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Program overview

11-Aug-2017 4:25

Year 2017/2018
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek

Code Omschrijving ECTS p1 p2 p3 p4 p5

CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways (HE-RPW)

CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways (HE-RPW), Required Courses
CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
CIE4330 Ports and Waterways 1 4
CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
CIE5311 River Dynamics 4
CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways, Field River Engineering (HE-RPW-
RE), Required Courses
CIE5315 Computational Hydraulics 3
CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways, Field Dredging Engineering (HE-
RPW-DE), Required Courses
OE44035 Dredging Pumps and Slurry Transport 4
OE44040 Dredging Processes I 4
CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways, Field Ports and Waterways (HE-
RPW-PW), Required Courses
CIE5306 Ports and Waterways 2 4

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Year 2017/2018
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek

CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways (HE-RPW)

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Year 2017/2018
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek

CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways (HE-RPW), Required Courses

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CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
Responsible Instructor Dr. M.F.S. Tissier
Instructor A.J.H.M. Reniers
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents This course addresses the observation, analysis and prediction of wind-generated waves in the open ocean and coastal waters.
The lectures start with the observation techniques, before continuing with the question of how to describe these seemingly
random motions of the sea, which we call waves. Two techniques are introduced: a statistical description and a spectral
technique. This, in its turn, is followed by the linear theory of surface gravity waves (as they are formally called). This theory
gives the interrelation between physical characteristics as the surface motion, the wave-induced pressure in the water and the
motion of water particles. It beautifully supplements the concept of the spectrum. Initially, the lectures treat only open-water
aspects of the linear theory, in other words, deep-water conditions without currents or a coast. This provides, together with the
spectral description of the waves, the introduction to the energy balance of waves in oceanic waters. Sources and sinks are added
to this balance, to represent the generation (by wind), the interactions amongst the waves themselves (wave-wave interactions)
and the dissipation of the waves (by white-capping). The second part of the course focuses on wave transformation in coastal
waters, and therefore on the effects of sea bottom topography and currents (shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, surf
Study Goals At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the different observation techniques of wind-generated waves and their limitations;
Explain the rationale behind the definition and computation of the wave spectrum and calculate spectral wave characteristics;
Characterize wind-generated waves in a statistical framework;
Explain the physical processes driving wave transformation in oceanic and coastal waters and evaluate which processes
dominate in a given situation;
Calculate the evolution of wind-generated waves in oceanic and coastal waters;
Education Method Lectures and homework assignments. Completion of the homework assignments is strongly recommended but not compulsory.
These assignments are of two types:
- "traditional" assignments that consist of short problems assessed online using MapleTA (online assessment system),
- computer assignments involving programming using Matlab or Python (two versions of the assignments will be available).
Some support for the computer assignments will be provided during two computer labs (see details in course guide on
Assessment Written exam
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and mathematics. Prior experience with programming using Matlab or Python is
recommended for the computer assignments.
Academic Skills Analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills
Literature & Study Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters by Leo H. Holthuijsen (Cambridge University Press). Lecture slides. Examples of old
Materials exams. Homework assignments.
Judgement The final grade is determined by the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Pocket calculator or graphical calculator without communication options (use of word processing in the graphical calculator
Exam forbidden). No book, no notes. An A4 formula sheet will be provided (last page of the exam questions).
Collegerama Yes

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CIE4330 Ports and Waterways 1 4
Responsible Instructor T. Vellinga
Instructor P. Taneja
Instructor J.C.M. van Dorsser
Instructor H.J. Verheij
Instructor Drs. O.C. Koedijk
Instructor Ir. P. Quist
Instructor Ir. B. Wijdeven
Contact Hours / Week 4/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Required for CIE5306
Course Contents Ports and Waterways:

1. Maritime transport
- Specific data of merchant ships, commodity and vessel types, tramp and liner trade
- Port functions and organisation: functions, transport chain, organisation of seaports
- Port planning methodology: types of planning, planning process, planning tasks, general observations
- Planning and design of the water areas: ship manoeuvring and hydrodynamic behaviour, approach channels, manoeuvring areas
within the port, port basins and berth areas, morphological aspects
- Planning and design of port terminals: services provided, terminal components, types of terminals, terminal capacity
(maximum or optimum) and terminal dimensions
- Container terminals: container transport, terminal operations and lay-out development

2. Queueing theory for ports and inland waterways and Kooman method for transit times of vessels through locks:
- Port studies
- Aspects in port design
- Organisation, ship handling, cargo handling and inland transport
- Methods for solving capacity problems in ports empirical rules of thumb, queueing theory and simulation techniques
- Queueing theory: arrival process, service process, queue discipline
- Kooman method to determine transit time of individual vessels through locks
- Queueing systems: M/M/1 -system, M/M/n-system, M/G/1 M/D/1 and N/Ek/1 systems, M/D/n and D/M/n systems
- Queueing systems with more general distributions of arrival and service time
- Approach to an Ek/Em/1 queue system and approach to an Ek/Em/n queue system
- Some applications

3. Inland waterways:
- Shipping on inland waterways: significance of inland navigation, classification of ships and waterways, ship characteristics,
ship types
- Interaction between ship and waterway: primary water movement, secondary water movement, remaining hydraulic
- Navigation speed: ship's resistance, installed engine power, example speed-engine power
- Navigation: encounters, overtaking manoeuvres, navigation in bends, cross sections, stopping distance
- Design of inland waterway profiles: design vessels, traffic intensity, cross-section and design parameters and cross-sections in
- Natural waterways: navigation on rivers, improvements, classification of rivers, ship dimensions, river ports and mooring

4. Integration of environmental issues in port planning and design

- Environmental aspects which affect port-layout: land use planning, visual amenity, dangerous goods, dredging and disposal of
dredged material, prevention nuisance, contamination of soil and groundwater, reception of ballast water and waste and wetlands
and nature areas
- Relevant aspects for environmental impact assessment: pollution control, ecology and nature habitats, use of recourses, social
and gender aspects and quality of life
-European and Dutch legislation, international conventions and associations
Study Goals In this course the student gains a broad overview of the field ports and waterways and the interest of related sciences. On
completion of this course, the student is able to:
1)explain the functions of ports and waterways in the total transport chain, and discuss various port organization models and
port planning methodologies;
2)apply the knowledge of ship hydrodynamics and relevant hydraulic, nautical, and morphological aspects for preparing a
masterplan with layout of the approach channel and port water areas;
3)apply the knowledge of hydraulic interaction between ship and waterways and ship navigation to design approach channels
and inland waterways;
4)apply queueing theory for capacity planning of ports and inland waterways and Kooman method for determining transit times
of vessels through locks;
5)describe the environmental issues relevant to ports and explain the importance of integrating environmental ,considerations in
port planning, design and management in consultation with stakeholders;
6)describe container handling systems and logistic processes on a container terminal and apply this knowledge to develop a
container terminal layout (quay length, number of cranes, apron area, storage yard);
7)explain the role of economics in port master planning to improve the port planning process;
8)discuss issues related to port - city interaction and the challenges for future development of Port Cities;
9)identify rapid developments in the field of ports and shipping and recognize the necessity for research in the field of
integrated, adaptable and eco-based port design;
10)communicate with port experts using appropriate terminology.

Given physical, nautical and hydraulic boundary conditions, and prognoses of ship types and the ship traffic volumes, the student
is able to apply his knowledge (of ship manoeuvring, hydrodynamic behaviour, queuing theory, terminal planning) to design a
port layout showing the approach channel, turning circle, berths, terminals and storage areas and motivate the design.
Education Method Lectures, exercise
Assessment Written exam and exercise
Expected prior Knowledge Bachelor degree

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Academic Skills During the coarse students will be made aware and/or develop aspects such as particular skills (i.e. analytical thinking, writing
report of exercise) ethics (i.e. moral awareness/sensitivity), integrity and citizenship.
Literature & Study Lecture notes (available at VSSD):
Materials Ports and Terminals - Ligteringen en Velsink, ISBN 978-90-6562-288-4
Service systems in ports and inland waterways, R.Groenveld, 2007
Inland Waterways, H.J Verheij, C. Stolker, R. Groenveld, 2008
Environmental issues in Port Development and Port Operation, T.Vellinga, M.Geense,2004

PPT's and Handouts (available via Blackboard).

Note: The file Exams CIE4330 with examples of old exams is not longer leading for the exams today. In stead some examples of
recent exams will become available on Blackboard.
Judgement The case study (exercise) will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining the
final mark for the written examination. If the mark for the exercise is 5.0 or less additional exercise has to be done.

In that case the final mark for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the exercise can
be used twice. If the student has to make the written exam for the third time he/she has to make the exercise again. Then,the final
mark is determined by averaging the old and the new mark.
Permitted Materials during One A4 with notes, written or typed on both sides, normally readable and dictionary English-Dutch/Dutch-English
Collegerama Yes

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CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
Responsible Instructor M. Zijlema
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge Knowledge of solution of first order and second order differential equations and some mathematical techniques like Taylor series
expansion and Fourier transform is essential. Also some knowledge and experience with programming in Matlab or Python is
Course Contents Elementary notions of computational modelling of flow and transport.

The following topics are dealt with during the course:

1. Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE), test equation and spring-mass system.
2. Time integration for ODE, consistency, convergence, stability and stiffness.
3. Partial Differential Equations (PDE), diffusion equation, convection or wave equation and convection-diffusion equation.
Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, well-posed problems.
4. Space discretization for PDE, finite differences, Von Neumann stability analysis, CFL condition, amplitude and phase error
analysis, wiggles and monotonicity, modified equation approach, upwind and numerical diffusion.
5. 1D shallow water equations, method of characteristics, Riemann invariants, boundary conditions, spin up and Sommerfeld
radiation, leapfrog and Preissmann schemes, staggered grids, SWASH and applications.
Study Goals Upon completion of the course:
1. The student is able to identify different approximations for time integration and space discretisation.
2. The student is able to name different properties for a given approximation (e.g. explicitness/implicitness, robustness,
monotonicity, wiggles, spin-up time, stiffness).
3. The student is able to compute the truncation error and the amplification factor for a given approximation. The student is
succeed in judging the associated consistency and stability properties correctly.
4. The student is able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of a given approximation.
5. The student will be given some different numerical approximations for a given PDE. The student is then able to successfully
choose the best approximation based on some criteria specified in advance. The student is able to justify his choices by doing
analysis and computations.
6. The student is able to describe the role of software packages in the context of applications with open water bodies as seas,
estuaries, rivers, lakes and channels.
7. The student is able to formulate and discretise shallow water equations using two different numerical methods. The student is
able to successfully derive the appropriate approximations.
8. The student will be given numerical algorithms of a software package. The student is then able to discuss the abilities and
restrictions of these algorithms. The student is also able to identify some typical numerical issues, e.g. numerical properties and
artefacts. The student is succeed to analyse consistency and stability, and explain what may have caused the occurred artefacts.
The student is able to support his/her findings with evidences or examples.
Education Method Lectures and practical.
Course Relations The course is related to the courses fluid mechanics, open channel flow and river engineering.
Literature and Study You can order lecture notes through Blackboard (go to My Student Info).
A syllabus with some information on the practical and the exercises are available through Blackboard.

Recommended other materials:

Old exams downloadable from Blackboard.
Assessment Written exam with (mainly) open questions.
Permitted Materials during 1. You are not allowed to use or consult lecture notes, old exams including answers and other (text)books.
Tests 2. You may use one A4 sheet of paper containing personal notes (no solutions to old exams).
3. A simple pocket calculator without any advanced programming facilities.
Remarks 1. Participation in the written exam only after successful completion of three practicals.
2. Final grade is determined by the written exam.
Tags Analysis
Fluid Mechanics
Lineair Algebra
Numeric Methods
Transport phenomena
Water Engineering
Expected prior Knowledge Knowledge of solution of first order and second order differential equations and some mathematical techniques like Taylor series
expansion and Fourier transform is essential. Also some knowledge and experience with programming in Matlab or Python is
Academic Skills analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills
Literature & Study You can order lecture notes through Blackboard (go to My Student Info).
A syllabus with some information on the practical and the exercises are available through Blackboard.

Recommended other materials:

Old exams downloadable from Blackboard.
Judgement Final grade is determined by the written exam.
Permitted Materials during 1. You are not allowed to use or consult lecture notes, old exams including answers and other (text)books.
Exam 2. You may use one A4 sheet of paper containing personal notes (no solutions to old exams).
3. A simple pocket calculator without any advanced programming facilities.
Collegerama Yes

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CIE5311 River Dynamics 4
Responsible Instructor E. Mosselman
Contact Hours / Week 0/4/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE4345 River engineering
Summary Morphological processes in alluvial rivers. Short-term and long-term morphological responses to human interference and natural
events. Set-up, application and interpretation of 1D numerical morphological models. Local problems of erosion and
sedimentation. River bifurcations. Case studies in Europe, Asia and South America.
Course Contents 1. Introduction to river dynamics
River dynamics = hydrodynamics, morphodynamics, ecodynamics, socio-economic dynamics. Three modes of morphological
adaptation (bed level, planform, bed sediment composition). Review of CIE4345 (backwater curves, sediment transport, initial
morphological response, long-term morphological response).

2. Sand-gravel morphodynamics
Hirano model approach to graded sediment. Equilibrium longitudinal river profiles for bimodal sediment mixtures.

3. 1D analytical models for time dependent river evolution

Use of analytical models, analysis of characteristics, full hyperbolic system with simple-wave and diffusion approximations.

4. Projects on Rhine branches in the Netherlands

Flood control (PKB Room for the River), navigation (DVR project), ecological rehabilitation (EU Water Framework Directive).

5. River bends
Helical motion in curved flows, pointbars.

6. River bifurcations
Discharge distribution, nodal point relation for sediment distribution, underlying processes, role of bifurcation angle, phase-plane
analysis to assess bifurcation stability.

7. Numerical models
Use of numerical models, model selection, selection of space and time steps, model boundaries, numerical schemes, numerical

8 SOBEK exercise
Set-up of 1D numerical models for fluvial hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, model runs, interpretation of results.

9. 2D analytical models for bars and planform styles

Alternate bars, steady free bars and overdeepening, resonance, initiation of meandering, braiding.

10. Probabilistic river morphology

Uncertainty analysis, deterministic vs probabilistic approaches, sensitivity analyses vs probabilistic approaches, applications.

11. Bank erosion, planimetric changes and river training

Bank erosion and accretion, model paradigms (mechanistic theory, regime theory, extremal hypotheses), guide bunds, groynes.

12. Physical models

Use of physical models, methods to derive dimensionless parameters (dimension analysis, scaling of mathematical equations),
scale rules, scale laws, scale effects.

13 Field measurements
Measurement of sediment transport, bed topography, river planform and bed sediment composition,

14 Room for questions and additional explanations

The RiverCare research project
Study Goals The goal of the course is that successful participants can act as independent river engineers who are able to:

(1) explain and sketch the short-term large-scale (1D) hydrodynamic and morphodynamic responses of river systems with
confluences and bifurcations to human interferences and natural changes

(2) explain, sketch and calculate the long-term large-scale (1D) hydrodynamic and morphodynamic responses of river systems
with confluences and bifurcations to human interferences and natural changes

(3) propose and explain appropriate methods to study river hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in more detail, to solve
practical problems of river management (numerical vs. physical models, 1D vs. 2D or 3D approaches, deterministic vs.
probabilistic approaches, uniform vs. mixed sediment, equilibrium vs. non-equilibrium transport)

(4) set up and interpret 1D numerical models for river morphology, explaining how to select time steps, space steps, domain
boundaries and boundary conditions

(5) explain the assumptions and consequences of theories underlying 1D morphodynamic behaviour

(6) explain 3D flow and sediment transport in bends and at bifurcations

(7) propose engineering works to solve local problems of erosion and sedimentation
Education Method Lectures, exercise and discussion
Literature and Study Presentation slides contain complete information on course contents. Presentation slides, a computer exercise manual and
Materials additional resources are made available through Blackboard. Worked examples in Unesco-IHE lecture notes (available on
Blackboard) are recommended for self-testing of ability to assess short-term and long-term responses of longitudinal river
profiles to human interventions and natural events. For those who want to proceed their professional career in river engineering,
a recommended (though not compulsory) text book is "Principles of River Engineering" by P.Ph. Jansen et al (1979), ISBN: 90-
6562-146-6, available at bookshops and VSSD, downloadable from
4229-8dda-9eefaf979443/ .

Assessment Test type: written exam. Prerequisite for admission to the written exam: having submitted report of exercise.

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Tags Analysis
Water Engineering
Contact Course leader Dr. ir. Erik Mosselman,,
Expected prior Knowledge CIE4345 River engineering
Academic Skills Skills: critical thinking (Pantanal case study), interpretation (results from SOBEK computations), problem solving (assessment
of morphodynamic response, local problems of erosion and sedimentation)

Ethics: moral awareness (Punjab case study)

Integrity: philosophy of science (paradigm of teleological explanations in river morphology, in lecture on bank erosion)

Citizenship: awareness of and reflection on and responsibility towards the social (international) context and consequences of
technology and scientific actions (Pantanal, Gorai and Punjab case studies)
Literature & Study Presentation slides contain complete information on course contents. Presentation slides, a computer exercise manual and
Materials additional resources are made available through Blackboard. Worked examples in Unesco-IHE lecture notes (available on
Blackboard) are recommended for self-testing of ability to assess short-term and long-term responses of longitudinal river
profiles to human interventions and natural events. For those who want to proceed their professional career in river engineering,
a recommended (though not compulsory) text book is "Principles of River Engineering" by P.Ph. Jansen et al (1979), ISBN: 90-
6562-146-6, available at bookshops and VSSD, downloadable from
4229-8dda-9eefaf979443/ .
Judgement The mark of the written exam is the final mark. No mark will be given for the report on the SOBEK exercise
Permitted Materials during One double-sided A4 sheet with personal summary notes
Collegerama Yes

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Year 2017/2018
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek

CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways, Field River Engineering (HE-RPW-RE), Required Courses

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CIE5315 Computational Hydraulics 3
Responsible Instructor M. Zijlema
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge fluid mechanics, open channel flow, river engineering and computational modelling
Course Contents The course deals with some backgrounds of two- and three-dimensional (non-)hydrostatic flow modelling. The course consists of
a lecture once a week plus a practical session once a week. During the first practical session the open source flow models
Delft3D-FLOW and SWASH will be introduced in a tutorial manner. One of these computer models (or another computer model
if the student wants so) will be used in the following practicals. Matlab is employed for post-processing of the model results. The
content of the subsequent lectures and practicals are:

1) two-dimensional shallow water equations and related physics (e.g. barotropic flow, bottom friction, and horizontal mixing)
2) staggered and colocated schemes for 2DH shallow water equations
3) time-marching methods to solve unsteady problems (ADI and theta-method)
4) the advection scheme; momentum and energy head conservations
5) three-dimensional shallow water equations and related physics (e.g. turbulent flow, vertical mixing, and baroclinic flow)
6) barotropic and baroclinic flow modelling, transport equations and turbulence modelling
7) numerical aspects of three-dimensional modelling (sigma layers versus z-layers, anti-creep, Forester filter, flux limiting)
8) non-hydrostatic wave-flow modelling (lock exchange, short waves)
Study Goals Learning some basics of applying a computer model with respect to hydrodynamics and hydraulics. Of crucial importance is the
knowledge concerning the abilities and limitations of the computer model. The goal is three-fold:

1) to understand what a numerical model is actually doing

2) appreciate its promises and limitations
3) to prevent you to think the numerical model as a black box
Education Method Lectures and practical with exercises.
Literature and Study Lecture notes are available on Blackboard.
Obligatory other materials:
A list of literature is available on Blackboard.

Recommended other materials:

1. User Manual of Delft3D-Flow to be found on Blackboard
2. User Manual of SWASH to be found on Blackboard
3. concise Matlab tutorial te be found on Blackboard
4. syllabus to be found on Blackboard;
5. Matlab scripts and some other helpful files on Blackboard
Assessment Oral exam based on report dealing with the theory on shallow water equations, the associated physics and the applied numerical
approach. Your report must also include your analysis of the model assessment based on the practical.
Tags Analysis
Computer Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Numeric Methods
Water Engineering
Expected prior Knowledge fluid mechanics, open channel flow, river engineering and computational modelling
Academic Skills analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills
Literature & Study Lecture notes are available on Blackboard.
Obligatory other materials:
A list of literature is available on Blackboard.

Recommended other materials:

1. User Manual of Delft3D-Flow to be found on Blackboard
2. User Manual of SWASH to be found on Blackboard
3. concise Matlab tutorial te be found on Blackboard
4. syllabus to be found on Blackboard;
5. Matlab scripts and some other helpful files on Blackboard
Judgement Report grade
Permitted Materials during N/A
Collegerama Yes

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Year 2017/2018
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek

CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways, Field Dredging Engineering (HE-RPW-DE), Required Courses

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OE44035 Dredging Pumps and Slurry Transport 4
Responsible Instructor A.M. Talmon
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/4/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Course Contents Lectures OE44035 Dredge Pumps and Slurry Transport concern: the hydraulic transport of sand-water mixtures in pipelines
(steady and unsteady flow conditions), the co-operation of pumps and pipeline in a hydraulic dredging system and segregating
non-Newtonian slurries: influence of clays, laminar and turbulent regimes in open channel and pipe flow.
Study Goals Aim of these lectures is not only to review the basic rules and models for handling mixture transport in dredging and mining
installations but also to explain the physical processes governing slurry transport and their description in predictive models.
Education Method lectures
Assessment Written
Remarks Old course code: OE4625
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology

OE44040 Dredging Processes I 4

Responsible Instructor S.A. Miedema
Contact Hours / Week 0/4/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Course Contents The course focuses on 3 main dredging processes:
The cutting of sand, clay and rock;
These are explained in detail.
Exercises allow participants to apply the knowledge gained in practical situations.

In dredging, trenching, (deep sea) mining, drilling, tunnel boring and many other applications, sand, clay or rock has to be
excavated. The productions (and thus the dimensions) of the excavating equipment range from mm3/sec - cm3/sec to m3/sec. In
oil drilling layers with a thickness of a magnitude of 0.2 mm are cut, while in dredging this can be of a magnitude of 0.1 m with
cutter suction dredges and meters for clamshells and backhoes. Some equipment is designed for dry soil, while others operate
under water saturated conditions. Installed cutting powers may range up to 10 MW. For both the design, the operation and
production estimation of the excavating equipment it is important to be able to predict the cutting forces and powers.
The book gives an overview of cutting theories. It starts with a generic model, which is valid for all types of soil (sand, clay and
rock) after which the specifics of dry sand, water saturated sand, clay, rock and hyperbaric rock are covered. For each soil type
small blade angles and large blade angles, resulting in a wedge in front of the blade, are discussed. The failure mechanism of
sand, dry and water saturated, is the so called Shear Type. The failure mechanism of clay is the so called Flow Type, but under
certain circumstances also the Curling Type and the Tear Type are possible. Rock will usually fail in a brittle way. This can be
brittle tensile failure, the Tear Type, for small blade angles, but it can also be brittle shear failure, which is of the Shear Type of
failure mechanism for larger blade angles. Under hyperbaric conditions rock may also fail in a more ductile way according to the
Flow Type of failure mechanism.
For each case considered, the equations/model for the cutting forces, power and specific energy are given. The models are
verified with laboratory research, mainly at the Delft University of Technology, but also with data from literature.
Study Goals Understand and reproduce the Mohr circle;
Understand and reproduce the theory of passive and active soil failure;
Understanding the soil mechanical parameters important for cutting processes;
Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D cutting theory in water-saturated sand;
Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D theory in clay;
Understanding and reproduce the basic cutting theory of rock cutting;
Understanding and reproduce the hyperbaric cutting theory of rock cutting.
Education Method lectures and bonus assignments
Literature and Study obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials The Delft Sand, Clay & Rock Cutting Model.
Available at Leeghwater and downloadable from IOS Press.
Assessment Written exam (open book) and bonus assignments.
2 points for the bonus assignments and 10 points for the written exam.
If the grade is 5 or lower the bonus points are added to the exam grade.
If the grade is 5 or higher the final grade is: exam grade plus (10-exam grade)/5 times bonus points.
Remarks Old course code: OE4626
The course focuses on 3 main dredging processes:
The cutting of sand, clay and rock;

Participants succesfully completing this course will be equipped to make predictive quantitative determinations related to these
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
Contact S.A. Miedema (

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Year 2017/2018
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek

CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways, Field Ports and Waterways (HE-RPW-PW), Required Courses

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CIE5306 Ports and Waterways 2 4
Responsible Instructor T. Vellinga
Instructor Ir. B. Wijdeven
Instructor J.C.M. van Dorsser
Instructor P. Taneja
Instructor H.J. Verheij
Instructor Drs. O.C. Koedijk
Instructor Ir. P. Quist
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE4330

Recommended MSc courses: CIE4301 (Building with Nature) and CIE5308 (Breakwaters and Closure Dams)
Summary Functional design of port terminals; ro/ro terminals; liquid bulk terminals; dry bulk terminals; fishery ports; marinas; IWT-ports;
capacities of inland waterways and locks; functional design of locks; simulation models in ports and inland waterways; safety
and vessel traffic services.
Course Contents 1. Ports and Terminals
- General cargo- and multipurpose terminals: non-containerised general cargo, number of berths and quay length, storage area
and overall terminal lay-out, multipurpose terminals
- Ro/ro and ferry terminals: lay-out ro/ro and ferry terminals, special design aspects
- Liquid bulk terminals: oil- and gas carriers, nature of the products, terminals, the berth, jetties, dolphins, storage areas, offshore
- Dry bulk terminals: dry bulk commodities, dry bulk ships, unloading systems, loading systems, on-terminal handling and
storage, climatic and environmental considerations
- Fishery ports: types of fishery ports, site selection, fishing vessels, port planning, unloading equipment, fishery port
organisation and management
- Marinas ; yachting and yachts, general lay-out of the port, basins and berths, port structures
- Ports and terminals for inland water transport: vessels, types of ports, terminals

2. Capacities of inland waterways: explanation terms used, operational capacity, intensity, density, water resistance, ship speed
- Open waterways: calculation methods based on knowledge and experience, virtual area, simulation
- Closed waterways: lock cycle, lock capacity, passing times, cycle times and waiting times
- Vessel traffic service: history, radar systems, VTS- Amsterdam-Tiel, registration and utilisation, River Information Systems
- Safety: safety in general, risk analysis, probability of failure in practice, codes

3. Service systems in ports and inland waterways

- Deterministic and stochastic models
- Simulation tools: random numbers, sampling from distribution functions, used for the description of port- and inland navigation
- Computer simulation models: description methods, components and attributes, structure of the computer model; examples of
simulation models
- Analysis of input- and output: data characteristics of the relevant distribution functions, Chi square test, Kolmogorov Smirnov
Study Goals The course provides the student an overview of various types of ports, capacity of waterways, safety. Upon completion of the
course, the student is able to:
1) analyse and evaluate relevant logistic and operational processes in ports and waterways;
2) develop the functional design and basic layout of various types of port terminals (general cargo, ro/ro; liquid bulk, dry bulk,
marinas, fishery ports, marinas and IWT ports);
3) discuss the capacity controlling parameters of port systems and inland waterways;
4) apply knowledge of deterministic and nautical traffic simulation models for the optimization of logistical processes at locks
and in ports and terminals ;
5) develop a functional design of a canal with locks;
6) discuss the functions and operations of maritime and inland Vessel Traffic Management Systems;
7) identify and discuss future developments relevant for design of ports and inland waterways;
8) understand the importancy of nautical safety.

Given relevant input and various boundary conditions, the student is able to apply his knowledge in a nautical simulation study.
Education Method Lectures, simulation exercise, Maasvlakte-2 game and excursion (traffic centre)
Literature and Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s) (available from VSSD):
Materials 1. Ports and Terminals - Ligteringen en Velsink, ISBN 978-90-6562-288-4
2. Capacities of Inland Waterways, R.Groenveld, H.J.Verheij en C. Stolker, 2006
3. Service Systems in Ports and Inland Terminals, R.Groenveld, 2007

PPT's and Handouts (available via Blackboard)

Assessment Oral exam and computer simulation exercise
Expected prior Knowledge CIE4330

Recommended MSc courses: CIE4301 (Building with Nature) and CIE5308 (Breakwaters and Closure Dams)

Academic Skills During the coarse students will be made aware and/or develop aspects such as particular skills (i.e. analytical thinking, writing
report of exercise) ethics (i.e. moral awareness/sensitivity), integrity and citizenship.
Literature & Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s) (available from VSSD):
Materials 1. Ports and Terminals - Ligteringen en Velsink, ISBN 978-90-6562-288-4
2. Capacities of Inland Waterways, R.Groenveld, H.J.Verheij en C. Stolker, 2006
3. Service Systems in Ports and Inland Terminals, R.Groenveld, 2007

PPT's and Handouts (available via Blackboard)

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Judgement The computer simulation exercise will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining
the final mark for the oral exam when the mark of that exam is at least 5.

If the mark for the computer simulation exercise is 5.0 or less, an additional exercise has to be done. In that case the final mark
for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the computer simulation exercise can be
used twice. If the student has to make the oral exam for the third time he/she has to make the computer simulation exercise again.
Then, the final mark is determined by averaging the old and the new mark.
Permitted Materials during none
Collegerama Yes

Page 16 of 18 J.C.M. van Dorsser
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 88256
Room 23.HG 3.94

Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch

Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 88256
Room 23.HG 3.94

Drs. O.C. Koedijk

Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering S.A. Miedema

Unit Mech, Maritime & Materials Eng
Department Offshore & Dredging Eng
Telephone +31 15 27 88359
Room 34.B-2-300 E. Mosselman
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering

Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch

Department Waterbouwkunde

Ir. P. Quist
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 85438
Room 23.HG 3.86

Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch

Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 85438
Room 23.HG 3.86 A.J.H.M. Reniers

Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Coastal Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 85426
Room 23.HG 2.93

Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch

Department Environmental Fluid Mech.
Telephone +31 15 27 85426
Room 23.HG 2.93

Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch

Department Vloeistofmechanica
Telephone +31 15 27 85426
Room 23.HG 2.93 A.M. Talmon

Unit Mech, Maritime & Materials Eng
Department Offshore & Dredging Eng
Telephone +31 15 27 83717
Room 34.B-2-310

P. Taneja
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 84806

Page 17 of 18
Dr. M.F.S. Tissier
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Environmental Fluid Mech.
Telephone +31 15 27 85122
Room 23.HG 2.92

T. Vellinga
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 83154
Room 23.HG 3.77

H.J. Verheij
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 84740
Room 23.HG 3.84

Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch

Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 84740
Room 23.HG 3.84

Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch

Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 84740
Room 23.HG 3.84

Ir. B. Wijdeven
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 85075
Room 23.HG 3.86 M. Zijlema
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Environmental Fluid Mech.
Telephone +31 15 27 83255
Room 23.HG 2.94

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