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potential energy of the flywheel and bike system is given by

V = mb ghb cos + mf ghf cos (1)

moment of inertia of the flywheel about axis passing through Z axis (refer dia-
gram) is given by

If Z = mf h2f + Ip (sin)2 + Ir (cos)2 (2)

moment of inertia of the flywheel about axis passing through Y axis is given by

If Y 0 = Ir (3)

moment of inertia of bike about Z axis is given by

IbZ = mb h2b + Ib (4)

thus the kinetic energy of the system is given by

1 1 1
T = mb (hb )2 + mf (hf )2 + [Ir 2 + Ip (sin)2 + Ir (cos)2 ] (5)
2 2 2
The euler-lagrange equation is used to derive the dynamic model of the system,
d T T V
+ = Qi (6)
dt qi qi qi

where Qi is the external forces and qi is the generalised coordinate. For qi =

using equations (1),(5) and (6) the following equation is derived.

[mb h2b +mf h2f +Ib +Ip sin2 +Ir cos2 ]+2sincos(Ip Ir )g(mb hb +mf hf )sin = Ip cos
For qi = ,the following equation is derived

Ir 2 (Ip Ir )sincos = Tm Ip cos Bm (8)

where Bm is DC motor viscosity coefficient. The dynamics of DC motor with

gear ratio G follows the equation

T m = GKm i (9)

U =L + Ri + GKe (10)
where Km , Ke are torque and back emf constants of the motor, respectively.R
andL are armature resistance and inductance of the motor, respectively. Tm is
torque generated by the motor. By substitution of equation (9) into equation
(8), and linearization (8) and (7) around the equilibrium point, the following
equations are obtained.

[mb h2b + mf h2f + Ib + Ir ] g(mb hb + mf hf ) Ip = 0 (11)

Ir + Ip + Bm Gkm i = 0 (12)
Define x = [ i]0 , y = , and u=U . The dynamics model of the system
in state-space representation by combining (10), (11), and (12) is shown by the
following equation. (
x = Ax + Bu
y = Cx + Du

0 1 0 0 0
g(m b hb +mf hf )
0 0
mb h2b +mf h2f +Ib +Ir mb h2b +mf h2f +Ib +Ir

0 0 0 1 0

0 Ir 0 r Ir
0 0 0 KLe R

1 0
B = [0 0 0 0 L] , C = I(5) , and D = [0 0 0 0 0]

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