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Event Proposal

English In Camp
October 21-22, 2016
HD Organizer
Acknowledge by
Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Bogor
1.0 Introduction
The English Language Programme for students is aimed at equipping them witht h e b a s i c s o f
l a n g u a g e t o e n a b l e t h e m t o c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h o n e a n o t h e r i n different
situations.H e n c e , E n g l i s h - I n - C a m p ( E I C ) i s a i m e d a t p r o m o t i n g t h e u s e o f
E n g l i s h a s a communicative tool in various real situations. Students will enjoy and have lots of fun
when using the language in the camp.

2.0 Objectives and Mission

EIC provides an avenue for campers to immerse themselves in an Englishspeaking

The objectives of EIC are to enable participants to:

1. Communicate in the English language effectively and confidently.

2. Experience using the language in a joyful and lively atmosphere.
3. Build positive attitudes with the inculcation of moral values.
4. Develop leadership qualities by involving themselves as leaders inthe various activities organized in
the camp.
5. Think critically and creatively in English.

3.0 Event details

Date : October 21-22,2015

Venue: Bedeng

Scale of Activity: 100 Participants

Do you require to open a Booth: Yes/No

If yes, please fill in the details below:

Booth Venue :


4.0 Flow of conducting the event

This section is basically base on the event, which includes:

registration period, rules and regulations awards (if any).

For instance, a sport competition then rules and

regulations can be as this section and the awards can be

put in the other section.

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