22 Q. Who at -- at DART would be the appropriate 22 of Expressive Activity on DART Owned or Operated
23 person to ask about that? 23 Property; does -- did I read that correctly?
24 A. Perhaps police who would keep records of 24 A. Yes.
25 arrests. 25 Q. What is this -- this document?

143 145
1 Q. DART's property is public property, correct? 1 A. It relates to expressive activities. We will
2 A. That is correct. 2 have individuals who wish to pass out leaflets or
3 Q. Are those -- well -- 3 information and use our stations' public areas to do
4 (Exhibit No. 27 marked.) 4 that.
5 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) I'm handing you a document 5 Q. Is this policy currently in effect?
6 marked as Exhibit 27. Yours is a color copy. The 6 A. Yes.
7 rest are black and white. 7 Q. If you'll jump down to the bottom of the
8 A. Okay. 8 page, there's a -- front page, there's a section
9 Q. Do you recognize the signs that say No 9 called DART Property Other Than Inside A Vehicle.
10 Photography Allowed Without Authorization? 10 A. Yes.
11 A. Yes. 11 Q. I presume that means platforms, stations,
12 Q. Are these the signs -- or the locations you 12 that type of thing?
13 were referring to before, the Cityplace and I think 13 A. That is correct, yes, sir.
14 there was one other one? 14 Q. And subsection B says, expressive activity,
15 A. Convention Center. The top one I know is 15 including but not limited to, the distribution of
16 Cityplace. I believe the bottom one may be as well. 16 hand -- by hand of leaflet-type information material
17 Q. Okay. Are these signs still in place today? 17 to the public or displaying placards, posters or signs
18 A. No. 18 on DART property, other than inside a DART vehicle,
19 Q. But you don't know when they were taken down? 19 may be allowed with prior approval as to time, content
20 A. No. 20 and place by the President/Executive Director or his
21 Q. Are these signs -- or do these signs exist at 21 designee. Any persons engaging in such act -- in any
22 any DART property today? 22 such activity without prior approval will be subject
23 A. In some of the safety sensitive areas. 23 to removal from the premises by the DART Transit
24 Q. What -- what would that be? What would a 24 Police; did I read that correctly?
25 safety sensitive area be? 25 A. Yes.

Dickman Davenport, Inc

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41 (Pages 146 to 149)
Morgan Lyons - Confidential - April 19, 2017

146 148
1 Q. And so what -- whatever expressive activity 1 Q. For example, if somebody wanted to come and
2 is, it's only permitted at DART stations with prior 2 protest the DART police and the executive director
3 approval, correct? 3 didn't like that, he would be free to -- to stop or
4 A. That is correct. 4 not approve that?
5 Q. And it says, "may be allowed," correct? 5 A. That likely would not happen. We have had
6 A. That is correct. 6 protestors around here before.
7 Q. So that's at the discretion of the president 7 Q. But under this policy he would have the
8 or executive director or his designee? 8 discretion to do that?
9 A. That is correct. 9 A. Would have the discretion, but highly
10 Q. So, for example, if somebody wanted to have a 10 unlikely that would happen. We have protestors in and
11 rally or a protest, they would have to get prior 11 around this building.
12 approval from the president or his designee? 12 MR. BEXLEY: I'll object as nonresponsive
13 A. That is correct. 13 to everything after "discretion."
14 Q. Or if somebody wanted to make a public speech 14 Q. (By Mr. Bexley) Now, who is the per -- who
15 at DART, they would have to get permission from the 15 is the president/executive director or his designee
16 executive director or his designee? 16 for purposes of this policy?
17 A. Correct. 17 A. Gary Thomas is the president/executive
18 Q. And he could withhold that approval at his 18 director. I'm his designee.
19 discretion? 19 Q. So -- oh, so you're the person who would make
20 A. That is correct. 20 the decision?
21 Q. And do you happen to know what criteria he 21 A. That is correct.
22 uses to decide whether or not to allow expressive 22 Q. Do you have to consult with Mr. Thomas or are
23 activity? 23 you allowed to make the decision on your own?
24 A. It typically is -- controls -- or relates to 24 A. I am allowed to make that decision.
25 access to the facility, the ability of customers to 25 Q. How many times have you rejected or declined

147 149
1 use the -- the property. We have a number of 1 a -- a request for expressive activity?
2 religious groups who like to pass out literature and 2 A. Probably in the -- since 2004, maybe not even
3 so we will work with them to make sure that we don't 3 a half dozen.
4 have three different, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses 4 Q. But it's happened before?
5 groups on the same platform at the same time. 5 A. Yes.
6 Typically very productive relationships. 6 Q. And how many times, if you know, has somebody
7 We will also work with some groups who 7 been cited for criminal trespass or removed from the
8 choose to provide information where we might have a 8 premises for not having permission?
9 potential conflict or someone who says, I want to set 9 A. I do not know that anyone has ever been cited
10 up a large table, you couldn't do that, say, for 10 for criminal trespass. Most often if the -- and a lot
11 example, at the Akard station. It would simply block 11 of the people we work with will carry a copy of -- of
12 access. 12 this policy in an e-mail exchange documenting that.
13 Q. Does DART ever reject requests based on the 13 The police will ask them if they don't have that
14 content of what they want to protest or discuss? 14 information. Typically they will call me or they'll
15 A. We have in the past and it's simply a -- a 15 come down here, and then we'll make arrangements for
16 matter of some of the material we have people might 16 them to come back at a later date once we're able to
17 find objectionable. We have had organizations want to 17 notify police in our operations.
18 provide photos of simulated rapes or of animal parts 18 Q. So people have been -- or groups have been
19 or something like that. Again, we're a transit 19 removed and told that they cannot engage in expressive
20 agency. We're trying to cooperate with multiple 20 activity because they didn't have approval at that
21 agents of folks and some of that material may be 21 time?
22 offensive. 22 A. And they may not participate -- engage in it
23 I don't believe we have ever had a group 23 at that moment. I don't know that -- again, there's a
24 that didn't provide some alternative communication 24 possibility of over the last 13 years, there may have
25 ultimately. 25 been a few that have not been allowed. Quite often,

Dickman Davenport, Inc

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DART Police
Office of Professional

Control Number: 16-010

Administrative Review Number:

Internal Affairs Investigation Number: lA 16-05

Associated Review or Investigation Number:

Involved Member(s):

Stephanie Branch

DART Police Department

DART000001 APP. 42
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 43 of 187 PageID 1171

DART Police
Office of Professional

Involved Member: Stephanie Branch

Date of Incident: 02/09/2016
Nature of Complaint: Policy and procedures
Control Number: 16-010
Administrative Review Number
Internal Affairs Number ITA 16-05

Signatures AR/IA Date

~!v-- ( _J~ 74 ;2r;;s 1~

D~utyChief I
---,) -~
( -y~.
ahief James 12-BP'illef
f/1 2-f~

DART000002 APP. 43
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 44 of 187 PageID 1172


On February 12, 2016, the DART Police Department's Office of Professional Standards
(OPS) received a written complaint from Chief Spiller to conduct an investigation into
the arrest Avi Aldeman by Officer Stephanie Branch #331 at the DART's Rosa Parks
On February 1'2, 2016, the DART Police Department's Office ofProfessional Standards,
was authorized to initiate an Internal Affairs Investigation. On February 14, 2016, Officer
Roy Wilt # 100 was assigned to investigate the incident in accordance with General Order
2.02 "Allegations ofMisconduct."


On February 09, 2016, at about 8:20P.M., Officers Stephanie Branch #331, Robert Craig
#411, and Elmar Lee Cannon #428 were working foot patrol in the DART's Central
Business District at DART's Rosa Parks Plaza.

A patron advised Officer Craig that a man was passed out at the southeast comer of Rosa
Parks Plaza. Craig observed a Hispanic male lying on the ground passed out. Dallas Fire
and Rescue (DFR) #18 arrived while Craig was trying to wake the subject up. Officers
Branch and Cannon arrived on scene and the Dallas Fire and Rescue (DFR) paramedics
were able to wake the man up.

As a precaution, one of DFR's personnel pointed out a photographer to everyone at the

scene who was taking pictures. (Avi Adelman)

Officer Craig stated that he heard DFR personnel say "There's a man taking
pictures. " (See Tab #7)
Officer Cannon stated that he heard DFR personnel advised Cannon and Craig to
be aware that there is someone taking pictures. (See Tab#8)
DFR Public Information Officer James L. Evans stated, "We have spoken with all
DFR members who re~ponded to the incident at which Mr. Adelman was arrested,
and they contend that at no point were any requests made to ask Mr. Adelman to
leave the scene and/or stop taking pictures. In addition there were no requests
made to officers to ask him to leave the scene and/or stop taking pictures. That
said, we believe the alleged request(s) of our members is irrelevant as it relates to
the big picture of Mr. Adelman being arrested. DFR understands and respects the
rights of anyone to be at the scenes, and taking documentation, of any incident to
which we respond. While we reserve the right to kindly ask someone to stop
taking pictures, in no way (provided that they are not interfering with operations
or putting themselves or others in danger, among other reasons) can we make
them stop. "
Officer Branch stated that she heard DFR personnel say "Hey guys that man is
taking pictures moving too close, beware. Keep him back and away .from our
scene as we try to treat this man. " (See Tab #3)

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Adelman is viewed taking photographs of a person in a public place who appeared to

have passed out and unresponsive. Adelman is never viewed less that approximately 10
feet from the actual medical scene. Officers Cannon, Craig and DFR personnel did not
witness Adelman interfere with medical treatment or medical personnel.

At some point Branch called for Dallas Police to come to the scene. Branch's
questionnaire # 11.) Why did you call for Dallas Police? Why did you ask them for
an Officer's assistance? (See Tab #6)

I called Dallas for assistance with Avi Adelman and to help inform A vi
Adelman that his behavior and actions were interfering with the medical
treatment. I needed help with controlling Avi Adelman actions at the
medical perimeter. He was being aggressive and disobeying police
instructions. The other officers were at my last view struggling wit the
white male that was waking up. I needed help and more information on
property, jurisdiction and authority. In regard to A vi Adelman and who is
going to take care and custody of the white male after treatment.

This statement leads one to believe Adelman must have been out in the street and in
Dallas Police jurisdiction.

Officer Branch took it upon herself to make contact with the photographer. Branch used
Professional Presence and Verbal Dialogue and Commands and advised the
photographer (Adelman) that he needed to leave and he could not take pictures while
someone was receiving medical treatment. (Branch Audio Recording Tab#20)

Adelman used Non-Verbal and Verbal Non-Compliance refused to leave and began
arguing with Branch, telling her HIPPA does not apply here, which escalated the incident
into a verbal confrontation. Adelman attempted to use Defensive Resistance and started
to walk away from Branch.

Branch continued using Verbal Dialogue and Commands by telling Adelman to Stop,
Stop, yelling commands for Adelman to stop and to ID himself. Branch used Soft Empty
Hand Control by grabbing Adelman's wrist and attempting to take him into custody.
Adelman continued to escalate the incident and used Defensive Resistance by pulling
away from Branch stating he was just scratching his head. (See Tab#20)

DART Officer Dontrey Fleming arrived on the scene and Adelman complied with the
officer's commands. Branch arrested Adelman for criminal trespass.

Reasonable suspicion is a standard which allows a police officer to stop and briefly detain
a person if, based upon the officer's training and experience, there is reason to believe
that the individual is engaging, about to engage, or has engaged in criminal activity. The
officer is given the opportunity to stop the action by stepping in to investigate. Unlike
probable cause that uses a reasonable person standard, reasonable suspicion is based upon

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the standard of a reasonable police officer.

Based on the evidence Officer Branch's first contact with Adelman was walking over and
telling him to leave because he cannot take photographs of people while receiving
medical treatment or HIPPA. (See Tab #20)

A review of the police report #DTC16000489 Branch wrote indicate various inconsistent,
unverifiable or uncorroborated statements. Based on the totality of circumstance
involving this arrest, the chain of command after reviewing the criminal trespass offense
against Adelman and voided the criminal trespass warning. (See Tab #26)

Referring to what she was told by DFR in DART Police Report DTC1600489
Officer Branch Stated The Following, (See Tab #2)

l)"DFD #28 fire fighters and Captain stated, hey guys that man is taking pictures and
moving too close, beware. Keep him back and away from our scene as we try to treat this

DFR Public information Officer James L. Evans stated, "We have spoken with all
DFR members who responded to the incident at which Mr. Adelman was arrested,
and they contend that at no point were any requests made to ask Mr. Adelman to
leave the scene and/or stop taking pictures. In addition there were no requests
made to officers to ask him to leave the scene and/or stop taking pictures. That
said, we believe the alleged request(.s) of our members is irrelevant as it relates to
the big picture ofMr. Adelman being arrested DFR understands and respects the
rights of anyone to be at the scenes, and taking documentation, of any incident to
which we respond While we reserve the right to kindly ask someone to stop
taking pictures, in no way (provided that they are not interfering with operations
or putting themselves or others in danger, among other reasons) can we make
them stop. "

Branch's response to question 19 gives an indication of her thought process on the scene.

19.) According to your voice recording, when you initially made contact with
Adelman you tell him he cannot take pictures at the scene. Were you protecting the
patient's dignity, respect and HIPPA laws or was Adelman interfering with the

Yes that was my action. And I wanted a safe distance away from the white male
receiving medical treatment. I was trying my best to protect the patient's dignity, respect
and HIPPA laws.

A vi Adelman interfered when he tries to get pass me and gain access to the medical
scene. A vi Adelman would walk up to me and I would ask him to move back. I told him
no several times. His goal was to get close up pictures which would involve him getting
direct access to the white male's medical information, medical condition information and

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personal information. Avi Adelman was interfering when seeks to gain very close access
to the police officer's and paramedics without their knowledge. Avi Adelman was also a
safety and security risk when he kept trying to get access without the knowledge of police
or paramedics. Informed Avi Adelman he could take pictures at 6 feet or the street area.
A vi Adelman kept approaching me after being told to stay back. Avi Adelman could take
pictures ifhe stayed back. Avi Adelman kept trying to pass me to take pictures. Told
Avi Adelman he could take pictures but not in side the perimeter.

Sergeants T. and H. Hutchins and other officers who assisted with the arrest were not at
the location and did not witness the incident that had occurred between Officer Branch
and Adelman and could only rely on "good faith" that the information given to them by
officer Branch was true and accurate.

Dallas Fire and Rescue Official Statement (See Tab #16)

On Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Dallas Fire-Rescue responded to a call for a "welfare

check", at the Rosa Parks Plaza, for a man lying on the ground. During the course of this
incident a local photographer, Avi Adelman, was arrested by DART police officers.

The following is Dallas Fire-Rescue's official statement on the matter:

"We have spoken with all DFR members who responded to the incident at
which Mr. Adelman was arrested, and they contend that at no point were
any requests made to ask Mr. Adelman to leave the scene and/or stop
taking pictures. In addition there were no requests made to officers to ask
him to leave the scene and/or stop taking pictures. That said, we believe
the alleged request(s) of our members is irrelevant as it relates to the big
picture of Mr. Adelman being arrested. DFR understands and respects the
rights of anyone to be at the scenes, and taking documentation, of any
incident to which we respond. While we reserve the right to kindly ask
someone to stop taking pictures, in no way (provided that they are not
interfering with operations or putting themselves or others in danger,
among other reasons) can we make them stop."


After careful review of interviews and all documents available, DART Police
policy violations were committed. There is sufficient evidence that shows Officer
Branch did violate DART Police procedure when she failed to gather enough
articulable facts and did not establish Probable Cause to effect the arrest.
Adelman was taking pictures of an emergency medical scene which is his right
according to DART's Photography Policy. (See Tab#4) Adelman was not
breaking any laws and would not lead a reasonable person to believe that he was
committing a crime or had committed a crime or about to engage in committing a
crime. Branches initial interaction with Adelman was based on her mistaken
belief of HIPPA and therefore the arrest of Adelman for criminal trespass was not

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based on sufficient probable cause.

A law enforcement officer has probable cause to detain a person if at the time of
detainment, he has knowledge that warrant a prudent person's belief that the
person detained has been or is about to be engaged in criminal activity or is a
danger to themselves or others.
Adelman is viewed simply taking photographs of a person in a public place on
DART property who appeared to have passed out. Adelman is never viewed less
that approximately 10 feet from the actual medical scene. Officers Cannon, Craig
or DFR personnel did not witness Adelman ever interfere with medical treatment
or medical personnel.
In the field officers have to make decisions in circumstances that are tense,
uncertain, and rapidly evolving to each particular situation. Police officers are
given breathing room to make reasonable but mistaken judgments about open
legal questions. Police officers in the field aspire to make correct decisions 100%
of the time, however, real time situations do not offer the benefit of 20/20
hindsight and officers often fall short of this aspiration despite their best good
faith efforts.

Classification of Complaint

Allegation-!- DART Administrative Employment Manual, Section 9.2 which states:

All employees are to exhibit standards of personal conduct and to avoid conflict of
interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest. The following list includes some, but
not all, of the actions that provide cause for corrective and/or disciplinary action.
Disciplinary action may include reprimand, suspension, demotion or discharge.

E. Conduct which is illegal or would reflect negatively on DART, may be the basis for

The evidence indicates that Officer Branch did violate the DART Administrative
Employment Manual and did not refrain from activity which was illegal or could
reflect negatively on DART when she made various inconsistent or mistaken
statements on her DART Police incident Report #DTC1600489 and made the
arrest of Avi Adelman for criminal trespass.
The evidence indicates that Officer Branch did engage in conduct which was
illegal or could reflect negatively on DART if brought to the attention of the
public, could result in justified unfavorable criticism of that employee, DART or
the Transit Police when she failed to gather enough articulable facts and did not
establish Probable cause to effect the arrest of Adelman. Adelman was taking
pictures of an emergency medical scene which was permissible according to
DART's Photography Policy. (See Tab#4
Branches initial interaction with Adelman was based on her mistaken belief of
HIPP A and therefore the arrest of Adelman for criminal trespass was not based on
sufficient probable cause. The charges of criminal trespass and the criminal
trespass warning for Adelman were dismissed on 2/13/16. (See Tab #24, #25)

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Based on the preponderance of evidence the alleged complaint is "Sustained."

Allegation-2- DART Police General Order 7.01 Arrest Without Warrant which


Short of the application of force, an arrest is the most serious action an officer can
undertake. An arrest can cause repercussions throughout a person's life, even if
eventually found not guilty or never brought to trial. The most important legal
question facing an officer at the moment of an arrest is the existence of probable
cause. Without probable cause, the arrest is illegal and the evidence of criminality
that was obtained because of the arrest is inadmissible. Officers shall accordingly
exercise critical judgment in making arrests. Critical judgment includes
consideration for bystanders, the time, place, and location of offenses, and the use of
force in making the arrests. Officers shall consider alternatives to arrest consistent
with their law enforcement mission.

To define the authority of officers to arrest and the mechanism for making arrests
without a warrant.


A. Arrest

An arrest is a seizure of a person. An arrest is supported by probable cause.

B. Probable cause

According to the U.S. Supreme Court, "Probable cause exists where the facts
and circumstances within [the arresting officers'] knowledge and of which they
had reasonable trustworthy information are sufficient in themselves to warrant a
man of reasonable caution in the belief that an offense has been or is being
committed" and that the person to be arrested committed it. An officer must
have probable cause to make an arrest.


A. Federal and state constitutions protect individuals from arbitrary and

oppressive interference with privacy by law enforcement officials. Further,
officers must have probable cause that a crime has been committed, and that
the person to be arrested has committed the crime.

B. When warrantless arrests may be made

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1. The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, in Chapter 14, gives officers the
authority to make warrantless arrests, supported by "probable cause", as
a. Officers may arrest persons found in suspicious places and under
circumstances which reasonably show that such persons have been guilty
of some felony or breach of the peace, or threaten, or are about to
commit some offense against the laws.

The evidence indicates that Officer Branch did not gather enough articulable facts
and did not establish probable cause to effect the arrest of Adelman. A review of
the police report Branch wrote indicate various inconsistent, unverifiable or
uncorroborated statements. Adelman was taking pictures of an emergency
medical scene which was permissible according to DART's Photography Policy.
(See Tab#4)
Branch, as well as two other officers responded to a call for service at the Rosa
Parks Plaza, regarding a white male passed out and needed medical attention.
Branch provided a perimeter watch and began interacting with Adelman, who was
taking photos of the incident. DART's photography police states: "Persons may
take photographic or video images ... Persons taking photographic must not
interfere with public safety activity while taking images."
Branches initial interaction with Adelman was based on her mistaken belief of
HIPPA and therefore the arrest of Adelman for criminal trespass was not based on
sufficient probable cause. The charges of criminal trespass and the criminal
trespass warning for Adelman were dismissed on 2/13/16. (See Tab #24, #25)

Based on the preponderance of evidence the alleged complaint is "Sustained."

Allegation-3-DART Police General Order 1.14 Code of Conduct Section: 1.4

Professional Conduct and Personal Bearing which states:

1.4(1) Dereliction of duty on the part of any member of the Transit Police, detrimental to the
proper performance of the functions of the Transit Police, is cause for corrective/disciplinary
action. Action will be taken according to the degree of severity of the violation, the results
brought about by the dereliction, and the effect it has upon the discipline, good order, and best
interest of the Transit Police. Dereliction of duty includes but is not limited to:

1.4(3) No officer or non-sworn member shall engage in any conduct which, if brought to
the attention of the public, could result in justified unfavorable criticism of that
employee, DART or the Transit Police.

The evidence indicates that Officer Branch did engage in conduct if brought to the
attention of the public, could result in justified unfavorable criticism of that
employee, DART or the Transit Police when she failed to gather enough
articulable facts and did not establish probable cause to effect the arrest of

DART000009 APP. 50
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Adelman. Adelman was taking pictures of an emergency medical scene which

was permissible according to DART's Photography Policy. (See Tab#4)
The evidence indicates that Officer Branch, as well as two other officers
responded to a call for service at the Rosa Parks Plaza, regarding a white male
passed out and needed medical attention. Branch provided a perimeter watch and
began interacting with Adelman, who was taking photos of the incident. DART's
photography police states: "Persons may take photographic or video
images ... Persons taking photographic must not interfere with public safety
activity while taking images."
Branches initial interaction with Adelman was based on her mistaken belief of
HIPPA and therefore the arrest of Adelman for criminal trespass was not based on
sufficient probable cause. The charges of criminal trespass and the criminal
trespass warning for Adelman were dismissed on 2/13/16. (See Tab #24, #25)

Based on the preponderance of evidence the alleged complaint is "Sustained."

Allegation-4-DART Police General Order 1.14 Code of Conduct Section: 1.6

Protection of persons, their rights, and their property which states:

1.6(3) No officer shall falsely cite, arrest, imprison, or direct any malicious prosecution
against any person.
The evidence indicates that if Adelman was interfering or obstructing first
responders, Branch was authorized to have him step back, but Branch was
mistaken or incorrectly believed that HIPPA limited or prohibited Adelman from
taking photos of the incident. Adelman was within DART's Photography Policy.
(See Tab#4)
Branches initial interaction with Adelman was based on her mistaken belief of
HIPPA and therefore the arrest of Adelman for criminal trespass was not based on
sufficient probable cause. The charges of criminal trespass and the criminal
trespass warning for Adelman were dismissed on 2/13/16. (See Tab #24, #25)

The evidence indicates that Officer Branch, as well as two other officers
responded to a call for service at the Rosa Parks Plaza, regarding a white male
passed out and needed medical attention. Branch provided a perimeter watch and
began interacting with Adelman, who was taking photos of the incident. DART's
photography police states: "Persons may take photographic or video
images ... Persons taking photographic must not interfere with public safety
activity while taking images."

Based on the preponderance of evidence the alleged complaint is "Sustained."

Allegation-S-DART Police General Order 1.14 Code of Conduct Section: 1.8 Civil,
criminal, judicial, and investigative actions which states:

1.8(6) No member of the DART Police shall knowingly falsify any report, document, or
record or cause to be entered any inaccurate, false, or improper information on records,

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Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 52 of 187 PageID 1180

documents, or reports of DART or the DART Police or of any court or alter any record,
document, or report except by a supplemental record, document or report. No member
shall remove or destroy or cause the removal or destruction of any DART or DART
Police report, document, or record without authorization.

The evidence indicates that Officer Branch did inaccurately enter false, or
improper information when she failed to gather enough articulable facts and did
not establish probable cause to effect the arrest of Adelman. Adelman was taking
pictures of an emergency medical scene which was within DART's Photography
Policy. (See Tab#4)
The evidence indicates that Officer Branch, as well as two other officers
responded to a call for service at the Rosa Parks Plaza, regarding a white male
passed out and needed medical attention. Branch provided a perimeter watch and
began interacting with Adelman, who was taking photos of the incident. DART's
photography police states: "Persons may take photographic or video
images ... Persons taking photographic must not interfere with public safety
activity while taking images."
Branches initial interaction with Adelman was based on her mistaken belief of
HIPPA and therefore the arrest of Adelman for criminal trespass was not based on
sufficient probable cause. The charges of criminal trespass and the criminal
trespass warning for Adelman were dismissed on 2/13/16. (See Tab #24, #25)

Based on the preponderance of evidence the alleged complaint is "Sustained."

Allegation-6- DART Police Photography Policy which states:

In order to provide the highest level of safety and security to our customers and
employees and to ensure that marketing rights are protected, the following procedure
applies to DART Police employees in regards to photographic or video images on, in, or
of DART property, vehicles, or employees.

Persons may take photographic or video images, including but not limited to film, digital
or video recordings (Images) of DART Property, including but not limited to stations,
buses, trains, or other vehicles for their personal use. Persons taking photographic or
video images must not interfere with transportation or public safety activity while taking
images. DART Police Officers may initiate an inquiry or investigation when
photography or videotaping activity is suspicious in nature or inconsistent with this

Images of designated restricted areas (e.g. areas not open to the public, an area designated
for DART Employees only, etc.) are not permitted. Any person observed tal9ng images
on, in, or of a restricted area may be subject to law enforcement action as appropriate,
provided there is "no photography" signage posted.

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Except as otherwise permitted by law (e.g. in conjunction with a lawful arrest, etc.),
DART Police or Fare Enforcement Officers shall not demand or take any action to delete,
view or confiscate images taken by any person.
This procedure shall remain in effect until superseded or rescinded by the Chief of Police
and Emergency Management.

The evidence indicates that if Adelman was interfering or obstructing first

responders, Branch was authorized to have him step back, but Branch was
mistaken or incorrectly believed that HIPPA limited or prohibited Adelman from
taking photos of the incident. Adelman was within DART's Photography Policy.
(See Tab#4)
The evidence indicates that Officer Branch, as well as two other officers
responded to a call for service at the Rosa Parks Plaza, regarding a white male
passed out and needed medical attention. Branch provided a perimeter watch and
began interacting with Adelman, who was taking photos of the incident. DART's
photography police states: "Persons may take photographic or video
images ... Persons taking photographic must not interfere with public safety
activity while taking images."
Branches initial interaction with Adelman was based on her mistaken belief of
HIPPA and therefore the arrest of Adelman for criminal trespass was not based on
sufficient probable cause. The charges of criminal trespass and the criminal
trespass warning for Adelman were dismissed on 2/13116. (See Tab #24, #25)

Based on the preponderance of evidence the alleged complaint is "Sustained."

tcer Roy Wilt #100

Office of Professional Standards
DART Police Department

APP. 53
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 54 of 187 PageID 1182

Inconsistencies in DART Police Report DTC1600489 (See Tab#14)

On February 9, 2016 at approximately 7:46p.m. Officers S. Branch #331, E. Cannon

#428 and R. Craig #411 were at DART Rosa Parks Plaza Bus Station located on 901 Elm
Dallas County, Dallas, Texas regarding a white male passed out on K2 drug and needing
medical treatment. Dallas Fire and Rescue #28 arrived and were treating the white male
for K2.

An unknown white male with a camera walked up to the medical scene and started
taking pictures of the passed out white male. DFD #28 was treating the white male suject.
The white male with the camera was later identified as Adelman, A vi, date of birth 4-1 0-
1956. Adelman kept walking around the scene trying to get closer photo shots of the
medical scene. DFD #28 fire fighters and Captain stated, " Hey guys that man is taking
pictures and moving too close, beware. Keep him back and away from the our scene as
we try to treat this man!" 1) This statement has been denied by DFR personnel and by
Officers Craig and Cannon. This statement is not heard or viewed on any video or
audio recordings taken from the scene.

Branch asked, "Sir please stay back so the fire fighters can help this man. Sir do not take
pictures ofDFD treating the victim give him some respect Stay back."2) This statement
is not heard or viewed on any video or audio recordings taken from the scene and is
not accurate.

Adelman stated, "No I have a right to be here and you cant not make me move. Do not
touch me and I am not leaving.3)Adelman is not heard or viewed on any video or
audio recordings taken from the scene saying "do not touch me." This statement is
not accurate.

Call the sergeant and chief cause I am not moving or leaving! I have emailed your chief
and I will do it again. I can do what I want here. "4) This statement is not heard or
viewed on any video or audio recordings taken from the scene and is not accurate.

Branch asked Adelman, "Sir please do not get any closer to the medical scene. Sir you're
interfering when you trying to get closer to take pictures. Sir please step back and DFD
#28 give them space to work.S) This statement is not heard or viewed on any video or
audio recordings taken from the scene and is not accurate.

Sir DFD unit does not want you to move any closer to the medical scene it is interfering
with the direct treatment of the white male. DFD is not comfortable with you being this
close to them, move back." 6) This statement is not heard or viewed on any video or
audio recordings taken from the scene and is not accurate.

Adelman walked directly to Branch and asked for Branch's badge number. Branch was
standing directly in the medical scene. Branch told him. "331 is my badge number and
please move back. You're interfering." 7) This statement is not accurate. Branch's

DART000083 APP. 54
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 55 of 187 PageID 1183

recording and Adelman's video recorded Branch saying, my badge number is 331
I'm identified by my badge number that's all you need.

Adelman kept walking up to Branch and taking pictures as he demanded Branch's badge
number. Branch asked Adelman again to step back and the badge number is 331.
Adelman continued to interfere by trying to advance closer into the medical scene to take
a closer picture of the white male on the ground passed out. DFD had advised Branch to
keep Adelman back from interfering while they give medical treatment to the white male
passed out. 8) This statement has been denied by DFR personnel and by Officers
Craig and Cannon. This statement is not heard or viewed on any video or audio
recordings taken from the scene. Branch is viewed on Adelman's body-cam video
walking up to Adelman and telling him he has to leave and is not allowed to take
pictures of people receiving medical treatment. (See Tab #19 )

Adelman stated, "Call your sergeant and chief. I do not have to leave anywhere and you
can not stop me from taking pictures." Branch informed Adelman, "You can not keep
getting close to the medical scene you will be seen as interfering as they try to help the
person." .9) This statement is not heard or viewed on any video or audio recordings
taken from the scene and is not accurate.

Adelman stated, "I don't have to move anywhere. I am on City of Dallas property. I do
not give a damn about you or that man! Call you sergeant now!" Adelman continued to
yell, taking more pictures and causing a scene .. 10) This statement is not accurate
according to the video or audio recordings taken from the scene.

Adelman continued to draw attention away from DFD #28 medical treatment and
repeatly yell at Officers and DFD #28 fire fighters. 11) This statement is not accurate.
Adelman is never heard or viewed yelling at anyone except Branch.

Adelman continued to make close circles around DFD #28 medical unit as they tried to
wake the white male up on the ground. Adelman yelled at officers and DFD #28 medical
unit on the scene and continued to advance closer for closer pictures.
Branch continued to warn Adelman that he is making the DFD #28 uncomfortable with
moving closer for pictures and not letting them treat the white male in peace. Branch
stated to Adelman, "Sir you are interfering with way they perform their duties to help a
person by run up on them taking pictures. 12) This statement is not heard or viewed on
any video or audio recordings from the scene and is not accurate.

You can not run up and take pictures which will interfere with this man's right to
treatment. You are interfering in medical treatment. Stop moving too close to the DFD
#28 medical scene. 13) This statement is not heard or viewed on any video or audio
recordings from the scene.

DART000084 APP. 55
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 56 of 187 PageID 1184

One unknown passenger was at the bus stop looking at Adelman's behavior and actions
stated, "Hey man move so they can help that man!" 14) This statement is not heard or
viewed on any video or audio recordings taken from the scene.

Branch asked Adelman several times, "Leave the area and medical scene. Sir please get
back. Please leave. Sir please leave the location and leave the medical scene.
Sir please stop taking pictures you are too close to the medical scene. 15) This statement
is not heard or viewed on any video or audio recordings from the scene.

Sir you are interfering with DFD giving treatment. Sir are you using DART buses or
trains?" 16 ) This statement is not heard or viewed on any video or audio recordings
taken from the scene.

Adelman stated several times, " I am not leaving and I will not stop taking pictures. That
man or you do not have any rights to not have me take his picture. Hippa does not apply
to me or him. 17) This statement is not accurate according to Branch's audio
recording. (See Tab # )

He is no one!" 18) This statement is not heard or viewed on any video or audio
recordings from taken the scene. Adelman stated, HPPA does not apply here.

Branch called for Dallas Police Officers to the location for the K2 white male passed out
and other Officers Assistance.
Cannon and Craig were still assisting DFD #28 with the white male that was being
combative after being passed out.
Adelman continued to get close again to the medical scene and get close up pictures of
the white male receiving medical treatment.

Adelman please step back and you moving closer to the medical scene is interfering with
medical treatment . 19) This statement is not heard or viewed on any video or audio
recordings taken from the scene.

Branch made several demands for Adelman to step back away from DFD #28 unit
medical scene and stop interfering with picture taking. Its was interfering with DFD #28
unit giving the white male medical treatment with feeling threatened by the sudden
closeness of Adelman. 20) These statements are not heard or viewed on any video
or audio recordings taken from the scene.

Branch informed Sergeant T. Hutchins #179 and H. Hutchins #306 of the situation with
Adelman by cell phone. Adelman made another attempt to get a close up picture of the
medical scene. Branch tried to detain Adelman using a wrist restrain and Adelman
resisted the detention. Branch continued to try to hand cuff Adelman's left wrist. The
detention of Adelman was completed with help of DART Police Officer D. Flemings
#427. Adelman was handcuffed double locked for safety.

DART000085 APP. 56
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 57 of 187 PageID 1185

H. Hutchins and T. Hutchins arrived on the scene and explained to Adelman that his
refusal to leave DART Property and continuing to advance towards the medical scene
was interfering and criminal trespassing. Adelman continued to state he had a right to
take pictures on DART property. H. Hutchins informed Adelman that he did have the
right to take pictures but when he interferes in the direct treatment of anyone needing or
getting treatment it is against the law. H. Hutchins asked Adelman if Branch asked him to
leave the location.
Adelman stated, "Yes the officer told me stop and leave. But I have a right to be in or on
public place to take pictures. It is my right."
H. Hutchins informed Adelman again that Rosa Park Plaza was DART's Property and
rights to remain or stay on the property can be issued and taken away for disruptive
behavior. These rights to remain or stay on DART's Property can be taken away for law
H. Hutchins informed Adelman he received several verbal warnings to stop interfering
and to leave DART's Rosa Parks Plaza by Branch and refused. Which Adelman would be
going to jail under arrest for Texas Penal Code Criminal Trespass, Class B misdemeanor.
Branch informed Adelman he also violated DART's Code Of Conduct 2.02 (a)4.
Engaging in disruptive or disturbing behavior, including loud conversation, profanity or
rude insults. 15. Using a DART facility or property for non transportation related
purposes without authorization.
Adelman delayed the treatment to the white male by his conitnuing to interfere with their
duties. 21) This statement is not accurate.

Adelman continued to interfere with the direct medical treatment of the white male by
continuing to advance really close to DFD #28 fire fighter unit as they treated the white
male. Adelman continued to interfere by stepping really close medical scene to yell at
DFD and Branch then snapping pictures. 22) This statement is not heard or viewed on
any video or audio recordings from the scene. Adelman is never heard or viewed
yelling at anyone except Branch.

Branch wrote a DART Criminal Trespass warning for Adelman under DART Police
Service #DTC16000489. Branch explained to Adelman he would be under arrest for
violating a verbal trespass warning at DART Rosa Parks Plaza location on 901 Elm
Street, Dallas, Texas. Adelman was told to leave several times, stop interfering with
medical treatment and being a public nuisance. Branch wrote "unable to sign, in custody"
in the signature part for Adelman. Adelman was in handcuffs and under arrest he could
not sign.
Branch was issued a DART Police misdemeanor service number M1616393 for Texas
Penal Code 30.05 Criminal Trespass, Misdemeanor B.
Branch explained to Adelman he was banned from entering or remaining on DART's
Rosa Parks Plaza-901 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas and CBD West -920 San Jacinto, Dallas,
Texas. Starting 2-9-2016 and ends 2-09-2017. Adelman stated "I agree and disagree."
Branch and Henderson transported Adelman to Dallas County Jail and bookin. Branch
and Henderson cleared without any further incidents. 23) Branch referred to DFR unit
#18 as #28 throughout the entire report this is not accurate.
Recorded incident on DART's Sony recorder #56 and 57.

DART000086 APP. 57
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 58 of 187 PageID 1186

TO: RoyWilt

DATE: 2/16/2016

I was asked to provide a statement about what I witnessed on the evening of 02/09/2016 while on call
#DTC16000490 at the Rosa Parks Plaza.

Officer E. Cannon and I were responding to a possible drug overdose at the Dart Rosa Parks Plaza. When
we arrived we saw an unresponsive white male lying on the ground. Dallas Fire Department engine #18
arrived on scene and began treatment. DART officerS. Branch arrived on scene. A few minutes later
one of the paramedics said to the officers 11There's a man taking pictures." I looked and saw a white
male approximately 20 feet away who was taking pictures with a black camera. Officer Branch left the
scene and walked over to the man with the camera. A short time later I heard a man's voice saying
loudly 11 What's your badge number" and 11Vou need to call your supervisor." The patient began waking
up and kicking his legs. I could hear the loud voice continuing but I could not tell what was being said do
to the distance and my attention being focused on the safety of the paramedics.

I was asked how close the photographer came to the scene of the call. Since I was facing the patient I
only saw the photographer two or three times as he circled the scene in front of me and to my left. I did
not see the photographer come any closer than 15 to 20 feet from the scene. At times he circled around
behind me and I did not see how close he was.

I was asked if the paramedics made any statement about the photographer interfering with their duties.
I did not hear any paramedic say that the photographer was interfering with their duties.

I was asked if the paramedics asked an officer to have the photographer moved back. I did not hear any
paramedic ask for the photographer to be moved back.

Robert A. Craig #411

DART000062 APP. 58
2/26/2016 DART Mail- 1/A 16-05
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 59 of 187 PageID 1187

Roy Wilt <>

1/A 16-05

Roy Wilt <> Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 8:08AM

To: Robert Craig <>
Bee: Jesus Chao <>, Roy Wilt <>

In report DTC 1600490 you stated, "The paramedics pointed out a white male who was taking pictures of the
scene and Officer Branch left to make contact with him."

What did DFR say about the man taking pictures?

Did DFR say the man taking pictures was interfering or preventing them from doing their jobs?

Did DFR ever say to remove the man taking pictures, or direct any of the officers at the scene to tell him to
leave or to stop him from taking pictures?

What is your knowledge of DART Police Policy concerning photography on DART property?

Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this email and assisting with the investigation to move
fotward. Please keep in mind you are still under the DART Police Administrative Warning, you must be truthful
and keep all information pertaining to this case confidential.

Robert Craig <> Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 7:04AM

To: Roy Wilt <>

report DTC 1600490 you stated, "The paramedics pointed out a white
male who was taking pictures of the scene and Officer Branch left to make
contact with him.'"'

Q: "What did DFR say about the man taking pictures?"

A: Officer E. Cannon and I were responding to a possible drug overdose at the Dart Rosa
Parks Plaza. When we arrived we saw an unresponsive white male lying on the ground.
Dallas Fire Department engine #18 arrived on scene and began treatment. DART officerS.
Branch arrived on scene. A few minutes later one of the paramedics said to the officers
( "There's a man taking pictures."

DART000063 APP. 59
https://m ai>I=pt&search=inbox&th= 15318c20fc520ccO&sim I= 15318c20fc520cc0&siml= 1531dae50010ea45&si... 1/2
2/26/2016 DART Mail- 1/A 16-05
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 60 of 187 PageID 1188

Q: "Did DFR say the man taking pictures was interfering or preventing them from doing
their jobs?"

A: I did not hear any paramedic say that the photographer was interfering with their duties.

Q: "Did DFR ever say to remove the man taking pictures, or direct any of the officers at the
scene to tell him to leave or to stop him from taking pictures?"

A: I did not hear any paramedic ask for the photographer to be moved back.

Q: "What is your knowledge of DART Police Policy concerning photography on DART


A: We had roll-call training on Monday 2/22/16 on this subject presented by Sgt. D. Collins.
I also remember a directive from the Chief several years ago that said to allow photography
in all public places including Cityplace and the Convention Center. This Directive was
posted in the "Chiefs Corner" glass display case on 2nd floor until recently. It is no longer
[Quoted text hidden]

R. Craig #411
Central Business District
DART Police Department
2111 S. Corinth Street Rd.
Dallas, TX 75203

""'oy Wilt <> Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 8:15AM

o: Robert Craig <>

received thanks
[Quoted text hidden]

DART000064 APP. 60
https://m!u/O/?ui=2&ik=964e0e848a&view=pt&search=inbox&th= 15318c20fc520ccO&siml= 15318c20fc520ccO&siml= 1531dae50010ea45&si... 2/2
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 61 of 187 PageID 1189

Date: 2/16/2016

To: Internal Affairs I Officer R. Wilt #66

From: Officer L Cannon #428
Subject: Written Response for DTC16000489

On Tuesday 2/9/2016 on or about 7:35 p.m. Officer L. Cannon #428 and S. Branch #331 (in full police
uniform) was on foot patrol at the West End Train Station located at 800 Pacific Av., Dallas, Dallas
County, TX 75202. Cannon observed Dallas Fire and Rescue #18 at Rosa Parks Plaza located at 901 Elm
St., Dallas, Dallas County, TX 75202. Cannon noted that Officer R. Craig #411 (in full police uniform) was
already on scene at Rosa Parks Plaza.

Cannon and Branch made contact with Craig, Dallas Fire and Rescue personnel and a white male that
was being treated for possible K2 overdose. The white male was laying on his back and began coming
conscious of his surroundings and appeared to attempt to start kicking his legs and feet upward
(although still lethargic). Cannon noted that there have been times when an individual starts becoming
aware of their surroundings but still impaired by K2 can become combative. Cannon kneeled down to
hold the white males legs down so he could not cause injury to Dallas Fire and Rescue personnel, himself
while being treated. A Dallas Fire and Rescue personnel advised Cannon and Craig to be aware that
someone was taking pictures. Cannon looked up and saw a white male approximately 15ft away taking
pictures. Cannon and Craig acknowledged and stated "ok". Cannon remained kneeled down to assist
Dallas Fire and Rescue.

Branch made contact with a white male whom was taking pictures. Cannon and Craig remained with
the white male being treated by Dallas Fire and Rescue. Cannon noted that he could hear Branch and
the white male speaking to one another and voices became elevated. Cannon looked up to ensure that
there was not a officer safety issue. Cannon noted that Branch and the white male were arguing about
him taking pictures. Cannon did not hear the entire conversation but did hear Branch request the white
male to leave property and the white male stated he was not leaving and could take pictures. The white
male asked for Branch's badge number and Branch provided her badge number. Cannon noted that
Branch advised DART Police Dispatch via radio to send a supervisor to the scene and Dallas Police.

Cannon looked towards Branch and the white male again to ensure that there was no officer safety
issue. Cannon noted that Branch and the white male were speaking to one another in elevated voices.
Cannon noted that the white male's language was not threatening and his body language did not appear
to be a threat to the Branch. At times Cannon looked up the white male would be holding his camera
and yelling that he was not leaving property. Cannon remained with the white male being treated to be
advised by Dallas Fire and Rescue if he would be treated or released by them. Cannon also knew the
white male to have an active trespass warning from DART property.

DART000066 APP. 61
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 62 of 187 PageID 1190

Cannon then heard the white male raise his voice and ask if he was being detained and Branch stated
yes. Cannon then thought he heard on the radio that the white male was resisting. Cannon
immediately looked up and observed the white male being detained in handcuffs, but did not see
physical resistance and noted that it could possibly be passive resistance. Officer's D. Flemings #427 (in
full police uniform) arrived on scene with Branch.

Sgt. H. Hutchins #179, Sgt T. Hutchins#306 and R. Henderson #169 arrived on scene and made contact
with Branch and the white male. H. Hutchins made contact with Cannon on scene and requested status,
Cannon updated Hutchins on the white male being treated and released by Dallas Fire and Rescue but
was detained due to an active trespass warning and that Craig was primary. Hutchins asked Cannon if
Branch asked the white male to leave the property. Cannon advised Hutchins that he did hear Branch
advise the white male to leave the property and the white male refused.

L Cannon #428

DART000067 APP. 62
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 DART
Filed 09/15/17
Mail- 1/A 16-05
Page 63 of 187 PageID 1191

Roy Wilt <>

1/A 16-05
3 messages

Roy Wilt <> Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 8:28AM

To: Elmar Cannon <>
Bee: Jesus Chao <>, Roy Wilt <>

In your statement you stated, "A Dallas Fire and Rescue personnel advised Cannon and Craig to be aware
someone was taking pictures."

What did DFR say about the man taking pictures?

Did DFR say the man taking pictures was interfering or preventing them from doing their jobs?

Did DFR ever say to remove the man taking pictures, or direct any of the officers at the scene to tell him to leave
or to stop him from taking pictures?

What is your knowledge of DART Police Policy concerning photography on DART property?

Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this email and assisting with the investigation to move foJWard.
Please keep in mind you are still under the DART Police Administrative Warning, you must be truthful and keep all
information pertaining to this case confidential.

Elmar Cannon <ecannon1> Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 6:48 PM

To: Roy Wilt <>

The only thing said by DFR was advising us someone was taking pictures. I am assuming it was said because I
was getting ready to hold the legs down of the suspect/victim so he could not kick any DFR personnel or officers
on scene: I took it as simply a heads up comment. DFR Personnel never once advised me the individual was
intefering, and the individual taking pies was at least 15 feet away from us. DFR never advised me to remove
anyone or state anyone was intefering. I am not aware nor did I hear DFR direct any officers to remove anyone.
My recording will also indicate this. I am aware of our photography policy as it has been put out to officers in
details in the past and also hanging on the wall on the second floor that states Chiefs Comer.
[Quoted text hidden]

Roy Wilt <> Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 6:50PM

To: Elmar Cannon <>

Received thanks
Sent from my Sprint phone.
[Quoted text hidden]

DART000068 APP. 63
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 64 of 187 PageID 1192
DART Mail- Narrative of DCT16000490

Roy Wilt <>

.tarrative of DCT16000490
2 messages

Robert Craig <> Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 9:15AM

To: Roy Wilt <>

Here is my arrest report narrative.

On Tuesday 02/09/2016 at approximately 19:40 DART officer R. Craig #411 was patrolling by foot the DART
Rosa Parks Plaza located at 901 Elm Street, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas when a patron told him that a man
was passed out near the southeast comer of the Plaza. Upon arrival Craig saw a hispanic male lying on the
ground. Dallas Fire and Rescue Engine #18 arrived on scene as Craig tried to awaken the man. Paramedics
were able to awaken the man who verbally identified himself as Alvarez, Ryan Jay with a date of birth of
08/06/1995. DART officers S. Branch #331 and E. Cannon #428 arrived on scene. The paramedics pointed out
a White male who was taking pictures of the scene and officer Branch left to make contact with him.

The paramedics evaluated Alvarez and cleared him medically.

Alvarez told Craig that his blue back pack was missing. A patron pulled Cannon aside and told Cannon that he
had seen Alvarez smoking "K2" and that when he passed out on the ground he saw a black male take Alvarez's
back pack and move it over to a nearby bus shelter. Cannon went to the bus shelter and found a blue backpack
open on the ground with it's contents scattered. Cannon retrieved the backpack and Alvarez identified it as his
missing backpack.

Craig requested a computer check of Alvarez through DART Dispatch which came back with no wants or
warrants and with an in-house history of ten fare evasion citations and an active Criminal Trespass Warning for
- the Rosa Parks Plaza issued by officerS. Glover #442 on 12/21/2015 barring him from entering or remaining on
the property for a year until12/21/2016.

DART Sergeant T. Hutchins #306 arrived on scene. Craig informed her of his intent to arrest Alvarez for criminal
trespass and she agreed. Because Alvarez was in the barred location during the active time of the warning
without the effective consent of DART, Craig arrested Alvarez at 20:05 for criminal trespass, a violation of the
Texas Penal Code section 30.05, a class B misdemeanor. DART officerS. Michener #396 arrived on scene and
transported Alvarez to the Dallas County Jail where he was booked in under warrant #M-1616394.

Craig transported the blue backpack, which contained clothing and personal care items, to DART Police
Headquarters to be held for safekeeping under property control number EP1601938.

R. Craig #411.
Central Business District
DART Police Department
2111 S. Corinth Street Rd.
Dallas, TX 75203

Roy Wilt <> Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 9:19AM

To: Robert Craig <> DART000069 APP. 64
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 65 of 187 PageID 1193

16, February 2016

On Tuesday, February 09, 2016 at approximately or around 8p.m. I, Sergeant T. Hutchins was at DART

Police. Headquarters located at the address of 2111 S. Corinth Street Rd. I heard via DART Police Radio

that Officer Branch requested that DART Police Dispatch contact the Dallas Police Department because

she had a subject that would not leave the Rosa Parks property. I attempted to contact officer Branch

via DART Police radio but was unsuccessful. I contacted Police Dispatch to verify officer Branch's

location. Dispatch advised that officer Branch was on DART property and out at Rosa Parks. Officer

Branch was contacted via phone. Officer Branch advised that she was at the Rosa Parks station and she

had a guy there taking photographs out at the station and that he was interfering with the treatment of

a subject who was being treated by DFD. I advised officer Branch that he can take pictures. Branch

advised that the individual would not step back and allow DFD to treat the subject, and that he kept

interfering she advised that she asked him several times to step back to allow the subject to be treated

and that he refused. I asked Branch was the person utilizing DART services? I told her ask him if he is

utilizing DART services, and if he is not ask him to leave. After that if he refuses to leave then arrest him

for Criminal Trespass. After speaking with Officer Branch on the phone, I left the station and checked

en route to the' Rosa Parks Station. When I arrived at Rosa Parks, Sgt. H. Hutchins was already on scene

when I arrived to the location. Officer Branch arrested the subject for Criminal Trespass, because the

subject would not leave after being asked several times to leave.

DART000080 APP. 65
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 66 of 187 PageID 1194

From Evans Jason jason evans dallascityhall com

Sent Monday February 22 2016 12 07 PM
To Roy Wilt

Cc Mullins Debra

Subject FW FW DFR Statement

Attachments image002 jpg image004 jpg

Officer Wilt

Here is the statement that I sent to the local media

Jason L Evans

Public Information Officer

Dallas FireRescue Department

214 670 7949

During fiscal year 2014 2015 Dallas FireRescue installed 6 029 smoke detectors in the homes
of Dallas residents

Dallas FireRescue along with the NFPA is encouraging everyone to install smoke detectors

in every bedroom outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of your home
including the basement SMOKE DETECTORS SAVES LIVES

From Evans Jason

Sent Saturday February 13 2016 3 57 PM

To Evans Jason

Subject DFR Statement

Good afternoon all

On Tuesday February 9 2016 Dallas FireRescue responded to a 911 call for a welfare check

at the Rosa Parks Plaza for a man lying on the ground During the course of this incident a
local photographer Avi Adelman was arrested by DART police officers

The following is Dallas FireRescue s official statement on the matter

DART001287 APP. 66
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 67 of 187 PageID 1195
We have spoken with all DFR members who responded to the incident at which Mr
Adelman was arrested and they contend that at no point were any requests made to ask

Mr Adelman to leave the scene and or stop taking pictures In addition there were no

requests made to officers to ask him to leave the scene and or stop taking pictures That

said we believe the alleged request s of our members is irrelevant as it relates to the

big picture of Mr Adelman being arrested DFR understands and respects the rights of

anyone to be at the scenes and taking documentation of any incident to which we

respond While we reserve the right to kindly ask someone to stop taking pictures in no
way provided that they are not interfering with operations or putting themselves or

others in danger among other reasons can we make them stop

Any further questions related to this matter should be directed to Mr Adelman and or DART


Jason L Evans

Public Information Officer

Dallas FireRescue Department

214 670 7949

During fiscal year 2014 2015 Dallas FireRescue installed 6 029 smoke detectors in the homes
of Dallas residents

Dallas FireRescue along with the NFPA is encouraging everyone to install smoke detectors

in every bedroom outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of your home
including the basement SMOKE DETECTORS SAVES LIVES

DART001288 APP. 67
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 68 of 187 PageID 1196

Recommended Action -Stephanie Branch 1/A-16-05

Recommended Action Date

T ~ r Nkrj otJ f:=.R.oM

E ;vt.P 1-0'1 M~

Field Operations Review Date

Deputy Chief

DART000218 APP. 68
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 69 of 187 PageID 1197

Officer Branch Audio Recording #Z0000091 1/A-16-05 Adelman#l

Branch- Ok alright, hold on Sarge hold on .... Sir leave

Adelman- No ..

Branch- you gotta leave

Adelman- Call your supervisor

Branch- I'm talking to my supervisor.

Adelman- Good

Branch- let me see your ID

Adelman- No ..

Branch-let me see your Texas ID

Adelman- No ... no ..

Branch- This is what I'm going through ...... well leave our property .. you're not catching .. .

Adelman- No I don't have to leave ... l'm not leaving ... this is public property

Branch- No it's not this is DART property


Adelman- No I'm not leaving this is not their property .. .! can be here .. .l am not leaving

Branch- No you cannot ... ok Sarge you hear me right. ...... Alright you cannot take picture of
him while they getting ..... .

Adelman- I can take pictures .. .I can take pictures

Branch- Not while they are getting medical attention ... no you cannot

Adelman- HIPPA does not apply here ...

Branch- Leave .... No

Adelman- No .... you will have to arrest me ...

Branch- Leave ... ok is that what you want? Have a seat..

Adelman- No ... you know HIPPA does ... the firemen know HIPPA does apply here

Branch- No ... you cannot take pictures ofhim ...

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Adelman- I can take pictures on DART property ...

Branch- No ... ok look we gonna do something totally different. .. Sir leave ...

Adelman- No I'm not leaving ...

Branch- Leave ... .leave ... alright .... stop ... we gonna do something different ...

Adelman- What are we gonna do lady? You cannot arrest me for standing here ...

Branch- I got one resisting ...

Adelman- I'm not resisting ...

Branch- Stop ... Have a seat ... have a seat ... have a seat ...

Adelman- I'm not resisting ...

Branch- Have a seat .... stop stop ... stop ... whatever you doing stop sir .... before you get
hurt ... stop ..

Adelman- Ok I'm stopped ... call your supervisor hear ... get him onsite ...

Branch- Ok ...

Adelman- And he will tell you I have a right to take pictures in public ...

Branch- Not of someone getting medical treatment

Adelman- Yes ... HPPA does not apply ... HPPA is privacy.... I...uh your Sgt.... I can take
pictures of people in public ...

Branch- Look . I just got through talking to my Sgt. you cannot do that .. .listen to me .. .I'm
asking you to leave ... want you to leave ... you can take pictures from the street but you cannot
take pictures here ...

Adelman- Ok ... your badge number is 331?

Branch-Yes ... I'm telling you .....

Adelman- And your name is ....

01:39-Branch- I'm identified buy my badge number

Adelman- Ok

Branch- And that's all you need to know ...

Adelman- I will leave ...

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Branch- Give me your ID before you leave

Adelman- No ... Why? Ok you want my ID under what right ... what's my detention ...

Branch- Cause I'm asking you to give it to me ...

Adelman- Are you detaining me?

Branch- I'm detaining you ...

Adelman- Are you arresting me?

Branch- Cause I asked you to leave ... you're refusing to give me identification

Adelman- I do not have to give it unless you're arresting me ...

Branch- Stop ... stop ...

Adelman- I'm not doing anything ... I'm scratching my head ...

Branch- Ok ....

Fleming- You trying to detain him?

Branch- Yep ...

Fleming- Put your hands behind your back ...

Adelman- What is the arrest for ....

Branch- I'm detaining you ...

Adelman- For what?

Branch- Cause I told you to leave ..I'm giving you a

Adelman- I don't have to leave, it's public property ...

Branch- Yes you do this is not public property ...

Adelman- I can stay and take pictures ... ok I'll give you my ID

Fleming- I'm out with her ...

Branch- Have a seat ... No I asked you for it before and you wouldn't give it to me ...

Adelman- You're going to arrest me for what? I can take pictures in public of people in
public ... There's nothing that's illegal about it.

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Branch- And I asked you to leave DART property

Adelman- I can stay on DART property ...there is no requirement that tells me I cannot take
pictures ... You cannot chase me and not everybody else .. .It's called the right to photograph in
public .. .

Branch- No ...

Adelman- Yes it is ... My ID is in my right hand pocket under the camera ... .In my wallet .. .I'm
leaning over ... that's it sir yes ... It's the third card on the right hand side as you flip it open ...

Fleming- Stand up her for me

Adelman- I can't. ..

Fleming- Stand up


Branch- 10-4

Adelman- It's in that fist flap ... that might be it there ...

(Un-audible person)

Branch- No, stay right here ... have a seat ... have a seat ... have a seat ...

Adelman- I know I'm sitting down ... I'm sitting down ...

Branch- Now when I get back-up here you're ready to comply ...

Adelman- No I was ready to comply whenever you told me

Branch- No, I asked you several times when I was on the phone with my Sgt.

Adelman- You do realize the right to photograph in public does not ...

Branch- But you cannot photograph them while they are receiving medical treatment ...

Adelman- Yes I can yes I can ... no there is no law ...

Branch- I asked you to leave didn't I? I asked you several times to leave ...

Adelman- Write the ticket please ...

Branch- I am ...

Adelman- Could someone do a time check for me?

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Fleming- Time check?

Adelman- First off my hat is about to block my vision can you push it off or take it off? I
can't.. .it's rolling down ... Second off I'm asking what time it is that's what I meant by a time
check. ..

Fleming- Your time check is 7:53

Adelman- Thank you ... Can you take my hat off at least?

Branch- You want a whole lot of things to help ...

Adelman- Cause it's falling down and I can't see .. .listen ok thanks ... What will the ticket be for
may I ask?

(Checked Adelman with dispatch)

Branch- He passed out he had uhm ... K2

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Officer Cannon Audio Recording

00:08-DART Police Radio- Received, There's a white male photographer refusing to leave
property interfering with police

00:14-0fficer Branch on Police Radio- 10-4 ma'am, he's going to be a white male, yellow
jacket, black hat, he's a photographer.

00:35-DFR- Do you have any medical problems?

00:36-0fficer Cannon- He's not going to hurt you man

00:41-Patient- Back off, back off.

00:43-0fficer Cannon-let them help you out He's not going to hurt you

00:44-Patient- Back off, back off.

00:44-Patient- Back off, back off.

00:48-DFR 2- We're your doctor he's just trying to help you

00:50-DFR 1- Do you have any medical problems?

00:51-DFR 2- Just answer the question

00:53-DFR 1- Where were you headed?

00:57-Patient- (Slurred) I'm just sitting here man

00:58-Patient- (Slurred) I'm just sitting here

01:00DFR 1- I know, but you were passed out, like, are you hurt, I mean where were you
headed, where do you stay?

01:12-Patient- (Slurred) I don't understand you man

01:13-DFR 1- What?

01:14-Patient- (Slurred) I was going to get on the train

01:15-DFR 1- ok, what's your name

01:17-Patient- (Slurred) Brian

01:18-DFR 1- Brian, Brian what?


01:20-Patient- (Slurred) Alvarez

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01:21-DFR 1- Alvarez, what's your birthday?

01:30-DFR 1- What's your birthday?

01:36-DFR 1- Brian, look over here, what's your birthday?

01 :42-0fficer Cannon- Let me see if I got him in here"

01:43-0fficer Craig-I don't

01:45-Patient- (Slurred) 08

01:46-DFR 1- What, 08, 08 what?

01:50-Patient- (Slurred) 06

01:51-DFR 1- 08, 06 what?

01:53-Patient- (Slurred) 1995

01:54-DFR 1- 95, ok

01:58-DFR2- What'd he say 08/06/95

01:59-0fficer Cannon- 95

02:02-DFR 1- What city are we in?

02:08-DFR 1- What city are we in right now?

02:15-0fficer Cannon- I'm sorry

02:18-Patient- (Slurred unreadable)

02:19-DFR 1- Who's the President?

02:22-DFR 1- Are you hurt, do you smoke K-2, tired, what?

02:26-DFR 3- Then why are you laying on the ground then?

02:36-DFR 1- I mean you're not in trouble, you just can't lay out here on the ground that's all

02:41- DFR 1- They're people calling because they think you're hurt.

DFR 1- Can you stand up?

DFR 1- Why not?

DFR 1- Here stand up

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Unknown- Did you get a name?

DFR 3- I got a name but I don't know if it's him, it's a Brian Alvarez

DFR 1- You can't just stay here, you're going to need to go somewhere or they are going to take
you somewhere, so you need to figure out what to do .... .I mean ... you say there's nothing wrong
but you can't just sleep out here on the street ifthat's what you're doing ...

DFR 1- Can I just poke your finger real quick?

Officer Cannon- You guys are good, Ryan, try to stand up

DART Police Radio- Ryan Alvarez

DFR-2- We got it as a welfare check so ...

04:12-0fficer Cannon- Ryan, not Brian but Ryan (voices arguing in the background)

04:32- (Officer Branch and A vi Adelman arguing in background)

04:38-0fficer Cannon- Ohhh my God ....

04:40-DFR 1- He was just taking pictures right?

04:42-0fficer Cannon- Yea that's why I don't know why she's giving him a hard time

04:44DFR 1- Why is she going crazy?

04:45-0fficer Cannon- I don't know .... that's going to be on her ... he can take all the pictures
he wants .... that's why I'm not getting involved in that..I know ... Ryan let's stand up ok can I
help you stand up?

04:50-DFR 1- He knows he wasn't doing nothing wrong so

05:15-0fficer Cannon- Ryan come here and have a alright? Just have a seat right
there ... Have a seat .... have a seat just want to make sure you're all right.

05:20-DFR 2- Sit down man sit down

05:36-0fficer Cannon- Ryan Have a seat for me brother have a seat

05:44-DFR 2- Do you have an ID in here sir ... just looking to see ifthere is something here with
your name on it so we can figure out who you are"

05:50-0fficer Cannon- There you go

05:51DFR 2- Excellent

05:56-0fficer Cannon- Hey I got an ID ifyall need it, I got an ID ifyall need it
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06:01-DFR 1- Yea ... Just because that problem is going to turn into a headache and I want it just
to be ....

06:06-0fficer Cannon- Yea uh huh

06-07-DFR 2- Right, we'll take care of it, that's not going to be good over there ...

06:11-DFR 1- Alright

06:12-DFR 1- Yea he's going to open records our calls and stuff so ...

06:20-0fficer Cannon- Yea I don't know why she's giving him hard time

06:21-DFR 1- Just cause I know how this guy works not gonna go .. .l mean she was ....

06:20-0fficer Cannon- Yea

06:31-DFR 1- This guy is going to create problems

06:20-0fficer Cannon- I don't know why she ....

06:20-0fficer Cannon- There was no need for that

06:45-DFR 2- Yea I don't know where that idea came from but this is ... because there is
freedom of the press ...

06:46-0fficer Cannon- Hey Ryan

06:55-DFR 1- I'm talking about you never know what his interest is

06:56-0fficer Cannon- Well some of the residence down here have come down .... And I don't
care if you take pictures or not ... .I'll take all the publicity I can get right now

07:02-DFR 1- Well, what he used to do on lower Greenville is he would take the pictures and
then extort the owners and say ... hey if you don't want me making these public ... cause they
knew the neighborhood was gonna get pissed because they knew he had some weird shots of
them it gets in the paper.

07:26- Officer Cannon-Well everybody knows what's going on down here let him just take
pictures ... Ryan what happened to the big back pack you had earlier? Ryan what happened to the
big back pack you had earlier?

12:58- Officer Cannon-The thing about it is I would've just let him take his pictures and ... I
mean it wasn't worth all ofthat ...

13:34-DFR 1- I told them because sometimes a picture can look worse

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Patient- "Yea"

DPD 911 Operator- "Ok let me transfer you to DART"

DART Police Dispatch- "DART Police, Brenda"

DPD 911 Operator- "Dallas with a transfer"

DART Police Dispatch- "Mmmm Hmm"

Victim- "Umm oh yes I was just harassed------

DART Police Dispatch Recording

DART Dispatch- "700 to deep nights units "suspicious person" call holding for Walnut Hill"

DART Dispatch-"700 to deep nights units call holding for Walnut Hill station "suspicious

907- "Ma'am show me in service with 908, I'll be in vehicle 2974 working northeast"

DART Dispatch- "907 copy call, Be in route to Walnut Hill station for a "suspicious
person ...... complainant advised that a black male wearing a gray t-shirt and purple shirt ,,shorts
tried to attack and or rape her, he was last seen going downstairs". "Complainant is a black
female in a red t-shirt and purple pants ... camera monitor has lost sight of both subjects after
they got downstairs".

907- "1 0-4 show us in route."

908- "code 6"

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907- "Be advised we checked the lower level bus bays and the platform on the upper level both
subjects are going to be UTL there's nobody out here".

DART Dispatch- "The female complainant is at the police squad car"

907- "10-4"

DART Dispatch- "907 the female is headed upstairs".

907- "1 0-4"

DART Dispatch- "Also be advised footage of the incident has been located ...... camera
monitors located footage of the assault".

907- "Could you advise of the description of the subject?"

DART Dispatch- "The female that's walking away is the female it's going to be a black female
wearing a red t- shirt, purple pants."

907- "10-4 she walked away from us twice we'll try to make contact with her."

DART Dispatch- "Received"

907- "907, be advised the complainant continued to walk away, refuses to talk with us at this
time she said it's too late she failed to cooperate .... We'll be out here on a 61"

DART Dispatch- "Received"

907- "We're gonna stay out here on a 61"

DART Dispatch- "Received"

DART Police Surveillance Video Walnut Hill Station

At 00:10- Officers Livia and Blakely are observed coming up the stairs to the top of the DART
Walnut Hill Station platform.

00:22- Officers are observed splitting up looking for the suspect or complainant.

01:35- Officers are observed walking down stairs to the lower platform.

01:42- The officers are observed walking to the lower platform while the complainant is viewed
walking up the stairway to the top of the platform.

01:52- The officers walk back up the stairs and make contact the complainant.

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02:13- Officers are observed attempting to make contact with the complainant and calling
dispatch by radio.

03:20- The Officers make contact with the complainant.

03:29- The officers walk away from the complainant.

04:40- The officers and the complainant are viewed standing around the top of the platform
04:58- The complainant sits down while officers remain standing nearby.

13:50- The officers walk down and make another attempt to talk to the complainant.

13:56- The officers are viewed walking away from the complainant and remain on the platform
nearby the complainant.

14:26- The complainant gets on an incoming train and leaves. The Officers remain on the

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DART General Orders

P0 rICe D epart ment

Subject Date of Issue Effective Date
Arrests Without A Warrant September 23, 20 11 February 28, 2014

Issuing Authority Chapter Pages

Chief of Police Legal Issues 5

General Order Number New() Reviewed ( ) Revised (X)

Replaces: Special Order #11-26


The purpose of this General Order is to define the authority of officers to arrest and the
mechanism for making arrests without a warrant.


Short of the application of force, an arrest is the most serious action an officer can
undertake. An arrest can cause repercussions throughout a person's life, even if eventually
found not guilty or never brought to trial. The most important legal question facing an
officer at the moment of an arrest is the existence of probable cause. Without probable
cause, the arrest is illegal and the evidence of criminality that was obtained because of the
arrest is inadmissible. Officers shall accordingly exercise critical judgment in making
arrests. Critical judgment includes consideration for bystanders, the time, place, and
location of offenses, and the use of force in making the arrests. Officers shall consider
alternatives to arrest consistent with their law enforcement mission.


A. Arrest

An arrest is a seizure of a person. An arrest is supported by probable cause.

B. Probable cause

According to the U.S. Supreme Court, "Probable cause exists where the facts and
circumstances within [the arresting officers'] knowledge and of which they had
reasonable trustworthy information are sufficient in themselves to warrant a man of
reasonable caution in the belief that an offense has been or is being committed" and that
the person to be arrested committed it. An officer must have probable cause to make an

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A. Officers shall demonstrate discretionary judgment. Discretion shall be applied

reasonably and shall be guided by the oath of office, the limits of authority as
established by law, the decisions and interpretations of the courts, the policies of our
department, and the oral instruction provided by field supervisors.

B. Officers shall not make arrests or take any enforcement action based in whole or in part
by a person's sex, race, creed, color, age, gender or assumed attitude, ethnic or natural
origin, economic status, disabilities, or sexual orientation.


A. Federal and state constitutions protect individuals from arbitrary and oppressive
interference with privacy by law enforcement officials. Further, officers must have
probable cause that a crime has been committed, and that the person to be arrested has
committed the crime.

B. When warrantless arrests may be made

1. The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, in Chapter 14, gives officers the authority to
make warrantless arrests, supported by "probable cause", as follows:

a. Officers may arrest persons found in suspicious places and under circumstances
which reasonably show that such persons have been guilty of some felony or
breach of the peace, or threaten, or are about to commit some offense against the
b. If an officer has probable cause to believe that a person has committed an
assault resulting in bodily injury to another and believes that there is danger of
further bodily injury to that person, the officer may arrest the violator. If an
officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed an offense
involving family violence, the officer may arrest the violator.
c. If a person prevents or interfered with an individual's ability to place an
emergency telephone call related to family violence, an officer may arrest the
d. Officers shall arrest a person in violation of a valid protective order when
committed in the officer's presence. Officers may arrest an offender for any
offense committed within the officer's presence or view, including traffic
e. Officers may arrest at the direction of a Magistrate, when a felony or breach of
the peace has been committed.
f. Where it is shown by satisfactory proof to a peace officer, upon the
representation of a credible person, that a felony has been committed, and that
the offender is about to escape, so that there is not time to procure a warrant,
said officer may, without warrant, pursue and arrest the accused.
g. Officers may arrest a person who confesses to a felony crime.

2. Warrantless Arrests Outside Officer's Jurisdiction:

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a. Although officers are discouraged from making arrests outside their jurisdiction,
officers may make warrantless arrests in compliance with state law. Officers
who are outside their jurisdiction may arrest, without warrant, a person who
commits an offense within the officer's presence or view, if the offense is a
felony, breach of the peace, or violation of Chapter 42 or 49 of the Texas Penal
b. Any officer making a Warrantless arrest outside his/her jurisdiction shall notify
the law enforcement agency of proper jurisdiction. The law enforcement agency
shall take custody of the prisoner and arraign the prisoner before a magistrate in
compliance with state law.
c. Arrests outside DART police jurisdiction shall be in accordance with DART
Police Order on Jurisdiction and Authority.


A. Injury before or during arrest

If a person receives an injury before or during an arrest and either requests medical
attention or, in the officer's judgment, medical attention is needed, officers shall
transport the suspect or arrange for his or her transportation to the hospital for an
examination before booking.

B. Processing of paperwork

1. All required paperwork will be completed prior to the end of the officers' shift
unless special circumstances make it unreasonable for the paperwork to be
completed until the following day and must have prior supervisor approval.
2. All required documents will be included in accordance to the arrest and booking
procedures for each county as directed in DART Police Orders concerning booking
at various counties in which DART Police have jurisdiction.

C. Mirandizing Arrestees

I . Arrestees shall be advised of their Miranda rights before any questioning

and in compliance with DART Police Order on Miranda Warnings.


A. Officers may encounter a circumstance where probable cause develops to arrest a person
for an offense, only to find out shortly thereafter that the person under arrest did not
commit a crime, or that the event was not a crime. It is imperative, then, that the officer
end the arrest process and release the person as soon as possible.

B. Procedure

1. If the arresting officer determines that probable cause no longer exists to arrest a
suspect, and the officer is satisfied that the person under arrest either did not commit
the crime or that the crime did not occur, then the officer shall release the suspect.

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2. When an officer releases a subject from arrest, he or she shall return the person to
the place of the arrest, if the location is safe. The officer shall not release the person
along the roadside. If a vehicle has been towed, the vehicle shall be returned to the
operator/registered owner unless it is required as evidence, or some other legal
authority assumes custody of the vehicle.

3. Upon releasing a person in this manner, the officer shall immediately contact the on-
duty supervisor and advise him or her of the incident.

4. The officer shall document in an incident report:

a. The date and time of arrest.

b. The person arrested (name, address, date of birth, race).

c. The location of arrest.

d. Probable cause for the arrest and the specific charge(s).

e. The location and time of release from arrest and whether the person was

f. The reasons or discovery of information which led the officer to release from

g. Any witnesses to the alleged crime, or to the fact the person arrested was
allegedly involved.

h. Whether force was used in making the arrest, and if so, the nature of any forced
used and the consequences (including medical aid).


A. Legislative immunity

1. Members of the United States Congress are exempt from arrest when Congress is in
session, or when they are en route to or from congressional business, except for
traffic summonses.

2. Members of the Texas Legislature are exempt from arrest during a legislative
session (or allowing for one day for every 20 miles such member may reside from
the place where the legislature meets before the beginning or after the ending of any
session) except in cases of treason, a felony, or a breach of the peace.

B. Diplomatic immunity

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may reside from the place where the legislature meets before the beginning
or after the ending of any session) except in cases of treason, a felony, or a
breach of the peace.

B. Diplomatic immunity

1. While a person claiming diplomatic immunity may present any number of

identification papers, the only one that is indicative of the level of privilege
and immunity is a card issued by the U.S. State Department. The holder's
level of immunity will be indicated on the card. lf a person claiming
immunity does not possess this card and the incident involves a criminal
offense, officers may detain the person either at the scene or at the
department long enough to verify official status.

2. Upon exhibiting proof of diplomatic immunity, persons shall be released

upon being stopped for a misdemeanor traffic violation. If questions arise
about this procedure, or if an arrest for a felony is necessary, call and advise
the U.S. State Department Office of Security (202-647-4415, days, or 202-
647-1512, nights and weekends).

3. When encountering a criminal suspect who claims diplomatic immunity,

officers shall first take reasonable measures-including pat-downs or other
legal searches--to ensure safety to the public or other officers. Verification
of the diplomatic claim shall take place after a danger has been neutralized.
A criminal investigation shall proceed as if no valid diplomatic immunity
claim has been made. Interviews, interrogations, seizures of evidence, or
issuance of warrants shall proceed per departmental procedure. In a criminal
investigation, the chief shall remain in contact with the State Department.

4. Regardless of the claim of immunity, in any case where officers arrest or

detain foreign nationals, the suspects shall be advised of their right to have
their consular officials notified. In some cases, this notification is
mandatory. Note: the list of countries which require mandatory notification
of consular officials in the event that one of their citizens has been arrested is
extensive. The State Department shall be contacted for guidance.


General Order #7.06, Miranda Warnings

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of the


(Executive Committee)
Dallas Area Rapid TrcJnsit

Approval of Regulations and Code of Conduct

WHEREAS, Sec:tion 452.105 of the Texas Transportation Code authorizes DART, by resolution,
to adopt rules for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the public transportation
system; for the use of the public transportation system and the authority's services by the public
and the payment of fares, tolls, and other charges; and for the regulation of privileges on property
owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the authority; and

WHEREAS, notice of each rule adopted must be published m a newspaper with general
circulation in the: area; and

WHEREAS, rules or regulations adopted under this provisions of law become effective 10 days
after the date of the second publication; and

WHEREAS, DART has received complaints from its customers about circumstances and the
behaviors of others on DART vehicles, at DART facilities, and on DART property. These
complaints include behaviors that are similar to those addressed by the proposed regulations; and

WHEREAS, rec,ent surveys of DART customers indicate that safety, security and cleanliness at
stops and stations are of concern to DART customers; and

WHEREAS, the Board has recently adopted Goals to increase customer perception of public
safety and sense of security, and therefore help build ridership; and

WHEREAS, the proposed regulations will have a direct impact of the ability of management to
attain the Board's goals, on the perceptions of DART's customers, and on customer complaints.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Board of Directors

Section 1: The Regulations for the Management of DART, including the general provisions
and a code of conduct for persons on DART vehicles, facilities, or property
attached to this resolution are adopted.

Section 2: The President/Executive Director or his designee is authorized to publish notice

of the regulations as required by law.

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Approval of Regulations and Code of Conduct



June 26, 2007


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Section 1.0 1. Authority and Purpose.

(a) Dallas Area Rapid Transit ("DART") is a regional transportation authority created
and operating under Chapter 452 of the Texas Transportation Code. These
regulations are issued under the general authority of Chapter 452 of the Texas
Transportation Code and under Section 452.105 providing that the DART Board
of Directors may adopt rules for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance
of the public transportation system, use of the public transportation system and
the authority's services by the public, and regulation of privileges on property
owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the Authority.

(b) These regulations also constitute delegations of authority to employees of DART

to assist the DART Board of Directors and the President/Executive Director in
discharging their management responsibilities under Chapter 452 of the Texas
Transportation Code.

Section 1.02. General Principles of Law and Interpretation.

(a) Unless the context of these regulations requires otherwise:

(1) Words in the singular number include the plural, and those in the plural
include the singular; and

(2) Words of a particular gender include any gender and the neuter, and, when
the sense so indicates, words of the neuter gender may refer to both
genders; and

(3) Words such as "may" when used in context of an action or actions to be

taken or performed by an employee or employees of the DART refer to
discretionary and non-ministerial functions or assignments of the

(b) The titles of chapters, sections, and subsections, or other titles contained in these
regulations are for convenience and reference only and in no way define, describe,
extend, or limit the scope or intent of the substantive provision to which the title
applit)S unless the context so requires.

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Attachment I
(c) Unless otherwise stated, a listing of factors, criteria, or subjects in these
regulations does not constitute an order of preference.

Section 1.03. Law Controlling and Severability.

(a) These regulations shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of Texas
applicable to local governmental entities. No waiver of immunity from suit or
liability is intended by enactment of these rules or regulations unless authorized
by clc::ar and unambiguous language in law.

(b) If any provision of these regulations, or any application thereof to any person or
circumstance, is held invalid, such in-validity shall not affect any other provision
or application of these regulations which can be given effect without the invalid
provision or application, and to this extent the provisions of these regulations are
declared to be severable.

Section 1.04. Specific Repealer. All prior policies and resolutions of the DART Board
of Directors that are inconsistent with these regulations are superseded by these

Section 1.05. Construction Against Implicit Repealer. Since these regulations are
general policies of DART, no part of these regulations shall be deemed to be impliedly
repealed or modified by subsequent action of DART if such construction can be
reasonably avoided.

Section 1.06. Effective Date.

(a) A notice of each rule adopted by the DART Board of Directors shall be published
in a newspaper with general circulation in the area in which the authority is
locate:d once each week for two consecutive weeks after adoption of the rule.

(b) The notice must contain a condensed statement of the substance of the rule and
must advise that a copy of the complete text of the rule is filed in the principal
office of the authority where the text may be read by any person.

(c) A rul1e becomes effective 10 days after the date of the second publication of the
notict: under this section.

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Section 2.01. Purpose. DART desires to build, establish and operate a safe, efficient,
and effective mass transportation system. For the safety and comfort of all persons,
DART has established the following regulations that apply to the conduct of a person that
may adversely affect others using or operating the DART transportation system.

Section 2.02. Prohibited Conduct and Enforcement.

(a) A person is prohibited from committing the ollowing acts on a DART vehicle,
DART facility, or DART property unless otherwise specified in this Section:

(1) Smoke or expel the residue of any tobacco product including chewing
tobacco on a DART vehicle or at a DART facility;
(2) Consume any alcoholic beverage or possess an open container of any
alcoholic beverage on a DART bus or DART Light Rail vehicle;
(3) Eating on a DART bus or DART Light Rail vehicle unless medically
(4) Engage in disruptive, disturbing behavior including: loud conversation,
profanity or rude insults, or operating any electronic device used for sound
without an earphone(s);
(5) Take any animal onto a vehicle unless the animal's purpose is to assist a
person with a disability, or unless the animal is in training to assist a
person with a disability, or unless the animal is secured in a container
sufficient to contain the animal.
(6) Carry or possess any illegal weapon;
(7) Possess or transport any flammable liquid, combustible material or other
dangerous substance such as gasoline, kerosene or propane;
(8) Litter;
(9) Vandalize the vehicle or property by writing, marking, scribbling,
defacing or causing destruction to the vehicle or property in any manner;
(1 0) Beg or solicit by forcing yourself upon another person;
(11) Spitting, urinating, defecating or exposing one's anus or genitals;
(12) Possess, use or sell any controlled substance;
(13) Ride a DART vehicle without evidence that the proper fare has been paid;
(14) Unauthorized presence on a DART vehicle, DART facility, or DART
property after hours of operation;
(15) Unauthorized use of a DART facility or DART property for non-
transportation related purposes;
(16) Crossing DART Light Rail tracks at a location other than at a traffic or
pedestrian controlled intersection or at a designated pedestrian crossing;
(17) Interfering with the operation of a DART vehicle.

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Attachment 1
(b) A person who violates one or more of these regulations may be warned and/or
ordered to leave the DART vehicle, DART facility, or DART property
immediately by a DART Police Officer, a DART Fare Enforcement Officer, or a
DART Bus/LRV Line Supervisor. Situations where a person refuses to leave a
DART vehicle, DART facility or DART property after being ordered to do so
may be handled by DART Police or other appropriate law enforcement agencies.
In the case of a violation of Section 2.02 (a)(13), riding a DART vehicle without
evidence that the proper fare has been paid, such situations may be handled in
accordance with Texas Transportation Code, Section 452.0611.

{c) This section does not seek to limit or conflict with any federal, state, or local law
or ordinance; or to prevent any law enforcement agency or entity from taking any
lawful action against any person on a DART vehicle, DART facility, or DART

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Rc1HH'litt~ Oflic<>r. a rcprcscntativu t1fOmvtahtant HART, warned the ll!!luw-listed W:mwd l'ersiln, in the \li'Cscncc of the Witnessing Oflker, that to
rcilll'n to rlw H:umcd l~ocation/Addi'CSS before the Warning Expiration date would constitute an Offense of Oimilial 'l)'cspass.

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. -------
\ ODART Bht~ Lilw Tntius from Downtown Rowlett Station 5000 M11rtin Dr, ODART Gren LhwTraius from N Carrolltoti/Fnmldord Station 1717 W.
i Rowlett TX 75088 to L<'dbeticr Station 2006 E Lcrlbctlcr Dr Dallas, TX 75216 Frankiorrl Rd., C:uTnllton, TX 75007 to Buckner Station 80118 E!am Rd., r>allas,
0Downtown Rowlett Station5000 :\lartin Ilr., Rowlett TX 75088 TX 75217
ODo,n1towu Garland Station 430 W Walnut St. Gnrland TX 75040 ON Cnrrollton/Fnm!d'ord St:ttim 1717 \V. Franlifmrl Rd. Carrollion, TX 7511!17
0Fores!-Jupitcr Station 3232 Forest t.n, Garland TX 750-U OTriniiY i\lills Station 2525 Bl:mton Dr., Carrollton. TX 75006
0UIJ/Skillman Station 10100 LB.J Frwy, D<tllas TX 75243 0Downtown Curro!!ton Station l 013 Denl!ln nr., C:~rrollton, TX 75006
0La!\c Highlands Station 9.'93 Whistle Stop Place, Dallas TX 75231 Ol'Itrmcrs Branch Station 12800 Denton Dr.. Fanners Bmnch, TX 75234
0Whil~ Rodt Station 7~'13.3 E Northwest Hwy, Dnllas TX 75231 OR oval Ln Station 11310 Denton Dr., Dallas, TX 75229
0Moddngh1rd Stntion 5465 E Mockingbird Ln, Dallns TX 75206 Ow:;Inni Hill/Denton Station 2!115 Walnut Hill Ln., Dallas, TX 75229
OCit.)'!}lace!Uptoll'n Station 2711 N Haskell A vc, Dallils TX 75204 0Hachman Station 9739 U(Jiton Dr., Dal!ns. TX 75220
OP~:uI/Arts District SIH1ion22lltl Bryan Sl, Dnllas 'l'X 75.201 0Hurb:mk Stalion8851 Denton Or., Dal!us, TX 752.35
Ost Paul Shttion 1900 Brymt St, Dall:~s TX 75201 Olnwood/Love Fidd Station 2720 Inwood Hd., Ilnl!as, TX 75235
D"'J;.nl'(! Station 14!10 Padfic i\se, Dallas TX 7:52(}2 Osw iHedlclll Distrkt Station210l Medical Distl'ict nr, Il:lll;lS. TX 75235
11f''est End Stntion 800 Pncific Ave, Dalllts TX 75202 0Mark~t c,~nter Station4301 1-!any Hines Btvd., Dallas, TX 75219
Ornion Station H)tl S Houston St, Dallas TX 75202 0Vktory Station 25ZS Victory Av~. O::tllns, TX 75219
Ocunwnliun Cenlt~r Station 727 S Lamal'. Dallas TX 75202 0De~p Ellum Station 450 N Good Latimer Expwy, Dallas TX 75226
OC~dars Station 1112 Belleview St, Dallas-75215 0Haylor tlnhersity Medical Center Station 2900 Junius St, Dallas TX 75226
0Eighth-Cnriuth Station 1740 E Eight11 St, Dallas TX 75203 DI<ait-I'ark Station 3710 I'arr.r Ave, Dallns 'rX 75226
0Morrc!! Station 1363 :\-Iorrell A. ve, Dallas 'fX 75203 OM:LK Jr Station i412 S 'fnmk St. Dallas TX 75210
O!Hinois Station 2111 S Corinth St. Dallas TX 75203 0Httldte!' Station 4003 flatchcl St., Dallas, TX 75210
0Kic>t Station 3300 S Lmtca.~tcr Rd, Dallas TX 75216 OLawn\'icw Station 5900 Scyene Rd., Dallas, TX 75227
L Hospital Station 4510 S bmca~ter Nd, DaUas TX 75216 0Lakc .Time Station 6400 Lake .June Rd. Dalla>, TX 75217
[ netter Station 2006 E LedbeHcl' Rd. Dallas TX 75216 0Buckner Station 8008 Elam Rd., llalla.~, TX /52.17

Onm Lixw Trains

ODART Rrd Une Trains from Parker Ud Stntiun 2600 Atcherwood Plano, TX From Victory Statiou2525 Victory Ave, Hallas TX 75204 to WeMlrving Station
75074 !o \Vcstmoreland Station 2646 S. Westmoreland Rd Dallas. TX 75211 41011 Jnd;.son St, lning TX 75061
0l'Hrltcr Rd. Station 260{1 Archcrwood, Plano TX 75{174 0Vic1orY 2525 Victor\ Ave, Dallas. TX 75219
0Duwntuwn Plano Station Will E 16th St, Plano TX 75074 01\-lec!ic~l :\larl\<'t Sta.tion 1419 Medical f}is!rk!, Dallns TX 75207
OHtt'ih Turnpik(' Stntion 1300 E l'n~sident Geurge Bush, Richardson TX 75082 Onowtuwn lning/Heritage Station 20 I Rod( Island lhl, lnittg TX 75060
O(;al:lyn Pmk Silltion 2300 N Central Expwy, Richardson TX 15080 OWest Ining Station 4200 .laeks-on St, Irving TX 75061
0Ar:lpahu Center Station 1051 N Greenville, IHchnrdson TX 75081
0SJ}ring Valley Station lOll Srlriug Valley Rd, Richardson TX 75081 0DART Orange Line Tr:tins
OLBJ-Ctntral Station 89fll Mark viii~ Dr, Dallas, TX 75243 !<rom ___'"__________..______________.._ ____________ to
OFm:(\~1 Lane St;1tion 1:>210 Forest Ln. Dallas TX 75243 ------------------------------ -------------------
OWainu! Hill Statitm 815!1 Walnut Hill Ln, Dil!las TX 75231
Ol'ark Lane Stl!iion8I69 l'ilrl Ln, Dallas TX 75231 ODF\V 2409 North Sl'l"l'il'e Rd, IWW-G;apevinc, TX 75261
0 l.owrs Lane Station 5603 "Milton St, Dallas TX 75206 0Belt Line St:llinn 5800 Valley View Ln, Jrdng TX 75063
Oi\ IHckinghird Station 5465 E Mockiitghinl Lu, Dallu.~ TX 75206 []North Lake Collcgl' Station 1770 W. WulrnH Hill Ln, Irving TX 7503!1
0Cilyplaec/Uvtown Stntlon 7,;711 N Huskdl Ave, Dallas TX 75204 Ohving Conn~ntion CtntcrStatiou 480 W. :Xolthwesl 1-lwy, !Jving TX 7503?
Ol'cari/AJi~ Disiricl Station 2200 Bryan St, Dalla.<; TX 75201 0Las Colinas Utilan Cc!l.tcr Staiion 89(1 Lake Carol)'!! Pkwy. Irving TX 75031J
Osr Paul St;tlion 1900 Bryan St. Dallas TX 75101 Ollnivctsity of Dallas Station 1951 E.. John Carpenter FrwJ, Irving TX 75039
0.-\kard Station 1400 Pacific Ave, Dallas TX 75102 OH:1chman Station 9739 Denton Dr .. Dallas, TX 75220
OWes! End StaHonSOO Padtic Ave, Dallas TX 75202 0Burbank Stalivn 8851 DcrttonDr.. Dall:1s, TX 75235
0Union Slalion 400 S Houston St, Dullns TX 75202 Oluwoodf!Awc Field Station 2i20 Imnwd Rd .. Dallas, TX 75235
0Ctm,,cntion Ccntc Station 727 S Lamar. Dullus TX 75202 Osw Medic>~! District StaHou2101 Medical District Dr, Dallas, TX 75235
Oc\,dars Station 1 I 12 HcllcYicw St. Da!las-75215 0:\l:ukct Center Stalion4301 ll!my Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75219
0Eighth-Codnth Station I740 E Eighth St Dallas TX 75203 0Vktury St:t!inn 2525 \'ic!pry Ave, Dallas, TX 75219
0 Dallas Zoo Station 614 SEwing A 1'1!, Dallas TX 75203
OT:kr Vernon Station 1225 S Tyler St, Dallas TX 75208 [Y~D West 920 Sun J;cinto, n:tllas TX 75202
[]Hampton Station 2002 S Hmupt.on Rei. Dallm; TX 75214 5}-'R!ls~s l'laza. 901 Elm St, Dnllas TX 752!1.~.
0\Yc~lmorelaml Station :UJ-16 S Weslmorclaml Rd, Dallas 752!1 ~rt-"'lTrr'~nlJn;}";:t't:::1:lP-o2'--i/;;7

[]_ oft_[_ ~aJ1r1on 11~!Q___f2ayj{~ ~e_qtfi(r!J 0 DART Bms Siop(s)

o . .JJlc_iLl~_1ll~.oltJuJ -em,Jv~if~,~L_ 0 DART Bus Stop(s)_________~--------"---~------c--

o___ ~-{L_k. Hll~ilmJr;i1 l ~oq ______ -__________ ODART Bus Stop(s) -----------'--------~--------~

~rrf- fl/k1 d~.htv15 11"1 DART000021 f APP. 92

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APP. 93
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Dallas Area Rapid Transit

P.O. Box 660163
Dallas. TX 752660163

February 16, 2016

Mr. A vi Adelman
5620 E. Side Ave.
Dallas, TX 75202

Dear Mr. Adelman:

The Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Department has instructed the Dallas County Jail Bond
Desk to release the bond posted as a result of your arrest for Criminal Trespass on Tuesday,
February 9, 2016 at Rosa Parks Plaza located at 901 Elm Street, Dallas, TX. A review of the
arrest revealed that it was not consistent with DART Police policies and directives and therefore,
the case will not be filed with the Dallas County District Attorney for prosecution. Although the
officer's actions appear to be within her authority, they are not in line with department directives
concerning photography on DART property. A formal review of all aspects of the incident is

If you require further information, please contact Sergeant Je.sus Chao, Office of Professional
Standards at 214-749-5914.


of Police and Emergency Management

DART000159 APP. 94
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DATE: February 12, 2016

TO: Office of Professional Standards

THROUGH: Deputy Chief E. Addison

FROM: Chief James Spiller

SUBJECT: Avi Adelman Arrest- Officer Stephanie Branch

I am directing an investigation into the arrest of Avi Adelman by Officer Stephanie Branch on February 9,
2016 for possible violations of department guidance on photography by persons in public areas.

On February 9, 2016, Officer Stephanie Branch arrested Avi Adelman at Rosa Parks Plaza for criminal
trespass. However, Officer Branch's audio recordings indicate that her reason for contacting A vi Adelman
was due to him taking pictures of a person receiving medical treatment by Dallas Fire Rescue personnel.
Subsequently, Adelman's refusal to stop taking pictures and leave the scene after being directed to do so led
to his arrest for criminal trespass.

If there are questions do not hesitate to let me know.

cc: Monica RobledoJones

Deputy Chief Matt Walling

DART000014 APP. 95
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Dallas Observer
February 12, 2016



First Amendment activist Avi was arrested and charged with criminal
trespassing shortly after taking this picture.
-A vi Aclelman

Four decades ago, when he was 16, Philadelphia police wrote Avi Adelman a ticket for violating
curfew. In all the time he's spent chasing cop cars and ambulances with his camera, in his quarter
century as the Barking Dog of Lower Greenville, in the 59.85 years he's spent being Avi
Adelman, that was the closest he'd ever been to the inside of a jail cell- until Tuesday night.

The evening started out innocently enough. Adelman's wife was at a meeting at their daughter's
school, which left Adelman to take care of dinner. The plan was that she'd text him when she
was preparing to leave, at which point he'd buy tacos from Fuel City on Riverfront Boulevard.
That way, the food would still be hot when they rendezvoused back at their home in East Dallas.

Adelman arrived downtown with about an hour to kill, so he put in his earpiece and tumed on a
police scanner. Adelman is a semi-professional crime buff. Since 2008 he's run Daily Crime
Report, which sorts Dallas police crime reports by neighborhood. He's been an enthusiastic
photographer of crime scenes for even longer, snapping pictures of problem drunks and public
urinators on Lower Greenville Avenue for He has since intensified his effmis,
routinely listening in on the police scanner and chasing down train wrecks, K2 overdoses
and weed busts. Adelman's repeated encounters with camera-shy first responders have led to his
unlikely emergence as a quasi-respectable First Amendment activist.

Page 1 of 4
1~ ;(.3
APP. 96
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In 2014 he pressured DART into removing their constitutionally questionable no-photography

signs from train stations. A few months later he teamed with the National Press Photographers
Association and Dallas Police Department to organize a training session instmcting officers on
citizens' right to photograph law enforcement. At the end of January he sat beside Houston
Police Chief Charles McLelland as part of a Houston Bar Association panel on citizen
photography. In between, he's spent a good deal of energy shaming, or perhaps trolling, any law
enforcement officer he perceives as interfering with his picture-taking.

On Tuesday night his police scanner led him first to the Crowne Plaza Hotel, where police and
paramedics were tending to a man standing in the driveway wearing a hospital robe, with an IV
pole. Adelman stood what he estimates to be 35 feet away and began taking pictures- "No
flash, high speed, about 1200 ASA, wide open lens," The first responders ignored him.

Next came a call from DART's Rosa Parks Plaza for a "guy who was obviously in a catatonic
state," Adelman says, presumably the latest K2 victim. Again, Adelman stood back and began
taking rapid-fire pictures.

"Some time in there, the lady - a uniformed DART police officer - comes up and says, 'You
need to leave, you can't take pictures.' She says 'This is a private issue, you can't be here.'"

Adelman disagreed. The synthetic cannabinoid user was in a public place and therefore had no
reasonable expectation of privacy. And federal privacy law protecting the confidentiality of
medical records doesn't prevent bystanders from taking pictures of a medical emergency.

Adelman said the officer did not like being disagreed with and told him to leave. "

A vi Adelman was booked into the Dallas County jail on Tuesday night.
-Dallas County Sheriff's Office

Which," he says, "is the worst tiring you can say because you're saying the photographer has to
leave but no one else does." Generally, courts have held that a photographer has the same right to
be in a public space as someone without a camera, and there were plenty of others milling about.

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Adelman says the officer then demanded his ID; Adelman said he'd show it to her only if she
told him if and why he was being detained. They went back and forth like this for a couple of
minutes "I go, 'Am I being detained?' She says, 'Yes.' That's when she puts me in handcuffs."

Adelman, in what he frames as a friendly suggestion rather than a "do-you-know-who-J-am?"

ego trip, suggested they call DART's police chief. "You might want to tell him who I am before
you do this," he told them. They ignored him.

Adelman was charged with criminal trespassing. His wife, who had finally given up on Fuel City
and fixed herself dinner, got his call from the jail at about 9:30 Tuesday night. She posted bond
the next morning, and Adelman saw the sunlight again at about 4:30 the following afternoon.

DART spokesman Morgan Lyons said in an email that the agency has "reviewed the exchange
and believes the officers acted properly."

"Dallas Fire-Rescue asked him to move. He refused," Lyons wrote. "Paramedics asked us to ask
him to move several times. He failed to comply and that's why he was arrested. Photography is
allowed in our public spaces but we expect people to comply with the instructions of a police
officer. This is especially true when paramedics tell us the actions of a photographer affect their
ability to provide care."

Adelman says that's not true. "At no point did the firemen come to me, say anything to me,
motion to me to stop taking pictures." Dallas-Fire-Rescue spokesman Jason Evans has not
responded to a message seeking clarification.

The paramedics' wishes, whatever they were, may not even matter from a legal standpoint.
"There is a First Amendment right to photograph police and other government officials doing
their work in public places," says Bob Com-Revere, a Washington-based First Amendment
lawyer and adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tanlc. "That's sort of a baseline

That right ends as soon as the photography begins to interfere with official duties. The line
separating a government official's annoyance with a photographer and criminal interference with
public duties is a blurry one that courts evaluate on a case-by-case basis, but, Com-Revere
said, "I assume if that [interference] were the issue, that's what [Adelman] would have been
arrested for." He added, "Quite often the charge in a case like this is one ofthose BS catch-and-
release kind of things."

According to Com-Revere, Adelman's arrest is reminiscent of the case of Simon Glik. In 2007
Glik was passing through Boston Common when he witnessed a trio of police officers making an
anest. He pulled out his cell phone and began recording from about 10 feet away. When officers
noticed that he was filming them, they charged him with wiretapping, disturbing the peace and
aiding the escape of a prisoner. Glik sued and, in 2011, the 1st U.S. Court of Appeals ruled
unanimously that he had a constitutional right to record police.

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The Glik ruling doesn't have any direct bearing on how local courts would treat a legal challenge I
to Adelman's arrest. The U.S. Supreme Court has never ruled explicitly that there's a
constitutional right to film police, nor has the 5th Circuit, which sets precedent for federal courts I
in Texas and neighboring states. But the notions that photography is constitutionally protected
speech and that speech can't be arbitrarily limited in public spaces including public transit hubs I
seem as though they should apply doubly to plazas named for pioneers of the civil rights
movement. 1

The First Amendment implications of Adelman's arrest will be hashed out at a future date in a
federal comtroom. For now, Adelman's looking for a good criminal defense attorney.
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Dallas Morning News

February 12, 2016

BLOG: 'Barlring Dog' Avi Adelman cited for criminal trespassing

while photographing paramedics
By Julie Fancher

Avi Adelman (Vernon Bryant/The Dallas Morning News)

The man behind was arrested Tuesdaynight, the Dallas Observer reports.

A vi Adelman3 who has spent years following law enforcement officers with his camera, was
charged with criminal trespassing, the Observer said Friday.

He was no longer in jail Friday night, according to jail records.

Adelman told the Observer he went to DART's Rosa Parks Plaza after heruing a report about a
man who "was obviously in a catatonic state."

Adleman said a DART officer told him to stop taking pictures because the incident was a
"private issue."

He said ignored the office and was placed in handcuffs.

DART spokesman Morgan Lyons had "reviewed the exchange and believes the officers acted

"He was cited for criminal trespass," Lyons said in a written statement Friday night. "He was
asked repeatedly to back away while paramedics treated someone at Rosa Parks Plaza. He
repeatedly refused to comply with the officers so he was arrested."

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Adelman denied Dallas Fire-Rescue personnel asked him to stop taking photos.

Adelman's website and his outspoken fight against crime and public nuisances
on Lower Greenville brought him to prominence.

He has squared off with Dallas police and other law-enforcement agencies before about his
photographs during emergency situations.

Last year he angered the Dallas Police Association by photographing a Dallas police officer who
suffered a heart attack on the Santa Fe Bike trail.

Page2 of2

APP. 101
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From: Morgan Lyons

Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 6:42 PM
To: Joel Miles
Cc: Mark Ball
Subject: Re: Re: Media Request

Photography is allowed in public spaces but we also expect people to comply with the instructions of a police
officer. This is especially true when paramedics tell us the actions of a photographer aff~ct their ability to
provide care.

Joel Miles <> wrote:

Ole. What is the policy pertaining to this?

Sent from my iPhone

On Fep 10,2016, at 5:20PM, Morgan Lyons <> wrote:

We have reviewed the exchange and believe the officers acted properly. But he is welcome to
send a formal complaint to us. Dallas Fire Rescue asked him to move and asked us to ask him to
move several times. He failed to comply and that's why he was ruTested.

On Wed, Feb 10,2016 at 5:10PM, Joel Miles <>wrote:

Thanks for getting back to me. We spoke to Avi and he insists it was one DART Police officer
who abused their authority and that he was about 20 feet from the scene. WilfDART investigate
this or will it take a complaint from him for that to happen? Thanks! JD

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 10,2016, at 2:29PM, Morgan Lyons <> wrote:

Confirmed he was cited last night. I'm working to get details. The word I got is
the pruamedics asked him to step back, he re:fi.1sed, we asked him to step back, he
refused, paramedics asked us to move him back as they were treating the patient.
He refused and that's when he was cited.


On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 10:33 PM, Joel Miles <> wrote:

Hey Morgan you may not get this until the morning but I wanted to check on
something that's happening now. I'm told DART Police anested Avi Adelman r-=~~.._.._...__
DART001421 J ~
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for taking photographs at the scene of a medical emergency at the West End
Station. I was hoping you could find out why he would be aiTested for
something like that and whatever else you can find out thanks JD Miles CBS 11
News 817-307-4616

APP. 103
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From: Morgan Lyons

Sent: Tbursday, February 11, 2016 6:36 PM
To: Bill Zeeble
cc:: Mark Ball
Subject: Re: Re: zeeble query

He was not arrested for taking photos.

We have reviewed the exchange between him, Dallas Fire Rescue and DART Police and believe the officers acted
properly. Dallas Fire Rescue asked him to move. He refused. Paramedics asked us to ask him to move several
tim~s. He failec;l to comply ancf that's why he w~s arresteq. Photography is allowed in our public spaces but we al~o
expect people to comply with the instructions of a police officer..This is especially true when paramedics tell us the
actions of a photographer affect their ability to provide care.

On Thursday, February 11, 2016, Bill Zeeble <> wrote:

Hey there Mark, Morgan,

I'm trying to get more information involving an arrest/incident with one A vi Adelman at a DART
$tation the other hight. I h$ard h~ W~l?. 9ffe$t?d for ta{dng pictures during ;;~n actiVe
investigation/occurrence of a possible drug event.

Is there a statement or anything.


Bill Zeeble

Reporter, KERA News

p: 214.740.9247 c: 214.801 9603 t: @bzeeble

KERA go public


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From: Morgan Lyons

Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 8:50 AM
To: Eric Nicholson
Cc: Mark Ball
Subject: Re: Re: Avi Adelman

We have reviewed the exchange and believe the officers acted properly. Dallas Fire Rescue asked
him to mov~. He tefl.lsed. Paratnedicl? as!<ed us to ask him to move sever~.l times. He failed to comply
and that's. why he was arrested. Photography is allowed in our public spaces but we also expect
people to comply with the instructions of a police officer. This is especially true when paramedics tell
us the actions of a photographer affect their ability to provide care.

On Thu?,Feb i i, .2016 at 8:18 AM, Eric; Nich<;.>lson <> wrote:

.M:or.u.iug guy~. Wodci!lg op. a. story abot!-tAvi's arrest. You!re probaply already awl:}fe, bp.t &she describes it, he
was taking pictures of an apparent K2 overdose at Rosa Parks Plaza, standing maybe a dozen feet away from
. cops aila paramedics, when a DART cop told him to stop taking pictures. Avi says he refused at which point
the cop tol<l him to leave. When be didn't, they arrested him.

-Can you give me DARTs narrative of the incident?

. can you explain the legal distinction between DART property, where police can.arrest peop_le for criminal
trespassing, to, say, a public sidewall<: or plaza, where they could not?
-Anything else?

As &lways I appreciate the help.

Eric Nicholson
Dallas Observcl'
2501 Oak Lawn Ave, Suite 355
Dallas7 TX 75219
214-757-8438 (o)
214-924-1770 (o)
dallasobserver. com
Twitter: @EricNicho1son4

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From: Morgan Lyons

Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 9:02 AM
To: Raine Devries
Cc: Mark Ball
Subject: Re: Re: MEDIA: Request for address of arrest I Deadline ll:OOa, Friday, Feb 12

Theaddress is 901 Elm St.

We have reviE:lWeci the exchange-and pelieve the officers acted properly. D13llas Fire Rescue asked him to move. He refused.
Paramedics asked us to ask him to move several times. He failed to comply and that's why he was arrested. Photography is
allowed in our public spaces but we also expect people to comply with the Instructions of a police officer. This is especially true
wn~n paratnedics tell us the actions of a phQtographer affect their ability to provide car~.

Oo. Fri, Feb 1_2, 2016 at 8:51AM, Raine Devries <raine@velvetburnol!t.c.::om> wrote:

I'm requesting confirmation of the physical street address as shown on the arrest report ofA vi S. Adelman on
the evening of Wednesday, February 10,2016. He was in/near the Rosa Parks Plaza (901 Elm Street).

Also, I would appreciate a quote from DART regarding the following: Train platforms and bus stops being
cla~sified &S private property rather th(_lll public I city pr9perty,

I appreciate your help!

Raine De1ies
Producer Joumalist Social Media
Three-time Clarion Award Winner
Monthly Colunmist for Thunder Piess 1vfagazine National Coltmmist covering Harlev-Davidson tor

Downtown Dallas Columnist lor

Phone: 214.335.8663 Website: Follow on social media @Rai.neDeHtes

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0 Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 107 of 187 PageID 1235

From: Morgan Lyons

Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 10:47 AM
To: James Rose KDFW
Cc: Mark Ball
Subject: Adelman

Mr Adeln1an was cited for criminal trespass. Photography is allowed in our

public spaces, but we also expect people to con1ply with the instructions of a
police officer. He was asked repeatedly to back away while parmnedics
treated someone at Rosa Parks Plaza. He repeatedly refused to comply with
the officers so he was arrested.


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Name IncidentNumber Race Sex BarringBeginDatetxtBarringEndDate

07/27/2016VANCE, STEVEN MARVIN DTC16003335 B M 07/27/2016 42943

ABRAHAM, ASHLEY J DTC16003794 B F 08/23/2016 42970
ABRAHAM, ASHLEY JERMECIA DTC16004323 B F 09/24/2016 42818
Abreha, Mewael Eyasy DTC16002860 B M 06/23/2016 42909
Abron, Patrick Courtney DTC16001485 B M 04/06/2016 42831
ABRONE, WALTER JULIUS DTC16005906 B M 12/30/2016 43099
ADAIR, TALYND MCGOWD DTC16004191 B M 09/16/2016 42994
ADAMS, ALFRED DTC16002911 B M 06/25/2016 42911
Adams, Bryan j DTC16005016 W M 11/05/2016 43044
ADAMS, ISAIAH DTC16003625 B M 08/10/2016 42957
ADAMS, LEDARAIN JAMAL DTC16005119 B M 11/12/2016 43051
Adams, Ledarian Jamal DTC16002907 B M 06/25/2016 42911
Adams, Robert Earl DTC16005366 B M 11/27/2016 42882
Adkins, William Kevion DTC16002257 B M 05/20/2016 42875
AGUILERA, DAYRON DTC16000978 B M 03/09/2016 42803
AGUILERA, DAYRON DTC16001043 B M 03/14/2016 42808
AKRAM, MIKAL OMAR DTC16005146 B M 11/14/2016 43053
ALEXANDER, Barbara Ann DTC16005797 W F 12/22/2016 43091
Alexander, Cydney DTC16005137 B F 11/13/2016 43052
ALEXANDER, JOSHUA ONEAL DTC16001854 B M 04/28/2016 42853
ALEXANDER, JOSHUA ONEAL DTC16005428 B M 12/01/2016 43070
ALEXANDER, JOSHUA ONEAL DTC16005852 B M 12/27/2016 43096
ALEXANDER, STACEY RAY DTC16005628 B M 12/12/2016 43081
Alexander, Stephen DTC17000234 B M 01/17/2017 42811
Allen III, Charles Edward DTC16001676 B M 04/18/2016 42843
Allen, Kayla DTC16003885 B F 08/29/2016 42976
Allen, Quishala DTC16000326 B F 01/30/2016 42765
ALVARADO, JOHNNY NATHAN DTC16002244 W M 05/19/2016 42874
Alvarado, Jose Fransisco Medina DTC16004153 W M 09/14/2016 42992
Alvarez, James DTC16002925 W M 06/26/2016 42912
ALVIZU, ANTHONY DTC16005775 W M 12/21/2016 43090
Anderson Jr, Wilman DTC16001705 B M 04/20/2016 42845
ANDERSON, BENNIE DTC16002413 B F 05/28/2016 42883
Anderson, David DTC16005294 B M 11/22/2016 42877
ANDERSON, GEORGE DTC16002386 B M 05/27/2016 42882
Anderson, Kadarius JoKeith DTC16001286 B M 03/26/2016 42820
ANDERSON, TYLER S DTC16002144 W M 05/13/2016 42868
Anderson, Ziairreas DTC16005361 B M 11/27/2016 43066
Andrews, Joycelann DTC16004377 B F 09/28/2016 43006
Ards, Blair Mackenzie DTC16001992 B M 05/05/2016 42860
ARIAS, GILBERT Anthony DTC16002819 W M 06/21/2016 42907
ARMSTRONG, VIRGIL TYRONE DTC16002469 B M 06/01/2016 42887
ARNOLD, JORDAN DEONTE DTC17000210 B M 01/15/2017 43115
ARREOLA JR, NOEL DTC16001571 W M 04/11/2016 42836
Ashley, Gary Romone DTC16000926 B M 03/07/2016 42801
ASKEY, CARRIE DTC16005783 B M 12/22/2016 43091
ATKINS, AUTHOR DTC16000397 B M 02/03/2016 42769
Atkins, Author Levan DTC16002067 B M 05/09/2016 42864
ATKINS, DEANDRE MARCEL DTC16005474 B M 12/04/2016 43073
Austin, Toderick Duane DTC16001904 B M 04/30/2016 42855
Ayers, Darius R DTC16001257 B M 03/25/2016 42819
Azva, Juan DTC17000234 W M 01/17/2017 42811
Baez, Adan DTC16000199 W M 01/20/2016 42755
BAKER, BLAKE ALEXANDRA DTC16002851 W F 06/22/2016 42908
Baker, David Peter DTC16005706 B M 12/16/2016 43085
Baker, David Peter DTC16005778 B M 12/21/2016 43090
BAKER, DEVODRICK DEVONTE DTC16003962 B M 09/02/2016 42980
BAKER, JONATHAN KYLE DTC16004981 B M 11/03/2016 43042
BAKER, KELVIN WAYNE DTC16001041 B M 03/14/2016 42808
BAKER, KELVIN WAYNE DTC16001468 B M 04/08/2016 42833
BAKER, PAUL DTC16001625 B M 04/14/2016 42839

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BALLARD, CHERYLE DTC16003090 W F 07/03/2016 42919

Ballard, Christopher DTC16004282 B M 09/21/2016 42999
BANDA, JOE DTC16004316 W M 09/23/2016 43001
Banister, Juna Danielle DTC16004899 W F 10/31/2016 43039
BANKS, KENARD ESTAVON DTC16001783 B M 04/25/2016 42850
Banks, Kevin Gerald DTC16003546 B M 08/04/2016 42951
Banks, Rickey DTC16002865 B M 06/23/2016 42909
Barajas, Juan T DTC16004157 W M 09/14/2016 42992
Barber, Taizja DTC16000918 B F 03/06/2016 42800
Barker, Shannon Lynnette DTC16004594 W F 10/11/2016 43019
Barrance, Antoine Derell DTC16002205 B M 05/17/2016 42872
BARRETT, CHARLES CLIFTON DTC16000463 W M 02/07/2016 42773
Barrett, Charles Clifton DTC16004963 W M 11/03/2016 43042
BARRETT, MARK DTC16001396 W M 04/02/2016 42827
BARRETT, MARK JOSEPH DTC16004788 W M 10/25/2016 43033
BARRY, CASANOVA DTC16004770 B M 10/24/2016 43032
BARRY, CASANOVA CICIERO DTC16005170 B M 11/15/2016 43054
Bates, Antonio Demetrick DTC16000966 B M 03/09/2016 42803
Bates, Antonio Demetrick DTC16003802 B M 08/24/2016 42971
BATES, WAYLON CHARLES DTC16003930 B M 09/01/2016 42979
Battaglia, Terina DTC16002575 I F 06/07/2016 42893
Battie, Teresa Y DTC16004315 B F 09/23/2016 43001
BATY, JONATHAN MATTHEW DTC16001412 W M 04/03/2016 42828
BATY, JONATHAN MATTHEW DTC16002873 W M 06/23/2016 42909
BAUER, DANIEL A DTC16004252 W M 09/20/2016 42998
Beal, Damarcus Jerome DTC16001458 B M 04/05/2016 42830
BEAVERS, DIAMOND DTC16004469 B F 10/04/2016 43012
BECK, MONDELL DTC16003727 B M 08/18/2016 42965
BELL JR, EDGAR LEON DTC16005601 W M 12/11/2016 43080
Bell, Albree Shamond DTC16001384 B M 04/01/2016 42826
Bell, Albree Shamond DTC16002507 B M 06/03/2016 42889
Bell, Albree Shamond DTC16004028 B M 09/06/2016 42984
Bell, Anthony Ray DTC16002858 B M 06/23/2016 42909
Bell, Byron C DTC16005705 B M 12/16/2016 43085
Bell, Ronald DTC16005166 B M 11/15/2016 43054
Belmarez, Chase DTC16003695 W M 08/16/2016 42782
Belshe, Don Allen DTC16004180 W M 09/15/2016 42993
Belshe, Don Allen DTC16004429 W M 10/01/2016 43009
BENEDICT, BRETT DTC16002709 W M 06/14/2016 42900
Benford, Tyrek DTC16002971 B M 06/28/2016 42914
BENNETT, LADARION DAVION DTC16005244 B M 11/18/2016 43057
Berryhill, Winston DTC16004822 B M 10/27/2016 42852
BETTIS, JOE NATHAN DTC16004288 B M 09/22/2016 43000
BETTS, STED L DTC16003083 W M 07/03/2016 42919
BEWLEY, JOEL DTC16004057 W M 09/08/2016 42802
BEWLEY, JOEL MANSFIELD DTC16004976 W M 11/03/2016 43042
BIRCH, WYLIE RAMONE DTC16005692 B M 12/16/2016 43085
BIRCH, WYLIE RAMONE DTC16005706 B M 12/16/2016 43085
Bird, Nicole Rene DTC16000913 W F 03/06/2016 42800
Bishop, Andre DTC16000307 B M 01/28/2016 42763
Blake, Demetries Eugene DTC16002237 B M 05/19/2016 42874
BLAKE, RICHARD WAYNE DTC16004953 W M 11/02/2016 42857
Blalock, Rondya L DTC17000130 W F 01/11/2017 43111
BLANSON, AHSER D DTC16000265 B M 01/26/2016 42761
BLANSON, AHSER D DTC16000951 B M 03/08/2016 42802
BLEDSOE, LABRODRCK DTC16005620 B M 12/12/2016 43081
BLEDSOE, LABRODRCK DTC16005846 B M 12/27/2016 43096
BLEDSOE, LABRODRICK DTC16004612 B M 10/12/2016 43020
Blutcher, Chris DTC17000218 B M 01/16/2017 43116
BOENING, CHAD ALLEN DTC16004247 W M 09/19/2016 42997
Bond, Develle Dean DTC16000358 B M 02/01/2016 42767
BONIN, BRITT PAUL DTC16002870 W M 06/23/2016 42909
BONNER, RODNEY HOUSTON DTC16000301 W U 01/28/2016 42763

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Bookman, Demonte Terrell DTC16003971 B M 09/03/2016 42981

Bordenkircher, Richard Ford DTC16002091 W M 05/10/2016 42865
Borrego Jr, Juan Martin DTC16004038 W M 09/07/2016 42985
BORREGO, JOSEPH ANTHONY DTC16005242 W M 11/18/2016 43057
BOWIE, BRIAN DTC16003567 B M 08/05/2016 42952
BOWIE, BRIAN A DTC16002533 B M 06/05/2016 42891
BOWLES, TRISTAN R DTC16003530 B M 08/03/2016 42950
Bowman, Lamondrick DTC16001255 B M 03/24/2016 42818
BOYD, MARCEL DTC16001707 B M 04/20/2016 42845
BOYD, MARCEL DESHUN DTC16001648 B M 04/16/2016 42841
BOYD, MARCEL DESHUN DTC16002245 B M 05/19/2016 42874
Boykin, Jamal DTC16002045 B M 05/08/2016 42863
BRADDY, EDWARD NOVELL DTC16005708 B M 12/16/2016 43085
BRADFORD, CHARLES DTC16002884 B M 06/24/2016 42910
BRADFORD, COLUMBIA DTC16005534 B M 12/07/2016 43076
BRANCH, ANTHONY DTC16005041 B M 11/07/2016 43046
BRANCH, ANTHONY LAVELLE DTC16004367 B M 09/28/2016 43006
BRANCH, LARRY EUGENE DTC16000822 B M 03/01/2016 42795
BRANDELL, JAMES DTC16003883 B M 08/29/2016 42976
BRAZIEL, ENGENE DTC16005767 B M 12/21/2016 43090
Brent, Ronaldus DTC16000821 B M 03/01/2016 42795
Brent, Ronaldus DTC16002705 B M 06/14/2016 42900
Brewster, Llewelldoyn DTC16002298 B M 05/23/2016 42878
Brewster, Llewelldoyn DTC16002754 B M 06/17/2016 42903
BRICE, RICKEY H DTC16001978 B M 05/04/2016 42859
Bright, Kaprecia Shanae DTC16004021 B F 09/23/2016 43001
BRINKER II, DURELL ALAN DTC16004868 B M 10/29/2016 43037
BRISCO, KENNETH WAYNE DTC16005117 B M 11/12/2016 43051
BRODRICK, ZACHARY ONEAL DTC16005413 B M 11/30/2016 43069
BROOKINS, LEROY DOMINICK DTC16002824 B M 06/21/2016 42907
Brooks, Joe Anthony DTC16004735 B M 10/20/2016 43028
BROOKS, K'LON DTC16002716 B M 06/15/2016 42901
Brown III, Jeffroe DTC16004654 B M 10/15/2016 43023
Brown, Anastasia DTC16000277 W F 01/26/2016 42761
Brown, Andre Christopher DTC16000706 B M 02/22/2016 42788
BROWN, COREY Dawayne DTC16004653 B M 10/15/2016 43023
Brown, Daniel DTC16005684 B M 12/15/2016 43084
BROWN, DRAYLYN ERWIN DTC16004882 B M 10/30/2016 43038
Brown, JaMyrion DTC16001904 B M 04/30/2016 42855
Brown, Javon DTC16001286 B M 03/26/2016 42820
BROWN, JEREMY GERMAINE DTC16003877 B M 08/29/2016 42794
BROWN, JOHN DTC16003011 B M 06/29/2016 42915
Brown, John Jarome DTC16004944 B M 11/02/2016 43041
Brown, Kavanta Jwon DTC16001987 B M 05/05/2016 42860
Brown, Kavanta Jwon DTC16003023 B M 06/30/2016 42916
BROWN, LARRY DONNELL DTC16001654 B M 04/16/2016 42841
Brown, Mark E. DTC16002199 W M 05/17/2016 42872
BROWN, MARQUALE DTC16005572 B M 12/09/2016 43078
BROWN, MARQUALE DOMINICK DTC16005308 B M 11/23/2016 43062
Brown, Michael Andre DTC16003468 B M 07/30/2016 42946
BROWN, ZONTREAL DTC16004469 B F 10/04/2016 43012
BRYANT, DANNY DTC16003849 B M 08/27/2016 42974
Bryant, Danny Ray DTC16004227 B M 09/18/2016 42996
Bryant, Dorian ANTE DTC16000477 B F 02/08/2016 42774
BRYANT, KENJI Y DTC16003925 B M 08/31/2016 42978
BUCHANAN Jr, EDDIE PAUL DTC16001656 W M 04/16/2016 42841
BUCKLEY, MICHAEL LEWIS DTC16003090 W M 07/03/2016 42919
BULLARD, JACOB W DTC16000986 W M 03/10/2016 42804
Burbank, Chad DTC16000827 W M 03/02/2016 42796
BURDEN, SHATAKA DTC16005489 B F 12/05/2016 43074
Burke, Jerom J DTC16003678 B M 08/14/2016 42961
Burks, Darrius Martez DTC16005467 B M 12/03/2016 43072
Burley, William DTC16004416 B M 09/30/2016 43008

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Burns, Charsala Simone DTC16005305 B F 11/22/2016 43061

BURNS, DEMETRIA DTC16000858 B F 03/02/2016 42796
BURNS, SHELBY LYNN DTC16002299 W F 05/23/2016 42878
BURNS, TORY JEROD DTC16004967 B M 11/03/2016 43042
Burton, Elioze DTC16005659 B M 12/14/2016 43083
BUSSARD, WILLIAM DONALD DTC16001778 W M 04/24/2016 42849
BUTLER, DAVID LEE DTC16002796 B M 06/20/2016 42906
Butler, David Lee DTC16005233 B M 11/18/2016 43057
BYNUM, XZAVEUS VASHOAN DTC17000114 B M 01/10/2017 42926
Byrne, Jeremy Edward DTC16005213 W M 11/17/2016 43056
Cabiness II, David Eugene DTC17000064 B M 01/06/2017 43106
CALDWELL, CAMRON DTC16004809 B M 10/26/2016 43034
CALDWELL, JOHNNIE DTC16001107 B M 03/17/2016 42811
Caldwell, Keith DTC16001905 B M 04/30/2016 42855
CALIP, HERMAN KEITH DTC16004986 B M 11/04/2016 43043
Calvin Jr, Charlie Leroy DTC16004357 B M 09/27/2016 43005
Campbell III, Kenneth DTC16003168 B M 07/07/2016 42923
CAMPBELL, JOHN DTC16005441 B M 12/01/2016 43070
CAMPBELL, SAM L DTC16003821 B M 08/25/2016 42791
CAMPBELL, TERRANCE EARL DTC16001408 B M 04/02/2016 42827
CAMPBELL, TERRANCE EARL DTC16001477 B M 04/06/2016 42831
Campbell, Verrick DTC16005417 B M 11/30/2016 42885
Campos, Israel Augusto DTC16005853 W M 12/27/2016 43096
CANFIELD, WILLIAM DTC16004926 W M 11/02/2016 43041
CANNON, FELICA ANN DTC16002955 B F 06/27/2016 42913
Cannon, Lewis Michael DTC16001054 B M 03/14/2016 42808
CAREY, SHANTA LANETTE DTC16001128 B F 03/18/2016 42812
Carraway, Christopher Jyrone DTC16002701 B M 06/14/2016 42900
CARRIZALES, LISA DTC16004834 W F 10/28/2016 43036
Carruthers, Michael Deshun DTC16001604 B M 04/13/2016 42838
CARSON, JOHN D DTC16002052 B M 05/08/2016 42863
CARSON-FLORES, ALISA CAROL DTC16003516 W F 08/02/2016 42949
Carter, Anthony DTC16000450 B M 02/06/2016 42772
Carter, Arletris Rayshun DTC16000227 B F 01/23/2016 42758
CARTER, CARTINUS DESHAUN DTC16001784 B M 04/25/2016 42850
CARTER, CARTINUS DESHAUN DTC16001919 B M 05/01/2016 42856
Carter, James DTC16005535 W M 12/07/2016 43076
CARTER, JASON LAMON DTC16005055 B M 11/08/2016 43047
CARTER, MARCUS AARON DTC16005361 B M 11/27/2016 43066
Carter, Marcus Devon DTC16003337 B M 07/21/2016 42756
CARTHEN, DEVIN DTC16004045 B M 09/07/2016 42985
CARUTHERS, MARCUS TROY DTC16001724 B M 04/21/2016 42846
Cason, Josie Marie DTC16002503 W F 06/03/2016 42889
Castano, Creasto Villa DTC16004938 W M 11/02/2016 43041
Castano, Creasto Villa DTC16004989 W M 11/04/2016 43043
Castelan, Ivan DTC16002160 W M 05/14/2016 42869
Castelan, Ivan DTC16004901 W M 10/31/2016 43039
CEPHAS, SHELTON DTC16003448 B M 07/28/2016 42944
Cephas, Terric DTC16000541 B M 02/12/2016 42778
Cervantes Jr, Valente DTC16000728 W M 02/24/2016 42790
Chaffin II, Kenneth Wayne DTC16002142 B M 05/13/2016 42868
Chambers, Henry DTC15000770 B M 02/18/2015 42784
Chambers, Shakyra DTC16003080 B F 07/02/2016 42918
CHAMBLISS, JAMES RYAN DTC16001106 W M 03/17/2016 42811
Chapman, Marquis Cantrell DTC16002541 B M 06/05/2016 42891
CHAPPELLE, JOHN DTC16001769 B M 04/23/2016 42848
CHATMAN, DELOIS FAY DTC16004123 B F 09/12/2016 42990
Chavarriaga, Christopher Andres DTC16004186 W M 09/16/2016 42994
Cheatham, Ronald Michael DTC16003090 B M 07/03/2016 42919
CLARDY, DARRIUS JACQUIS DTC16001069 B M 03/15/2016 42809
Clark, Keora Nicole DTC16002420 B F 05/28/2016 42883
Cleavland III, Horace DTC16004148 B M 09/14/2016 42992

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CLEMENTS, KEVIN DTC16004507 B M 10/06/2016 42831

CLEMENTS, KEVIN BOOKER DTC16005677 B M 12/15/2016 43084
CLEMONS, DWIGHT DTC16000937 B M 03/08/2016 42802
CLEMONS, HARRY DTC16001059 B M 03/14/2016 42808
CLEWIS, ALFRED BENTLEY DTC16004623 B M 10/13/2016 43021
Clewis, Alfred Bentley DTC17000120 B M 01/10/2017 43110
Clewis, Christopher DTC16005448 B M 12/02/2016 43071
CLOPP, JUSTIN SHANE DTC16000843 W M 03/02/2016 42796
Coit, Deaundre DTC16002654 B M 06/12/2016 42898
COLBERT, DOMINIQUE DTC16000648 B M 02/19/2016 42782
COLBERT, DOMINIQUE ANTOINE DTC16001176 B M 03/20/2016 42814
Colbert, Gabriel Vantrise DTC16004058 B F 09/08/2016 42802
COLEMAN, GEORGE MARCUS DTC16000493 B M 02/10/2016 42776
COLEMAN, JERIKIRA DTC16000635 B F 02/18/2016 42784
COLEMAN, JERKIRA DTC16003494 B F 08/01/2016 42948
COLEMAN, MARQUIS TREMANE DTC16002622 B M 06/09/2016 42895
COLLINS, JEFFREY DEWAYENE DTC16005059 B M 11/09/2016 43048
Collins, LZ DTC16004308 B M 09/23/2016 43001
Collins, Steven MICHAEL DTC16003709 W M 08/17/2016 42964
Collins, Xavion DTC16004151 B M 09/14/2016 42808
CONN, JORDAN SUE DTC16003149 W F 07/06/2016 42922
Contreras, Joel DTC16003760 W M 08/20/2016 42967
Cook, Pricilla Ann DTC16000828 B F 03/01/2016 42795
COOPER, CHRIST DTC16001829 B M 04/27/2016 42852
Cooper, Rafeal DTC16000301 B M 01/28/2016 42763
CORNISH, JUSTIN DTC16002339 B M 05/25/2016 42880
CORNISH, JUSTIN DTC16002511 B M 06/03/2016 42889
CORNISH, JUSTIN DTC16003880 B M 08/29/2016 42976
Council Jr, Willie DTC16005622 B M 12/12/2016 43081
CRAIG, DARRELL DTC16000801 B M 02/29/2016 42794
CRAIG, DARRELL DTC16001823 B M 04/26/2016 42851
Craig, Phillip DTC16003956 W M 09/02/2016 42980
Craighead, Matthew DTC16002418 W M 05/28/2016 42883
Crane, Ricky LEE DTC16001372 B M 03/31/2016 42825
CRETHERS, KERRY DTC16005439 B M 12/01/2016 43070
CRIDER, DAVID DTC16000991 W M 03/10/2016 42804
CRIDER, DAVID R DTC16004399 W M 09/29/2016 43007
Criss, Isiah Sekou-Iah-Kumba DTC16001126 B M 03/18/2016 42812
CROCKETT, KAREEM A. DTC16005776 B M 12/21/2016 43090
CROCKETT, KAREEM A. DTC17000057 B M 01/05/2017 43105
Crockett, Xavier DOMINIQUE DTC16003049 B M 07/01/2016 42917
CRONE, WHITNEY L DTC16000726 W F 02/24/2016 42790
CROSS, DEOTIS DESHUN DTC16004897 B M 10/31/2016 43039
Crowder, Douglas Carmon DTC16005256 B M 11/19/2016 43058
Crowder, John Kevin DTC16003079 W M 07/02/2016 42918
CUFFY, SHAMASHA DTC16002435 B M 05/29/2016 42884
CUNNINGHAM, MALCOME J DTC16005098 B M 11/11/2016 43050
CURNOW, DOUGLAS DTC16002598 W M 06/08/2016 42894
CURNOW, DOUGLAS DTC16003561 W M 08/05/2016 42952
CURTIS, DERRICK DTC16004112 B M 09/12/2016 42990
CURTIS, DERRICK DTC16005751 B M 12/20/2016 43089
Curtis, Derrick Wayne DTC16004150 B M 09/14/2016 42992
Daniels, Hal Wayne DTC16004083 B M 09/09/2016 42987
DANIELS, KIVEN OTIS DTC16002503 B M 06/03/2016 42889
DARDEN, MASHAWN DIJUAN DTC16001941 B M 05/02/2016 42857
DARDEN, MASHAWN DIJUAN DTC16003928 B M 09/01/2016 42979
Dardin, Marquise DTC16005703 B M 12/16/2016 43085
Darnell, Gwyn Luther DTC16001715 W M 04/20/2016 42846
Darrington, Niles Paul DTC16001422 B M 04/03/2016 42828
Davidson, Danny Glenn DTC16004830 W M 10/28/2016 43036
DAVIE, DONNELL LAMAR DTC16001995 B M 05/05/2016 42860
DAVILA, ANTWON EXSAVIER DTC16002485 B M 06/01/2016 42887
Davila, Carlos DTC16002485 B M 06/01/2016 42887

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DAVIS, DEREK DTC16003922 B M 08/31/2016 42978

DAVIS, DQUAIN JAMAHL DTC16001270 B M 03/25/2016 42819
DAVIS, EXAVIOUS EUGENE DTC16000758 B M 02/26/2016 42792
Davis, Feneasia DAVON DTC16001466 B F 04/05/2016 42830
Davis, Harold DTC16005162 B M 11/14/2016 43053
Davis, Jasmine DTC16001486 B F 04/06/2016 42831
DAVIS, JESSE B DTC16004907 B M 10/31/2016 43039
Davis, Jessie B DTC16000461 B M 02/07/2016 42773
Davis, Johnnie Otis DTC16000514 B M 02/11/2016 42777
Davis, Johnnie Otis DTC16001608 B M 04/13/2016 42838
DAVIS, JOSHUA SCOTT DTC16002065 W M 05/09/2016 42864
DAVIS, LANDAN CARTEL DTC16004784 B M 10/25/2016 42850
Davis, Leland E DTC16005817 B M 12/24/2016 43093
Davis, Magan DTC16002575 W F 06/07/2016 42893
Dawson, Lana Elliott DTC16001272 W M 03/25/2016 42819
DE LA CERDA, JESUS DTC16004101 W M 09/10/2016 42988
Deamus, Keith Tyril DTC16003175 B M 07/07/2016 42923
DEAN, DAVONTAE JAMES DTC16003680 B M 08/14/2016 42961
DECKARD, JECARON D DTC16002256 B M 05/20/2016 42875
DELAROSA, STEVEN ANDREW DTC16001665 W M 04/17/2016 42842
Deloney, Damiyon DTC16001924 B M 05/01/2016 42856
DENMARK, CINTRELL DTC16000930 B M 03/07/2016 42801
Denmark, Jamarria DTC16003080 B F 07/02/2016 42918
DENNIS, RICHARD DTC17000078 B M 01/07/2017 43107
DEPAOLA, ASHLEY DAWN DTC16001614 W F 04/14/2016 42839
DERRICK, JAQUAN D DTC16004642 B M 10/14/2016 43022
DIAZ-DELEON, GIOVANI DTC16003841 W M 08/26/2016 42973
DICICCO, JEFFREY JOSEPH DTC16005081 W M 11/10/2016 43049
DICKERSON, DESTINEE D DTC16001492 B F 04/06/2016 42831
Dickerson, Rashad Anthony DTC16005640 B M 12/13/2016 43082
DICKERSON, RICKY MORRIS DTC16004511 B M 10/06/2016 43014
DIMAS, RICHARD DTC16000422 W M 02/04/2016 42770
Divounguy, Pierre S DTC16001994 B M 05/05/2016 42860
DIXON, DESTINY DTC16002675 B F 06/13/2016 42899
Dixon, Destiny DTC16005272 B F 11/21/2016 43060
DIXON, DESTINY DTC16005832 B F 12/26/2016 43095
DIXON, JOSEPH J DTC16005335 B M 11/25/2016 43064
DOBBS, CHRISTOPHER ROBIN DTC16002517 W M 06/03/2016 42889
DOMINGEZ, MARTIN DTC16001596 W M 04/13/2016 42838
DOOLEY, BRANDON SCOTT DTC16005641 W M 12/13/2016 43082
DOUGLAS, TERYAN JOSEPH DTC16001313 B M 03/28/2016 42822
Douthitt, Daniel Paul DTC16001849 W M 04/28/2016 42853
Dozier, Diamond DTC16000443 B F 02/05/2016 75642
DRAKE, KEVIN EDWARD DTC17000097 B M 01/09/2017 43109
DUARTE, HUGO RUBEN DTC16004101 W M 09/10/2016 42988
Dubose, Derrick DTC16001646 B M 04/16/2016 42841
DUMAS, ROBERT DTC16001767 B M 04/23/2016 42848
DUMAS, ROBERT DTC16003370 B M 07/23/2016 42758
Duncan, Adrick Damon DTC16000859 B M 03/02/2016 42796
Dunn, Christopher Demon DTC16005013 B M 11/05/2016 43044
Dunn, Ulysses Charles DTC16002239 B M 05/19/2016 42874
Duran, Carlos Francisco DTC16003287 W M 07/18/2016 42934
DURAN, GUSTAVO DTC16003841 W M 08/26/2016 42973
DURDEN, JERRY DTC16002181 B M 05/16/2016 42871
Dye, Ian DTC16005085 W M 11/10/2016 43049
Dyer, Naudia DTC16004377 B F 09/28/2016 43006
Dyise, Rickey DTC16000347 B M 01/31/2016 42766
DYKES, GARY JERMAINE DTC16005082 B M 11/10/2016 43049
Eafon, Tommie Joe DTC16004590 B M 10/11/2016 43019
Ealem, Netori Nichelle DTC16001631 B F 04/14/2016 42839
Earl, James DTC16005802 W M 12/23/2016 43092
EASTER, KENNETH WAYNE DTC16002894 B M 06/25/2016 42911
Eaton, Diondra DTC16005434 B F 12/01/2016 43070

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echols, Michael DTC16000677 B M 02/20/2016 42786

EDWARD, LACY DTC16001359 B M 03/31/2016 42825
EDWARDS, BRENDON Markel DTC16000575 B M 02/15/2016 42781
EDWARDS, BRENDON Markel DTC16001953 B M 05/03/2016 42858
EDWARDS, JUSTIN GARRETT DTC16002028 W M 05/07/2016 42862
EDWARDS, JUSTIN GARRETT DTC16005167 W M 11/15/2016 43054
Edwards, Kervin Lamont DTC16002869 B M 06/23/2016 42909
EDWARDS, MICHAEL DTC16002500 B M 06/03/2016 42889
EGLAND, DERRICK JOVAUGHN DTC16001088 B M 03/16/2016 42810
Egland, Derrick Jovaughn DTC16001909 B M 04/30/2016 42855
Egland, Derrick Jovaughn DTC16002275 B M 05/22/2016 42877
Eglars, Taniya DTC16000688 B F 02/22/2016 42788
EKE, OSAYUWARE DTC16004694 B F 10/18/2016 42843
ELLIS, JOHN DTC16002545 B M 06/06/2016 42892
ELLIS, WILLIE IV DTC16001788 B M 04/25/2016 42850
Ellis, Wllie Clyde DTC16005138 B M 11/13/2016 43052
English, Dennis Dean DTC16002503 W M 06/03/2016 42889
Enriquz, Nelson DTC16005155 W M 11/14/2016 43053
Ervin, Roderick Laquinn DTC16003244 B M 07/14/2016 42930
Ervin, Roderick Laquinn DTC16004083 B M 09/09/2016 42987
Estelle, Cornelius DTC16001286 B M 03/26/2016 42820
Estelle, Cornelius C DTC16001010 B M 03/11/2016 42805
Evans, Dezrick Markiest DTC16003003 B M 06/29/2016 42915
EVANS, WILLIE DWAYNE DTC16004995 B M 11/04/2016 43043
EWING, JOSEPH DORNEA DTC16003341 B M 07/21/2016 42756
Ezeb, Clyde T DTC16002012 B M 05/06/2016 42861
FARIAS IV, CHRISTOPHER JOE DTC17000149 W M 01/12/2017 43112
FAUL, COREY MICHAEL DTC16001195 W M 03/21/2016 42815
FAVORS, DARIUS LAMONT DTC16004819 B M 10/27/2016 43035
FAVORS, DARIUS LAMONT DTC16005032 B M 11/07/2016 43046
FENNELL, CHRISTOPHER SCOTT DTC17000029 W M 01/04/2017 43104
FERNANDEZ, ANTONIO DTC16002890 W M 06/24/2016 42910
Filgo II, Edwin Ray DTC16000405 B M 02/03/2016 42769
FINLEY, BANTY DTC16001295 B M 03/27/2016 42821
FINLEY, BANTY DTC16002030 B M 05/07/2016 42862
FISHER RODRIJUEZ, JOEL DTC16001671 B M 04/18/2016 42843
FISHER, JAMELLE LARRY DTC16004087 B M 09/09/2016 42987
Fisher, Montavious Deunta DTC16000385 B M 02/02/2016 42768
Flores, Alisa Carol DTC16003596 W F 08/08/2016 42955
FLOWERS, BRYON DTC16004616 B M 10/12/2016 43020



FORD, CAMENCIA DTC16000584 B F 02/15/2016 42781
FOSTER-WHITE, DANDRE LAMON DTC16000712 B M 02/23/2016 42789
FOSTER-WHITE, DANDRE LAMON DTC16001598 B M 04/13/2016 42838
Fox, Katelyn Ellizabeth DTC16005313 W F 11/23/2016 43062
FRANKLIN II, CURTIS LEE DTC16002178 B M 05/15/2016 42870
FRANKLIN, BYRON LAVON DTC16005226 B M 11/17/2016 43056
FRANKLIN, DAVID JOHN DTC16005168 B M 11/15/2016 43054
FRANKLIN, JORDAN COURTLAND DTC16003600 B M 08/09/2016 42956
FRANKLIN, JORDAN COURTLAND DTC16004208 B M 09/17/2016 42995
FREEMAN, CHARLES DTC16001549 B M 04/10/2016 42835
Freeman, Patience DTC16001486 B F 04/06/2016 42831
Freeman, Ruth DTC16001486 B F 04/06/2016 42831
FREENEY, DENNIS DTC16001425 B M 04/04/2016 42829
Freeney, Dennis DTC16002415 B M 05/28/2016 42883
FROELICH, NICOLE ALEXA DTC16005242 W F 11/18/2016 43057
FULLER, JAMES ONEAL DTC16000934 W M 03/07/2016 42801
FULLER, RAY C DTC16003803 B M 08/24/2016 42971
FULLER, RAYMOND C DTC16005566 B M 12/09/2016 43078
FULLER, SHAMBRECKA DTC16003999 B F 09/04/2016 42982

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Furgerson, Mikavia DTC16003080 B F 07/02/2016 42918

Fyffe, Preston Tyler DTC16004000 W M 09/05/2016 42983
GAINES, KENNETH WAYNE DTC16004948 B M 11/02/2016 43041
Gallardo, Gerardo DTC16001216 W M 03/22/2016 42816
Galvan Jr, Jose DTC16001315 W M 03/28/2016 42822
GARCIA, LIZBETH DTC16005432 W F 12/01/2016 43070
GARCIA, OMAR DTC16002741 W M 06/16/2016 42902
Gardner, Dale Edgar DTC16001421 B M 04/03/2016 42828
GARDNER, DONALD WAYNE DTC16003084 B M 07/03/2016 42919
GARDNER, WILLIE R DTC16001875 B M 04/29/2016 42854
Garland, Ladarius DTC16002899 B M 06/25/2016 42911
GARNER, PATRICIA ANN DTC16005757 B F 12/20/2016 43089
GARRETT, DEQUALON DTC16002350 B M 05/25/2016 42880
GARRETT, KATINA NICOLE DTC16000522 B F 02/11/2016 42777
Garrett, Rhonny L DTC16001305 B M 03/27/2016 42821
GARRETT, XAVIER WAYNE DTC16004202 B M 09/17/2016 42995
GARZA, PHIL ANTHONY DTC16005286 W M 11/22/2016 43061
GASTON, JAVONTE DTC16005114 B M 11/12/2016 43051
Gay, Grady DTC17000219 B M 01/16/2017 43116
Gaye, Lovetee DTC16001486 B F 04/06/2016 42831
Gebeta, HABTAMU Gessese DTC16002151 B M 05/13/2016 42868
GERMANY, ROSHARD DTC16002217 B M 05/17/2016 42872
GHEBRE, VORDANOS G DTC16002678 B F 06/13/2016 42899
Ghebre, Yordanos Ghebrelul DTC16002429 B F 05/29/2016 42884
Gipson, Tony Bernard DTC16001444 B M 04/04/2016 42829
Gist, Daija DTC16004200 B F 09/16/2016 42994
GIVENS, DEANDRE DTC16005884 B M 12/29/2016 43098
GIVENS, KEANTRE DTC16005884 B M 12/29/2016 43098
GLADNEY, ANTHONY M DTC16005099 B M 11/11/2016 43050
GLOVER, JONATHAN JACOREY DTC16005561 B M 12/08/2016 43077
Goins, Gary JAMES DTC16004245 B M 09/19/2016 42997
Gomez Jr, Daniel DTC16004144 W M 09/13/2016 42991
Gomez, Constantino DTC16003816 W F 08/25/2016 42972
Gomez, Edgar DTC16000888 W M 03/04/2016 42798
Gonzales, Denise Joanna DTC16005178 W F 11/15/2016 43054
Gonzales, Regina R DTC16000799 B F 02/29/2016 42794
GONZALES, REGINA Rosemary DTC16004360 B M 09/27/2016 43005
Gonzalez, Javier DTC16002902 W M 06/25/2016 42911
Gonzalez, Jesus Enrique Ayala DTC16001402 W M 04/02/2016 42827
Gooden, Melvin DTC16000926 B M 03/07/2016 42801
GOODEN, SHANE ST,CHRISTOPHER DTC16001282 B M 03/26/2016 42820
GORASHE, AMAN JEMAL DTC17000146 B M 01/12/2017 43112
GORASHE, AMAN JEMAL DTC17000174 B M 01/13/2017 42838
GOSEY, MICHAEL DARNELL DTC16005345 B M 11/26/2016 43065
GOTSON, Yolanda DTC16001489 B F 04/06/2016 42831
GRAHAM, ERIN LaJames DTC16003889 B M 08/29/2016 42976
GRAHAM, ERIN LAJAMES DTC16005223 B M 11/17/2016 43056
Grant, Christopher Dewayne DTC16003104 B M 07/04/2016 42920
GRAVES JR, JERLY PATRICK DTC16004058 B M 09/08/2016 42802
Graves, Howard DTC16003592 B M 08/08/2016 42955
Gray Jr, Bobby Ray DTC16001606 B M 04/13/2016 42838
GRAY, LATOYIA NICOLE DTC16004248 B F 09/19/2016 42997
GRAY, LOGAN GENE DTC16004053 W M 09/08/2016 42986
GREATHOUSE, AMBER L' DTC16002072 B F 05/09/2016 42864
Grebe Jr, Charles Cecil DTC16000284 W M 01/27/2016 42762
Grebe Jr, Charles Cecil DTC16001858 W M 04/28/2016 42853
Green Jr, David Rather DTC16005010 B M 11/05/2016 42860
GREEN Jr, ROY DTC16002664 B M 06/12/2016 42898
Green, Bobby LEE DTC16002184 B M 05/16/2016 42871
Green, Bobby LEE DTC16005089 B M 11/10/2016 43049
Green, J.Y. DTC16001924 B M 05/01/2016 42856
Green, Jimmy DTC16005756 B M 12/20/2016 43089
Green, Ladarius DTC16002945 B M 06/26/2016 42912

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GREEN, LIONEL LADALE DTC16003439 B M 07/28/2016 42944

GREEN, MORGAN TYNE DTC16000315 B M 01/29/2016 42764
GREEN, MORGAN TYNE DTC16000413 B M 02/03/2016 42769
GREEN, RICKY DTC16002612 B M 06/09/2016 42895
GREEN, ROY DTC16005784 B M 12/22/2016 42908
Green-Gosha, Larry DTC16002371 B M 05/26/2016 42881
Greer, Brandon DTC16000556 B M 02/13/2016 42779
GREER, BRANDON DERON DTC16002603 B M 06/09/2016 42895
GREER, JEREMIAH DTC16004881 B M 10/30/2016 43038
GREER, LARRY ONEAL DTC16005845 B M 12/27/2016 42913
Greer, Rosalyn Rashae DTC16000197 B F 01/20/2016 42755
GREGG JR, SAMUEL SHEPPARD DTC16005567 B M 12/09/2016 43078
Gregory, Reco DTC16000414 W M 02/03/2016 42769
GRIFFIN Jr, ROLAND EDWARD DTC16002921 B M 06/26/2016 42912
GRIFFIN, ANTOINETTE DTC16003774 A F 08/22/2016 42969
GRIFFIN, ANTOINETTE DTC16005149 B F 11/14/2016 43053
Griffin, Johnny Duran DTC16004799 B M 10/26/2016 43034
GRIFFIN, PAULETTE ANTOINETTE DTC16002571 B F 06/07/2016 42893
GRIFFIN, ROLAND EDWARD JR. DTC16000793 B M 02/28/2016 42794
GRIGGS, MARKEESE AUNTION DTC16001997 B M 05/05/2016 42860
GRIMALDO-AVILA, GABRIEL DTC16003906 W M 08/30/2016 42977
GRISMORE, ALVIN DEWAYNE DTC16001681 B M 04/18/2016 42843
GROSS, DENLEY DTC16001111 B M 03/17/2016 42811
GROSS, DERLY DTC16001226 B M 03/23/2016 42817
GROSS, DERLY DTC16004805 B M 10/26/2016 43035
Gubbs, Mark Alan DTC16002615 W M 06/09/2016 42895
GUEL, ROQUE DTC16003384 W M 07/24/2016 42940
GUEL, ROQUE DTC16004271 W M 09/20/2016 42768
GUEL, ROQUE DTC16005803 W M 12/23/2016 43092
GUEVARA, ARMANDO DTC16003560 W M 08/05/2016 42952
GUILMET, JELANI DTC16003277 B M 07/17/2016 42933
Gunn, Nicholas Alan DTC16001815 W M 04/26/2016 42851
HALL, ANTHONY BENARD DTC16005680 B M 12/15/2016 43084
HALL, DASHAYLA RYE KISHA DTC16005448 B F 12/02/2016 43071
HALL, DEMARCUS DONTAY DTC16005414 B M 11/30/2016 43069
Hall, Denovist Wayne DTC16003582 B M 08/07/2016 42954
HALL, THEODIS MATHIS DTC16003982 B M 09/04/2016 42982
HALLIWAY, RALPH DTC16003972 B M 09/03/2016 42981
Hamilton, Keavon Kentrell DTC16003710 B M 08/17/2016 42783
Hamilton, Laronshell DTC16000862 B F 03/02/2016 42796
HAMLIN, JARVIS MARTELL DTC16002193 B M 05/16/2016 42871
HAMMONS Jr, CHARLES RAY DTC16000670 W M 02/20/2016 42786
Hampton, Stephen DTC16004083 B M 09/09/2016 42987
HANCOCK, MELISSA CHARMYINE DTC16001729 W F 04/21/2016 42846
Hanes, Jeilan DTC16000529 B M 02/12/2016 42778
HANNA, WILLIAM KYLE DTC16000767 W M 02/26/2016 42792
HANNON, FRANKIE DTC16002215 B M 05/17/2016 42872
Hardy, Isaiah Asbury DTC16001841 B M 04/28/2016 42853
HARLE, TIMOTHY DONTAY CHARLES DTC16004207 B M 09/17/2016 42995
HARPER, SHAGAILYA DTC16002196 B F 05/16/2016 42871
HARRIEN, RODERICK DTC16002860 B M 06/23/2016 42909
HARRIS, KENTRELL DTC16005538 B M 12/07/2016 43076
Harris, Kevion DTC16000450 B M 02/06/2016 42772
Harris, Larry Donnell DTC16000407 B M 02/03/2016 42769
HARRIS, ZARNELL W DTC16002866 B M 06/23/2016 42909
Harrison, Corey DTC16004286 W M 09/22/2016 42788
HARRISON, MICHAEL MARVIN DTC16002607 B M 06/09/2016 42895
HARRISON, TAVON RUSSELL DTC16002497 B M 06/02/2016 42888
Hathcock II, Donte Deangelo DTC16001921 B M 05/01/2016 42856
Hatten, Jafar DTC16005417 B M 11/30/2016 42885
HATTON, BUSHAE DTC16003529 B M 08/03/2016 42950
Hawkins Jr, Leroy DTC16000416 B M 02/03/2016 42769
HAWKINS, TYRIN RAMON DTC17000151 B M 01/12/2017 43112

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Hawthorne, Eteccauni DTC17000239 01/17/2017 42933

HEGWOOD, EDDIE NONE DTC16001751 B M 04/22/2016 42847
HELLER, AARON WAYNE DTC16001335 B M 03/29/2016 42823
HENDERSON, ARMAN DTC16002861 B M 06/23/2016 42909
Henderson, Arnan Dont'e DTC16005361 B M 11/27/2016 43066
Henderson, Diavian DTC17000239 B F 01/17/2017 43117
Henderson, Samuel Ray DTC16002634 B M 06/10/2016 42896
Henderson, Tyrone T DTC17000171 B M 01/13/2017 43113
Hendley, Tresley Terrell DTC16002558 B M 06/06/2016 42892
HENDRI X JR, AARON DOUGLAS DTC16003661 B M 08/13/2016 42779
HENDRIX, AARON DTC16000467 B M 02/08/2016 42774
Hennessey, Brian DTC16004569 W M 10/10/2016 42835
HENRY, DEMOND DAWAYNE DTC16005448 B M 12/02/2016 43071
Henry, Deshaun DTC16001838 B M 04/27/2016 42852
HENRY, ETHAN DTC17000190 B M 01/14/2017 43114
HENRY, JOHN B DTC16002722 W M 06/15/2016 42901
HENRY, TERRI DTC16002722 W F 06/15/2016 42901
Henson, Rashad J DTC16005485 B M 12/04/2016 43073
Hernandez, Benito DTC16005100 W M 11/11/2016 43050
Hernandez, Pacomio DTC16001459 W M 04/05/2016 42830
HERNANDEZ, SALVADOR DTC16001571 W M 04/11/2016 42836
HERNANDEZ, SALVADOR DTC16002200 W M 05/17/2016 42872
Herndon, John DTC16002806 W M 06/20/2016 42906
HERNDON, JOHN DTC16005293 W M 11/22/2016 43061
HEROD, JACQUELYN DTC16004086 W F 09/09/2016 42803
HERRMANN, BJORN KNUT DTC16005780 W M 12/21/2016 43090
Hester, Darron L DTC16001320 B M 03/29/2016 42823
HEWITT, MARKLON DEWAYNE DTC16000523 B M 02/11/2016 42777
HEWITT, MARKLON DEWAYNE DTC16000706 B M 02/22/2016 42786
HEWITT, MARKLON DEWAYNE DTC16001404 B M 04/02/2016 42827
Hickman, Larry Ray DTC16004651 B M 10/15/2016 43023
HICKS, BRADY DTC16005739 W M 12/19/2016 43088
HICKS, BRADY S DTC16003177 W M 07/08/2016 42924
HICKS, BRADY Scott DTC16001881 W M 04/29/2016 42854
HICKS, NEHEMIAH K DTC16005190 B M 11/16/2016 43055
Higgs, Jamarcus Lamont DTC16001302 B M 03/27/2016 42821
Higgs, Jamarcus Lamont DTC16004412 B M 09/30/2016 43008
Hightower Jr, John DTC16003433 B M 07/27/2016 42943
Hill, Bobby DTC16001904 B M 04/30/2016 42855
HILL, MICHAEL DTC16002823 B M 06/21/2016 42907
HILLIARD, JONATHON LEWIS DTC16005050 B M 11/08/2016 43047
HILTON, SOLOMON DTC16000981 B M 03/10/2016 42804
HINES, JERMAINE LADON DTC16000673 B M 02/20/2016 42786
Hines, John Neal DTC16000205 W M 01/21/2016 42756
HOLDEN, KWOSHA BRIKOLE DTC16003711 B F 08/17/2016 42783
HOLDEN, KWOSITA B DTC16005361 B F 11/27/2016 43066
HOLLAND, LE'CRAN DTC16002878 B M 06/23/2016 42909
Hollands, Lecran DTC16002103 B M 05/11/2016 42866
HOLLANDS, LECRAN K DTC16001738 B M 04/22/2016 42847
Hollifield, Frankie DTC16005157 B M 11/14/2016 43053
HOLLINS, BRODERICK DTC16004359 B M 09/27/2016 43005
Holmen, Amiracle DTC16005920 B F 12/31/2016 43100
Holmes, Karl Demetrious DTC16000353 B F 01/31/2016 42766
HOLMES, MARSHALL DTC16005826 B M 12/26/2016 43095
Holmes, Zan Dupree DTC16002912 B M 06/25/2016 42911
Hooks, shaquilla DTC16004710 B F 10/19/2016 43027
HOOVER, BRITTANY LEE DTC16005553 W F 12/08/2016 43077
Hopkins, David E DTC16003500 B M 08/01/2016 42948
Hornsby, Miranda L DTC16004388 B F 09/29/2016 42823
HORNSBY, QUENTINE LEHANE DTC16005866 B M 12/28/2016 43097
HORRELL, KERRIE DTC16004194 W F 09/16/2016 42810
HORTON, GARY ALLEN DTC16004036 B M 09/07/2016 42985
HOUSTON, ERICA M DTC16000324 B F 01/29/2016 42764

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HOUSTON, RONNIE DTC16001265 B M 03/25/2016 42819

HOUSTON, RONNIE DTC16003755 B M 08/20/2016 42967
HOUSTON, TIONTE DESHAWN DTC16002575 B M 06/07/2016 42893
Howard, Cristina Nicole DTC16005361 B F 11/27/2016 43066
HOWARD, SHANNON DESHAVRYAON DTC16004875 B M 10/29/2016 43037
Hubbard, Bryant Deshaune DTC16000337 B M 01/30/2016 42765
Huckaby, Michael Dejordan DTC16002801 B M 06/20/2016 42906
Hudson, Jeffrey Marcel DTC16004962 B M 11/03/2016 43042
HUGHES, ASHLYN ALLENE DTC16002575 W F 06/07/2016 42893
Hughes, Ray Lee DTC16003987 B M 09/04/2016 42982
HUGHES, RAY LEE DTC16005228 B M 11/18/2016 43057
Hunter, Demarcus ANTWON DTC16000670 B M 02/20/2016 42786
HURNDONL, LATISHA R DTC16003254 B F 07/15/2016 42931
HURST, GARY WESSEL DTC16005795 W M 12/22/2016 43091
Husband Jr, Truman S DTC16004835 B M 10/28/2016 42763
INGRAM, STEPHAN DTC16004349 B M 09/27/2016 42821
INGRAM, STEPHAN DTC16005485 B M 12/04/2016 43073
ISAAC, JESSICA NICOLE DTC16005702 B F 12/16/2016 43085
Island, Damorious R DTC16001708 B M 04/20/2016 42845
IVORY, EMANUEL GENE DTC16003269 B M 07/16/2016 42932
Jackson, Adrian DTC16005774 B M 12/21/2016 43090
JACKSON, ADRIAN JAMES DTC16005200 B M 11/16/2016 43055
JACKSON, ALVIN NEAL DTC16001322 B M 03/29/2016 42823
JACKSON, BRANDON DTC16004034 B M 09/07/2016 42985
JACKSON, DONDRAKE DTC16004585 B M 10/11/2016 43019
JACKSON, DONDRAKE DEAMREST DTC16002837 B M 06/22/2016 42908
JACKSON, GERALD DTC16002674 B M 06/13/2016 42899
JACKSON, GERALD DTC16005538 B M 12/07/2016 43076
JACKSON, GERALD LYNN DTC16005047 B M 11/08/2016 43047
Jackson, Harold DTC16003702 B M 08/16/2016 42963
JACKSON, JESSICA DTC16004393 W F 09/29/2016 43007
Jackson, Kendrick Lamont DTC16004377 B M 09/28/2016 43006
Jackson, Lewis DTC16000879 B M 03/04/2016 42798
JACKSON, NAILAH DTC16002686 B F 06/13/2016 42899
Jackson, Omarion Jhonta DTC16003702 B M 08/16/2016 42963
Jackson, Ronald William DTC16001764 B M 04/23/2016 42848
Jackson, Ronald William DTC16002093 B M 05/10/2016 42865
JACKSON, SEMAJ Ramal DTC16005275 B M 11/21/2016 43060
JACKSON, TREVON DESHAWN DTC16003482 B M 07/31/2016 42947
JACKSON, TREVON DESHAWN DTC16004014 B M 09/06/2016 42984
Jackson-Boulet, William F DTC16005057 B M 11/09/2016 43048
JACOBS, VICTOR EMMANUEL DTC16001617 B M 04/14/2016 42839
James, Jaso Joe DTC16004567 B M 10/10/2016 43018
JAMES, LEVI William DTC16001965 B M 05/03/2016 42858
JAMES, TERRACE DENARD DTC16004056 B M 09/08/2016 42802
Jarvis, Devin DTC16000431 B M 02/04/2016 42770
JARVIS, DEVIN DESHON DTC16000977 B M 03/09/2016 42803
Jarvis, Robert Daryl DTC16004993 W M 11/04/2016 43043
JEFFERSON, CHARLES EARL DTC17000019 B M 01/03/2017 43103
JEFFERSON, DOMINIQUE DTC16000745 B M 02/25/2016 42791
JEFFERSON, WILLIE CHARLES DTC16000370 B M 02/01/2016 42767
JEFFERY, CALVIN EARL DTC16003778 B M 08/22/2016 42969
Jemerson, Terence DAVON DTC16002605 B M 06/09/2016 42895
Jemerson, Terence DEVON DTC16002744 B M 06/16/2016 42902
Jemison, Andy DTC16005086 B M 11/10/2016 43049
Jenkins, Treylon Raynard DTC16003142 B M 07/06/2016 42922
Jenkins, Vernon DTC16001534 B M 04/09/2016 42834
JENNINGS, KENNETH WYENNE DTC16000312 B M 01/29/2016 42764
JENNINGS, THEAPOLIS DTC16002526 B M 06/04/2016 42890
Jernigan, Gregory Hernandez DTC16004649 B M 10/14/2016 43022
JERNIGAN, KENNETH DTC16002685 B M 06/13/2016 42899
Jernigan, Kenneth Wayne DTC16001184 B M 03/21/2016 42815
JETTON, RICKEY ALVIN DTC16002297 B M 05/23/2016 42878

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JOHN, ADINA DTC16001607 B F 04/13/2016 42838

JOHNS, AUSTIN DTC16000746 W M 02/25/2016 42791
Johnson Jr, James Howard DTC16000672 B M 02/20/2016 42786
JOHNSON, ALBERT DTC16004534 B M 10/07/2016 43015
JOHNSON, ALEXANDRIA DTC16005427 B F 12/01/2016 43070
JOHNSON, ALISHA LAVERN DTC16003654 B F 08/12/2016 42959
JOHNSON, ANTAWN DONNELL DTC17000147 B M 01/12/2017 43112
JOHNSON, ARTIS DTC16005475 B M 12/04/2016 43073
Johnson, Artis Lewis DTC16005851 B M 12/27/2016 43096
JOHNSON, CORNEDRIA S DTC16001801 B F 04/25/2016 42850
Johnson, Craig Marlon DTC16003081 B M 07/02/2016 42918
Johnson, Cynthia Michelle DTC16002640 B F 06/10/2016 42896
JOHNSON, CYNTHIA MICHELLE DTC16005033 B F 11/07/2016 43056
JOHNSON, CYNTHIA MICHELLE DTC16005769 B F 12/21/2016 43090
Johnson, Darius Eugene DTC16001892 B M 04/29/2016 42854
Johnson, Deandre Martel DTC16001236 B M 03/23/2016 42820
Johnson, Dominique DTC16000278 B M 01/26/2016 42761
Johnson, Glen Robert DTC16000630 W M 02/18/2016 42784
Johnson, Henry Lamont DTC16000750 B M 02/25/2016 42791
Johnson, Isaiah Trevon DTC16005000 B M 11/04/2016 43043
JOHNSON, JACQUELINE MACHELL DTC16004511 B F 10/06/2016 43014
JOHNSON, JERDERIAN DTC16002684 B M 06/13/2016 42899
Johnson, Jonathan Ray DTC16002688 B M 06/13/2016 42899
JOHNSON, JONATHAN RAY DTC16003031 B M 06/30/2016 42916
JOHNSON, JOSEPH DTC16002772 B M 06/18/2016 42904
Johnson, Kemitra DTC16001486 B F 04/06/2016 42831
Johnson, Kendrick Delriel DTC16000430 B M 02/04/2016 42770
Johnson, Kerry Ladon DTC16004326 B M 09/24/2016 43002
JOHNSON, MARCUS DTC16000209 B M 01/22/2016 42757
JOHNSON, MARCUS DTC16002426 B M 05/29/2016 42884
JOHNSON, MARCUS DTC16005195 B M 11/16/2016 43055
Johnson, Michelle DTC16001983 B F 05/05/2016 43044
Johnson, Oshea DTC16002028 B M 05/07/2016 42862
JOHNSON, RYAN EDWARD DTC16004290 W M 09/22/2016 43000
JOHNSON, TERRENCE A DTC16000914 B M 03/06/2016 42800
JOHNSON, ZANTASHIA TAISHA DTC16005884 B F 12/29/2016 43098
JONES Jr, SAMUEL EUGENE DTC16003509 B M 08/02/2016 42949
Jones, Allen DTC16004529 B M 10/07/2016 43015
JONES, BOBBY JOE DTC17000234 B M 01/17/2017 42811
Jones, Chrisshonda DTC16004723 B F 10/20/2016 43028
Jones, Deaundre Demaune DTC16000802 B M 02/29/2016 42794
JONES, DENNIS MAURICE DTC16003512 B M 08/02/2016 42949
JONES, DERICK DWIGHT DTC15005496 B M 12/02/2015 Permanent
JONES, DESHONDRE ANTONIO DTC16000941 B M 03/08/2016 42802
Jones, Drucilla DTC16004699 B F 10/18/2016 43026
Jones, Jamaica M DTC16002217 B F 05/17/2016 42872
Jones, Jaquan Emmanuel DTC16000855 B M 03/02/2016 42796
Jones, Jason Lawrence DTC16002114 B M 05/12/2016 42867
Jones, Jaymon VONKEITH DTC16005659 B M 12/14/2016 43083
JONES, JERCHISTOPHER DTC16005472 B M 12/04/2016 43073
JONES, JOHNNY RONFONZO DTC16000254 B M 01/25/2016 42760
JONES, KEITH DTC16002473 W M 06/01/2016 42887
Jones, Koise DTC16002375 B M 05/26/2016 42881
JONES, LEDARO DALLAN DTC16001235 B M 03/23/2016 42817
Jones, Ledaro Dallan DTC16002849 B M 06/22/2016 42908
Jones, Lisa Michelle DTC16002189 B F 05/16/2016 42871
JONES, RODNEY DTC16005032 B M 11/07/2016 43046
JONES, SAMUEL EUGENE DTC16004208 B M 09/17/2016 42995
JONES, TASHIMA LYNNETTE DTC16002599 B F 06/08/2016 42894
JONES, UNETHA DTC16002609 B F 06/09/2016 42895
JONES, UNETHA D. DTC16005643 B F 12/13/2016 43082
JONES, ZYRON DTC16004184 B M 09/15/2016 42994
JORDAN, RODNEY DEANGELO DTC16003664 B M 08/13/2016 42960

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Jordan, Zikeya Brnyshnett DTC16003127 B F 07/05/2016 42921

Joseph, Joshua Paul DTC16001355 W M 03/30/2016 42824
Karpich, Brian DTC16002776 W M 06/18/2016 42904
KARPICH, BRIAN DTC16004311 W M 09/23/2016 43001
Katah, Ali K DTC16003018 W M 06/30/2016 42916
Keishay, Amber DTC16005485 B F 12/04/2016 43073
Keller, Walter Laray DTC16002289 B M 05/22/2016 42877
kelley II, Curtis Preston DTC15003329 B M 01/29/2016 42764
KEMP III, LARUE DTC16002495 B M 06/02/2016 42888
KEMP, JARED DEMARQUISE DTC16004102 B M 09/10/2016 42988
KEMP, JARED DEMARQUISE DTC16004116 B M 09/12/2016 42806
KEMP, JARRETHE DTC16004498 B M 10/05/2016 43023
KEMP, JERMIRIC DTC16004102 B M 09/10/2016 42988
Kennedy, Jesse Lynn DTC16005329 W M 11/24/2016 43063
Key, David DTC16001902 B M 04/30/2016 42855
KHALAFBEIGHI, HOOMAN DTC16001174 M M 03/20/2016 42814
Kilgore, Aaron B DTC17000172 B M 01/13/2017 43113
KINCHEN, TROY DTC16001641 B M 04/15/2016 42840
KING JR, TOREY BERNARD DTC16001699 B M 04/19/2016 42844
King, Dalyn Craig DTC16004906 B M 10/31/2016 43039
King, Dye'Shun Edward DTC16003433 B M 07/27/2016 42943
KING, TIMOTHY DEMONE DTC17000234 B M 01/17/2017 42811
Kirkpatric, Joveon DTC16000738 B M 02/25/2016 42972
Kirven, Marshay Janay Elaine DTC16003106 B F 07/04/2016 42920
KIRVEN, ROSALIND RENEE DTC16001501 B F 04/07/2016 42832
KIRVEN, ROSALIND RENEE DTC16003939 B F 09/01/2016 42979
KISELOFF, KURTIS DTC16003763 W M 08/21/2016 42968
KISELOFF, KURTIS WILLIAM DTC16003488 W M 07/31/2016 42947
KISELOFF, KURTIS WILLIAM DTC16003876 W M 08/29/2016 42976
KNIGHTEN JR, JAMES EDWARD DTC16002267 W M 05/21/2016 42876
Komba, Sia Hannah DTC17000171 B F 01/13/2017 43113
Konneh, Mama DTC16001486 B F 04/06/2016 42831
KORENTZOFF, LAZIR DTC16004478 W M 10/04/2016 43012
Kresge, Mark W DTC16005559 W M 12/08/2016 42894
Lacie, Donronn DTC16001338 B M 03/29/2016 42823
LACKEY, COLT A DTC16003665 W M 08/13/2016 42960
LACKEY, COLT A DTC16003738 W M 08/19/2016 42966
LACKEY, COLT A DTC16004408 W M 09/30/2016 43008
Lacy, Brycen Dashad DTC17000219 B M 01/16/2017 43116
LAMBRIGHT II, JAAMONT EDGAR DTC16000212 B M 01/22/2016 42757
Lamendola, Rebecca DTC16005678 W F 12/15/2016 43084
LANE, DEMARCUS A DTC16001558 B M 04/11/2016 42836
Lane, Demarcus Antwone DTC16005340 B M 11/26/2016 43065
Lane, Raymel Chanet DTC16003807 B F 08/24/2016 42971
LANG, CORTLAND DTC16005090 B M 11/10/2016 43049
LANG, ERNEST DTC16003007 B M 06/29/2016 42915
lang, james douglas DTC17000218 B M 01/16/2017 43116
Langrum, Justin Deangelo DTC16003530 B M 08/03/2016 42950
LANIER, ALEX DTC16001485 B M 04/06/2016 42831
Lankford, Damarious Ravonze DTC16005523 B M 12/06/2016 43075
Lara, Elsa DTC16004827 W F 10/27/2016 43035
Larry, Henry DTC16005686 B M 12/15/2016 43084
LAVINDER, WILLIAM DTC16004129 B M 09/13/2016 42991
Lawrence, Demetrious Q DTC16000554 B M 02/13/2016 42779
Lawrence, Diamond Celeste DTC16005369 B F 11/28/2016 43067
Lawson, James DTC16003170 B M 07/07/2016 42923
LAWSON, RODNEY HOWARD DTC16005062 W M 11/09/2016 43048
Lawton, Benjamin R. DTC16005762 W M 12/20/2016 43089
LEATHERS, LAWRENCE DTC16002810 B M 06/21/2016 42907
Leathers, Lawrence DTC16004309 B M 09/23/2016 43001
LEE, AARON LAVANDIS DTC16002998 B M 06/29/2016 42915
Lee, Donovan Dwight DTC16004428 B M 10/01/2016 43009
Lee, Donovan Dwight DTC16004768 B M 10/24/2016 43032

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LEE, KENNETH HOWARD DTC16003653 W M 08/12/2016 42778

LEE, MIRANDA DTC16005699 B F 12/16/2016 43085
LEE, PAMELA ELIZABETH DTC16005096 B F 11/11/2016 43050
LEE, TIFFANY ANNE DTC16005908 B F 12/30/2016 43099
Lee-Hong, Melinda DTC16005169 U F 11/15/2016 42870
LEGANS, CHARLES DONNELL DTC16000273 B M 01/26/2016 42761
Lendor, Lucy Felix DTC16003298 B F 07/19/2016 42935
Lendor, Lucy Felix DTC16005831 B F 12/26/2016 43095
Lester, Carl DTC16000541 B M 02/12/2016 42778
LEWIS JR, DARRELL LAJAY DTC17000199 B M 01/14/2017 42900
LEWIS, ARIC K DTC16000574 B M 02/15/2015 42781
LEWIS, CHASE AARON DTC16000484 W M 02/09/2016 42775
LEWIS, DARIOUS DANTREL DTC17000140 B M 01/11/2017 43111
LEWIS, NATASHA LYNN DTC16005885 B M 12/29/2016 43098
Lightner, James Jermaine DTC16000664 B M 02/20/2016 42786
LIGHTNER, JAMES JERMAINE DTC16005499 B M 12/05/2016 42891
Lindsey, Dana Debora DTC16002445 B F 05/30/2016 42885
Linn, David Lee DTC16005053 W M 11/08/2016 43047
LITTLETON, DESMOND DTC16005535 B M 12/07/2016 43076
Locke Jr, Alvin Napier DTC16003069 B M 07/02/2016 42918
LOCKE JR, ALVIN NAPIER DTC16003093 B M 07/03/2016 42919
Lockett, Daylon DTC16004161 B M 09/14/2016 42992
LOCKETT, DAYLON DTC16004608 B M 10/12/2016 43020
Lopez, James Michael DTC16001571 W M 04/11/2016 42836
Lopez, James Mickel DTC16002995 W M 06/29/2016 42915
LORING, GEVAN KEITH DTC16005881 B M 12/29/2016 43098
LOUKAS, Wiley Edward DTC16000743 W M 03/02/2016 42796
LOVE, CEDRICK DTC16000515 B M 02/11/2016 42777
Love, Larry DTC16005703 B M 12/16/2016 43085
Lovelace, Coby DTC16005686 B M 12/15/2016 43084
LOVING, COREY DEON DTC16002161 B M 05/14/2016 42869
LUDD, KEVONDRIA DTC16000326 B F 01/30/2016 42765
Ludd, Shaterria DTC16005137 B F 11/13/2016 43052
Lumkes, Todd Andrew DTC16000976 W M 03/09/2016 42803
Lumpkin, Benjamin Ray DTC16003901 W M 08/30/2016 42978
Lumpkin, Donald Ray DTC16002575 B M 06/07/2016 42893
Luna, Alejandro DTC16005106 W M 11/11/2016 43050
LUTTRELL, WENDELL TRAVONE DTC16005700 B M 12/16/2016 43085
MABREY, CHRISTOPHER DTC16005543 W M 12/07/2016 43076
MADEJSKI, ADAM DTC16001849 W M 04/28/2016 42853
MADEJSKI, ADAM DTC16003343 W M 07/21/2016 42937
MAEWEATHER, DEMONDJAI TESHOD DTC16003832 B M 08/26/2016 42973
MAHMOOD, SYED DTC16000780 W M 02/27/2016 42793
MALLOY, DOMINQUE LAMONT DTC16005014 B M 11/05/2016 43044
MALONE, JORDAN VONTRAY DTC16004107 B M 09/11/2016 42989
MALONE, JORDAN VONTRAY DTC16004998 B M 11/04/2016 43044
Mance, Javan DTC16001897 B M 04/30/2016 42855
Manning, Andre DTC16001950 B M 05/03/2016 42858
MANNING, CRAIG DESMOND DTC16004412 B M 09/30/2016 43008
Manous, Katina DTC16001467 B F 04/05/2016 42830
MARCEE, DONNY LYNN DTC16005734 W M 12/19/2016 43088
Marks, Zachary Quentin DTC16000932 B M 03/07/2016 42801
MARSH, MARQUIS DTC16003231 B M 07/13/2016 42929
Marsh, Marquis DTC16004475 B M 10/04/2016 43012
MARSHAL, MICHAEL DEVONTE DTC16002448 B M 05/31/2016 42886

MARTIN BEACHUM, KADESHA DANELLE DTC16005171 B F 11/15/2016 43054

Martin, Daquan Marquise DTC15005373 B M 11/22/2015 Permanent
MARTIN, JASMINE ALLON DTC16003145 B F 07/06/2016 42922
Martin, Latravion Malik DTC16002523 B M 06/04/2016 42890
MARTIN, PATRICK DTC16000242 B M 01/24/2016 42759
MARTIN, PATRICK DTC16000647 B M 02/19/2016 42785
MARTIN, PATRICK DTC16000825 B M 03/01/2016 42795

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MARTIN, PATRICK DTC16005589 B M 12/10/2016 43079

MARTIN, PATRICK DAVID DTC16000466 B M 02/08/2016 42774
Martin, Travonte Dashun DTC16004091 B M 09/09/2016 42987
Martinez, Christopher DTC16003447 W M 07/28/2016 42944
MARTINEZ, GERARDO DTC16002104 W M 05/11/2016 42866
MARTINEZ, GILBERTO DTC16004638 W M 10/13/2016 43021
Martinez, Miguel A DTC16002985 W M 06/28/2016 42914
Martinez, Myra Alexandra DTC16000528 W M 02/12/2016 42778
MARTINEZ, PAUL DTC17000035 W M 01/04/2017 43104
MASCHARKA, JEREMY JAMES DTC16005645 W M 12/13/2016 43082
Mathis, Tammy Ray DTC16001525 W F 04/08/2016 42833
MATTHEWS, DONELL DTC16001004 B M 03/11/2016 42805
MATTHEWS, DONELL DTC16003129 B M 07/05/2016 42921
MATTHEWS, DONELL DTC16003265 B M 07/16/2016 42932
Mauldin, Jaykia Renee DTC16002719 B F 06/15/2016 42901
Mayberry, Clomie Lynn DTC16004838 B F 10/28/2016 43036
MAYS, DUSTEN DTC16003931 B M 09/01/2016 42795
MAYS, DUSTEN DTC16004598 B M 10/11/2016 43019
Mays, Dustin DTC16004239 B M 09/19/2016 42997
MCALL, LEILANI DTC16004573 B F 10/10/2016 43018
Mccather, Kendall DTC16005607 B M 12/11/2016 43080
McClendon, Adrian DTC16003732 B M 08/18/2016 42965
MCCRAY, DAMIEN LAMELLE DTC16001450 B M 04/05/2016 42830
MCCULLOUGH, DANIEL DENARD DTC16005873 B M 12/28/2016 43097
MCDANIEL, JORDIE DTC16000826 B M 03/01/2016 42795
MCDANIEL, JORDIE L DTC16001128 B M 03/18/2016 42812
McElvaine, Michael DTC16005354 B M 11/27/2016 43066
MCFARLAND, COTESHIA ELAINE DTC16004823 B F 10/27/2016 43035
McGee, Freddie R DTC16001601 B M 04/13/2016 42838
McGee, Freddie R DTC16003019 B M 06/30/2016 42916
MCGOWAN, PAUL DTC16005426 B M 12/01/2016 43070
McKinney, Anthony DTC16002734 B M 06/15/2016 42901
McKnight, Michael DTC16001333 W M 03/29/2016 42823
McKnight, Michael Craighton DTC16001278 W M 03/26/2016 42820
McManus, Kaitlyn DTC16005918 W F 12/31/2016 43100
MCNEAL, TRAVARUS DTC16003604 B M 08/09/2016 42775
MCNEAL, TRAVARUS DTC16003659 B M 08/13/2016 42779
MCNEAL, TRAVARUS DTC16004175 B M 09/15/2016 42993
MCNEAL, TRAVARUS DTC16005485 B M 12/04/2016 43073
MCNEALY, WILLIE A DTC16002106 B M 05/11/2016 42866
MCNEALY, WILLIE ALLEN DTC16000468 B M 02/08/2016 42774
MCSHANE, TAWAIN DTC16000349 B M 01/31/2016 75637
MCSHANE, TAWAIN DTC16000352 B M 01/31/2016 42766
Medina, Gilbert Shaw DTC16005470 W M 12/04/2016 43073
MELTON, RICHARD DTC16005385 B M 11/28/2016 43067
MELTON, RICHARD DTC16005740 B M 12/19/2016 43088
MENCHACA, CARLOS ANTONIO DTC16000274 W M 01/26/2016 42761
MERRITT, REGINALD JAMES DTC16005798 B M 12/22/2016 43091
MERRITT, REGINALD JAMES DTC16005900 B M 12/30/2016 43099
Meza, Josa DTC16001602 W M 04/13/2016 42838
Meza, Ramiro DTC16005092 W M 11/10/2016 43049
Middleton, Dantonio J DTC16000889 B M 03/04/2016 42799
Middleton, Jonathon DTC16000889 B M 03/04/2016 42798
MILEY, JEREMY KYLE DTC16002775 W M 06/18/2016 42904
Miller, Christopher DTC16001267 B M 03/25/2016 42819
MILLER, DORIAN LEE DTC16003675 B M 08/14/2016 42961
Miller, Johesha Catheryn DTC16000929 B F 03/07/2016 42801
MILLER, LINDA DTC16002653 W F 06/11/2016 42897
MILLER, MICHAEL DTC16002757 W M 06/17/2016 42903
Miller, Mytchell Stanley DTC16002267 W M 05/21/2016 42876
MILLER, TERRY L DTC16000589 B M 02/16/2016 42782
MILLS, CHARLES DEAN DTC16000374 B M 02/02/2016 42768
Mims, Shatyra DTC16000661 B F 02/19/2016 42785

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MINKLEY II, PAUL HERMEN DTC16002000 W M 05/06/2016 42861

MIRANDA, ALFREDO DTC16000335 W M 01/30/2016 42765
MITCHELL, HERMAN E-C DTC16004474 B M 10/04/2016 43012
Mitchell, Marcus Brian DTC16001553 B M 04/11/2016 42836
MONK, JEREMY CAIPHAS DTC17000128 B M 01/11/2017 43111
MONROE, THUNDEROUS DTC16000619 B M 02/17/2016 42783
MONROE, THUNDEROUS DTC16001389 B M 04/02/2016 42827
MONROE, THUNDEROUS C DTC16000588 B M 02/16/2016 42782
Monroe, Zachary E DTC16002896 B M 06/25/2016 42911
Monse, Mitchell DTC16005833 W M 12/26/2016 42912
Montez, Marlon DTC16000829 W M 03/01/2016 42795
MONTRAL, PHILLIPS DTC16005448 B M 12/02/2016 43071
MOODY III, MILTON DTC16004182 B M 09/15/2016 42994
MOODY III, MILTON DTC16005592 B M 12/10/2016 43079
Moore, Charles Wyatt DTC16004447 W M 10/03/2016 42828
MOORE, ISAAC DTC16004375 B M 09/28/2016 43006
MOORE, JAMES DTC16004652 B M 10/15/2016 43023
Moore, Kevin j DTC16001288 B M 03/26/2016 42820
Moore, Kevin jermaine DTC16001739 B M 04/22/2016 42847
MOORE, OPAL DTC17000234 W F 01/17/2017 42811
Moore, Stanley Alvin DTC16002557 B M 06/06/2016 42892
MOORE, TOMMY ALLEN DTC16002083 B M 05/10/2016 42865
MOORE, TOMMY ALLEN DTC16002881 B M 06/24/2016 42910
Mooring, Byron DTC16001651 B M 04/16/2016 42841
Moran, Frederick DTC16004534 B M 10/07/2016 43015
MORAN, FREDERICK D DTC16003895 B M 08/29/2016 42976
Moran, Frederick Domegious Antonio DTC16000980 B M 03/10/2016 42804
MORELAND, JERRY DTC16005749 B M 12/20/2016 43089
MORELAND, JERRY LYNN DTC16002528 B M 06/04/2016 42890
MORGAN JR, RAYMOND EARL DTC16001345 B M 03/30/2016 42824
MORGAN Jr, RAYMOND EARL DTC16001419 B M 04/03/2016 42828
Morgan, Alisha Shandrell DTC16001865 B F 04/28/2016 42853
MORGAN, AUSTIN DTC16004832 B M 10/28/2016 43036
MORGAN, JAYCE DEONDRE DTC16001469 B M 04/06/2016 42831
Morgan, Joseph Dewayne DTC16000857 B M 03/02/2016 42796
Morgan, Karlous DTC16005184 B M 11/15/2016 43054
Morgan, Raymond E DTC16000844 B M 03/02/2016 42796
MORROW, ALEX DTC16005066 B M 11/09/2016 43048
MORROW, ALEX DTC17000028 B M 01/04/2017 43104
Morrow, Alex Tyrell DTC16001445 B M 04/05/2016 42830
MOSBY, DELON DTC16001535 B M 04/09/2016 42834
MOSBY, DELON DTC16002416 B M 05/28/2016 42883
MOSBY, DELON PAUL DTC16000179 B M 01/19/2016 42754
MOSLEY, DEONTE RAVON DTC16002105 B M 05/11/2016 42866
MOSS Jr, WILLIE JEROME DTC16002136 B M 05/12/2016 42867
MOTON, JESSIE DTC16003967 B M 09/03/2016 42981
Moton, Jessie DTC16005052 B M 11/08/2016 43047
MUDD, SANTANA DTC16004012 B F 09/06/2016 42984
MUFUMBIRO, Abubakari DTC16005139 B M 11/13/2016 43052
MULLINS, FREDRICK CARL DTC16004002 B M 09/05/2016 42983
MULOKI, JEAN PAUL DTC17000025 B M 01/03/2017 43103
MUNN, MARTIN DTC16005527 B M 12/06/2016 43075
MUNN, MARTIN RAYVON DTC16002159 B M 05/14/2016 42869
Murphy, Keeshun Aundra DTC16002323 B M 05/24/2016 42879
Murry, William E DTC16002134 B M 05/12/2016 42867
Mutsvene, Strover DTC16002860 B M 06/23/2016 42909
Myles, Marvesha Porshay DTC16000492 B F 09/01/2016 42979
NARANJO, JACOBO DTC16005178 W M 11/15/2016 43054
Navarez, Jimmy DTC16001271 W M 03/25/2016 42819
Neal, Adam Joseph DTC16005074 B M 11/09/2016 43048
NEAL, TYRELL DTC16004184 B M 09/15/2015 42993
Nelson, Desmond DTC16005633 B M 12/13/2016 42899
Nelson, Vashawn Deon DTC16003072 B M 07/02/2016 42918

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NELSON, WILLIE GILBERT DTC16003899 B M 08/30/2016 42977

Newman, Bobvair Demono DTC16001949 B M 06/23/2016 42909
Nicholas Jr, Richard BERNARD DTC16004447 B M 10/03/2016 42828
NICHOLS, RICHARD B DTC16004615 B M 10/12/2016 42837
Niles, Justin Jackson DTC16000502 W M 02/10/2016 64325
NISELY, DANIEL DTC16002262 B M 05/21/2016 42876
NIXON, ROBERT BAYNE DTC16003015 W M 06/30/2016 42916
NKETIA, DANIEL D DTC16000708 B M 02/23/2016 42789
NKETIA, DANIEL DEMARCUS DTC16004117 B M 09/12/2016 42990
NKUBA, BAGISHE KADIMA DTC16002562 B M 06/06/2016 42892
NORMAN, LESTER DTC16004033 B M 09/07/2016 42985
Norris, Willard Keith DTC16001418 B M 04/03/2016 42828
Norris, Willard Keith DTC16001855 B M 04/28/2016 42853
NTAHONKIRIYE, ALAIN-PIERRE DTC16005300 B M 11/22/2016 43061
NWACHUKWU, PATRICK O DTC16002277 B M 05/22/2016 42788
OATMAN, CARL EDWARDS DTC16005023 B M 11/06/2016 43045
O'Connell, Lana DTC16000827 W F 03/02/2016 42796
Oliver, Donyale A DTC16001073 B M 03/15/2016 42809
OLIVER, IQUAVERRIE JAMOUS DTC16005619 B M 12/12/2016 43081
OLIVER, MICHAEL SHAWN DTC16004815 B M 10/27/2016 43035
ONTIVEROS, MARIO DTC16003841 W M 08/26/2016 42973
OSIN, ARMANI BUSAYO DTC16002965 B M 06/28/2016 42914
OUTLEY, BYRON JEVON DTC16005212 B M 11/17/2016 43056
Owens, Patrick Darnell DTC16004702 B M 10/18/2016 43026
Pacras, Anastazia DTC16001499 B F 04/07/2016 42832
Pacrs, Anasitazia DTC16000733 B F 02/24/2016 42790
PAGE, KEVIN DTC16000503 B M 02/10/2016 42776
PAGE, KEVIN D DTC16005249 B M 11/19/2016 43058
Panajotov, Vesselin DTC16003697 W M 08/16/2016 42963
PAPILLI, DENO MARIO DTC16003626 W M 08/10/2016 42957
PAPILLI, DINO DTC16005304 W M 11/22/2016 43061
PARKER JR, RONALD Eugene DTC17000164 B M 01/12/2017 43112
PARKER, LARRY DEONTEY DTC16002174 B M 05/15/2016 42870
Parlor, Jerry DTC16003895 B M 08/29/2016 42976
PATERSON, MEGAN DTC16000592 W F 02/16/2016 42782
PATRICK, TERRY LAWRENCE DTC16001156 B M 03/19/2016 42813
Patterson, Kenneth Wayne DTC16003807 B M 08/24/2016 42971
PATTERSON, RANDY DALE DTC16003328 B M 07/20/2016 42936
PAVLIS, GRANT LAWRENCE DTC16001758 W M 04/22/2016 42847
PAYNE, LORENZO CORTEZ DTC16004102 B M 09/10/2016 42988
PEARL, SUSIE DTC16001603 B F 04/13/2016 42838
PENA, BRIAN DTC16000365 W M 02/01/2016 42767
Pennington, Lashanti Unique DTC16004021 B F 09/23/2016 43001
PERCELLE, STEVEN DTC16002263 B M 05/21/2016 42876
Perez Nino, Jessie DTC16005609 W M 12/11/2016 43080
PEREZ, JOSEPH ANTHONY DTC16000639 W M 02/18/2016 42784
PEREZ, JOSEPH ANTHONY DTC16000784 W M 02/27/2016 42793
PEREZ-PEREZ, ROBERTO DTC16003223 W M 07/12/2016 42928
Perkins Jr, LC DTC16003688 B M 08/15/2016 42962
Perkins, Eric Davis DTC16003130 B M 07/05/2016 42921
Perkins, Romeion DTC16005703 B M 12/16/2016 43085
Pettis, Kristian DTC16004408 B M 09/30/2016 43008
PHELAN, ELIZABETH ANNE DTC16002717 W F 06/15/2016 42901
Phillips, Crystal Sierra DTC16004469 B F 10/04/2016 43012
PHILLIPS, DEVAUNTE DTC16005491 B M 12/05/2016 43074
PHILLIPS, STEVEN W DTC16004775 B M 10/24/2016 43032
PHILLIPS, TYRRILL D DTC16004914 B M 11/01/2016 43040
PHIPPS, WAYLAND T DTC16001035 W M 03/13/2016 42807
Pickens, Kiearria DTC16005834 B F 12/26/2016 42912
Pierce, Kenjaz Shawon DTC16004171 B M 09/15/2016 42993
PILLMAN, TRACY A DTC16003898 W F 08/30/2016 42977
Piper, Micheal Rondie DTC16000572 B M 02/15/2016 42781
Pirtle, Karlos Bill DTC16000250 W M 01/25/2016 42760

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PIWONKA, VERGIL DTC16002531 W M 06/04/2016 42890

PIWONKA, VERGIL DTC16002568 W M 06/07/2016 42893
PLUMLEE, RONNIE DTC16003922 B M 08/31/2016 42978
Pobadora, Marieta R DTC16002910 W F 06/25/2016 42911
POE, CHRISTOPHER EARL DTC16003056 B M 07/01/2016 42917
Polk, Gary Dewayne DTC16000862 B M 03/02/2016 42796
POLLEY, CLARENCE RUFUS DTC16005430 B M 12/01/2016 43070
PONDER, CHRISTOPHER DTC16005754 B M 12/20/2016 43089
POPE, MICHAEL DTC16002991 B M 06/29/2016 42915
PORTER, JAMES HENRY DTC16004136 B M 09/13/2016 42991
Portis, Jalen DTC16004880 B M 10/30/2016 43038
Potter, Chris DTC16002534 B M 06/05/2016 42891
Powell, Maia DTC16004467 B F 10/04/2016 43012
POWELL, TYLIA DTC16005538 B F 12/07/2016 43076
POWRIE, DUSTIN DTC16004495 W M 10/05/2016 43013
Prather, Joel Dane DTC16004000 W M 09/05/2016 42983
Pratt, Demondric DTC16001841 B M 04/28/2016 42853
PRECIADO, SPENCER G DTC16000830 W M 03/01/2016 42795
Prewitt, Nathan E DTC16001729 W M 04/21/2016 42846
Price Jr, Anthony Vincent DTC16003701 B M 08/16/2016 42782
PRICE, CLARENCE DTC16001996 B M 05/05/2016 42860
Price, Lonnie Earl DTC16004311 B M 09/23/2016 43001
Price, Lonnie Earl DTC16004427 B M 10/01/2016 43009
PRICE, MARK DAVID DTC16000206 W M 01/21/2016 42756
PRICE-SSANCHEZ, AMANDA LYNN DTC16005151 W F 11/14/2016 42869
Pride Jr, James LeRoy DTC17000081 B M 01/07/2017 42893
Prophete, Ernaud DTC16003817 B M 08/25/2016 42972
PROPHETE, ERNAUD DTC16004952 B M 11/02/2016 43041
Pryor, Jalen Tyron DTC16002217 B M 05/17/2016 42872
Pryor, Zricke Lorenzo-Shinard DTC16002933 B M 06/26/2016 42912
Purnell, Charles Castillo DTC16005172 W M 11/15/2016 43054
Pyle, Johnny Wade DTC16004102 B M 09/10/2016 42776
Quigley, Airon Michael DTC16005150 B M 11/14/2016 42869
QUINTANAR, ISAAC DTC16004992 W M 11/04/2016 43043
QUITERIOVARONA, JOSE DTC16003004 W M 06/29/2016 42915
Ragsdale, Darrell Lee DTC16000965 W M 03/09/2016 42803
Ramirez, Frank Calderon DTC16001572 W M 04/11/2016 42836
RAMSEY, BRYAN DTC16004694 B M 10/18/2016 42843
RANDALL, BILL Glen DTC16001601 B M 04/13/2016 42838
Randolph, Reginald TODD DTC16000264 B M 01/26/2016 42761
Randolph, Reginald TODD DTC16000313 B M 01/29/2016 42764
RANDOLPH, REGINALD TODD DTC16000765 B M 02/26/2016 42792
Randolph, Reginald Todd DTC16001860 B M 04/28/2016 42853
RANGE, CHRISTOPHER DTC16002903 B M 06/25/2016 42911
RANGE, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL DTC16005273 B M 11/21/2016 43060
RANSON, AMANDA DTC16003868 W F 08/28/2016 42975
Ratliff, Troy D DTC16002173 W M 05/15/2016 42870
REAGOR, GARY FITZGERALD DTC16002687 B M 06/13/2016 42899
REDDIX, GERARD DTC16005631 B M 12/13/2016 43082
REDDIX, GERARD D DTC16004432 B M 10/02/2016 42827
Reddix, Nicholas Deander DTC16003137 B M 07/06/2016 42922
REDDIX, RICO LAMAR DTC16002321 B M 05/24/2016 42879
Redric, Rahkeem DTC16005083 B M 11/10/2016 43049
REED, MOESHA DTC16002818 B F 06/21/2016 42907
Reeder, Carol Lajoyce DTC16005578 B F 12/09/2016 371796
Reeder, Charles Douglas DTC16005578 B M 12/09/2016 43078
Regan Jr, Milton Andrew DTC16001006 W M 03/11/2016 42805
Reid, Reginald DTC16001318 B M 03/28/2016 42822
REYNOLDS, STEVEN DTC16004558 B M 10/09/2016 43017
RHODES, BRANDON DTC16001258 W M 03/25/2016 42819
Rice, Melvin DTC16000731 B M 02/24/2016 42790
Rice, Michael L DTC16004470 B M 10/04/2016 43012
Richards, Cherlyn Gail DTC16004497 B F 10/05/2016 43013

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RICHARDS, DEMONTREY DTC16001492 B M 04/06/2016 42831

Richards, Thomass Lee DTC16002062 B M 05/09/2016 42864
Richardson, Ezra Tyrone DTC16001117 B M 03/17/2016 42811
RIDEOUT, ELLIOTT D'JEON DTC16001450 B M 04/05/2016 42830
Ridgeway, Aerial Dominiqua DTC16000406 B F 02/03/2016 42769
RIGGINS, DWAYNE THEODORE DTC16004058 B M 09/08/2016 42802
RILEY Jr, GLENN ROSHAUN DTC16002780 B M 06/19/2016 42905
RILEY Jr, GLENN ROSHAUN DTC16004835 B M 10/28/2016 42853
RILEY, GLENN R DTC16004769 B M 10/24/2016 43032
RILEY, KATHERINE DTC16005604 B F 12/11/2016 43080
RILEY, LEVELA D DTC16004012 B F 09/06/2016 42984
RINGRESSY, NEVA DTC16001912 W F 05/01/2016 42856
RIVERA, AUBREY NICOLE DTC16000717 W F 02/23/2016 42789
RIVERA, CARLOS MANUEL DTC17000234 W M 01/17/2017 42811
Rivers, Samuel D DTC16004652 B M 10/15/2016 43023
Roark, Edward Demetrius DTC16003493 B M 08/01/2016 42948
ROBERSON, JAMES A DTC16004766 B M 10/24/2016 43032
ROBERSON, JOE LOUIS DTC16004178 B M 09/15/2016 42993
Roberson, Marlon Lamont DTC16003916 B M 08/31/2016 42978
ROBERSON, TERRENCE EDWARD DTC16000735 B M 02/25/2016 42791
Roberts, Alexander DTC16004047 B M 09/07/2016 42985
Roberts, Armani DTC16004761 B M 10/23/2016 43031
ROBERTS, GREGORY DTC16003857 B M 08/27/2016 42974
Roberts, John Jefferson DTC16003464 W M 07/30/2016 42946
ROBERTS, OCTAVIUS C DTC16000604 B M 02/17/2016 42783
ROBERTSON, KENTRELL LAROD DTC16002033 B M 05/07/2016 42862
ROBERTSON, MONROE DTC16004123 B F 09/12/2016 42990
Robertson, Tyrishia DTC16000301 B F 01/28/2016 42763
Robinson, Jar'vasha Denise DTC16004021 B F 09/23/2016 43001
ROBINSON, LARHONDA RENEE DTC16005101 B F 11/10/2016 43049
Robinson, Rodney DTC16000436 B M 02/05/2016 42771
ROBINSON, RODNEY DTC16001518 B M 04/08/2016 42833
Robinson, Rodney B DTC16003865 B M 08/28/2016 42975
ROBINSON, SHARI N DTC16001555 B F 04/11/2016 42836
ROBINSON, SHARI N DTC16001824 B F 04/26/2016 42851
Robles, Ricardo DTC16000727 W M 02/25/2016 42791
Rodriguez II, Israel Morales DTC16003486 W M 07/31/2016 42947
Rodriguez, David DTC16001762 W M 04/23/2016 42848


Rodriguez, Israel DTC16002483 W M 06/01/2016 42887
RODRIGUEZ, JENNIFER LOUISE DTC16000331 B F 01/29/2016 42764
Rodriguez, Obed DTC16001271 W M 03/25/2016 42819
Rogers Jr, Charles Anthony DTC16003660 B M 08/13/2016 42779
ROGERS, KAYLIE M DTC16002959 B F 06/28/2016 42914
ROGERS, KAYLIE M DTC16004078 B F 09/09/2016 42987
ROGERS, KAYLIE M DTC16004323 B F 09/24/2016 42818
Roks, Derrick DTC16002734 B M 06/15/2016 42901
Roman, Devin DTC16001072 B M 03/15/2016 42809
Romero, Christine DTC16001486 W F 04/06/2016 42831
Roridguez, Sergio DTC16001064 W M 03/14/2016 42808
ROSE, ANTHONY DWAYNE DTC16003471 B M 07/30/2016 42946
ROSE, KENDRICK LAWAYNE DTC16000228 B M 01/23/2016 42758
Rose, Lonell DTC16003060 B M 07/02/2016 42918
Rose, Michael DTC16001253 B M 03/24/2016 42818
ROSE, SAMUEL LEWIS DTC16000685 B M 02/21/2016 42787
Rosen, Richard DTC16005836 W M 12/26/2016 42912
Rosendahl, Zane Stanley DTC16001743 W M 04/22/2016 42847
Ross, Jayson L DTC16004223 B M 09/18/2016 42996
Ross, Jayson Lashaun DTC16001252 B M 03/24/2016 42818
ROSS, JEFFREY ANDREI DTC16002963 B M 06/28/2016 42914
Ross, Josiah E DTC16002715 B M 06/15/2016 42901
ROWE, TYRESE MALIK DTC16005502 B M 12/05/2016 43074

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ROWLAND, ANATOL DTC16003012 B M 06/30/2016 42916

RUBEN, TONY DERROLL ORLANDO DTC16004378 B M 09/28/2016 43006
Rucker, Charles DTC16003611 B M 08/09/2016 42956
Rudd, Jerry DTC17000020 B M 01/03/2017 43103
RUFUS, GREGORY DEON DTC17000194 B M 01/14/2017 43114
RUIZ, DANIEL OLEA DTC16000888 W M 03/04/2016 42798
RUNGE, LUKE DANIEL DTC16001766 W M 04/23/2016 42848
RUNNELS, JAMAL DTC16003869 B M 08/28/2016 42975
RUNNELS, MARCUS DTC16002213 B M 05/17/2016 42872
Russell, Chadrick Allen DTC16002971 W M 06/28/2016 42914
Saenz, Anthony Miguel DTC16002615 W M 06/09/2016 42895
SAMPSON, IRA DTC16004596 B F 10/11/2016 43019
SAMS, ARIEL DTC16003058 B F 07/02/2016 42918
SAMS, ARIEL DTC16005064 B F 11/09/2016 43048
Sanchez, Gabriel DTC16003951 W M 09/22/2016 43892
Sanders, Anthony Konrad DTC16001804 W M 04/26/2016 42851
Sanders, Mistie DTC16001865 W F 04/28/2016 42853
Sanders, Stephan Andrew DTC16003758 B M 08/20/2016 42967
Sanders, Tamitria Sacoria Joy DTC16000288 B F 01/27/2016 42762
SANDOVAL, JOE JONATHAN DTC16003699 W M 08/16/2016 42782
Santo, Tom Johm DTC16002140 B M 05/13/2016 42868
SANTOS, GASTON DTC16002951 W M 06/27/2016 42913
SAUZA, CHRISTOPHER ANTHONY DTC16004300 W M 09/23/2016 43001
Schaffer, Larry Edwin DTC16005556 W M 12/08/2016 43077
SCHATTLE, NICHOLAS B DTC16000726 W M 02/24/2016 42790
SCIRVEN, ANTONIA DETRICK DTC16004513 B M 10/06/2016 42831
Scott, Alice Ranaee DTC16003716 B F 08/17/2016 42964
SCOTT, AUBREY JEVON DTC16000499 B M 02/10/2016 42776
SCOTT, AUBREY JEVON DTC16002847 B M 06/22/2016 42908
SCOTT, AUBREY JEVON DTC16003790 B M 08/23/2016 42970
SCOTT, BILLY DTC16002700 W M 06/14/2016 42900
Scott, David Randall DTC16001730 B M 04/21/2016 42846
SCOTT, DESMINE DEMOND DTC16002451 B M 05/31/2016 42886
Scott, Nicholas DTC16005348 B M 11/26/2016 43065
SCOTT, WESLEY EDWARD DTC16002254 W M 05/20/2016 42875
SEARCY, WILLIAM DTC16004053 B M 09/08/2016 42986
SEARL, LAWRENCE DTC16004708 B M 10/19/2016 43027
Sears, Juan Anthony DTC16002505 W M 06/03/2016 42889
SENEGAL, DANNY LEE DTC16003294 B M 07/18/2016 42934
SENTIMORE, TRAVIS MICHAEL DTC16001094 B M 03/16/2016 42810
SEWELL, WILLIE DTC16004412 B M 09/30/2016 43008
SEWELL, WILLIE DTC16005750 B M 12/20/2016 43089
SHAIKH, FAHAD DTC16000835 W M 03/01/2016 42795
SHAPIRO, MICHAEL DTC16000513 W M 02/11/2016 42777
SHAPIRO, MICHAEL DTC16001382 W M 04/01/2016 42826
Sharp, Donald Adrian DTC16004057 B M 09/08/2016 42802
SHAW, DARRYL WAYNE DTC16004476 B M 10/04/2016 43012
SHEAD, ABRON ONEAL DTC16004908 B M 10/31/2016 43039
SHEIKH, SAYAAM DTC16004706 W M 10/18/2016 43026
SHELLEY Jr, Eligha DTC16001558 B M 04/11/2016 42836
SHELTON, BRANDON DTC16003959 B M 09/02/2016 42980
SHELTON, BRANDON O DTC16005832 B M 12/26/2016 43095
SHELTON, BRANDON OSHEA-DION DTC16005287 B M 11/22/2016 43061
SHELTON, CINDY LOUISE DTC16000945 B F 03/08/2016 42802
Shelton, Nicholas Randall DTC16002169 W M 05/15/2016 42870
Shelton-Jones, Denise DTC16004773 W F 10/24/2016 43032
SHEPHERD, TREBIANA DTC16004091 B F 09/09/2016 42987
Sheppard, Brian K. DTC16003766 B M 08/21/2016 42968
Sherman, Allen Devon DTC16002525 B M 06/04/2016 42890
Sherman, Allen Devon DTC16002593 B M 06/08/2016 42894
Shirley, Michael Todd DTC16002478 W M 06/01/2016 42887
SHOCKLEY, SHAWN P DTC16000917 W M 02/06/2016 42800
Shofner, Aaron Deandre DTC16004816 B M 10/27/2016 43035

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SHUMAKE JR, ROBERT JAMES DTC16000920 B M 03/07/2016 42801

SIDNEY, MARTIN DTC16003554 B M 08/04/2016 42951
SIERRA GALVAN, JOSE MARIA DTC16003148 W M 07/06/2016 42922
SIERRA, FERNANDO DTC16000683 W M 02/21/2016 42787
SILLEMON, DARRIN MARQUISE DTC16000962 B M 03/09/2016 42803
SILLEMON, DARRIN MARQUISE DTC16001186 B M 03/21/2016 42815
SILMON, BRANDY YVONNE DTC16004909 B F 10/31/2016 43039
SILMON, BRANDY YVONNE DTC16004918 B F 11/01/2016 43040
SILVERBERG, DEMETRE SAVON DTC16003924 B M 08/31/2016 42978
Simmons Jr, Kevin Dewayne DTC16003048 B M 07/01/2016 42917
Simmons Jr, Kevin Dewayne DTC16003111 B M 07/05/2016 42921
Simmons Jr, Kevin Dewayne DTC16003643 B M 08/12/2016 42959
SIMMONS, EMMANUEL DERRELL DTC16000933 B M 03/07/2016 42801
Simmons, Kevin DTC16005832 B M 12/26/2016 43095
SIMMONS, KEVIN D DTC16004865 B M 10/29/2016 43037
SIMMONS, QUENTIN DEMAINE DTC16000195 B M 01/20/2016 42755
SIMMONS, QUENTIN DEMAINE DTC16003117 B M 07/05/2016 42921
Simpkins, Edward DTC16001355 B M 03/30/2016 42824
Simpson, James Edward DTC16000614 B M 02/17/2016 42783
Simpson, James Edward DTC16005296 B M 11/22/2016 43061
SIMPSON, SHAWN DTC16004693 W M 10/18/2016 43026
Sinegal, Vonsharee DTC16001450 B F 04/05/2016 42830
SINGLETARY, DEYONTIA DTC16005713 B M 12/17/2016 43086
SLAY, VIRGIL DTC16002247 B M 05/20/2016 42875
Smart, Zikevean DTC16005507 B M 12/05/2016 43074
Smith, Andrew DTC16003768 B M 08/21/2016 42787
SMITH, CHARLES DTC16005446 B M 12/02/2016 43071
Smith, Cordell DTC16001635 B M 04/15/2016 42840
SMITH, DAMONTAS DTC16001534 B M 04/09/2016 42834
SMITH, DAMONTAS DTC16003711 B M 08/17/2016 42783
SMITH, DEANDRE DTC16005608 B M 12/11/2016 43080
SMITH, DEKENDRICK MARTEZ DTC16005113 B M 11/12/2016 43051
Smith, Joseph Jamal DTC16002141 B M 05/13/2016 42868
Smith, Keith Lawayne DTC16001868 B M 04/28/2016 42853
SMITH, KELVIN DTC16003515 B M 08/02/2016 42768
Smith, Kelvin Bernard DTC16000500 B M 02/10/2016 42776
SMITH, KENNETH DTC16004140 B M 09/13/2016 42991
SMITH, MICHAEL DTC17000203 B M 01/15/2017 43115
SMITH, NYA DTC16004972 B F 11/03/2016 43042
Smith, Qualan Dion DTC16005441 B M 12/01/2016 43070
Smith, Quintin C DTC16001436 B M 04/04/2016 42829
Smith, SirTerrance DTC16001579 B M 04/12/2016 42837
Smith, Terence Lindsey DTC16004185 B M 09/15/2016 42993
SMITH, TERRENCE DARNELL DTC16004213 B M 09/17/2016 42995
Smith, Tia DTC16004377 B F 09/28/2016 43006
SMITH, TIFFANEY MELIA DTC16000272 B F 01/26/2016 42761
SMITH, ZOSHAI RONIET DTC16005663 B F 12/14/2016 43083
Snyder, Marsha Rae DTC16004157 W F 09/14/2016 42992
Solomon Dilbert, Albina Yoanie DTC16004476 B F 10/04/2016 43012
SORRELLS, DUSTIN COLE DTC16004030 W M 09/07/2016 42985
SOSA, ENRIQUE DTC16003620 W M 08/10/2016 42957
SPANN, SHEDRICK MOELEAKE DTC16002028 B M 05/07/2016 42862
ST JULIAN, REAGAN NICOLE DTC16003948 B F 09/02/2016 42980
STAFFORD, JASON MICHAEL DTC16003167 W M 07/07/2016 42923
STAFFORD, THEODORE LAWRENCE DTC16002572 B M 06/07/2016 42893
Staggs, Randall DTC16004776 W M 10/24/2016 43032
STANFORD, CHASE A DTC16003416 W M 07/26/2016 42942
STANFORD, JAKAIREA DTC16005448 B F 12/02/2016 43071
STANLEY VEGA, ANTHONY LEE DTC16001379 W M 04/01/2016 42826
STANSELL, JEFFREY WAYNE DTC16005174 W M 11/15/2016 43054
Stanton, Clark Garberial DTC16003878 B M 08/30/2016 42794
STARKS, JON ANTHONY DTC16002866 B M 06/23/2016 42909
Staton, Barry Keith DTC16004055 B M 09/08/2016 42802

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STEPHENS, BYRUM DTC17000047 B M 01/05/2017 43105

STEPHENS, SEAN EVERETT DTC16001586 W M 04/12/2016 42837
STEPTOE, ALFONZO DTC16005441 B F 12/01/2016 43070
Steptoe, Alphonso Eugene DTC16005272 B M 11/21/2016 43060
Stevens, Joshua Daniel DTC16002242 W M 05/19/2016 42874
STEVENS, SEAN DTC16000254 W M 01/25/2016 42760
STEWART, JAMES MORRISON DTC16000250 W M 01/25/2016 42760
Stewart, LaRaylond DTC16004486 B M 10/05/2016 43013
Stone, Natasha Rae DTC16002168 W F 05/15/2016 42870
Stone, Robert L DTC16001548 W M 04/10/2016 42835
STORY, JAMES WESLEY DTC17000050 B M 01/05/2017 43105
STOVALL, ROBERT DTC16001832 W M 04/27/2016 42852
STRATF0RD, KENNETH WAYNE DTC16000369 B M 02/01/2016 42767
Stratford, Kenneth Wayne DTC16002924 B M 06/26/2016 42912
STREDIC, CURTIS DTC16003515 B M 08/02/2016 42768
STRICKLAND, DANIEL DTC16001925 W M 05/01/2016 42856
Stricklin, Patrick A DTC16002243 B M 05/19/2016 42874
Suell, LeCharlston K DTC16004281 B M 09/21/2016 42999
Suggs Jr, LaCoy Danyeal DTC16004458 B M 10/04/2016 43012
SULLIVAN, FLORENCE JUANITA DTC16005434 B F 12/01/2016 43070
Sy Julian, Regan DTC16003234 B F 07/13/2016 42929
TARVER, MACKENZIE DTC16004184 B F 09/15/2016 42993
TASBY, ALEXIS DTC16005316 B F 11/23/2016 43062
TASBY, TERRANCE RASHARD DTC16004887 B M 10/30/2016 43038
Taylor Jr, Wesley Dean DTC16001308 W M 03/28/2016 42822
Taylor, Cory Oniel Revonnie DTC16004943 B M 11/02/2016 43041
TAYLOR, DARRON DEWAYNE DTC16003061 B M 07/02/2016 42918
TAYLOR, LAVART Devon DTC17000155 B M 01/12/2017 43112
TAYLOR, PARNELL J DTC16000453 B M 02/06/2016 42772
Taylor, Parnell J DTC16000580 B M 02/15/2016 42781
TAYLOR, PARNELL JARONTAY DTC16003157 B M 07/07/2016 42924
TAYLOR, PARNELL JARONTAY DTC16003945 B M 09/02/2016 42980
TAYLOR, PAUL ANTHONY DTC17000175 B M 01/13/2017 43113
TAYLOR, SHARON DTC16002051 B F 05/08/2016 42863
TENISON II, KENNETH WAYNE DTC16002745 B M 06/16/2016 42902
TENISON, KENNETH DTC16001512 B M 04/08/2016 42833
TENNISON, THOMAS DTC16003641 B M 08/12/2016 42959
Tennyson, Infant DTC16001406 B M 04/02/2016 42827
Thibodeaux, Christina DTC16005843 B F 12/27/2016 43096
Thomas II, Jesse DTC16005309 B M 11/23/2016 43062
THOMAS, DEGORY M DTC16002907 B M 06/25/2016 42911
THOMAS, DEQUALLIAN DEQUAN DTC16002176 B M 05/15/2016 42870
Thomas, Dvontre DTC16000541 B M 02/12/2016 42778
THOMAS, JORDAN DTC16004205 B M 09/17/2016 42995
THOMAS, KEVIN S DTC16002795 W M 06/20/2016 42906
Thomas, Melvin DTC16001114 B M 03/17/2016 42811
THOMAS, REGINALD DTC16004059 B M 09/08/2016 42986
THOMAS, REGINALD Wayne DTC16004607 B M 10/12/2016 43020
THOMAS, RICHARD A DTC16003277 W M 07/17/2016 42933
THOMAS, RICHARD ANTHONY DTC16001173 W M 03/20/2016 42814
Thomas, Rickey E DTC16001641 B M 04/15/2016 42870
THOMAS, RONALD DTC16000644 B M 02/19/2016 42785
Thomas, Sharite DTC16001612 B F 04/14/2016 42839
Thomas, Tamara D DTC16001171 B F 03/20/2016 42814
Thomas, Terry Ladon DTC16001806 B M 04/26/2016 42851
THOMAS, TREVON DONTRILL DTC16002231 B M 05/18/2016 42873
Thompkins, Teia Laree DTC16000353 B F 01/31/2016 42766
THOMPSON, BILLY LAN` DTC16000254 B M 01/25/2016 42760
Thompson, David DTC16003583 B M 08/07/2016 42954
Thompson, Demarcus D DTC16003702 B M 08/16/2016 42963
Thompson, Javion DTC16003447 B M 07/28/2016 42944
Thompson, Javion DTC16003583 B M 08/07/2016 42954
Thompson, Justin Maurice DTC16002313 B M 05/24/2016 42879

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THOMPSON, MICHELLE LEIGH DTC16001578 B F 04/12/2016 42837

Thompson, Noble Scott DTC16001981 W M 05/04/2016 42859
THOMPSON, TERRANCE JAMES DTC16002630 B M 06/10/2016 42896
Thompson, Terrance James DTC16005407 B M 11/30/2016 43069
Thornwell, Thomas DTC16001011 B M 03/11/2016 42805
Thulin, Bengt Val DTC17000138 W M 01/12/2017 43112
Tovar, Destinee DTC16005087 W F 11/10/2016 43049
Trammel, Samantha DTC16004036 W F 09/07/2016 42985
TRAYWICK, TALMADGE DTC16005862 W M 12/28/2016 43087
Traywick, Talmadge D DTC17000131 W M 01/11/2017 42927
TREES, DWIGHT O DTC16002064 W M 05/09/2016 42864
TRIBBLE, MICHAEL DTC16005488 W M 12/05/2016 43074
Truc, Pham Cong DTC16001422 A M 04/03/2016 42828
Tubbs, Gerald W DTC16002363 W M 05/26/2016 42881
TUCKER, KEYONA DTC16002807 B F 06/20/2016 42906
TURBEVILLE, KEITH OGLESBY DTC16004237 W M 09/19/2016 42813
Turner, Diante Lakeith DTC16000326 B M 01/30/2016 42765
Turner, Tamara L DTC16005222 B F 11/17/2016 42872
TURNER, TRAYVON K DTC16001360 B M 03/31/2016 42825
Tutson, Robert Lee DTC16000643 B M 02/19/2016 42785
Tyrodimos-Hale, Valeria DTC16000996 W F 03/10/2016 42804
UKO, FIDELIA DTC16001034 B F 03/13/2016 42807
Unachukwu, Frank DTC16002375 B M 05/26/2016 42881
Unachukwu, Frank DTC16002654 B M 06/12/2016 42898
Urbina Jr, Jamie DTC16004342 W M 09/26/2016 43004
Vaden, Darren DTC16002375 B M 05/26/2016 42881
VALDESPINO, FRANK DTC16004794 W M 10/25/2016 43033
VALENTINE, FREDDIE LEE DTC16005713 B M 12/17/2016 43086
VANATTA, DEBRA L DTC16004057 W F 09/08/2016 42802
VANZANT, HOWARD DTC16005908 B M 12/30/2016 43099
Vasquez, Maria DTC16005313 F 11/23/2016 43062
Vaughn, Rodney DTC16005417 B M 11/30/2016 42885
Vaughn, Rodney Dawayne Jr DTC16003433 B M 09/19/2016 42997
Vega, Anthony Lee Stanley DTC16004111 W M 09/12/2016 42990
VILLEGAS, SANTIAGO DTC16002873 W M 06/23/2016 42909
Vine, Samuel Masson DTC16004273 B M 09/21/2016 42999
VONEHRENFRIED, CHRIS DTC16003070 W M 07/02/2016 42918
WADE, DEONTRA JAQUAIL DTC16005000 B M 11/04/2016 43043
Wade, Henry L DTC16002414 B M 05/28/2016 42883
WADE, MICHAEL LEE DTC16003065 B M 07/02/2016 42918
WAGGONER, JONATHAN DTC16001122 B M 03/17/2016 42811
Waggoner, Jonathan D DTC16001787 B M 04/25/2016 42850
WALDROP, CLAYTON Carl Heath DTC16002908 W M 06/25/2016 42911
Walker, Bryson Marquis DTC16004350 B M 09/27/2016 43005
Walker, Demarco Deshon DTC16004750 B M 10/22/2016 43030
walker, Emmett DTC16003847 B M 08/27/2016 42974
Walker, Gregory Lamont DTC16005097 B M 11/11/2016 43050
WALKER, JOCOBY DASHUN DTC16003767 B M 08/21/2016 42968
Walker, Jonathan DTC16002734 B M 06/15/2016 42901
WALKER, ROBERT GIOVANI DTC16002312 B M 05/24/2016 42879
Walker, Tamera DTC16004377 B F 09/28/2016 43006
WALKER, TRACY D DTC16005284 B M 11/21/2016 43060
WALKER, WESLEY Wayne DTC16002987 W M 06/29/2016 42915
WALL, ZACHARY Heath DTC16003645 W M 08/12/2016 42959
Wallace, Christopher Lee DTC16005821 B M 12/25/2016 43094
Wallace, Jamal S DTC16002402 B M 05/27/2016 42882
WALTON, MAURIE WAYNE DTC16004800 B M 10/26/2016 43034
WALTON, MICHAEL DTC16003312 B M 07/20/2016 42936
WALTON, STEPHANIE DTC16004015 W F 09/06/2016 42800
WARD, DESMOND DTC16002734 B M 06/15/2016 42901
Ward, Ivery Gene DTC16005908 B M 12/30/2016 43099
WARD, PATRICK ARNOLD DTC16002073 B M 05/09/2016 42864
WARD, STEVEN DTC16000676 B M 02/20/2016 42786

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Warren, Larry Clint DTC16005630 B M 12/13/2016 43082

Washington, Bryshand DTC16003080 B M 07/02/2016 42918
Washington, Fario DTC16000654 B M 02/19/2016 42785
WASHINGTON, FREDDIE R DTC16003003 B M 06/29/2016 42915
Washington, Jenny DTC16003090 B F 07/03/2016 42919
Washington, Reginal Dechon DTC16001590 B M 04/12/2016 42837
Washington, Rodney Heshawn DTC16000983 B M 03/10/2016 42804
WATERFIELD, WAYNE R DTC16001300 W M 03/27/2016 42821
Waters, Tyree Darnell DTC16004080 B M 09/09/2016 42987
Watts, Tranisa Octavian DTC16002525 B F 06/04/2016 42890
Watts, Tranisa Octavian DTC16005664 B F 12/14/2016 43083
WEATHERALL, LASHAWNDA DTC16003469 B F 07/30/2016 42946
WEAVER, DENVER CHARLES DTC16005391 W M 11/29/2016 43068
WEBB, BRYAN LAMONT DTC16000609 B M 02/17/2016 42783
WEBB, KENDRIC TARAY DTC16003894 B M 08/30/2016 42976
WEBB, KENDRIC TARAY DTC16005596 B M 12/10/2016 43079
WEBB, KENDRICK DTC16002990 B M 06/29/2016 42915
WEBB, KENDRICK DTC16005565 B M 12/09/2016 43078
WELCH, LISA G DTC16005335 W F 11/25/2016 43064
WELCOME, ANTHONY DTC16002163 B M 05/14/2016 42869
Wells, Logan Jordan Sarge DTC16005479 B F 12/04/2016 43073
Wesby, Kieman D DTC16000876 B M 03/04/2016 42798
Wesley III, Willis DTC16003503 B M 08/01/2016 42948
WESLEY, MICHAEL VAN DTC16005247 B M 11/19/2016 43058
West, Jazariah Lashaye DTC16004021 B F 09/23/2016 43001
WEST, JERRY L DTC16005602 B M 12/11/2016 43080
West, Marcus D DTC17000148 B M 01/12/2017 43112
West, Marcus Dwayne DTC17000021 B M 01/03/2017 43103
WESTBROOK, JORDAN DTC16001610 B M 04/14/2016 42839
Whaley, Cedric Micheal DTC16001298 B M 03/27/2016 42821
WHEATON Jr, CHAMBERS R DTC16003518 B M 08/02/2016 42768
Wherry, Charles DTC16003363 B M 07/23/2016 42939
WHITE II, JOHNNIE LEE DTC16002449 B M 05/31/2016 42886
WHITE JR, DAVID DTC16005850 B M 12/27/2016 43096
White Jr, Samuel DTC16000659 B M 02/19/2016 42785
WHITE, ANTOINE DTC16003227 B M 07/13/2016 42929
WHITE, Antoine DEMON DTC16004379 B M 09/28/2016 43006
WHITE, ANTOINE DEMON DTC16005511 B M 12/05/2016 43074
WHITE, CHRISTOPHER D DTC16002228 B M 05/18/2016 42873
WHITE, CHRISTOPHER DEMONTE DTC16005179 B M 11/15/2016 43054
White, Derrick DTC16004361 B M 09/27/2016 43005
White, Derrick DTC16004810 B M 10/26/2016 43034
White, Derrick D DTC16004160 B M 09/14/2016 42992
WHITE, DWIGHT JEREL DTC16002414 B M 05/28/2016 42883
WHITE, FRANK JR DTC16004895 B M 10/31/2016 43039
White, Joshua Bernard DTC16002529 B M 06/04/2016 42890
WHITE, KIAMISHA M DTC16003585 B F 08/07/2016 42954
WHITE, MAURICE DTC16004469 B M 10/04/2016 43012
White, Robert DTC16003244 B M 07/14/2016 42930
Whitehead, Anthony DTC16000460 B M 02/07/2016 42773
WHITEHEAD, ERIESSE DTC16005625 B M 12/12/2016 43081
WHITFIELD, JAMES DTC16002787 W M 06/19/2016 42905


WILLIAMS Jr, SYLVESTER DTC16005847 B M 12/27/2016 43096
Williams, Alexander ANTONIO DTC16004158 B M 09/14/2016 42992
Williams, Antonio Dewayne DTC16005378 B M 11/28/2016 43067
WILLIAMS, BRIAN KIRK DTC16002941 B M 06/27/2016 42913
Williams, Brianna Raschelle DTC16003106 B F 07/04/2016 42920
WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER DTC16002187 B M 05/16/2016 42871
Williams, Clifton DTC16003016 B M 06/30/2016 42916
WILLIAMS, DEANDRE MARQUIS DTC17000219 B M 01/16/2017 43116
WILLIAMS, DEBORAH JOYCE DTC16001248 B F 03/24/2016 42818

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WILLIAMS, DEWIGHT DTC16001523 B M 04/08/2016 42833

Williams, Dominique DTC16001486 B M 04/06/2016 42831
Williams, Don Friskele DTC16002286 B M 05/22/2016 42877
Williams, E'laisia DTC16004058 B F 09/08/2016 42802
Williams, Harvey Keith DTC16002223 W M 05/18/2016 42873
Williams, Jasmine DTC16005920 W F 12/31/2016 43100
Williams, Jerome Lozrenzo DTC16005517 B M 12/06/2016 42892
WILLIAMS, JOSHUA DTC16002501 B M 06/03/2016 42889
WILLIAMS, KRISTAL DTC16005434 B F 12/01/2016 43070
Williams, Krystal DTC16001102 B F 03/16/2016 42810
WILLIAMS, LADARIUS DTC16001306 B M 03/28/2016 42822
Williams, Marshon DTC16000450 B M 02/06/2016 42772
Williams, Marvin DTC16000450 B M 02/06/2016 42772
Williams, Peaches Roseaa DTC17000061 B F 01/05/2017 43105
WILLIAMS, RICHARD LEE DTC16002226 B M 05/18/2016 42873
WILLIAMS, ROBERT Earl DTC16003823 B M 08/25/2016 42972
Williams, Ronda Deneice DTC16004699 B F 10/18/2016 43026
WILLIAMS, SEAN ERIC DTC16001551 B M 04/10/2016 42835
Williams, Terry L DTC16001698 B M 04/19/2016 42844
Williams, Troy Anthony DTC16002010 B M 05/06/2016 42861
WILLIAMS, TRUDELL MISHIEL DTC16005260 B M 11/19/2016 43058
WILLIAMS, WYANTON DEANDRE DTC16001993 B M 05/05/2016 42860
Williamson, Timothy Scott DTC16001371 W M 03/31/2016 42825
Willie, Menson DTC16001734 B M 04/21/2016 42846
WILLIS, REGGIE B DTC16001999 B M 05/05/2016 42860
Willoughby, Aaron PRAXTON DTC16002454 B M 05/31/2016 42886
Willoughby, Aaron PRAXTON DTC16002626 B M 06/09/2016 42895
Wilson, Christopher Ashton DTC17000006 B M 01/01/2017 43101
WILSON, TOMDERRIAN SAMARCUS DTC16003577 B M 08/06/2016 42953
Winborn, Shelia DTC16000877 B F 03/04/2016 42798
Winchester, Herschel DTC16002699 W M 06/14/2016 42900
WINDHAM, CURTIS DTC16002585 B M 06/08/2016 42894
WINDHAM, CURTIS DTC16002786 B M 06/09/2016 42895
WINSLOW, KENNETH TYRELL DTC16001508 B M 04/07/2016 42832
WOLDEMICAEL, ROBEL Tecom DTC16002652 B M 06/11/2016 42897
WOLDETENSAY, YIDNEKACHEW G DTC16002611 B M 06/09/2016 42895
WOOD, MARVIN DTC16001400 B M 04/02/2016 42827
Woodard, Pineto Videlous DTC16003103 B M 07/04/2016 42920
Wooden, Sanide Elaine DTC16003716 B F 08/17/2016 42964
WOODS, MICHAEL RAY DTC16000409 B M 02/03/2016 42769
WOODS, TYSHEANNA DTC16004058 B F 09/08/2016 42802
Wooten, Markelvyn Lamar DTC16004151 B M 09/14/2016 42808
WOOTEN, PHILLIP DTC16002363 W M 05/26/2016 42881
Wright, Archie D DTC16002229 B M 05/18/2016 42873
WRIGHT, COREY LEKEITH DTC17000030 B M 01/04/2017 43104
WRIGHT, KEITH ANDRE DTC16005693 B M 12/16/2016 43085
WRIGHT, KEITH Aundre DTC17000241 B M 01/17/2017 43117
WRIGHT, LADARIUS MARRKIEST DTC16001754 B M 04/22/2016 42847
Wright, Matthew DTC16004039 W M 09/07/2016 42985
WRIGHT, TERRELL RAOUL DTC16001084 B M 03/15/2016 42809
WRIGHT, TYRONE DWAYNE DTC16004985 B M 11/04/2016 43043
WYRICK, BRADLEY DTC16004568 W M 10/10/2016 42835
WYSINGER, MARCUS COLLINS DTC16004529 B M 10/07/2016 43015
Young III, Steven DTC16001435 B M 04/04/2016 42829
YOUNG, COBY CONAIL DTC16002628 B M 06/10/2016 42896
Young, Marquiest Storm DTC16001028 B M 03/13/2016 42807
YOUNG, MICHAEL ALEXANDER DTC16003034 B M 07/01/2016 42917
YOUNG, RYAN ONEIL DTC16001194 W M 03/21/2016 42815
YOUNG, STEVE DTC16005230 B M 11/18/2016 43057
YOWELL, CASEY L DTC16005685 W M 12/15/2016 43084
Zachary, Brodrick Oneal DTC16004374 B M 09/28/2016 43006
Zachery, Kendrick DTC16000926 B M 03/07/2016 42801
ZAVALA, ANGEL DTC16002401 W M 05/27/2016 42882

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Zavala, Lupe DTC16002615 W M 06/09/2016 42895

ABDUL RAHMAN, MALAIKA ABDULLAH DTC15005545 I F 12/05/2015 42709

ABDULLAH Jr, ALIM DTC15002977 B M 07/03/2015 42554
ABZA, RAINY SAMSON DTC15000511 W M 02/03/2015 42403
Acosta, Antione Andrew DTC15002517 B M 06/04/2015 42525
Acosta, Tarik DTC15001839 B M 04/23/2015 42483
ACOSTA, TARIK GLEN DTC15001959 B M 04/30/2015 42490
ACOSTA, TARIK GLENN DTC15000768 B M 02/17/2015 42417
ADAIR, TALYAND DTC15002347 B M 05/23/2015 42513
Adair, Talynd McGowd DTC15003013 B M 07/05/2015 42556
Adamore, Seneca Devante DTC15000043 B M 01/04/2015 42373
ADAMS, DAVID WAYNE DTC15003701 B M 08/16/2015 42598
Adams, James Branon DTC16001745 W M 04/22/2016 42665
ADAMS, ROBERT KERRY DTC15003835 B M 08/23/2015 42605
Adan, Mohamud DTC15003186 B M 07/15/2015 42566
Addison, Jeremiah Jehor DTC15000610 B M 02/09/2015 42409
ADKINS, COURTNEY DAVON DTC15003826 B M 08/23/2015 42239
Adkins, Courtney Davon DTC15004600 B M 10/06/2015 42649
Adley, Trailous Deon DTC15003937 B M 08/28/2015 42244
Adley, Trailous Deon DTC15004336 B M 09/20/2015 42633
Alcantar, Christopher DTC16002704 B M 06/14/2016 42718
ALEXANDER JR, CHARLIE DTC15000333 B M 01/23/2015 42392
ALEXANDER, JOSHUA DTC15004958 B M 10/27/2015 42670
Alexander, Joshua Oneal DTC15003294 B M 07/22/2015 42573
ALEXANDER, JOSHUA ONEAL DTC15005578 B M 12/07/2015 42711
ALEXANDER, VIRGINIA ARUKWE DTC15004800 B F 10/28/2015 42671
Alford, Nolan DTC15004505 B M 10/01/2015 42461
ALIFF, PHILLIP LEE DTC16000078 W M 01/12/2016 42563
ALLEN, FLOYD DTC15002218 B M 05/15/2015 42505
Allen, Floyd DTC15002721 B M 06/18/2015 42539
ALLEN, REGINALD DTC15005620 B M 12/10/2015 42714
Almanza, Leonel DTC15003009 W M 07/05/2015 42556
Almanza, Leonel DTC15004221 W M 09/13/2015 42626
Alvarado, Johnny Nathan DTC15000181 W M 01/14/2015 42383
ALVARADO, JOHNNY NATHAN DTC15000692 W M 02/13/2015 42413
Alvarado, Johnny Nathan DTC15001034 W M 03/09/2015 42438
Alvarado, Michael Anthony DTC15001878 W M 04/25/2015 42485
Alvarez, James DTC15003167 W M 07/14/2015 42565
Alvarez, James DTC15004120 W M 09/06/2015 42619
ALVAREZ, RYAN JAY DTC15004627 W M 10/08/2015 42651
ALVAREZ, RYAN JAY DTC15005824 W M 12/21/2015 42725
Alvizu-Aguado, Anthony DTC15002303 W M 05/20/2015 42510
ALVIZU-AGUADO, ANTHONY DTC15005306 W M 11/18/2015 42692
ANDEMICHAEL, SULTAN DTC15002385 B M 05/27/2015 42517
Anderson Jr, Kenneth J DTC15000642 B M 02/10/2015 42045
Anderson, Bennie DTC15002183 B F 05/12/2015 42502
ANDERSON, CHRISTOPHER B DTC15004821 B M 10/19/2015 42662
Anderson, Christopher L DTC15001093 B M 03/12/2015 42441
ANDERSON, GEORGE DTC15001714 B M 04/16/2015 42476
Anderson, Kadarius JoKeith DTC16001312 B M 03/28/2016 42641
ANDERSON, TYLER S DTC15003957 W M 08/29/2015 42611
Anderson, Ulysees DTC15004869 B M 10/21/2015 42664
ANDREW, SCOTT DTC15000844 B M 02/21/2015 42421
Arana, Ulises DTC15003712 W M 08/16/2015 42598
Ardis, Gregory DTC15000228 B M 01/17/2015 42386
Ardoin, Shannon DTC15001994 B F 05/01/2015 42491
Arellano, Leobardo P DTC15004146 W M 09/08/2015 42621
Arias, Gilbert Anthony DTC15002240 W M 05/16/2015 42506
Arias, Gilbert Anthony DTC15002302 W M 05/20/2015 42510
Arias, Gilbert Anthony DTC15003043 W M 07/06/2015 42557
Armold, Charles A DTC15004324 W M 09/19/2015 42632

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ARMSTEAD, KEN DWYANE DTC15001497 B M 04/04/2015 42464

Armstrong, Christopher Clark DTC15000977 W M 03/06/2015 42435
ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH L DTC15000732 B F 02/15/2015 42415
ARREOLA JR, NOEL DTC16000115 W M 01/14/2016 42565
ARTERBERRY, WESLEY LEON DTC15000758 B M 02/17/2015 42417
Ash, Joel DTC15002531 W M 06/04/2015 42251
Ash, Joel DTC15003754 W M 08/19/2015 42601
ASH, JOEL MICHAEL DTC15004035 W M 09/02/2015 42615
Ashley, Gary Romone DTC15000588 B M 02/07/2015 42407
ASHLEY, ROBERT Warren DTC15000157 W M 01/13/2015 42382
ATKINS, DEANDRE MARCEL DTC16000007 B M 01/06/2016 42741
Atkinson, Ahja'Nae DTC15000105 B F 01/08/2015 42377
Austin, Alvin James DTC15003434 B M 07/31/2015 42582
Ayeni, Ayodele Samuel DTC15001721 B M 04/17/2015 42477
Baccus, Quanjasmine DTC15001934 B F 04/28/2015 42488
BAILEY Jr, PATRICK DTC16000469 B M 02/08/2016 42590
BAKER, DAVID PETER DTC15005623 B M 12/10/2015 42714
BAKER, DAVID PETER DTC16002212 B M 05/17/2016 42691
Baker, Kelvin Wayne DTC15004987 B M 10/28/2015 42397
Baker, Lynette Marie DTC16000098 I F 01/13/2016 42748
Baker, Paul David DTC15000041 W M 01/04/2015 42373
Baker, Ricky Joe DTC15001517 W M 04/05/2015 42465
BAKER, TERRY ALEXANDER DTC15000044 B M 01/04/2015 42373
BALL, JEFFERSON DTC15003829 W M 08/23/2015 42605
Banks, Corey Jawone DTC15001681 B M 04/14/2015 42474
BARBER, BENNY DTC15000704 B M 02/14/2015 42414
BARBER, BENNY RAY DTC15002094 B M 05/07/2015 42497
Barnes, Anthony Dewayne DTC15005343 B M 12/10/2015 42714
Barnes, Willie DTC15005085 B M 11/04/2015 42678
Barrance, Gary Wayne DTC15001193 B M 03/18/2015 42265
Barrance, Gary Wayne DTC15004471 B M 09/29/2015 42642
BARRETT, CHARLES DTC16000148 W M 01/16/2016 42751
BARRETT, MARK DTC15000831 W M 02/21/2015 42421
Barrett, Mark DTC15001307 W M 03/25/2015 42088
BARRETT, MARK DTC15001392 W M 03/29/2015 42458
Barrett, Mark Joseph DTC15002467 W M 06/01/2015 42522
BARRETT, MARK JOSEPH DTC15005240 W M 11/14/2015 42688
Barry, Casanova Ciciero DTC15004730 B M 10/14/2015 42657
Barton, Brandon DTC15002816 B M 06/23/2015 42544
Bates, Antonio Demetrick DTC15003820 B M 08/22/2015 42604
Bates, Bradley Nelson DTC15000425 W M 01/28/2015 42397
Bates, Johnny Lee DTC15002760 B M 06/20/2015 42541
Bates, Johnny Lee DTC15003696 B M 08/15/2015 42597
BATTLE, JAMAR LAMONTE DTC15003502 B M 08/04/2015 42586
BAUGHN, ERIC EDWARDS DTC15001508 A M 04/04/2015 42464
Baughn, Eric Edwards DTC15003066 B M 07/08/2015 42559
Bayne, Nicole Alexis DTC16003028 B F 06/30/2016 42734
Beaird, George Earl DTC15003214 B M 07/17/2015 42568
BEAL, MARKHAM DTC15000915 B M 02/28/2015 42428
BEAL, MARKHAM DTC15002367 B M 05/25/2015 42515
Beal, Markham Deshone DTC15001206 B M 03/18/2015 42447
Beard, Johnny Irvin Jr DTC15003734 B M 08/17/2015 42599
BEASLEY, BRIANA RESHAE DTC15002755 B F 06/20/2015 42541
Beaty, Darnita Sonyea DTC15005609 B F 12/09/2015 42713
Bedford, Vincent B DTC15003200 B M 07/16/2015 42567
Bell Jr, David Jerome DTC15000656 B M 02/11/2015 42411
Bell, Albree Shamond DTC15004279 B M 09/16/2015 42629
BELL, ANTHONY RAY DTC15004802 B M 10/17/2015 42660
BELL, ANTHONY RAY DTC15004923 B M 10/24/2015 42667
Bell, Byron Cregg DTC15003977 B M 08/30/2015 42612
Bell, Dante Dion DTC15003034 B M 07/06/2015 42557
BELL, RONALD DTC15001521 B M 04/05/2015 42282
Bell, Tracy DTC15002817 W M 06/23/2015 42544

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BELLAMY, ARSENIO DEMOND DTC15003647 B M 08/13/2015 42595

BELLAMY, ARSENIO DEMOND DTC15003856 B M 08/25/2015 42607
Benadum, Austin DTC15000960 W M 03/04/2015 42433
BENADUM, AUSTIN DTC15001781 W M 04/21/2015 42481
BENEDICT, BRETT DTC15003404 W M 07/29/2015 42580
Benford, Tyrek DTC16002969 B M 06/28/2016 42732
Bennett, Daniel Lemon DTC15005314 B M 11/19/2015 42693
Bennett, Daniel Lemon DTC15005316 B M 11/20/2015 42694
Bennett, Daniel Lemon DTC15005927 B M 12/30/2015 42551
Bennett, Darious DTC15001200 B M 03/18/2015 42447
Bennett, Darious DTC15003808 B M 08/21/2015 42603
BENNETT, LASYLVIA DTC15001073 B F 03/11/2015 42440
Bennett, Malcolm Maurice DTC15001191 B M 03/18/2015 42447
BENNETT, MALCOM MAURICE DTC15001704 B M 04/16/2015 42476
BENNETT, MALCOM MAURICE DTC15002044 B M 05/05/2015 42495
Bennett, Porsha RENEE DTC15005366 B F 11/22/2015 42696
BENTON JR, ARTHUR B DTC15002278 B M 05/19/2015 42509
BERG, JESSICA DTC15000232 W F 01/17/2015 42386
Berg, Jessica DTC15001389 W F 03/29/2015 42458
Bessinger, Riley DTC15004040 W M 09/02/2015 42615
Bettis, Joe Nathan DTC16002751 B M 06/17/2016 42721
Bewley Jr, Joel Mansfield DTC15001832 W M 04/23/2015 42483
Bewley, Joel Mansfield DTC15003796 W M 08/21/2015 42603
Bible Jr, Rickey Clayton DTC15002425 B M 05/29/2015 42519
Bicknell, Jeannetta DTC15005215 W F 11/13/2015 42687
Bingham, Christal DTC15003870 W F 08/25/2015 42607
Birch, Wylie Ramone DTC16002238 B M 05/19/2016 42693
BIVENS, DARRELL WAYNE DTC15005248 B M 11/15/2015 42689
BIVENS, DARRELL WAYNE DTC15005329 B M 11/19/2015 42693
BLAKE, RICHARD WAYNE DTC15002246 W M 05/16/2015 42506
Blanks, Lawrance GREGORY DTC16000429 B M 02/04/2016 42464
BLANSON, ASHER DTC15005010 B M 10/29/2015 42398
BLANSON, ASHER DTC16002188 B M 05/16/2016 42690
Blanson, Asher Dewayne DTC15004647 B M 10/09/2015 42652
BLANTON, BRANDON KEITH DTC15002505 B M 06/03/2015 42524
Blaylock, Raymond James DTC16001483 B M 04/06/2016 42649
Blaylock, Yadelara DTC15000808 B F 02/19/2015 42419
Bledsoe, Labrodrick D DTC16003406 B M 07/26/2016 42577
BLEDSOE, LABRODRICK DEWANTE DTC16002071 B M 05/09/2016 42683
Blevins, Christopher DTC15000278 B M 01/20/2015 42389
BLEVINS, CHRISTOPHER DTC15000286 B M 01/20/2015 42389
Blevins, Tina Louise DTC15005278 W F 11/17/2015 42691
BLOCKMAN, DAMAD DTC15004168 B M 09/09/2015 42286
BOENING, CHAD DTC16002703 W M 06/14/2016 42627
Boles, Jeremy Lee DTC15004001 W M 08/31/2015 42613
BOLES, PREZELL DWIGHT DTC15005559 B M 12/06/2015 42710
Bolin, Mark DTC15001919 W M 04/27/2015 42487
Bonner, Eric Henry Montel DTC15004852 B M 10/20/2015 42663
Bonner, Sammy Dewayne DTC16002980 B M 06/28/2016 42549
Booker, Allen E DTC15001640 B M 04/11/2015 42471
Booker, Allen E DTC15005493 B M 12/02/2015 42706
Booker, Allen Eugene DTC15003412 B M 07/30/2015 42581
BOOKER, CASSIUS DTC15000954 B M 03/03/2015 42432
Booker, Ira DTC15005141 B M 11/08/2015 42682

BOOKMAN, KENZEL DEVEONDEWAYNE DTC15004768 B M 10/15/2015 42658

Bordenkircher, Richard DTC15002115 W M 05/08/2015 42498
BORDENKIRCHER, RICHARD FORD DTC16002090 W M 05/10/2016 42684
Boston, Brittany DTC15003983 B F 08/31/2015 42613
BOWEN, KATHERINE AMANDA DTC15005652 W F 12/11/2015 42715
Bowens Jr, Gary D DTC15003077 B M 07/08/2015 42559
Bowie, Brian A DTC15004301 B M 09/18/2015 42631
BOYD, MARCEL DTC15005484 B M 12/04/2015 42708

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BOYD, MARCEL DESHUN DTC15004525 B M 10/02/2015 42645

BOYD, MARCEL DESHUN DTC15005453 B M 11/30/2015 42704
BRACKS, BIANCA DTC15005787 B F 12/18/2015 42722
BRACKS, BIANCIA DTC15003637 B F 08/13/2015 42595
Bradford, Charles ray DTC15002785 B M 06/22/2015 42543
Bradley, Demonha Kwame-Ramel DTC15002162 B M 05/11/2015 42501
Bradley, George DTC15005072 B M 11/03/2015 42677
BRADLEY, GEORGE DTC15005779 B M 12/18/2015 42722
BRADLEY, NATHANIA DTC16000279 W M 01/27/2016 42578
Bradshaw, Sophia L DTC15004922 B F 10/24/2015 42667
Brandel, James Curtis DTC15000390 B M 01/26/2015 42395
Brandel, James Curtis DTC15003196 B M 07/16/2015 42567
Brandel, James Curtis DTC15003462 B M 08/02/2015 42584
Brandon, Michael DTC15002018 B M 05/03/2015 42493
BRANION, NICOLE B DTC15003353 B F 07/25/2015 42210
BRAXTON, GARY DTC15001203 B M 03/18/2015 42447
BRICKMAN, OREASE CHRISTOPHER DTC15003089 B M 07/09/2015 42560
BRIGHT Jr, RONNIE B. DTC15000807 B M 02/19/2015 42419
BRINKER II, DURELL ALAN DTC15005723 B M 12/15/2015 42719
BRINKER II, DURELL ALAN DTC16001470 B M 04/06/2016 42649
Brisco, Anthony DTC15003909 B M 08/27/2015 42609
Brisco, Anthony DTC15004859 B M 10/21/2015 42664
BRONCHI, AHMED M DTC16002863 B M 06/23/2016 42727
Brooks, Keith L DTC15005717 B M 12/15/2015 42719
Brooks, Michael Lee DTC15002238 B M 05/16/2015 42506
Brooks, Sean DTC15001069 B M 03/11/2015 42440
BROWDER, LEON NOLAN DTC15005577 A M 12/07/2015 42711
Brown III, Emmett David DTC15001228 B M 03/19/2015 42448
Brown III, Jeffroe DTC15000222 B M 01/17/2015 42386
Brown, Allayssah DTC15001283 B F 03/23/2015 42452
BROWN, ALVIN WAYNE DTC15005210 B M 11/12/2015 42686
Brown, Brent DTC15000329 B M 01/23/2015 42392
Brown, Brent MARSAILAS DTC15004638 B M 10/08/2015 42651
Brown, Brent Marsalis DTC15000630 B M 02/10/2015 42410
BROWN, COREY D DTC15002777 B M 06/21/2015 42542
Brown, Corey D DTC15002887 B M 06/29/2015 42550
BROWN, COREY DAWAYNE DTC15004547 B M 10/03/2015 42646
Brown, Daniel Findyter DTC16000832 B M 03/01/2016 42614
Brown, Dewayne DTC15001572 B M 04/08/2015 42468
Brown, Eddie DTC15002538 B M 06/05/2015 42526
Brown, Elijah Marquette DTC15001672 W M 04/14/2015 42474
BROWN, GREGORY RASHAD DTC15001049 B M 03/10/2015 42439
BROWN, JASON S DTC15001777 B M 04/20/2015 42480
BROWN, JASON S DTC15004204 B M 09/11/2015 42624
BROWN, JASON STANLEY DTC15003162 B M 07/14/2015 42565
Brown, Javon DTC15000446 B M 01/29/2015 42214
Brown, Javon DTC15000620 B M 02/09/2015 42409
Brown, John Jerome DTC15002838 B M 06/25/2015 42546
Brown, Kametra D DTC15000940 B F 03/02/2015 42249
Brown, Marcus DTC15001951 B M 04/29/2015 42489
Brown, Mark E. DTC15003638 W M 08/13/2015 42595
Brown, Mark Edward DTC15002022 W M 05/03/2015 42493
BROWN, MARQUALE DOMINICK DTC15004478 B M 09/29/2015 42642
Brown, Melinda DTC15003752 W F 08/18/2015 42600
Brown, Michael Rochard DTC15001416 B M 03/30/2015 42459
Brown, Michell Nicole DTC15005175 P F 11/11/2015 42685
Brown, Nikalas DTC15002007 B M 05/02/2015 42492
Brown, Quintus Stephon DTC15000894 B M 02/27/2015 42427
BROWN, QUINTUS STEPHON DTC15002040 B M 05/04/2015 42494
Brown, Reggie Lee DTC16000321 B M 01/29/2016 42580
BROWN, RICHARD DTC15004204 B M 09/11/2015 42349
Brown, Tamondre DTC15003651 B M 08/13/2015 42595
Brown, Vincent D DTC15002684 B M 06/15/2015 42171

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Brown, Zerah DTC16003076 B M 07/02/2016 42584

Brownell, Mary Christina DTC15002768 W F 06/21/2015 42359
Brown-Townsend, Damon L DTC15002731 B M 06/18/2015 42173
BRUNICK, CHARLES EUGENE DTC15002038 W M 05/04/2015 42494
Bryant, Caris D DTC15001080 B M 03/12/2015 42441
Bryant, Danny Ray DTC15002633 B M 06/11/2015 42532
Buard, Ladarien DTC15003767 B M 08/19/2015 42601
BUCHANAN, ALTONIUS DAWAYNE DTC15004163 B M 09/09/2015 42622
Bullard, Anthony Wayne DTC15000751 B M 02/17/2015 42233
BULLOCKS, JAMES LEE DTC15002232 B M 05/15/2015 42505
BULTER, SALEK DTC15005057 B M 11/02/2015 42402
BURKS JR, JOHN EDDIE DTC15001547 B M 04/07/2015 42467
BURNS, DENNIS GENE DTC15003922 W M 08/28/2015 42610
BURNS, SELBY DTC15000625 W F 02/10/2015 42410
Burns, Shelby L DTC15001169 W F 03/17/2015 42446
Burr, Marvin Earl DTC15000277 B M 01/20/2015 42389
Bush, Margaret E DTC15003696 W F 08/15/2015 42597
BUTLER JR, RODERICK GRENARD DTC15003627 B M 08/12/2015 42594
BUTLER JR, TRAVIS LEE DTC15000566 B M 02/06/2015 42406
BUTLER JR, TRAVIS LEE DTC15003780 B M 08/20/2015 42602
BUTLER, DAVID LEE DTC15004610 B M 10/07/2015 42650
BUTLER, DAVID LEE DTC15004988 B M 10/29/2015 42672
Butler, Salek DTC15004993 B M 10/29/2015 42306
BUTLER, SALEK L DTC15004872 B M 10/21/2015 42664
BUTLER, SALEK L DTC15005629 B M 12/10/2015 42714
BUTLER, SALEK LAMONT DTC15005250 B M 11/16/2015 42690
Cabrera Jr, Ricardo A DTC15004989 W M 10/28/2015 42397
Cabrera Sanchez, Abimael DTC15003640 W M 08/13/2015 42595
Cabrera, Pete Gomez DTC15004261 W M 09/15/2015 42292
Cadenenatorres, Aldo DTC15000336 W M 01/23/2015 42392
Calderon, Efrain DTC16000599 W M 02/16/2016 42598
CALDWELL, ROBERT ANTHONY DTC15002685 W M 07/21/2015 42572
CALHOUN JR, YOSHIMA KNIEVEL DTC15000926 B M 03/02/2015 42065

CALHOUN, WARREN DMARKUS MONTEL DTC15004720 B M 10/13/2015 42656

CAMERUCCI Jr, CHRISTOPHER G DTC15004195 W M 09/11/2015 42624
CAMERUCCI, CHRISTOPHER G DTC15003451 W M 08/01/2015 42583
Camp, Denisha Tonya DTC15004088 B F 09/04/2015 42617
Campbell, Danya Jerome DTC16001799 B M 04/25/2016 42668
CAMPBELL, DELON DTC16001937 05/03/2016 42676
CAMPBELL, SAM LAD DTC16000495 B M 02/10/2016 42592
Campbell, Shaun DTC15003651 B M 08/13/2015 42595
CAMPBELL, TERRANCE EARL DTC16001381 B M 04/01/2016 42644
Cannon, Lewis Michael DTC16000098 B M 01/13/2016 42748
Cantrell, Johnnie Merrell DTC15001431 W M 03/31/2015 42460
CAPDVILLE, JOSEPHINE DTC16000984 B F 03/10/2016 42623
CARBS, LAMARCUS DTC16002476 B M 06/01/2016 42705
Carothers, Nicholas Waldo DTC15004276 B M 09/16/2015 42629
CAROUTHERS, MICHAEL SHANE DTC15002858 B M 06/26/2015 42547
Carpenter, Derrick Bernard DTC15002623 B M 06/10/2015 42531
CARPENTER, JERRY Wayne DTC15005521 B M 12/03/2015 42707
Carpenter, Ricky Leval DTC15002256 B M 05/17/2015 42507
CARR, ANTHONY LINN DTC15001656 B M 04/13/2015 42473
Carr, Brian Keith DTC15000553 B M 02/05/2015 42221
Carr, Kylin DTC15003712 B M 08/16/2015 42598
carrantza, Mark DTC15000786 W M 02/18/2015 42418
Carreno, Rickey L DTC15001174 W M 03/17/2015 42446
CARRENO, RICKY DTC15000129 W M 01/10/2015 42379
CARRINGTON, RHONDA DTC15005531 B F 12/04/2015 42708
Carrington, Rhonda D DTC15001897 B F 04/26/2015 42486
Carrington, Tailor Demetri DTC15005604 B M 12/09/2015 42713
CARRIZALES, LISA DTC15002928 W F 07/01/2015 42552
Carson, Chris DTC15005646 B M 12/11/2015 42715

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CARSON, JOHN D DTC15000899 B M 02/27/2015 42427

CARTER, BRIAN DTC15001727 B M 04/17/2015 42477
Carter, Cartinus Deshawn DTC15001053 B M 03/10/2015 42439
CARTER, ISAAC KARNUZW DTC15004472 B M 09/29/2015 42642
Carter, Kathy Jane DTC15005572 W F 12/07/2015 42711
Carusy, Nathaniel DTC15005325 B M 11/19/2015 42327
CARY, WILLIAM LAWRENCE DTC15003587 W M 08/10/2015 42592
CASANOVA, BARRY C DTC15003674 B M 08/15/2015 42597
CASANOVA, BARRY C DTC15003904 B M 08/27/2015 42609
Cason, Samanda Gail DTC15003657 B F 08/14/2015 42596
Cason, Samanda Gail DTC15005065 B F 11/03/2015 42677
Cassell Jr, Joe Edward DTC15001120 B M 03/13/2015 42442
Castelan, Ivan DTC15001826 W M 04/23/2015 42300
Castelan, Ivan DTC15002293 W M 05/19/2015 42327
CASTELAN, IVAN OSVALDO DTC15002303 W M 05/20/2015 42510
CASTELAN, IVAN OSVALDO DTC15002490 W M 06/02/2015 42523
Castro Jr, Alfredo DTC16001680 W M 04/18/2016 42661
Ceballos, Oscar DTC16000351 W M 01/31/2016 42400
Centers, Donnie L DTC15003910 B M 08/27/2015 42609
CERVANTES, FRANCISCO DTC15001172 W M 03/17/2015 42080
Chalk IV, Tommy Leo DTC15005469 B M 12/01/2015 42705
CHAMBERS, JAMES THOMAS DTC15000167 B M 01/13/2015 42382
Chandler, Don Ray DTC15000952 B M 03/03/2015 42432
Chandler, Kazid Phillip DTC15005075 B M 11/03/2015 42677
Chandler, Richard Glenn DTC15005568 B M 12/07/2015 42528
CHANEY, JOHN WESLEY DTC15001454 B M 04/02/2015 42462
Chapple, Qualion Lamont DTC15005740 B M 12/16/2015 42720
Charles, Legans Donnel DTC15005043 B M 11/01/2015 42675
CHATMAN, DEJA DTC16002854 B F 06/22/2016 42726
Chavez, Jorge DTC15002768 W M 06/21/2015 42359
CHEADLE, DEONDRE TYRONE DTC15000301 B M 01/21/2015 42390
CHERNAY, WALTER ANTHONY DTC15000158 W M 01/13/2015 42382
Choice, Tradareon DTC15003590 B M 09/16/2015 42629
Chorba, Phillip R DTC15000788 W M 02/18/2015 42142
Clagg, Angelia DTC15002421 W F 05/29/2015 42519
Claire, Edward DTC15001642 W M 04/11/2015 42471
Clardy, Darrius Jacquis DTC15003041 B M 07/06/2015 42557
Clark, Chelsea R DTC15000583 B F 02/07/2015 42407
Clark, Eugene DTC15004263 B M 09/15/2015 42628
Clark, Payton Quintle DTC15003590 B M 09/03/2015 42616
CLAWSON, JACQUELINE DTC16002577 W F 06/07/2016 42711
Claxton, Aaron Kent DTC15001178 B M 03/17/2015 42446
CLAY, SEBASTIAN MENDENHALL DTC15005386 B M 11/23/2015 42697
CLAYBORN, ARICO DTC15005272 B M 11/17/2015 42691
CLEMENTS, KEVIN DTC15000512 B M 02/03/2015 42403
CLENDENON, RUSSELL DUANE DTC16001133 W M 03/18/2016 42631
CLERKLEY, JOSHUA Ray DTC15001784 B M 04/21/2015 42481
Clewis, Alfred Bentley DTC15004822 B M 10/19/2015 42662
CLEWIS, ALFRED BENTLEY DTC15005382 B M 11/23/2015 42697
Clewis, Christopher DTC16002004 B M 05/06/2016 42680
Cockrell, Deshun DTC15000444 B M 01/29/2015 42398
COFFMAN, ZACHARY RYAN DTC15000715 W M 02/14/2015 42414
COLBERT, DOMINIQUE DTC15004598 B M 10/06/2015 42283
COLBERT, DOMINIQUE DTC15004668 B M 10/10/2015 42653
Colbert, Dominique Antoine DTC15001520 B M 04/05/2015 42465
COLBERT, DOMINIQUE ANTOINE DTC15004691 B M 10/12/2015 42655
COLE III, ARLESTER DTC15005580 B M 12/08/2015 42712
COLE III, ARLESTER DTC16000068 B M 01/11/2016 42746
Cole, David lee DTC16000016 B M 01/07/2016 42558
Cole, Jordan DTC15004585 B M 10/05/2015 42648
Cole, Jordan Xavier DTC15004742 B M 10/15/2015 42658
Coleman, Alex Donte DTC15005172 B M 11/11/2015 42685
Coleman, Antonio D DTC15003211 B M 07/17/2015 42386

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COLEMAN, ANTONIO DEANGELO DTC15000983 B M 03/06/2015 42435

COLEMAN, JORDAN DTC15001862 B M 04/24/2015 42484
Coleman, Perry Deshunn DTC15001938 B M 04/28/2015 42488
Coleman, Terrdell Leon DTC15002701 B M 06/16/2015 42537
Coleman, Terrdell Leon DTC15003549 B M 08/07/2015 42589
Coles Jr, David Lee DTC15001698 B M 04/16/2015 42476
COLLIER, KENYATTA DTC15003606 B F 08/11/2015 42593
Collins, Andre Lamont DTC15003122 B M 07/11/2015 42562
COLLINS, EBONIA DTC15005160 B F 11/10/2015 42684
Collins, Elias Torres DTC15000994 W M 03/06/2015 42435
Collins, Eric Dewayne DTC16003090 B M 07/03/2016 42738
Collins, Jeffrey D DTC15003454 B M 08/01/2015 42583
Collins, Steven DTC15001234 W M 03/20/2015 42449
COMBS, KYRAN JANLZEN DTC16002813 B M 06/21/2016 42725
Conteras-Acosta, Joel DTC15003422 W M 07/30/2015 42581
Contreras, Adalberto DTC15000880 W M 02/26/2015 42426
CONTRERAS, JOHNNY DTC15005615 W M 12/09/2015 42713
Cooks, Ronald Lee DTC15002178 B M 05/12/2015 42502
COOPER, AUNDRE WILSON DTC15003200 B M 07/16/2015 42567
COOPER, CHRIST DTC15002328 B M 05/22/2015 42512
COOPER, GEORGE LEE DTC15002591 B M 06/08/2015 42529
Cork, Kenyette DTC15000019 B F 01/02/2015 42371
CORNELIUS, BYRON WAYNE DTC15002256 B M 05/17/2015 42507
Cornish, Justin DTC15000984 B M 03/06/2015 42435
CORNISH, JUSTIN DTC16002384 B M 05/27/2016 42701
CORNISH, JUSTIN LAWRENCE DTC15003286 B M 07/22/2015 42573
COTTER, SCOTT FITZGERALD DTC15005782 W M 12/18/2015 42722
COUILLARD, DAVID JOSEPH DTC16002063 W M 05/09/2016 42683
Cowart, Philip Andrew DTC15000682 W M 02/12/2015 42412
Craig, Darrell DTC15001255 B M 03/22/2015 42451
CRAIG, DARRELL DTC15004048 B M 09/02/2015 42615
Craig, Ethena Alexander DTC15004124 B M 09/06/2015 42619
CRAIGLEWIS, DEMETRIUS GUNYA DTC15001209 B M 03/18/2015 42447
CRIGLAR, BATRINA DTC15001218 B F 03/19/2015 42448
Criss, Azaniah Saralfina DTC15000601 B F 02/08/2015 42408
CRISS, ISIJAH DTC15000601 B M 02/08/2015 42408
Crittendon, Elijah DTC15002256 B M 05/17/2015 42507
Crockett, Lawrence DTC15001657 B M 04/13/2015 42473
Crook, George DTC15005660 B M 12/11/2015 42715
Crowder, Jasmine DTC15000637 W F 02/10/2015 42410
Crowder, Jasmine DTC15004067 W F 09/03/2015 42616
Crowder, John Kevin DTC15002228 W M 05/15/2015 42505
Crowder, John Kevin DTC15002243 W M 05/16/2015 42506
CROWL, TRISTON DTC15004309 B M 09/18/2015 42631
Crowl, Triston Anais Jabari DTC15002413 B M 05/29/2015 42519
Crump, Jessie L. DTC15003868 B M 08/25/2015 42607
Crumpton, Onedja DTC15002837 B M 06/24/2015 42362
CRUZ, JOSEPH ANTHONY DTC16000058 W M 01/10/2016 42745
CRUZ, JOSEPH ANTHONY DTC16000065 W M 01/05/2016 42556
CUEBAS, SYLVIA DTC15001638 W F 04/11/2015 42471
CUKIERMAN, YONAS DTC16002569 U M 06/07/2016 42711
CULBERTSON, HARRY N DTC16000116 W M 01/14/2016 42749
Cummings, Herbert A DTC15000062 B M 01/06/2015 42375
Cummings, Herbert Allow DTC15003475 B M 08/03/2015 42585
CURTIS, DERRICK DTC15001879 B M 04/25/2015 42485
CURTIS, DERRICK DTC15003302 B M 07/23/2015 42574
CURTIS, DERRICK DTC15003776 B M 08/20/2015 42420
Curtis, Derrick Wayne DTC15000672 B M 02/12/2015 42412
Curtis, Derrick Wayne DTC15003254 B M 07/20/2015 42571
Dade, Demarcus DTC15000066 B M 01/06/2015 42375
Dale, Kwamane Jeray DTC15005359 B M 11/21/2015 42695
Damond, Brian DTC15003808 B M 08/21/2015 42603
Daniels, Chadwick Rashad DTC15002634 B M 06/11/2015 42532

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DANIELS, KIVEN OTIS DTC15001311 B M 03/25/2015 42454

DANIELS, RONALD Lee DTC15000795 B M 02/19/2015 42419
DARDEN, MASHAWN DIJUAN DTC15003196 B M 07/16/2015 42567
Darius, Taijare DTC15002575 B F 06/07/2015 42528
Daughtry, Fedrick DTC15003283 B M 07/22/2015 42573
Davie, Donnell Lamar DTC15003831 B M 08/23/2015 42605
DAVILA, RODRIGO GANDARA DTC15003104 W M 07/10/2015 42561
Davis Jr, David Glen DTC15002440 B M 05/30/2015 42520
DAVIS, ANDREW DTC15000488 B M 02/01/2015 42401
Davis, Andrew DTC15001056 B M 03/10/2015 42439
DAVIS, ANDREW DTC15001128 B M 03/14/2015 42443
Davis, Andrew B DTC15001447 B M 04/01/2015 42461
Davis, Andrew B DTC15001506 B M 04/04/2015 42464
DAVIS, ANDREW BRADEN DTC15000554 B M 02/05/2015 42405
Davis, Andrew Braden DTC15001620 B M 04/10/2015 42470
Davis, Braind DTC15000632 B M 02/10/2015 42134
Davis, Bryon James DTC15005755 B M 12/17/2015 42720
DAVIS, CEDRIC DTC15003574 B M 08/09/2015 42591
DAVIS, CEDRIC A DTC15000558 B M 02/06/2015 42406
Davis, Courtland Brandon DTC15000104 B M 01/08/2015 42377
Davis, Darryl DTC15004835 B M 10/19/2015 42662
Davis, Jill L DTC15000433 B M 01/28/2015 42397
DAVIS, MARK DTC16000141 W M 01/16/2016 42751
Davis, Rayshon DTC15002053 B M 05/05/2015 42495
davis, Tommie Lee DTC15001668 B M 04/13/2015 42473
Dawson, Lana Elliott DTC16000095 W M 01/13/2016 42413
DAY, DAKOTA DTC15001645 W M 04/12/2015 42472
DAY, DAKOTA DTC15002738 W M 06/19/2015 42540
DE LA TORRE, ISRAEL DTC15002284 W M 05/19/2015 42509
DEAN, CHRISTOFFER AARON DTC15000243 W M 01/18/2015 42387
DEAN, CHRISTOPHER DTC15000077 W M 01/06/2015 42375
DEBOUE, DARRYL Z DTC15004457 B M 09/28/2015 42641
Debruycker, Joshua Michael DTC15003740 W M 08/18/2015 42600
Decluette, Angela DTC15004342 B F 09/21/2015 42634
DeJean, Michael E DTC15000712 B M 02/14/2015 42414
DeJean, Michael E DTC15001086 B M 03/12/2015 42441
DELAROSE, JOSUE DTC15005162 W M 11/10/2015 42500
Denard, Jasmine DTC15004192 B F 09/11/2015 42624
Denton, Anthony DTC15001389 B M 03/29/2015 42458
DENTON, ANTHONY JEROME DTC15000232 B M 01/17/2015 42386
DEPAOLA, ASHLEY DAWN DTC16003014 W F 06/30/2016 42734
Deselm, Katie Elaine DTC15000606 W F 02/09/2015 42133
Dew, Scott Allen DTC15004247 B M 09/15/2015 42628
DIXON, COREY LYNN DTC15004184 B M 09/10/2015 42623
DIXON, COREY LYNN DTC15005251 B M 11/16/2015 42690
Dixon, Destiny DTC16000249 B F 01/25/2016 42576
Dixon, Kevin DTC15000947 B M 03/03/2015 42432
Dixon, Kevin DTC15003407 B M 08/31/2015 42613
DIXON, KEVIN DTC15005702 B M 12/14/2015 42718
DIXON, MYA DTC16002216 B F 05/17/2016 42691
Dixson, Bernard Rashad DTC15004568 B M 10/04/2015 42647
Dominguez, Martin DTC15003356 W M 07/25/2015 42576
Dominguez, Zulema S DTC15002844 W F 06/25/2015 42546
Donahue, Jayleen Dwayne DTC15000105 B M 01/08/2015 42377
DonJuan, Laura Maria DTC15001593 W F 04/09/2015 42469
Donjuan, Wendy J DTC15001593 W F 04/09/2015 42469
Donnell, A'dariun Dontoe DTC15003808 B M 08/21/2015 42603
DOOLEY, BRANDON Scott DTC15002883 W M 06/28/2015 42549
Dotie, Tonice Gardley DTC15000607 B F 02/09/2015 42409
DOTSON, DEDRICK DTC15002487 B M 06/02/2015 42523
DOTSON, DEDRICK DTC15003808 B M 08/21/2015 42603
DOTSON, DERRICK DTC15002487 B M 06/02/2015 42523
Douglas, Tierra DTC16000271 B F 01/26/2016 42577

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Douthitt, Daniel Paul DTC15003255 W M 07/20/2015 42571

Draught, Zonia Felicia DTC15003232 B F 07/19/2015 42370
Draught, Zonia Felicia DTC15003277 B F 07/22/2015 42573
Driver, Anthony T DTC15002095 W M 05/07/2015 42497
Duke, TyJuan Deshon DTC15000654 B M 02/11/2015 42411
DUMAS, ROBERT DTC15004393 B M 09/24/2015 42637
Dumas, Robert Bernard DTC15002808 B M 06/23/2015 42544
Duncan Jr, Daniel David DTC15004149 W M 09/08/2015 42621
Duncan, Adrick DTC15000643 B M 02/10/2015 42226
DUNCAN, DEAMBRA DTC15005179 B F 11/11/2015 42685
Duncan, Kerwin Anthony DTC15000518 B M 02/03/2015 42219
DUNCAN, KERWIN ANTHONY DTC15002145 B M 05/10/2015 42500
DUNCAN, KERWN DTC15004814 B M 10/18/2015 42661
DUNN, MICHAEL D DTC15004180 B M 09/10/2015 42623
Dunn, Ulysses Charles DTC15000870 B M 02/26/2015 42426
Dunson, Tony DTC15000329 B M 01/23/2015 42027
Duran, Steve Anthony DTC15000627 W M 02/10/2015 42226
Dye, Ian DTC15005459 W M 11/30/2015 42704
DYER, ELIZABETH DTC16001906 W F 04/30/2016 42673
EADE, WILLIAM DTC15003054 W M 07/07/2015 42558
Eafon, Tommie Joe DTC15001457 B M 04/02/2015 42462
Eafon, Tommie Joe DTC15001612 B M 04/10/2015 42470
Ealem, Natori DTC15004257 B F 09/15/2015 42628
EARLE, CHARLES DTC15000111 W M 01/09/2015 42378
EASTER, KENNETH WAYNE DTC15004621 B M 10/08/2015 42651
EASTER, KENNETH WAYNE DTC15004676 B M 10/10/2015 42470
EASTERS, GREG A DTC16001113 W M 03/17/2016 42630
Echols, Joe Eric DTC15000032 W M 01/03/2015 42372
Edom, Anina DTC15004277 B F 09/06/2015 42629
EDWARDS, ARNETTA MARIE DTC15001907 B F 04/27/2015 42487
Edwards, Brandon Markelle DTC15003398 A M 08/23/2015 42605
EDWARDS, BRENDON Markel DTC16000517 B M 02/11/2016 42440
EDWARDS, BRENDON MARKELLE DTC15005611 B M 12/09/2015 42713
Edwards, Henry James Earl DTC15000473 B M 01/31/2015 42216
EDWARDS, JUSTIN GARRETT DTC15003704 W M 08/16/2015 42598
Edwards, Leon DTC15004128 B M 09/07/2015 42620
Edwards, Michael DTC15001438 B M 04/01/2015 42461
Edwards, Michael DTC15002193 B M 05/13/2015 42503
EDWARDS, MICHEAL DTC16000062 B M 01/11/2016 42746
Edwards, Tyreese Eugene DTC15000097 B M 01/08/2015 42377
Eggins III, Carl Lee DTC15005184 B M 11/11/2015 42685
Egland, Jovaughn Derrick DTC15002286 B M 05/19/2015 42509
ELDER, DONALD DTC15001697 B M 04/16/2015 42476
Eldridge, Sarah DTC15001084 W F 03/12/2015 42441
Elliot, Henry Louis DTC15000298 B M 01/21/2015 42390
ELLIS IV, WILLIE CLYDE DTC15000227 B M 01/17/2015 42386
Ellis IV, Willie Clyde DTC15000693 B M 02/13/2015 42413
ELLIS IV, WILLIE CLYDE DTC15002119 B M 05/08/2015 42498
ELLIS, JAMES HENRY DTC15005238 B M 11/14/2015 42688
ELLIS, JOHN EDWIN DTC15005171 B M 11/11/2015 42685
ELLIS, JOHN EDWIN DTC15005527 B M 12/04/2015 42708
Ellison, Marcie Ann Renee DTC15001296 B M 03/24/2015 42453
Emerson, Kevion Jerome DTC15002162 B M 05/11/2015 42501
Ephraim, Kennedy Mwendwa DTC15002365 B M 05/25/2015 42515
EPHRIAN, EDGAR DTC15000438 B M 01/29/2015 42123
Ervin, Roderick Laquinn DTC15003937 B M 08/28/2015 42610
ERVIN, SONYA LANETTE DTC15001937 B F 04/28/2015 42488
Estes, Robert Mason DTC15000660 W M 02/11/2015 42411
ESTRADA, ABIGAIL DTC15001403 W F 03/30/2015 42459
EVAIGE, RASHONDA LAVONNE DTC15005617 B F 12/10/2015 42531
EVANS, CARL DTC15003311 B M 07/23/2015 42574
EVANS, DAMON EDWARD DTC15005674 B M 12/12/2015 42716
Evans, Taylor DTC15003124 W M 07/11/2015 42562

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Evans, Willie Dwayne DTC16002119 B M 05/12/2016 42686

Fairchild, Lester Bryon DTC15002021 W M 05/03/2015 42493
Fairchild, Lester Bryon DTC15003747 W M 08/18/2015 42600
Farley, Joshua DTC15005015 B M 10/30/2015 42490
FAULKNER, COLBURN DTC15003829 W M 08/23/2015 42605
FAVELLA, SAMANTHA DTC15000102 W F 01/08/2015 42377
FAVORS, DARIUS LAMONT DTC15001104 B M 03/13/2015 42229
Feltner, Leander DTC16003090 W M 07/03/2016 42554
FELTON, QUINTIN Leon DTC15003795 B M 08/20/2015 42602
Fendley Jr, James E DTC15000747 B M 02/16/2015 42416
FISHER, DANTE DTC15001977 B M 04/30/2015 42490
Fisher, Dashawn Eugene DTC15000252 B F 01/19/2015 42388
FISHER, DESHAWN DTC15001048 B M 03/10/2015 42439
Fisher, Dunta Lavell DTC15004160 B M 09/09/2015 42622
Fisher, Takashina DTC15001399 B F 03/29/2015 42458
FLANNING, KEITH LAMOND DTC15001414 B M 03/30/2015 42459
Fletcher, Jarious D DTC15001687 B M 04/15/2015 42475
Flores, Daniel DTC16002020 W M 05/06/2016 42680
Floyd, David Errol DTC15001531 W M 04/06/2015 42466
Floyd, Kythen V DTC15002757 B M 06/20/2015 42541
Fobbs, Isaiah DTC15005154 B M 11/09/2015 42499
FOLKS, LAKRISHA ANNETTE DTC16000127 B F 01/15/2016 42750
FONTENOT, ROMAN DEONTRAI DTC15002092 B F 05/07/2015 42497
Fonto, Manuel DTC15005001 B M 10/29/2015 42489
Ford, Coy DTC15005700 B M 12/14/2015 42718
FORD, DERRICK DEON DTC15004789 B M 10/16/2015 42659
Ford, Dezman Duray DTC15004866 B M 10/21/2015 42664
Foreman, Jordin Wade DTC15005399 B M 11/24/2015 42698
Foreman, Robert Lee DTC15002681 B M 06/15/2015 42536
Forero, Edwin Javier DTC15002172 W M 05/12/2015 42502
Forero, Edwin Javier DTC15003265 W M 07/21/2015 42572
Forsythe, David Dejuan DTC15003710 B M 08/16/2015 42598
FOWLER, KANDI DTC15003103 B F 07/10/2015 42561
FOWLER, KANDI SHARAE DTC15003634 B F 08/13/2015 42595
FOWLER, KANDI SHARAE DTC15004033 B F 09/02/2015 42615
FRANCOIS, SHANTE E DTC15004470 B F 09/29/2015 42642
Franklin III, Floyd DTC15003696 B M 08/15/2015 42597
Franklin III, Floyd DTC15005010 B M 10/29/2015 42398
Franklin, Jory DTC15003371 B M 07/26/2015 42577
Frazier, Andrea Dawand DTC15003594 B M 08/10/2015 42592
FREEMAN, BILLLY Raynard DTC15004293 B M 09/17/2015 42630
FREEMAN, CHARLES DTC16002639 B M 06/10/2016 42714
Freeman, Darlene DTC16001083 B F 03/15/2016 42689
Freeman, L.C. DTC15005233 B M 11/14/2015 42688
Freeney, Dennis DTC15000896 B M 02/27/2015 42427
FREENEY, DENNIS DTC16003078 B M 07/02/2016 42584
FRIERSON, ANDRE DTC16000317 B M 01/29/2016 42580
Frierson, Clement D DTC15002794 B M 06/22/2015 42543
Fry, Timadrick DTC15003284 B M 07/22/2015 42573
FUENTES, RAASHID JARAAD DTC15002016 B M 05/03/2015 42493
FUENTES, SAMUEL DTC16000044 W M 01/02/2016 42737
Fuller, Ray Charles DTC15002126 B M 05/09/2015 42499
FULLER, RAY CHARLES DTC15003947 B M 08/29/2015 42611
FULLER, RAY CHARLES DTC15005405 B M 11/24/2015 42698
FULLER, RAYMOND CHARLES DTC15004479 B M 09/29/2015 42642
Gabriel, Juan De Jesus DTC15001986 W M 05/01/2015 42491
GALLEGOS, ERIC ANGEL DTC15004511 W M 10/01/2015 42461
Galloway, Anthony Dwayne DTC15002437 B M 05/30/2015 42520
GALVAN Jr, ALBERT DTC15002603 W M 06/08/2015 42529
GAMBLE, PATRICK LEDAMON DTC15002305 B M 05/20/2015 42510
Gambles-Fillips, Tawanda DTC16001312 B F 03/28/2016 42641
Garcia, Erick Gabriel DTC15005110 W M 11/05/2015 42679
Garcia, Jose DTC15000237 W M 01/18/2015 42387

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Garcia-Chavez, Antonio Alejandro DTC16000808 W M 02/29/2016 42611

Gardner, Andrew Earl DTC15005604 B M 12/09/2015 42713
GARDNER, PATRICIA DTC16000844 B F 03/02/2016 42615
Garmon, D'Quailynn DTC15001805 B M 04/24/2015 42484
Garmon, D'Quailynn DTC15003909 B M 08/27/2015 42609
Garneaux, Jzavontae DTC15003808 B M 08/21/2015 42603
GARRETT, DEQUALON DTC15000455 B M 01/30/2015 42399
Garrett, Isaac Anton DTC15001289 B M 03/24/2015 42453
Garrett, Isaac Anton DTC15002265 B M 05/18/2015 42326
Garrett, Rhonny DTC15001751 B M 04/19/2015 42479
GARRETT, WALTER EDWARD DTC15004652 B M 10/09/2015 42286
GARRETT-BLAIR, RON Deon DTC15003052 B M 07/07/2015 42558
Garza, Marisela DTC15004544 W F 10/03/2015 42646
GASKIN, DAVID D DTC15001400 B M 03/30/2015 42459
Gaultney, Kevin DTC15004526 B M 10/02/2015 42645
GAYTAN, CANDELARIO DTC15004146 W M 09/08/2015 42621
Gaytan, Eugene DTC15000594 W M 02/07/2015 42223
GEBREYESUS, BIYAMIN DTC16002361 B M 05/26/2016 42516
GEORGE, ROBERT LEROY 3RD DTC15005013 B M 10/30/2015 42673
GIDEON, NATHAN DTC15004158 W M 09/09/2015 42622
GILBERT, MICHELLE ANNETTE DTC15004007 B F 09/01/2015 42614
Gilder, Billy Frank DTC15003285 B M 07/22/2015 42573
Giles III, Marcell Abell DTC15002245 B M 05/16/2015 42506
Giles, Mack DTC15002354 B M 05/24/2015 42514
Giles, Mack DTC15002397 B M 05/28/2015 42518
GILLIKIN, JEWEL DTC15005657 B F 12/11/2015 42715
Gilmore, Marcus Depree DTC15002707 B M 06/17/2015 42538
Gladney, Anthony DTC15000657 B M 02/11/2015 42411
Gladney, Charles DTC15001711 B M 04/16/2015 42476
GLASPIE, JAMEIAN DTC15002040 B M 05/04/2015 42494
Glover Jr, Babe DTC15003961 B M 08/29/2015 42611
GLOVER, KENNETH DTC15003777 B M 08/20/2015 42602
GLOVER, KENNETH DTC15003961 B M 08/29/2015 42611
Goldsmith-Whitfield, Elijah A DTC15000320 B M 01/22/2015 42391
GOMEZ, BILLY JEAN DTC15002597 W F 06/08/2015 42529
Gomez, Ricardo DTC15002163 M M 05/11/2015 42501
Gomez, Victor DTC15003872 W M 08/25/2015 42272
GOMEZ, VINCENT DTC15001853 W M 04/24/2015 42484
GOMEZ, VINCENT A DTC15001159 W M 03/24/2015 42453
Gonzales, Regina R DTC15005267 B F 11/18/2015 42692
Gonzales, Roberto DTC15004454 W M 09/28/2015 42275
Gonzales, Vicente DTC15001334 W M 03/26/2015 42273
Gonzalez, Cecilia DTC15000237 W F 01/18/2015 42387
Gonzalez, Rodolfo DTC15001968 W M 04/30/2015 42490
Gonzalez, Rodolfo DTC15002018 W M 05/03/2015 42493
GOODEN, MELVIN BERNARD DTC15003887 B M 08/26/2015 42608
Gooden, Melvin Bernard DTC15004607 B M 10/07/2015 42284
Gooden, Melvin Bernard DTC15004970 B M 10/27/2015 42335
GOODNER, BELINDA J DTC15003591 W F 08/10/2015 42592
GOODNER, ERIC VITION DTC15002859 W M 06/26/2015 42547
Goodson, Kenneth Cornell DTC15002149 B M 05/10/2015 42500
GORASHE, AMAN JEMAL DTC16005214 B M 11/17/2016 42691
Goree, Christian DTC15001200 B M 03/18/2015 42447
GOREE, CHRISTIAN DTC15004228 B M 09/14/2015 42261
Gossett, Terry D DTC15000373 B M 01/26/2015 42211
GOULD, HOLLIS D DTC15002139 B M 05/09/2015 42499
Gould, Lashana DTC15002879 B F 06/28/2015 42549
GRACE, KEVIN LEXELL DTC16004933 B M 11/01/2016 42675
GRAHAM, ERIN DTC15003694 B M 08/15/2015 42597
GRAHAM, ROBERT LEWIS DTC16002002 B M 05/06/2016 42680
GRANT, CHRISTOPHER MONTRACE DTC16000186 B M 01/20/2016 42571
Grant, Jeremiah DTC15001480 B M 04/03/2015 42463
Grant, Jeremy DTC15001687 B M 04/15/2015 42475

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Grant, Jeremy DTC15002063 B M 05/06/2015 42496

Grant, Jeremy DTC15002209 B M 05/14/2015 42504
GRAVES, STEVEN L DTC16002695 B M 06/14/2016 42627
Gray, Brian D DTC15002361 B M 05/25/2015 42515
Gray, Fredrick DTC15004549 B M 10/03/2015 42646
GRAY, KAVIN DEVON DTC16000006 B M 01/01/2016 42736
Gray, Kierre DTC15002566 B M 06/06/2015 42527
Gray, Marjay Gregory DTC14005538 B M 01/21/2015 42390
GRAY, NINA ANETTE DTC16001325 B F 03/29/2016 42636
Grayson Jr, Lenard DTC16003131 B M 07/05/2016 42587
GRAYSON, SHORYLANDRA DTC16002854 B F 06/22/2016 42726
Green Jr, Ezell DTC15001380 B M 03/28/2015 42457
GREEN, AL WILSON DTC15001934 B M 04/28/2015 42488
Green, Billy DTC15001102 W M 03/13/2015 42442
Green, Johnny Ray DTC15000382 B M 01/26/2015 42395
Green, Joshua Jeremy DTC15004905 B M 10/23/2015 42666
GREEN, LIONEL LADALE DTC15004465 B M 09/29/2015 42642
GREEN, RAPHAEL DTC15005729 B M 12/15/2015 42719
GREEN, RICKY DTC15001413 B M 03/30/2015 42459
Green, Vonderick Terrell DTC15002842 B M 06/25/2015 42546
Greene, Chris DTC15005719 B M 12/15/2015 42719
GREENE, MAURICE ANZELL DTC15002563 B M 06/06/2015 42527
GREER, JERIMIAH D DTC16002086 B M 05/10/2016 42653
GREER, LARRY ONEAL DTC15000889 B M 02/27/2015 42427
GREER, LARRY ONEAL DTC15001772 B M 04/20/2015 42480
GREER, LARRY ONEAL DTC15005632 B M 12/10/2015 42714
Greer, Rasalyn DTC15005461 B F 11/30/2015 42520
Greer, Rosalyn DTC15003284 B F 07/22/2015 42573
GREER, TRAE VIDELL DTC15002832 B M 06/25/2015 42546
Gregory, Bret DTC15001642 W M 04/11/2015 42471
Greig, David John DTC15002993 W M 07/04/2015 42555
GRIFFIN III, WILLIAM CURTIS DTC16001613 B M 04/14/2016 42474
GRIFFIN, BRANDON DTC15002355 B M 05/24/2015 42514
Griffin, Carl Edward DTC15002619 B M 06/09/2015 42530
GRIFFIN, JOMO KARIBA DTC15005371 B M 11/22/2015 42696
Griggs, Tyrence Trakee DTC15001409 B M 03/30/2015 42459
GRISMORE, ALVIN DEWAYNE DTC15002177 B M 05/12/2015 42502
GROSS, DERLY DTC16001268 B M 03/25/2016 42638
Gross, Derlyn Dwayne DTC15001008 B M 03/07/2015 42436
Gross, Derlyn Dwayne DTC15002217 B M 05/14/2015 42504
GROVER, WILLIS L DTC15003300 B M 07/23/2015 42574
GROVER, WILLIS L DTC15003945 B M 08/28/2015 42610
GROVER, WILLIS Lamar DTC15003121 B M 07/11/2015 42562
GROVER, WILLIS LAMAR DTC15004141 B M 09/08/2015 42621
Grugle, Trevor David DTC15001256 W M 03/22/2015 42451
GUEL, ROQUE DTC15001635 W M 04/11/2015 42288
GUEL, ROQUE DTC15001643 W M 04/11/2015 42288
GUEL, ROQUE DTC15001716 W M 04/16/2015 42476
Guenther, Mattew Sans DTC15002372 W M 05/26/2015 42516
Guillan, Luis DTC15000694 W M 02/13/2015 42413
GUILLEN, LUIS DTC15000729 W M 02/15/2015 42415
GUILLEN, LUIS DTC15004200 W M 09/11/2015 42624
Gunn, Nicholas Alan DTC16001351 W M 03/30/2016 42643
Gunn, Nicholas Alan DTC16002387 W M 05/27/2016 42701
GUTIERREZ, NELSON OMAR DTC16000169 B M 01/18/2016 42753
Gutierrez-Flores, Rogelio DTC15002933 W M 07/01/2015 42552
Guzman, Ramon DTC15004650 U M 10/09/2015 42652
Hale, Tommy Holman DTC15000707 W M 02/14/2015 42414
HALL JR, FOREST DTC15001830 B M 04/23/2015 42483
HALL JR, FOREST DTC15003288 B M 07/22/2015 42573
HALL JR, FOREST DTC15003967 B M 08/30/2015 42612
Hall Jr, Forest DTC15004544 B M 10/03/2015 42646
HALL, NAOMI DTC15005188 B F 11/11/2015 42685

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HALL, STEVEN DTC15000018 B M 01/02/2015 42371

HALLOCK, JEFFREY Bruce DTC15001009 W M 03/07/2015 42436
Hamilton II, Houston Pearson II DTC15004486 B M 09/30/2015 42459
Hamilton, Christopher DTC15002056 B M 05/05/2015 42495
Hamilton, Deshaun Deandre DTC15001860 B M 04/24/2015 42484
HAMILTON, JOSEPH J DTC16002548 B M 06/06/2016 42710
Hamilton, Teresa Marie DTC15003890 W F 08/26/2015 42608
Hammett, Omar DTC15000706 W M 02/14/2015 42414
Hammett, Omar Guzman DTC15001576 W M 04/08/2015 42468
HAMPTON, STEPHEN DTC15000112 B M 01/09/2015 42378
Hampton, Stephen DTC15002080 B M 05/07/2015 42497
Hampton, Stephen DTC16001093 B M 03/16/2016 42629
Hancock, Eric Howard DTC15002664 W M 06/14/2015 42535
Hardaway, Cathy DTC15003792 B F 08/20/2015 42267
Harden, Tarrance Demond DTC15004093 B M 09/04/2015 42617
HARDIN, SHANTAE M DTC15003709 B F 08/16/2015 42598
Hardman, Darrell DTC15004611 B M 10/07/2015 42650
Hardman, Darrell DTC15005334 B M 11/20/2015 42694
HARDY, ISAIAH A DTC15003979 B M 08/30/2015 42612
Hardy, Isaiah Asbury DTC15004440 B M 09/27/2015 42640
Hardy, Steven c DTC15000822 B M 02/20/2015 42420
Hardy, Steven Carl DTC15000781 B M 02/18/2015 42418
HARPER, CALVIN DTC15004641 B M 10/08/2015 42651
Harper, Corey Eugene DTC16000853 B M 03/02/2016 42615
HARRELL, DOMINICK JAWON DTC16000020 B M 01/07/2016 42742
HARRIS JR, LORENZO DTC15004008 B M 09/01/2015 42614
Harris, Cleotha DTC15004162 B M 09/09/2015 42622
HARRIS, KELVIN DTC15003962 B M 08/29/2015 42611
Harris, Lakeya DTC15004277 B F 09/16/2015 42629
Harris, Ronnie Lawrence DTC15002593 B M 06/08/2015 42529
HARRIS, STEVEN PAUL DTC15002464 W M 06/01/2015 42522
Harris, Steven Paul DTC15002655 W M 06/13/2015 42534
HARRIS, VALERIE ANN DTC15003427 W F 07/30/2015 42581
Hartfield-Holloman, Avarey Michael Roy DTC15005271 B M 11/17/2015 42691
HARVEY, Jimmy William DTC15001981 W M 05/01/2015 42491
Hassan, Kidir Yiman DTC16000256 B M 01/25/2016 42576
HATCHER, CHRISTOPHER THOMAS DTC15001229 W M 03/19/2015 42448
HATLEY, DEVONTE MELTON DTC16000193 B M 12/25/2015 42729
Hawkins Jr, Leroy DTC15003858 B M 08/25/2015 42607
Hawkins, Aaron Glen DTC15001294 B M 03/24/2015 42271
HAWKINS, QUINCY D DTC15002532 B M 06/04/2015 42525
Hawkins, Quincy Daleon DTC15002220 B M 05/15/2015 42505
Hawkins, Tyrin DTC15003321 B M 07/24/2015 42575
HAWKINS, TYRIN RAMON DTC16002794 B M 06/20/2016 42724
Hayden, Jonathen Onell DTC15005590 B M 12/08/2015 42529
Hayden, Wendell Leshawn DTC15000724 B M 02/14/2015 42414
HAYES, BILLIE RUTH DTC15002131 B F 05/09/2015 42499
Hayes, Ryan Jamison DTC15004050 W M 09/02/2015 42615
Hayes, Zavian DTC16000725 B M 02/24/2016 42606
HAYNES Jr, PALMER LEROY DTC16001091 B M 03/16/2016 42445
Haynes, Ashley DTC15003808 B F 08/21/2015 42603
Haynes, Jamarr J DTC15000240 B M 12/17/2015 42721
Haynes, Timothy DTC15003091 B M 07/09/2015 42560
Heard, Shundra Dennise DTC15000808 B F 02/19/2015 42419
HEARNE, DENNIS JAMES DTC15004441 B M 09/27/2015 42640
Heath, Qualin Devon DTC15002232 B M 05/15/2015 42505
Hebert, John Terrell DTC15002421 W M 05/29/2015 42519
Hefley, David Matthew DTC15002878 W M 06/28/2015 42549
Hegwood, Eddie DTC15003794 B M 08/20/2015 42267
HELLER, AARON DEWAYNE DTC15003973 B M 08/30/2015 42612
Henderson Jr, Norman Lee DTC15003010 B M 07/05/2015 42556
HENDERSON Jr, NORMAN LEE DTC15004383 B M 09/24/2015 42271
Henderson, Aman D DTC16000218 B M 01/23/2016 42392

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HENDERSON, ARMAN DTC16002794 B M 06/20/2016 42724

HENDERSON, ARMAN DONTE DTC15005141 B M 11/08/2015 42316
Henderson, Armon D DTC15005920 B M 12/29/2015 42733
Henderson, Carlos DTC15001441 B M 04/01/2015 42278
Henderson, Chaddrick Allen DTC15000241 B M 01/18/2015 42387
HENDERSON, JOHN FITZGERALD DTC15001273 B M 03/23/2015 42452
HENDERSON, JOSHUA JE VONTE DTC15005151 B M 11/09/2015 42683
HENDERSON, NORMAN DTC15004892 B M 10/22/2015 42665
HENDERSON, NORMAN DTC16003014 B M 06/30/2016 42734
HENDERSON, NORMAN LEE DTC15003099 B M 07/10/2015 42561
Hendrix Jr, Aaron Douglas DTC15002850 B M 06/26/2015 42395
Hendrix Jr, Aaron Douglas DTC16000448 B M 02/06/2016 42588
Henriquez, Nelson R DTC15004910 W M 10/23/2015 42666
HENRY, DESHAUN DTC15002023 B M 05/03/2015 42493
Henry, Destiny Rose DTC15003670 B F 08/14/2015 42596
HENRY, LARRY DTC16001481 B M 04/06/2016 42650
Herd, Keeni Keoll DTC15000636 B F 02/10/2015 42410
HERN, JAMES B DTC16000078 W M 01/12/2016 42563
Hernandez, Osbaldo DTC15003712 W M 08/16/2016 42598
Hernandez, Trinidad O DTC16001694 W M 04/19/2016 42662
Hernandez-Gonzales, Norel Adrian DTC15000763 W M 02/17/2015 42417
HERNDON, BRENDA DTC15004242 B F 09/14/2015 42627
Herndon, Brenda DTC15005202 B F 11/12/2015 42686
Herndon, John Guinn DTC15004076 W M 09/03/2015 42616
HEROD, JACQUELYN DTC16002397 W F 05/27/2016 42701
Herod, Jacquelyn S DTC15000953 W F 03/03/2015 42432
Hester, John Louis DTC15001640 B M 04/11/2015 42471
Hibbler Jr, Charles Jeffrey DTC15000318 B M 01/22/2015 42391
HICKEY, DAQUAN DTC16002748 B M 06/17/2016 42721
Hickman, Larry Ray DTC15003476 B M 08/03/2015 42585
HICKS, ANTHONY LEWIS DTC15000834 B M 02/21/2015 42421
Hicks, Keenan Wayne DTC15000292 B M 01/21/2015 42206
HICKS, VARION RAYSHUNOTIS DTC16002188 B M 05/16/2016 42506
HIGGINS, GEORGE RAY DTC15001356 B M 03/27/2015 42274
HIGHTOWER, RAYNESHA Michelle DTC15001463 B F 04/02/2015 42462
HIGHTOWER, RAYNESHA Michelle DTC15005602 B F 12/09/2015 42713
Hightower, Vaneta Sharon DTC15000873 B F 02/26/2015 42426
Hill III, Billy Ray DTC15003709 B M 08/16/2015 42598
Hill Jr, Rufus Wayne DTC15001874 B M 04/25/2015 42485
HILL, DARION LYNN DTC15002215 B M 05/14/2015 42504
HILL, DAVOYA DAVIONE DTC15003161 B M 07/14/2015 42565
HILL, DIAMONTE C DTC15003705 B M 08/16/2015 42598
Hill, Gregory Victor DTC15001722 B M 04/17/2015 42477
HILL, JENNY LEE DTC15001478 W F 04/03/2015 42463
Hill, Joshua DTC15001248 W M 03/21/2015 42450
Hill, Shedric Lamont DTC15000837 B M 02/21/2015 42415
Hill, Zachary Scott DTC15001120 W M 03/13/2015 42442
Hill, Zachary Scott DTC15001258 W M 03/22/2015 42451
Hillman Jr, Charles DTC15003441 B M 07/31/2015 42582
HINES, JERMAINE LADON DTC15003105 B M 07/10/2015 42561
Hinton, Timothy Neal DTC15000419 B M 01/28/2015 42397
HIST, ANDREW EDWARD DTC16001443 W M 04/04/2016 42494
Hobson, Freddie Lee DTC15003147 B M 07/13/2015 42564
Hodges, Tyris Lamar DTC15003617 B M 08/11/2015 42593
Hoff, Casey Jewel DTC15005719 B M 12/15/2015 42719
HOGAN, CEDRIC DEMARRIS DTC15003895 B M 08/26/2015 42273
Holifield, Frankie Ira DTC15001505 B M 04/04/2015 42464
Holifield, Frankie Ira DTC16001593 B M 04/13/2016 42473
Holland, Donneka M. DTC15003559 B F 08/07/2015 42589
HOLLAND, MICHEAL ALLEN DTC15005296 B M 11/18/2015 42692
HOLLIE, GERALD PATRICK DTC15001502 B M 04/04/2015 42464
HOLLINGSWORTH JR, BOBBY JOE DTC15004956 B M 10/27/2015 42670
Hollins, Kennesha K DTC15003986 B F 08/31/2015 42613

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Hollis Jr, Charles Eugene DTC15003559 B M 08/07/2015 42589

Holloway, Jasavion DTC15003808 B M 08/21/2015 42603
Holloway, Kenneth DTC15003651 B M 08/13/2015 42595
HOLMES, CHARLES DTC15001624 B M 04/10/2015 42470
Holmes, Rickey Warnell DTC15000532 B M 02/04/2015 42404
Holmes, Zan Dupree DTC15004812 B M 10/18/2015 42661
Holmes, Zetina Ynai DTC15003339 B F 07/24/2015 42575
Holton, Demonte DTC16000716 B M 02/23/2016 42605
Hooks, Dannis Lamonte DTC15002400 B M 05/28/2015 42518
HOOKS, SHAQUILLA DTC15001229 B F 03/19/2015 42448
HOOPER, DAVID DTC15002052 B M 05/05/2015 42495
HOOPER, DAVID DTC15002473 B M 06/01/2015 42522
HOOPER, MICHAEL WEBSTER DTC16003008 W M 06/30/2016 42581
Hoskins, Deborah Elizabeth DTC15003773 B F 08/19/2015 42601
Hoskins, Deborah Elizabeth DTC15003773 B F 08/19/2015 42601
House, Derrick E DTC15004621 B M 10/08/2015 42651
House, Derrick Eugene DTC15005557 B M 12/06/2015 42710
Houston, Jimmy DTC15000159 B M 01/13/2015 42382
Houston, Jimmy DTC15000812 B M 02/20/2015 42420
HOWARD JR, LLOYD DTC15005215 B M 11/13/2015 42687
HOWARD Jr, LLOYD DTC15005587 B M 12/08/2015 42712
Howard, Andre DTC15004624 B M 10/08/2015 42651
Howard, Cristina Nicole DTC15005457 B F 11/30/2015 42704
Howard, Cristina Nicole DTC15005671 B F 12/13/2015 42717
Howard, Keandre DTC16000854 B M 03/02/2016 42615
Howard, Keandre DTC16002396 B M 05/27/2016 42701
Howard, Manuel M. DTC15000586 B M 02/07/2015 42407
HOWARD, TENIKA TEANN DTC15003116 B F 07/11/2015 42562
Hubbard, Christopher Andre DTC15002188 B M 05/12/2015 42502
HUDDLESTON, DON L DTC15004605 W M 10/07/2015 42650
Hudson, Jeffrey Marcel DTC15002917 B M 06/30/2015 42551
HUDSON, MARKATOES DTC15000517 B M 02/03/2015 42403
Hudson, Tommie Henry DTC15001629 B M 04/11/2015 42471
HUGHES, BRYAN D. DTC15004497 W M 09/30/2015 42643
Hughes, Elizabeth DTC15002795 W M 06/22/2015 42543
Hughes, Ray Lee DTC15000448 B M 01/29/2015 42398
Hughes, Trent DTC15000805 B M 02/19/2015 42419
Humphrey, Michael DTC15002073 B M 05/06/2015 42496
HUNKE, ANDREW PATRICK DTC15001750 W M 04/19/2015 42479
HUNT, MICHAEL RAY DTC15005675 B M 12/12/2015 42716
HUNTER, GENE A DTC15005292 B M 11/18/2015 42692
Hunter, Jerome DTC15001670 B M 04/13/2015 42473
Hussein, Yusuf Abdullaai DTC15001875 B M 04/25/2015 42485
HUTCHINSON Jr, KEITH Dewayne DTC15001602 B M 04/09/2015 42469
Hutchinson Jr, Keith Dewayne DTC15001632 B M 04/11/2015 42471
HUTCHINSON, Julia MICHELE DTC15004868 W F 11/02/2015 42676
Hutchison, Theresa DTC15000534 B F 02/04/2015 42586
Ibrahim, Mohamed-Saleh Adem DTC15001070 B M 03/11/2015 42440
Ibrahim, Mohamed-Saleh Adem DTC15001712 M M 04/16/2015 42476
IGLEHART, BARBARA DTC15005525 B M 12/04/2015 42708
IGLEHART, BARBARA CARR DTC15004731 B F 10/14/2015 42657
Jackson III, Lucious Cieal DTC15002008 B M 05/02/2015 42492
Jackson, Bradon Devon DTC15002436 B M 05/30/2015 42520
Jackson, Brian Elimod DTC15001478 B M 04/03/2015 42463
JACKSON, CALVIN RAY DTC15005281 B M 11/17/2015 42691
Jackson, Dondrake DTC15000713 B M 02/14/2015 42414
JACKSON, DWIGHT DTC15003392 B M 07/28/2015 42213
JACKSON, EDWIN L DTC15001694 B M 04/15/2015 42475
JACKSON, JASON DTC15004510 B M 10/01/2015 42644
Jackson, Joshua DTC15004876 B M 10/21/2015 42481
Jackson, Joshua J DTC15004369 B M 09/23/2015 42636
Jackson, Linda DTC15005268 B F 11/17/2015 42691
Jackson, Reggie DTC15003056 B M 07/07/2015 42558

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Jackson, Sammy DTC15001247 B M 03/21/2015 42450

JACKSON, SAMONDRE CHRISTOPHER DTC15002053 B M 05/05/2015 42495

JACKSON, SAMUEL DTC15005720 B M 12/15/2015 42719
Jackson, Sankale DTC15001650 B M 04/12/2015 42472
JACKSON, STEVEN JAMES DTC15004490 B M 09/30/2015 42643
Jackson, Tammy LaShaw DTC15003939 B F 08/28/2015 42610
Jackson, Timothy Dwayne DTC15003889 B M 08/26/2015 42608
Jackson, Tony DTC15003732 B M 08/17/2015 42599
JACKSON, TONY MARCELONZO DTC15002851 B M 06/26/2015 42395
Jackson, William D DTC15002148 W M 05/10/2015 42500
Jacobs, Kelvin R DTC15001487 B M 04/03/2015 42280
JACOBSON, JOEY LEE DTC15001557 B M 04/07/2015 42284
JAHWAR, TABIA YAVONNE CHALD DTC15004289 B F 09/17/2015 42630
Jaimes-Zarate, Daphne Pauleen DTC16000100 W F 01/13/2016 42534
JAMES, CHARLES RAY DTC15001050 B M 03/10/2015 42439
James, Courtney DTC15004083 B M 09/03/2015 42616
James, Jonathan Lord DTC15005075 W M 11/03/2015 42677
JAMES, SHERMAN L DTC15000294 B M 01/21/2015 42390
JAMES, SHERMAN LEE JR. DTC15002670 B 06/14/2015 42535
JAQUES, FRANK DTC15001448 W M 04/01/2015 42461
Jarvis, Devin DTC16000147 B M 01/16/2016 42751
Jarvis, Devin Deshon DTC15000863 B M 02/25/2015 42425
JEFFERSON, DEQUINN DTC15004405 B M 09/25/2015 42638
JEFFERSON, DOMINIQUE DTC15005542 B M 12/04/2015 42708
JEFFERSON, DOMINIQUE WAN DTC15005114 B M 11/06/2015 42680
JEFFERSON, DOMINQUE DTC15005451 B M 11/30/2015 42704
Jefferson, Jack Anderson DTC15005301 B M 11/18/2015 42692
JEFFERSON, JAMES DTC15000771 B M 02/18/2015 42234
Jefferson, Jason Lynn DTC15002281 B M 05/19/2015 42509
Jenkins, Mark DTC16000096 B M 01/13/2016 42534
Jenkins, Treylon Raynard DTC15002312 B M 05/22/2015 42512
Jennings, Monique DTC15002056 B F 05/05/2015 42495
Jennings, Thenesha DTC15004131 B F 09/07/2015 42620
Jernigan, Demarcus Antwine DTC15000461 B M 01/30/2015 42215
Jernigan, Kenneth Wayne DTC15001265 B M 03/22/2015 42451
JETTON, RICKEY ALLEN DTC15003496 B M 08/04/2015 42586
Jimenez, Diana Lee DTC15000237 W F 01/18/2015 42387
Jiminez, Julio Cesar DTC16001577 W M 04/12/2016 42655
JIMMERSON Jr, DARIAN LEE DTC15000608 B M 02/09/2015 42409
JOHN, ADINA DTC16001005 B F 03/11/2016 42440
John, Judelle DTC15000319 B M 01/22/2015 42391
JOHNSON JR, DEARIS DVON DTC15002939 B M 07/01/2015 42552
Johnson Jr, James Glen-McClain DTC15003130 B M 07/11/2015 42562
Johnson Jr, James Glen-McClain DTC15003196 B M 07/16/2015 42201
JOHNSON JR, LEONARD MANUEL DTC15003477 B M 08/03/2015 42585
Johnson Jr, Price Adam DTC15003718 B M 08/17/2015 42599
JOHNSON, AKAYLA DTC15001934 B F 04/28/2015 42488
JOHNSON, ALBERT DTC16001696 B M 04/19/2016 42662
JOHNSON, ALEXANDRIA DTC15005516 B F 12/03/2015 42707
JOHNSON, ARTERRIS M DTC15003623 B M 08/12/2015 42594
Johnson, Arterris Marquez DTC15000389 B M 01/26/2015 42395
Johnson, Calvin Dwayne DTC15005671 B M 12/13/2015 42717
JOHNSON, CAROL SUE DTC15002287 W F 05/19/2015 42509
JOHNSON, CAUSTAVIUS RONCHEE DTC15004783 B M 10/16/2015 42659
Johnson, Charles DTC15001074 B M 03/11/2015 42440
Johnson, Charles DTC15001554 B M 04/07/2015 42467
Johnson, Cynthia M DTC15000251 B F 01/19/2015 42388
JOHNSON, CYNTHIA M DTC15002479 B F 06/02/2015 42523
JOHNSON, CYNTHIA MICHELLE DTC15000212 B F 01/16/2015 42385
Johnson, Damarcus DTC15004248 B M 09/15/2015 42444
Johnson, Demontria Kwanae DTC15004447 B F 09/28/2015 42641
JOHNSON, DOMINIQUE DTC15003287 B M 07/22/2015 42573

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Johnson, Ed DTC15001201 B M 03/18/2015 42447

Johnson, Elvis DTC15000553 B M 02/05/2015 42221
Johnson, Elvis Demond DTC15004697 B M 10/12/2015 42655
JOHNSON, EMMANUEL DTC15000334 B M 01/23/2015 42392
JOHNSON, EMMANUEL DTC15004948 B M 10/26/2015 42669
JOHNSON, GABRIELLE DTC16002854 B F 06/22/2016 42726
JOHNSON, ISAAC ARIE DTC15004714 B M 10/13/2015 42656
JOHNSON, ISAAC ARIE DTC16000105 B M 01/13/2016 42748
JOHNSON, JACOBY RASHAD DTC15004656 B M 10/09/2015 42652
JOHNSON, JACQUELINE MACHELL DTC15000454 B F 01/30/2015 42399
JOHNSON, JEFFREY P DTC15004625 B M 10/08/2015 42651
Johnson, Jim DTC15005072 B M 11/03/2015 42403
JOHNSON, JOSHUA JAMES DTC15000402 B M 01/27/2015 42396
Johnson, Kerry L DTC15002127 B M 05/09/2015 42499
Johnson, Linda DTC15004473 B F 09/29/2015 42276
Johnson, Melvin DTC15001066 B M 03/11/2015 42440
Johnson, Melvin DTC15005719 B M 12/15/2015 42719
JOHNSON, NAJA ROCHELLE DTC15004378 B F 09/23/2015 42636
Johnson, Rickey DTC15003065 B M 07/08/2015 42559
JOHNSON, ROBERT DEANGELO DTC15000063 B M 01/06/2015 42191
Johnson, Shanann Linette DTC15001678 B F 04/14/2015 42474
Johnson, Solomon DTC15001320 B M 03/25/2015 42454
Johnson, Thomas DTC15000901 W M 02/27/2015 42427
JOHNSON, TRAMINE DTC15004782 B M 10/16/2015 42659
Johnson, Tramine D DTC15000678 B M 02/12/2015 42412
JOHNSON, TRAMINE DEON DTC15005651 B M 12/11/2015 42715
JOHNSON, TRAMINE DEON DTC16002828 B M 06/21/2016 42725
JOHNSON, TRAMINE DEON DTC16003100 B M 07/04/2016 42739
JOHNSON, TYRELL DEMARCUS DTC15000782 B M 02/18/2015 42418
Johnson, Willie Aaron DTC15003482 B M 08/03/2015 42585
JOINER, BARBARA RENA DTC16000064 B F 01/05/2016 42552
Jolly, Marcus Davonne DTC15001747 B M 04/18/2015 42478
JONES III, STANLEY DTC15005757 B M 12/17/2015 42721
Jones Jr, Robert DTC15003794 B M 08/20/2015 42267
JONES Jr, TYRONE VALENTINO DTC15003158 B M 07/14/2015 42565
Jones, Bradley Andre DTC15002137 B M 05/09/2015 42499
Jones, Brenda Jean DTC15001296 B F 03/24/2015 42453
JONES, CHRISTOPHER CARSON DTC15004026 B M 09/01/2015 42614
JONES, DEANDRE QUINTEL DTC15001702 B M 04/16/2015 42476
JONES, DEASIA DTC15004228 B F 09/14/2015 42261
Jones, Dequaciede Demarcus DTC15001310 B M 03/25/2015 42454
Jones, Deshondre Antonio DTC15001333 B M 03/26/2015 42455
JONES, DESHONDRE ANTONIO DTC16000774 B M 02/27/2016 42609
Jones, Dewayne Lamar DTC15000241 B M 01/18/2015 42387
JONES, FREDERICK RAY DTC15001864 B M 04/24/2015 42484
JONES, FREDERICK RAY DTC15003768 B M 08/19/2015 42601
JONES, JASON A DTC15000796 B M 02/19/2015 42419
Jones, Jeffrey DTC15002551 W M 06/05/2015 42526
JONES, JERCHRISTOPHER DTC15002674 B M 06/15/2015 42536
Jones, Jerrylyn Lavan JR. DTC15002808 B M 06/23/2015 42544
jones, jonathan jerome DTC15000422 B M 01/28/2015 42032
JONES, LETROYES T-H DTC15004974 B M 10/28/2015 42671
JONES, MONIQUE DTC15003776 B F 08/20/2015 42420
Jones, Rashawd Alexander DTC15000526 B M 02/04/2015 42404
Jones, Rochelle Denise DTC15001613 B F 07/10/2015 42561
JONES, TERRICK DTC15001534 B M 04/06/2015 42466
Jones, Terry DTC15001880 B M 04/25/2015 42485
Jones, Terry Lee DTC15002285 B M 05/19/2015 42509
Jones, Travis DTC16000697 B M 02/22/2016 42604
JONES, VINCE ALLEN DTC15001771 B M 04/20/2015 42480
Jones, Zakeiyydrea DTC15003808 B F 08/21/2015 42603
JORDAN JR, HERMAN LEDARRIUS DTC15000937 B M 03/02/2015 42431
Jordan, Cole DTC15001839 B M 04/23/2015 42483

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Jordan, Eric Todd DTC15004812 B M 10/18/2015 42661

JORDAN, HERMAN DTC15004793 B M 10/16/2015 42659
Jordan, Melanie Leann DTC15002783 W F 06/22/2015 42543
Jordan, Nikki D. DTC15005714 B F 12/15/2015 42719
KARPICH, BRIAN DTC15003331 W M 07/24/2015 42575
KARPICH, BRIAN DTC16001099 W M 03/16/2016 42629
Kasey, Cornell T DTC15001349 B M 03/26/2015 42455
Kastner, Joseph Eugene DTC15002581 W M 06/07/2015 42528
KEARNEY, D'QUYION DTC15000165 B M 01/13/2015 42017
Kearney, Kamron D DTC16000438 B M 02/05/2016 42587
KEHR, STEPHEN DTC15003609 W M 08/11/2015 42593
Kelley, Nicholas Alan DTC15003669 B M 08/15/2015 42597
KELLY, NICHOLAS DTC15000218 B M 01/17/2015 42386
KELLY, NICHOLAS DTC15001798 B M 04/21/2015 42450
KEMP, LARUE DTC15005406 B M 11/24/2015 42698
Kendrick, Demetrius DTC15003102 B M 07/10/2015 42561
Kennedy, Joshua DTC15003712 B M 08/16/2015 42598
Key, David DTC15000407 B M 01/27/2015 42396
Key, David DTC15003414 B M 07/30/2015 42581
Key, David Lee DTC15004136 B M 09/08/2015 42621
Kihato, Collins DTC15002413 B M 05/29/2015 42519
Kiker, Diamond DTC15004135 B F 09/07/2015 42620
Kiker, Diamond DTC15004600 B F 10/06/2015 42649
KIKER, SHELBEN DTC15003694 B F 08/15/2015 42597
Kiker, Shelben DTC15003767 B F 08/19/2015 42601
Kiker, Shelben DTC15004135 B F 09/07/2015 42620
Kiker, Shelben DTC15004277 B F 09/16/2015 42629
Kilgore, Aaron B DTC15001439 B M 04/01/2015 42461
Kilgore, Aaron B DTC15002323 B M 05/22/2015 42512
KILLION, EMMAI DTC16003100 B M 07/04/2016 42739
KING II, STEPHEN C DTC15001164 B M 03/16/2015 42445
King, Arbrenay Desha DTC15004809 B F 11/10/2015 42684
King, Chirstopher Barton DTC15003605 W M 08/11/2015 42593
KING, EDWARD A DTC15004090 B M 09/04/2015 42617
KING, Katina YVETTE DTC15005041 B F 11/01/2015 42675
King, Romeka Jewel DTC15003334 B F 07/24/2015 42575
Kirby, Matthew DTC15005679 W M 12/13/2015 42717
Kirk, Steve Bernard DTC15004346 B M 09/21/2015 42634
Kirkland, Brandon Bernard DTC15003452 B M 08/01/2015 42583
KIRKWOOD, JOSEPH HAROLD LEE DTC15002106 B M 05/08/2015 42498
KIRVEN, ROSALIND RENEE DTC15002219 B F 05/15/2015 42505
KIRVEN, ROSALIND RENEE DTC15004653 B F 10/09/2015 42652
KISER, CEDRIC DEVALL DTC15002080 B M 05/07/2015 42497
Kissel, Stephen Paul DTC15005512 W M 12/03/2015 42707
Knight, Mikaylah DTC15004408 B F 09/25/2015 42638
KOLLIE, BLAMA DTC15005036 B M 10/31/2015 42674
KUNTZ, KYLE DTC16000275 B M 01/26/2016 42577
KUYKENDALL, Bradley DTC15003514 W M 08/05/2015 42587
Kyles, Nathann DTC15000784 B M 02/18/2015 42418
Kyles, Nathann DTC15004503 B M 10/01/2015 42644
Lain, Michael DTC15003530 B M 08/06/2015 42588
LANDRY, BECKY JO DTC15002150 W F 05/10/2015 42500
LANDRY, BECKY JO DTC15002324 W F 05/22/2015 42512
Lane, Demarcus DTC15003321 B M 07/24/2015 42575
LANE, JOHNATHON DTC15003760 B M 08/19/2015 42601
LANG, JAMES DOUGLAS DTC16001848 B M 04/28/2016 42671
LANG, JAMES DOUGLAS DTC16003010 B M 06/30/2016 42581
LANG, JAMES DOUGLAS DTC16003047 B M 07/01/2016 42736
Langley, Steven Kyle DTC15001550 B M 04/07/2015 42467
Langley, Steven Kyle DTC15002586 B M 06/07/2015 42528
Langrum, Curtis Edward DTC15000325 B M 01/23/2015 42392
Lankford, Jarred Lyn DTC15000205 B M 01/16/2015 42385
Lasalle, Anthony DTC16000415 W M 02/03/2016 42403

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LATIN, THOMAS DTC16002077 W M 05/10/2016 42684

Lawrence, Raymon DTC15000879 B M 02/26/2015 42426
Lawson Jr, James Wood DTC15000153 B M 01/12/2015 42381
Lax, Michael Saul DTC15000966 W M 03/04/2015 42433
Leathers Jr, Lawrence Gilbert DTC15000051 B M 01/05/2015 42374
Leathers Jr, Lawrence Gilbert DTC15001244 B M 03/21/2015 42450
LEATHERS, LAWRENCE DTC15001555 B M 04/07/2015 42467
Leavitt, Samuel DTC15003539 W M 08/07/2015 42589
LEE, DONOVAN DTC15000228 B M 01/17/2015 42386
LEE, DONOVAN D DTC16001675 B M 04/18/2016 42661
Lee, Donovan Dwight DTC15001170 B M 03/17/2015 42446
Lee, Edward DTC15001032 B M 03/09/2015 42438
Lee, Edward Jerome DTC15000975 B M 03/05/2015 42434
lee, Michael Christopher DTC16002246 B M 05/19/2016 42693
LEGGETT, CHELSEA Gabriella DTC15001063 B F 03/11/2015 42440
LEGRA, HERMES DTC15005803 W M 12/20/2015 42724
Lendor, Lucy Felix DTC15001428 B F 03/31/2015 42460
Leroy, Chrystal DTC15003726 W F 08/17/2015 42599
Levine, David J DTC15003560 W M 08/08/2015 42590
LEWIS, ARIC D DTC16000075 B M 01/12/2016 42747
LEWIS, BRANDON DTC16001105 W M 03/17/2016 42630
LEWIS, CHASE AARON DTC16000366 W M 02/01/2016 42401
Lewis, Darious Dantrel DTC15003752 B M 08/18/2015 42600
LEWIS, DARRELL DTC16002760 B M 06/17/2016 42721
LEWIS, ERIC DTC16002101 B M 05/11/2016 42685
LEWIS, ERVIN DTC15003475 B M 08/03/2015 42585
LEWIS, JOHN HENRY DTC15005637 B M 12/10/2015 42714
LEWIS, MARK ALAN DTC15001744 W M 04/18/2015 42478
Lewis, Nicholas Kyuntae DTC15002001 B M 05/01/2015 42491
Lewis, Stevi Lauren DTC15003890 B F 08/26/2015 42608
Lias, Jerrard Jarius DTC15004144 B M 09/08/2015 42621
Lias, Jerrard Jarius DTC16000082 B M 01/05/2016 42740
Lightner, James Jermaine DTC15004028 B M 09/01/2015 42614
Lightner, James Jermaine DTC16000754 B M 02/26/2016 42608
Lind, Luigiano R DTC15000885 W M 02/26/2015 42426
Lipps, Geremy DTC15003880 B M 08/26/2015 42608
LIPSCOMB, COLMAN DTC15002748 B M 06/19/2015 42540
LITTLETON, VANCE DTC16001365 B M 03/31/2016 42643
LITTLLETON, DESMOND D DTC15002491 B M 06/02/2015 42431
LITTLLETON, DESMOND D DTC15003196 B M 07/16/2015 42567
Livingston, Haywood Darnell DTC15001809 B M 04/22/2015 42482
LIVINGSTON, OPAL NANCY DTC15003166 W F 07/14/2015 42565
Lloyd, Willie Lewis DTC15001501 B M 04/04/2015 42464
Locke Jr, Alvin N DTC15002765 B M 06/20/2015 42541
Locke Jr, Alvin Napier DTC15000182 B M 01/14/2015 42383
Locke Jr, Alvin Napier DTC15002110 B M 05/08/2015 42498
Lockett, Daylon Lamont DTC15000254 B M 01/19/2015 42388
Lockhart, Jabray DTC15001642 B M 04/11/2015 42471
LOMAX, LAURY JO DTC15003260 W F 07/21/2015 42572
Lomax, Laury Jo DTC15003895 W F 08/26/2015 42608
LOMBARD, JASON FREDDIE DTC16001562 B M 04/11/2016 42471
Long, Kenneth Wayne DTC15003028 B M 07/06/2015 42557
Loose, Neil D DTC15003982 W M 08/31/2015 42613
Lopez, Al DTC16000023 W M 01/07/2016 42558
LOPEZ, ALICIA DTC15005072 B F 11/03/2015 42677
LOPEZ, ALICIA DTC15005178 B F 11/11/2015 42685
Lopez, Oscar Tomas DTC15004888 U M 10/22/2015 42665
Lornes, Anna Marie DTC15002145 B F 05/10/2015 42500
Lyles, Brian DTC15004449 B M 09/28/2015 42275
Lynch, Thomas Edward DTC15003126 B M 07/11/2015 42562
LYNN, JERAY MARQIS DTC15003200 B M 07/16/2015 42567
LYONS, ROBERT ALAN DTC15004621 B M 10/08/2015 42651
LYONS-SMITH, ANDRE LAFARO DTC15005726 B M 12/15/2015 42719

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MACDONALD, CHARLES ELLIOTT DTC15002059 W M 05/06/2015 42496

Mack, Al Louis DTC15003287 B M 07/22/2015 42573
Mack, Al Louis DTC15005724 B M 12/15/2015 42536
Mack, Al Louis DTC16001967 B M 05/04/2016 42678
MAJESKI, ADAM DTC16001810 W M 04/25/2016 42668
MAJOR, RANDY JOSEPH DTC15000241 B M 01/18/2015 42387
Maldonado, Marco A DTC15005309 W M 11/18/2015 42692
Malhis, Hifzi Dwight DTC15001671 W M 04/14/2015 42474
Malone, Colby Tyrell DTC15003794 B M 08/20/2015 42267
MANEY II, DAVID CHARLES DTC15003840 B M 08/24/2015 42606
Marscharka, Jeremy James DTC15000268 W M 01/20/2015 42205
Marsh, Jerome M DTC15004457 B M 09/28/2015 42641
MARSH, MARQUIS DTC15005222 B M 11/13/2015 42687
Marsh, Marquis D DTC15003217 B M 07/17/2015 42568
MARSH, MARQUIS D DTC16003389 B M 07/25/2016 42576
MARSH, MARQUIS Dewayne DTC15004304 B M 09/18/2015 42631
MARSHALL II, EMMITT S DTC15005936 B M 12/30/2015 42734
MARSHALL III, EMMITT SYLVESTER DTC15005280 B M 11/17/2015 42691
Marshall, Emmett DTC15005495 B M 12/02/2015 42706
Marshall, Emmett DTC15005510 B M 12/03/2015 42707
Marshall, Jeanette Fai DTC15004812 B F 10/18/2015 42661
Martin, David Ralph DTC15001211 W M 03/18/2015 42447
Martin, Detori Dewaye DTC15001176 B M 03/17/2015 42264
Martin, Jerry Wayne DTC15000826 B M 02/20/2015 42420
Martin, NaKeysha Tina DTC15000047 B F 01/05/2015 42374
Martin, Travonte Dashun DTC16005084 B M 11/10/2016 42684
MARTINEZ, HIRVIN DTC15001187 W M 03/17/2015 42446
Martinez, Jesse Anthony DTC15002869 W M 06/27/2015 42548
Martinez, Marcos DTC15003872 W M 08/25/2015 42272
Martinez, Miguel A DTC15003696 W M 08/15/2015 42597
MARTINEZ, SAMANTHA Beatrice DTC15001319 W F 03/25/2015 42454
Martinez-Rodrigues, Jose Eulogio DTC15004650 U M 10/09/2015 42652
Mascharka, Jeremy James DTC15001574 W M 04/08/2015 42468
Mathews, Zachary B DTC16002735 W M 06/16/2016 42720
MATHIS JR, IVY LEE DTC15002558 B M 06/06/2015 42527
Mathis, Jamarcus DTC15000152 B M 01/12/2015 42381
Mathis, Lee Dell DTC15001208 B M 03/18/2015 42447
Matthews III, William Henry DTC15001565 B M 04/08/2015 42468
Matthews Jr, AD DTC15000804 B M 02/19/2015 42235
MATTHEWS, DONELL DTC16001640 B M 04/15/2016 42658
MATTHEWS, DONNELL D DTC15002775 B M 06/21/2015 42542
MATTHEWS, DONNELL DESHUN DTC15003621 B M 08/12/2015 42584
MATTHEWS, DONNELL DESHUN DTC16003090 B M 07/03/2016 42554
Mattox Jr, Andre DEVON DTC15002232 B M 05/15/2015 42505
Mattox, D'kaniel Oshay DTC15003712 B M 08/16/2015 42598
MAY, MALIK DTC16001588 B M 04/12/2016 42655
MAY, MALIK DTC16001890 B M 04/29/2016 42672
MAYS, DUSTEN DTC16004001 B M 09/05/2016 42618
Mazariego Cajas, Milton DTC15004888 U M 10/22/2015 42665
MAZE, MONTREAL STEVEN DTC15002108 B M 05/08/2015 42498
Mc Donald, Kethon Calvell DTC16000764 B F 02/26/2016 42608
McCain, Rufus Lamont DTC15002343 B M 05/23/2015 42513
Mccall, Leilani DTC15001308 B F 03/25/2015 42454
MCCALLIE, RICKEY LYNN DTC16001297 W M 03/27/2016 42487
McCallie, Ricky DTC15000147 W M 01/12/2015 42197
McCallie, Ricky Lynn DTC15002147 W M 05/10/2015 42500
McCallie, Ricky Lynn DTC15003912 W M 08/27/2015 42609
Mcclaine, Denzel Elliot DTC15003845 B M 08/24/2015 42606
McClaine, Lee Jones DTC15003869 B M 08/25/2015 42607
McClellan, Marc Anthonie DTC15000066 B M 01/06/2015 42375
McClurg, Michael Wayne DTC15004674 W M 10/10/2015 42653
McConnell, Stephen DTC15001992 W M 05/01/2015 42491
Mccowin Jr, Michael Lenard DTC15002353 B M 05/25/2015 42514

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McCoy, Tanita Lavon DTC15002440 B F 05/30/2015 42520

McCullough III, Walter DTC15001790 W M 04/21/2015 42481
MCCULLOUGH, DANIEL DENARD DTC15004623 B M 10/08/2015 42651
MCDADE JR, MONET LYMUS DTC15005522 B M 12/04/2015 42708
MCDANIEL, JORDIE L DTC16001185 B M 03/21/2016 42450
MCDONALD, REGINA DTC15001589 B F 04/09/2015 42469
McDuff, Brent DTC15005293 W M 11/18/2015 42692
McDuff, Brent Nowlin DTC15003899 W M 08/27/2015 42274
MCELHANON, EZELL DTC15000594 B M 02/07/2015 42223
McFail, Eric L. DTC16001736 B M 04/21/2016 42664
MCFAN, RICKY EUGENE DTC15003466 B M 08/02/2015 42584
McGee, Freddie R DTC15001616 B M 04/10/2015 42470
MCGEE, MICHAEL DTC15003439 B M 07/31/2015 42582
McGrown, Gonte DTC15002837 B M 06/24/2015 42362
McGuire, Jordan DTC15001061 B M 03/11/2015 42440
McGuire, Jordan Rishad DTC15002321 B M 05/21/2015 42511
McKinney, Jonathan Erving DTC15002626 B M 06/10/2015 42531
McKnight, Michael Craighton DTC15005107 W M 11/05/2015 42679
Mcleroy, Jessica DTC15005660 W F 11/12/2015 42715
MCMILLIAN, CAREY DEUNDRA DTC14002843 B M 01/07/2015 42011
McMillian, Carey Deundra DTC15000095 B M 01/07/2015 42376
Mcneal, Michael DTC15002629 B M 06/10/2015 42531
MCNEAL, TRAVARUS DTC15003452 B M 08/01/2015 42583
MCNEAL, TRAVARUS DTC16001539 B M 04/09/2016 42560
MCSHANE, TAVIN DTC15005392 B M 11/23/2015 42697
MCSHANE, TAWAIN DTC15004667 B M 10/10/2015 42653
MCSHANE, TAWAIN DTC15005742 B M 12/16/2015 42720
McShane, Tawain T DTC15002394 B M 05/28/2015 42518
Meadows, Demarcus DTC15002937 B M 07/01/2015 42552
Medina, Elijah Julian DTC15004377 W M 09/23/2015 42636
MEDLOCK, AARON TRENARD DTC15004344 B M 09/21/2015 42634
MEDLOCK, AARON TRENARD DTC15004388 B M 09/24/2015 42637
Medlock, Sabian Sejan DTC16001392 B M 04/02/2016 42645
MENCHACA, CARLOS ANTONIO DTC16000124 W M 01/15/2016 42750
Mendoza, Celestino DTC15003793 W M 08/20/2015 42267
MENDOZA, EDGAR EDMUNDO DTC15000021 W M 01/02/2015 42371
Meresa, Desta A DTC15000578 B M 02/07/2015 42407
Metcalf, Kaneshia Jebrea DTC15001590 B F 04/09/2015 42469
METTS, ADAM WAYNE DTC15003898 B M 08/27/2015 42274
Middleton, Dantonio DTC15005337 B M 11/20/2015 42510
MILEY, JEREMY KYLE DTC15000914 W M 02/28/2015 42428
MILEY, JEREMY KYLE DTC15002118 W M 05/08/2015 42498
Miller Jr, Kenneth DTC15005104 W M 11/05/2015 42679
Miller SR, Ricky Darnell DTC15003208 B M 07/17/2015 42568
Miller, Davin D DTC15000991 B M 03/06/2015 42435
MILLER, DAVIN DEION DTC15001723 B M 04/17/2015 42477
MILLER, JOHNESHA CATHERYN DTC15005730 B F 12/15/2015 42719
Miller, Kellie DTC15002018 W F 05/03/2015 42493
Miller, Kellie DTC15002570 W F 06/06/2015 42527
MILLER, KELLIE DTC15004967 W F 10/27/2015 42670
Miller, Korey D DTC15004575 B M 10/05/2015 42648
Miller, Korey Deandre DTC15000332 B M 01/23/2015 42208
MILLER, MICHAEL C DTC16002573 W M 06/07/2016 42711
MILLER, MONTRAE JAMAR DTC15000520 B M 02/03/2015 42219
Miller, Montrae Jamar DTC15002958 B M 07/02/2015 42553
MILLER, MYTCHELL STANLEY DTC15000890 W M 02/27/2015 42427
Miller, Regina Pilley DTC15001958 W F 04/30/2015 42490
Miller, Thomas Foy DTC15002344 B M 05/23/2015 42513
MILLER, THOMAS FOY DTC15003662 B M 08/14/2015 42596
Mills, Robert Wendal DTC15004225 B M 09/14/2015 42627
MIMS JR, BRADLEY DEON DTC15002592 B M 06/08/2015 42529
MINKLEY II, PAUL HERMEN DTC15000337 W M 01/23/2015 42392
MIRANDA, NOELIO DTC15003640 W M 08/13/2015 42595

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MIRERA JR, JOSEPH DTC15005090 B M 11/05/2015 42679

Mirera, Joseph DTC15002124 B M 05/08/2015 42498
Mitchell, Deviejia Leeounious DTC15000525 B M 02/04/2015 42220
MITCHELL, DIANA DAWN DTC15003523 B F 08/06/2015 42588
MITCHELL, JAMEEL PATRICK DTC15001058 B M 03/11/2015 42440
MITCHELL, JAMEEL PATRICK DTC15003739 B M 08/18/2015 42600
MITCHELL, JAMEEL PATRICK DTC15005394 B M 11/23/2015 42697
MITCHELL, JAMEEL PATRICK DTC16000043 B M 01/09/2016 42744
MITCHELL, JAMEEL PATRICK DTC16000480 B M 02/09/2016 42591
mitchell, michael DTC16001439 B M 04/04/2016 42494
Mitchell, Michael Jamal DTC16002475 B M 06/01/2016 42705
MITCHELL, RAIVEN MONICE DTC16002471 B F 06/01/2016 42675
Mitchell, Tarodrick DTC15002007 B M 05/02/2015 42492
MOBLEY Jr, PATRICK Lee DTC15001890 B M 04/26/2015 42486
MOBLEY Jr, PATRICK Lee DTC15002611 B M 06/09/2015 42530
MONAGHAN, TRAVIS SHAWN DTC16001695 W M 04/19/2016 42662
Monroe, Thunderous DTC15000057 B M 01/05/2015 42374
MONROE, THUNDEROUS DTC16000056 B M 01/09/2016 42744
MONROE, ZACKARY EDRAEL DTC15001243 B M 03/21/2015 42450
Montelongo, Donald DTC15002455 W M 05/31/2015 42521
Montelongo, Donald DTC15002569 W M 06/06/2015 42527
Montelongo, Donald DTC15003247 W M 07/20/2015 42571
Montgomery, Ervin Leonard DTC15002871 B M 06/27/2015 42548
Montgomery, Keylon Dajuan DTC15003039 B M 07/06/2015 42375
MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM KEITH DTC15005010 W M 10/29/2015 42398
MONTOYA, JUAN CARLOS DTC15003395 W M 07/28/2015 42579
MOODY III, MILTON DTC15003057 B M 07/07/2015 42558
Moody, Larry DTC15001132 B M 03/14/2015 42443
MOODY, MILTON LLL. DTC15004878 B M 10/21/2015 42664
Moore II, Cecil Eugene DTC15002111 B M 05/08/2015 42498
MOORE III, DON ALLEN DTC15000241 B M 01/18/2015 42387
MOORE, ANTONIO DEWAYNE DTC15003918 B M 08/27/2015 42609
MOORE, CODY LOCKE DTC15000146 W M 01/12/2015 42381
Moore, James DTC15003808 W M 08/21/2015 42603
MOORE, JARDON DTC15003401 B M 07/29/2015 42580
MOORE, JUSTIN Lee DTC15004842 B M 10/19/2015 42479
Moore, Kenneth Wayne DTC15004029 B M 09/01/2015 42278
MOORE, KEVIN JERMAINE DTC16001930 B M 05/02/2016 42676
Moore, Kortlyn DTC15000269 B M 01/20/2015 42389
Moore, Stanley Alvin DTC16001677 B M 04/18/2016 42661
MOORE, STANLEY ALVIN DTC16002458 B M 05/31/2016 42705
Moore, Terrance DTC15001270 B M 03/23/2015 42452
Moore, Terrence Oneal DTC15001144 B M 03/15/2015 42444
Moore, Will DTC15003849 B M 08/24/2015 42606
Morales, Antonio Edward DTC15001837 W M 04/23/2015 42483
Morales, Luis DTC15003712 W M 08/16/2015 42598
Moran, Frederick Domegious Antonio DTC16001312 B M 03/28/2016 42641
Moreland, Kendrick Lee DTC15000423 B M 01/28/2015 42397
Moreno, Adriana DTC16001696 W F 04/19/2016 42662
MORGAN II, AUSTIN BENJAMIN DTC15002232 B M 05/15/2015 42505
MORGAN JR, GILBERT DTC15003945 B M 08/28/2015 42275
MORGAN JR, RAYMOND EARL DTC15000256 B M 01/19/2015 42388
Morgan, Christopher DTC15004007 B M 09/01/2015 42614
MORGAN, JAMES DTC15001623 W M 04/10/2015 42470
Morgan, James Jerrod DTC15001360 W M 03/27/2015 42456
Morgan, Raymond DTC15001017 B M 03/07/2015 42436
MORNING, CHRISTIAN ISSLLE PAIGE DTC15005011 B F 10/30/2015 42673
Morris, Gregory Jerell DTC15004283 B M 09/17/2015 42630
MORRIS, JEREMY LAMONT DTC15004074 B M 09/03/2015 42616
MORRIS, KENNETH DTC15005721 B M 12/15/2015 42536
Morris, Margo Yvonne DTC15002037 B F 05/04/2015 42494
Morrow, Alex Tyrell DTC15003055 B M 07/07/2015 42558
Morrow, Curtis Franklin DTC15003774 W M 08/19/2015 42236

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MOSBY, DELON PAUL DTC15005698 B M 12/14/2015 42718

Mosley, Christopher D DTC15001847 B M 04/22/2015 42482
MOSLEY, TYRONE DESHAWN DTC15001175 B M 03/17/2015 42446
MOSLEY, TYRONE DESHAWN DTC15002960 B M 07/02/2015 42553
MOSLEY, TYRONE DESHAWN DTC15003943 B M 08/28/2015 42610
Moss, Marquis Dewayne DTC15002538 B M 06/05/2015 42526
MOSS, RAYMOND Pinson DTC15005772 B M 12/18/2015 42722
MOTEN, CLARENCE DTC15004171 B M 09/10/2015 42623
MOTEN, CLARENCE DELEON DTC15004582 B M 10/05/2015 42648
Moton-Wren, Jessie Day'lyn DTC15002113 B M 05/08/2015 42498
MOUHAMED, ASSUMANI DTC15000375 B M 01/26/2015 42395
Moulton, Jeffery Scott DTC15001254 W M 03/22/2015 42451
MOUTON, CHALMER RASHAD DTC15005412 B M 11/25/2015 42699
Moy, Kevin Randall DTC15005384 B M 11/23/2015 42697
MOZEE, ANNICE DENISE DTC15001421 B F 03/31/2015 42460
Mozee, Annice Denise DTC15001894 B F 04/26/2015 42486
Mullins, Alexis Troy DTC15004475 B M 09/29/2015 42276
MULLINS, DEVONTE JAMAL DTC15000817 B M 02/20/2015 42420
Mullins, Devonte Jamal DTC15001317 B M 03/25/2015 42272
Mullins, Joshua Jamal DTC15001728 B M 04/17/2015 42477
Muloki, Jean Paul DTC15004553 B M 10/03/2015 42646
MUNGUIA, CLARISSA DTC16001891 W F 04/29/2016 42672
MUNOZ-HERNANDEZ, DARIO DTC15004650 W M 10/09/2015 42652
Munson, Devonta Deon DTC15000296 B M 01/21/2015 42390
MURPHY JR, EDMOND LAMONT DTC15005488 B M 12/02/2015 42706
Murphy, Jim Imboden DTC15003508 B M 08/04/2015 42586
Murrell, Tykeeya Shakel DTC15003552 B F 08/07/2015 42589
MUSTAPHA, SANNOH DTC16001912 B M 05/01/2016 42491
Mutingwende, Anthony R DTC16000379 B M 02/02/2016 42584
Mutsvene, Strover DTC15004812 B M 10/18/2015 42661
MWENDWA, EPHRAIM KENNEDY DTC15001707 B M 04/16/2015 42476
Myers, Sudrick DTC15004457 B M 09/28/2015 42641
MYLES, RASHAD JAMAL DTC15003384 B M 07/27/2015 42578
MYLES, RASHAD JAMAL DTC15003984 B M 08/31/2015 42613
Myles, Shaquille DTC15003552 B M 08/07/2015 42589
NABORS, KENNETH DTC16002188 B M 05/16/2016 42690
Nady, Job Thomas DTC15001481 B M 04/03/2015 42463
Najee - Ullah, Kaim H DTC15005013 B M 10/30/2015 42673
Napper, Michael Dwight DTC15003686 B M 08/15/2015 42597
NASH, JAMES BRITT DTC15001004 W M 03/07/2015 42436
Natole, Robert DTC15005010 W M 10/29/2015 42398
Neak, Adam J DTC15004913 B M 10/23/2015 42666
Neal, Adam Joseph DTC15004889 B M 10/22/2015 42665
Neal, Michael Troy DTC15000780 B M 02/18/2015 42418
Nelson, Kelly DTC15002162 B F 05/11/2015 42501
Nero, Jeffery David DTC15000008 B M 01/01/2015 42370
Nero, Jeffery David DTC15004824 B M 10/19/2015 42662
NERVIS, HOPE DTC15002271 B F 05/18/2015 42508
Newman, Laquella Marie DTC15002273 B F 05/18/2015 42508
Newton, Lance Kyle DTC15005072 W M 11/03/2015 42677
NGUYEN, DUNG DTC15000780 A M 02/18/2015 42418
Nichols, Anthony DTC15002947 B M 07/01/2015 42370
NICHOLS, JACK JOSEPH DTC15000180 W M 01/14/2015 42383
NICHOLS, PHILLIP P. DTC15002289 B M 05/19/2015 42509
NICHOLS, RICHARD B DTC15005713 B M 12/15/2015 42719
NICHOLS, SHAUNTAVIA DTC16002216 B F 05/17/2016 42691
NICHOLSON, CHRISTOPHER DTC16000060 B M 01/11/2016 42746
Nicholson, Christopher Deon DTC15000664 B M 02/11/2015 42411
NOCE, RYAN ANTHONY DTC16002943 W M 06/27/2016 42731
Nunley, Chelse Nicole DTC15001386 W F 03/29/2015 42458
Nunn, Letricia Charlesette DTC15005228 B F 11/14/2015 42688
NURRADIN, AHMAD PAUL DTC15005688 B M 12/14/2015 42718
Nwachukwu, Patrick Okwudili DTC15001180 B M 03/17/2015 42446

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Nwachukwu, Patrick Okwudili DTC15001650 B M 04/12/2015 42472

Nweke, Chikaodili Darlene DTC15001195 B F 03/18/2015 42447
OADAH, SELIM DTC15002512 W M 06/03/2015 42525
Ochoa, Denise Christine DTC15002297 W F 05/20/2015 42510
Odell, Michael D DTC15000611 W M 02/09/2015 42409
Odell, Wilber DTC15003538 W M 08/07/2015 42589
OFFORD, VNTHYON DENARD DTC15003031 B M 07/06/2015 42557
Ogembo, Jackim Owino DTC15004812 B M 10/18/2015 42661
Oltrogge, William DTC15001277 A M 03/23/2015 42452
Olvera, Christopher Escamilla DTC15001606 W M 04/09/2015 42469
Osawe, Godwin Imuetinyan DTC15004732 B M 10/14/2015 42657
OUSLEY, STEPHEN DANANE DTC15005144 B M 11/08/2015 42316
Owens, Darryl Thomas DTC16002209 B M 05/17/2016 42690
OWENS, KOVIEN DTC15004750 B M 10/14/2015 42657
OWENS, KOVIEN DTC15004758 B M 10/15/2015 42669
OWENS, PATICK DARNALL DTC15002231 B M 05/15/2015 42505
Owens, Patrick DTC15001469 B M 04/02/2015 42462
Owens, Patrick DARNALL DTC15003770 B M 08/19/2015 42601
OWENS, PATRICK J DTC15001596 B M 04/09/2015 42469
Owes, John Demetrius DTC15002714 B M 06/17/2015 42538
PACE JR, LEON DENDELL DTC15002964 B M 07/02/2015 42553
PACE JR, LEON DENDELL DTC16000174 B M 01/19/2016 42570
Pace, Latonia DTC15004905 B F 10/23/2015 42666
Pacheco, Leopaldo DTC15000934 W M 03/02/2015 42431
PACRAS, ANASTAZIA DTC15005645 B F 12/11/2015 42715
Paddock, Lonnie Rod DTC15003682 W M 08/15/2015 42597
Page, Douglas Wayne DTC15000929 W M 03/02/2015 42157
PAGE, KEVIN DTC15003885 B M 08/26/2015 42608
Palmer Jr, Charlie DTC15001755 B M 04/19/2015 42479
Palmer, Destiny DTC15001238 B F 03/20/2015 42449
Palomino-Sanchez, Juanita Seles DTC15005505 W F 12/03/2015 42524
PALOMO, FELIX DTC15000102 W M 01/08/2015 42377
PARCELLE, STEVEN DTC15004534 B M 10/02/2015 42645
PARCELLE, STEVEN DTC16000298 B M 12/23/2015 42727
PARCELLE, STEVEN DTC16000494 B M 02/10/2016 42410
PARGA, RODOLFO DTC15000921 W M 03/01/2015 42248
Parker, David Earl DTC15003509 B M 08/05/2015 42587
Parker, Larry Deonty DTC15004063 B M 09/03/2015 42616
PARKER, XAVIER ARMON DTC15003381 B M 07/27/2015 42578
PARKS, RONALD GERON DTC15003152 B M 07/13/2015 42564
PARKS, RONALD GERON DTC15004826 B M 10/19/2015 42662
PARKS, RONALD GREEN DTC15001090 B M 03/13/2015 42442
Parlor, Jerry DTC16001473 B M 04/06/2016 42649
PARR, RODNEY DTC15002332 W M 05/22/2015 42512
PASCHALL, ANTHONY LAMAR DTC16000645 B M 02/19/2016 42601
Pasche, Lawrence A DTC15003177 W M 07/15/2015 42566
Paterson, Jasson Daniel DTC15002030 W M 05/04/2015 42494
Patterson, Bennie Lee DTC15003407 B M 09/01/2015 42614
Patterson, Bennie Lee DTC15003590 B M 09/01/2015 42614
Patterson, Dionell DTC15003774 B M 08/19/2015 42601
Patterson, Homer DTC15004366 B M 09/23/2015 42636
Patterson, Ledarreon Deontre DTC15000628 B M 02/10/2015 42134
Patterson, Ricky LaVance DTC15001806 B M 04/22/2015 42482
Patti, Martin DTC15000314 W M 01/22/2015 42391
PATTI, MARTIN JOSEPH DTC15000323 W M 01/22/2015 42391
Paul, Jonathan Eric DTC15003156 B M 07/13/2015 42564
PAXTON, DEVIN DTC15005641 B M 12/10/2015 42714
PEARL, SUSIE DTC15001500 B F 04/04/2015 42464
Pearson, Charles Kenneth DTC15005621 B M 12/10/2015 42714
PEAT, TERRYCA SHONNEE DTC16000967 B F 03/09/2016 42622
Pendgraft, Broderick Levaugh DTC15002151 B M 05/10/2015 42500
PERALEZ-GARCIA, HOLSTON DTC15000218 W M 01/17/2015 42386
PERALEZ-GARCIA, HOLSTON Jay DTC15002899 W M 06/29/2015 42550

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Perez, Joey DTC15005745 W M 12/16/2015 42720

PEREZ, MARTIN DTC15003416 W M 07/30/2015 42581
PEREZ, MARTIN DTC15004626 W M 10/08/2015 42651
Perkins, Raymond Thomas DTC15005415 B M 11/25/2015 42699
PERKINS, TERRY LYNN DTC15003931 B M 08/28/2015 42610
PERKINS, TERRY LYNN DTC15005600 B M 12/09/2015 42713
Perry, Antoine DTC15004029 B M 09/01/2015 42278
PERRY, ANTONIO DEON DTC15005041 B M 11/01/2015 42675
PERRY, DOMINIQUE JAMIEL DTC15003382 B M 07/27/2015 42578
PETERSON, CHAVELA JANEL DTC15005093 B F 11/05/2015 42679
Petry, Alexica DTC15004248 B F 09/15/2015 42444
PETTIGREW, EWASHA SHALIMAR DTC15002444 B F 05/30/2015 42520
Phelps Jr, Aurthur DTC16003123 B M 07/05/2016 42740
PHELPS, WESLEY ALAN DTC15002010 W M 05/02/2015 42492
Phillips, Alicia Lou DTC15002042 W F 05/05/2015 42495
PHILLIPS, DEVAUNTE DTC15003227 B M 07/18/2015 42569
PHILLIPS, DEVAUNTE Dewuan DTC15003086 B M 07/09/2015 42560
PHILLIPS, DOMINIE DTC15005599 12/09/2015 42713
PHILLIPS, STEVEN W DTC15000819 B M 02/20/2015 42420
PHILLIPS, STEVEN W DTC15001640 B M 04/11/2015 42471
PHILLIPS, STEVEN W DTC15003475 B M 08/03/2015 42585
PHILLIPS, TYRRILL D DTC15003675 B M 08/15/2015 42597
PICKARD, ROBERT DTC15000014 B M 01/01/2015 42370
Pierce, Alta Delaine DTC15002075 B F 05/07/2015 42496
PIERCE, CHRISTOPHER DANTE DTC15005760 B M 12/17/2015 42538
PIERCE, KENJAZ SHAWON DTC15001518 B M 04/05/2015 42465
Pierce, Kenjaz Shawon DTC15002184 B M 05/12/2015 42502
Pierce, Kenjaz Shawon DTC15004249 B M 09/15/2015 42628
Pierce, Robert DTC15000192 B M 01/15/2015 42200
Pierce, Robert DTC15000510 B M 02/02/2015 42402
Pierre, Anthony Lee DTC15003869 B M 08/25/2015 42607
Pierre, Anthony Lee DTC15005198 B M 11/12/2015 42686
PIGGEE, QUIENTON DTC15001394 B M 03/29/2015 42458
Pipkin, Cedric Dewayne DTC15002713 B M 06/17/2015 42538
Pipkins, Alonzo DTC15002837 B M 06/24/2015 42362
Pipkins-Dixon, Sametra DTC15003732 B F 08/17/2015 42599
PIPPINS, EMMANUEL DTC15003672 B F 08/14/2015 42596
Pitts, Ernest DTC15002666 B M 06/14/2015 42535
Player, Patrick Royal DTC15003773 B M 08/19/2015 42601
Pleasant, Anthony DTC15005389 B M 11/23/2015 42697
Polito, Dakota DTC15000257 W M 01/19/2015 42388
POLK, ANTRON DEVINCE DTC16001129 B M 03/18/2016 42631
POLLOCK, PATTI DTC15005294 B M 11/18/2015 42692
Pope Jr, Award Warren DTC15004743 B M 10/14/2015 42657
Porcayo, Juan Andrew DTC15000858 W M 02/24/2015 42424
Porter, Anthony Dwayne DTC15004812 B M 10/18/2015 42661
Porter, Terrance DeJon DTC15004615 B M 10/07/2015 42650
Porter, William Arthur DTC15001934 B M 04/28/2015 42488
Portley Jr, Lance Deon DTC16001346 B M 03/30/2016 42643
POTTS, DENA DTC15004050 W F 09/02/2015 42615
POWELL JR, DAVID DTC15003857 B M 08/25/2015 42607
POWELL, Barbara Ann DTC15000353 W F 01/24/2015 42394
Powell, Deandre DTC15000206 B M 01/16/2015 42385
Powell, Deandre DTC15001017 B M 03/07/2015 42436
Powell, Deandre Montrel DTC15004608 B M 10/07/2015 42650
Powell, Lajay Jerome DTC15001594 B M 04/09/2015 42469
Powrie, Dustin DTC15003224 W M 07/18/2015 42569
Prado Jr, Mario J DTC16002121 W M 05/12/2016 42686
Pratt, Demondric Dwayne DTC15004440 B M 09/27/2015 42640
PRATT, GLENN DTC15000090 B M 01/07/2015 42376
PRECIADO, SPENCER GARRETT DTC15004115 W M 09/06/2015 42619
Price Jr, Anthony Vincent DTC15002076 B M 05/06/2015 42496
PRICE, CLARENCE DTC16000153 B M 01/17/2016 42752

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Price, Clarence J'Ray DTC15003128 B M 07/11/2015 42562

Pringle, Larry Joe DTC15004621 B M 10/08/2015 42651
Propes, Cornelius DTC15003357 B M 07/25/2015 42576
PROPHET, TYRONE CORNELL DTC15001749 B M 04/19/2015 42479
Prophet, Tyrone Cornell DTC15005633 B M 12/10/2015 42714
Pugh, Latriva DTC15003959 B F 08/29/2015 42611
Pugh, LaTrivia Shontae DTC15002288 B F 05/19/2015 42509
Quintero, Bernardo DTC15001345 W M 12/03/2015 42707
QUIROZ, OSCAR DTC15001239 W M 03/20/2015 42449
Rafter, Shamia DTC15003808 B F 08/21/2015 42603
Raglin, Terry S DTC15005310 B M 11/18/2015 42692
RAGSDALE, DARRELL LEE DTC15001648 W M 04/12/2015 42472
RAMERIZ, Eric DTC15001748 W M 04/19/2015 42113
Ramirez, Antonio DTC15002222 W M 05/15/2015 42505
Ramirez, Antonio DTC15003897 W M 08/27/2015 42274
Ramirez, Edgar Ismael DTC15000867 W M 02/25/2015 42425
Ramirez, Gloria Yessenia DTC15004261 W F 09/15/2015 42292
RAMIREZ, KEVIN ALAN DTC15001649 W M 04/12/2015 42472
Randle, Dedrick U DTC15005203 B M 11/12/2015 42686
RANGE, CHRISTOPHER DTC15002161 B M 05/11/2015 42501
Rath, Orva DTC15003945 W M 08/28/2015 42275
Rath, Orva DTC15004272 W M 09/16/2015 42629
Rattler, James Lee DTC15000209 B M 01/16/2015 42385
RAVENELL, JAMES DARIN DTC15004787 B M 10/16/2015 42293
RAVENELL, JAMES DARIN DTC15004997 B M 10/29/2015 42489
Ray, Derek Jacob DTC15003111 W M 07/10/2015 42561
Rayford, Stacie Joshua Cornel DTC15002713 B M 06/17/2015 42538
Raymond, Dawaylon DTC16003090 B M 07/03/2016 42738
RAYMOND, THOMAS DTC16002577 W M 06/07/2016 42711
Redic, Danton Nicole DTC15000883 B M 02/26/2015 42426
Redic, Danton Nicole DTC15002244 B M 05/16/2015 42506
Reed, Douglas Edward DTC15001994 B M 05/01/2015 42491
Reed, Markeist DaQuan DTC15004671 B M 10/10/2015 42653
Reed, Marvin Edward DTC15001834 B M 04/23/2015 42483
REED, MOESHA DTC15004628 B F 10/08/2015 42651
REED, MOESHA E DTC16001948 B F 05/03/2016 42677
REESE, DAVID CHRISTOPHER DTC15001113 W M 03/13/2015 42442
Reese, David Christopher DTC15001530 W M 04/06/2015 42466
REEVES, JERRY DTC16000400 W M 02/03/2016 42585
Regular, Kevin DTC15001812 B M 04/22/2015 42482
REID II, REGINALD CHARLES DTC15001660 B M 04/13/2015 42473
Remmy, Carlos R DTC15001047 B M 03/10/2015 42439
REYES, JESUS DTC15004371 W M 09/23/2015 42636
Reynolds, Joe Steven DTC15003872 W M 08/25/2015 42272
REYNOLDS, STEVEN L DTC15004658 B M 10/09/2015 42652
RHODES, LOWELL ALAN DTC16000299 W M 12/30/2015 42734
Rice, James A DTC15001898 B M 04/26/2015 42487
Rice, Marvin Williard DTC15001537 W M 04/06/2015 42466
Rice, Shundall DTC15003651 B M 08/13/2015 42595
Richards, Cherlyn Gail DTC15004235 B F 09/14/2015 42627
Richards, Cherlyn Gail DTC15005116 B F 11/06/2015 42680
Richards, Dwayne Marcus DTC15001155 W M 03/16/2015 42445
Richardson, Antoine Dewayne DTC16001816 B M 04/26/2016 42669
RICHARDSON, CHRISTOPHER LEE DTC15000949 B M 03/03/2015 42432
Richardson, Elmer G DTC15000195 B M 01/15/2015 42200
RICHARDSON, JERRY LEE DTC15000961 B M 03/04/2015 42067
Richardson, Jerry Lee DTC15005701 B M 12/14/2015 42718
RICHARDSON, MARKUS D DTC15005793 B M 12/19/2015 42723
RICHMOND, JAMES DTC15002965 B M 07/02/2015 42553
RIDGLEY, TRAVIS DTC15003972 B M 08/30/2015 42612
RIDGLEY, TRAVIS CARLYLE DTC15004436 B M 09/26/2015 42639
Riggins, Dewayne DTC16001539 B M 04/09/2016 42652
Riley, Glenn R DTC15002361 B M 05/25/2015 42515

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Riojas, Ulisse Ramses DTC15001235 W M 03/20/2015 42267

RIVERA, AUBREY NICOLE DTC16000118 W F 01/14/2016 42749
RIVERA, JOSE DTC15001101 W M 03/13/2015 42442
Rivers, Helen D DTC15005154 B F 11/09/2015 42499
Rivers, Samuel D DTC15003333 B M 07/24/2015 42575
Robbins, Barry Darnell DTC15003829 B M 08/23/2015 42605
Roberson, Arthur Lee DTC15002495 B M 06/02/2015 42523
ROBERSON, CHRISTOPHER DTC16002620 W M 06/09/2016 42713
ROBERSON, CHRISTOPHER BRYAN DTC16000883 W M 03/04/2016 42617
ROBERSON, JOE LOUIS DTC15002717 B M 06/17/2015 42538
Roberson, Kadeem Develle DTC15002061 B M 05/06/2015 42496
ROBERSON, TERRENCE EDWARD DTC15000959 B M 03/04/2015 42433
ROBERSON, TERRENCE EDWARD DTC15001059 B M 03/11/2015 42440
ROBERSON, TERRENCE EDWARD DTC15002545 B M 06/05/2015 42526
ROBERTS III, JOHN JEFFERSON DTC15000976 W M 03/05/2015 42434
ROBERTS JR, ERIC GLENN DTC15000234 B M 01/17/2015 42386
ROBERTS JR, ERIC GLENN DTC15004255 B M 09/15/2015 42628
Roberts, Clarence DTC15004986 B M 10/28/2015 42671
Roberts, William Whittington DTC15005778 W M 12/18/2015 42722
Robertson, Henry Wade DTC15000282 W M 01/20/2015 42389
Robertson, Nimen Demarcus DTC15004413 B M 09/25/2015 42638
Robertson, Roderick Carl DTC15002420 B M 05/29/2015 42519
ROBERTSON, RODERICK CARL DTC15004267 B M 09/15/2015 42628
Robinson, Brandon D DTC15003573 B M 08/09/2015 42591
Robinson, Corey Jermaine DTC15001220 B M 03/19/2015 42448
Robinson, Corey Jermaine DTC15005218 B M 11/13/2015 42687
Robinson, Dametrius M DTC16000289 B M 01/27/2016 42396
ROBINSON, DARAY DTC15003452 B M 08/01/2015 42583
Robinson, Demarcus Rydale DTC15001378 B M 03/28/2015 42457
ROBINSON, DEVONTA LAVELL DTC15005441 B M 11/28/2015 42702
Robinson, Elvis Leon DTC15000809 B M 02/19/2015 42419
Robinson, Elvis Leon DTC15001023 B M 03/08/2015 42437
Robinson, George Tavious DTC15005708 B M 12/14/2015 42718
Robinson, Joe Edward DTC15003071 B M 07/08/2015 42559
Robinson, Okeith Dewayne DTC15003278 B M 07/22/2015 42573
Robinson, Rickie DTC15004567 B M 10/04/2015 42647
Rodriguez Jr, Lorenzo DTC15002186 W M 05/12/2015 42502
Rodriguez, Paula DTC15001257 W F 03/22/2015 42451
RODRIGUEZ, RAMON DTC15000720 W M 02/14/2015 42414
RODRIGUEZ, RICARDO DTC16001780 W M 04/24/2016 42667
Rodriguez, Tyler DTC15003941 W M 08/28/2015 42610
Rogers, Aaron DTC15000473 W M 01/31/2015 42216
Rogers, Christopher D DTC15000335 B M 01/23/2015 42392
ROGERS, JESSICA DTC15000844 W F 02/21/2015 42421
ROHENKOHL, AJ DTC15001484 W M 04/03/2015 42463
Rohenkohl, AJ DTC15001817 W M 04/22/2015 42482
Rohenkohl, AJ DTC15002452 W M 05/31/2015 42460
ROSE, CRAIG Allen DTC15001377 B M 03/28/2015 42457
Rose, Hannah Louise DTC15000193 W F 01/15/2015 42384
ROSE, JULIOUS DTC16001694 B M 04/19/2016 42662
ROSE, SAMUEL DTC15000283 B M 01/20/2015 42389
Rose, Samuel DTC15001757 B M 04/19/2015 42479
ROSENBERG, RACHEL M DTC15005711 W F 12/14/2015 42718
Rosendahl, Zane DTC15002774 B M 06/21/2015 42542
Rosendahl, Zane STANLEY DTC15004253 B M 09/15/2015 42628
Rosendahl, Zane Stanley DTC16000084 B M 01/04/2016 42404
Ross, Deonte Markeith DTC15000526 B M 02/04/2015 42404
Ross, Josiah E DTC16002729 B M 06/15/2016 42719
ROUSE, KRISTOFER DTC15003163 W M 07/14/2015 42565
ROUSE, KRISTOFER DTC15005901 W M 12/28/2015 42732
Roy, Kileane DTC15004735 B M 10/14/2015 42656
ROY, MICHAEL WAYNE DTC15003911 W M 08/27/2015 42609
ROYAL, ELDRIDGE KENNETH DTC15002924 B M 06/30/2015 42551

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ROYALS, REGINALD CARL DTC15004854 B M 10/20/2015 42663

RUCKERS, CHARLES DTC15004353 B M 09/22/2015 42635
Rudd, Jerry Wayne DTC15003839 B M 08/24/2015 42606
RUIZ, DANIEL OLEA DTC15000787 W M 02/18/2015 42418
RUIZ, DANIEL OLEA DTC15002303 W M 05/20/2015 42144
Ruiz, Daniel Olea DTC15005709 W M 12/14/2015 42718
RUNNELS, MARCIAS D DTC16002207 B M 05/17/2016 42691
Rushing, Tyron Jerome DTC15000948 B M 03/03/2015 42432
Russell III, Lozel DTC15001194 B M 03/18/2015 42447
Russell, Chadrick Allen DTC16001619 W M 04/14/2016 42565
Saddler, Johanie DTC15005646 B M 12/11/2015 42715
Salazar, Ashley DTC15005309 W F 11/18/2015 42692
SALES, SAMUEL Devonne DTC16000425 B M 02/04/2016 42586
SALINAS, DAVID RENEE DTC15004017 W M 09/01/2015 42614
Sanchez, Jaime DTC15002066 W M 05/06/2015 42314
Sanchez, Miguel Cedillo DTC15003836 W M 08/23/2015 42605
SANCHEZ, SAMUEL CARLOS DTC15002032 W M 05/04/2015 42494
SANDERS, DRA'DARRIUS ANTONIO DTC15003711 B M 08/17/2015 42599
SANDERS, HAROLD DTC16000290 B M 01/27/2016 42396
Sanders, Harold Jerome DTC15000741 B M 02/16/2015 42051
Sanders, Johnathan Freeman DTC15001432 B M 03/31/2015 42460
SANDERS, KENDRICK J DTC15003409 B M 07/30/2015 42581
SANDERS, QUVONDO DTC15001787 B M 04/21/2015 42481
Sanders, Ray T DTC16000255 B M 01/25/2016 42576
Sanders, Robert Kenneth DTC15004450 B M 09/28/2015 42641
SANDERS, STEPHEN ANDREW DTC15002524 B M 06/04/2015 42525
Sandidge, Chris DTC15002048 B M 05/05/2015 42495
SANDOVAL, JOE JONATHAN DTC15001395 W M 03/29/2015 42458
SANTIAGO, TOMAS DTC15001814 W M 04/22/2015 42482
SANTILLAN, JOSE PEDRO DTC15002735 W M 06/18/2015 42539
SANTOS, GASTON DTC16001433 04/14/2016 42657
Sapin, Tammy Sue DTC15001812 B F 04/22/2015 42482
SAULS, MICHAEL DTC15003814 B M 08/21/2015 42603
SCLAFANI, TRAVIS C DTC16000280 W M 01/27/2016 42578
SCLAFANI, TRAVIS C DTC16000283 W M 01/27/2016 42578
SCOTT, BILLY DTC16001212 W M 03/22/2016 42635
Scott, Billy Ray DTC15000540 B M 02/04/2015 42404
Scott, Demine DTC16000057 B M 01/04/2016 42739
SCOTT, JOHN DTC15001816 B M 04/22/2015 42482
SCOTT, KENNETH DTC15005746 B M 12/16/2015 42720
Scott, Michael DTC15001201 B M 03/18/2015 42447
Scott, Michael Marcelle DTC15004023 B M 09/01/2015 42614
Sears, Juan Anthony DTC15001224 B M 03/19/2015 42448
Sebit, Rami DTC15002996 B M 07/03/2015 42554
SENTIMORE, TRAVIS MICHAEL DTC15005748 B M 12/16/2015 42354
SEWELL, WILLIE DTC16001522 B M 04/08/2016 42651
SEWELL, WILLIE DTC16002704 B M 06/14/2016 42718
MUHAMMAD DTC15005080 B M 11/04/2015 42680
Shaffer, Kemontre DTC15000288 B M 01/20/2015 42389
SHAIKH, SAAD DTC15004149 B M 09/08/2015 42621
Sharpless, Dennis Clay DTC15001338 W M 03/26/2015 42455
Shaw, James B DTC15000697 B M 02/13/2015 42413
SHAW, JERRY DTC15003060 B M 07/07/2015 42558
Shaw, Keivion Ramon DTC15003729 B M 08/17/2015 42599
Shaw, Marko Ray DTC15004312 B M 09/18/2015 42631
Shaw, Terry Darren DTC15000188 B M 01/15/2015 42394
Shears, Gevonia Dejuan DTC15001590 B M 04/09/2015 42469
Sheffield, Jeremy Danard DTC15000943 B M 03/03/2015 42432
Shelley, Eligha DTC15003302 B M 07/23/2015 42574
Shelley, Eligha DTC15003869 B M 08/25/2015 42607
Shelton, Brian Wayne DTC15002054 W M 05/05/2015 42495
Shelton, Brian Wayne DTC15002249 W M 05/16/2015 42496

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Shelton, Cindy DTC15001943 B F 04/29/2015 42489

SHELTON, CINDY Louise DTC15002159 B F 05/11/2015 42501
SHELTON, SAMMY DTC15004863 B M 10/21/2015 42481
SHEPHERD, DEMETIRUS DTC15005421 B M 11/25/2015 42699
SHEPPARD, DEWAYNE DTC15004217 B M 09/12/2015 42625
Sheppard, Kierra DTC15000360 B F 01/25/2015 42394
Shirley, Michael Todd DTC15004118 W M 09/06/2015 42619
Shiseida, Sade Aponte DTC15002078 B F 05/07/2015 42497
SHOCKLEY, ALEXIS DTC15005612 W F 12/09/2015 42713
Silverburg, Demetre Savon DTC16000100 B M 01/13/2016 42534
SIMIEN, GERALD L DTC15000204 B M 01/16/2015 42385
SIMMONS, DARNELL DTC15002189 B M 05/12/2015 42502
Simmons, Joseph Markanna DTC15002812 B M 06/23/2015 42544
SIMMONS, SAVORIA DENE DTC15004706 B F 10/12/2015 42655
Simpson, Tee DTC15003808 B F 08/21/2015 42603
Sims, Demond DTC15003870 B M 08/25/2015 42607
SINGLETON, MAURICE RAYMOND DTC15001795 B M 04/21/2015 42481
SINGLETON, MAURICE RAYMOND DTC15001896 B M 04/26/2015 42486
SKINNER, JOHNATHAN GLENN DTC15001993 B M 05/01/2015 42491
Smith Jr, Bryan Kieth DTC15000417 B 10/28/2015 42397
SMITH Jr, CARL JOE DTC15005509 B M 12/03/2015 42707
SMITH JR, JEREMIAH DTC16001923 B M 05/01/2016 42675
SMITH, ALLEN DANIEL DTC15003479 B M 08/03/2015 42585
SMITH, ALVIN DTC16001563 B M 04/11/2016 42654
Smith, Breauna DTC15002056 B F 05/05/2015 42495
SMITH, CHARLES DTC15002793 B M 06/22/2015 42543
Smith, Cordell DTC15001048 B M 03/10/2015 42439
Smith, Damian Oneal DTC15000543 B M 02/04/2015 42404
Smith, Daniel DTC15003618 B M 08/12/2015 42594
Smith, Daniel DTC15005211 B M 11/12/2015 42686
SMITH, DAVID JULAMI DTC15005485 B M 12/02/2015 42706
Smith, Desmond DTC15005461 B M 11/30/2015 42520
Smith, Dustin Lamont DTC15005252 B M 11/16/2015 42690
Smith, Dustin Lamont DTC15005466 B M 11/30/2015 42704
Smith, Dyrelle Neakole DTC15001473 B F 04/03/2015 42463
Smith, Gary DTC15003180 B M 07/15/2015 42566
Smith, Gary Lynn DTC15002041 B M 05/04/2015 42494
Smith, Gene Elvin DTC15003821 B M 08/22/2015 42269
SMITH, GERALD DTC15003968 W M 08/30/2015 42612
Smith, John Wayne DTC15003472 B M 08/03/2015 42585
Smith, Johnny Matthew DTC15003033 B M 07/06/2015 42557
Smith, Keith DTC15003808 B M 08/21/2015 42603
SMITH, KEITH NELSON DTC15001876 W M 04/25/2015 42485
SMITH, KELLY DEAN DTC15002131 W M 05/09/2015 42499
Smith, Kelvin Bernard DTC15002314 B M 05/21/2015 42511
Smith, Marcquel Sherkeishia DTC15003983 B F 08/31/2015 42613
Smith, Maurshaune DTC15000797 B M 02/19/2015 42419
Smith, Michele DTC15000797 B F 02/19/2015 42419
Smith, Peter James DTC15003126 B M 07/11/2015 42562
Smith, Randy DTC15003072 B M 07/08/2015 42559
SMITH, RODNEY Dewayne DTC15001060 B M 03/11/2015 42440
SMITH, RODNEY DEWAYNE DTC15001726 B M 04/17/2015 42477
Smith, Rodney Dewayne DTC15002170 B M 05/11/2015 42501
Smith, Schaka DTC15001017 B M 03/07/2015 42436
SMITH, SCHAKA JEREMIAH DTC15000689 B M 02/13/2015 42413
Smith, Tiffany DTC15002503 B F 06/03/2015 42524
SMITH, TIFFANY DTC15003841 B U 08/24/2015 42606
SMITH, TIFFANY M DTC15000376 B F 01/26/2015 42395
Smith, Tony DTC15003808 B M 08/21/2015 42603
SMITH, WILBERT JR DTC16000180 B M 01/19/2016 42570
SNEED II, STEPHEN EDWARD DTC15000601 B M 02/08/2015 42408
SORRELL, DUSTIN COLE DTC15003960 W M 08/29/2015 42611
Sorrells, Dustin DTC15002016 W M 05/03/2015 42493

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Sorrells, Dustin Cole DTC15002686 W M 06/17/2015 42538

Sorto, Luis DTC15004650 U M 10/09/2015 42652
Sosa, Enrique DTC15000160 W M 01/13/2015 42382
SOSA, ENRIQUE DTC15004416 W M 09/25/2015 42638
SOSA, ENRIQUE DTC16000633 W M 02/18/2016 42600
Soto, David DTC15004908 W M 10/23/2015 42666
Soto, David DTC15005323 W M 11/19/2015 42693
Sowels, Vernon Lynn DTC16002301 B M 05/23/2016 42513
Sparkman IV, W.H. DTC15002552 W M 06/05/2015 42526
Spears, James B DTC15005010 B M 10/29/2015 42398
SPEARS, LINDSEY PAIGE DTC15005417 W F 11/25/2015 42699
Speed, Da'Vondra Bernard DTC15003843 B M 08/24/2015 42606
Speed, Zachary DTC15003370 B M 07/26/2015 42577
SPENCE, SHAMAHRIA DTC15005011 B F 10/30/2015 42672
SPENCER, CHARLES RAY DTC15003921 B M 08/27/2015 42274
Spencer, Dammon DTC15000524 B M 02/04/2015 42404
Spurlock, Vanessa Louise DTC15001083 W F 03/12/2015 42441
STAHLMAN, BENJAMIN EDWARD DTC15005417 W M 11/25/2015 42699
Standingchief, Lynnette M DTC15001085 W M 03/12/2015 42441
Standingchief, Lynnette M DTC15001120 B M 03/13/2015 42442
STANFORD, CHASE AARON DTC16001149 W M 03/19/2016 42632
Stankowitz, Rollie James DTC15000388 W M 01/26/2015 42395
Stansell, Jeffery Wayne DTC15001858 W M 04/24/2015 42484
Starr, Lamardick DTC15005746 B M 12/16/2015 42720
Stegal, Brandon DTC16002080 B M 05/10/2016 42684
STEPHENS, ASHIA DTC16002216 B F 05/17/2016 42691
STEPHENS, BYRUM JEROME DTC15005497 B M 12/02/2015 42706
STEPHENS, COREY JOSEPH JAMES DTC15005648 W M 12/11/2015 42532
STEPHENS, KEVIN DOUGLAS DTC15000449 W M 01/29/2015 42398
Steptoe, Eddie DTC15004989 B M 10/28/2015 42397
Stevens, Sean DTC15003821 W M 08/22/2015 42269
Steward, Arrin DTC15004135 B F 09/07/2015 42620
STEWARD, LAKISHA D. DTC16001790 B F 04/25/2016 42668
Steward, Melondy Janet DTC15001046 B F 03/10/2015 42439
Stewart, Arrin DTC15005612 B F 12/09/2015 42713
Stiles, Ronald L DTC15000798 W M 02/19/2015 42419
Stillman, Ezekiel DTC15000500 B M 02/02/2015 42402
Strange Jr, Donte Lamonte DTC14005691 B M 02/10/2015 42410
Stratford, Kenneth Wayne DTC15003489 B M 08/03/2015 42585
STRICKLAND, MARCUS DESHAWN DTC15000156 B M 01/13/2015 42382
STRICKLAND, TREVONTE DTC15001466 B M 04/02/2015 42462
Stroggins, Courtney Arthur DTC15000772 B M 02/18/2015 42418
Stroggins, Courtney Arthur DTC16002158 B M 05/14/2016 42688
Stuart, Kenyetta DTC15003670 B M 08/14/2015 42596
Sulllivan, Carol DTC15001621 B F 04/10/2015 42470
TADESSE, ADAMU K DTC16002369 B M 05/26/2016 42700
TAFINI, GLENN DTC15001465 W M 04/02/2015 42462
Taplin, Michael Jermaine DTC15000032 B M 01/03/2015 42372
Tasby, Murray William DTC15005647 B M 12/11/2015 42532
TA-TE, DOMINIC ALEXZANDER DTC15000342 B M 01/24/2015 42393
Tavares, Monae DTC15004865 B F 10/21/2015 42664
TAVE, NATASIA DTC15003400 B M 07/29/2015 42580
Taylor, Charles Lakeffe DTC15000185 B M 01/14/2015 42383
TAYLOR, CLIFFORD DTC15002732 B M 06/18/2015 42539
TAYLOR, CLIFFORD DTC15002739 B M 06/19/2015 42540
Taylor, Dalton DTC15002734 W M 06/18/2015 42174
TAYLOR, DALTON PATRICK DTC15002728 W M 06/18/2015 42539
Taylor, Darryl E DTC16000267 B M 01/26/2016 42577
Taylor, Ebony Geovunte DTC15004866 B F 10/21/2015 42664
TAYLOR, GERALD DTC15002256 B M 05/17/2015 42507
TAYLOR, JUSTIN R DTC15003268 B M 07/21/2015 42572
TAYLOR, LESTER DTC16000475 B M 02/08/2016 42590
Taylor, Michael DTC15000431 W M 01/28/2015 42397

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TAYLOR, SHARON DTC15005696 B F 12/14/2015 42718

Taylor, Sharon Aquenetta DTC15001408 B F 03/30/2015 42459
Taylor, Sharon Aquenetta DTC15001525 B F 04/06/2015 42466
Taylor, Taro C DTC15000556 B M 02/05/2015 42405
Taylor, Tayvone Montrelle DTC15002083 B M 05/07/2015 42497
Taylor, Todd DTC15005686 B M 12/14/2015 42718
TAYLOR, VERNICE LAMONT DTC15001686 B M 04/15/2015 42475
TEAL, TAYLOR DTC15001183 B M 03/17/2015 42446
TEAL, TAYLOR DTC15004886 B F 10/22/2015 42665
Teal, Taylor DTC15005307 B M 11/18/2015 42692
Tejan, Sheik DTC15004374 B M 09/23/2015 42636
Tellis, Reginald DTC15004948 B M 10/26/2015 42669
TENISON II, KENNETH WAYNE DTC15002403 B M 05/28/2015 42518
Tennison, Brice Ellis DTC15000526 B M 02/04/2015 42404
Tennison, Brice Ellis DTC16001968 B M 05/04/2016 42679
Tennyson, Roney K DTC15000482 B M 02/01/2015 42401
TERRELL, DARRYL WAYNE DTC15005312 B M 11/18/2015 42692
Terry, Robert L DTC15005634 B M 12/10/2015 42714
TEYO, ADRIAN DTC15002241 W M 05/16/2015 42506
THESMAN, JAMES DTC15001999 W M 05/01/2015 42491
Thomas Jr., Michael Joe DTC15002861 B M 06/26/2015 42547
THOMAS, ALVONTEA DTC16002211 B M 05/17/2016 42690
Thomas, Deandre DTC15005253 B M 11/16/2015 42690
Thomas, Jay Elllis DTC15004183 W M 09/10/2015 42623
Thomas, Jesse DTC15004769 B M 10/15/2015 42658
Thomas, Jesse Lee DTC16000070 B M 01/11/2016 42746
Thomas, Jordan DTC15004561 B M 10/04/2015 42647
Thomas, Keldric Ravoun DTC15003098 B M 07/10/2015 42561
Thomas, Raymond DTC16001052 W M 03/13/2016 42595
THOMAS, RICHARD A. DTC15004252 W M 09/15/2015 42628
THOMAS, RICHARD ANTHONY DTC15005908 W M 12/28/2015 42732
THOMAS, RONALD DTC16003101 B M 07/04/2016 42739
THOMAS, RONALD GLENN DTC15001386 B M 03/29/2015 42458
Thomas, Shameeka Michelle DTC15005905 B F 12/28/2015 42732
Thomas, Sharite DTC15003488 B F 08/03/2015 42585
Thomas, Terry DTC15000265 B F 01/20/2015 42389
Thomas, Trevor Jordon DTC15003076 B M 07/08/2015 42377
THOMPSON IV, THOMAS IV DTC15001558 B M 04/07/2015 42467
Thompson Jr, Gerald Wayne DTC15002922 B M 06/30/2015 42551
THOMPSON, AUNDREA JEAN DTC15004501 B F 10/01/2015 42644
Thompson, Dawn Michele DTC15005732 W F 12/15/2015 42719
Thompson, Desmond DTC15002866 B M 06/27/2015 42548
Thompson, Desmond DTC15002941 B M 07/01/2015 42552
Thompson, Jerry DTC15000866 B M 02/25/2015 42425
Thompson, Monae DTC15003776 B F 08/20/2015 42420
Thompson, Terrance James DTC15003773 B M 08/19/2015 42601
Thornton, Santi Kenya DTC15001457 B M 04/02/2015 42462
THOUN, RY DTC15002100 A F 05/08/2015 42498
TIDWELL, DARRYL LYNN DTC15005828 B M 12/21/2015 42725
Tieman, Seria DTC15003071 W F 07/08/2015 42559
TINGLE, KENNETH DTC15002160 W M 05/11/2015 42501
TIRMENSTEIN, GENE C DTC15001427 W M 03/31/2015 42460
tolbert, deron DTC15005077 B M 11/04/2015 42678
Tolbert, Quincy A DTC15001743 B M 04/18/2015 42478
TOLEFREE, JANIE DTC15002576 B F 06/07/2015 42528
Tolliver, Jamarrion DTC15003909 B M 08/27/2015 42609
TONUBBEE, CASEY JAMES DTC16002081 W M 05/10/2016 42684
TORRENCE, TERRY DTC15000237 B M 01/18/2015 42387
Torres, Abel DTC15000498 W M 02/02/2015 42402
Torres, Javier DTC15001315 W M 03/25/2015 42454
TOWNSEND, ARCHIE BURKS DTC16002712 B M 06/15/2016 42719
TRAMMELL, BARBARA GALE DTC15002548 W F 06/05/2015 42526
Traylor, Chaney T DTC16002081 B M 05/10/2016 42684

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Traywick, Talmadge DTC15002282 W M 05/19/2015 42509

TREVINO, MICHAEL ANTHONY DTC15000737 W M 02/15/2015 42415
TRIBLE, JOE DTC15001822 B M 04/22/2015 42482
Trimble, Joe T DTC15000345 B M 01/24/2015 42393
Tsegay, Negga afewerki DTC15004435 B M 09/26/2015 42639
TSHITENGE, PATRICK DTC15002057 B M 05/05/2015 42495
Tubbs, Gerald W DTC15001732 W M 04/17/2015 42477
TUCKER, KEYONA DTC15004228 09/14/2015 42261
Turner, Kerry Ormar DTC15003939 B M 08/28/2015 42610
Turner, Michael DTC15005168 B M 11/10/2015 42684
Tutson Jr, Carlos L DTC16002794 B M 06/20/2016 42724
Tye, William Preston DTC15002776 W M 06/21/2015 42542
Unachuwu, Frank DTC16002211 B M 05/17/2016 42507
Urias, Rodolfo DTC15005762 W M 12/17/2015 42538
URIBE, PRISCILA LUCIA DTC15000168 W F 01/13/2015 42382
UTAH, STANLEY ONWUKA DTC15001650 B M 04/12/2015 42472
UTAH, STANLEY ONWUKA DTC16002121 B M 05/12/2016 42695
Valdez JR, Adolph DTC15000436 W M 01/29/2015 42398
Valenzuela, George Armando DTC16000115 W M 01/14/2016 42565
Valladares Rivas, Juan Franciso DTC15004621 U M 10/08/2015 42651
Vargas Jr, Adolfo DTC15001142 W M 03/15/2015 42444
VASQUEZ, JAMES ROBERT DTC16002986 W M 06/29/2016 42580
Vaughn, Brandon Wayne DTC15001040 B M 03/10/2015 42439
Vaughn, Rodney DTC15002679 B M 06/15/2015 42536
Vaughn, Uriyan Dio DTC15005126 B M 11/06/2015 42680
VEALS, JOVAN CARDALL DTC15001387 B M 03/29/2015 42458
VEGA, ANTHONY DTC15003828 W M 08/23/2015 42605
Vega, Anthony Lee DTC15004118 W M 09/06/2015 42619
VILLANUEVA, BERNARDO JERONI DTC15000410 W M 01/27/2015 42396
Villarreal, Leonel Alejandro DTC15003512 W M 08/04/2015 42586
Villarreal, Leonel Alejandro DTC15004849 W M 10/20/2015 42663
Villegas, Santiago DTC15003149 W M 07/13/2015 42564
Villegas, Santigo DTC15002606 W M 06/09/2015 42530
Villegas, Santigo DTC15003187 W M 07/15/2015 42566
Vining, Amber Mykeela DTC15002288 B F 05/19/2015 42509
Vonehrenfried, Christopher Hans DTC15005279 W M 11/17/2015 42691
Vonziah, Archie N. DTC15002034 B M 05/04/2015 42494
WADDINGTON, JACOB Bradley DTC15003903 W M 08/27/2015 42609
WADE, ARTHUR DTC15003226 B M 07/18/2015 42569
Wade, Dekeevon DTC15000473 B M 01/31/2015 42216
Wade, Fredrick Lemond DTC15000267 B M 01/20/2015 42389
WADE, PRENTISS B DTC15001184 B M 03/17/2015 42446
Waites Jr, William Francis DTC15005015 B M 10/30/2015 42490
DONVANTE DTC15004408 B M 09/25/2015 42638
Walder, Kenneth DTC15002584 B M 06/07/2015 42528
Walker Jr, John Damien DTC15000127 W M 01/10/2015 42379
Walker, Artis L DTC15001538 B M 04/06/2015 42466
Walker, Artis Lee DTC15000855 B M 02/24/2015 42424
WALKER, CHARLES DTC15000190 B M 01/15/2015 42384
WALKER, CHARLES DTC15000513 B M 02/03/2015 42403
Walker, Eric Devon DTC15002894 B M 06/29/2015 42550
Walker, Garfield Franklin DTC15002421 B M 05/29/2015 42519
Walker, Jocoby DTC15001163 B M 03/16/2015 42445
Walker, Stevie O'Neal DTC15000531 B M 02/04/2015 42404
Walker, Tomeka Alice DTC15004530 B F 10/02/2015 42645
Wallace, Allen A DTC15004856 B M 10/20/2015 42664
Wallace, Ladarrion DTC15002661 B M 06/13/2015 42534
WALLACE, WANTAFELICIA DTC15003962 B F 08/29/2015 42611
WALLES, SHERRY DTC16001693 W F 04/19/2016 42662
WALTON III, LEDOSEY JR DTC15001496 B M 04/04/2015 42464
WALTON, MAURIE WAYNE DTC15002672 B M 06/15/2015 42536
Walton, Michael DTC15003895 B M 08/26/2015 42273

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WALTON, STEPHANIE DTC15003094 W F 07/09/2015 42560

Wamaru, Robert DTC15000604 B M 02/08/2015 42409
Ward, Dianna J DTC15005104 W F 11/05/2015 42679
WARD, KEIVEN LAMOUNT DTC15003581 B M 08/10/2015 42592
Ward, Steven DTC15004391 B M 09/24/2015 42637
Ward, Te'erick DTC15005612 B M 12/09/2015 42710
WARE, JAHDE B. DTC16000027 B F 01/08/2016 42743
Warren, Christian DTC15001480 W M 04/03/2015 42463
WARREN, CHRISTIAN DTC15002284 W M 05/19/2015 42509
Warren, Hubent Q DTC15001739 B M 04/18/2015 42478
Warren, Hubert DTC15002120 B M 05/08/2015 42498
Warren, Hubert DTC15003379 B M 07/27/2015 42578
WARREN, HUBERT QUENTELL DTC15001162 B M 03/16/2015 42445
Warren, Joseph D DTC15004165 B M 09/09/2015 42622
Washington, Anthony La-Charles DTC15005534 B M 12/04/2015 42708
WASHINGTON, BRIAN DTC15004713 B M 10/13/2015 42656
WASHINGTON, DAKARAI SAM DTC15004137 B M 09/08/2015 42621
WASHINGTON, DAKARAI SAM DTC15004485 B M 09/30/2015 42643
Washington, Deante O DTC15004658 B M 10/09/2015 42652
Washington, James Everette DTC15002294 B M 05/20/2015 42510
WASHINGTON, KENRICK DTC15005315 B M 11/19/2015 42689
Washington, Robert Lee DTC15005418 B M 11/25/2015 42699
Washington, Rodney Heshawn DTC15000677 B M 02/12/2015 42412
Washington, Shaquita Monique DTC15004601 B F 10/06/2015 42649
WATERS, TYREE D DTC15004781 B M 10/16/2015 42659
Waters-Griffien, Lyric Beatrice monique DTC15003038 B F 07/06/2015 42557
WATKINS Jr, VON ANTHONY D DTC15004447 B M 09/28/2015 42641
Watley, Edward DTC15000364 B M 01/25/2015 42394
Watson, Taija DTC15004890 B F 10/22/2015 42665
Watson, Tara Michelle DTC15003476 W F 08/03/2015 42585
Watson-Conway, Danielle DTC15003959 B F 08/29/2015 42611
Weaver, Gregory Deshun DTC15002884 B M 06/28/2015 42549
WEAVER, JANEKQUA SHANTAY DTC15003070 B F 07/08/2015 42559
Weaver, Kody Lee DTC15002946 W M 07/01/2015 42552
WEAVER, SHAWNA DTC16000881 W F 03/04/2016 42617
WEBB, KENDRIC DTC16001066 B M 03/15/2016 42475
Webb, Scott Douglas DTC15000366 B M 01/25/2015 42394
Webster, Andrew Jackson DTC15004504 B M 10/01/2015 42644
Welcome Jr., Anthony Burrell DTC15003645 B M 08/13/2015 42595
Weldon, Johnathan David DTC15004265 W M 09/16/2015 42629
WELLS Jr, GRANT DTC15002567 W M 06/06/2015 42527
Wells, Jimarri Trevon DTC15000762 B M 02/17/2015 42294
WELLS, MICHAEL DTC15003793 W M 08/20/2015 42267
Wells, Tracey Ann DTC15000777 W F 02/18/2015 42234
Wesson, James D DTC15003517 I M 08/05/2015 42587
West, Marcus Dwayne DTC15000381 B M 01/26/2015 42395
West, Marcus Dwayne DTC15000750 B M 02/17/2015 42417
WEST, WILLIAM CARSON DTC15001171 B M 03/17/2015 42446
WHEELER, KELTON DANDRE DTC15000303 B M 01/21/2015 42390
White II, Johnnie Lee DTC15002128 B M 05/09/2015 42499
WHITE II, JOHNNIE LEE DTC15004522 B M 10/02/2015 42645
White II, Michael DTC15001596 B M 04/09/2015 42469
WHITE JR, JAMES FREDERICK DTC15004312 B M 09/18/2015 42631
White, Antoine Demon DTC15005571 B M 12/07/2015 42345
White, Catherine DTC15000577 B F 02/07/2015 42407
White, Catherine DTC15003696 B F 08/15/2015 42597
White, Catherine Faye DTC15003833 B F 08/23/2015 42605
White, David DTC15003893 B M 08/26/2015 42608
WHITE, FRANK DTC15005324 B M 11/19/2015 42509
WHITE, GARY DTC16001066 B M 03/15/2016 42444
WHITE, JAMARCUS DTC15005804 B M 12/20/2015 42724
White, Jamarcus S DTC15000931 B M 03/02/2015 42249
White, Joshua Bernanrd DTC15002748 B M 06/19/2015 42540

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White, Joshua Bernard DTC15000591 B M 02/07/2015 42407

White, Kelvin Scott DTC15005659 B M 12/11/2015 42715
WHITE, KIAMISHI MECOLE DTC15003413 B F 07/30/2015 42581
White, Lamarcus Dewaye DTC15004065 B M 09/03/2015 42616
WHITE, MARTY JUSTIN DTC16000105 B M 01/13/2016 42748
white, Michael DTC15005195 B M 11/12/2015 42686
WHITE, QUENTON LAMON DTC15001179 B M 03/17/2015 42446
White, Robert Lee DTC15002710 B M 06/17/2015 42538
Whitehead, Anthony DTC15004228 B M 09/14/2015 42261
WILEY, DERRICK DTC15005157 B M 11/10/2015 42684
Wiley, Derrick Deon DTC15003271 B M 07/21/2015 42572
Wilhite, Jessie DTC15003834 B M 08/23/2015 42605
Wilhite, Werren DTC15003630 B M 08/12/2015 42594
Wilkerson, Jaylin DTC15005530 B M 12/04/2015 42708
Wilkinson, Lee J DTC15002983 W M 07/03/2015 42554
Willams, Curtis DTC15001441 B M 04/01/2015 42278
WILLIAM, ALEX DTC15005198 B F 11/12/2015 42686
Williams IV, Robert L DTC15003495 B M 08/04/2015 42586
Williams IV, Robert L DTC15004972 B M 10/27/2015 42336
WILLIAMS Jr, CALVIN TYRONE DTC15000414 B M 01/28/2015 42397
Williams Jr, Louis DTC15003543 B M 08/07/2015 42589
WILLIAMS Jr, PAUL TERRY DTC15000084 B M 01/07/2015 42376
Williams Jr, Paul Terry DTC15003233 B M 07/19/2015 42570
Williams Jr, Paul Terry DTC15003452 B M 08/01/2015 42583
Williams, Alexander DTC15003002 B M 07/04/2015 42555
WILLIAMS, BARRY DTC16000322 W M 01/29/2016 42580
Williams, Beyonce S DTC16004200 B F 09/16/2016 42629
Williams, Booker T DTC15001647 B M 04/12/2015 42106
Williams, Brandon B DTC15000287 B M 01/20/2015 42389
Williams, Brandon Brashod DTC15000569 B M 02/06/2015 42406
WILLIAMS, CHARLE DTC15001244 B M 03/21/2015 42450
Williams, Charles DTC15000051 B M 01/05/2015 42374
Williams, Charles DTC15003440 B M 07/31/2015 42582
Williams, Charlie DTC15002451 B M 05/31/2015 42338
WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER DTC16000150 B M 01/16/2016 42751
Williams, Clarence DTC15001811 B M 04/22/2015 42482
Williams, Clarence DTC15004456 B M 09/28/2015 42641
Williams, Clarence Edward DTC15004600 B M 10/06/2015 42649
Williams, Clifton DTC15001605 B M 04/09/2015 42469
Williams, Clifton DTC15003045 B M 07/07/2015 42558
Williams, Deborah DTC16000736 B F 02/25/2016 42607
WILLIAMS, DEBORAH JOYCE DTC15004603 B F 10/06/2015 42649
Williams, Dedrick DTC15004594 B M 10/06/2015 42466
Williams, Denise DTC15004805 B F 10/17/2015 42660
Williams, Devin Lee DTC15001975 B M 04/30/2015 42490
Williams, Devin Lee DTC15002439 B M 05/30/2015 42520
Williams, Devin Lee DTC15003571 B M 08/08/2015 42590
Williams, Dewight DTC15000340 B M 01/24/2015 42393
Williams, Dominique DTC15000657 B M 02/11/2015 42411
Williams, Ernest Lee DTC15000559 B M 02/06/2015 42130
WILLIAMS, George Glendale DTC15004565 B M 10/04/2015 42647
Williams, Harvey Keith DTC15005191 W M 11/11/2015 42685
WILLIAMS, JANICE FAYE DTC15004328 B F 09/20/2015 42633
Williams, John Fitzgerald DTC15001614 B M 04/10/2015 42470
Williams, John Fitzgerald DTC16002284 B M 05/22/2016 42696
WILLIAMS, JUSTICE DTC15005326 B M 11/19/2015 42693
Williams, Kaylan DTC16001096 B F 03/16/2016 42629
Williams, Keeshunn De'Asia DTC15005315 B F 11/19/2015 42693
Williams, Kelvin Dewayne DTC15005443 B M 11/28/2015 42702
Williams, Kevin D DTC15005163 B M 11/10/2015 42684
Williams, Ladarius Donate DTC16001050 B M 03/14/2016 42627
WILLIAMS, LARRY BENARD DTC15005610 B M 12/09/2015 42713
Williams, Lasalle DTC15001829 B M 04/23/2015 42483

DART000499 APP. 166

Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 167 of 187 PageID 1295

Williams, Markey Deshun DTC15002513 B M 06/03/2015 42524

WILLIAMS, MATHEW DTC16002501 B M 06/03/2016 42524
Williams, Maurice DTC16001670 B M 04/18/2016 42569
Williams, Michael James DTC15000246 B M 01/19/2015 42388
Williams, Monae DTC15004135 B F 09/07/2015 42620
Williams, Paul DTC15003297 B M 07/23/2015 42574
Williams, Paul DTC15003326 B M 07/24/2015 42575
WILLIAMS, PEACHES DTC15004992 B F 10/29/2015 42672
Williams, R B DTC15002903 B M 06/29/2015 42550
Williams, Rubi DTC15001599 B F 04/09/2015 42469
Williams, Taevion DTC15000894 B M 02/27/2015 42427
WILLIAMS, TAEVION DTC15002040 B M 05/04/2015 42494
Williams, Tazz Lajohn DTC15003619 B M 08/12/2015 42594
WILLIAMS, TELVIN DESHUNN DTC15001571 B M 04/08/2015 42468
WILLIAMS, THADDEAUS JEROME DTC15002516 B M 06/04/2015 42159
Williams, Trey DTC15001393 B M 03/29/2015 42092
Williams, Troy Anthony DTC15000685 B M 02/13/2015 42413
Williamson, Timothy Scott DTC16001561 W M 04/11/2016 42654
Willie, Menson DTC15005470 B M 12/01/2015 42705
WILLINGHAM, PATRICIA KAY DTC16001206 W F 03/22/2016 42451
Willis, Antwoine Deon DTC15005565 B M 12/07/2015 42711
Willis, Brandon DTC15002570 B M 06/06/2015 42527
Willis, Brandon M DTC15004967 B M 10/27/2015 42670
WILLIS, BRIAN K DTC15004473 B M 09/29/2015 42276
WILLIS, MARCUS DWAYNE DTC15002137 B M 05/09/2015 42499
Willoughby, Aaron DTC15001172 B M 03/17/2015 42446
WILSON, BARNEY DTC15003202 B M 07/16/2015 42567
Wilson, Brandon Marquise DTC16000177 B M 01/19/2016 42570
Wilson, Diann DTC16002759 W F 06/17/2016 42721
Wilson, Glen W DTC15003966 W M 08/30/2015 42612
Wilson, Jackie DTC15004180 B M 09/10/2015 42623
Wilson, Louis Lee DTC15005074 B M 11/03/2015 42403
Wilson, Marquis DTC15003834 B F 08/23/2015 42605
Wilson, Michael DTC15001238 B M 03/20/2015 42449
Wilson, Robert D DTC15002379 B M 05/27/2015 42517
Wilson, Robert Dewayne DTC15004960 B M 10/27/2015 42670
WILSON, RODERICK BERNARD DTC15002798 B M 06/22/2015 42543
WINGO, DONNELL DTC15000040 B M 01/04/2015 42373
Winn III, Walter DTC15000551 B M 02/05/2015 42405
Winn III, Walter DTC15005570 B M 12/07/2015 42711
Winn, Wesley R DTC15001836 W M 04/23/2015 42483
Winters, Shawna DTC15004996 W F 10/29/2015 42672
Wise, Shamar D DTC15002146 B M 05/10/2015 42500
WOLDEMICAEL, ROBEL T DTC15002477 B M 06/02/2015 42523
WOLDEMICAEL, ROBEL T DTC15002668 B M 06/14/2015 42535
WOLDEMICAEL, ROBEL T DTC15002908 B M 06/30/2015 42551
Woodard, Jason DTC15002945 B M 07/01/2015 42552
Woodard, Pineto V DTC15005072 B M 11/03/2015 42677
WOODFIN, ANTOINE LEEMONT DTC15001701 B M 04/16/2015 42476
WOODS, TAMMIE DENISE DTC16002681 B F 06/13/2016 42717
WOODSON, LEONARD DTC15001628 B M 04/11/2015 42471
Woodson, Leonard Bernard DTC15002266 B M 05/18/2015 42508
WORKU, BINIYAM DTC16001222 B M 03/23/2016 42636
Wortham, Demarcus Martez DTC15004191 B M 09/11/2015 42624
Wortham, Mario Lavelle DTC15004804 B M 10/17/2015 42294
WRIGHT, COREY LEKEITH DTC15005010 B M 10/29/2015 42398
Wright, Darla C DTC15000872 B F 02/26/2015 42061
Wright, Stacy Renard DTC16001519 B M 04/08/2016 42651
WRIGHT, TERRELL Raoul-Abdul DTC15003715 B M 08/17/2015 42599
Wright, Trenton DTC15003284 B M 07/22/2015 42573
WYATT, MONIQUE YVETTE DTC15001464 B F 04/02/2015 42462
wyatt, monique yvette DTC15004053 B F 09/02/2015 42615
WYRICK, BRADLEY DTC15004038 W M 09/02/2015 42615

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Yalley, Diamond DTC15000446 B M 01/29/2015 42214

YARBROUGH, KERRY BRUCE DTC15001654 W M 04/12/2015 42472
Yerger, David Scott DTC15004053 B M 09/02/2015 42279
YOUNG, REMOND DTC15000055 B M 01/05/2015 42374
Young, Steve DTC15000242 B M 01/18/2015 42387
ZACHERY, KENDRICK DTC15002985 B M 07/03/2015 42554
Zackery, Julian Demond DTC15003886 B M 08/26/2015 42608

RIDGLEY, TRAVIS DTC15005767 B M 12/17/2015

DART000501 APP. 168

Report Arrest Officer Shift Location CaseStatu Offn Code Statute Offense FirstNam LastName
DTC15000008 1/1/15 Ofc Derrick Angle Case5200
Evenings 3:16-cv-02579-B
Harry Hines Blvd. Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 169 of 187
File PageID
Case 90J 1297 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000074 1/6/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Patrick Nwachukwu
DTC15000082 1/7/15 Ofc Winfred Jefferson Days 5465 East Mockingbird Lane File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000086 1/7/15 Ofc Hector Bailon Evenings 1740 E Eighth St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Brandon Jones
DTC15000096 1/8/15 Ofc Dakari Davis Days DART's Union Station - 400 S. Houston Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000144 1/12/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Dushawn Wallace
DTC15000155 1/13/15 Ofc Elbert Corker Days AKARD STATION - 1400 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000157 1/13/15 Ofc Jennifer Schmidt Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000165 1/13/15 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings 9941 WHITEHURST DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Marco Fernandez
DTC15000196 1/15/15 Ofc Natalie Queen Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000202 1/16/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Fredean Abrams
DTC15000226 1/17/15 Ofc Terence Milton Evenings 614 S. EWING AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000230 1/17/15 Ofc Robert Craig Evenings Mockingbird Station - 5465 E E. MOCKINGBIRD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Alvin Locke
DTC15000247 1/19/15 Ofc Joe Morris Days Pearl Station - 2200 Bryan St CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Aric Lewis
DTC15000253 1/19/15 Ofc Hector Bailon Evenings DOWNTOWN GARLAND - 430 W WALNUT ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Al Mack
DTC15000263 1/20/15 Ofc David Aguilar Deeps West End Station - 800 Pacific Ave. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Johnnie White
DTC15000270 1/20/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000274 1/20/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000289 1/21/15 Ofc Jason Clark Deeps AKARD STATION - 1400 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael Williams
DTC15000292 1/21/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Markeith Lane
DTC15000288 1/20/15 Ofc Kevin Johnson Evenings 8008 Elam Rd CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000325 1/23/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass,
Curtis M-1516434
DTC15000342 1/24/15 Ofc Tomasa Williams Days 5800 Valley View lane File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Isaiah Clayton
DTC15000349 1/24/15 Ofc Melanie Serrao Evenings Lovers Lane Station - 5603 Milton Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Troy Kinchen
DTC15000360 1/25/15 Ofc Emily Crawford Days DART's Victory Station - 2525 Victory Avenue CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kierra Sheppard
DTC15000372 1/26/15 Ofc Emily Crawford Days DART's Saint Paul Station - 1900 Bryan Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Cynthia Johnson
DTC15000383 1/26/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Johnny Alvarado
DTC15000403 1/27/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
James Brandel
DTC15000409 1/27/15 Ofc Troy Morris Evenings FOREST-JUPITER STATION - 3232 FOREST LANE Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Fernando Espinoza
DTC15000452 1/29/15 Ofc Natarsha Penn Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joseph Smith
DTC15000456 1/30/15 Ofc Israel Jaramillo Days ROYAL LANE STATION - 11310 Denton Dr File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000484 2/1/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000501 2/2/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings 901 ELM File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Raymond Morgan
DTC15000532 2/4/15 Ofc Garry Battle Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Rickey Holmes
DTC15000542 2/5/15 Ofc Marce Carter Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Damian Smith
DTC15000561 2/6/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
KEVIN M-1516461
DTC15000566 2/6/15 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings FOREST-JUPITER STATION - 3232 FOREST LANE Citation w/Video
90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Marlon Braddy
DTC15000603 2/8/15 Ofc Thomas Small Evenings 901 Elm File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Isaiah Clayton
DTC15000650 2/11/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joe Trimble
DTC15000652 2/11/15 Ofc Stephanie Branch Days UNION STATION - 400 S. HOUSTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Johnny Reedy
DTC15000651 2/11/15 Ofc Dakari Davis Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000655 2/11/15 Ofc Garry Battle Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CID File Case
90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kenneth Anderson
DTC15000681 2/12/15 Ofc Emmanuel Davie Evenings WHITE ROCK STATION - 7333 E. NORTHWEST HWY File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000687 2/13/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Brandon Williams
DTC15000710 2/14/15 Ofc Dakari Davis Days St. Paul Station - 1900 Bryan Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Charles Reed
DTC15000717 2/14/15 Ofc Fernando Cuellar Evenings ROYAL LANE STATION - 11310 DENTON DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ohnterrio Jyles
DTC15000721 2/14/15 Ofc Jack Grasty Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael Williams
DTC15000709 2/14/15 Ofc Elbert Corker Days 614 SOUTH EWING File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
James Lawson
DTC15000729 2/15/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings Rosa Parks - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000731 2/15/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Derrick Curtis
DTC15000746 2/16/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 San Jacinto CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Johnny Alvarado
DTC15000760 2/17/15 Ofc Melanie Serrao Evenings Hampton Station - 2002 S Hampton Road File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000778 2/18/15 Ofc Melanie Serrao Days Ledbetter Station - 2006 E. Ledbetter File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joseph Smith
DTC15000776 2/18/15 Ofc Claudia Withrow Days FAIR PARK STATION - 3710 PARRY AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000785 2/18/15 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Gary Ashley
DTC15000793 2/19/15 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Days EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ricky Brice
DTC15000796 2/19/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
JASON M-1516493
DTC15000812 2/20/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jimmy Houston
DTC15000823 2/20/15 Ofc Tiffany Puckett Evenings 2111 S CORINTH STREET CID File Case
90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Walter Winn
DTC15000841 2/21/15 Ofc Keith Foster Evenings 2002 S Hampton Road File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Gary Robinson
DTC15000851 2/23/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days 800 Pacific Ave. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jewels Gillikin
DTC15000854 2/24/15 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Days WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S DART000502
Criminal Trespass 169
DTC15000870 2/26/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ulysses Dunn
DTC15000872 2/26/15 Ofc John Abbott DaysCaseWEST
- 920 SAN Filed 09/15/17
ST Page 170 of 187
File PageID 1298
Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Darla Wright
DTC15000871 2/26/15 Ofc Johnny Bird Days 100 W Spring Valley CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jeffrey M-1516511
DTC15000912 2/28/15 Ofc Fernando Ibarra Evenings 2200 Bryan St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000951 3/3/15 Ofc Don Hyder, IV Evenings 5465 E Mockingbird Ln File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000949 3/3/15 Ofc Jack Grasty Evenings PEARL / ARTS DISTRICT STATION - 2711 N Haskell Ave. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000954 3/3/15 Ofc Keith Foster Evenings 8210 Forest Lane File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15000985 3/6/15 Ofc Derrick Angle Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001021 3/8/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joe Trimble
DTC15001038 3/10/15 Ofc Don Hyder, IV Deeps 5800 Valley View Ln CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael Willams
DTC15001041 3/10/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days West End Train Station - 800 Pacific Ave File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001045 3/10/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Johnny Alvarado
DTC15001055 3/10/15 Ofc Robert Craig Evenings AKARD STATION - 1400 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001049 3/10/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Evenings 1740 E Eighth Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001065 3/11/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days 700 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jordan McGuire
DTC15001068 3/11/15 Ofc Wayne Walston Evenings UNION STATION - 400 S. HOUSTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
John Johnson
DTC15001096 3/12/15 Ofc Waylon Chamberlain Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Steve Duran
DTC15001097 3/12/15 Ofc David Rogers Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E MOCKINGBIRD LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001116 3/13/15 Ofc David Vernier Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Rashad Myles
DTC15001142 3/15/15 Ofc Robert Craig Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN CID CW 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Adolfo Vargas
DTC15001156 3/16/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Raymond Morgan
DTC15001171 3/17/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001174 3/17/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days West End Train Station - 800 Pacific Ave File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Rickey Carreno
DTC15001182 3/17/15 Ofc Richard Moore Evenings JB JACKSON TRANSIT CENTER - 1423 JB JACKSON JR BLVD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001205 3/18/15 Ofc Garry Battle Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Troy Kinchen
DTC15001215 3/19/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days 901 ELM CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Donovan Lee
DTC15001221 3/19/15 Ofc Justin Ellis Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Patrick Nwachukwu
DTC15001261 3/22/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joe Trimble
DTC15001259 3/22/15 Ofc Leonard Beale Evenings FOREST-JUPITER STATION - 3232 FOREST LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Corey Robinson
DTC15001271 3/23/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days West End Train Station - 800 Pacific Ave. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Alyssa Williams
DTC15001275 3/23/15 Ofc Craig Roberson Evenings 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joshua White
DTC15001285 3/24/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Zachary Hill
DTC15001291 3/24/15 Ofc Elmar Cannon Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001299 3/24/15 Ofc Ladarrian Pickens Evenings MARTIN LUTHER KING STATION - 1412 S TRUNK AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kevin Clements
DTC15001311 3/25/15 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days DART Eighth/Corinth Sta. - 1740 E Eighth St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001312 3/25/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Lawrence Leathers
DTC15001302 3/24/15 Ofc Richard Moore Evenings 4003 Hatcher Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Samuel Vine
DTC15001335 3/26/15 Det. Vanessa Acevedo Days 2200 Bryan Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terry Hinkle
DTC15001347 3/26/15 Ofc Joseph Kyser Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jeffrey Hudson
DTC15001382 3/28/15 Ofc Robert Craig Evenings DOWNTOWN ROWLETT STATION - 5000 MARTIN DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001390 3/29/15 Ofc David Rogers Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001402 3/30/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Elijah Brown
DTC15001412 3/30/15 Ofc Christopher Cobb Evenings PEARL / ARTS DISTRICT STATION - 2200 BRYAN ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Barry Lewis
DTC15001443 4/1/15 Ofc James Varney Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Korey Miller
DTC15001468 4/2/15 Ofc Terence Milton Evenings 1740 E. EIGHTH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001478 4/3/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Brian Jackson
DTC15001474 4/3/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
MARK M-1516583
DTC15001486 4/3/15 Ofc David Rogers Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001440 4/1/15 Ofc Christopher Holloway Days MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001522 4/5/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Anthony Denton
DTC15001522 4/5/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jessica Berg
DTC15001526 4/6/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Darrell Craig
DTC15001528 4/6/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days West End Train Station - 800 Pacific Ave. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001535 4/6/15 Ofc Fernando Cuellar Evenings 1412 TRUNK AVE. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001543 4/7/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kordero Samples
DTC15001568 4/8/15 Ofc John Abbott Days 920 San Jacinto St., File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001612 4/10/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tommie Eafon
DTC15001617 4/10/15 Ofc Robert Byrd Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terrence Moore
DTC15001638 4/11/15 Ofc Melanie Serrao Evenings Dallas Zoo Station - 614 S. Ewing Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001648 4/12/15 Ofc Melanie Serrao Evenings LBJ-Central Station - 8901 Markville Drive File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001664 4/13/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings 900 Commerce File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Donovan Lee
DTC15001673 4/14/15 Ofc David Wood Days LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001686 4/15/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFICDART000503
Criminal Trespass 170
DTC15001690 4/15/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings 2200 Bryan St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jamon Salter
DTC15001694 4/15/15 Ofc Mitchell Estep CasePARK
Evenings 3:16-cv-02579-B
- 8169 PARK53LANE Filed 09/15/17 Page 171 of 187
File PageID 1299
Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Raymond Curtis
DTC15001694 4/15/15 Ofc Mitchell Estep Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001706 4/16/15 Ofc Emmanuel Davie Evenings VA Station - 4510 S Lancaster Rd File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001720 4/17/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Gary Barrance
DTC15001729 4/17/15 Ofc William Ouellette Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001780 4/21/15 Ofc Martha Lynn Days 1051 N Greenville Ave CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tawain MCShane
DTC15001784 4/21/15 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days DART CEDAR STATION - 1112 Belleview St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001789 4/21/15 Ofc William Ouellette Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Elijah Brown
DTC15001793 4/21/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 Pacific Ave File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Lewis Cannon
DTC15001804 4/22/15 Ofc Anthony Rhodes Days DARt Pearl Arts District Station - 2200 Bryan St. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Travis Ridgley
DTC15001815 4/22/15 Ofc William Ouellette Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Edward Lee
DTC15001803 4/22/15 Ofc Dennis Hozak Deeps 2200 BRYAN, DALLAS, TEXAS CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001835 4/23/15 Ofc Justin Ellis Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joel Bewley
DTC15001834 4/23/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 920 San Jacinto St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Marvin Reed
DTC15001841 4/23/15 Ofc Geno Maya Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joe Trimble
DTC15001886 4/26/15 Ofc Stephanie Branch Days ILLINOIS STATION - 2111 S. CORINTH ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tiffany Jackson
DTC15001891 4/26/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001906 4/27/15 Ofc Jack Grasty Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Johnnie Cantrell
DTC15001908 4/27/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days 901 Elm St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001916 4/27/15 Ofc Erick Leggin Evenings LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001925 4/27/15 Ofc Mitchell Estep Evenings FOREST LANE STATION - 8210 FOREST LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Charles Mills
DTC15001924 4/27/15 Ofc Theresa McClellan Evenings BACHMAN STATION - 9739 DENTON DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael Williams
DTC15001930 4/28/15 Ofc Jeanne Jones Days 2646 S Westmoreland Road File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001929 4/28/15 Ofc Kareen Wayvines Days 1770 W Walnut hill Ln File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001933 4/28/15 Ofc Edward Wisdom Evenings 2111 S Corinth St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15001939 4/28/15 Ofc Jack Grasty Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jameel Mitchell
DTC15001961 4/30/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days 800 Pacific Ave. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Samuel Rose
DTC15001963 4/30/15 Ofc Kim Henderson Days FOREST LANE STATION - 8210 FOREST LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Josie Cason
DTC15001969 4/30/15 Ofc Jesus Retana Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terrence Moore
DTC15001983 5/1/15 Ofc Joe Morris Days PEARL / ARTS DISTRICT STATION - 2200 BRYAN ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002034 5/4/15 Cpl John Quinn Evenings TYLER-VERNON STATION - 1225 S. TYLER ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Archie Vonziah
DTC15002043 5/5/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002059 5/6/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
CHARLES M-1516679
DTC15002060 5/6/15 Ofc Harold Reeves Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Donovan Lee
DTC15002080 5/7/15 Ofc John Abbott Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Stephen M-1516684
DTC15002081 5/7/15 Ofc Martha Lynn Days ARAPAHO STATION - 1051 N. GREENVILLE AVE File Case 90Z 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002114 5/8/15 Ofc Justin Ellis Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Steven Langley
DTC15002143 5/10/15 Ofc Juan Castellanos Deeps EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jesse Thomas
DTC15002143 5/10/15 Ofc Juan Castellanos Deeps EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002151 5/10/15 Ofc Melanie Serrao Evenings Park Lane Station - 8169 Park Lane File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Broderick Pendgraft
DTC15002174 5/12/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002219 5/15/15 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days 1225 S Tyler St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002230 5/15/15 Ofc Keaka Wallace Evenings 1363 MORRELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
monique wyatt
DTC15002230 5/16/15 Ofc Keaka Wallace Evenings 1363 MORRELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Rhonda Carrington
DTC15002242 5/16/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings 920 San Jacinto File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002248 5/16/15 Ofc Arturo Escalante Evenings 7800 FERGUSON File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ray Fuller
DTC15002268 5/18/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings 900 COMMERCE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Korey Miller
DTC15002279 5/19/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
James Brandel
DTC15002128 5/9/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Days 1740 E Eighth St Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Johnnie White
DTC15002280 5/19/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 920 San Jacinto File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joe Trimble
DTC15002319 5/21/15 Ofc Jack Grasty Evenings Spring Valley Station - 100 W Spring Valley Rd. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002321 5/21/15 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Evenings 2200 BRYAN ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jordan McGuire
DTC15002330 5/22/15 Ofc Daniel Stevenson Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
John Scott
DTC15002338 5/22/15 Ofc Robert Craig Evenings MORRELL STATION - 1363 MORRELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002341 5/23/15 Ofc Claudia Porter Withrow Days 4003 Hatcher CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Shedric Hill
DTC15002382 5/27/15 Ofc Keith Foster Evenings 5603 Milton Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terrdell Coleman
DTC15002380 5/27/15 Ofc Wayne Walston Evenings 1900 BRYAN ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jeramy Thomas
DTC15002387 5/27/15 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002502 6/3/15 Ofc Bryan Hubbell Days 2711 N. HASKELL CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
William Drake
DTC15002528 6/4/15 Ofc Derrick Angle Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002527 6/4/15 Ofc Tiffany Puckett Evenings Akard Station - 1400 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002539 6/5/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN DART000504
JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Charles Reese APP.
Criminal Trespass 171
DTC15002545 6/5/15 Ofc William Ouellette Evenings 800 Pacific Ave File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002551 6/5/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Case900
Evenings 3:16-cv-02579-B
Commerce Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 172 of 187
File PageID 1300
Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jeffrey Jones
DTC15002578 6/7/15 Ofc Ramona Ross Days 2646 S Westmoreland CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002582 6/7/15 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Evenings 1400 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kavanta Brown
DTC15002588 6/8/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days West Transfer Center - 920 San Jacinto CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Shedric Hill
DTC15002643 6/12/15 Ofc Michael Blakely Days Rosa Parks Station - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Johnnie Cantrell
DTC15002676 6/15/15 Ofc Waylon Chamberlain Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Paula Rodriguez
DTC15002678 6/15/15 Ofc Delia Allison Evenings SOUTH GARLAND TRANSIT CENTER - 4051 LEON RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Donald Montelongo
DTC15002688 6/16/15 Ofc Elmar Cannon Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Darrell Craig
DTC15002721 6/18/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Floyd Allen
DTC15002722 6/18/15 Ofc Emily Crawford Days DART's Rosa Parks Plaza - 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joel Ash
DTC15002735 6/18/15 Ofc Terence Milton Evenings 2111 S. CORINTH STREET RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002770 6/21/15 Ofc Emily Crawford Days DART's Rosa Parks Plaza - 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Larry Moody
DTC15002787 6/22/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Donovan Lee
DTC15002816 6/23/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings 900 Commerce St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Brandon Barton
DTC15002817 6/23/15 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings ZOO STATION - 614 S. EWING AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tracy Bell
DTC15002832 6/25/15 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings 1740 E EIGHTH STREET File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002870 6/27/15 Ofc Emmanuel Davie Evenings 1900 Bryan St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Dondrake Jackson
DTC15002852 6/26/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Mark Barrett
DTC15002891 6/29/15 Ofc Percy Brewer Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002908 6/30/15 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days DART CEDAR STATION - 1112 Belleview St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002919 6/30/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 920 San Jacinto Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Elizabeth Hughes
DTC15002921 6/30/15 Ofc Diego Villanueva Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002931 7/1/15 Ofc John Abbott Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kennedy Ephraim
DTC15002927 7/1/15 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Brian Shelton
DTC15002938 7/1/15 Ofc Derrick Angle Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002928 7/2/15 Ofc Stephanie Branch Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15002961 7/2/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings Rosa Parks Transit - 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kordero Samples
DTC15002967 7/2/15 Ofc Craig Roberson Evenings 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003013 7/5/15 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 800 Pacific Ave. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Talynd Adair
DTC15003014 7/5/15 Ofc Robert Byrd Evenings LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terrdell Coleman
DTC15003017 7/5/15 Sgt Cedric Roach Evenings 901 Elm St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Derlyn Gross
DTC15003040 7/6/15 Ofc Garry Battle Evenings 901 Elm st File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Donnell Matthews
DTC15003046 7/7/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Rogelio Gutierrez-Flores
DTC15003052 7/7/15 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003069 7/8/15 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003070 7/8/15 Sgt Schkennia Smith Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003098 7/10/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Keldric Thomas
DTC15003110 7/10/15 Ofc Allen Shutt Evenings 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003112 7/10/15 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Gary Bowens
DTC15003170 7/14/15 Ofc Israel Jaramillo Evenings 2002 S HAMPTON RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Dondrake Jackson
DTC15003189 7/15/15 Ofc Steven Kirschbaum Evenings 6410 LAKE JUNE RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003198 7/16/15 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
James Brandel
DTC15003224 7/18/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings 901 Elm St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Dushawn Wallace
DTC15003239 7/19/15 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Aaron Hendrix
DTC15003243 7/19/15 Ofc Thomas Small Evenings 800 Pacific Ave File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003252 7/20/15 Ofc William Ouellette Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Samuel Rose
DTC15003277 7/22/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days 901 Elm St. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Zonia Draught
DTC15003282 7/22/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 920 San Jacinto St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joseph Simmons
DTC15003298 7/23/15 Ofc John Abbott Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
MARK M-1516827
DTC15003299 7/23/15 Ofc Marce Carter Days 5465 E Mockingbird Ln. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terrance Moore
DTC15003303 7/23/15 Ofc Jose Galvan Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003310 7/23/15 Ofc Thomas Small Evenings 900 Commerce St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003319 7/24/15 Ofc Shamika Sorrells Days ZOO STATION - 614 S. EWING AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
WILLIS Warrant
GROVER # M-1516831
DTC15003322 7/24/15 Sgt Jorge Ruiz Days MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003320 7/24/15 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days ZOO STATION - 614 S. EWING AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Daria Jimmerson
DTC15003327 7/24/15 Ofc Waylon Chamberlain Evenings 614 S Ewing File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Rashawd Jones
DTC15003350 7/25/15 Ofc Dakari Davis Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003349 7/25/15 Ofc Emily Crawford Days DART's Rosa Parks Plaza - 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Zane Rosendahl
DTC15003358 7/25/15 Ofc Christopher McGee Evenings 2646 S Westmoreland File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003366 7/26/15 Ofc Emily Crawford Days DART Bus Stop - 900 Commerce Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Martin Dominguez
DTC15003382 7/27/15 Ofc Vincent Clark Evenings LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003413 7/30/15 Ofc John Abbott Days 800 Pacific Ave. DART000505 File Case 90J 30.05 KIAMISHIWHITE APP. 172
Criminal Trespass
DTC15003421 7/30/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kavanta Brown
DTC15003423 7/30/15 Ofc Terence Milton CaseKIEST
Evenings 3:16-cv-02579-B
STATION - 3300Document 53 RD
S LANCASTER Filed 09/15/17 Page 173 of 187
File PageID 1301
Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jeffroe Brown
DTC15003432 7/31/15 Ofc John Abbott Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Stephen Hampton
DTC15003434 7/31/15 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass---Warrent
DemarcusLane #M15-16860
DTC15003445 8/1/15 Ofc Tomasa Williams Days 9739 Denton Dr File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003456 8/1/15 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Charles Williams
DTC15003472 8/3/15 Ofc John Abbott Days 920 San Jacinto St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
John Smith
DTC15003499 8/4/15 Ofc Alonzo Deal Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003527 8/6/15 Ofc Santiago Gaeta Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003531 8/6/15 Ofc Daniel Leon Evenings 3100 Malcolm X Boulevard File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Bennie Anderson
DTC15003540 8/7/15 Ofc Kim Henderson Days 8901 Markville Drive File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003548 8/7/15 Ofc Natarsha Penn Evenings PEARL / ARTS DISTRICT STATION - 2200 BRYAN ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Cody Moore
DTC15003560 8/8/15 Ofc Meagan Manning Days BACHMAN STATION - 9739 DENTON DRIVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass-
David M1516878
DTC15003565 8/8/15 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Gregory Weaver
DTC15003572 8/8/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Eric Lewis
DTC15003577 8/9/15 Ofc Robert Byrd Evenings 5603 Milton St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terrdell Coleman
DTC15003605 8/11/15 Ofc U-Londa Peterson Days ILLINOIS STATION - 2111 S. CORINTH STREET RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003612 8/11/15 Ofc Steven Kirschbaum Evenings WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S. WESTMORELAND RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Corey Robinson
DTC15003629 8/12/15 Ofc Theresa McClellan Evenings 9739 DENTON DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Desta Meresa
DTC15003636 8/13/15 Ofc John Abbott Days 800 Pacific Ave., File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003663 8/14/15 Ofc Jon-Erik Moreno Evenings 2101 Medical District Dr File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jeffrey Hudson
DTC15003685 8/15/15 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 900 COMMERCE ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003703 8/16/15 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 900 COMMERCE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Martin Dominguez
DTC15003709 8/16/15 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003717 8/17/15 Ofc Timothy Kvasnicka Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Mark Brown
DTC15003728 8/17/15 Ofc Arturo Escalante Evenings 10800 Audelia Rd. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
David Forsythe
DTC15003720 8/17/15 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Paul Williams
DTC15003731 8/17/15 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S. WESTMORELAND RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003749 8/18/15 Ofc Quentin Parson Evenings TYLER-VERNON STATION - 1225 S. TYLER ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003746 8/18/15 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings 2002 S Hampton Road File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003754 8/19/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joel Ash
DTC15003762 8/19/15 Ofc Derrick Angle Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003769 8/19/15 Ofc Diego Villanueva Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003775 8/20/15 Ofc David Vernier Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael Williams
DTC15003852 8/24/15 Ofc Quentin Parson Evenings TYLER-VERNON STATION - 1225 S. TYLER ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003869 8/25/15 Ofc William Ouellette Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003869 8/25/15 Ofc William Ouellette Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Derrick Curtis
DTC15003877 8/26/15 Ofc Geno Maya Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003884 8/26/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings 900 Commerce St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tyrin Hawkins
DTC15003896 8/26/15 Ofc Jason Clark Evenings 8901 Markville Drive File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Lucious Jackson
DTC15003914 8/27/15 Ofc Geno Maya Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003929 8/28/15 Ofc Derrick Angle Evenings 900 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15003944 8/28/15 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Evenings 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Floyd Franklin
DTC15003958 8/29/15 Ofc Gino Robles Evenings 901 Elm St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Deandre Powell
DTC15003981 8/31/15 Ofc Waylon Chamberlain Deeps DFW STATION - 2409 N SERVICE ROAD CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Catherine White
DTC15003991 8/31/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days 2900 COLONIAL CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Sharite Thomas
DTC15004004 9/1/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004018 9/1/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 920 San Jacinto St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004034 9/2/15 Ofc Marce Carter Deeps 4301 Harry Hines Blvd File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004035 9/2/15 Ofc John Abbott Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004056 9/2/15 Ofc Jack Grasty Evenings 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004080 9/3/15 Ofc Kareen Wayvines Evenings Burbank Station - 8851 Denton Dr File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004084 9/4/15 Ofc Adria Worsham Deeps 2525 VICTORY AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Aric Lewis
DTC15004097 9/4/15 Ofc Quentin Parson Evenings 1740 E EIGHTH File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004111 9/6/15 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004114 9/6/15 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Stevi Lauren
DTC15004145 9/8/15 Ofc D'Moreo Bell Evenings EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael Thomas
DTC15004159 9/9/15 Ofc Geno Maya Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004170 9/10/15 Ofc Marce Carter Deeps 1951 E JOHN CARPENTER FRWY File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004173 9/10/15 Ofc Timothy Kvasnicka Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004190 9/11/15 Ofc Emily Crawford Days DART's West Transfer Center - 920 San Jacinto Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004205 9/11/15 Ofc David Vernier Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jeffrey Hudson
DTC15004202 9/11/15 Ofc Jason Clark DART000506
Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004222 9/13/15 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 2900 JUNIUS File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Willie Ellis
DTC15004235 9/14/15 Ofc Derrick Angle CaseROSA
Evenings 3:16-cv-02579-B
- 901 ELM 53
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Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Cherlyn Richards
DTC15004250 9/15/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 Pacific Ave File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kavanta Brown
DTC15004265 9/16/15 Ofc Jennifer Smith Days LAKE JUNE STATION - 6410 LAKE JUNE RD CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004285 9/17/15 Ofc Andrew Maughan Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Martin Dominguez
DTC15004291 9/17/15 Ofc Derrick Angle Evenings DART BUS STOPS - 900 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Zane Rosendahl
DTC15004303 9/18/15 Ofc Emily Crawford Days DART's Union Station - 400 S Houston Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004334 9/20/15 Ofc Edward Wisdom Evenings LBJ-SKILLMAN STATION - 10100 LBJ FRWY File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004337 9/21/15 Ofc Quentin Parson Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tiawain McShane
DTC15004340 9/21/15 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Mytchell Miller
DTC15004345 9/21/15 Ofc Diego Villanueva Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Rodney Washington
DTC15004357 9/22/15 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 800 Pacific Ave. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004373 9/23/15 Ofc William Ouellette Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004385 9/24/15 Ofc Merlin Bond Days PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004402 9/24/15 Ofc Johnathan Donald Evenings LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004406 9/25/15 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 614 S EWING File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Raymond Morgan
DTC15004429 9/26/15 Ofc Merlin Bond Days LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Laury Lomax
DTC15004439 9/27/15 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 1412 S trunk File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004469 9/29/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004469 9/29/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004487 9/30/15 Ofc Diego Villanueva Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Martin Dominguez
DTC15004501 10/1/15 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S. WESTMORELAND RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004515 10/1/15 Ofc Vincent Clark Evenings 2006 E Ledbetter File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kenneth Eckles
DTC15004551 10/3/15 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Evenings 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terrence Moore
DTC15004581 10/5/15 Ofc D'Moreo Bell Evenings 1225 S Tyler Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004580 10/5/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004599 10/6/15 Ofc Fernando Ibarra Evenings 6300 MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Charles Armold
DTC15004600 10/6/15 Ofc Robert Byrd Evenings 8169 Park Lane File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Lakeya Harris
DTC15004608 10/7/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004630 10/8/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Fario Washington
DTC15004628 10/8/15 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S. WESTMORELAND RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004647 10/9/15 Ofc William Ouellette Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Asher Blanson
DTC15004700 10/12/15 Ofc Arturo Escalante Evenings FOREST-JUPITER STATION - 3232 FOREST LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004716 10/13/15 Ofc Dakari Davis Days AKARD STATION - 1400 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004729 10/14/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004737 10/14/15 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Raymond Morgan
DTC15004737 10/14/15 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Korey Miller
DTC15004757 10/15/15 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days 2646 S Westmoreland File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass-
DTC15004734 10/14/15 Ofc Terence Bailey Days 800 PACIFIC CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Korey Miller
DTC15004805 10/17/15 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Denise Williams
DTC15004819 10/19/15 Ofc Robert Craig Days 800 PACIFIC AVE. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004821 10/19/15 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 1112 BELLEVIEW File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004830 10/19/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 920 San Jacinto St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jacoby Johnson
DTC15004841 10/19/15 Ofc LaQuana Towery Evenings 5900 SCYENE RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004851 10/20/15 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Leonel Villarreal
DTC15004919 10/24/15 Ofc Scott Michener Days 5603 Milton Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Cynthia Johnson
DTC15004922 10/24/15 Sgt Cesario Rodriguez Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Sophia Bradshaw
DTC15004956 10/27/15 Ofc Marce Carter Days LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004971 10/27/15 Ofc Jack Grasty Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004972 10/27/15 Ofc David Vernier Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Robert Williams
DTC15004990 10/28/15 Ofc David Vernier Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15004991 10/28/15 Ofc David Vernier Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005015 10/30/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 West End File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joshua Farley
DTC15005029 10/31/15 Ofc Daniel Leon Evenings 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass----Misdemeanor
Tazz Williams B
DTC15005044 11/1/15 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 5603 Milton St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005101 11/5/15 Ofc Stephanie Branch Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005130 11/7/15 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 1412 S TRUNK AVE. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005133 11/7/15 Ofc Keith Taylor Evenings 8169 Park Lane File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terrance Moore
DTC15005157 11/10/15 Cpl Arthur Smith Days 10100 LBJ Frwy CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005178 11/11/15 Ofc Kai-Jih Lu Evenings 12800 Denton Dr. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005210 11/12/15 Ofc David Vernier Evenings LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005202 11/12/15 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 2711 N Haskell Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005212 11/13/15 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days DART ZOO STA. - 640 S Ewing Ave. DART000507 File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005218 11/13/15 Ofc Dakari Davis Days Cedars Station - 1112 Belleview Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Corey Robinson
DTC15005260 11/16/15 Ofc Kareen Wayvines CaseBACHMAN
Evenings 3:16-cv-02579-B
STATION - Document
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Case 90J 1303 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael White
DTC15005284 11/17/15 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 2600 Archerwood Blvd. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005301 11/18/15 Ofc Kareen Wayvines Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Marcus Brown
DTC15005335 11/20/15 Ofc Natrelle Jack Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005383 11/23/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Eligha Shelley
DTC15005395 11/23/15 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S. WESTMORELAND RD Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005398 11/23/15 Ofc Johnathan Donald Evenings 1740 E Eighth St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005401 11/24/15 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S. WESTMORELAND RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005421 11/25/15 Ofc Joseph Kyser Evenings 8901 Markville Drive File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005425 11/25/15 Ofc David Vernier Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005448 11/29/15 Ofc Emily Crawford Days DART's West Transfer Center - 920 San Jacinto Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005474 12/1/15 Ofc Jason Clark Evenings LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Randy Smith
DTC15005494 12/2/15 Ofc Jason Clark Evenings LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005514 12/3/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Raymond Morgan
DTC15005523 12/4/15 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 1740 Corinth St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005546 12/5/15 Ofc Israel Jaramillo Evenings 1740 E Eighth Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005553 12/6/15 Ofc Michael Tang Evenings 9739 Denton Dr File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005552 12/6/15 Ofc Shamika Sorrells Days 2002 S. HAMPTON A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
TYRENCE M-1517099
DTC15005567 12/7/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
James Brandel
DTC15005588 12/8/15 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Martin Dominguez
DTC15005601 12/8/15 Ofc Mitchell Estep Evenings 8210 Forest Ln. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005603 12/9/15 Ofc Jesus Retana Evenings 300 S LLEWELLYN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Nelson Henriquez
DTC15005630 12/10/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005633 12/10/15 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005649 12/11/15 Ofc Bryan Davis Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005675 12/12/15 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005689 12/14/15 Ofc Diego Villanueva Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tarrance Harden
DTC15005691 12/14/15 Cpl Luevada Campbell Days DOWNTOWN ROWLETT STATION - 5000 MARTIN DR CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005699 12/14/15 Ofc Barry Fleming Evenings 1300 E George Bush Pkwy File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005713 12/15/15 Cpl Arthur Smith Deeps 10100 LBJ Frwy CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005732 12/15/15 Ofc Timothy Kvasnicka Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Dawn Thompson
DTC15005743 12/16/15 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings ZOO STATION - 614 S. EWING AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005766 12/17/15 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005776 12/18/15 Ofc Merlin Bond Days NORTH CARROLLTON-FRANKFORD STATION - 1717 W FRANKFORD RD A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000067 1/11/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Derly Gross
DTC16000125 1/15/16 Ofc Jose Galvan Days BACHMAN STATION - 9739 DENTON DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000153 1/17/16 Cpl Luevada Campbell Evenings LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000161 1/18/16 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 2002 HAMPTON RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000170 1/18/16 Ofc D'Moreo Bell Evenings WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S. WESTMORELAND RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Cynthia Johnson
DTC16000177 1/19/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Brandon Wilson
DTC16000194 1/20/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Mark Jenkins
DTC16000240 1/24/16 Ofc Christopher McGee Evenings ZOO STATION - 614 S. EWING AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005936 12/30/15 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 5603 Milton St. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000219 1/23/16 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ian Dye
DTC16000244 1/24/16 Ofc Kevin Muhammad Evenings 3232 Forest Ln File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Arletris Carter
DTC16000247 1/25/16 Ofc Bryan Davis Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000247 1/25/16 Ofc Bryan Davis Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000268 1/26/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Destiny Dixon
DTC16000263 12/23/15 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings 614 S Ewing Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000287 1/27/16 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 5465 E Mockingbird Ln. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000301 1/28/16 Cpl Luevada Campbell Evenings ILLINOIS STATION - 2111 S. CORINTH STREET RD CID Inactive90J
w/Video Assist
30.05 Criminal Trespass
Eric Bonner
DTC16000308 1/29/16 Ofc Marce Carter Days 100 W Spring Valley Rd. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000324 1/29/16 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings ZOO STATION - 614 S. EWING AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000314 1/29/16 Ofc Dakari Davis Days 900 Commerce St CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000338 1/30/16 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Evenings 5900 SCYENE RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000367 2/1/16 Ofc Leonard Beale Evenings 6300 E MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Charles Armold
DTC16000395 2/2/16 Ofc Derrick Angle Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000393 2/2/16 Ofc Keith Taylor Evenings 8901 Markville Drive File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tawain McShane
DTC16000408 2/3/16 Ofc Jason Clark Evenings LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000415 2/4/16 Cpl Luevada Campbell Evenings LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000415 2/3/16 Cpl Luevada Campbell Evenings LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000418 2/4/16 Ofc Kimberly Fisher Days DART LBJ-Skillman Station - 10100 LBJDART000508
Freeway CA 90J 30.05 DominiqueJohnson APP.
Criminal Trespass 175
DTC16000426 2/4/16 Ofc Troy Morris Evenings 17900 MANDERVILLE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
David Reese
DTC16000006 1/1/16 Ofc Stephanie Branch DaysCase2111
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Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
KAVIN M1616340
DTC16000452 2/6/16 Ofc Craig Roberson Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000459 2/7/16 Sgt Cedric Roach Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000462 2/7/16 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 8210 Forest Ln File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Devin Jarvis
DTC16000490 2/9/16 Ofc Robert Craig Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000489 2/10/16 Ofc Stephanie Branch Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Avi Adelman
DTC16000537 2/12/16 Ofc Johnathan Donald Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000578 2/15/16 Ofc Elbert Corker Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joseph Simmons
DTC16000548 2/13/16 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000580 2/16/16 Ofc Edward Wisdom Evenings LBJ-SKILLMAN STATION - 10100 LBJ FRWY File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Parnell Taylor
DTC16000584 2/15/16 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC15005920 12/29/15 Ofc Misty McBride Evenings 920 San Jacinto Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000626 2/18/16 Ofc Tommie Johnson Days WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S. WESTMORELAND RD File Case 90Z 30.05 CRIMINALMARTY
DTC16000646 2/19/16 Ofc Eva Pipkin Days DART Eighth/Corinth Sta. - 1740 E Eighth St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000660 2/19/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Herbert Cummings
DTC16000678 2/21/16 Ofc Christopher Holloway Days PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000700 2/22/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Demetre Silverburg
DTC15005924 12/30/15 Ofc Marce Carter Days 5603 Milton St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000724 2/24/16 Ofc Scott Michener Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000752 2/25/16 Ofc David Vernier Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tawain McShane
DTC16000753 2/26/16 Ofc Marce Carter Days 5603 Milton St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000766 2/26/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Evenings 800 Pacific File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kethon Mc Donald
DTC16000770 2/26/16 Ofc Craig Roberson Evenings 5603 Milton St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000770 2/26/16 Ofc Craig Roberson Evenings 5603 Milton St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000772 2/26/16 Ofc Juvensio Vazquez Evenings BACHMAN STATION - 9739 DENTON DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terry Jones
DTC16000788 2/28/16 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000833 3/1/16 Ofc Keith Taylor Evenings 8150 Walnut Hill Lane Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Devin Jarvis
DTC16000844 3/2/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000844 3/2/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90Z 30.05 criminal trespass
Raymond Morgan
DTC16000859 3/2/16 Ofc Christopher Cobb Evenings 1700 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Adrick Duncan
DTC16000864 3/3/16 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 1225 TYLER ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000869 3/3/16 Ofc Claudia Porter-Withrow Days BAYLOR STATION - 2900 Junius File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000871 3/3/16 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000874 3/3/16 Ofc Jason Clark Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000878 3/4/16 Ofc Jose Galvan Days BACHMAN STATION - 9739 DENTON DR. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000883 3/4/16 Ofc Misty McBride Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Antonio Garcia-Chavez
DTC16000883 3/4/16 Ofc Misty McBride Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tyler Anderson
DTC16000889 3/4/16 Ofc Alonzo Deal Evenings WALNUT HILL STATION - 8150 WALNUT HILL LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Dantonio Middleton
DTC16000912 3/6/16 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000918 3/6/16 Ofc Joseph Kyser Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Dantonio Middleton
DTC16000921 3/7/16 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 614 EWING ST, ZOO STATION File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000941 3/8/16 Ofc Natrelle Jack Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000969 3/9/16 Ofc David Vernier Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16000985 3/10/16 Ofc David Wood Days LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001000 3/10/16 Ofc Emmanuel Davie Evenings LBJ-SKILLMAN STATION - 10100 LBJ FRWY File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001017 3/11/16 Ofc Craig Roberson Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001023 3/12/16 Ofc Joseph Kyser Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Brandon Greer
DTC16001030 3/13/16 Ofc Jon-Erik Moreno Evenings 9739 DENTON DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001056 3/14/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Donovan Lee
DTC16001071 3/15/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ladarius Williams
DTC16001078 3/15/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001079 3/15/16 Cpl Gary Hutchison Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001094 3/16/16 Ofc Robert Craig Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001098 3/16/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Manuel Fontno
DTC16001108 3/17/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001119 3/17/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Talynd Adair
DTC16001150 3/19/16 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Evenings 4003 Elsie Faye Heggins File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001176 3/20/16 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Evenings 2900 JUNIUS ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001185 3/21/16 Cpl Luevada Campbell Days Pearl Station - 2200 Bryan Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001199 3/21/16 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001209 3/22/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 920 San Jacinto Street Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Antonio Garcia-Chavez
DTC16001210 3/22/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue DART000509 File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass APP. 176
Daphne Jaimes-Zarate
DTC16001228 3/23/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 920 San Jacinto Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Patricia Garner
DTC16001234 3/23/16 Ofc Misty McBride CaseROSA
Evenings 3:16-cv-02579-B
- 901 ELM 53
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90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001232 3/23/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001262 3/25/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Warren Calhooun
DTC16001275 3/25/16 Ofc Richard Moore Evenings 17000 Martin Luther King Blvd File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Adrick Duncan
DTC16001293 3/27/16 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001292 3/27/16 Ofc Emily Crawford Evenings DART's West End Station - 800 Pacific Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001301 3/27/16 Ofc Timothy Kvasnicka Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001332 3/29/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001340 3/30/16 Ofc Diego Villanueva Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001343 3/30/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001348 3/30/16 Ofc Natrelle Jack Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001352 3/30/16 Ofc Bryan Davis Evenings West End Train Station - 800 PACIFIC AVE. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001361 3/31/16 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 1225 S Tyler St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Aaron Kilgore
DTC16000845 4/3/16 Ofc Marcus Gamble Days PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001441 4/4/16 Ofc Kareen Wayvines Evenings N/C Frankford Station - 1717 W Frankford Rd File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001462 4/5/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ladarius Williams
DTC16001470 4/6/16 Ofc Jack Grasty Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001447 4/5/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Days LBJ-SKILLMAN STATION - 10100 LBJ FRWY CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001474 4/6/16 Ofc Christopher Brock Days WESTMORELAND STATION - 2646 S. WESTMORELAND RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001499 4/7/16 Ofc Bridget Broadneax Days 5603 Milton Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001501 4/7/16 Ofc David Wood Days LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001505 4/7/16 Ofc Kristopher Stewart Evenings 900 COMMERCE ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Derrick Curtis
DTC16001515 4/8/16 Ofc Martha Lynn Days 100 W Spring Valley File Case 90Z 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001532 4/9/16 Ofc Craig Roberson Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001533 4/9/16 Sgt Crystal Parker Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Javon Brown
DTC16001533 4/9/16 Sgt Crystal Parker Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Cornelius Estelle
DTC16001538 4/10/16 Ofc James Varney Evenings 4003 ELSIE FAYE HEGGINS ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001550 4/10/16 Ofc Emily Crawford Evenings DART's West Transfer Center - 920 San Jacinto Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001554 4/11/16 Ofc Daniel Beck Days MARKET CENTER STATION - 4301 HARRY HINES BLVD CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001553 4/11/16 Ofc Tomasa Williams Days MARKET CENTER STATION - 4301 HARRY HINES BLVD CA 90Z 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001556 4/11/16 Ofc Jon-Erik Moreno Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael Garner
DTC16001594 4/13/16 Ofc Bridget Broadneax Days 5465 E Mockingbird Lane File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Erica Houston
DTC16001631 4/14/16 Ofc Barry Fleming Evenings ARAPAHO STATION - 1051 N. GREENVILLE AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Netori Ealem
DTC16001649 4/16/16 Ofc Courtney Brown Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001657 4/16/16 Ofc Derrick Angle Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001650 4/16/16 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings AKARD STATION - 1400 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001653 4/16/16 Ofc Emily Crawford Evenings DART's Rosa Parks Plaza - 901 Elm Street CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Derly Gross
DTC16001662 4/17/16 Ofc Israel Jaramillo Evenings MORRELL STATION - 1363 MORRELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Danny Bryant
DTC16001666 4/17/16 Ofc David Vernier Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001693 4/19/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael Shirley
DTC16001685 4/19/16 Ofc Larry Randle Evenings HAMPTON STATION - 2002 S. HAMPTON File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001708 4/20/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001743 4/22/16 Ofc Temple Kramer Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Zane Rosendahl
DTC16001737 4/22/16 Ofc Bridget Broadneax Days 4301 HARRY HINES BLVD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001752 4/22/16 Ofc Kristopher Stewart Evenings AKARD STATION - 1400 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Alvin Locke
DTC16001748 4/22/16 Ofc Johnathan Donald Evenings LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001786 4/25/16 Ofc Tomasa Williams Days 4301 Harry Hines Blvd. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001785 4/25/16 Ofc Daniel Beck Days 9739 Denton Dr File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Floyd Franklin
DTC16001795 4/25/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001793 4/25/16 Ofc Scott Michener Days 8169 Park Lane File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001796 4/25/16 Ofc Bryan Davis Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001822 4/26/16 Ofc Keith Taylor Evenings 2711 N. Haskell Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001815 4/26/16 Ofc Bryan Davis Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Nicholas Gunn
DTC16001830 4/27/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001850 4/28/16 Ofc Wayne Walston Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Steven Phillips
DTC16001852 4/28/16 Ofc Diego Villanueva Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001866 4/28/16 Ofc Craig Roberson Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
David Rodriguez
DTC16001877 4/29/16 Det. Martin Hawkins Days 2200 Bryan A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001896 4/29/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001878 4/29/16 Sgt Schkennia Smith Days DART POLICE HEADQUARTERS - 2111 S CORINTH STREET RD CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Rosalind Kirven
DTC16001908 4/30/16 Ofc Melanie Serrao Evenings 2111 S Corinth Street Road File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001901 4/30/16 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST DART000510 File Case 90J 30.05 RICHARDTHOMASAPP.
Criminal Trespass 177
DTC16001917 5/1/16 Ofc Richard Moore Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Aaron Hendrix
DTC16001927 5/2/16 Ofc Diego Villanueva DaysCaseWEST
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Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001926 5/2/16 Ofc Tomasa Williams Days 9739 Denton Dr. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001974 5/4/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001990 5/5/16 Ofc Robert Craig Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16001991 5/5/16 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Martin Dominguez
DTC16002006 5/6/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002005 5/6/16 Ofc Scott Michener Days 2711 N. Haskell Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002015 5/6/16 Ofc Jesus Retana Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kavanta Brown
DTC16002028 5/7/16 Ofc Kareen Wayvines Days West End Station - 800 Pacific Ave. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002034 5/7/16 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Evenings 8210 FOREST LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002035 5/7/16 Ofc Douglas Huse Evenings BACHMAN STATION - 9739 DENTON DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
John Hines
DTC16002049 5/8/16 Ofc Quentin Parson Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002055 5/8/16 Ofc Johnathan Donald Evenings LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002058 5/9/16 Ofc Christopher Brock Days BURBANK STATION - 8851 DENTON DR A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002060 5/9/16 Ofc Bridget Broadneax Days DART's Union Station - 400 S Houston Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002068 5/9/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002082 5/10/16 Ofc Robert Craig Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Chadrick Russell
DTC16002078 5/10/16 Ofc Teiranee Guice-Brown Days 100 W SPRING VALLEY File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002079 5/10/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Days FOREST-JUPITER STATION - 3232 FOREST LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002093 5/10/16 Ofc Melanie Cade Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ronald Jackson
DTC16002110 5/11/16 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Chad Howell
DTC16002120 5/12/16 Ofc Martha Lynn Days LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST CA 90Z 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002131 5/12/16 Ofc Merlin Bond Evenings 1400 Pacific Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002138 5/12/16 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings 1740 E Eighth Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002200 5/17/16 Ofc Natrelle Jack Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ivan Castelan
DTC16002221 5/18/16 Ofc Teiranee Guice-Brown Days 2200 Bryan St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002227 5/18/16 Ofc Christopher Cobb Evenings 2900 COLONIAL Avenue CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Adrick Duncan
DTC16002225 5/18/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002235 5/19/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Days 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002263 5/21/16 Ofc Dakari Davis Evenings UNION STATION - 400 S. HOUSTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002280 5/22/16 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002283 5/22/16 Ofc Kevin Muhammad Evenings 9393 Whistle Stop File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002278 5/22/16 Ofc Joseph Kyser Days SPRING VALLEY STATION - 100 W. SPRING VALLEY RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Mytchell Miller
DTC16002349 5/25/16 Ofc Jesus Retana Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002377 5/26/16 Ofc Robert Craig Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Herbert Cummings
DTC16002380 5/26/16 Ofc Misty McBride Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002399 5/27/16 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Keandre Howard
DTC16002407 5/27/16 Ofc Melanie Cade Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002408 5/27/16 Ofc Kristopher Stewart Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002427 5/29/16 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings 900 COMMERCE ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ulysses Dunn
DTC16002433 5/29/16 Ofc Ramiro Ayala-Rodriguez Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002452 5/31/16 Ofc David Wood Days LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002454 5/31/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Aaron Willoughby
DTC16002453 5/31/16 Ofc Dakari Davis Days 900 COMMERCE ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002461 5/31/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002465 5/31/16 Ofc Misty McBride Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Darren Vaden
DTC16002484 6/1/16 Ofc Jesus Retana Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Andre Collins
DTC16002488 6/2/16 Ofc Robert Craig Days AKARD STATION - 1400 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002491 6/2/16 Ofc Robert Craig Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002492 6/2/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Michael Shirley
DTC16002512 6/3/16 Ofc Robert Craig Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002536 6/5/16 Ofc Bryan Davis Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002537 6/5/16 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Evenings 3710 Parry Ave File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002550 6/6/16 Ofc Bridget Broadneax Days EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002546 6/6/16 Ofc Jose Galvan Days 4301 HARRY HINES BLVD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002566 6/7/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Deeps LBJ-SKILLMAN STATION - 10100 LBJ FRWY CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jesse Thomas
DTC16002567 6/7/16 Ofc Evan Moses Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Stanely Moore
DTC16002613 6/9/16 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Zane Rosendahl
DTC16002621 6/9/16 Ofc David Vernier Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002637 6/10/16 Ofc William Ouellette Evenings 7333 E Northwest Hwy File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002644 6/10/16 Ofc Richard Moore Evenings 6410 LAKE JUNE RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002646 6/11/16 Ofc Scott Michener Days 8901 Markville Drive DART000511 CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Aric Lewis APP. 178
DTC16002682 6/13/16 Ofc Stacy Glover Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Spencer Preciado
DTC16002694 6/14/16 Ofc Claudia Porter-Withrow DaysCaseMARTIN
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Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002716 6/15/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002724 6/15/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 920 San Jacinto File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002754 6/17/16 Ofc Carzell Thomas Days DART POLICE HEADQUARTERS - 2111 S CORINTH STREET RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002771 6/18/16 Ofc Kareen Wayvines Days ROSA PARKS PLAZA - 901 ELM ST A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002796 6/20/16 Ofc Natrelle Jack Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002753 6/17/16 Sgt Tori Hutchins Days 900 COMMERCE ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Evan Mcginley
DTC16002803 6/20/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002811 6/21/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002816 6/21/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Zachary Mathews
DTC16002817 6/21/16 Ofc Elmar Cannon Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002838 6/22/16 Ofc Bryan Hubbell Days PARKER RD STATION - 2600 ARCHERWOOD ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002846 6/22/16 Ofc Geno Maya Evenings 900 COMMERCE ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Trailous Adley
DTC16002859 6/23/16 Ofc Robert Craig Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002845 6/22/16 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002877 6/23/16 Ofc Christopher McGee Evenings 2646 S Westmoreland File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002882 6/24/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002885 6/24/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Denzel Mcclaine
DTC16002886 6/24/16 Ofc Natrelle Jack Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002909 6/25/16 Ofc Fernando Cuellar Evenings 2600 ARCHERWOOD RD. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002934 6/26/16 Ofc Evan Moses Evenings PARKER RD STATION - 2600 ARCHERWOOD ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002944 6/27/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Days CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002964 6/28/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002973 6/28/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Aaron Willoughby
DTC16002974 6/28/16 Ofc Kristopher Stewart Evenings AKARD STATION - 1400 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002977 6/28/16 Ofc Keith Taylor Evenings 8901 Markville Drive File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kenneth Tenison
DTC16003015 6/30/16 Ofc Bryan Davis Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003024 6/30/16 Ofc Misty McBride Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003021 6/30/16 Ofc Edward Wisdom Evenings DOWNTOWN GARLAND - 430 W WALNUT ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16002960 6/28/16 Ofc Tomasa Williams Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Perez Santiago
DTC16003040 7/1/16 Ofc Bryan Hubbell Days 8500 MIDPARK RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003043 7/1/16 Ofc Bryan Davis Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003068 7/2/16 Ofc Brent Thompson Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003067 7/2/16 Ofc Chad Burpee Evenings BACHMAN STATION - 9739 DENTON DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Spencer Preciado
DTC16003085 7/3/16 Ofc Johnathan Donald Deeps DOWNTOWN PLANO STATION - 1001 E. 16TH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Linda Chavez
DTC16003091 7/3/16 Ofc Joe Ledbetter Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003092 7/3/16 Ofc Daniel Beck Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Willie Evans
DTC16003114 7/5/16 Ofc Marce Carter Days 8169 Park Ln. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003119 7/5/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003124 7/5/16 Ofc David Vernier Evenings FOREST LANE STATION - 8210 FOREST LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jesse Thomas
DTC16003121 7/5/16 Ofc Geno Maya Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003132 7/6/16 Ofc Evan Moses Deeps DOWNTOWN PLANO STATION - 1001 E. 16TH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003156 7/7/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Frederick Moran
DTC16003203 7/10/16 Ofc Bridget Broadneax Days KIEST STATION - 3300 S LANCASTER RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003270 7/16/16 Ofc Rodney Henderson Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
James Adams
DTC16003301 7/19/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003300 7/19/16 Ofc Teiranee Guice-Brown Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003300 7/19/16 Ofc Teiranee Guice-Brown Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Patricia Garner
DTC16003326 7/20/16 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Evenings 5603 Milton St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003352 7/22/16 Ofc Bryan Hubbell Days FOREST LANE STATION - 8210 FOREST LN CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003368 7/23/16 Ofc Melanie Serrao Evenings 2111 S. Corinth Street Road File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Derrick Egland
DTC16003390 7/25/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days 800 PACIFIC CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003410 7/26/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003409 7/26/16 Ofc Harold Reeves Days ZOO STATION - 614 S. EWING AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003483 7/31/16 Ofc Edward Wisdom Evenings 3232 Forest Lane File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003494 8/1/16 Ofc Marce Carter Days PARKER RD STATION - 2600 ARCHERWOOD ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003517 8/2/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings ROSA PARKS PLAZA - 901 ELM ST. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003529 8/3/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003529 8/3/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003543 8/4/16 Ofc Ramiro Ayala-Rodriguez Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003541 8/4/16 Ofc Damon Griffin Days ST PAUL STATION - 1900 BRYAN ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Anthony Vega
DTC16003611 8/9/16 Ofc Terri Davis-Cole Evenings 1112 Belleview Street DART000512 File Case 90J 30.05 Charles Rucker APP.
Criminal Trespass 179
DTC16003625 8/10/16 Ofc Joseph Kyser Evenings LOVERS LANE STATION - 5603 MILTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003639 8/11/16 Ofc Christopher Cobb Case1700
Evenings 3:16-cv-02579-B
Martin Luther KingDocument
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Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Adrick Duncan
DTC16003643 8/12/16 Ofc Melanie Serrao Days 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kevin Simmons
DTC16003647 8/12/16 Ofc Melanie Serrao Days 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Richard Bordenkircher
DTC16003663 8/13/16 Ofc Scott Michener Days 8210 Forest Lane CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Daniel Duncan
DTC16003687 8/15/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Antoine WHITE
DTC16003726 8/18/16 Ofc Bryan Davis Days ROSA PARK PLAZA - 901 ELM ST. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003741 8/19/16 Ofc Stephanie Branch Days 1740 E. EIGHTH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003774 8/22/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003784 8/23/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003790 8/23/16 Ofc Tiffany Puckett Evenings GARLAND STATION - 430 W WALNUT ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003800 8/24/16 Ofc Marce Carter Days 5603 Milton St. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003867 8/28/16 Ofc Scott Michener Days 5465 E Mockingbird Lane CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003869 8/28/16 Ofc Rodney Henderson Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003893 8/29/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Clark Stanton
DTC16003894 8/30/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003896 8/29/16 Ofc Dontrey Flemings Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
David Thompson
DTC16003895 8/29/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003895 8/29/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jerry Parlor
DTC16003959 9/2/16 Ofc Melanie Cade Evenings 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16003985 9/4/16 Ofc Gino Robles Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004015 9/6/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004012 9/6/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings 960 ROSS File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004008 9/6/16 Ofc Timothy Kvasnicka Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004031 9/7/16 Ofc Martha Lynn Days LBJ-CENTRAL STATION - 8901 MARKVILLE DR File Case 90Z 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004032 9/7/16 Ofc Xiomara Medrano Days 8901 Markville Dr. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004038 9/7/16 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Evenings HATCHER STATION - 4003 ELSIE FAYE HEGGINS ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Juan Borrego
DTC16004047 9/7/16 Ofc Fernando Cuellar Deeps WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Al Mack
DTC16004053 9/8/16 Ofc Natrelle Jack Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004053 9/8/16 Ofc Natrelle Jack Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004073 9/9/16 Ofc Temple Kramer Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004072 9/8/16 Ofc Justin Ellis Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Kenjaz Pierce
DTC16004083 9/9/16 Ofc Scott Michener Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Stephen Hampton
DTC16004083 9/9/16 Ofc Scott Michener Evenings 901 Elm Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Roderick Ervin
DTC16004096 9/10/16 Ofc Michael Blakely Deeps ROSA PARKS - 901 ELM ST CID File Case
90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Javon Brown
DTC16004098 9/10/16 Ofc Dakari Davis Days UNION STATION - 400 S. HOUSTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
James Price
DTC16004089 9/9/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004068 9/8/16 Ofc David Aguilar Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004140 9/13/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004129 9/12/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004166 9/15/16 Ofc David Wood Days LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Toderick Austin
DTC16004192 9/16/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Charles Pearson
DTC16004197 9/16/16 Ofc Scott Michener Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Clark Stanton
DTC16004185 9/15/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE A 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Terence Smith
DTC16004205 9/17/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Deeps CEDARS STATION - 1112 BELLEVIEW ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004245 9/19/16 Ofc Mitchell Estep Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Gary Goins
DTC16004253 9/20/16 Ofc David Wood Days LEDBETTER STATION - 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004264 9/20/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Clark Stanton
DTC16004287 9/22/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004294 9/22/16 Ofc Terence Bailey Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004282 9/21/16 Ofc Temple Kramer Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004309 9/23/16 Ofc Christopher Brock Evenings 8901 Markville File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Lawrence Leathers
DTC16004332 9/25/16 Cpl Luevada Campbell Evenings MORRELL STATION - 1363 MORRELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004350 9/27/16 Ofc Robert Craig Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Bryson Walker
DTC16004393 9/29/16 Ofc Pedro Barbosa Evenings 8550 MIDPARK RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004400 9/29/16 Ofc Temple Kramer Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Javon Brown
DTC16004409 9/30/16 Ofc David Aguilar Evenings 900 E COMMERCE ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Derrick Curtis
DTC16004437 10/2/16 Ofc Ramona Ross Evenings 900 Commerce Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004474 10/4/16 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Evenings 2111 S CORINTH STREET RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004478 10/4/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004491 10/5/16 Ofc Scott Michener Evenings 920 San Jacinto Street File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Casey Hoff
DTC16004485 10/5/16 Ofc Martha Lynn Days 8901 N Markville File Case 90Z 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004488 10/5/16 Ofc Scott Michener Evenings 901 Elm Street DART000513 File Case 90J 30.05 DONNELLDAVIE APP.
Criminal Trespass 180
DTC16004508 10/6/16 Ofc Rodney Henderson Days FOREST-JUPITER STATION - 3232 FOREST LANE Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004531 10/7/16 Ofc Pedro Barbosa CaseCITYPLACE
Evenings 3:16-cv-02579-B
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90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Rosalind Kirven
DTC16004557 10/9/16 Sgt Schkennia Smith Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004534 10/7/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Frederick Moran
DTC16004581 10/10/16 Ofc Eric Carlson Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Marquis Marsh
DTC16004619 10/12/16 Ofc Melanie Serrao Evenings 4510 S. Lancaster Road File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Anthony Barnes
DTC16004653 10/15/16 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Evenings FAIR PARK STATION - 3710 PARRY AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004680 10/17/16 Ofc Eric Carlson Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004710 10/19/16 Sgt Tori Hutchins Days CONVENTION CENTER STATION - 727 S. LAMAR ST Report 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
shaquilla Hooks
DTC16004796 10/25/16 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings 3300 S Lancaster Road File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004828 10/27/16 Ofc Terence Milton Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004829 10/27/16 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings EIGHTH-CORINTH STATION - 1740 E. EIGHTH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004844 10/28/16 Ofc D'Moreo Bell Evenings 1740 E. EIGHTH ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004860 10/29/16 Ofc Jon-Erik Moreno Days 5900 SCYENE RD CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004873 10/29/16 Ofc Miguel Diaz De Leon Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Danny Davidson
DTC16004898 10/31/16 Ofc Melanie Cade Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004915 11/1/16 Ofc Douglas Huse Days WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004918 11/1/16 Ofc Melanie Serrao Days 800 Pacific Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004939 11/2/16 Ofc Melanie Cade Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Destiny Dixon
DTC16004964 11/3/16 Ofc Xiomara Medrano Days 5465 E Mockingbird Ln CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16004973 11/3/16 Ofc Melanie Serrao Days 800 Pacific Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Joe Sandoval
DTC16004983 11/3/16 Ofc David Vernier Evenings UNION STATION - 400 S. HOUSTON ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005048 11/8/16 Ofc Tracy Vice Days 8169 Park Ln CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005077 11/9/16 Ofc Edward Wisdom Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005126 11/12/16 Ofc Temple Kramer Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005133 11/13/16 Ofc Melanie Serrao Days 800 Pacific Avenue CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005135 11/13/16 Ofc Geno Maya Days 300 LLEWELLYN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005126 11/12/16 Ofc Temple Kramer Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005145 11/13/16 Ofc Arturo Escalante Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
David Rodriguez
DTC16005144 11/13/16 Ofc Bridget Broadneax Evenings 2006 E. LEDBETTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005164 11/14/16 Ofc Mitchell Guebert Evenings PARK LANE STATION - 8169 PARK LANE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Frederick Moran
DTC16005159 11/14/16 Ofc Kareen Wayvines Evenings LBJ-Skillman - 10100 LBJ Freeway File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ramiro Meza
DTC16005193 11/16/16 Ofc David Wood Days ZOO STATION - 614 S EWING ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Gary Jimison
DTC16005194 11/16/16 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Days 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005198 11/16/16 Ofc Jon-Erik Moreno Days 1400 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Don Belshe
DTC16005215 11/17/16 Ofc Adria Worsham Days 2300 N Central Expwy. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005243 11/18/16 Ofc Kareen Wayvines Evenings LBJ-Skillman Station - 10100 LBJ Freeway CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005290 11/22/16 Ofc Delia Allison Days UNION STATION - 400 S. HOUSTON ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Shelby Burns
DTC16005317 11/23/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Anthony Washington
DTC16005329 11/24/16 Ofc Ramiro Ayala-Rodriguez Evenings WHITE ROCK STATION - 7333 E. NORTHWEST HWY File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Jesse Kennedy
DTC16005335 11/25/16 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 0 COMMERCE ST @ GRIFFIN CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Destiny Dixon
DTC16005341 11/26/16 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 900 COMMERCE ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Richard Bordenkircher
DTC16005372 11/28/16 Ofc Fernando Palmer Days 2006 E LEDBTTER DR File Case 90J 30.05 CRIMINALCASANOVA
DTC16005380 11/28/16 Ofc Fernando Cuellar Evenings 2720 INWOOD RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005408 11/30/16 Ofc Adria Worsham Days 8901 Markville CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005420 11/30/16 Ofc Jeanne Jones Evenings 2646 S Westmoreland Road File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005447 12/2/16 Ofc Xiomara Medrano Days 2711 N Haskell Ave. CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Benito Hernandez
DTC16005498 12/5/16 Ofc Kristopher Stewart Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Donovan Lee
DTC16005493 12/5/16 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days 2200 Bryan St File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005506 12/5/16 Ofc Teiranee Guice-Brown Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005511 12/5/16 Ofc Vincent Clark Evenings 0 NB DALLAS CONVENTION File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005541 12/7/16 Ofc Melanie Serrao Evenings 800 Pacific Avenue File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Alexis Tasby
DTC16005592 12/10/16 Ofc Temple Kramer Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005596 12/10/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005599 12/11/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Days AKARD STATION - 1401 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005618 12/12/16 Ofc Kristopher Stewart Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005649 12/13/16 Ofc Terri Davis-Cole Evenings ILLINOIS STATION - 2111 S. CORINTH STREET RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005649 12/13/16 Ofc Terri Davis-Cole Evenings ILLINOIS STATION - 2111 S. CORINTH STREET RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005673 12/14/16 Cpl Arthur Smith Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Tranisa Watts
DTC16005702 12/16/16 Ofc Keaka Wallace Days CONVENTION CENTER STATION - 727 S. LAMAR ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005707 12/16/16 Ofc Fernando Cuellar Evenings BACHMAN STATION - 9739 DENTON DR. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005720 12/18/16 Ofc Xiomara Medrano Days CITYPLACE / UPTOWN STATION - 2711 N. HASKELL AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005752 12/20/16 Ofc Adria Worsham Days 2300 N Central Expressway DART000514 File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005771 12/21/16 Sgt Billy Rawlinson Days 800 Pacific Ave File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005769 12/21/16 Ofc Keaka Wallace DaysCaseROSA
- 901 ELM 53
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File PageID 1310
Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005786 12/22/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Days 800 PACIFIC AVE. File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Ian Dye
DTC16005793 12/22/16 Ofc Andrew Mills Evenings LAWNVIEW STATION - 5900 SCYENE RD File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Darrius Burks
DTC16005801 12/23/16 Ofc Kristopher Stewart Days ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005820 12/25/16 Ofc Christopher Cobb Evenings ZOO STATION - 614 S. EWING AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005855 12/27/16 Ofc Teiranee Guice-Brown Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005850 12/27/16 Ofc Terence Milton Evenings MOCKINGBIRD STATION - 5465 E. MOCKINGBIRD LN File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005867 12/28/16 Ofc Wayne Walston Evenings 900 COMMERCE ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Derrick Curtis
DTC16005872 12/28/16 Ofc Mitchell Guebert Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005871 12/28/16 Ofc Edward Wisdom Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005882 12/29/16 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005880 12/29/16 Ofc Melanie Cade Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005893 12/29/16 Ofc Temple Kramer Evenings ROSA PARKS STATION - 901 ELM ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC16005898 12/30/16 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Days 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC17000024 1/3/17 Cpl Arthur Smith Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC17000111 1/10/17 Ofc Jason Diffee Days VICTORY STATION - 2525 VICTORY AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC17000134 1/11/17 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Days 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
Nicholas Scott
DTC17000136 1/11/17 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Days 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC17000139 1/11/17 Ofc Edward Wisdom Evenings WEST TRANSFER CENTER - 920 SAN JACINTO ST File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC17000153 1/12/17 Ofc Melanie Cade Days WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC17000189 1/14/17 Ofc Stephen Michaelson Days 400 LAMAR ST CA 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass
DTC17000194 1/14/17 Cpl Arthur Smith Evenings WEST END STATION - 800 PACIFIC AVE File Case 90J 30.05 Criminal Trespass

DART000515 APP. 182

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v. Civil Action No. 3:16-cv-2579

and STEPHANIE BRANCH, individually y 7
and in her official capacity as a Dallas
Area Rapid Transit Police Officer



Pursuant to Rule 33 (b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendant DALLAS

AREA RAPID TRANSIT ("DART") responds to Plaintiffs First Set of Interrogatories as


INTERROGATORYNO. 1: State DART's formal policy on photography and the right
to photograph on DART's property and identify any differences between the current policy and
the one that existed prior to July 1, 2014.
ANSWER: DART objects to this interrogatory as vague because in is not specific as
to which policy on photography it is referring to. Subject to the forgoing objection, the DART
police photographic policy and the training documents used relevant to this interrogatory are
attached as DART 000189. The attached copy is sufficient for the Plaintiff to ascertain and
afford him the opportunity to inspect and derive to the answer this interrogatory.

INTERROGATORY NO.2: State DART's formal policy on criminal trespass warning

and arrests.
ANSWER: All DART police officers meet the minimum TCOLE training
requirements for basic peace officer certification and complete additional classroom hours or
field training hours. DART has a Code of Conduct for Persons on DART Vehicles, Facilities
and Property. A person violating the Code of Conduct may be asked to stop such conduct or


APP. 183
Case 3:16-cv-02579-B Document 53 Filed 09/15/17 Page 184 of 187 PageID 1312

may be asked to continue on their transportation trip or maybe given notice that specific conduct
or behavior constitutes a violation of the DART Code of Conduct. DART police officers are
sworn Texas peace officers and can use their discretion to issue a criminal trespass warning or
arrest based on probable cause for the offense of criminal trespass under Texas Penal Code
INTERROGATORY NO.3: Identify all training DART provides relating to
photography and the right to photograph and identify all persons involved in the preparation and
presentation of such training.
ANSWER: Defendant DART provides a training in "Photography Policy." See
documents or material under DART 000189. The attached copy is sufficient for the Plaintiff to
ascertain and afford him the opportunity to inspect and derive to the answer this interrogatory.

INTERROGATORY NO.4: Identify all DART police officers and personnel who had
not received training on photography and the right to photograph as ofFebruary 9, 2016.
ANSWER: Defendant DART has offered photography training to its all officers and/or

has made the Photography Policy available to all its officers. Defendant DART will continue to

provide photography training as part of the new hire orientation meetings.

04-26-2017 Supplemental Responses: See DART Bates No. 522-538 pertaining to Plaintiffs

RFPNo. 38.

INTERROGATORY NO. 5: Identify any DART policies that Officer Branch violated in
connection with the Incident.
ANSWER: Please see DART Police Office of Professional Standards, IA 16-05
report under DART000001-000012 and attachments under DART000013-000162.
05-17-2017 Supplemental Response: See Notice of Suspension of Officer S. Branch dated 09-
14-16, DART 000202-000205.
INTERROGATORY NO.6: Explain the basis for Morgan Lyon's statement that DART
"believes the officers acted appropriately" in connection with the Incident, including to whom
Mr. Lyons spoke and what materials he relied upon in reaching that conclusion.


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ANSWER: 05-17-2017 Supplemental Responses: On or about February 11, 2016,

Morgan Lyons made the above quoted partial statement in the context of an email about Avi
Adelman to Bill Zeeble. The entire email states:
He was not arrested for taking photos.
We have reviewed the exchange between him, Dallas Fire Rescue and DART Police and
believe the officers acted properly. Dallas Fire Rescue asked him to move. He refused.
Paramedics asked us to ask him to move several times. He failed to comply and that's
why he was arrested. Photography is allowed in our public spaces but we also expect
people to comply with the instructions of a police officer. This is especially true when
paramedics tell us the actions of a photographer affect their ability to provide care.

See email at DART 001308. Lyons made this statement after speaking or receiving preliminary
information from Chief James Spiller, Deputy Chief Ed Addison or other DART Police
Command Staff.
INTERROGATORY NO.7: Explain the basis for Chief James Spiller's determination
that a three-day suspension was an appropriate disciplinary action for Officer Branch's role in
the Incident.
ANSWER: 05-17-2017 Supplemental Responses:
As Chief of Police for the DART Police Department James Spiller directs and oversees
police personnel. Chief Spiller has the authority to investigate or order that an investigation by
the Office of Professional Standards be done of any alleged misconduct or complaint of police
staff. On February 12, 2016, Chief Spiller directed an investigation into the arrest of Avi
Adelman by Officer Stephanie Branch on February 9, 2016 for possible violations of department
guidance on photography by persons in public areas. Based on the IA investigation; Branch's
training, education and work history; consideration of any chain of command recommendations;
and other circumstances involving Branch or the incident, Chief Spiller used his discretion in
recommending or supporting a three-day suspension as appropriate disciplinary action for
Officer Branch.
INTERROGATORY NO.8: Sate the reasons why DART elected not to participate in the
North Texas Right to Photograph & Record in Public event.
ANSWER: Defendant DART objects to this interrogatory as overbroad and unduly
burdensome to the extent it calls for Defendant DART to reproduce, in narrative answer format,
information that is best suited for a question and answer format with the relevant witness.


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Subject to the forgoing objections, DART gets invited to many training events and based on the
police department's needs, funding, resources, timing, TCOLE training requirements and overall
deployment of police resources, the DART police training department and DART police
executive team use their discretion to determine which training or public event it will participate

INTERROGATORY NO.9: State the bases for your assertion of the affirmative
defenses of governmental, official or qualified immunity, including any legal and factual support
for such defenses.
ANSWER: Please see DART and/or Branch's Original Answer to Plaintiffs
Complaint. Defendant objects to this Interrogatory because it seeks a legal conclusion and
impedes or seeks to discover attorney work product. Subject to these objections, Qualified
Immunity shields government officials performing discretionary functions from liability for civil
damages insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional
rights of which a reasonable person would have known.

INTERROGATORYNO. 10: State the bases for your assertion of the affirmative
defenses that Officer Branch acted in good faith, took corrective steps and made an arrest
supported by arguable or mistaken existence of probable cause. Your answer should identify the
arguable or mistaken probable cause upon which you are relying in asserting this defense.
ANSWER: Please see DART and/or Branch's Original Answer to Plaintiffs
Complaint. Defendant objects to this Interrogatory because it seeks a legal conclusion and
impedes or seeks to discover attorney work product. Subject to these objections, Qualified
Immunity gives government officials such as police officers acting in real time situations
breathing room to make reasonable but mistaken judgments, and protects all but the plainly
incompetent or those who knowingly violate the law. The purpose of qualified immunity is to
protect police officers who do their best to understand the law and yet are uncertain of how it
may apply in a specific situation or circumstances. Good faith pertains to how the officer or
department acted after there was time away from the scene to review or deliberate the incident or
arrest and how the officer or department proceeded thereafter.


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INTERROGATORY NO. 11: State the bases for your assertion of the affirmative
defenses that Officer Branch engaged in intentional acts outside the course and scope of her
employment. Your answer should identify the intentional acts that occurred outside the course
and scope of Officer Branch's employment.
ANSWER: Please see DART and/or Branch's Original Answer to Plaintiffs
Complaint. Defendant objects to this Interrogatory because it seeks a legal conclusion and
impedes or seeks to discover attorney work product. Reviewing the theories of recovery and
damages alleged by the Plaintiff in their Original Complaint and Application for Permanent
Injunction that are based or sound in tort, i.e. intentional conduct by Officer Branch, DART has
asserted various defenses of government, official or qualified immunity based on the
determination of whether Officer Branch's conduct was within the course and scope of her
employment with DART.

Respectfully submitted,

By: s/Higinio Gamez

Higinio "Gene" Gamez
State Bar No. 90001969
Sr. Assistant General Counsel
1401 Pacific Avenue, Suite 1700
Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 660163
Dallas, Texas 75266-7255
Tel: (214) 749- 3196; Fax (214) 749-0281
E-mail: geamez(
Attorney for Defendant DART

This is to certify that on May 17, 2017 a copy of this document was served by regular
mail and fax upon Plaintiffs Counsel, Tyler J. Bexley, Reese, Gordon, Marketos, LLP, 750 N.
Saint Paul Street, Suite 610, Dallas, Texas 75201-3202. Fax: 214-501-0731,
lyler.bex ley@.rgmfinn.corn and Counsel for Co-Defendant Jane Bishkin, Law Offices of Jane
Bishkin, 10000 N. Central Expressway, Ste. 400, Dallas, Tx. 75231,

sf Higinio Gamez
Higinio "Gene" Gamez
Attorney for Defendant DART


APP. 187

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