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Dolby Parameter Guide

For Internal Speaker only

- You can adjust the 20-band frequency (Manual Tuning Control) under Optimizer Tab
which gives you delicate control to the sound. It is more complicated than SRS but more
things to fiddle around and make sound better.

- You can adjust how balance or unbalance does the frequency flow from low to high
frequency under Regulator Tab, Band Coupling. Flat / tight frequency allows DJ or audio
engineer to have more accurate mix and bass. Loose frequency makes the audio more
enjoyable with ups, downs and louder volume. (Like comparison of Studio vs Hi-Fi speakers)

For Internal and External Speaker

Under Profiles Tab

- Intelligent Equalizer is something like auto EQ, so that user does not have to adjust for
their sound taste.

- Graphic Equalizer is more advanced compared to Intelligent Equalizer. If you know how to
mix and adjust, you can get the best out of your sound systems. (More for external sound
systems such as headphone or speakers)

Guide: (This frequency guide may not apply to other like Realtek, IDT or Conexant)

(Low) 32Hz - Bass deepness (Vibration sound)

(Low) 64Hz - Bass deepness and punch (Vibration + Punch sound)
(Low) 125Hz - Bass punch (Punch Sound)
(Low) 250Hz - Background sound. (Reducing it make clarity clearer, but may affect vocal)
(Mid) 500Hz - Surround effect (Too high may affect clarity and vocal)
(Mid) 1, 2, 4KHz - Vocal and Surround effect (Too low make vocal dull and too high make
vocal too sharp)
(High) 8KHz - Increase overall sharpness (Set it too low might reduce sss sound, but make
vocal more natural, set it too high provide better clarity but may be uncomfortable for vocal
(High) 16KHz - Increase clarity (Set it too low makes sound without clarity and dull, set it too
high may produce more sss sound makes it a bit unnatural for vocal.

- Volume Limiter is similar to SRS Limiter Level. (Either higher volume with unbalance
frequency or lower volume with balance frequency)

- Dialogue Enhancer is similar to SRS Definition

- Surround Virtualizer is similar to SRS 3D Space and Center Level, increasing presence and
3D effect.

There is no alternative for SRS speaker size in Dolby, however Volume Maximizer Gain
under System Tab should do the job in increasing overall volume.

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