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Introduction of the Bauhaus Research


Dr. Franziska Matthes / Meeta Wolff

Bauhaus Research School

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
The Bauhaus Research School is
central research institution of the Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar

umbrella institution for all structured doctoral programmes of

the faculties

we support doctoral candidates and post-doctoral students in

the humanities, engineering, art & design of the university

We offer:

individual counseling before, during and after your doctorate

qualification programme tailored to the needs of doctoral


Events to support interdisciplinary exchange and networking

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
What is a doctorate in Germany?

Bestowal of an academic doctoral degree on the basis of in-depth, independent and

original academic work

The doctorate consists of the dissertation and an oral examination (dissertation

defence or rigorosum)

The academic work must be published

The procedures are defined in each faculty's doctoral regulations


Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
Two paths to do your Ph.D. in Germany

1. Individual Doctorate

traditional path for a doctorate in Germany

Independent search for a suitable supervisor, the so called

Doktormutter or Doktorvater

A lot of flexibility, but demands a high degree of personal

initiative and responsibility

different funding opportunities: scholarships, self-financed,

academic position at the university

the duration of the doctorate depends on your own time

schedule or on the duration of your academic position

three to five years are normal

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
2. Structured doctoral programmes

common research topic

often multi-stage application process
funding through positions or scholarships, but also
programmes include a supporting curriculum
team of supervisors guide the doctoral candidates
often internationally oriented
different opportunities:
- Research training groups funded by the DFG
- Ph.D. Degree course
- other Ph.D.-programmes

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
Structured doctoral programmes in our faculties

Doctorate Programme European Urban Studies (Fac. A & U)

Research Training Group Identity and Heritage(Fac. A & U)

German-Argentinian Doctorate Training Group "Urban and Regional Research

"UrbanHist History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century" - funded by

the European Union in the Horizon 2020

Doctoral Programme Art and Design/Fine Art/Media Art (Fac. A & D)

Competence Center Medienanthropologie (Fac. M)

Binational Ph.D. Programme Urban Heritage (Fac. A)

Research Training Group Model Validation (Fac. Civil Engineering)

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
How to apply for a Doctorate at the University

qualification (Master, Diploma) corresponding to the profile of the programme

to some extent proof of English and/or German language ability required

application form: CV, certificates and transcripts, Research Proposal (Expos)

of the Ph.D. project, confirmation from mentor agreeing to supervise you,

consider application deadlines and start of the programme

competitive selection process

contact: Coordinator of the programmes, faculties

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
Funding Opportunities
Examine what fits best to your individual case:

employed (related to your doctorate or not)

employed or self-employed
research or artistic assistant

Scholarships (external or internal)

variety of funding institutions
different scholarships (varying amount / duration)

Social Benefits / Unemployment Benefits

doctorate as a hobby / part-time
at the same time available for the job market
Marion Hensel
Scholarship coordinator /
Adviser for doctoral candidates

Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43/58 41 20

E-Mail: marion.hensel[at]
Web: http://www.uni-

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
International Promovieren in Deutschland for all

IPID4all Welt.Raum.Bauhaus - Funding

Acquaintance stays for prospective doctoral candidates:

Lump sums for travel and accommodation expenses

Maximum funded stay: 7 days

Applications can only be submitted by professors of the

Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar as prospective doctoral
supervisor | http//

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
International Promovieren in Deutschland for all

All doctoral candidates at the Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar are eligible to apply.

Research and practical trainings abroad:

max. 4 weeks abroad

Lump sums for travel and accommodation costs

International conferences and exhibitions:

Active participation

5 days abroad

Lump sums for travel, accommodation costs,

conference fee

Commissioning of translation & proofreading services:

Online & print publications in foreign languages

Translation: max. 500 Euro for doctoral thesis, max. 400

Euro for other publications

Proofreading: max. 300 Euro for doctoral thesis, max. 200

Euro for other publications

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
International Ph.D. Network

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
International Ph.D. Network

Ph.D. Night Out:

every first Wednesday of
the month

Seniors help Juniors:

The last Wednesday each month

Alumni Meeting Series

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
Bauhaus Research School - Contact

Fon: + 49 (0) 36 43 / 58 41 00


Meet us on

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017
Thank you for your attention.
We look forward to your questions.

Bauhaus Summer School 2017 Forecast Engineering: From past design to future decision 21th August 2017

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