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In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, first and foremost, I
would like to prise and express my high gratitude to Allah SWT, give mercy and hidayah, so
I can finish this english paper assignmet with the title is Develop Tourism Industry in
Remote Area to Face Asean Economy Community 2015.

This english paper assignment is prepared with the aim that the current generation can
develop the natural resources in the face of Asean Economy Community. This paper is
compiled from many sources that can help me to accomplish this task and also to be able to
provide great benefits for us in order to know more about the governments strategy in
tourism sector to face the AEC 2015.

Apart from all that, if there are still shortcomings in term of sentence structure,
grammer, or the contents of this paper, I will accept all suggestion and criticism from readers
so that I can fix this paper.

End of the word, I hope this paper can provide benefits and knowledge to the reader.
Thank you

November 2016
The writer

Isni Farida



TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................ii


1.1 Background.........................................................................................1
1.2 Problem...............................................................................................2
1.3 Purpose................................................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.............................................................................3

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION.......................................................................11



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