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Janita Zhang

Jan. 31, 2012

IB ESS 4.2 Eutrophication Notes

5.4.1 Outline the processes of eutrophication.

Eutrophication is the addition of excess nutrients to a water system, which leads to the growth and
subsequent death of algae, which reduces the dissolved oxygen available for other aquatic
Or simply: the process of nutrient enrichment of an ecosystem

The main stages or steps of eutrophication are (in order):

1. Nutrients wash into a river or stream.
2. Algae grow quickly in response to the added nutrients.
3. The algae block sunlight to aquatic plants, so photosynthesis slows, and less oxygen is released
into the water - low DO levels.
4. Decomposer populations increase because they have more food (the algae), and they use up all
the oxygen for respiration - high BOD levels.
5. Fish and other consumers die due to the lack of oxygen and the lack of producers at the base of
the food web.

Nitrates and phosphates are the most common nutrients responsible for eutrophication. They tend to
come from a few major sources:
detergents (laundry soap and dish soap washed down the drain)
agricultural fertilizers
livestock waste from farms
human sewage
topsoil erosion

Process (Positive Feedback):

1. Increase in algae productivity in the lake
2. Massive increase in algae
3. Increase in dead organic matter due to increase in decomposer as there are more algae for food
4. Higher rate of decomposition as the decomposers respiration
5. Increase in oxygen demand but decline in oxygen level
6. Death of organisms
Janita Zhang
Jan. 31, 2012
IB ESS 4.2 Eutrophication Notes

5.4.2 Evaluate the impacts of Eutrophication.

Death of aerobic animals
Organisms been poisoned due to algal blooms
Increase of turbidity
Loss of macrophysics
Declines in biodiversity and loss in food chain length
Loss of water resources to human
Impact on tourism due to bad smell and aesthetic reasons

5.4.3 Describe and evaluate pollution management strategies with respect to Eutrophication.

Minimize the amount of nutrients being released into the system by:
limiting production/use of detergents containing phosphates
create buffer zones between agricultural land and water sources
prevent animal waste from leaching into groundwater and rivers/streams

Treat the polluted area by:

pumping air into the water source
divert or treat sewage properly
dredge (dig up) contaminated sediments
physically remove algae blooms

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