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Debra 05-15-2009, 09:58 PM

Divine Healing Technician Training
December 8 -13
L.A. International Christian Center
Pastor Alex Prokopchik
5853 Laurel Canyon Blvd.
N.Hollywood, CA. 91607

This is an excerpt taken the end of Brother Currys talk Sunday morning December 14, 2008, where he encourages and
prays for everyone.

Beginning at 51:35 minutes into the talk.

Hopefully this week, the main thing youve seen is that, just as my brother said, is that God is looking for normal people.

The big name preachers cant do it all and they can get people saved and they can do certain things but they cant have the
close contact and discipleship that new believers and people that have problems need. So youve got to get involved in
peoples lives. Youve got to make yourself available.

It may mean getting your hands dirty sometimes. It may mean the back floor board of your car may have puke in it. You
know when you try to help a drunk that wants help, but you know, falls back under drink and you have to go pick him up at
the bar and bring him out and work with him.

Weve got to work with people. Weve got to help them. Weve got to separate them from their sin. But to do that we need
to make sure we are right with God. We need to make sure we have the baptism of the Spirit that gives us the power to set
people free. We need to make sure we are living a life of holiness before God. So that the devil when he does show up, we
can say, devil, youve got nothing in me. You got no draws, no strings. You got no rights to me. You got nothing in here, so
back off. Then you can speak, see, when you know then the devil has nothing on you, you can speak boldly.

The bible says the righteous are as bold as a lion. You are made righteous of the blood of Jesus. So its time to be bold. You
say I need boldness, will you pray for boldness? We can, but honestly the way for boldness is very simple. You are as bold
as you are sure of what you are saying. If you are not bold, its because youre not sure.

If someone asks you your name, you wouldnt hesitate. You would say your name and if they said no, that aint your name,
your name is Bill. Theyd look at you like, youre crazy. They might take it for a few minutes and kind of laugh, but after a
bit they are going to go, alright, enough playing, my name is this, heres my drivers license and theyre going to get mad.
And they are going to get stronger and more forceful; they are not going to back off. So, and the reason they are so strong
and forceful is because they are absolutely sure that they are right. So what you need to do if you are not bold, its because
youre not sure youre right.

David Crockett use to say make sure youre right, then go ahead. So we need to know that we are right. I can tell you that
there is no other God that answers when you pray to them, OTHER than the Name of Jesus. Jesus is the only God thats
alive. Hes the only one that came and died for you and rose again and He is above EVERY other thing and Budda will bow
his knee to Jesus. Mohammad is going to bow his knee to Jesus. And so we need to be as sure and as bold as they are.

Now, I just wanted to share these few things and I want to pray for you, but above everything else, if youve been in the
seminar this week, I can tell you just as I told you the very first day. I taught you no theory. Everything we taught was
what we have lived and done. We can verify it through scripture.

So all Im saying, I am not telling you to take my word for it. Take the tapes, take whatever you need to do, study it. Prove
it to yourself. When I quote a scripture, go there, read it for yourself. Make sure Im not misquoting it and make sure its in
context. Go in and study it and get sure, and as you get sure your boldness will rise, your faith will rise, your activity will
rise and you will act yourself into believing, faster than you will believe yourself into acting. Amen?

Lets all, well I was going to say bow our heads and close our eyes, but we dont necessarily have to do that. Is there
anybody here that is not right with God? That can be all the way from not born again, not knowing Jesus, never give your
life to Jesus or backslid or just not living what you know you ought to live. Is there anybody like that? You say I want
everybody to bow their heads and I say no, Jesus hung publicly on a cross; you need to confess Him publicly. And if you
cant do that in here, with people that are for you, you are not going to confess Him out there when they are against you.
So is there anybody that needs to get right with God?

Now listen carefully, by not raising your hand, by not signifying, that you are not right with God, what you are saying is, I
am with God where I need to be. All right now I am not trying to get this alter full, all I am saying is, we are not getting
emotional, you know this isnt a photo op. I am not saying everybody is perfect, I am not saying you couldnt be better, I
am just saying is there anything between you and God right now that shouldnt be there? Then do this with me, pray this out
loud everybody because we all have places we can grow in right?

So everybody repeat this with me, and those of you that raised your hand, this is especially for you, right? When we get
done there is going to be a change in your life. This isnt just words, this is an activation of the Spirit of God in your life and
you are going to give Him permission to change you. Amen? Right, so, lets pray.

Father in Jesus Name, right now I recognize what has been between you and I, and I recognize I am not where I could be.
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And right now I confess that I agree with You, that where I have been has not been right and I want You, to take my life to
change it, to make it something different, to make it something that you can use.

So change my heart, change my mind, change my actions. I give You permission, because I make You my Lord, and not
just my Savior, in the Name of Jesus . I thank You Lord that you hear me and that its according to Your will and that I do
have the answer and therefore You are changing my life now. In the Name of Jesus, I say now, I am right with You and
there is nothing between us. We are one, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Now, heres the next step. You made that statement now dont make that statement a lie. Now God will help you. He is there
to help you, change your life, change your habits, change your lifestyle. Begin studying the Word of God. Spend time with
God. Move in that direction, but know every step you take you draw nigh to Him, He will draw nigh to you. Every step you
take He takes more. He is more for you than you are for yourself. So right now your life has changed and you watch, you
will live it out and it will be even easier in many aspects to live for God.

Now, right now, how many of you are sick in your body, you need healing in your body? Okay, alright, I am going to pray
for you, now listen, you dont need my hands. My hands arent special, alright? It is the Spirit of God, its the Name of Jesus
and faith in that Name that does it.

Now I have the Spirit of God, I have the Name of Jesus and I have faith in that Name. Now I dont know where you are, you
just pretty much said you are right with God so thats good, but, I am not relying on your amount of faith, I am asking you
what can I do for you? And you have said you need healing, so now we have healing and we are going to give it to you.
Alright, so dont worry about your faith, and if you have enough, it has nothing to do with that, alright? It has to do with His
sacrifice, by His stripes you were healed, its done!

So right now itll sound like a prayer in the beginning but its going to quickly turn to a command and I am going to
command the things that have been bothering you to stop. And when that happens, its going to stop, amen?

Now once we do that you just need to begin doing what you could not do before and to check it out and see what is going
on. So lets pray.

Father I thank You in Jesus Name, for letting me participate in Your victory over Your enemy of sickness and disease. I give
you all praise, all glory and all honor. It is by Your Spirit and by nothing that we do in and of ourselves. It is all by Your
Word, Your Spirit, Your power in the Name that is above every name. The Name of Jesus. So right now Father, I thank You
for it.

Now sickness and disease, by the authority of the word of God, by the authority of the Name of Jesus. I have absolute
authority over you, and I command you now, you will leave these people. You have no right to be here .You have no
reason to be here, and in the Name of Jesus, right now, you did not buy them, you didnt pay for them. You didnt die for
their sins. Jesus did. He died for their sins, He died for their healing. He bought and paid for them. So in the Name of Jesus,
sickness and disease, you will hear and obey the voice of the Word of God. You will GO and you will leave them NOW, in
Jesus Name!

Spirits of infirmity, you have no right here, you will go, right now every symptom, will leave their bodies, total complete
healing throughout all, in the Name of Jesus. By Your authority I set the captives free!
Captives you have been held in bondage, you have been oppressed by the enemy of God and now God has decreed your
freedom. And I am here to tell you, the enemy is defeated and you are free! Now live in the freedom that you have been
bought to live in. In the Name of Jesus, pain, false pain you will go, you cannot stay you are a liar. Jesus paid for their
bodies to be healed. He gives them peace, so you GO in Jesus Name right now! Absolute life in Jesus Name.

Father if there is anyone here that needs a new out flowing, a new baptism in the Holy Ghost to know that they have power
to walk through this world and bring deliverance, right now I say Holy Spirit You know at what level everyone is at and I
say in Jesus Name, flood them, spirit, soul and body in the Name of Jesus. So be it. Amen.

Now I would say one thing, if you have been in this seminar you know this, if we would drink the water that Jesus gave. If
you have eaten His flesh and drank His blood and He said you will never hunger or thirst. Now what youve been
experiencing, you may have never called hunger and thirst after God. The reality is the Bible has a Word for it, its called
zeal. You have a zeal that you dont know what to do with. Thats why you have turned zeal into pursuit when it should be
turned into action to demonstrate. So move in zeal, not in hunger, not in thirst, youve been filled, but now move in zeal
toward God and accomplish His will and dont let ANYTHING stop you. Amen?

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