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UDK - 371.383:792.

, 37.013
DOI: 10.5937/nasvas1504809S

. LXIV 4. 2015
: 14. 03. 2015.
: 15. 10. 2015.



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This paper describes, from the perspective of drama pedagogy, two basic
directions in the application of drama and/or theatre techniques in the
educational context which mainly differ primarily according to who applies them in practice
with children and the young teachers or professional actors.. Then the most prominent
approaches of individual authors are singled out from each agent. Although there are certain
similarities among them, we wanted also to show their differences, evident in theoretical,
pedagogical and practical orientations. In this context the opinions about the importance


of dramatics for education, and about the effects of the use of different approaches, levels
and the ways of the application of drama/theatre techniques are singled out, showing at the
same time different roles, levels and ways of participating students. This theme is important
for promoting dramatics pedagogy, which is not at a high level of development in our
country, in spite of the fact that many authors are engaged in theoretical and/or practical
work in ths area.

Keywords: drama and theatre techniques, drama activities, education, theatre activities.



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/ (
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, : ,
: 1.
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; 2. ,
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(eng. creative dramatics).
, (Ward, 1960, : Lindqvist, 1995).
, .


, ,
, ,
( )
( ) ,
. ,
, .
, ,

, ,
. , (Ward, 1947, :
McCaslin, 2005) , ,
, ,
, .
creative drama), .

, , ,
(Davis & Behm, 1987, : Mages, 2008).

, ,
(Slade, 1954; 1958, : Hida, 2013),
(Way, 1967, : Hida, 2013).
, , ,
, .

(eng. child drama) ,

: ...

, (Slade, 1954, : Hida, 2013; Slade, 1954, :

Lindqvist, 1995).
, .
( ), ,
, , .

, ,
(Way, 1971, : Lindqvist, 1995). ,
(eng. exercises for practising living).
. (Hida,
2013), .
educational childrens theatre),

, (Bolton, 1979)
(Heathcote, 2010 a; 2010b), (Kao & ONeill, 1998)



(eng. teacher-in-role),

(Bolton & Heathcote, 1999). , ,

(Bolton & Heathcote, 1999; Heathcote, 2010a; 2010b)

(eng. mantle of the


expert), :

, ,
. ,
, ,

, . ,
, , ,
. ,
, ,
, ,
. ,
, ,
, . ,
, ,

(Heathcote, 2010b),
, ,
(Bolton & Heathcote, 1999),
, (Heathcote, 2010a).
, ,
, (Heathcote, 2010a).

(Bolton, 1979)
(, ),
, ,
(eng. drama for
understanding). ,
(Bolton, 1979):

: ...

1. (eng. exercise) ,
(eng. living-through experience), ,
, .
: , ,
, , (,
, , , , , ).
2. (eng. dramatic playing, drama)

, ,
3. (eng. theatre, performans/performing)

(, ),
1979). ,
. , ,
, .
: (
) (
, , , ).
(eng. external action),
(eng. internal action),
( , , , )
, , ( ),
, .
, ,
(Bolton, 1979).


, ,
, ,
(Bolton, 1979). ,
(Bolton, 2002).

(eng. process drama),
. (Kao & ONeill, 1998)

, ,
, , .
, .
- (. ,
, , ),
, .


. .

. (
), ,
, ,

. - ,
, ,
, , (

: ...

, : , ,
(ONeill, 1995, : Ewing, 2010).
(eng. sculpting) ,
, .
( , )
-, () ()
, (Krui, 2007).

. (2007) :
( )
( ).
, , ,

, ,
, ,
(Krui, 2007).
(eng. conscience alley)
(Kao & ONeill, 1998)
, () , ,
, . ,
, , , ,
, , ,


, ,
, ,
, ,

, (Boal, 2000; 2006)

(eng. forum theatre). (
spect-actors) ,
, ,
. , ()

, ,
. , , ,
. ,
, ( )
( /
, .
- .
, /

: ...

(Jackson, 2002) (eng.

theatre in education) ,
, ,

, ,
(Jackson, 2002). , :
1. ,
, , ,
2. ,
3. , (eng.
decision-making exercises)


/ .

, , ,
/ , .
/ (eng.
International Drama/Theatre and Education Association, IDEA)

(Schweitzer, 1980) (eng. theatre of reality),


(Boal, 2000).

(Schweitzer, 1980):

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() ,

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, , . , ,
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: ...

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