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Level 1

Freetown mudslides

Sierra Leone is a small country in West Africa.

Freetown is Sierra Leones capital city. About 1.2 million people

live there.

Sierra Leone has a rainy season. It begins in May and ends in


This year is wetter than usual. Recently, there were four days of
heavy rain. There were floods and mudslides.

There are steep mountains near Freetown. More people now

live in the city.

There are unplanned houses on some mountain slopes. These

are shantytowns.
People in the shantytowns
cut down trees. They use
the wood for building and

Tree roots hold the soil. If

there is heavy rain and no
trees, mudslides happen.

The worst mudslide was in

Regent. It is near Freetown. Hundreds died. Thousands lost
their homes.

Comprehension questions:
1. What is Sierra Leones capital city?
2. What are there on some mountain slopes?
3. Where was the worst mudslide?

Discussion questions:
4. Would you like to go to Sierra Leone, why or why not?
5. Why are mudslides dangerous?
6. What can be done to stop mudslides?

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