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FAMILY CODE & NOTES Legal capacity of the contracting parties who must be a

male and female.

THE FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES: Took effect on August 3, Consent freely given in the presence of the solemnizing
1988 signed by President Corazon Aquino (Executive Order 209) officer

REQUISITES OF MARRIAGE: LEGAL CAPACITY: Marrying age is 18 years old and above, thus if
one of the contracting parties is below 18 years of age, the marriage
Art. 1: Marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a
is void.
man and a woman entered into in accordance with the law for the
establishment of conjugal and family life. It is the foundation of the They cannot be related to each other as provided by Art.
family and an inviolable social institution whose nature, 37 and Art. 38 (incestuous marriages and those against
consequences, and incidents are governed by law and not subject to public policy).
stipulation, except that marriage settlements may fix the property There should be no previous valid subsisting marriage;
relations during the marriage within the limits provided by the code.
otherwise the subsequent marriage will be bigamous.

Nature of Marriage:
DIFFERENT SEX: There should be a male and a female. Marriage is
desirable due to the importance of procreation which is one of the
One of the basic civil rights of man. The freedom to
reasons why same sex marriages are prohibited (due to the
marry has been recognized as a vital personal right
impossibility of reproduction)
towards the pursuit of mans happiness.
Considered as a special civil contract regulated by law due CONSENT:
to the high state interest in protecting and safeguarding
the family. Must be freely given
Cannot be modified or changed. Once it is executed a Made in the presence of the solemnizing officer.
relation is formed between the parties that cannot be Absence of consent makes the marriage void. However if
altered. The law steps in to hold or bind the parties there is consent but such was obtained through force,
together. fraud, undue influence, etc then it is only voidable.
Cannot be restricted by discriminatory policies of private
individuals or corporations. Art. 3: The formal requisites of marriage are:
A subsequent marriage between the rapist and raped
victim extinguishes the criminal action or penalty of the Authority of the solemnizing officer
rapist. A valid marriage license except in the cases provided for
in Chapter 2 of this title
Marriage Status: Marriage creates a social status, which the state is A marriage ceremony which takes place with the
interested in protecting. It is a case where a double status is created, appearance of the contracting parties before the
involves and affects two persons. solemnizing officer and their personal declaration that
they take each other as husband and wife in the presence
VALIDITY OF MARRIAGE: governed by the law effective at the time of not less than 2 witnesses of legal age.
of the celebration of the marriage.
Constitutional Protection: The State recognizes the sanctity of
family life and shall protect and strengthen it. The state also Those enumerated in Article 7, he must have the
recognizes marriage as an inviolable social institution and the authority. Thus a priest who has not renewed his license to
foundation of the family and shall be protected by the state. marry does not have the authority and cannot be
considered for marriage.
*The constitutional provisions on marriage however do NOT mean The Local Government Code (Jan. 1, 1992) provides that a
that legislature cannot enact a law allowing absolute divorce. mayor of a city or municipality may now solemnize
Marriage is subject to the control of the legislature but it must not marriages.
contravene mandates of Constitution.
Art. 4: The absence of any of the essential or formal requisites shall
Property Relations: Only property relations may be fixed and render the marriage void ab initio, except as stated in Article 35 (2)
arranged in a marriage settlement prior to the marriage ceremony. (when one of the contracting parties believed in good faith that the
However it must still follow the mandatory provisions of the Family solemnizing officer had authority then the marriage is valid)
A defect in any of the essential requisites shall render the marriage
Art 2: No marriage shall be valid unless these essential requisites are voidable as provided in Article 45.
An irregularity in the formal requisites shall not affect the validity of be signed by the contracting parties and their witnesses and
the marriage but the party or parties responsible for the irregularity attested by the solemnizing officer.
shall be civilly, criminally and administratively liable.
In case of marriage in articulo mortis, when the party is at the point
Chapter 2 Title 1 of Family Code: exempt from license: of death is unable to sign the marriage certificate, it shall be
sufficient for one of the witnesses to the marriage to write the name
Article 27: Both parties are in articulo mortis (at the point of said party, which fact shall be attested by the solemnizing officer.
of death) marriage will be valid even if the ailing party
the solemnizing officer must state in an affidavit that the Family code only recognizes ceremonial marriages but
marriage was performed as such and that he took there is no prescribed form of marriage ceremony.
necessary steps to ascertain the ages and that there were The minimum requirement is that the parties personally
no legal impediments to the marriage. appear before the solemnizing officer and declare that
Article 33: Marriages among Muslims or ethnic cultural they take each other in the presence of at least 2 witness
communities, as long as performed in accordance with of legal age.
their customs, rites, practices.
*Declaration does not have to be vocally expressed may be inferred
Article 34: Cohabitation by the couple for 5 years
by the words used, the manner the ceremony was made, etc. If a
*Muslims are governed by Code of Muslim personal laws of the wedding took place there is a presumption that there was an
Philippines and not the Family code but the other ethnic groups exchange of vows.
must comply with the other requisites as they are governed by the
*The absence of 2 witnesses of legal age is merely an irregularity in
Family code.
the ceremony and does not affect the validity of the marriage.
Article 34: Cohabitation between man and woman for at
* Common law marriages, which are non-ceremonial, are not
least 5 years with no legal impediment at time of
recognized in the Philippines.
Art. 7: Marriage may be solemnized by:
VALID MARRIAGE LICENSE: Lasts for 120 days from the date of issue
and effective within any part of the Philippines only. Any incumbent member of the judiciary within the courts
Merely Irregularities in marriage license:
Any priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any church or
Marriage license was made in a different place other than religious sect duly authorized by his church or religious
their residence. sect and registered within the civil registrar general, acting
Name stated therein is different or misspelled within the limits of the written authority granted him by
his church or religious sect and provided that at least one
Misrepresentation of age (but has to be emancipated18
of the contracting parties belongs to the solemnizing
years and above)
officers church or religious sect
Non-disclosure of prior marriage and divorce
Any ship captain or airplane chief in cases mentioned in
Falsely stated that he or she had not been previously
Article 31.
Any military commander of a unit to which a chaplain is
Falsely swore that he or she is not under guardianship.
assigned, in the absence of the latter, during a military
*If the couple has a valid marriage license but forgot to bring it then operation, likewise only in the cases mentioned in Article
marriage will be valid (but if they dont have one and procured one 32.
after the marriage ceremony the marriage will be void) Any consul-general, consul or vice consul in the case
provided in Article 10.
Art. 5: Any male or female of the age of eighteen years or upwards
not under any of the impediments mentioned in Articles 37 and 38 There is a need to limit the persons who can solemnize marriages
(incestuous marriages and those against public policy) may contract since marriage is an important institution the state wants to
marriage. safeguard and protect.

Art. 6: No prescribed form or religious rite for the solemnization of Because the state is interested in marriage, it becomes a party
the marriage is required. It shall be necessary, however, for the thereto by manifested in the consent required and granted to
contracting parties to appear personally before the solemnizing limited number of officers.
officer and declare in the presence of not less than two witnesses of
JUDGES: they can only solemnize marriages within their jurisdiction
legal age that they take each other as husband and wife. This
and they must be incumbent. Court of Tax Appeals, Sandiganbayan,
declaration shall be contained in the marriage certificate which shall
Court of Appeals, Supreme Court: National jurisdiction
Absence of jurisdiction would mean the absence of the Art. 8: The marriage shall be solemnized publicly in the chambers of
authority of the solemnizing officer and thus the marriage the judge or in open court in the church, chapel or temple, or in the
will be null and void. office of the consul-general, consul or vice-consul, as the case may
be, and not elsewhere, except in the cases of marriages contracted
PRIEST/MINISTER OF A CHURCH OR RELIGIOUS SECT: he should be at the point of death or in remote places in accordance with Article
authorized by the church to do so, he must be registered with the 29 of this Code, or where both of the parties request the
civil registry, and at least one of the contracting parties belongs to solemnizing officer in writing in which case the marriage may be
his or her church. solemnized at a house or place designated by them in a sworn
statement to that effect.
SHIP CAPTIAN/PILOT: one of the parties must be at the point of
death, the marriage must be between the passengers or Not mandatory but directory in nature.
crewmembers, and the ship or plane must be at sea or in flight. Its non-compliance will not make the marriage void but
will only cause civil, criminal, or administrative liability.
An assistant pilot has no authority to solemnize marriages
Exceptions to venue stated:
even if the main pilot dies.
o When the marriage is in articulo mortis
MILITARY COMMANDER: He or she should be a military commander o When the marriage is in a remote place
of a unit, he or she must be a commissioned officer (his rank should (transportation etc. is difficult to come by)
start from second lieutenant), a chaplain should have been assigned o When requested by both parties in writing
to the unit and such chaplain is absent, the contracting parties must
Art. 9: A marriage license shall be issued by the local civil registrar of
also be in articulo mortis either members of the military operation
the city or municipality where either contracting party habitually
or civilians, must be within military zone (there should be
resides, except in marriages where no license is required in
widespread military activity not merely practice).
accordance with Chapter 2 of this Title.
The marriage license should be procured from the civil
solemnize marriages abroad when both the contracting parties are
registrar of the city or municipality where either of them
resides. However if they obtain it from another place it is
*They also perform the duties of a local civil registrar (like issuing merely an irregularity and does not affect the validity of
the license etc.) the marriage.

*No matter where they are the solemnities and requirements Art. 10: Marriages between Filipino citizens abroad may be
mandated by Philippine Law shall be observed. solemnized by a consul-general, consul or vice consul of the Republic
of the Philippines. The issuance of the marriage license and the
MAYOR: Pursuant to the Local Government Code, the mayor of a duties of the local civil registrar and of the solemnizing officer with
city or municipality can now solemnize marriages. regard to the celebration of marriage shall be performed by said
consular official.
*When the mayor cannot perform his duties, the acting mayor has
the authority to solemnize marriages. The consular officials absorb the duties of the local civil
registrar and the solemnizing officer when Filipinos wish to
*If the host country allows marriages to be solemnized by consuls be married abroad. - The ceremony and requirements
then even if between a Filipino and non-Filipino, the marriage will should be in accordance with Philippine law.
still be valid in accordance with Art. 26.
Art. 11: Where a marriage license is required, each of the
GOOD FAITH OF PARTIES: if the person who solemnized the contracting parties shall file separately a sworn application for such
marriage did not legally have the authority to solemnize a marriage, license with the proper local civil registrar which shall specify the
if both or one of the contracting parties believed that such a person following:
did have the authority the marriage will be valid.
Full name of the contracting parties
Ex. A priest did not renew his license to marry therefore does not Place of birth
have the authority to marry. If one of the contracting parties knew Age and date of birth
of this but the other did not the marriage is still valid. Civil Status
If previously married, how, when and where the previous
HOWEVER, they must be one of the people who can be authorized if
marriage was dissolved or annulled
they are not the marriage will be void.
Present residence and citizenship
Ex. A couple goes to a janitor to get married. Even if both parties are Degree of relationship of the contracting parties
in good faith in thinking that a janitor can solemnize a marriage they Full name, residence and citizenship of the father
should know who by law are authorized to. Full name, residence and citizenship of the mother
Full name, residence and citizenship of the guardian or Contracting parties 18 years old and above but BELOW 21
person having charge, in case the contracting parties has years of age must obtain the consent of their father,
neither father nor mother and is under the age of twenty mother, surviving parent, or guardian in the order
one years. mentioned. (Non-compliance makes the marriage
The applicants, their parents or guardians shall not be required to
exhibit their residence certificate in any formality in connection with Art. 13. In case either of the contracting parties has been previously
the securing of the marriage license. married, the applicant shall be required to furnish, instead of the
birth or baptismal certificate required in the last preceding article,
Stating all relevant facts needed in order to determine the death certificate of the deceased spouse or the judicial decree of
legal capacity to marry and the eligibility of the parties. the absolute divorce, or the judicial decree of annulment or
Main purpose is to discourage deception, and relieve from declaration of nullity of his or her previous marriage.
doubt the status of parties who live together. - Provides
evidence of the status and legitimacy of offspring. In case the death certificate cannot be secured, the party shall make
an affidavit setting forth this circumstance and his or her actual civil
MARRIAGE APPLICATION: the civil registrar has to process and issue status and the name and date of death of the deceased spouse.
a marriage license. Even if the civil registrar knows of a legal
impediment he cannot discontinue unless stopped by the court. Art. 14. In case either or both of the contracting parties, not having
(This is to prevent bribery and abuse by the civil registrar) been emancipated by a previous marriage, are between the ages of
eighteen and twenty-one, they shall, in addition to the requirements
Art. 12: The local civil registrar, upon receiving such application, of the preceding articles, exhibit to the local civil registrar, the
shall require the presentation of the original birth certificates or, in consent to their marriage of their father, mother, surviving parent or
default thereof, the baptismal certificates of the contracting parties guardian, or persons having legal charge of them, in the order
or copies of such documents duly attested by the persons having mentioned. Such consent shall be manifested in writing by the
custody of the originals. These certificates or certified copies of the interested party, who personally appears before the proper local
documents by this Article need not be sworn to and shall be exempt civil registrar, or in the form of an affidavit made in the presence of
from the documentary stamp tax. The signature and official title of two witnesses and attested before any official authorized by law to
the person issuing the certificate shall be sufficient proof of its administer oaths. The personal manifestation shall be recorded in
authenticity. both applications for marriage license, and the affidavit, if one is
executed instead, shall be attached to said applications.
If either of the contracting parties is unable to produce his birth or
baptismal certificate or a certified copy of either because of the Art. 15: Any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and
destruction or loss of the original or if it is shown by an affidavit of twenty-five shall be obliged to ask their parents or guardian for
such party or of any other person that such birth or baptismal advice upon the intended marriage. If they do not obtain such
certificate has not yet been received though the same has been advice, or if it be unfavorable, the marriage license shall not be
required of the person having custody thereof at least fifteen days issued till after three months following the completion of the
prior to the date of the application, such party may furnish in lieu publication of the application therefore. A sworn statement by the
thereof his current residence certificate or an instrument drawn up contracting parties to the effect that such advice has been sought,
and sworn to before the local civil registrar concerned or any public together with the written advice given, if any, shall be attached to
official authorized to administer oaths. Such instrument shall the application for marriage license. Should the parents or guardian
contain the sworn declaration of two witnesses of lawful age, setting refuse to give any advice, this fact shall be stated in the sworn
forth the full name, residence and citizenship of such contracting statement.
party and of his or her parents, if known, and the place and date of
birth of such party. The nearest of kin of the contracting parties shall Absence of parental advice does not affect the marriage.
be preferred as witnesses, or, in their default, persons of good Only delays the issuance of the marriage license for 3
reputation in the province or the locality. months but after 3 months the license must be issued.

The presentation of birth or baptismal certificate shall not be Art. 16. In the cases where parental consent or parental advice is
required if the parents of the contracting parties appear personally needed, the party or parties concerned shall, in addition to the
before the local civil registrar concerned and swear to the requirements of the preceding articles, attach a certificate issued by
correctness of the lawful age of said parties, as stated in the a priest, imam or minister authorized to solemnize marriage under
application, or when the local civil registrar shall, by merely looking Article 7 of this Code or a marriage counselor duly accredited by the
at the applicants upon their personally appearing before him, be proper government agency to the effect that the contracting parties
convinced that either or both of them have the required age. have undergone marriage counseling. Failure to attach said
certificates of marriage counseling shall suspend the issuance of the
Emancipation is obtained at 18; marriage no longer marriage license for a period of three months from the completion
emancipates a child because they must be 18 years of age of the publication of the application. Issuance of the marriage
to marry. license within the prohibited period shall subject the issuing officer
to administrative sanctions but shall not affect the validity of the Art. 20: The license shall be valid in any part of the Philippines for a
marriage. period of one hundred twenty days from the date of issue, and shall
be deemed automatically canceled at the expiration of the said
Art. 17: The local civil registrar shall prepare a notice, which shall period if the contracting parties have not made use of it. The expiry
contain the full names and residences of the applicants for a date shall be stamped in bold characters on the face of every license
marriage license and other data given in the applications. The notice issued.
shall be posted for ten consecutive days on a bulletin board outside
the office of the local civil registrar located in a conspicuous place The marriage license is only valid within the Philippines
within the building and accessible to the general public. This notice and not abroad.
shall request all persons having knowledge of any impediment to the It is good for 120 days from the date of issue
marriage to advise the local civil registrar thereof. The marriage
license shall be issued after the completion of the period of Art. 21: When either or both of the contracting parties are citizens
publication. of a foreign country, it shall be necessary for them before a marriage
license can be obtained, to submit a certificate of legal capacity to
It is the duty of the civil registrar to post a notice informing contract marriage, issued by their respective diplomatic or consular
the public of the impending marriage. The purpose of officials.
which is so that persons having knowledge of any
impediment to the marriage can inform the local civil Stateless persons or refugees from other countries shall, in lieu of
registrar. the certificate of legal capacity herein required, submit an affidavit
It is to be posted for 10 consecutive days on a bulletin stating the circumstances showing such capacity to contract
board outside the office. marriage.
The civil registrar shall be issued after the period of
A certificate of legal capacity is meant to show that a
foreigner is capacitated to marry in his or her country. The
Art. 18: In case of any impediment known to the local civil registrar Philippines adheres to the national law of the contracting
or brought to his attention, he shall note down the particulars parties with respect to their legal capacity to contract
thereof and his findings thereon in the application for marriage marriage.
license, but shall nonetheless issue said license after the completion
Ex. In the US 16 years old is the age when one can contract
of the period of publication, unless ordered otherwise by a
marriage. A 16-year-old US citizen may contract marriage in the
competent court at his own instance or that of any interest party.
Philippines provided that he gives a certificate from his embassy
No filing fee shall be charged for the petition nor a corresponding
stating that 16 years old is the legal age to marry.
bond required for the issuances of the order.
If both are citizens of a foreign country and they are
If an impediment is made known to the civil registrar he
married in their embassy there is no need to follow the
shall merely note it down but he must nonetheless issue
requirement of marriage in the Philippines, only those of
the license. This is because the impediments may not be
their country.
valid at all.
If one is a foreigner and one is a Filipino even if they marry
The purpose of which is to prevent graft and corruption on
in the consul of the foreigner the certificate of legal
the part of the civil registry.
capacity and a marriage license is still necessary.
If the marriage license was issued despite court
intervention, the marriage will still be valid but the parties Art. 22. The marriage certificate, in which the parties shall declare
responsible may be criminally or administratively liable. that they take each other as husband and wife, shall also state:

The full name, sex and age of each contracting party
Their citizenship, religion and habitual residence
The courts direct civil registry to refuse giving out the
The date and precise time of the celebration of the
When the requited certificate of legal capacity of
That the proper marriage license has been issued
foreigners is not given (Art. 21)
according to law, except in marriage provided for in
Art. 19. The local civil registrar shall require the payment of the fees Chapter 2 of this Title
prescribed by law or regulations before the issuance of the marriage That either or both of the contracting parties have secured
license. No other sum shall be collected in the nature of a fee or tax the parental consent in appropriate cases
of any kind for the issuance of said license. It shall, however, be That either or both of the contracting parties have
issued free of charge to indigent parties, that is those who have no complied with the legal requirement regarding parental
visible means of income or whose income is insufficient for their advice in appropriate cases
subsistence a fact established by their affidavit, or by their oath That the parties have entered into marriage settlement, if
before the local civil registrar. any, attaching a copy thereof.
Art. 23. It shall be the duty of the person solemnizing the marriage Ex. If in Vietnam a doctor is authorized to solemnize a marriage and
to furnish either of the contracting parties the original of the a Filipino couple gets married in Vietnam by a doctor such marriage
marriage certificate referred to in Article 6 and to send the duplicate will be considered valid in the Philippines.
and triplicate copies of the certificate not later than fifteen days
after the marriage, to the local civil registrar of the place where the PROOF OF FOREIGN MARRIAGE: necessary to prove the foreign law
marriage was solemnized. Proper receipts shall be issued by the and then prove the celebration of marriage. If the law of the other
local civil registrar to the solemnizing officer transmitting copies of state is not pleaded nor proved the laws of the Philippines will be
the marriage certificate. The solemnizing officer shall retain in his presumed to be similar to that of foreign laws.
file the quadruplicate copy of the marriage certificate, the copy of
REMEMBER THE LAWS: ART. 15: laws relating to family rights and
the marriage certificate, the original of the marriage license and, in
duties or to the status, conditions and legal capacity of persons are
proper cases, the affidavit of the contracting party regarding the
binding upon citizens of the Philippines even living abroad.
solemnization of the marriage in place other than those mentioned
in Article 8.
ART. 17: prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or property
and those which have for their object public order, public policy and
Proofs of marriage:
good customs shall not be rendered ineffective by laws or
Marriage contract or certificate judgments promulgated, or by determinations or conventions
Photocopies of the certificate or contract from the local agreed upon in a foreign country.
civil registry
EXCEPTIONS to international comity:
Family bible
Baptismal, birth certificates of kids
Either or both contracting parties are Filipinos and below
Judicial decisions
18 years of age
Testimonies of parties, witness, solemnizing officers
Polygamous and bigamous marriages recognized abroad
Cohabitation and conduct
will not be valid here.
Statement in a will
Marriage abroad where there is mistake of identity of the
Art. 24: It shall be the duty of the local civil registrar to prepare the other contracting party is not recognized here.
documents required by this Title, and to administer oaths to all Marriage by a Filipino to one who is psychologically
interested parties without any charge in both cases. The documents incapacitated is not valid here
and affidavits filed in connection with applications for marriage Marriages that are incestuous are not valid here even if
licenses shall be exempt from documentary stamp tax. celebrated abroad and valid there. (Art. 37)

The local civil registrar is the government official charged

Marriages against public policy are not valid here either
(Art. 38)
with the preparation and the keeping of all the official
documents. Common law marriages are not recognized here, the
marriage must still be solemnized and not contracted.
Art. 25. The local civil registrar concerned shall enter all applications Same sex marriages between Filipinos are not valid even if
for marriage licenses filed with him in a registry book strictly in the done abroad.
order in which the same are received. He shall record in said book
the names of the applicants, the date on which the marriage license *If a Filipino contracts a foreign marriage which is null and void
was issued, and such other data as may be necessary. under the laws of the state where it has been solemnized then such
marriage will likewise be null and void in the Philippines.
Art. 26. All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, in
accordance with the laws in force in the country where they were *If a marriage celebrated abroad is invalid in that country but
solemnized, and valid there as such, shall also be valid in this considered valid in the Philippines, the marriage will still be invalid.
country, except those prohibited under Articles 35 (1), (4), (5) and The law where the marriage has been solemnized shall apply
(6), 3637 and 38. (17a)
ABSOLUTE DIVORCE: Absolute divorce is not recognized in the
Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is Philippines; even if the couple was married abroad the divorce will
validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad not be recognized here if one of them is a Filipino. The divorce may
by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino be recognized in the foreign country where it was obtained but not
spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law. in the Philippines. But the divorce of a foreign citizen abroad is
recognized in the Philippines as the Philippines recognize legal
Art. 26 refers to formal requisites only, however the capacity of a foreign person.
marriage must still be solemnized.
Marriages that are solemnized abroad and are recognized *If a Filipino changes citizenship then he can get a divorce and if he
as valid there will also be recognized as valid here reacquires his Filipino citizenship after that the divorce will still hold.
(international comity)
If a Filipina marries a foreigner and the foreigner obtains a A pilot or ship captain may solemnize only marriages at
divorce, the Filipina can marry. the point of death while the plane is in flight or the ship is
If the Filipina obtains a divorce although not recognized in at sea even during stopovers (it is still considered part of
the Philippines, it will be recognized against the foreigner the flight/voyage). They can only solemnize marriages
and thus the foreigner will not have legal standing to sue between their passengers and crew members.
for adultery or claim for property after the divorce.
*If something happens to the main or principal pilot the second in
MARRIAGES EXEMPT FROM LICENSE REQUIREMENT command cannot solemnize marriages. (They are not authorized to
by law)
Art. 27: In case either or both of the contracting parties are at the
point of death, the marriage may be solemnized without necessity of Art. 32: A military commander of a unit, who is a commissioned
a marriage license and shall remain valid even if the ailing party officer, shall likewise have authority to solemnize marriages in
subsequently survives. articulo mortis between persons within the zone of military
operation, whether members of the armed forces or civilians.
Solemnizing officers and the mayor are empowered to
solemnize marriages even without a marriage license if The military commander must be a commissioned officer
either or both of the contracting parties are at the point of (his/her rank should start from 2nd lieutenant, ensign and
death. above)
Even if the ailing party survives after the marriage, the He should be a commander of a unit.
marriage will still be valid. There should be a chaplain assigned to the unit
The marriage should be at the point of death and in the
Art. 28. If the residence of either party is so located that there is no absence of the chaplain assigned
means of transportation to enable such party to appear personally The marriage must be solemnized within the zone of
before the local civil registrar, the marriage may be solemnized military operations.
without necessity of a marriage license. The contracting parties may either be member of the
armed forces or civilians
This envisions a situation wherein the residence of either
party is so located that there is no means of transportation Art. 33: Marriages among Muslims or among members of the ethnic
to enable such party to appear personally before the local cultural communities may be performed validly without the
civil registrar, the marriage may be solemnize without a necessity of marriage license, provided they are solemnized in
marriage license. accordance with their customs, rites or practices.

Art. 29: In the cases provided for in the two preceding articles, the Marriages between parties that belong to ethnic groups,
solemnizing officer shall state in an affidavit executed before the pagans or Muslims are exempt only from procuring a
local civil registrar or any other person legally authorized to marriage license. The marriage must still be solemnized in
administer oaths that the marriage was performed in articulo mortis accordance with their customs, rites and practices.
or that the residence of either party, specifying the barrio or Muslims are governed by the Code of Muslim Personal
barangay, is so located that there is no means of transportation to
Laws of the Philippines thus they are not governed by the
enable such party to appear personally before the local civil registrar
Family Code unlike other ethnic groups who do not have
and that the officer took the necessary steps to ascertain the ages
separate laws
and relationship of the contracting parties and the absence of legal
impediment to the marriage. Art. 34: No license shall be necessary for the marriage of a man and
a woman who have lived together as husband and wife for at least
The solemnizing officers are those authorized to solemnize five years and without any legal impediment to marry each other.
under Article 7 and the mayor provided that they The contracting parties shall state the foregoing facts in an affidavit
solemnize the marriage within their jurisdiction and within before any person authorized by law to administer oaths. The
the authority given to them. solemnizing officer shall also state under oath that he ascertained
the qualifications of the contracting parties are found no legal
Art. 30: The original of the affidavit required in the last preceding
impediment to the marriage.
article, together with the legible copy of the marriage contract, shall
be sent by the person solemnizing the marriage to the local civil
Persons cohabiting for at least 5 years living together as
registrar of the municipality where it was performed within the
husband and wife are exempt from obtaining a marriage
period of thirty days after the performance of the marriage.
At the time of marriage, they should be without any legal
Art. 31: A marriage in articulo mortis between passengers or crew
impediment to marry each other. Thus during the 5 year
members may also be solemnized by a ship captain or by an airplane
period, it is not necessary that there is no legal
pilot not only while the ship is at sea or the plane is in flight, but also
impediment it is only necessary at the time of marriage
during stopovers at ports of call.
that there is none.
The parties shall state the fact of their cohabitation and proper cases the present spouse may marry again if there
the absence of any legal impediment to marry in an is a judicial declaration of presumptive death and at the
affidavit under oath. time of the celebration of marriage either spouse is in
good faith that the absent spouse is still absent.
*The solemnizing officer shall also state under oath that he
ascertained the qualifications of the parties and that he found no Ex. W is married to H and W disappears for 4 years and is judicially
legal impediment. The fact that the officer investigated, shall not declared presumptively dead. H later on is to marry W2. W2
invalidate the marriage. however sees W the day before the wedding but does not tell H. As
long as H is in good faith and does not know of the presence of W
Matters that dont affect the validity of the marriage: the marriage will still be valid.

Article 18: if the civil registry gives the license despite the courts Generally evidence other than a judicial declaration of
ordering an injunction to order the civil registry not to give the nullity can be presented except (direct attack needed) for
marriage license. purposes of remarriage, validity of marriage is essential to
the determination of the case, and when a donor desires
Article 21: if the civil registry gives the license despite absence of
to revoke a donation propter nuptias.
certificate of legal capacity of foreigners.
BELOW 18 YEARS OF AGE: not capacitated to marry even if with
Article 35: When the solemnizing officer failed to investigate
parental consent.
whether or not there was an impediment to the marriage in
marriages after 5 years of cohabitation. NON-AUTHORITY OF SOLEMNIZER:

MARRIAGES VOID AB INITIO: Not valid from its inception. No rights Exception: If EITHER or both of the contracting parties believed in
can flow from it and can never be ratified. (Judicial declaration of good faith that he had such authority. The good faith of the party is
nullity) what is referred to not the solemnizing officer.

Art. 35: The following marriages shall be void from the beginning: Unless it was ignorance of the law then the marriage will
be void. The person must be one of the people in Article 7
Those contracted by any party below eighteen years of age
thus if a couple is married by a janitor, them believing that
even with the consent of parents or guardians
a janitor can celebrate a marriage, the marriage will be
Those solemnized by any person not legally authorized to
perform marriages unless such marriages were contracted
with either or both parties believing in good faith that the Exception: Marriage was done abroad and such officer is valid in that
solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do so; country.
Those solemnized without license, except those covered
the preceding Chapter; BIGAMOUS OR POLYGAMOUS MARRIAGE: law prohibits married
Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not failing men or women from contracting a subsequent marriage when their
under Article 41; consort is still alive.
Those contracted through mistake of one contracting
party as to the identity of the other Exception:
Those subsequent marriages that are void under Article
That mentioned in Article 41 regarding appearance of a
spouse after a declaration of presumptive death.
Article 2, 3, 4: when all the essential and formal requisites of a Those provided for under the Muslim code. - When the
marriage are absent. first marriage was actually void with a judicial declaration
of nullity. Without judicial declaration of nullity then 2nd
Only marriages declared by the legislature, as void should marriage will be void under Article 40.
be treated as such. There can be no other void marriage
MISTAKE IN IDENTITY: An instance of fraud, which is a ground for
except those provided by law.
the nullity of the marriage. Here the contracting party absolutely did
Estoppel or acquiescence does not apply to remedy the
not intend to marry the other, as the same is not the person he or
infirmity of a void marriage. Thus if one of the parties
she actually knew before the marriage.
stated under oath that they were 25 when they were
actually 16 the marriage is void despite the oath.
Does not include: mistake in name, character of person, attributes,
Good faith and bad faith generally is immaterial in void age, social standing, religion, pedigree, pecuniary means,
marriages except: when either of the parties believed in temperaments, acquirements, condition in life, previous habit.
good faith that the solemnizing officer had the authority to
solemnize the marriage when in fact he had none. Second, VOID UNDER ARTICLE 53: Marriages that have annulled or declared
in case the spouse disappears for 4 years or 2 years in null and void must undertake the liquidation, partition and
distribution of their properties, delivery of presumptive legitimes, Concept of Marriage:
etc. to be able to remarry.
Ceremony or act by which a man and woman become
husband and wife or to the state of being married.
Both a contract and a status, the latter being the result of
the former.

Marriage, an inviolable social institution for it is the foundation of

family and society, without which there could be neither civilization
nor progress. Good marriages and families bring about a society
assured of a healthy future. They play the indispensable role of
developing our society and properly educating its members.
Section 3. The State shall defend:
(1) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their
Section 1. The State recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood;
of the nation. Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and
actively promote its total development. - prohibits states interference in the independence of married
couples to determine the size of their own family
Concept of Family:
- responsible parenthood: should not have more children than they
A group of persons united together by ties of marriage and could decently support and educate.
blood. It is applied to the group of people formed by spouses and
their children. (2) The right of children to assistance, including proper care and
nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse,
Importance of the Family to the State: cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their
1. A basic social institution family provides the basic social unit of
the State. It is the very heart of the society. It is the foundation of - seeks to put a stop to all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty,
the nation which is but a conglomeration of families bound not only exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their development.
by affinity and consanguinity and common interests but also by a
common past and shared vision of the future. The family is a society - hands of our children, our countrys future lies
of its own right. As the basic unit, it ought to be the origin of change
or reform in society because it is where all human values begin. (3) The right of the family to a family living wage and income; and

2. The communitys first socializing agency it is in the family - considers families whose income hardly provides for their barest
where a child learns obedience, cooperation, mutual aid, respect of daily needs
others and kindred values. The spirit of service, love, mutual support
(4) The right of families or family associations to participate in the
and understanding and other noble virtues and values being
planning and implementation of policies and programs that affects
inculcated, nurtured and honored in practice in home or the family,
make it the most effective ground for good citizenship.
- guarantees the right of people and peoples org to participate at all
3. Institution of unique social value as a social institution, families
levels in matters affecting the various sector they represent.
shape the future of humanity for through the family pass all future
generations. On the families rest the very survival of every nation as
Section 4. The family has the duty to care for its elderly members
a just, humane and progressive society, and hence their health and
but the State may also do so through just programs of social
vitality are not the concern alone of the family members.

Sphere of law on family:

- in recognition and appreciation of their role as invaluable and
venerable members of the extended Filipino family system and our
1. Internal aspect family is known to be sacred and inaccessible
even to law.
- in their productive years provides us resources needed for our
2. External aspect third persons and the public interests are
material survival and nourishment essential to intellectual
concerned that the law fixes the rules regulating the family.
development; often act as surrogate parents as family providers and
Section 2. Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the caregivers to the young; fountain of wisdom, guidance and strength
foundation of the family and shall be protected by the State. for the yet inexperienced family member as well as primemovers in
many productive community endeavors; living links to the near-past.

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