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At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. identify different properties of inequality;
2. solve linear inequalities in one variable algebraically; and
3. participate actively in class.


Solving Linear Inequalities Algebraically
Reference: Math Learners Materials (Quarter 3) pg. 16-22
Tools: PowerPoint, Cartolina

Teachers Activity Students Activity

a. Preparatory Activities

________, lead the Prayer.

Angel of God my Guardian dear
To whom Gods love and trust me here
Ever this day is at my side to rule and guide to
light and guard.

Thank you.

Good Morning Class! Good Morning Maam/Sir.

Okay, you may take your seat. Thank You Maam/ Sir.

__________, is there any absent

today? None Maam/Sir

b. Review
Lets take a review about our
lesson last meeting?
Again what is our lesson that
we tackled last meeting? We tackled last meeting is all about Solving
Linear Equations and Inequalities

Nice. Give me at least two

Properties of Equality and

Yes,______? Maam/Sir the first one is Reflexive of

Equality, this is for each real number a, a=a.
The second one is Symmetric Property of
Equality, this is for any real numbers a and b,
if a=b then b=a.
Very good!
What is the difference of APE
and MPE?

Yes,_________? APE is for real number a, b and c, a=b if and

only if a + c = b + c while MPE is for all real
numbers a, b and c where c 0.

Good job. It seems that you

really understand the past
lesson. We can now proceed to
the next topic. But before that, I
prepare an activity.

Are you excited class? Yes Maam/Sir

c. Motivation
Okay, I need two groups with 5
Assign a leader in your group.
I have here cards of numbers.
Each group will have three sets
of cards.
This is the mechanics.
Each member of a group get
one card in the first set of cards
and hold it. Then, the leader of
the group will face the audience
and after the count of three, the
leader will face his/her members
and answer the cards that they
hold. Then, if the leader knows
the answer, she/he picks three
possible answers in the cards at
back and gives it to me to check
if the answer is correct. Then
after I announce the group that
have a point in the first set, the
leader will choose in his/her
member to answer the second
set that we prepare.
The first group will get 2 points
will be consider as a winner and
will have a fabulous prize.

Are you ready guys? Yes maam/sir

Okay lets do it.

First set:
2R 10 > R 5

Group ____ got one point.

Second set:
R + 5 3R + 15

This group got one point.

Third set:
2R 5 + 4R 5R + 1 5R

We have a winner.

Job well done.

Did you enjoy it? Yes Maam/Sir

d. Presentation
Based on your observation what
do you think is our lesson for

Yes, ________? Our lesson today is about Solving Linear

Inequality Algebraically.

Very nice.
What comes into your mind
when you hear linear?

Yes, ________? Linear is line.

How about inequality?

Yes, _________? An inequality is a relation that holds between

two values when they are different

As you all know the Inequalities
have four properties.

What do you think is the first


Yes, _______? The first property is Trichotomy Property of


Trichotomy Property is for any
number a and b, one and only
one of the following is true.
For example.
When x = 6, and y = 8, only the
third statement is true.

When x = 2, and y = 2, only the

second statement is true.
When x = 8, and y = 6, only the
first statement is true.

Did you understand? Yes Maam/Sir

Lets proceed to the second

property of Inequality.

What is our second property?

Yes, _________? The second property is Transitive Property of


Transitive Property of
Inequality is for any numbers a,
b and c
a) If a <b and b < c then a < c.
b) If a > b and b > c then a > c.

Can you give an example of this

property? The letter b.

Yes, __________?
For all a, b and c of N, if a > b and b > c then
a > c.
5 > 4 and 4 > 3 then 5 > 3

Great job.
How about the letter a?
For all a, b and c of N, if a < b and b < c then
a < c.
a = 12
b = 14
c = 16
12 < 14 and 14 < 16 then 12 < 16

Good work.
Lets continue. The third
property is Addition Property of
Inequality or API.
This is for all real numbers a, b,
and c,
a) If a < b, then a + c < b + c
b) If a > b, then a + c > b + c

For example.
x 20 < -12
x 20 + 20 < -12 + 20

Can you give another example

of this Property?

Yes, _______? x + 4 < -5

x + 4 -4 < -5 -4
x < -9

Lets move to the next or last
property of Inequality.

Can you say what it is?

Yes, __________?
The last property of Inequality is the
Multiplication Property of Inequality.

MPI is for all real number a, b
and c.
a) If c > 0 and a < b then ac <
b) If c > 0 and a > b then ac >
c) If c < 0 and a < b then ac >
d) If c < 0 and a > b then ac <

For examples:
3x < -9
1/3 (3x < -9) 1/3
x < -3

Did you understand the first

statement of MPI?

Yes Maam/Sir
Good. So verify the second
statement of MPI.

Yes, _________?
x/4 > 3
4 (x/4 > 3) 4
x > 12
In the third and fourth
statement, state that multiplying
a negative number to both side
of inequality reverses the

For example.
-7x 49
-1/7 (-7x 49 ) -1/7
x -7

Understand class?
Yes Maam/ Sir

Can you give another example

of this statement?

Yes, _________?
-3x < -9
-1/3 ( -3x < -9 ) -1/3


Now class do you understand the
Properties of Inequality?

Yes Maam/Sir
Okay, What are the Properties of

Yes, _______?

Trichotomy Property
Transitive Property
Addition Property ( API )
Multiplication Property ( MPI )

In MPI if we multiply negative
number both sides, what happen to
the inequality?

Yes, _______?

If we multiply negative both side the inequality

Thats right
How about API, if we add negative
number on both sides, the
inequality will change. Is this true
or not?

Yes, ________? Not Maam/Sir.

Why? Because based on the given definition whether

we add a positive and negative number on both
side of the inequality, the inequality will not

It seems that you really understand
the topic for today.

Class group you self into three and
solve the given equations. Yes Maam/Sir

1. 3x + 2 > 5
2. 5 - 3x < 3
3. 2x + 5 < 7
4. 2(x-1) > 3 (2x + 3)

Are you done class? Yes Maam/Sir

Let us answer number 1.

(3x + 2)- 2 > 5 2
Yes, ____________? 3x > 3

Number 2. (5 - 3x)- 5 < 3 5

Yes,____________? -3x< -2

Number 3.
Yes, ___________? (2x + 5)- 5 < 7 5
2x < 2

Number 4. 2(x-1) > 3 (2x + 3)

Yes, ___________? 2x 2 > 6x + 9
(2x 2 ) 2x > ( 6x + 9) -2x
-2 > 4x + 9
-11 > 4x
-11/4 > 4x/4
-11/4 > x

Okay class get one whole sheet of Yes Maam/Sir

paper and we will having a quiz. I
will be giving you 10 minutes to
answer it. Is that clear class?

I. Identify the properties of inequality

1. What property of inequality used
in the statement a<b, a>b, or
2. If the equation is 3x 2x + 5,
what property of inequality that
can be used?
3. x, y and z are real number, if x<y
and y<z then what is the relation
of x and z? What property of
inequality it is?
4. For all real numbers a, b and c if
c<0 and a<b, then ac < bc. What
property of inequalities satisfies?
II. Solve the following Linear
1. 8x>x + 2
2. 6x4 + 2x
3. 6y - 2 2y
4. 3y>2y 7
5. 9y9 + 3y Yes Maam/Sir

Are you done class?

Exchange your paper with your

1. Trichotomy Property of Inequalities
Answer test I. number 1

Yes, _____?
2. Addition Property of Inequalities
Number 2.

3. Transitive property of inequalities
Number 3

Yes,______? 4. Multiplication Properties of inequalities

Number 4.

Lets answer Test II.
Number 1. 1. 8x>x + 2
= 8x x > 2
Yes,______? = 7x > 2
=x> 2

Number 2. 2. 6x 4 + 2
= 6x 2x 4
Yes,______? = 4x 4

Number 3. 3. 6y 2 2y
= 6y 2y 2 + 2 2y - 2y + 2
Yes,______? = 4y 2
= y 2 or y 1
4 2

Number 4.
4. 3y>2y 7
Yes,______? = 3y 2y > 2y 2y 7
= y > -7

Number 5.
5. 9y9 + 3y
Yes,______? = 9y 3y 9 + 3y 3y
= 6y 9
= y 9 or y 3
6 2


Solve the following absolute value

equations and inequalities.
1. |x| = 2
2. |x + 1| = 2
3. | 4x + 7| = -3
4. |3x - 4| = 5
5. |2x 1| < 5
6. |x + 2| < 7
7. |x 2| < 4
8. |x + 3| = 1
9. |x 5| 2
10. |x 5| 2
Laguna State Polytechnic University
San Pablo City Campus
San Pablo City
SY: 2014-2015

Lesson Plan

Christian Dave Alberto

Crissani Manalo
Nicca Jane De Castro
Gisselle Bantinan
Cherry Jane Hernandez
Rustom Dimayacyac

Ms. Nerissa Bilo

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