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I'm a health care professional trying to get away from insurance dependence and starting up condition

specific niche marketing. I had bought click funnels as well as convertri but haven't done any funnel/page
building as of yet. So excuse my novice question: what makes convertri the preferable option? I'd rather not
have to construct things twice

Using the same methodology, Heidegger argues that our ontic feelings of anxiety
testify to the "groundlessness" of human existence, revealing an ineradicable
insecurity which Heidegger connects to the fact that our existential trajectories the
life-projects, roles, and identities that define who we are have "always already" been
shaped by a past that we can never get behind and head off into a future in which
these self-defining projects will always be incomplete, cut short by a death we can
neither avoid nor control.
Is there anyone on here doing multiple 6 -7 figures through Convertri?

Don't need to give details or exact numbers, I'm just interested if the platform can handle that type of
In Being and Time, Heidegger develops and deploys a method called
"phenomenological testimony" in order to interpret our ordinary everyday ("ontic")
experience of phenomena such as guilt and anxiety "ontologically," that is, in terms of
what they reveal about the structural characteristics definitive of human existence.
(Ontology is the study of what is. It thus makes perfect sense that Heideggers pursuit
of "the question of Being" focuses on ontology. But what is so original is the way
Heidegger uses phenomenology, the study of the way things manifest themselves, to
answer ontological questions about what those things are.)

The Gurus do it. We do it. All marketers do it. If you don't, then you are sorely missing out on huge
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