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be sT AS EU LCST CT Se it tte) a Kate Fuscoe * Tomasz Siuta * Liz Kilbey * Ingrid Freebairn Jonathan Bygrave * Judy Copage « Rod Fricker Contents Students’ Book Contents Upbeat Exam Guide Introduction Teaching Notes Extra Practice Answer Key Word Bank Pronunciation Word list Irregular Verb list Students’ Book Audio Script Language Builder Workbook Answer Key Language Builder Grammar Bank Answer Key Language Builder Audio Script Quick Tests Quick Tests Answer Key Page 12 28 138 149 152 154 160 162 1 178 181 184 220 Contents on ed 14 10 Fresewsinpleand—— Fesonaty——(Usen andreas date She doesn’t know fapanpeel jenna, Pronunciation: word strass many peopl. Sate ves Examine 808 Spee oaron oie andthe pope Speak ak soot somebody nyo ay ‘Write: bout your earners tary 1B 14 Wn- questions iresent Listen and read: dialogue Where are we going? "8 and contnuows) Listen: toa conversation about a journay onthe underground Exam tink - communication: sk for hop wth words inenatsn 1c 16 Pastsimpleand ob React Oxy to remorber As we wore a Speak tak about what people in your tay were epodkig “Time markors: when, ora yestetay whine 1 18 Skills focus: Writing Consoidaton of language and okie Across cultures aod: A muticutulsocety stent ntrmation about Nase Preect | ‘Speak: give one-minute ak about yoursalt Weta’ about a petsanin your fami Aer tine cook Speak ik abet mie We: bout mustard you ste: oan ir soot ans 28 22 Present continous or Examnk eases ston and ac: dope ‘meeting Ryan. fue rangers ‘Speak: eka ansier aout arangonar Pronunciation: pant, oe ‘Exam nk ~ communication: nate arangoments: ‘re, accept lune (ith excises) 20 24 Compareon of adoctves: Adjectives of opinion Read: Fmt: The massage board fora move fans twas much more ‘much + compaive ‘Speak: tk about and compar fms ree faeces ns Superatves 2D 25 Exam sil focus Consotsten of language and sis Exam tik ‘Stuchane:stardars2,3 Cxytanie: standard 3. Reagowani: snarl 2,3 ne Rt 28. Revision: Units 1 and 2 oo 3A ‘aad Av you a domestic crea origina? Have you ever made ‘Speak: ak about pb you de around the house singer? Wie: Have you over .? questons ‘Speak: ak and anier Have you over. 3B Felaionship woes Liston and ead: atzgue fn phrases "Speak: ackand anne about expiants ‘Exams ases Exam nk = communication ak about problems Wht: a conversation about a problem ve just seen Mia, 2c Fanly ea Ham tment Pips which can ip, mie, ih at Speak att wt youd whe ou stoned an rman: ea, a ay osher 30 36 Exam atin fooue Cosco of wginge and ile | Exam ink ‘Shichane:stoncars. Caytanvestancic3, 4 Reagowani: sarc 1, 2.9 40 2 46 48 50 2 Py 58 58 Contents. erry eee ee ee Placeeintown Listen and read: datogie ‘Exam link: pivacee steno rections andfllow armap Pronunelation: cance sis anc hyn Exam le- communion: sek for an ge ecto Wie: crections {00+ ajectveraaver —Yansport Read Turn Londen: How to got around a Aaeties LUsten: to itrmaton arc complete nots (roy sacjectvetaaver and nouns of Speake cuss ways to rave rund your town ory enough imensurerent eget soso arte oo many, t00 much, nt Countable and Read Nature comes to town enough Lncouniabls POUT Speak: ak about what yur tonn or yh Pronouns same, an LUston: fo an nenw about traic problems ov every» ting, : rhe, one, bod ‘Skis focus: Wing Consolation of lnguage an sks Read: Focus on Las Argsles: Listen: Intoration about places in Las Anges Proect ‘Speak tak about a vit to Los Angeles. White: about 2 paca Poland Revision: Units 3 anc 4 ne | towarzyskie « Zywienie + Nauka I technika Preset peectsimple Colueatons wit) Read: Mas biog oon erst ch make andd> Speak: nk about youre ar your partner Proto pecect| Phrasal verb wth Uist and read dstooue j commnucus wth or and ook Pronunciation: sf wala, es! where % ae Exam link: tA586 Jet oa conversation with an ald fay end Speak: ck ac anewer questions about youre! Wit: about your parer and youreat Protent pect simple Food and din; Uistan and read ciatogue fan continacus wih for coking vers Exam k= ommunietion’ ot, ascent or rie, sndsince persuade ‘Exam skis focus Consolation of anguoge an sis " Sluchanie:stancard 1,3 Gzytanie:slarcard 2 Reagowanie: standard 1.2.9 | eed 0 ‘Exam line pases Listen and ead datogve eho questions ‘Speak ak about what ou and yourfamiy were inthe past, Pronunciation ring nionation Qo show res) Exam Ink communication: show intrest, Pat abit could and Verbs ofacton Read Chien ui on ayters nd coconuts waalware ae fo LUsten 1 conversation about to chlfen a Speak: oe tho ser) f White: th chleraris story using prompts : Past perfect simple Collcstiona wih Read: Myatry ran i ca ‘Speake cscuss tho rica youhave)ust ead ‘Speak: rolply a conversation: ak about something ‘uy tat Mapped 1 you ‘Exam akile focus Consoldation of language and sis Stuchanie:stendars 2.3 Cayton: stardare 5 Reagowanie standard 1, 2,8 Revision: Units § and Eee ston and read cisioque Pronunciation: sotes, place LUsten: toa conversation about how a jacket ie mae Speak play aguessing game ead: Facet Face? Exam tink~ communication: ive and react to opnions Wire: 9 comment about sci neon Read: I's. « wonder wore stent inermation snd complete note Write about a landscape feature in Polar Mater ‘Exam link reste Nen-dtring relative causes: whe, whose, winch, where Landscape and crore Exam skllsfoeus Consolidation of anquage and sits ‘Stuchane: standard 2, Cxytanie: stander 1,9 Reagowanie: stancars2, 9 ose ens Project | Pronuncaton: lu, fab Latent an interview wih 2 wave agont Wine: about noise nthe tre Ft condtonl vith # Nopaive adjectives with retses un. Exam tink: piracos inless| a re wth whenias Phrases sad in toma eters ston and eed: diogue ston 0a conversation about what to pack or an Wie: rsructos fer gong tekking ead: eter rom Ryan ‘Exam lnk communieaton: reminder, promises! reasouarcas and afore Wine: sn ntoral eter ‘kite focus: Writing Concoldatin of language ar ale Read: Gao years Listen: to students taking about reap yer eas ‘Speak: tak about your gap year ideas Weta: an artic fer acc! website ee ee Exam link proses ead: Aas Feo! stent raci inter about a practical oko Pronunciation: compresion ew 2) ‘Speak tak about Ape Fools! Day an practical jokes Rood: Unusual jobs: Patee ist Speake deserbe » parson Werte: a cescripion ofa person LUsten and read: daiogue Exam link ~ communication: speak onthe phone ‘Exam skill focus Consolidation of language and sie Stuchanle:standar 1,2, Gaytanie: standard Reagowani: candor, 2,9, Se mn nn See es o [econdcontteral [tendo Read: What would you doin acre? asjectves ‘Speak ak about imaginary satis Pronunciation: isin woul you, you) LUsten:toacorversaton about a quiz gestion ‘94 Iwi wth past simple Phrasal vrba wih” Read: Av ich apie avays the happioe!? out. up, 00 Speak: a about ba ‘Speak: predict what a postman says about hijo Listen: to apostman taking about his jb ‘Speak: ak about wat you wis you could change rte: about what yu wish you oud change 95 “ypes of TV LUsten and rea siaioque roganme | Speek: discuss aTV mens 7 : rami sre once nenanenend ' ‘xpress peeences "100 98 Slt focus: Witng Consol of angnge and ls i | Aeron cots Read: Amsrcan summercarne Usten-tomconversonskeut uremercame Pl) ‘peek ak abut your summer car pretrenen We paragraph bout summer cam | 3 +100 Revlon: Units 8 arc 0 5 i Reacts crme stoi, | twas auch a sity such las) + adjective + Listens hres shor restores # | mistake ieotee! Speak eet aca soy : White a try bout ts usa emt | 118 104 Veo wihinitve or Conpiterlangusge Read: Why isi cme? [ltaseminapereg "eo tees dae eis i | for music, Write: about yourself a 5 Speak: ak bout youre sn your partner : “ac 06 Ain vers wihso Gatos, steno reat: ome : | sodo. aed seeees e8 prenuncion a sed. toes a ram nk communeston:mateancrspordto | ‘Exam tok: plvases feayeats 108 Exam skis focus Consotsaton of language an eke ‘Stuchanie: standard 1.9 Czytanie: standard 1,2 Reagowanie: stander 3 110, Palos and abigaten: Ustan: 9 people comming on spots events mscimae to Read: A itorenthin er ootba! Write: teres of sport Speak: explain the ies ofa wpe 128 112 shoudiouanttomhad —_Inues and mecical_ Listen and read: ioove You'd better go to eter ‘ratment LUsten:toa conversation sbut an acidant | hospital. Exam ink ptva9e9_ Pronunciation: king sounds have ar accent : Exam lin~ communication: sk fo and give abico | 20 114 Adjoctwos win propostions Read: an onal fom Ma | it's famous for Speak ak shout things that you are good at, proud © shopping. ofa Wee: an oma 120 418. Beam aie focus Contldaton of language and kil Exam ink ‘Stuchanio: standard 2, Czytanie: siandard 6 Reagowanie: stance 1,9 | Re 178. Revision: Units 1 ana 12 Extra practice p120 Word Bank p131 Pronunciation p134 Word list p195 Irregular verb list p142 5 Egzamin gimnazjalny - podstawowe informacje Struktura zestawu egzaminacyjnego i punktacja Zestaw egzaminacyjny zawiera zadania zamkniete i otwarte, sprawdzajace umiejetnosci w ramach trzech obszaréw: ~ odbi6r tekstu czytanego, ‘odbidr tekstu stuchanego, = reagowanie jgzykowe. Na poczatku egzaminu uczniowie wystuchaja dwukrotnie nagrarh do wszystkich zadartz czeéci .odbir tokstu sluchanego” oraz zadania z czaéci .teagowanie jezykowe", Ktoremu towarzyszy nagranie. Pozostale zadania modna rozwiazywaé w dowolne) Kolejnose, Za poprawne rozwigzanie wszystkich zadan w zestawle egzaminacyinym mozna otrzymaé maksymalnie ‘50 punktow. Orientacyina punktacja za zadania sprawdzajace odbior tekstu sluchanego wynosi 10 punktow, ‘za zadania sprawdzajace odbior tekstu czytanego i reagowanie jezykowe po 20 punktow. Ponizszy Upbeat Exam Guide wyjasnia, co w praktyce oznaczaja poszczegdine standardy | typy zadah ‘egzaminacyinych, oraz pozwala uczniom zorientowac sig, w ktérych lekcjach egzaminacyjnych (Exam link) _mnajdue sig dany typ zadania, Inlomacje na tema egaaminy girazinego | stacey zostalyoprscowane ra pode Infrmatra o egzamine ginnazjlnym 2 jezyha anglelskiego przepromedzenymn od roku sskoInege 2008 2008, pzyostonanapo przez Canara Kame Egeamirscye, wo wepeovay 2 ckrouyn komjan’epzaminacyinm. Poin worsainformatr jet dosgana ra sono riser) CRE (wa 0 031, UPBEAT EXAM GUIDE Odbior tekstu czytanego Sen Umiej@inosci: Ten standard sprawdza, czy umiesz okresii¢ ogélny sens teksty, kiéry czytasz, na przyklad wybrat najlepsze Jago podsumowanie lub tytut. En en Test wyboru Exam link 7D, zadanie 3s. 73 Wybierasz jocng z trzech odpowied. Exam link 11D, zadanie 3» s. 108 eer j@tnosei Ten standard sprawdza, czy rozumiesz ogéliny Sens fragmentow jecnego tekstu, a wige jest bardzo Me Cee Exam link 50, zadanie 3-> 8. 54 Exam link 11D, zadanie 3-» s. 108 opasowajesz nagiéwk do ragment6w jecnego teksti. CC te nk een ‘Standard 3: Uczen stwierdza, czy tekst zawiera okresione informacje; wyszukuje lub selekcjonuje informacje. Umiejetnosci: ‘Ten standard wymaga od Giebie skupienia sig na konkretnych fragmentach tekstu i znalezienia w nim informagi szczegotowych. Test wyboru Exam link 2D, zadanie 2 ~ s. 26 Wybierasz jedng 2 reech odpowiedz. Exam link 7D, zadanie 3 ~ s.73 Test typu prawda-talsz Exam link 80, zadanie 3 ~ s. 97 Decycuiosz, czy zdania sa zgodne 2 trescla tekst Sree nea eas Umiejgtnosel: Ten standard spravidza, czy umiesz okresli¢, dlaczego ktos napisat tekst. Intencja moze by¢ na przyklad przeproszenie kogos, poinformowanie, chec uzyskaria informaci, porada pn ‘Test wyboru Exam link 3D, zadanie 8 ~ 8. 37 Wybierasz jedng 2 trzech odpowiedz. Uaineeene a Ele em hE T-T- Tal See a ae en ‘Umiejetnosel: ‘Ten standard eprawdza, c2y umios2 tak dopasowaé lub utozyé fragment tekstu, aby stanowily logicana | poprawna gramatycznie calosé. Die ‘Upbeat Exam Link: Uktadanie fragmentéw tekstu w kolejnosci Exam link 90, zadanie 5 -~ s. 90 Wybierasz jedno z trzech moziiwych ulozen fragmentow tekstu. Wstawianie zdan w luki Exam link 12D, zadanie 4~ s. 116 Uaupetniasz luki w tekscle zdaniam, KtOre zostaly z nego usuniet. ee ee ah ee) 10 Odbior tekstu stuchanego Standard 1: Uczeh okresia glowna mys! tekstu Umiejgtnosci: | ‘Ton standard sprawtiza, czy potratisz zrozumiet i okreslié glowny temnat tekst lub dialogu, Ktiry ustyszysz. | En = ‘Test wyboru Exam link 90, zadanie 3 ~> 8. 80 Wybierasz jean z rzech odpowiedzi Dobierani Exam link 50, zadanio 5 ~ s. 55 Wysluchuiesz kiku wypowiedel i dopasowujesz do nich tamaty lub Exam link 110, zadanie 7 8.108 | 2dania, Ktére najlepie) podsumowia ich tase. See eee Umiejgtnoset: Ten standard sprawdza, czy umiesz zorientowaé sig, kto mowi, v jakim migjscu odoywa sig rozmowa, lub jake} sytuaci dotyczy. Typowe zadania: UPBEAT EXAM GUIDE Dobieranie Exam link 6D, zadanie 35.62 | Wysluchujesz alafogéw i dopasowujesz jo do miejsc, oséb lub Exam link 7D, zadanie 4~» 8. 73, sytuacfi. Exam link 120, zadanie 6 > s. 117 Test wyboru Exam link 2D, zadanie 6 ~ s. 27 Wybierasz jedng z tzech odpowiedzi. Odpowiedzi moga bys Exam link 90, zadanie 3 s, 90 rzedstawvione w formie zo) lub Htustrac}. Standard 3: Uczen stwierdza, czy tekst zawlera okresione informacje; Pee ee oa names Umiejetnosci Ten standard wymaga od Ciebie skupienia signa konkretnych fragmentach nagrania izrozumienia informaci seczegdiowych, Test wyboru Exam link 20, zadanie 6 ~ s. 2 Wyblerasz jecna z rzech odeowiedz!. Odpowiedzi moga byé Exam link 60, zadanie 9» s. 63, prasdstawione w forme zdjg¢ fub iustrac Exam link 70, zadanio 2-> s. 72 Exam lnk 120, zedario 7 ~ 9.117 “Test typu prawda-fatez Exam link 3D, zadanie 7 s. 37 Decydujesz, czy zdania sa zgodhe 2 trescia nagrania Exam link 9D, zadanie 7» 8. 91 | Uzupetnianie informacyi Exam link 20, zadenie 8 ~ 8, 27 | Wpisujesz slowa lub iczby do tabelk ub w iki w zcaniach, Exam link 8D, zadanie 7 >». 85 | Exam ink 11D, zadanie 4 ~ s, 109 Exam link 6D, zadanie 7 — s, 63 Dobieranie \Wystuchujesz dlalogu lub tekstu i dopasowujesz informacje do ‘odpowiednich os6b. ‘STRATEGIE EGZAMINACYJNE | DODATKOWE ZADANIA -> ZESZYT CwiczeN (Lanauace BUILDER) Reagowanie jezykowe Sere Umiejgtnosei: Ten standard sprawdza, czy wiesz, jakich wyrazer\ nalezy uéyé w typowych codziennych sytuacja ra prayktad jak odpowiedzie¢ na pytania czy propozycie. en as Test wyboru Exam ink 6D, zacanie 11-8. 63 Wybieraszjecngz trzech reakjf na dane pytanie lub zdanie Test wyboru do nagranych wypowiedzi Exam lik 9D, zadanio 9 ~ 6. 91 Wysluchujesz pytar lub zdar wyblerasz jodna 2 trzech reakc}. Exam link 5D, zadanie 10 & 55 Dopasowujasz wiasciwe reakcjo do pytar lub 2dan. Dobieranie reakeji do nagranych wypowiedzi Exam link 3D, zadanie 10 s. 37 Wysluchujesz pytar lub zder i dopasowujesz do nich wlasclwe | Exam link 12D, zadanie 9-> 5.117 reakcje. Standard 2: Uczen rozpoznaje | poprawnie stosuje struktury leksykalno-gramatyczne niezbedne do skutecznej komunikacjl ‘Umiejatnose' Ten standard sprawdza, czy umiesz poprawnie uzywaé stownictwea i struktur gramatycznych Test luk sterowanych Exam link 8D, zadanie 5 ~ s. 37 Uzupetniasz luki w tokéoie, wybierajgc jedng 2 treech odpowiedel. | Exam link 9D, zadanie 2 -> s. 90 Test luk otwartych Exam link 8D, zadanie 2 s. 54 ‘Tym razem musisz sami-a zdecydowaé, jakie stowo wpisaé w luke. | Exam link 7D, zadanie 7 ~> s. 73 Uzupetnianie luk wyrazami w odpowledniej formie | Exam link 2D, zadanie 5 — 8. 27 Uzupetniasz luki w tekscie, wyblerajac odpowiedni wyraz 2 ramki | Exam link 6D, zadanie 6 -» s. 63, { wstawiaigc go w odpowiedniej forme. Se en eee i ett tel Pee ee Umiejeinosei Ten standard sprawdza, czy potrafisz pr2ekaza¢ w jezyku angielskim informacje wyrazone w jezyku. polskim lub w formie wizuaing) (na przykiad zdjecie, rysunek, mapa). Test wyboru Exam link 7D, zadanie 9 ~> s. 73 Wybierasz reakcje w j@zyku angielskim odpowiednia do sytuacji | Exam link 11D, zadanie 9-~ s. 109 pisane| w jezyku polski. Wybér opisu ilustracji Exam link 6D, zadanie 5 ~ s, 62 Decydujesz, iéry 2 trzech opiséw iustracil est prawiclowy. Exam link 90, zadanio 8 -> s. 81 Test luk sterowanych do opisu ilustracji Exam link 5D, zadanie 9 ~ s. 55 Uzupetniasz luki w opis ilustracj, wybierajgc jecng 2 tech codpowiedzi Test luk otwartych do opisu ilustracji Exam link 20, zadanie 7 ~ s. 27 Tym razem musisz sami-a zdecydowad, jakie slowo wplsaé w luke. | Exam lik 120, zadanie 3-> 8. 116 Pytania do ilustracji Exam link 3D, zadanio 2— 8. 37 (Odpowiadasz petnymi zcaniami na dwa pytania dotyczace ilustragii.| Exam link 110, zadanie 5 > s. 108 Exam link 120, zadanie 2-> s. 116 Set et ee een etree ee) 3qIno WVX3 Lvagdn "1 12 INTRODUCTION Welcome Welcome to Upbeat 8. This is the third of a four- level course for teenage students of English. Upbeat takes students from beginner or false beginner level to intermediate evel. Depending on their level, students, can start the course with Upbeat 1 or Upbeat 2 ‘We chose the name Upbeat for the course because ‘we believe that language learning can and should be «2 positive and rewarding experience for both students ‘and teachers. Our sim when writing Upbeat was to ‘create a course which would stimulate, educate and ‘encourage teenage students of all abilities while at the ‘same time providing extensive support and help for the teacher, We hope that we have achieved our aim, and that you and your students will enjoy using Upbeat. Ingrid Freebaim Jonathan Bygrave Judy Copage Rod Fricker Components Upbeat 3 has the following components: a Students’ Book plus CD-ROM + aLanguage Builder which contains both a Workbook and a Grammar Booster plus Audio CD this Teacher's Book plus CD-ROM Motivator with photocopiabie activities Class audio CDs a Test Master CD-ROM Interactive Whiteboard software Active teach Dvbs. Background to the course The students Today's teenagers, just lke previous generations, are ‘2 varied and fascinating group of individuals. They are ‘changing physically, sometimes at astonishing speed, ‘and are often preoccupied with their appearance. They ~are coping with new and strange emotions and at the ‘same time they are leaming to think in a more abstract way which allows them to discuss issues and ideas. ‘Through this whirlwind of change, teenagers are trying 10 establish their identity and leam who they are, Unike previous generations, today's teenagers are surrounded by technology, which they can generally use with ease and efficiency. They ive in a world where sounds, images, words and ideas come at them in a constant stream from many different sources. They usually think nothing of surfing the net, texting, listening to music and watching TV at the same time. New technology also gives teenagers increased contact, with their peer group ~ offen the most influential group of ‘people in a teenager's life. The need to appear ‘coo!’ and bbe accepted by this group can often be the strongest motivating force in a teenagers life. These peer group pressures, coupled with rapid mental and physical ‘changes, may from time to time lead to confit with ‘amily, fiends and authority. ‘Another pressure on today's students is the increasing ‘need for quaifcations which demonstrate their skits in foreign languages, especially English. Given all of the influences above, teenage students of English need teaching materials which reflect their word and broaden their skils to faciitate their goal of gaining qualiications, ‘As well as aiming for competence in the English language, classroom materials should help students explore and establish their own moral and ethical values. What is right and wrong can be a challenging area for teenagers and itis important that they have the chanoe to hear the opinions of others as well as make their own ‘opinion heard. The teaching situation ‘The Gymnasium exam Starting from 2009 all Gymnasium students must take ‘written schooHleaving exam in a foreign language. Even though the exam cannot be ‘passed’ or ‘failed’, the result may be very important, as the number of points ‘might be taken into consideration by upper secondary ‘schools in the future. Upbeat is a course spacialy designed to give students a thorough grounding in the skits and topics specified in the exam description. From the frst unit of evet 1, Upbeat teaches your students the necessary language and gives them many ‘opportunities to deal with exam task types in the safe environment of the classroom, so thal they fee! confident once they have to face the real examination. ‘You wil find a lot of examination materia in the Exam link fessons in the Students’ Book and Language Builder. The teaching notes for lessons A, B and C also include ‘Exam idea’ boxes, which give you some ideas {or providing your students with more exam practice. Motivation Many students will have had several years of contact with learning Englsh before they start this course. These ‘experiences may not always have been successful or enjoyable. Consequently students may bring to the ‘classroom preconceived ideas about whether leaning English is fun or not, and whether they are ‘good’ at languages or not. f their experience of leaming English has not been positive, their lavel of interest and ‘motivation may be low. On the other hand, their previous experience of leaming English may have been a postive Cone, in which case their level of motivation when they join the class may be quite high. in either case, it is essential that their new English course contains topics which are interesting to them, and exercises which are intellectually ‘challenging and which have ‘real-world’ value in their eyes. The topics and tasks in Upbeat have all been selected to interest, challenge and motivate students, Large classes Ina significant number of schools, large classes are the ‘norm rather than the exception. Large classes make it ditfcult for teachers 10 ensure that al students have sufficient practice in English to make significant progress. Furthermore, teachers cannot always pay enough individual attention to students, especially those in greater need of help. ‘The use of painwork and occasional groupwork in Upbeat allows each student to have more practice time in class and may enable stronger students to help ‘weaker ones. Once pairs or groups have been set up, the teacher can then monitor them and provide more individual attention to those students who need the most hep. Not enough teaching hours ‘Students frequently have only three English lessons per week, and it is sometimes dificult for teachers to feel that they are achieving enough in the time available. They may feel unable to cover the work as thoroughly as they would wish, or to ensure that all students are making enough progress. The structure of Upbeat, with one lesson on every spread, helps teachers and students to have a clear goal in the time available and a sense of progress as they move through the book, Optional components such as the Motivator. the Language Builder and the Students’ CD-ROM offer extra material for those students who risk falling behind, {and reinforcement and revision for those students who are keeping up. Monitoring progress Detailed monitoring of students’ progress is increasingly a feature of teaching in schools today. This results in a heavier workload, as teachers have to prepare and mark tests, give assessments and write student profiles. Upbeat provides plenty of revision and testing material to help in the assessment of students’ progress. Multi-level, multi-lingual and mixed ability classes Many English classes today ere muit-tevel. Some members of the class will have studied English for many ‘years, some may have studied another foreign language, and a few are joiring the class as complete beginners to foreign language learning. Some classes are also multi-lingual in that they contain students from different ‘ethnic and linguistic groups. Classes are invariably also mixed abiity. In one class, there willbe students who have a natural aptitude for leaming languages with excellent skils and strategies, and others whose natural aptitude lies elsewhere. These students will need more time to achieve the same level, anda lot of teacher patience and encouragement to make a relative success of language leaning, Upbeat provides plenty of practice maternal in motivating formats to occupy faster learners as well as providing extra material for those who need more practice. Learning differences ‘As research makes more advances into the nature of learning, more students are being diagnosed with Conditions known as Specific Learning Ditferences, (SLDs) (e.g. dyslexia). These leamers need special attention. If teachers feel that they have any students with an SLD, they will find help and suggestions later on in this introduction. Principles behind the course ‘We believe that four kay principles need to be followed if language learning material is to be effective for teenagers. 1 Motivate ‘The design of the course, and the topics and issues it ‘deals wath, must motivate the students from the start, Upbeat achieves this by: * using authentic location photography, magazine articles, website articles and emails, as well as ‘material in puzzle formats, + introducing a group of teenage characters with whom students can easily identity + focusing on situations, topics and emotional issues ‘which students will recognise and respond to * presenting authentic functional language and ‘everyday expressions which young British and ‘American people use in conversation with each other (see the Exam link: phrases boxes and the Exam link: communication sections) *= including topics which expand students’ knowledge of the world (see the Across cultures lessons). 2 Maintain interest The leaming tasks in the course must involve and Challenge students both linguisticaly and cognitively to maintain their interest and ensure that leaming is, effective, Uboat achieves this by providing: ‘cognitive stimuius through memory exercises and. Puzzles (soe the red plastic bookmark, the Solve it! ‘exercises in the Students’ Book, the puzzle exercises in the Motivator and the Students’ CD-ROM exercises) * interesting and varied language exercises to ‘encourage practice of key language (2.9. quizzes and questionnaires) ‘+ personalisation of the language to allow the students to tak about themselves and their opinions ‘+ reabife functional exchanges in the Exam link: ‘communication sections to provide realistic ‘communicative practice of everyday language ‘+ a.drama DVD with a motivating storyine and effective language consolidation. 3 Enable all students to succeed ‘The course material should make it possible for every ‘student to achieve success at his or her level of abilty. 13 14 Upbeat achieves this by providing: ‘grammar in clear tables for easy processing of ‘information, and full grammar summaries in Polish in the Grammar Booster section of the Language Builder ‘+ Clear signposting of the key language, which is highighted in red, in the presentation texts and iatogues ‘+ graded grammar practice tasks with simple tanguage ‘manipulation exercises followed by more challenging tasks + Extra practice activities in the back of the Students’ Book for leaers who need extra challenge or extra ‘support ‘+ multi-level exercises in the Language Builder ‘+ exercises in a variety of entertaining types in the Motivator ‘+ a Students! CD-ROM to enable students to practise at their own pace in an alternative format, 4 Set goals and monitor progress ‘The learning material should contain markers throughout the course to enable students to monitor their progress, gain a sense of achievement and develop independent learning strategies. Upbeat achieves this by providing: ‘+ objectives boxes at the beginning of each lesson, ‘enabling students to know what their leaming goals are * Revision spreads at two-unit intervals throughout the Students’ Book, and Review sections in ‘each unit of the Students’ CD-ROM to provide ‘opportunities for students to monitor their own progress. + extensive photocopiable test materials in this Teacher's Book and on the Test Master CD-ROM Course components Students’ Book The Students’ Book contains 12 units. Each unt is divided into four two-page lessons, labelled A, B, C and D. (The only exception is Lesson 14, which extends to four pages.) Each A, B and G lesson presents and practises a mix of grammar, vocabulary and functional language (Exam link: communication). D lessons are skils lessons. Depending on the unit, they focus either on exam preparation (8 units called Exam link) or on ‘the culture of English-speaking countries (4 units called Across cultures), Both types of lesson consolidate land extend the language presented in the preceding three lessons. There is a Revision lesson after every ‘two units, making a total of six revision lessons in the ‘Students’ Book. These contain accuracy exercises to revise grammar, vocabulary and communication, and finisn with a simple self-assessment box to help students to Monitor and reflect on their own progress. The twolve skis lassons (Lesson D) are divided into two ifferent rotating types: Exam link and Across cultures. The Exam link tessons offer about 5-7 tasks in the ‘exam format, which focus in particular on the three ‘exam pars: reading, listening and reacting. Each Exam link lesson also contains a few non-exam exercises ‘aimed at developing students’ general language skits, ‘The Across cultures lessons feature the English- speaking world, viewed from a teen perspective (e.g. food, school, Iifestyle). They contain reading. listening and speaking tasks 2s well as a particular emphasis on writing, At the end of the Students’ Book, there aro Extra Practice exercises, Pronunciation exercises, a unit-by- tnt biingual Word list with new vocabulary and a Word Bank as well as an Irregular Verb list. The Extra practice exercises give further practice of the grammar, ‘vocabulary or functional language presented in the A, B and C input lessons, These exercises can be used both for faster leamers and for those who need further ‘consolidation, Language Builder ‘The Language Builder is a flexible and versatile resource which offers self-access materia! for students ina wide range of teaching situations. It can be used in parallel with the Students" Book units in class, or can be used as a resource for homework exercises. tis ‘divided into two parts: ‘+ Amutt-level 96-page Workbook ‘+ a44-page Grammar Booster containing grammer reference pages and extra grammar practice exercises. The Workbook section of the Language Builder is ‘divided into units and lessons which conespond to those in the Students’ Book. In the A, B and C input lessons, the Workbook provides practice of phrases, grammar, vocabulary and functions, It contains exercises at two levels of difficutty, indicated by one or two stars, to cater for mixed abiity classes. This means that al students, ‘whatever their level of abitty, can achieve success, and therefore be motivated to achieve higher goals. Most students will benefit from completing both levels of

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