New Zealand Earthquake Gives Unexpected Benefit: Had A Measured Magnitude of 7.8

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New Zealand earthquake gives unexpected benefit

It's difficult to find positives from a major natural disaster, but an earthquake1 in New
Zealand last year appears to have saved one local authority millions of dollars in coastal
The Kaikoura earthquake of November 2016 had a measured2 magnitude of 7.8and cost
the lives of two people on New Zealand's south island. However, the local council in the
resort town of Kaikoura says that coastal uplift caused by the quake raised 120 km (75
miles) of coastline by between one to eight metres (3-26 feet), potentially putting
previously at-risk infrastructure out of harm's way from sea erosion, Radio New Zealand
Local mayor Winston Gray said that the council had previously expected to budget
millions of dollars on the coastal erosion issue, which has been a major concern for
towns along South Island's east coast. "Now with the uplift, certainly it has taken the
issue away for a given period of time," he told Radio New Zealand, "How long, we don't
1. Terremoto 2. Mediu 3. Oramento

Irish Popular Culture

Popular culture in Ireland is very similar to many other Western countries in terms of
TV, cinema and popular music and literature. However, one aspect of popular culture in
Ireland that makes it somewhat different to other cultures is pub culture.
The term pub refers to a public house or bar. While there is a recognized issue of
over-consumption of alcohol in Ireland, pub culture is about more than just drinking.
Typically pubs are important meeting places4, where people can gather and meet their
neighbours5 and friends in a relaxed atmosphere. The character of pubs varies widely
according to the customers they serve, and the area they are in. Since 2004 it is illegal to
smoke in an enclosed place of work in Ireland, including pubs.

1. Pases 2. No entanto 3. Bar 4 Lugares de encontro 5. Vizinhos

Designated Survivor1 is an American political drama television series created by David

Guggenheim, starring2 Kiefer Sutherland, airing on ABC Language. On the night of
the State of the Union, an explosion takes3 the lives of the President and everyone in
the presidential line of succession, except for Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development Tom Kirkman, who had been named the designated survivor. Kirkman is
immediately sworn4 in as President, unaware that the attack is just the beginning of what
is to come.

1. Sobrevivente 2. Protagonizando 3. Toma 4. Jurado

Take Me To Church - Hozier Leve-me Igreja
My lover's got humour
Minha amada tem humor
She's the giggle at a funeral
Ela a risadinha no funeral
Knows everybody's disapproval
Ela sabe que todos desaprovam
I should've worshipped her sooner Eu devia ter venerado ela mais cedo
If the Heavens ever did speak Se os cus alguma vez falaram
She is the last true mouthpiece Ela a ltima profetisa verdadeira
Every Sunday's getting more bleak Cada domingo fica mais triste
A fresh poison each week Um veneno fresco a cada semana
We were born sick "Ns nascemos doentes"
you heard them say it o que eles dizem
My church offers no absolutes Minha igreja no oferece absolvies
She tells me "worship in the bedroom" Ela s me diz, "Louve entre quatro paredes"
The only heaven I'll be sent to O nico paraso para onde vou ser enviado
Vai ser quando eu estiver sozinho com voc
Is when I'm alone with you
Posso ter nascido doente, mas adoro isso
I was born sick, but I love it
Me ordene sarar
Command me to be well Amm, amm, amm
Amen. Amen. Amen
Me leve igreja
Take me to church Louvarei como um co no santurio de suas
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your mentiras
lies / I'll tell you my sins Vou lhe confessar meus pecados
So you can sharpen your knife Assim voc pode afiar sua faca
Offer me that deathless death E me oferecer essa morte imortal
Good God, let me give you my life Bom Deus, me deixe te dar minha vida

Se sou um pago dos bons tempos

If I'm a pagan of the good times
Minha amante a luz do sol
My lover's the sunlight
E para manter a deusa ao meu lado
To keep the Goddess on my side Ela exige um sacrifcio
She demands a sacrifice Drenar todo o mar para pegar algo brilhante
To drain the whole sea get something shiny Algo carnudo para o prato principal
Something meaty for the main course Esse cavalo soberano bem charmoso
That's a fine looking high horse O que voc tem no estbulo?
What you got in the stable? Ns temos um monte de fiis famintos
We've a lot of starving faithful Isso parece saboroso
That looks tasty / That looks plenty Isso parece abundante
This is hungry work Esse trabalho insacivel


No masters or kings when the ritual begins Nada de mestres ou reis quando o ritual comea
There is no sweeter innocence No h inocncia mais doce
Do que nosso suave pecado
Than our gentle sin / In the madness and soil
Na loucura e imundcie dessa triste cena mundana
of that sad earthly scene
S ento sou humano, s ento estou limpo
Only then I am human, only then I am clean
Amm, amm, amm
Amen. Amen. Amen
Eric Arthur Blair better known by his pen name
George Orwell, was an English novelist, essayist,
journalist, and critic. His work is marked by lucid
prose, awareness of social injustice, opposition
to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic
socialism. Orwell's work continues to
influence popular and political culture, and the
term Orwellian descriptive of totalitarian
or authoritarian social practices has entered the
language together with many of his neologisms,
including cold war, Big Brother, Thought Police, Room
101, memory hole, newspeak, doublethink, and thought

1984: Winston, heri de 1984, ltimo romance de George

Orwell, vive aprisionado na engrenagem totalitria de uma
sociedade completamente dominada pelo Estado, onde tudo
feito coletivamente, mas cada qual vive sozinho. Ningum
escapa vigilncia do Grande Irmo, a mais famosa
personificao literria de um poder cnico e cruel ao infinito,
alm de vazio de sentido histrico. De fato, a ideologia do
Partido dominante em Ocenia no visa nada de coisa alguma
para ningum, no presente ou no futuro. OBrien, hierarca do
Partido, quem explica a Winston que "s nos interessa o poder
em si. Nem riqueza, nem luxo, nem vida longa, nem felicidade:
s o poder pelo poder, poder puro"

Escrita em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial e publicada em 1945

depois de ter sido rejeitada por vrias editoras, essa pequena
narrativa causou desconforto ao satirizar ferozmente a ditadura
stalinista numa poca em que os soviticos ainda eram aliados do
Ocidente na luta contra o eixo nazifascista. De fato, so claras as
referncias: o desptico Napoleo seria Stlin, o banido Bola-de-
Neve seria Trotsky, e os eventos polticos expurgos, instituio de
um estado policial, deturpao tendenciosa da Histria,
mimetizam os que estavam em curso na Unio Sovitica.

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