Kuah Soto

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Kuah Soto

1 ekor ayam - basuh

2 biji bawang besar *
4 ulas bawang putih *
1 inci lengkuas *
1/2 inci kunyit hidup (saya guna 1/2 sk serbuk kunyit) *
2 biji buah keras *
bhn * diblender bersama
1sk lada hitam ^
1sk ketumbar^
1 sk jintan manis ^
1sk jintan putih ^
bhn ^ digoreng tanpa minyak dan dblender
2 btg serai dititik
1 biji kiub pati ayam
3sb serbuk rempah sup adabi

- Tumis semua bahan hingga naik bau

- masukkan ayam dan air - rebus ayam sekejap (tp saya x letak ayam,cuma letak kiub pati ayam)
- keluarkan ayam utk disiat2 (saya goreng ayam dan siat2)
- perasakan kuah soto dgn garam dan kiub pati ayam

Nasi himpit - beli yg siap je senang,tinggal rebus je

kacang - digoreng
daun sup dan daun bawang
bawang goreng
suun goreng
ayam goreng yg telah disiat2

Sambal Kicap
10 biji cili api
2 ulas bwang putih
kicap secukupnya
- blender semua


Kevan Hows it going with your new class?

Alison Theyre very lively! You taught them last year, didnt you?

Kevan Yes. I remember them well. Especially Giovanni!

Alison Is he the one thats mad about football?

Kevan No, thats Davide. Giovanni is the one who likes to sit at the front.

Alison Oh yeah. I moved him to sit next to Laura. I think thats her name.

Kevan Laura. Shes the one who has long black hair and is confident in speaking.

Alison Yep. Thats her.

Kevan So what did you do with them today?

Alison I tried using one of my favourite resources. I used this puppet, that I found in the staffroom, called
ourselves and Billy helped me. Puppets are great for getting the shyer students to talk. What abou

Kevan Well I really like storybooks because they contain so much new vocabulary in a context that childr
were studying animals, and I used a storybook about jungle animals, which they loved, to introduc
adjectives. Listen, Id really like to try to use the puppet. Can I borrow it? Ive never used one befo

Alison You can have it next week when Ive finished with it. I still need it tomorrow. I generally use it after
get a bit tired. Ill put it in my desk where I keep my other stuff.

Kevan Great. Thanks. Let me know if you want to use my storybook materials sometime.

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