Evaluation of Background Dose To Non Human Species at Trombay, Mumbai, India

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Evaluation of background dose to non human species at Trombay,

Mumbai, India
R.K.Singhal, Ajay K., Usha N. M. K. Mishra and A.G.Hegde

Environmental Studies Section,Health Physics Division, Mod-Labs, Trombay, Mumbai-

400085,India rsinghal@barc.gov.in ; Fax no. 91-22-25505151

Abstract: In order to meet the proposed regulatory compliances for the protection of non human
species from the ionizing radiation, a comprehensive dose evaluation process for terrestrial and
aquatic biota was worked out at Trombay. During the present work radiological doses (external and
internal) to the terrestrial plants and marine organisms (mixed varieties of fish) were evaluated by
estimating the concentration of anthropogenic (Cs-137, Sr-90) and natural radionuclides ( U-238, Th-
232 and K-40) in environmental matrices like soil, vegetation, sea water and sediment. The samples
were processed as per IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) protocol for the estimation of
naturally occurring and anthropogenic radionuclides. The average values of radiation exposure to the
terrestrial plants for K-40, Sr-90, Cs-137, Th-232 and U-238 were 632.840.5, 167.448.2,
691.229.9, 4876913203, 18011495 Gy y-1 respectively. In case of marine organism (Fish),
maximum external exposure was 195 Gy y-1 due to K-40 concentration in bottom sediment whereas
minimum was 0.004 Gy y-1 due to Cs-137 in sea water. Internal exposure to fish was maximum
(700Gy y-1) due to K-40 whereas minimum of 0.12Gy y-1 was due to Sr-90. Considering the dose
limit of 10mGy d-1 (3.65Gy y-1), proposed by the United states, Department of Energy, evaluated
radiation exposure ( external + internal ) and dose rate in the present study to the terrestrial plants and
marine organism, are orders of magnitude less.

KEYWORDS: Ionizing Radiation, Non Human Species, U-238, Th-232, K-40, Sr-90, Cs-137

1. Introduction

All forms of actual or potential threats to the environment are a cause of concern and require
regulation; ionising radiation is one among them. The impact of ionizing radiation on human through
direct/indirect pathways are relatively well understood and documented. However interaction between
radiation and a wide range of biological species (plants and animals) is not very well understood
because of their great variation with regard to their life cycles, their life spans (from days to centuries)
and their exposure pathways (where they are in the environment and what they do). In addition to this
various basic quantities like LET( Linear Energy Transfer), RBE (Relative Biological Effectiveness)
and radiation weighting factors across the whole of the animal and plant kingdoms are not available.
These quantities are required for quantification of impact of radiation. Another issue to be resolved is
regarding generality of the terminology used, such as chronic and acute dose rates in the context of
biota with a life cycle of only days or for plants that can live for centuries. There is also a need to
determine, the relevance of deterministic and stochastic effects in plants and animals and indeed, the
extent to which different biological end points and their consequences, such as early mortality,
reduced reproductive success and so on, are of value in different circumstances [ 1,2, 3].
In view of this, the different national and international regulatory authorities have therefore set a Task
Group to examine various issues like (a) that a broader framework for radiation protection of the
environment is needed to be developed, and (b) that it should be sufficiently flexible to be applied
within the context of the many existing and varied approaches to environmental management in
general and to environmental protection in particular. It has also considered that such an approach
should relate as closely as possible to the current system for human radiological protection, and that

these joint objectives could therefore best be met by the development of a limited number of
Reference Animals and Plants. Dose limits for the various terrestrial plants, animal and aquatic
animals were set based on the morbidity and mortality observation. The dose limits set by US DOE [4]
are given in Table-1 whereas in case of fish, different scientific bodies have given different dose
limits based on their observation have done observation and the limits are given in Table-2 [5]

Table-1. Threshold doses set by Biota Dose Assessment Committee (BDAC) of United States
Department of Energy (DOE). [USDOE 2002]

S.No. Categories Threshold Dose

1 Aquatic animals 10 mGy/d,
2 Terrestrial plants 10 mGy/d
3 Terrestrial animals 1 mGy/d

Table-2. Threshold doses for fish by various regulatory body

S. Regulatory Authority Proposed

1 CNSC, 2001 ( Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Ottawa) 0.55mGy/d
2 US,DOE,2002 10mGy/d
3 Sazykina and Kryshev, 1999, RPNE (Radiation Protection of 0.27 mGy/d (minimum based on
Natural Ecosystems: primary and secondary dose limits to biota early genetic and haemopoitic
4 ICRP ( International Commission on Radiological Protection ) Not specified [ discussed 0.1
10 mGy/d]
5 IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Not given[ discussed 0.1 10

To meet this upcoming regulations and to develop a coherent national policy for the evaluation of
doses to non human species, Department of Atomic Energy, India has decided to make a beginning in
this direction. This will lead to a total commitment to the environmental surveillance around nuclear
power/research plants in India. In this paper, background doses to plants and marine organism (fish)
were evaluated based on site specific transfer factors, experimentally measured concentration of
various radionuclides in different environmental matrices and internationally accepted dosimetric
quantities like RWF (Radiation weighting factor) etc.

2. Material & Method

2.1 Sample Collection:

2.1.1 Terrestrial environment

Leaves of plants and surface soil samples (0 - 15 cm) were collected from different locations of
Mumbai. Mumbai is located south of the tropic of Cancer at north of the equator and has small
seasonal temperature fluctuations. The average annual rainfall in the region is 2,170 mm. Because of
the southwest monsoon winds, more than 95 percent of the annual rainfall occurs during the four-
month period of June to September. The collected samples were processed as per the methodology
given in IAEA technical report series no 295. Vienna, (1989) for the measurement of radionuclides in
the different environmental matrices [6].

2.1.2 Marine environment:

Fish, seawater and bottom sediment samples were collected from Mumbai Harbour Bay (MHB) .
MHB is a recipient of low level radioactive discharge from BARC, a multidisciplinary nuclear
research center. The sampling area was covered between latitude 190N, 72.50E l - 19.50N and 730E

2.2 Measurement of radionuclides

2.2.1 Estimation by gamma spectrometry:

The naturally occurring radionuclides (K-40, Th-232 and U-238) and anthropogenic radionuclides
(Cs-137) considered in the present analysis were measured by gamma spectrometry in case of soil,
sediment, vegetation & Fish samples. The measurements were made with a P-type coaxial high purity
germanium detector having resolution 1.8 keV at the 1332 keV gamma of Co-60. Under the
assumption that secular equilibrium was reached between Th-232 and U-238 and their decay products,
the concentration of Th-232 was determined from the average concentrations of Pb-212 and Ac-228 in
the samples, and that of U-238 was determined from the average concentrations of the Pb-214 and Bi-
214 [7,8].

2.2.2 Determination of cesium, uranium and Thorium in sea water

Cs-137 in sea water sample was measured by concentrating it with Ammonium Molybdo Phosphate
(AMP) at pH=1 from the bulk sample and thereafter isolated AMP was measured by gamma
spectrometry. Th-232, concentration in seawater was evaluated by using default Kd value of Th-232
and measured concentration of it in sediment.

The concentration of uranium in sea water was done by AdSV (adsorptive stripping voltametry), the
details are given elsewhere [9]

2.2.3 Measurement of Sr-90

The radiochemical separation of Sr-90 in seawater, soil, vegetation, sediment and fish samples was
carried out as per the methodology given in IAEA Technical Series no 295 [5]. Processed samples
were counted by using gas flow beta counting system having a background of <1.2 CPM and
efficiency of 30%.

3.0 Results & Discussion

3.1 Methodology for evaluation of Dose rate to terrestrial plants:

Soil delivers both internal and external dose to the terrestrial plants. In order to evaluate the external
dose to the terrestrial plants, it is assumed that the soils are infinite in extent and contain uniform
concentration of radionuclides. Figure-1 shows the concentration of K-40, Sr-90, Cs-137, Th-232 and
U-238 in the surface soil (0- 15 cm) at different locations, covering an area more than 500 Sq km2.
Since some of the locations are within radioactive waste disposal area of BARC (Bhabha Atomic
Research Centrer, a multidisciplinary nuclear research site), therefore elevated levels of Cs-137 and
Sr-90 were observed. The concentration{ Ci,p (vegetation , wet)} of radionuclides (K-40,Sr-90, Cs-
137, Th-232 and U-238) in the leaves of plants at various locations are shown in the Figure-2. The
variation in Ci,p (vegetation , wet) for the same radionulides at different locations is mainly due to

variation in physiological nature of the terrestrial plants and soil microenvironment around that plant.
A substantial portion of terrestrial plant mass is above the ground, therefore it is being exposed

Sr-90 200 Cs-137

40 100
20 50
600 1600

Concentration in vegetation (Bq/kg, wet)

Concentration in dry soil (Bq/kg) dry soil

400 Cs-137 Sr-90

200 400

600 Th-232 40
300 20
0 0

40 U-238
30 U-238
20 4
10 0

400 K-40 600 K-40

300 400
200 200

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 -12 -13 -14 -15 tion-1 on -2 tion-3 tion-4 tion-5 tion-6 tion-7 on -8 tion-9 on-1 on -1 on-1 on-1 on-1 on-1
tion-1tion -2tion-3tion-4tion-5tion-6tion-7tion -8tion-9ona-1tionc-1
ation ation ation ation Loca Locati Loca Loca Loca Loca Loca Locati Loca LocatiLocati LocatiLocatiLocati Locati
LocaLoca Loca Loca Loca Loca LocaLoca LocaLocati Loc Lo Loc Loc LOc Locations
Figure-1: Variation in concentration of various radionuclides Figure-2: Variation in concentration of different radionuclide
in dry soil at various locations in vegetation (wet)

directly to the penetrating radiation ( & electrons ) while the portion below the soil is totally
submerged in the soil. External exposure to plants is assessed using an infinite source term and under
the assumption that the entire plant is submerged in the soil, therefore the derived doses will be
conservative [10, 11].

3.2 Evaluation of Radiation dose Coefficient.

3.2.1 External dose coefficient

The external and internal dose coefficients are derived based on the compilation by Kocher and ICRP
38 [12, 13]. Reference decay energies & abundance for radionuclides were taken from ICRP 38 for
each radionuclide [13].

The external dose coefficient is calculated by using the following equation

(1--------) ( 1.6x 10-13 J/MeV) ( kg Gy/J) ( 3.156 X 107 s/y) = 5.05x 10-6 Gy/y/Bq/kg
Hence, the external dose coefficient to the terrestrial plants due to radionuclide (i) present in the soil is
given by

DCFex soil , i (Gy/y/Bq/kg) = (5.05x 10-6 ) Ephotons-electrons( MeV/disintegration)

Where Ephotons-electrons is the total energy of all photons and electrons (MeV) emitted in
the decay of radionuclides (MeV/Bq-s) Internal dose coefficient

For internal exposure to terrestrial plants, the internal dose coefficients (Gy/y/Bq/kg,wet) were
calculated by using the following equation

DCFinternal , i = (1/Bq.s) ( IJ Yj EJ QJ MeV) (3.1536 X 107 s/y) (1.6022 X 10-13 J/ MeV ) (Gy/Jkg-1)

Where DCFinternal i = inetrnal dose conversion factor (Gy y 1 per Bq kg-1 , wet) for radionuclide i
Yj = Yield (abundance) of radiation j per disintegration of radionuclide i

E j = Energy (MeV) of radiation j for radionuclide i

Qj = dose modifying factor (Quality factor) for radiation j of radionuclide i

Based on the above equations, the external and internal dose coefficients of individual radionuclides
present in soil can be calculated. The external and internal dose coefficients of radionuclides Sr-90,
Cs-137, K-40, U-238 and Th-232 are given in Table 3.

The dose rate (external + internal) to the terrestrial plants due to single radionuclide present in the soil
can be calculated by using the following equation

Dr soil (Gy/y) = Cis(soil{dry})I X DCFext. soil,I X CF tp

+ Ci p(veg) X DCFinternal,iX CFtp

Table 3: External and internal dose coefficient for different radionuclides based on total energy of
photons and electrons (MeV) in the decay of radionuclides (MeV/Bq-s)
Parent Radionuclide *External dose coefficient, Internal dose coefficient,
Gy/y/Bq/kg Gy/y/Bq/kg

Cs-137 4.0x10-6 4.3x10-6

Sr-90 5.7x10-6 5.7x10-6
Th-232 6.1x10-8 4.1x10-3
U-238 4.0x10-6 4.4x10-4
K-40 2.6x10-6 3.5x10-6
* The external dose coefficient in case of marine environment (due to sediment & sea water) is one-
half of the value for exposure in an infinite medium i.e.in case of terrestrial environment).

Where, Dr soil = Dose rate to terrestrial plants due to single radionuclide in soil (Gy/y)
Cis (soil) i = concentration of radionuclide i in soil (Bq/kg)
DCFext. soil ,i = external dose coefficient used to estimate the dose rate to the tissues of the terrestrial
plant from nuclide i in the surrounding soils.
Cip (veg) = the concentration of radionuclide i in the terrestrial plant.
DCFinternal,i (Gy/y/Bq/kg) = internal dose coefficient used to estimate the dose rate to the tissues of the
terrestrial plants from radionuclide i in the surrounding soil

CFtp (dimensionless) is the correction factor for area or time. This correction factor is set at a default
of 1.

From above it is clear that, external radiation exposure to the terrestrial plants depends upon activity
concentration of radionuclides present in the surface soil while internal exposure is due to
concentration of radionuclides in plant.

3.3. Exposure due to naturally occurring radionuclides

Table-4 gives the observed radiation exposure to terrestrial plants at various locations. From this table
it is clear that exposure due to K-40 , U-238 and Th-238 (naturally occurring radionuclides) ranged
between 437.2 - 1044 Gy/y (mean:632.8 40.5 Gy/y) , 341.2-6190.4 Gy/y (mean: 1801.4 1495.6
Gy/y) and 2379.8- 299763.9 Gy/y ( mean: 4876913203 Gy/y) respectively.

From above its clear that the minimum exposure is due to K-40 and maximum is due to Th-
232. Higher exposure value for Th-232 is attributed due to its higher internal DCF which is
about three order of magnitude higher than K-40 (Table-3). Although the concentration of K-
40 in soil and vegetation is higher than Th-232 ( Fig.1 & Fig.2)

Table 4: Radiation exposure (external + internal ) to the terrestrial plants due to naturally
occurring radionuclides (K -40, U-238 and Th-232) and anthropogenic
radionuclides (Cs -137 and Sr-90) present in the surface soil around Trombay .
Loca Radiation exposure
tions ( Gy/y)
Natural occurring radionuclides anthropogenic radionuclides
K-40 U-238 Th-232 Sr-90 Cs-137

1 440.714.2 4540968 13121.711476 91.8 17.3 309.77.4

2 5829.5 3020149.6 299763.92853.6 56.1 9.4 69.339.1
3 462.37.8 668.8101.2 157868.061397 36.24.7 9404.9
4 437.215.7 6190.4770 40836.835412 461.711.5 2392.213.7
5 62111.8 1384.8228.8 6151.96287 389.8813.8 21.32.8
6 104410.9 1032145.2 8447.651271 257.75.8 322.77.5
7 78612.6 990.4118.8 99222.939840 141.414.9 144.56.9
8 754.613.4 4304.8752.4 34031.534223 226.317.8 176.94.0
9 623.711.9 1093.2123.2 33212.123608 17118.5 185614.9
10 599.49.3 380.835.2 8448.321025 368.517.3 706.711.4
11 53610.8 449.37.0 3691.3328 117.410.7 21.53.5
12 472.67.3 771.27.5 90211476 87.816.1 158.36.9
13 652.411.3 1332.457.2 11482.66205 22.20.6 886.21.8
14 523.16.8 341.222 3855.4123 13.21.20 1970.60.8
15 9578.5 522.822 2379.8782 69.52.4 392.50.8

3.4 Exposure due to anthropogenic radionuclides

The radiation exposure to terrestrial plants were evaluated as per the methodology described in section

3.2. The radiation exposure due to Sr-90 and Cs-137 (anthropogenic radionuclides) ranged between
13.16 461.7 Gy/y (mean: 167.37 48.2 Gy/y ), 21.3 2392.2 Gy/y (mean: 691.23 29.96
Gy/y) respectively. Among anthropogenic radionuclides, radiation exposure due to Cs-137 is higher
compared to Sr-90 due to elevated levels of Cs-137 in the plants which contribute significantly in
internal exposure. The higher pick-up of Cs-137 in plants is mostly due to its chemical similarity with
Potassium (K), which is one of the main nutrients required by the plants.

Figure3 shows, the percentage contribution of different radionuclides with respect to permissible
exposure. From this figure, it is clear that plants get maximum exposure due to Th-232 while
minimum is due to Sr-90.

Permissible exposure as per US DOE =10 mGy/d

Percentage of permissible exposure[Internal+External]



K-40 Sr-90 Cs-137 Th-232 U-238

Fig.3: Percentage of exposure (Observed exposure/permissible x10
for different radionuclides.

The 5th percentile to 95th percentile and median values for the observed radiation exposure for different
radionulides is given in Table-5.

Table-5: The percentile distribution and median value of radiation exposure (Gy/y) due to 40K, 238U,
Th, 90Sr and 137Cs at various locations
Radionuclides Percentile Median
P(5) P(25) P(75) P(95)
K-40 440.7 523.1 754.6 957 590.7
U-238 380.8 668.8 3020 4540 1011.2
Th-232 3691.3 8447.65 40836.83 157866.06 10251.83
Sr-90 22.23 69.54 257.7 389.88 104.6
Cs-137 21.5 158.3 940 1970.6 316.2

3.5 Methodology for Dose rate to Marine organism:

3.5.1 Evaluation of external doses to Fish

The external doses due to different radionuclides in the surrounding of fish were evaluated by
multiplying the external dose conversion factor (DCF) in Gy/year per Bq/kg (as given in Table-3) by
the concentration of individual radionuclides in sea water and sediment . The measured concentration

range of different radionuclides in sea water, and bottom sediment was given in Table-6.

(External dose)i,m = (DCF) external Gy/y/Bq/kg x Cm for sediment

DCF) external Gy/y/Bq/l x Cm for water
Where i = radionuclide; m = Type of matrices (water {Bq/l} & sediment{Bq/kg})

In case of external dose evaluation to fish the attenuation due to water is considered to be negligible.

Table-6: The observed range of concentration of Cs-137, Sr-90 U-238, Th-232 and K-40 in sea
water, bottom sediment, silt and fish samples collected from the area of the study.
Radionuclides Concentration Range
Sea water Bottom-Sediment Fish
mBq/l Bq/kg Bq/kg
Cs-137 2 70 8 480 0.088- 0.5
Sr-90 1-155 5 26 0.021 0.21
U-238 100 150 28.5-63.2 0.1 0.46
Th-232 20 -30 20.05 73.3 0.04 0.06
K-40 4 -7 Bq/l 80 -150 150 -200

3.5.2 Evaluation of internal doses to fish.

To evaluate the internal dose, the concentration of individual radionuclides in the fish body was
multilplied by (DCF) internal .
(Internal dose) i,m = (DCF) internal Gy/y/Bq/kg x Cm
The external and internal dose received by the fish due to different radionuclides is given in the
Table-7. It is clear from this table that maximum external and internal exposure in different matrices (
water, suspended silt & bottom sediment) is due to naturally occurring radionuclide K-40.

Table 7: Range of external and internal exposure to fish due to various radionuclides in sea water,
bottom sediment and suspended silt.
Radionuclides External exposure External exposure Internal exposure due to water,
due to sea water due to bottom and bottom sediment (Gy/y)
(Gy/y) sediment (Gy/y) Internal exposure

Cs-137 0.004- 0.140 16-960 0.3784 2.15

Sr-90 0.0028- 4.34 14- 72.8 0.1197 1.197
U-238 0.200-0.300 57 126.4 0.44 2.024
Th-232 0.060 0.090 60.15-219.9 0.164 0.246
K-40 5.200 9.100 104 - 195 525 700

Figure-4 gives the variation of total exposure (external + internal) due to Sr-90 ,Cs-137, K-40, Th-232
and U-238 obtained at various locations. This is a box and whisker plot where the box is determined
Maximum External exposure due to bottom sediment
10 External exposure due to sea water
Internal exposure

External exposure ( UGy/y)

Internal exposure ( UGy/y)

External exposure (uGy/y)


1 0.1



Range of exposure
Range of exposure Range of exposure

Fig.4: Box and whisker plot for the distribution of external and internal exposure to fish

by the 25th and 75th percentiles and the whiskers are determined by the 5th and 95th percentiles.

4.0 Conclusion

The total radiation exposure to terrestrial plants, due to natural (K-40, U-238, Th-232) and
anthropogenic radionuclides (Cs-137 , Sr-90) was found to be 1.8 % and 0.02% respectively, of the
permissible limits (i.e. 10 mGy/d) recommended by the United States, Department of Energy (DOE).
The total dose received by the aquatic organism of Mumbai Harbour Bay due to releases of very low
level of Sr-90 & Cs-137 from effluent treatment plant of BARC is about two order of magnitude less
than natural radionuclides K-40, Th-232 and U-238. This work clearly demonstrate that the flora and
fauna around Trombay, received a negligible radiation exposure due to natural and anthropogenic


The authors sincerely acknowledge the guidance and inspiration provided by Shri H.S. Kushwaha,
Director, Health, Safety and Environment Group, BARC. The authors also sincerely Shri M.L.Joshi,
Head, HPD Health Physics Division. for his keen support in carrying out this work.


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