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Writing activity.

Objective: Prompt students to develop their writing skill by

drawing a sequence of pictures and describing what had
happened in each of them.
1. a picture
2. a card board
3. markers
4. pencil colors
5. a ruler
6. eraser
7. pencil
1. Group students in 3. Give them a picture that will inspire
them to create a sequence.

2 Specify what grammar structure you want them to follow;

for instance: present progressive, simple past tense,
present , etc.
2. Ask them to brain storm what possible sequence they
can draw.
3. Students draw and color the pictures on the card board
and write the story on a separate piece of paper.
4. When all groups are ready they pass to the front of the
class to read the story by using the pictures they have
Some suggested pictures are:

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