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Potential for Wind Power

Acutec Precision Machining,
Saegertown, PA

Carlyn Johnson
Richard D. Bowden, Ph.D.

Allegheny College
Environmental and Economic
Publication CEED-2010-2
1 June 2010
Table of Contents Page
Executive Summary 1
Background 1
Methods... 4
Site Characteristics 4
Data Collection and Analysis 5
Results and Discussion ... 8
Summary of All Data 8
Dataset Conditions ... 8
Annual Wind Speeds 8
Vertical Wind Shear . 9
Daily Wind Speeds .. 9
Examining the 230ft Data 11
Monthly Mean Wind Speeds .. 11
Wind Frequency . 13
Conclusions and Recommendations . 16
Acknowledgements .. 19
Works Cited .. 19
Appendix .. 21

1. Annual average wind speeds for Pennsylvania at 80m (262ft) .. 3
2. Acutec Precision Machining in Saegertown, PA 4
3. Onset S-WCA0M003 Wind Sensor ... 5
4. HOBO Micro Station Data Logger . 6
5. Testing an anemometer .. 6
6. Installing anemometers on the cell tower at Acutec .. 7
7. Seasonal wind speed profile for 50ft, 110ft, 170ft, and 230ft at the Acutec site ... 9
8. Wind speed versus height, generated using anemometers at 50, 110, 170,
and 230 feet above ground level . 10
9. Mean daily wind speed profile of all four anemometer heights averaged over
the entire collection period ...11
10. Seasonal wind speed profile of the anemometer at 230ft 12
11. Mean wind speeds and directions at the 230 foot height at Acutec ..13
12. Wind frequency and direction at the 230 foot height at Acutec ... 14
13. Total wind energy by wind direction at the 230 foot height at Acutec 15
14. Wind spend distribution directions at the 230 foot height at Acutec ... 16
15. Elevation map of northwestern Pennsylvania .. 18

1. Physical and environmental parameters during wind collection period at Acutec 8
2. Annual mean, minimum, and maximum wind speeds at each height 9
3. Data for 230-foot anemometer at Acutec . 12
4. Predicted energy output from various commercial wind turbines 17

Potential for Wind Power at Acutec Precision Machining, Inc.,
Saegertown, PA

Executive Summary
Acutec Precision Machining, Inc. in Saegertown, PA uses a large amount of electricity in its
machining operations, and anticipates increased expenditures for electricity use with upcoming
deregulation of electrical power generation. With its operation sited atop a windy ridge, the firm
is interested in determining if there is sufficient wind to power a commercial wind turbine that
could satisfy the firms annual electrical needs. This study examines the wind resource at Acutec
and the potential for generating electricity with one or more wind turbines. Wind speed, gust,
and direction were recorded for one year (2008-2009) using anemometers installed on-site at
heights of 50ft, 100ft, 170ft, and 230ft to assess the vertical wind shear and to account for
various wind turbine hub heights. We examined daily and seasonal wind patterns using the wind
analysis program Windographer. Wind speeds peaked in winter and were lowest in summer.
The mean annual wind speed, which increases with height, was 10.77mph (4.8m/s) at 230ft
(70.1m). Daily, wind speed peaks between 12:00 and 18:00 hours, with winds coming primarily
from the south and southwest. There is a sufficient wind resource at the Acutec site to power a
single large wind turbine that could meet the firms annual electrical needs of approximately
three MW. Presently, a number of commercially available wind turbines may be suitable for the
site; a complete economic analysis is needed to determine the most economically feasible wind
turbine. Rapidly changing state and federal incentives are likely to enhance the economic
suitability of placing a turbine at this location.
The current Pennsylvania wind suitability map indicates that the wind resource at the Acutec
site is marginally sufficient for wind power generation, but our analysis suggests that the present
assessment is incomplete. Additional locations may have topographic conditions conducive to
wind power production; identifying suitability will require on-site wind measurements.

Residential and commercial users of electricity will soon experience large increases in
electrical rates as deregulation removes rate caps from electrical power providers. For
commercial users, this will result in increased power costs, reduced profits, and increased costs
of manufactured goods, all of which will in turn affect consumers. Increasingly, small
businesses are seeking ways to increase energy efficiency. Some also are looking for alternative,
renewable, and less costly sources of electrical power. Nationally, access to affordable, plentiful
energy is one of the most prominent issues of our time. Although the United States was once the
largest global consumer of fossil fuels, rapidly expanding economies in other nations, and their
associated energy needs, have altered global politics and economics of traditional energy
procurement. Exponential increases in global energy demand, coupled with oil sources that are
becoming less easily obtainable, puts increasing pressure on conventional fossil fuel energy
resources as the primary source of energy for meeting commercial and industrial needs.

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Furthermore, recovering, refining, and combusting fossil fuels has negative environmental
consequences, including habitat disruption during procurement and transport (e.g. mountaintop
removal, oil spills), and atmospheric emission and subsequent deposition of combustion by-
products alters biogeochemical cycles critical to controlling productivity in terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems (Aber et al. 2003, Driscoll et al. 2003, Galloway 2001, Gaffney and Marley 2009).
Air pollution also leads to respiratory conditions that increase both morbidity and mortality
(Knzli et al. 2000). Globally, combustion of fossil fuels emits climate-altering carbon dioxide;
presently atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations continue to increase (Boden et al. 2009).
Changes in atmospheric chemistry and climate are predicted to alter oceanic (Orr et al. 2005),
aquatic (Wrona et al. 2006), and terrestrial (Cramer et al. 2001) ecosystem processes.
It is therefore imperative that significant investments be made in renewable and clean energy
alternatives. The U.S. government has shown its confidence in and support for investments in
the field of alternative energy through its legislation in the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R.679 2009). Clean energy investments include:

$3.2 billion allocated to state and local governments to invest in energy efficiency and
renewable energy such as solar, wind, and biomass
Renewable energy production tax credits of $0.021/kWh, extending to 2012
30% investment credit for renewable energy systems
$1.6 billion allocated to Clean Renewable Energy Bondstax credit bonds for financing
renewable energy projects.

Pennsylvanias state senate has also passed alternative energy legislation in the Alternative
Energy Investment Act of 2008. Significant points include:

$25 million to the Commonwealth Financing Authority for grants or loans for geothermal
projects, wind projects, and wind turbine manufacturing facilities
$50 million in tax credits to be administered by the Department of Environmental Protection
for developing and building alternative energy projects

Current legislation is driven by energy assessments showing that the U.S. holds large
alternative energy resources1 in the form of biomass (6.8 billion GJ/y)1, solar energy (707 billion
GJ/y), and wind (13 quadrillion GJ/y) (National Renewable Energy Laboratory 2010, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory 1999, World Resources Institute 2010). According to the U.S. Energy
Information Administration, U.S. energy consumption for 2007 was 96 billion GJ.
Wind is a particularly promising resource. The U.S. Government Accountability Office
reports that the Midwest and Great Plains have enough potential wind energy to fulfill the annual
energy needs of the United States (U.S. GAO 2004). Wind energy is becoming more affordable
as increases in capacity reduce wind-generated energy costs (Sawin 2001); the Department of
Energy reports that national wind prices have dropped from 6.3/kWh in 1999 to 4.0/kWh in
2007. This compares to average retail prices for conventional resources at 6.2/kWh for the
industrial sector, 9.5/kWh for the commercial sector, and 10.4/kWh for the residential sector
(Energy Information Administration 2006).

See Appendix for calculations
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With environmental and economic concerns related to fossil fuels, and with federal and state
incentives for renewable energy becoming more available, opportunities for developing wind
energy are very strong. A significant leverage point for growth in wind capacity is adoption of
this energy source by local industries and businesses that have high energy demands and that can
obtain capital needed to invest in wind energy systems. Acutec Precision Machining, Inc. is a
metals manufacturing company based in Saegertown, PA. Anticipating increased electrical
needs and rising energy prices, this firm has begun to determine if on-site wind resources can
meet its energy needs, and whether such an investment is fiscally viable. A previous
environmental impact study (Bowden et al. 2009) examining local biotic and abiotic resources
showed that erecting and operating a wind turbine at the site does not appear to pose any critical
environmental hazards or concerns.
To characterize the feasibility of generating wind power at this site, it is necessary to quantify
the available wind resource. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory wind
resource map for Pennsylvania, (Figure 1), the annual average wind speeds in Saegertown at the
location of Acutec are approximately 4.0-5.5m/s (8.9-12.3mph) at a height of 80m (262ft) above
ground level. These windspeeds are within the range generally considered to be sufficient for
wind turbine placement, but the data were modeled and were not obtained by direct
measurement. Because of the large capital investment required for wind turbines, it is critical to
measure wind speeds directly at a proposed location. Thus, the purpose of this study is to
measure actual wind speed and direction at the location of Acutec Precision Machining, Inc.

Figure 1. Annual average wind speeds for Pennsylvania at 80m (262ft).

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Site Characteristics

Acutecs Saegertown facility is located at the southwestern intersection of Interstate 79 and

State Route 198 (Figure 2), in northwestern Pennsylvania. The facility sits on a ridge at an
elevation of approximately 1100 feet (Table 1), which suggests strong wind potential. Near the
southeastern corner of the building is a cell tower. Trees are located along the entire eastern side
of this tower.

cell tower

Figure 2. Acutec Precision Machining in Saegertown, PA (from Google Maps).

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Data Collection and Analysis

Anemometers were installed on the cell tower on-site at heights of 50, 110, 170, and 230 feet
above ground level in 2007. These heights were chosen to develop a vertical wind shear model
that can be used to assess wind turbine designs that operate at different heights. The
anemometers also measured wind gust and wind direction.
The anemometers used for the data collection were made by Onset, a global provider of data
logging and data monitoring solutions. We used the Onset S-WCA-M003 model (Figure 3),
designed to take high accuracy wind speed, gust, and direction measurements in adverse
environmental conditions. Before installation, the anemometers and data loggers were tested in
the laboratory to assure that they were working properly (Figure 5). Anemometers were attached
to 6 ft-(2 m)-long extension arms that were affixed to the southwestern location of the cell tower
(Figure 6), and were programmed to record average wind speed, gust, and direction every
minute. Measurements were taken for one year to account for seasonal wind patterns.
Approximately every one to three months, data were downloaded before being processed.
Data from the wind sensors were stored on Onsets HOBO Micro Station Data Loggers,
model H21-002 (Figure 4) and were uploaded to the data organization software HOBOware Pro.
This software formatted the data to be compatible with our wind data analysis software,
Windographer Version 1.47, provided by Mistaya Engineering Co., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Figure 3. Onset S-WCA-M003 wind sensor. The wind vane is 317 mm (12.5 in.) high x
419 mm (16.5 in.) wide.

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Figure 4. HOBO Micro Station Data Logger.

Figure 5. Testing an anemometer.

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Figure 6. Installing anemometers on the cell tower at Acutec. Photo by Bill Owen.

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Results and Discussion
Summary of All Data

Dataset Conditions
After 13 months of data collection (October 2008 to November 2009) from the
anemometers on the cell tower, (Table 1), the data were exported from Hoboware Pro to a text
format. The rate of recovery of recordings was above 70% for all heights and above 80% for
three of the four heights (Table 2). Data for January and February 2009 at the 230 foot height
were lost due to data collection failure. Consecutive data files were appended to one another
using Windographer. Windographer estimated the annual mean temperature, pressure, and air
density based on the entered coordinates and elevation (Table 1).

Annual Wind Speeds

Mean wind speeds were lowest (Figure 7) in summer and highest in the winter, with a
minimum in July (8.7mph) at height of 230 feet and a maximum in December (13.1mph) at the
same height.

Table 1. Physical and environmental parameters during wind collection period at Acutec.

Variable Values

Latitude N 41 43' 8.000"

Longitude W 80 8' 51.000"
Elevation 1100 ft
Start date 10/10/2008 18:27
End date 11/20/2009 14:14
Duration 13 months
Length of time step 1 minutes
Mean temperature 12.8 C
Mean pressure 97.38 kPa
Mean air density 1.187 kg/m

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Figure 7. Seasonal wind speed profile for 50, 110, 170, and 230 feet at the Acutec site.

Vertical Wind Shear

As expected, annual mean wind speed (Table 2) and maximum wind speed increased
with height. Using the data from Table 2, we determined wind speed versus height (known as
vertical wind shear). These data were then used to develop a predictive equation for wind speed
based on height between 0 and 330ft (Figure 8). This is useful because different wind turbine
models have different hub heights.

Daily Wind Speeds

Wind speed varied over the day (Figure 9), with speeds generally highest between 12:00
and 18:00, and lowest at night.

Table 2. Annual mean, minimum, and maximum wind speeds at each height.

Possible Valid Recovery Std.

Height (ft) Units Records Records Rate (%) Mean Min Max Dev
50 mph 584,412 510,610 87.37 6.05 0 36.1 4.5
110 mph 584,412 523,568 89.59 8.15 0 41.5 4.84
170 mph 584,412 433,299 74.14 9.89 0 44.4 5.31
230 mph 584,412 489,394 83.74 10.77 0 48.14 5.53

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Figure 8. Wind speed versus height, generated using anemometers at 50, 110, 170, and 230 feet
above ground level.

The power law assumes that wind speed varies exponentially with height according to the
following equation:

U(z) 1.34z 0.39 where z is height in feet and U(z) is wind speed in mph

The log law assumes that wind speed varies logarithmically with height according to the
following equation:

U(z) 3.13ln if z z0 and U(z) 0 if z z0 where z is height in feet and U(z) is wind
speed in mph.

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Figure 9. Mean daily wind speed profile of all four anemometer heights averaged over the
entire collection period.

Examining the 230ft Data

Monthly Mean Wind Speeds

Because our highest anemometer was at 230 feet and because this is the height at which hubs
are located for most megawatt-sized wind turbines, we provide further analysis on data for this
anemometer. The data at 230ft show the most promise in wind resource availability. Gusts were
consistently about 2mph greater than the mean wind speed (Figure 10). Complete data from
January and February are missing due to technical difficulties with the anemometer.
The seasonal wind speed profile (Table 3) shows that the highest mean wind speed (13.55
mph) was in December and the lowest speed (8.80mph) was in July. The mean annual wind
speed at this height was 10.66mph.

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Figure 10. Seasonal wind speed profile of the anemometer at 230ft.

Table 3. Data for 230-foot anemometer at Acutec (NA = Not Applicable).

Possible Valid Recovery Std.

Month Records Records Rate Mean Median Min Max Dev.
(%) (mph) (mph) (mph) (mph) (mph)
Jan 44,641 21,943 49.2 10.95 10.78 0 33.20 5.63
Feb 40,321 0 0.0 NA NA NA NA NA
Mar 44,641 26,402 59.1 10.37 9.55 0 32.37 5.61
Apr 43,201 43,199 100.0 13.20 12.46 0 45.23 5.81
May 44,641 44,639 100.0 10.41 9.95 0 41.92 5.16
Jun 43,201 43,200 100.0 9.00 8.72 0 29.46 4.28
Jul 44,641 30,911 69.2 8.80 8.30 0 43.58 4.35
Aug 44,641 44,640 100.0 9.10 9.13 0 34.02 4.15
Sep 43,201 43,198 100.0 9.81 9.55 0 40.26 4.84
Oct 75,214 75,211 100.0 11.25 11.21 0 42.75 5.16
Nov 71,416 71,414 100.0 10.88 10.78 0 34.45 5.05
Dec 44,641 44,637 100.0 13.55 14.52 0 48.14 7.90
584,387 489,394 83.7 10.77 10.38 0 48.14 5.53

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Wind Frequency

The mean wind speed rose (Figure 11) shows that the highest mean wind speeds, about
12.5mph, came from the south and southeast. The noticeable lack of wind from the NNE
direction was likely caused by the cell tower blocking the anemometer. The wind frequency rose
(Figure 12) shows that most wind (10%) came from the south, so the wind turbine will primarily
face in this direction as it spins on its vertical axis to catch wind. The total wind energy rose
(Figure 13) shows that most wind energy was derived from the southwest, as we would expect
based on the results from the two other wind roses. Finally, the wind probability distribution
(Figure 14) shows that most often (about 9.5% of the time), the wind was within the 9-10mph
range. Wind speeds were 0 mph for about 3.4% of the time, and were less than 7 mph (the
minimum wind speed required for most wind turbines to produce electricity) for less than 14% of
the time.

Figure 11. Mean wind speeds and directions at the 230 foot height at Acutec. Areas
farther from the center of the circle indicate higher speeds

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Figure 12. Wind frequency and direction at the 230 foot height at Acutec. Areas farther
from the center of the circle indicate higher frequencies.

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Figure 13. Total wind energy by wind direction at the 230 foot height. at Acutec.

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Figure 14. Wind speed distribution directions at the 230 foot height at Acutec.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Our data suggest that the wind resource at the location of Acutecs Saegertown
manufacturing facility is sufficient to power a large commercial wind turbine that could meet
Acutecs annual electrical needs. This finding raises two significant questions:

Is it economically feasible for Acutec to invest in a wind turbine for electricity production?
Do other local areas have similar wind resource potential?

To begin addressing the first question, we used Windographers output, with our wind data,
to estimate the annual electrical output of a number of commercially available wind turbines.
Based on Acutecs 2008 energy demand of 2,879,936 kWh, wind turbines capable of generating
1MW to 3MW per year are most suitable. The predicted outputs in our analysis (Table 4) were
generated by Windographer based on the time-step wind data we recorded. As can be seen,
larger turbines produce more electricity, and a single large turbine can potentially satisfy
Acutecs annual energy needs. Larger turbines are more expensive, however economies of scale
and building costs may suggest that a single turbine is more economical than multiple turbines.

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A full economic analysis must include capital and maintenance costs, federal and state
incentives, tax credits, grants, loans and interest payments, and payback periods.
Our results for the specific Acutec site also suggest that other locations in this region of
northwestern Pennsylvania may be suitable for wind power generation. Looking at the rolling
hill and valley topography of this area (Figure 15) it is clear that there are other areas that have
elevations and ridge and valley topographic characteristics similar to the Acutec site. Thus, even
though the PA wind map indicates that the area inland of Lake Erie has limited wind resource
potential, it is obvious from our data, and from the topographic characteristics of the region, that
there may be more potential for wind power than estimated previously.

Table 4. Predicted energy output from various commercial wind turbines.

Turbine Predicted Annual

Size Power Output After % of Acutecs Annual Energy
Turbine Model (MW) Losses (kWh) Demand
Vestas V82 1.65 1,988,913 69.0
Vestas V90 2.0 2,320,593 80.6
Vestas V90 3.0 2,555,543 88.7
Sinovel SL3000/105 3.0 3,435,449 119.3
Sinovel SL3000/115 3.0 4,112,003 142.8%

Based on the measured favorable available wind resource, we recommend that a full
economic analysis of wind turbine construction at this site is warranted. In addition, construction
and zoning rules and regulations should be investigated. We also recommend that Acutec begin
to contact wind turbine vendors; turbine technology is changing rapidly, and manufacturers
likely can provide up-to-date information on models most suitable for this site. Lastly, we
recommend more direct measures of wind availability be made across Pennsylvania to increase
the accuracy of local wind resource assessments.

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Figure 15. Elevation map of northwestern Pennsylvania. Acutec sits at an elevation
of 400-425 meters (1312-1394 ft).

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We thank the many individuals who have made critical and valuable contributions to this project:
Rob Smith, President and CEO of Acutec Precision Machining for his financial and institutional
support; Derik Wilcox and Brandi Kautz for assistance in the field and in the laboratory; Tracy
Porter for facilitating our work at Acutec; Crown Communications for use of the cell tower;
Allegheny College for work-study support; Professor Greg Kapfhammer for computing support;
Linda Sloka and Tom Lambert for invaluable technical assistance with Windographer;
Professors Eric Pallant and Don Goldstein for advice, guidance, and encouragement on the
project; Chris Shaffer for assistance with Geographic Information Systems analysis; Ann Areson
and Sarah Wurzbacher for editorial assistance.

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Page 20 of 21
Appendix. U.S. Annual Alternative Energy Potential Calculations.

Annual Biomass Energy

Energy content of wood fuel (HHV, oven-dry) = 18-22 GJ/t
Energy content of wood fuel (air dry, 20% moisture) = ~ 15 GJ/tonne
Energy content of agricultural residues (range due to moisture content) = 10-17 GJ/tonnes
Estimate average energy content of 1 metric tonne of biomass to be 16GJ/tonne
16GJ/tonne 423 million tonnes/year = 6.8 billion GJ/year

Energy content values taken from the Bioenergy Feedstock Information Network, 2010.

Annual Solar Energy

An average of 4.8 kW-hr per square meter of sunlight is estimated to fall on the United States
each day. Multiplying this average by the area of the United States yields 9.2TWh per year.
9.2TWH/year = 6.7 1019 Btu/year = 707 billion GJ/year

Annual Wind Energy

37 million GWh/year = 37 quadrillion kWh/year 0.0036GJ/kWh = 13 quadrillion GJ/year

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