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ENACTUS Fall 2015


Activities Fair - September 16
do you see a student? photo frame
CSC enactus banner
Enactus logo origami:
(put website/ Facebook/ Insta on the origami)
Other interesting recruitment ideas:
Name tags ?
Awards/pics from Business department

Bus 101 classes presentation

make slideshows/prezi, everyone present in different classes (before or after
First meeting
decide on weekly meeting time. Do all officers have their class/work schedules?


Nepal Earthquake Relief

3 fundraising events, 1 each month :-
Events should all be low-budget, high goals, carefully planned out well in
September event out in the Quad - we can do henna, sell lemonade, lassi with
fruit flavors, water balloon competition (like Nepali Holi festival), pot
breaking competition (clay pot suspended high up in the air from a tree
and people climbing on each others shoulders to reach and break it,
blindfolded), quick nepali snacks like WaiWai sadheko (raw noodles with
spices), a bouncy house if theres one in the gym
October - Another/ Second/ A Different Glimpse of Nepal? sell momo definitely
November -

Promote Franklin events in CSC, arrange transportation for students
What else has Todd planned?

Solarize Kearsarge
What needs to be done?


Create Weebly page for CSC Enactus, should include:

Ongoing projects (show year 1 for all 3 projects and plans for year 2)
Past projects - include exciting pictures from Lets Can Hunger (Danceathon), etc
Awards/participation in previous regionals/nationals competition (even from SIFE,
some pictures posted on bulletin outside Business dept. in Colgate)
Member of the Month
Upcoming events to show events under all projects
Create GoFundMe page for Nepal fundraising
Update Facebook/Instagram
Update Enactus page on CSC official website

As a reminder, Goals we had set last semester for the upcoming year:

1. Continue existing projects - Women Empowerment, Solarize and Franklin

2. Add on new projects - WREN? helping Claremont citizens, helping people
who use the food pantry to get jobs, collaborate with Sustainability Corp to
grow vegetables locally for the dining hall
3. Think of new project ideas!
4. Make specific goals for each project
5. Increase members by incentivizing
6. Communication communication communication - among officers and
among different projects
7. Add more !!

Minutes from last meeting:

Meeting Minutes
Date: 04/14/2015
Harrington center involvement
Starting a Dropbox or P-Drive
Know a lot more about the Womens Empowerment Movement and make it our main focus.
Judges love to focus on:
Sustainability- making WEM live on and continuing the project each year
Not interested in one- shot projects
Number crunching
Getting the statistics from the effects of the WEM in Nepal project (needs improvement)
Doing two projects will allow us to compare and contrast the effects of each
More effort
Taking the same women in Nepal and seeing where they are today
Vietnam in the summer Nepal in winter
Vietnam (Mai, only in the summer)
o Collect data and statistics
Energy Committee:
Measureable and on-goingGREAT
April 28 -- community farm meeting (becoming part owners)
Installing a solar community where everyone is a part owner
Solar panels in the parking lot
Franklin Falls:
Figure out what is happening
A lot of people are involved
Establish a goal -- NEED
Communication amongst all projects
Expanding fundraisers to involve all projects instead of just one.
(2 big events)
Restarting the Clermont project???
WREN- Women Rural Entrepreneurial Network
Be Pretty- OVER!! No potential and the sustainability of the project is not there.
Budget concerns: watching it all the time (budget decided in July)
Affording Vietnam/ Nepal and Nationals
CAB donating money for Nationals
Frequent reports between all projects (Question: whats the payback?)
o Receipts
Focusing on what the clubs goals are and what ENACTUS is striving to do.
Always having a plan
Making people feel welcomed
Making things incredibly organized during meetings
President + VP should not be dedicated to one project and should maintain constant order
between all projects.
World cup project (new idea brought up by Ziyoda)
Helping kids without parents get professional business skills (business plan)
Getting job interviews (little support from government)
Giving money back to kids
New Idea: (Something like lets can hunger)
o People going to the food pantry (Poorer towns)
o Resume training
o Helping people get jobs interviews
o One night resume skills
o One night- interview skills
o The numbers:
How many interviews given?
How many jobs created?
o Work with Feed the Freezer
o Focusing on education and job skills (workshops)
Project snapshot:
o Each project manager is organized during each meeting
o Whats happening?
o One- page snapshot each meeting
o On schedule vs. ahead of schedule
o Budgeting

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