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Complete each of the sentences below with the correct form of the adjective.
1. Jeremy is 10 years old. Jenny is 8 years old. Jeremy is (old) ____________ ______ Jenny.
2. The Alps are very high. They are (high) _____ _______________ mountains in Europe.
3. An ocean is (large) ____________ _______ a sea.
4. A Rolls Royce costs a lot of money. A Twingo costs less.
A Rolls Royce is (expensive) _______ ________________ _____ a Twingo.
5. John's results were bad. Fred's were very poor. Fred's results were (bad) __________ _____ John's.
6. This exercise is not very difficult. It's ____________ ______ I expected.
7. The weather is not good today. It's raining. I hope the weather will be (good) _____________ next week.
8. People are not very friendly in big cities. They are usually (friendly) ________________ in small towns.
9. In the government of a country, the President is (important) _____ ______ _______________ person.
10. People say that Chinese is (difficult) ______ ____________ to learn than English.

Present Perfect For Since

1) I have been a teacher___________ 30 years
2. Bob has worked in that import export company__________ he was thirty
3. I have studied English______________ four years
4. Jenny has eaten five hamburgers______________ 7pm
5. My parents have been married__________________ twenty years
6. I have known my best friend _______________ I met him at high school
7. They have travelled in the USA______________ one month
8. The boys have played tennis_____________ two hours
9. Kevin has been in Greece ____________ July
10. My brother has drunk beer______________ two hours
11. I haven't eaten anything____________ lunch

Make sentences using FOR or SINCE

ex: How long have you studied German ? ( 2004) I have studied German since 2004
1)How long have you lived in Paris ? ( five years)_________________________________________
2) How long have you played football ? ( two years)______________________________________
3) How long has Helen known Paul ? ( February )_________________________________________
4) How long has Jim been on holiday ? ( Saturday)_______________________________________
I have studied English for three years.
I have lived in Miami since 2012.
I went to the movies yesterday.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
No, I havent seen that movie yet.
I usually have lunch at the Chinese restaurant.
6. _____________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I do much cooking.

Correct the mistakes:

A) Coca Cola are based in Atlanta______________________________________
B) The meeting starts always at 16:00___________________________________
C) There is 400 employs in our company_________________________________
D) It don't produce software___________________________________________
E) Where is based that company?_______________________________________
F) It employ 100000 people all over the world_____________________________

Complete the sentences in Present Progressive.

I_______________________ (look for) my pen.

Jane____________________ (print out) the contract.
As long as I am on holiday, Hannah and John____________________ (take care) of everything.
Look! Graham___________________________ (wear) a tie today.
That's because he_________________________ (meet) the big boss in the afternoon.
I_________________________________ (work / not) tomorrow.
Bob______________________________ (talk / not) on the phone.
What_______________________________ (you / do) ?
Where______________________________ (Mister Bradley / stay) ?

Complete the sentences in Simple Past.

Our company_____________________ (start) business in 1995.

We______________________ (order) the goods two months ago.
I______________________ (send) you the letter last week.
We_____________________ (receive) your order yesterday.
The postman__________ (come) in,_________ (give) me the documents and _________(leave) .
When I____________ (arrive) , Anne was talking on the phone.
I_______________ (get / not) your letter yesterday.
Mister O'Brian__________________ (be / not) in the office last week.
________________________(Sarah / go) to the trade fair on Thursday?
_________________________ (you / ring) me ten minutes ago?



a.- Have you______________ been abroad?
b.- She hasn't read all the CVs_____________
c.- I have earned 250________________
d.- We have_____________ visited Marocco. Is it nice?
e.- They have been the market leader_____ twenty years
f.- Paul met the CEO _______________
g.- ______________ did your sales rep arrive?
h.- Sam has____________ applied for the job. He has got an interview on Thursday

i.- I sent my CV ____________ weekend

j.- My wife has had private healthcare________ she started working there


a.- They_________________ (not SIGN) their new contract yet

b.- Mary____________________ (GO) on maternity leave last Monday
c.- Our new manager_____________ (OFFER) us gym membership
d.- ___________ you ever_________________ (WORK) for an employment agency?
e.- Your cousin___________ already_____________ (DEAL) with this issue.
f.- Jack____________________ (VISIT) the Delhi Office last week
g.- you________________ (READ) that article about e-recruitment last Sunday?
h.- ___________________you (SEE) the report yet?
i.- Sarah______________ (LEARN) a lot in her last job

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

stressed scuba diving kayak objective deal loan wreck

1. When you want money from the bank, you ask for a _________________
2. A_____________________is a sort of canoe.
3. If you have the right equipment, you can go____________________under
the water.
4. When you make an agreement with someone, you make a_____________
5. The Titanic is a very famous__________________in the Atlantic Ocean.
6. She felt very__________________before giving the presentation.
7. The_________________________of the meeting is to decide about future

equipment knowledge traffic

advice information money

1. Some say that the purpose of business is to make _________________, others say that it must have
social aims.
2. If youre late for a business meeting, just say that you were stuck in
3. Those who really need _________________usually dont like it and anyway, they are not able to follow
4. In this company we have too many facts and too much _______________.
But we dont know how to use it all so that it becomes real______________

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