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How Brother Leon Brought

Home A Wife
Manuel E. Arguilla

Submitted by:
Hazel Jule S. Lazaga
Emmare M. Cantre
Blessy Angelie L. Gonzales

Maria arrived at the edge of Nagrebcan, where he met Baldo, Leon younger brother, and
Labang, Baldos carabao. Maria greeted Baldo and Labang, who never stopped chewing his cud.
Baldo laid a hand on Labangs nech and asked Maria to scratch his forehead. Maria hesitated at
firt because she was afraid of Labangs horns, but she came and touched Labang. Leon paid Ca
Celin, then Ca Celin drove away without keeping his eyes away from Maria. They were left
alone on the roadside, after a while they rode on their cart and begun trie trip going home.
Though Sh was wearing high-heeled shoes and a long skirt, it was not a hindrance for her to
climb up the cart. The un had sunk and sky is slowly filled with darkness. When Baldo sent
Labang down the deep cut tht would take them to the dry bed of Waig, Leon got furious and
asked Baldo why they took that road instead of Camino Real. Baldo answered that it was their
father instruction. That instance, Leon already got the idea why they took Waig and why they
are riding Labang instead of the calesa, which, supposedly, easier and safer for them. Baldo
looed back and aw his brother and Maria holding hands and talking sweetly about the stars and
other things. From time to time they ask questions to Baldo, which Baldo will answer briefly.
After awhile, Leon suddenly broke into a song entitled Sky Sown with the Stars- the same that
Leon and hs father usually sing whenever they cut hays in the fields. When they were climbing
through the fields, Leon asked Maria if she misses the city, Maria answered Yes but in a
different way. She aid she was happy that they were not there. After a while, Maria told Leon
that she was afraid of meeting her father-in-law because he was not confident that he will like
her. Leon told Maria that it was ok and even though his father is scary on the first time but he is
actually the mildest-tempered, gentlest man he knows. They arrived at the house of Lacay Julian,
Urong and Celin asked Baldo if hes with Leon and his wife. When they arrived home, they saw
their mother standing at the door way. Leon immediately asked her where his father was. Baldo
on the other hand went upstairs to his fathers room. He told hi father all about their travel,
especially his observations and critiques about Maria. He ended up complimenting her, becaue
even though shes from the city, he neve complain abput the bumpy road and the new
environment. in tea she tried to cope up with the new things around her. It turned out that riding
on Labang and taking the Waig Road was actually a test whether Maria can survive the life in the
countryside and sacrifice her good and comfortable life in the city.

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