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Chapter 11

11-1 For the deep-groove 02-series ball bearing with R = 0.90, the design life x D , in multiples
of rating life, is
L 60D nD 60 25000 350
xD D 525 Ans.
LR L10 106

The design radial load is

FD 1.2 2.5 3.0 kN

Eq. (11-6): C10 3.0 1/1.483
0.02 4.459 0.02 ln 1/ 0.9

C 10 = 24.3 kN Ans.

Table 11-2: Choose an 02-35 mm bearing with C 10 = 25.5 kN. Ans.


525 3 / 25.5 0.02

Eq. (11-18): R exp 0.920 Ans.

4.459 0.02


11-2 For the angular-contact 02-series ball bearing as described, the rating life multiple is
L 60D nD 60 40 000 520
xD D 1248
LR L10 106

The design radial load is

FD 1.4 725 1015 lbf 4.52 kN

Eq. (11-6):

C10 1015 1/1.483
0.02 4.459 0.02 ln 1/ 0.9
10 930 lbf 48.6 kN

Table 11-2: Select an 02-60 mm bearing with C 10 = 55.9 kN. Ans.


1248 4.52 / 55.9 0.02

Eq. (11-18): R exp 0.945 Ans.



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11-3 For the straight-roller 03-series bearing selection, x D = 1248 rating lives from Prob. 11-2
FD 1.4 2235 3129 lbf 13.92 kN
C10 13.92 118 kN

Table 11-3: Select an 03-60 mm bearing with C 10 = 123 kN. Ans.


1248 13.92 /123 0.02

Eq. (11-18): R exp 0.917 Ans.

4.459 0.02


11-4 The combined reliability of the two bearings selected in Probs. 11-2 and 11-3 is

R 0.945 0.917 0.867 Ans.

We can choose a reliability goal of 0.90 0.95 for each bearing. We make the
selections, find the existing reliabilities, multiply them together, and observe that the
reliability goal is exceeded due to the roundup of capacity upon table entry.

Another possibility is to use the reliability of one bearing, say R 1 . Then set the reliability
goal of the second as


or vice versa. This gives three pairs of selections to compare in terms of cost, geometry
implications, etc.

11-5 Establish a reliability goal of 0.90 0.95 for each bearing. For an 02-series angular
contact ball bearing,

C10 1015 1/1.483
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.95
12822 lbf 57.1 kN
Select an 02-65 mm angular-contact bearing with C 10 = 63.7 kN.


1248 4.52 / 63.7 0.02

RA exp 0.962

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For an 03-series straight roller bearing,


C10 13.92 1/1.483
136.5 kN
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.95

Select an 03-65 mm straight-roller bearing with C 10 = 138 kN.

1248 13.92 /138 10/3 0.02 1.483

RB exp 0.953

The overall reliability is R = (0.962)(0.953) = 0.917, which exceeds the goal.


11-6 For the straight cylindrical roller bearing specified with a service factor of 1, R = 0.95 and
F R = 20 kN.
L 60D nD 60 8000 950
xD D 456
LR L10 106

C10 20 1/1.483
145 kN Ans.
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.95

11-7 Both bearings need to be rated in terms of the same catalog rating system in order to
compare them. Using a rating life of one million revolutions, both bearings can be rated
in terms of a Basic Load Rating.

3000 500 60
1/ a 1/ a 1/3
L n 60
C A FA A FA A A 2.0
Eq. (11-3):
LR LR 106
8.96 kN

Bearing B already is rated at one million revolutions, so C B = 7.0 kN. Since C A > C B ,
bearing A can carry the larger load. Ans.

11-8 F D = 2 kN, L D = 109 rev, R = 0.90

1/ a 1/3
LD 109
Eq. (11-3): C10 FD 2 6 20 kN Ans.
LR 10

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11-9 F D = 800 lbf, D = 12 000 hours, n D = 350 rev/min, R = 0.90

12 000 350 60
1/ a 1/3
n 60
Eq. (11-3): C10 FD D D 800 5050 lbf Ans
LR 106

11-10 F D = 4 kN, D = 8 000 hours, n D = 500 rev/min, R = 0.90

8 000 500 60
1/ a 1/3
n 60
Eq. (11-3): C10 FD D D 4 24.9 kN Ans
LR 106

11-11 F D = 650 lbf, n D = 400 rev/min, R = 0.95

D = (5 years)(40 h/week)(52 week/year) = 10 400 hours

Assume an application factor of one. The multiple of rating life is

LD 10 400 400 60
xD 249.6
LR 106

Eq. (11-6): C10 1 650 1/1.483
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.95
4800 lbf Ans.

11-12 F D = 9 kN, L D = 108 rev, R = 0.99

Assume an application factor of one. The multiple of rating life is

LD 108
xD 100
LR 106

Eq. (11-6): C10 1 9 1/1.483
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.99
69.2 kN Ans.

11-13 F D = 11 kips, D = 20 000 hours, n D = 200 rev/min, R = 0.99

Assume an application factor of one. Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on
p. 608.

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The multiple of rating life is

LD 20 000 200 60
xD 240
LR 106

Eq. (11-6): C10 111 1/1.483
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.99
113 kips Ans.

11-14 From the solution to Prob. 3-68, the ground reaction force carried by the bearing at C is
R C = F D = 178 lbf. Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608.

LD 15000 1200 60
xD 1080
LR 106
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
x0 x0 1 RD
1/ b

C10 1.2 178
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.95

2590 lbf Ans.

11-15 From the solution to Prob. 3-69, the ground reaction force carried by the bearing at C is
R C = F D = 1.794 kN. Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608.

LD 15000 1200 60
xD 1080
LR 106
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
x0 x0 1 RD
1/ b

C10 1.2 1.794
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.95

26.1 kN Ans.

11-16 From the solution to Prob. 3-70, R Cz = 327.99 lbf, R Cy = 127.27 lbf
1/ 2
RC FD 327.99 127.27 351.8 lbf
2 2

Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608.

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LD 15000 1200 60
xD 1080
LR 106
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
xo xo 1 RD
1/ b

C10 1.2 351.8
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.95

5110 lbf Ans.

11-17 From the solution to Prob. 3-71, R Cz = 150.7 N, R Cy = 86.10 N

RC FD 150.7 86.10 173.6 N
2 2

Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608.

LD 15000 1200 60
xD 1080
LR 106
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
x0 x0 1 RD
1/ b

C10 1.2 173.6
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.95

2520 N Ans.

11-18 From the solution to Prob. 3-77, R Az = 444 N, R Ay = 2384 N

RA FD 4442 23842 2425 N 2.425 kN
Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608. The design speed is equal to
the speed of shaft AD,
d 125
nD F ni 191 95.5 rev/min
dC 250

LD 12 000 95.5 60
xD 68.76
LR 106
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
x0 x0 1 RD
1/ b

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C10 1 2.425
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.95

11.7 kN Ans.

11-19 From the solution to Prob. 3-79, R Az = 54.0 lbf, R Ay = 140 lbf

RA FD 54.02 1402 150.1 lbf
Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608. The design speed is equal to
the speed of shaft AD,
d 10
nD F ni 280 560 rev/min
dC 5

LD 14 000 560 60
xD 470.4
LR 106
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
x0 x0 1 RD
1/ b

C10 1150.1
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.98

1320 lbf Ans.

11-20 (a) Fa 3 kN, Fr 7 kN, nD 500 rev/min, V 1.2

From Table 11-2, with a 65 mm bore, C 0 = 34.0 kN.

F a / C 0 = 3 / 34 = 0.088

From Table 11-1, 0.28 e 3.0.

Fa 3
VFr 1.2 7
Since this is greater than e, interpolating Table 11-1 with F a / C 0 = 0.088, we obtain
X 2 = 0.56 and Y 2 = 1.53.

Eq. (11-9): Fe X iVFr Yi Fa 0.56 1.2 7 1.53 3 9.29 kN Ans.

F e > F r so use F e .

(b) Use Eq. (11-7) to determine the necessary rated load the bearing should have to carry
the equivalent radial load for the desired life and reliability. Use the Weibull
parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608.

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LD 10 000 500 60
xD 300
LR 106
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
x0 x0 1 RD
1/ b

C10 1 9.29
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.95

73.4 kN

From Table 11-2, the 65 mm bearing is rated for 55.9 kN, which is less than the
necessary rating to meet the specifications. This bearing should not be expected to meet
the load, life, and reliability goals. Ans.

11-21 (a) Fa 2 kN, Fr 5 kN, nD 400 rev/min, V 1

From Table 11-2, 30 mm bore, C 10 = 19.5 kN, C 0 = 10.0 kN

F a / C 0 = 2 / 10 = 0.2

From Table 11-1, 0.34 e 0.38.

Fa 2
VFr 1 5

Since this is greater than e, interpolating Table 11-1, with F a / C 0 = 0.2, we obtain X 2 =
0.56 and Y 2 = 1.27.
Eq. (11-9): Fe X iVFr Yi Fa 0.56 1 5 1.27 2 5.34 kN Ans.
F e > F r so use F e .

(b) Solve Eq. (11-7) for x D .

x0 x0 1 RD
1/ b
xD 10
a f FD

xD 0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.99 1/1.483
1 5.34

xD 10.66
LD D nD 60
LR 106

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10.66 10 444 h
xD 106

nD 60 400 60

11-22 Fr 8 kN, R 0.9, LD 109 rev

1/ a 1/3
L 109
Eq. (11-3): C10 FD D 8 6 80 kN
LR 10

From Table 11-2, select the 85 mm bore. Ans.


11-23 Fr 8 kN, Fa 2 kN, V 1, R 0.99

Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608.

LD 10 000 400 60
xD 240
LR 106

First guess: Choose from middle of Table 11-1, X = 0.56, Y = 1.63

Eq. (11-9): Fe 0.56 1 8 1.63 2 7.74 kN

F e < F r , so just use F r as the design load.
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
xo xo 1 RD
1/ b

C10 1 8 82.5 kN
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.99

From Table 11-2, try 85 mm bore with C 10 = 83.2 kN, C 0 = 53.0 kN
Iterate the previous process:

F a / C 0 = 2 / 53 = 0.038
Table 11-1: 0.22 e 0.24
Fa 2
0.25 e
VFr 1 8
Interpolate Table 11-1 with F a / C 0 = 0.038 to obtain X 2 = 0.56 and Y 2 = 1.89.

Eq. (11-9): Fe 0.56(1)8 1.89(2) 8.26 > Fr

Eq. (11-7): C10 1 8.26 85.2 kN
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.99

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Table 11-2: Move up to the 90 mm bore with C 10 = 95.6 kN, C 0 = 62.0 kN.
Iterate again:

F a / C 0 = 2 / 62 = 0.032

Table 11-1: Again, 0.22 e 0.24

Fa 2
0.25 e
VFr 1 8
Interpolate Table 11-1 with F a / C 0 = 0.032 to obtain X 2 = 0.56 and Y 2 = 1.95.

Eq. (11-9): Fe 0.56(1)8 1.95(2) 8.38 > Fr

Eq. (11-7): C10 1 8.38 86.4 kN
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.99

The 90 mm bore is acceptable. Ans.

11-24 Fr 8 kN, Fa 3 kN, V 1.2, R 0.9, LD 108 rev

First guess: Choose from middle of Table 11-1, X = 0.56, Y = 1.63

Eq. (11-9): Fe 0.56 1.2 8 1.63 3 10.3 kN

Fe Fr
1/ a 1/3
L 108
Eq. (11-3): C10 Fe D 10.3 6 47.8 kN
LR 10

From Table 11-2, try 60 mm with C 10 = 47.5 kN, C 0 = 28.0 kN

Iterate the previous process:

F a / C 0 = 3 / 28 = 0.107

Table 11-1: 0.28 e 0.30

Fa 3
0.313 e
VFr 1.2 8
Interpolate Table 11-1 with F a / C 0 = 0.107 to obtain X 2 = 0.56 and Y 2 = 1.46

Eq. (11-9): Fe 0.56 1.2 8 1.46 3 9.76 kN > Fr

Eq. (11-3): C10 9.76 6 45.3 kN
From Table 11-2, we have converged on the 60 mm bearing. Ans.

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11-25 Fr 10 kN, Fa 5 kN, V 1, R 0.95
Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608.

LD 12 000 300 60
xD 216
LR 106

First guess: Choose from middle of Table 11-1, X = 0.56, Y = 1.63

Eq. (11-9): Fe 0.56 110 1.63 5 13.75 kN

F e > F r , so use F e as the design load.
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
x0 x0 1 RD
1/ b

C10 113.75 97.4 kN
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.95

From Table 11-2, try 95 mm bore with C 10 = 108 kN, C 0 = 69.5 kN

Iterate the previous process:

F a / C 0 = 5 / 69.5 = 0.072

Table 11-1: 0.27 e 0.28

Fa 5
0.5 e
VFr 110
Interpolate Table 11-1 with F a / C 0 = 0.072 to obtain X 2 = 0.56 and Y 2 = 1.62 1.63

Since this is where we started, we will converge back to the same bearing. The 95 mm
bore meets the requirements. Ans.

11-26 Note to the Instructor. In the first printing of the 9th edition, the design life was
incorrectly given to be 109 rev and will be corrected to 108 rev in subsequent printings.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Fr 9 kN, Fa 3 kN, V 1.2, R 0.99

Use the Weibull parameters for Manufacturer 2 on p. 608.

LD 108
xD 100
LR 106

First guess: Choose from middle of Table 11-1, X = 0.56, Y = 1.63

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Eq. (11-9): Fe 0.56 1.2 9 1.63 3 10.9 kN
F e > F r , so use F e as the design load.
1/ a
Eq. (11-7): C10 a f FD
x0 x0 1 RD
1/ b

C10 110.9 83.9 kN
0.02 4.459 0.02 1 0.99

From Table 11-2, try 90 mm bore with C 10 = 95.6 kN, C 0 = 62.0 kN. Try this bearing.
Iterate the previous process:

F a / C 0 = 3 / 62 = 0.048

Table 11-1: 0.24 e 0.26

Fa 3
0.278 e
VFr 1.2 9
Interpolate Table 11-1 with F a / C 0 = 0.048 to obtain X 2 = 0.56 and Y 2 = 1.79

Eq. (11-9): Fe 0.56 1.2 9 1.79 3 11.4 kN Fr

C10 83.9 87.7 kN
From Table 11-2, this converges back to the same bearing. The 90 mm bore meets the
requirements. Ans.

11-27 (a) nD 1200 rev/min, LD 15 kh, R 0.95, a f 1.2

From Prob. 3-72, R Cy = 183.1 lbf, R Cz = 861.5 lbf.
RC FD 183.12 861.5 881 lbf

L 15000 1200 60
xD D 1080
LR 106
Eq. (11-7): C10 1.2 881
0.02 4.439 1 0.95

12800 lbf 12.8 kips Ans.

(b) Results will vary depending on the specific bearing manufacturer selected. A general
engineering components search site such as might be useful as
a starting point.

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11-28 (a) nD 1200 rev/min, LD 15 kh, R 0.95, a f 1.2
From Prob. 3-72, R Oy = 208.5 lbf, R Oz = 259.3 lbf.
1/ 2
RC FD 259.32 208.5 333 lbf

L 15000 1200 60
xD D 1080
LR 106
Eq. (11-7): C10 1.2 333
0.02 4.439 1 0.95

4837 lbf 4.84 kips Ans.
(b) Results will vary depending on the specific bearing manufacturer selected. A general
engineering components search site such as might be useful as
a starting point.

11-29 (a) nD 900 rev/min, LD 12 kh, R 0.98, a f 1.2

From Prob. 3-73, R Cy = 8.319 kN, R Cz = 10.830 kN.
2 1/ 2
RC FD 8.319 2 10.830 13.7 kN

L 12 000 900 60
xD D 648
LR 106
Eq. (11-7): C10 1.2 13.7 204 kN Ans.
0.02 4.439 1 0.98

(b) Results will vary depending on the specific bearing manufacturer selected. A general
engineering components search site such as might be useful as
a starting point.

11-30 (a) nD 900 rev/min, LD 12 kh, R 0.98, a f 1.2

From Prob. 3-73, R Oy = 5083 N, R Oz = 494 N.

RC FD 50832 4942 5106 N 5.1 kN
LD 12 000 900 60
xD 648
LR 106
Eq. (11-7): C10 1.2 5.1 76.1 kN Ans.
0.02 4.439 1 0.98

(b) Results will vary depending on the specific bearing manufacturer selected. A general
engineering components search site such as might be useful as
a starting point.

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11-31 Assume concentrated forces as shown.

Pz 8 28 224 lbf
Py 8 35 280 lbf
T 224 2 448 lbf in
T x 448 1.5 F cos 20 0
F 318 lbf
1.5 0.940

M Oz 5.75Py 11.5RAy 14.25F sin 20 0

5.75 280 11.5RAy 14.25 318 0.342 0
RAy 5.24 lbf
M Oy 5.75 Pz 11.5 RAz 14.25 F cos 20 0
5.75 224 11.5RAz 14.25 318 0.940 0
RAz 482 lbf; RA 482 5.24
2 2
482 lbf

F RO Pz RA F cos 20 0
z z z

ROz 224 482 318 0.940 0

ROz 40.9 lbf
F y ROy Py RAy F sin 20 0
ROy 280 5.24 318 0.342 0
ROy 166 lbf
RO 40.9 166
2 2
171 lbf

So the reaction at A governs.

Reliability Goal: 0.92 0.96

FD 1.2 482 578 lbf

xD 35 000 350 60 / 106 735

C10 578 1/1.483
0.02 4.459 0.02 ln 1/ 0.96
6431 lbf 28.6 kN

From Table 11-2, a 40 mm bore angular contact bearing is sufficient with a rating of

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31.9 kN. Ans.

11-32 For a combined reliability goal of 0.95, use 0.95 0.975 for the individual bearings.

40 000 420 60
xD 1008

The resultant of the given forces are

R O = [(387)2 + 4672]1/2 = 607 lbf

R B = [3162 + (1615)2]1/2 = 1646 lbf

At O:

Eq. (11-6): C10 1.2 607 1/1.483
0.02 4.459 0.02 ln 1/ 0.975
9978 lbf 44.4 kN

From Table 11-2, select an 02-55 mm angular-contact ball bearing with a basic load
rating of 46.2 kN. Ans.

At B:

Eq. (11-6): C10 1.2 1646 1/1.483
0.02 4.459 0.02 ln 1/ 0.975
20827 lbf 92.7 kN

From Table 11-3, select an 02-75 mm or 03-55 mm cylindrical roller. Ans.


11-33 The reliability of the individual bearings is R 0.98 0.9899

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From statics,

T = (270 50) = (P 1 P 2 )125

= (P 1 0.15 P 1 )125
P 1 = 310.6 N,
P 2 = 0.15 (310.6) = 46.6 N
P 1 + P 2 = 357.2 N
FAy 357.2 sin 45 252.6 N FAz

M z
O 850REy 300(252.6) 0 REy 89.2 N
F y
252.6 89.2 ROy 0 ROy 163.4 N
M y
O 850REz 700(320) 300(252.6) 0 REz 174.4 N
F z
174.4 320 252.6 ROz 0 ROz 107 N

RO 163.4 107 2 195 N


RE 89.2 174.4 196 N

2 2

The radial loads are nearly the same at O and E. We can use the same bearing at both

60 000 1500 60
xD 5400

Eq. (11-6): C10 1 0.196 1/1.483
5.7 kN
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.9899

From Table 11-2, select an 02-12 mm deep-groove ball bearing with a basic load rating
of 6.89 kN. Ans.

11-34 R 0.96 0.980

T 12(240 cos 20 ) 2706 lbf in

F 498 lbf
6 cos 25

In xy-plane:
M Oz 16(82.1) 30(210) 42 RCy 0

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RCy 181 lbf
ROy 82.1 210 181 111.1 lbf
In xz-plane:
M Oy 16(226) 30(451) 42 RCz 0
RCz 236 lbf
ROz 226 451 236 11 lbf

1/ 2
RO 111.12 112 112 lbf Ans.

1/ 2
RC 2
236 2 297 lbf Ans.
50000 300 60
xD 900


C10 O 1.2 112 1/1.483
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.980
1860 lbf 8.28 kN

C10 C 1.2 297 1/1.483
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.980
4932 lbf 21.9 kN

Bearing at O: Choose a deep-groove 02-17 mm. Ans.

Bearing at C: Choose a deep-groove 02-35 mm. Ans.

11-35 Shafts subjected to thrust can be constrained by bearings, one of which supports the
thrust. The shaft floats within the endplay of the second (roller) bearing. Since the thrust
force here is larger than any radial load, the bearing absorbing the thrust (bearing A) is
heavily loaded compared to bearing B. Bearing B is thus likely to be oversized and may
not contribute measurably to the chance of failure. If this is the case, we may be able to
obtain the desired combined reliability with bearing A having a reliability near 0.99 and
bearing B having a reliability near 1. This would allow for bearing A to have a lower
capacity than if it needed to achieve a reliability of 0.99 . To determine if this is the
case, we will start with bearing B.

Bearing B (straight roller bearing)

30000 500 60
xD 900

1/ 2
Fr 36 2 67 2 76.1 lbf 0.339 kN
Try a reliability of 1 to see if it is readily obtainable with the available bearings.

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Eq. (11-6): C10 1.2 0.339 1/1.483
10.1 kN
0.02 4.439 ln 1/1.0

The smallest capacity bearing from Table 11-3 has a rated capacity of 16.8 kN.
Therefore, we select the 02-25 mm straight cylindrical roller bearing. Ans.

Bearing at A (angular-contact ball)

With a reliability of 1 for bearing B, we can achieve the combined reliability goal of 0.99
if bearing A has a reliability of 0.99.

1/ 2
Fr 36 2 2122 215 lbf 0.957 kN
Fa 555 lbf 2.47 kN

Trial #1:
Tentatively select an 02-85 mm angular-contact with C 10 = 90.4 kN and C 0 = 63.0 kN.

Fa 2.47
C0 63.0
30000 500 60
xD 900

Table 11-1: Interpolating, X 2 = 0.56, Y 2 = 1.88

Eq. (11-9): Fe 0.56 0.957 1.88 2.47 5.18 kN


Eq. (11-6): C10 1.2 5.18 1/1.483
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.99
99.54 kN 90.4 kN
Trial #2:
Tentatively select a 02-90 mm angular-contact ball with C 10 = 106 kN and C 0 = 73.5 kN.

Fa 2.47
C0 73.5

Table 11-1: Interpolating, X 2 = 0.56, Y 2 = 1.93

Fe 0.56 0.957 1.93 2.47 5.30 kN


C10 1.2 5.30 1/1.483
102 kN < 106 kN O.K.
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.99

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Select an 02-90 mm angular-contact ball bearing. Ans.

11-36 We have some data. Lets estimate parameters b and from it. In Fig. 11-5, we will use
line AB. In this case, B is to the right of A.

115 2000 60
For F = 18 kN, x 1 13.8

This establishes point 1 on the R = 0.90 line.

The R = 0.20 locus is above and parallel to the R = 0.90 locus. For the two-parameter
Weibull distribution, x 0 = 0 and points A and B are related by [see Eq. (20-25)]:

x A ln 1/ 0.90
1/ b
xB ln 1/ 0.20
1/ b

and x B /x A is in the same ratio as 600/115. Eliminating ,

ln ln 1/ 0.20 / ln 1/ 0.90
b 1.65 Ans.
ln 600 /115

Solving for in Eq. (1),

xA 1
3.91 Ans.
ln 1/ RA ln 1/ 0.90
1/1.65 1/1.65

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Therefore, for the data at hand,

x 1.65
R exp

Check R at point B: x B = (600/115) = 5.217

5.217 1.65
R exp 0.20
Note also, for point 2 on the R = 0.20 line,

log 5.217 log 1 log xm 2 log 13.8

xm 2 72

11-37 This problem is rich in useful variations. Here is one.

Decision: Make straight roller bearings identical on a given shaft. Use a reliability goal of
(0.99)1/6 = 0.9983.

Shaft a

1/ 2
FAr 2392 1112 264 lbf 1.175 kN

1/ 2
FBr 2
10752 1186 lbf 5.28 kN

Thus the bearing at B controls.

10 000 1200 60
xD 720
0.02 4.439 ln 1/ 0.9983
0.080 26
C10 1.2 5.28 97.2 kN
0.080 26

Select either an 02-80 mm with C 10 = 106 kN or an 03-55 mm with C 10 = 102 kN. Ans.
Shaft b

1/ 2
FCr 874 2 2274 2 2436 lbf or 10.84 kN

1/ 2
FDr 2
657 2 766 lbf or 3.41 kN

The bearing at C controls.

Chapter 11, Page 20/28

10 000 240 60
xD 144
C10 1.2 10.84 123 kN
0.080 26

Select either an 02-90 mm with C 10 = 142 kN or an 03-60 mm with C 10 = 123 kN. Ans.

Shaft c

1/ 2
FEr 11132 23852 2632 lbf or 11.71 kN

1/ 2
FFr 2
8952 987 lbf or 4.39 kN

The bearing at E controls.

10 000 80 60
xD 48
C10 1.2 11.71 95.7 kN
0.080 26

Select an 02-80 mm with C 10 = 106 kN or an 03-60 mm with C 10 = 123 kN. Ans.


11-38 Express Eq. (11-1) as

F1a L1 C10a L10 K

For a ball bearing, a = 3 and for an 02-30 mm angular contact bearing, C 10 = 20.3 kN.

K 20.3 106 8.365 109

At a load of 18 kN, life L 1 is given by:

K 8.365 10

L1 a
F1 183
1.434 106 rev
For a load of 30 kN, life L 2 is:

0.310 10 rev
8.365 109
30 3 6

In this case, Eq. (6-57) the Palmgren-Miner cycle-ratio summation rule can be
expressed as

Chapter 11, Page 21/28

l1 l2
L1 L2


200 000 l2
1.434 10
0.310 106
l2 0.267 10 rev Ans.


11-39 Total life in revolutions

l = total turns
f 1 = fraction of turns at F 1
f 2 = fraction of turns at F 2

From the solution of Prob. 11-38, L 1 = 1.434(106) rev and L 2 = 0.310(106) rev.

Palmgren-Miner rule:

l1 l2 fl f l
1 2 1
L1 L2 L1 L2

from which
f1 / L1 f 2 / L2
0.40 / 1.434 10 0.60 / 0.310 10
6 6

451 585 rev Ans.

Total life in loading cycles

4 min at 2000 rev/min = 8000 rev/cycle

6 min at 2000 rev/min = 12 000 rev/cycle

Total rev/cycle = 8000 + 12 000 = 20 000

451 585 rev

22.58 cycles Ans.
20 000 rev/cycle

Chapter 11, Page 22/28

Total life in hours
min 22.58 cycles
10 3.76 h Ans.
cycle 60 min/h

11-40 FrA 560 lbf

FrB 1095 lbf
Fae 200 lbf
LD 40 000 400 60
xD 10.67
LR 90 106
R 0.90 0.949

0.47 FrA 0.47 560

Eq. (11-15): FiA 175.5 lbf
KA 1.5
0.47 FrB 0.47 1095
Eq. (11-15): FiB 343.1 lbf
KB 1.5
FiA ? FiB Fae
175.5 lbf 343.1 200 543.1 lbf, so Eq. (11-16) applies.

We will size bearing B first since its induced load will affect bearing A, but is not itself
affected by the induced load from bearing A [see Eq. (11-16)].

From Eq. (11-16b), F eB = F rB = 1095 lbf.

Eq. (11-7): FRB 1.4 1095 3607 lbf Ans.
4.48 1 0.949 1/1.5

Select cone 32305, cup 32305, with 0.9843 in bore, and rated at 3910 lbf with K = 1.95.

With bearing B selected, we re-evaluate the induced load from bearing B using the actual
value for K.
0.47 FrB 0.47 1095
Eq. (11-15): FiB 263.9 lbf
KB 1.95
Find the equivalent radial load for bearing A from Eq. (11-16), which still applies.

Eq. (11-16a): FeA 0.4 FrA K A FiB Fae

FeA 0.4 560 1.5 263.9 200 920 lbf

Chapter 11, Page 23/28

Eq. (11-7): FRA 1.4 920 3030 lbf
4.48 1 0.949 1/1.5

Tentatively select cone M86643, cup M86610, with 1 in bore, and rated at 3250 lbf with
K = 1.07. Iterating with the new value for K, we get F eA = 702 lbf and F rA = 2312 lbf.

By using a bearing with a lower K, the rated load decreased significantly, providing a
higher than requested reliability. Further examination with different combinations of
bearing choices could yield additional acceptable solutions.

11-41 The thrust load on shaft CD is from the axial component of the force transmitted through
the bevel gear, and is directed toward bearing C. By observation of Fig. 11-14, direct
mounted bearings would allow bearing C to carry the thrust load. Ans.

From the solution to Prob. 3-74, the axial thrust load is F ae = 362.8 lbf, and the bearing
radial forces are F Cx = 287.2 lbf, F Cz = 500.9 lbf, F Dx = 194.4 lbf, and F Dz = 307.1 lbf.
Thus, the radial forces are

FrC 287.22 500.9 2 577 lbf

FrD 194.4 2 307.12 363 lbf

The induced loads are

0.47 FrC 0.47 577
Eq. (11-15): FiC 181 lbf
KC 1.5
0.47 FrD 0.47 363
Eq. (11-15): FiD 114 lbf
KD 1.5
Check the condition on whether to apply Eq. (11-16) or Eq. (11-17), where bearings C
and D are substituted, respectively, for labels A and B in the equations.

FiC ? FiD Fae

181 lbf 114 362.8 476.8 lbf, so Eq.(11-16) applies

Eq. (11-16a): FeC 0.4 FrC KC FiD Fae

0.4 577 1.5 114 362.8 946 lbf FrC , so use FeC

Assume for tapered roller bearings that the specifications for Manufacturer 1 on p. 608
are applicable.

Chapter 11, Page 24/28

LD 108
xD 1.11
LR 90 106
R 0.90 0.949
Eq. (11-7): FRC 1 946 1130 lbf Ans.
4.48 1 0.949

Eq. (11-16b): FeD FrD 363 lbf
Eq. (11-7): FRD 1 363 433 lbf Ans.
4.48 1 0.949


11-42 The thrust load on shaft AB is from the axial component of the force transmitted through
the bevel gear, and is directed to the right. By observation of Fig. 11-14, indirect
mounted bearings would allow bearing A to carry the thrust load. Ans.

From the solution to Prob. 3-76, the axial thrust load is F ae = 92.8 lbf, and the bearing
radial forces are F Ay = 639.4 lbf, F Az = 1513.7 lbf, F By = 276.6 lbf, and F Bz = 705.7 lbf.
Thus, the radial forces are

FrA 639.4 2 1513.7 2 1643 lbf

FrB 276.62 705.7 2 758 lbf

The induced loads are

0.47 FrA 0.47 1643
Eq. (11-15): FiA 515 lbf
KA 1.5
0.47 FrB 0.47 758
Eq. (11-15): FiB 238 lbf
KB 1.5
Check the condition on whether to apply Eq. (11-16) or Eq. (11-17).

FiA ? FiB Fae

515 lbf 238 92.8 330.8 lbf, so Eq.(11-17) applies

Notice that the induced load from bearing A is sufficiently large to cause a net axial force
to the left, which must be supported by bearing B.

Eq. (11-17a): FeB 0.4 FrB K B FiA Fae

0.4 758 1.5 515 92.8 937 lbf FrB , so use FeB

Assume for tapered roller bearings that the specifications for Manufacturer 1 on p. 608
are applicable.

Chapter 11, Page 25/28

LD 500 10

xD 5.56
LR 90 106
R 0.90 0.949
Eq. (11-7): FRB 1 937 1810 lbf Ans.
4.48 1 0.949 1/1.5

Eq. (11-16b): FeA FrA 1643 lbf
Eq. (11-7): FRA 11643 3180 lbf Ans.
4.48 1 0.949 1/1.5


11-43 The lower bearing is compressed by the axial load, so it is designated as bearing A.

FrA 25 kN
FrB 12 kN
Fae 5 kN
0.47 FrA 0.47 25
Eq. (11-15): FiA 7.83 kN
KA 1.5
0.47 FrB 0.47 12
Eq. (11-15): FiB 3.76 kN
KB 1.5
Check the condition on whether to apply Eq. (11-16) or Eq. (11-17)

FiA ? FiB Fae

7.83 kN 3.76 5 8.76 kN, so Eq.(11-16) applies

Eq. (11-16a): FeA 0.4 FrA K A FiB Fae

0.4 25 1.5 3.76 5 23.1 kN FrA, so use FrA
60 min 8 hr 5 day 52 weeks
LD 250 rev/min 5 yrs
hr day week yr

156 106 rev
Assume for tapered roller bearings that the specifications for Manufacturer 1 on p. 608
are applicable.

156 106
Eq. (11-3): FRA a f FD D 1.2 25 35.4 kN Ans.
90 106

Eq. (11-16b): FeB FrB 12 kN

Chapter 11, Page 26/28

Eq. (11-3):FRB 1.2 12 17.0 kN Ans.

11-44 The left bearing is compressed by the axial load, so it is properly designated as bearing A.

FrA 875 lbf

FrB 625 lbf
Fae 250 lbf

Assume K = 1.5 for each bearing for the first iteration. Obtain the induced loads.

0.47 FrA 0.47 875

Eq. (11-15): FiA 274 lbf
KA 1.5
0.47 FrB 0.47 625
Eq. (11-15): FiB 196 lbf
KB 1.5

Check the condition on whether to apply Eq. (11-16) or Eq. (11-17).

FiA ? FiB Fae

274 lbf 196 250 lbf, so Eq.(11-16) applies

We will size bearing B first since its induced load will affect bearing A, but it is not
affected by the induced load from bearing A [see Eq. (11-16)].

From Eq. (11-16b), F eB = F rB = 625 lbf.

90 000 150 60
Eq. (11-3): FRB a f FD D 1 625
90 106
FRB 1208 lbf

Select cone 07100, cup 07196, with 1 in bore, and rated at 1570 lbf with K = 1.45. Ans.

With bearing B selected, we re-evaluate the induced load from bearing B using the actual
value for K.
0.47 FrB 0.47 625
Eq. (11-15): FiB 203 lbf
KB 1.45

Find the equivalent radial load for bearing A from Eq. (11-16), which still applies.

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Eq. (11-16a): FeA 0.4 FrA K A FiB Fae
0.4 875 1.5 203 250 1030 lbf
90 000 150 60
Eq. (11-3): FRA a f FD D 11030
90 106
FRA 1990 lbf

Any of the bearings with 1-1/8 in bore are more than adequate. Select cone 15590, cup
15520, rated at 2480 lbf with K = 1.69. Iterating with the new value for K, we get F eA =
1120 lbf and F rA = 2160 lbf. The selected bearing is still adequate. Ans.

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