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BA L.L.B SEM. 3(2nd YEAR)
What is Online Legal Database -
The online Legal Database is an accumulation of lawful and approach data. Here you
approach a significant part of the material the expense office utilizes when deciding.
The connections beneath get to depictions and connections to reports, including:
Legislation and supporting material. Open Rulings, Determinations and Bulletins.

There are different types of online legal database available :-

1)-MANUPATRA It is an Online Legal Database which consist of many
things and which helps to young law students to do legal research and
definitely gives introductory details about each and every case so that they can
easily understand what the particular case wants to depict.It has many features
like -
A)-Legal Search - The case laws in Manupatra are divided into fields. Each
field contains a specific information (e.g., appellant/respondent name, judges
name, equivalent citation, subject, judge name, citation, acts, rules, order etc).
Legal search allows you to search on a specific field or a combination of fields.
B)-Manu Search - This interface gives you the single search box experience
and assists you to search for key words, phrases, multiple phrases and more.
You can perform Boolean search using Manu Search.
C)-Citation Search - Manupatra has a powerful and exhaustive Citation
search. While specifying all components of the citation, gets you unique result,
inputting partial information of a citation also gets you results, which helps you
identify the relevant document.
2)-WESTLAW - Westlaw is an online lawful research benefit for legal
counselors and legitimate experts in the United States and is a result of
Thomson Reuters. Also, it gives exclusive database administrations. Data
assets on Westlaw incorporate more than 40,000 databases of case law, state
and government statutes, regulatory codes, daily paper and magazine articles,
open records, law diaries, law audits, treatises, authoritative documents and
other data assets. Most authoritative reports on Westlaw are listed toward the
West Key Number System, which is West's lord grouping arrangement of U.S.
law. Westlaw underpins regular dialect and Boolean pursuits. Other critical
Westlaw highlights incorporate KeyCite, a reference checking administration,
which clients use to decide if cases or statutes are still great law, and an
adjustable selected interface that gives clients a chance to convey their most-
utilized assets to the best. Different tabs arrange Westlaw content around the
particular work needs of litigators, in-house corporate experts, and legal
advisors who represent considerable authority in any of more than 150 lawful
points. Most clients are lawyers or law understudies, yet different people can
likewise acquire accounts.
3)-HEINONLINE - HeinOnline (HOL) is an internet database service
launched in 2000 by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. (WSH Co), a Buffalo, New
York publisher specializing in legal materials. The company began in Buffalo,
New York, in 1961 and is currently based in nearby Getzville, NY. In 2013
WSH Co. was the 33rd largest private company in western New York, with
revenues of around $33 million and more than seventy employees.
HeinOnline is a source for traditional legal materials (reported cases, statutes,
government regulations, academic law reviews, commercially produced law
journals and magazines, and classic treatises), historical, governmental, and
political documents, legislative debates, legislative and executive branch
reports, world constitutions, international treaties, and reports and other
documents of international organizations. The database includes more than 100
million pages of materials in an online, fully searchable, image-based
format.In 2001 HeinOnline received the coveted New Product Award, from
the American Association of Law Libraries. Since then HOL has received this
award two more times in recognition of new content libraries added to its
constantly expanding database. In 2002 HOL was named as a Best
Commercial Website by the International Association of Law Libraries. In
2007 EContent Magazine listed HOL among the hundred companies that
matter most in the digital content industry. The list represents the best and
the brightest digital content companies. More recently HOLs Worlds
Constitutions Illustrated was named by Choice Magazine as an Outstanding
Title for 2010. A little more than a decade after HOL went live, a publication
of the American Association of Law Libraries referred to it as a
groundbreaking product and as a leader in online legal literature.In 2013 a
survey of domestic and international law librarians ranked HeinOnline as one
of the three most popular subscription databases among law libraries
throughout the world. This survey ranked HOL just behind the much larger and
more highly capitalized Westlaw and Lexis. According to this survey,
conducted by a London-based law librarian, These top three easily dominated
the subscription database market across all major law libraries, across the
world.They also dominated University law school libraries.Significantly,
among Research Institute Libraries HOL ranked first while the much larger
Lexis and Westlaw dropped to third and fourth. HOL and Westlaw were tied
for first among the most popular subscription databases in Public Libraries.
Among North American law libraries HOL, Lexis and Westlaw were tied for
the highest number of subscriptions, in Asia (excluding the Middle East) HOL
was tied with Lexis for second place behind Westlaw and in Europe HOL
ranked third, behind Westlaw and Lexis. This suggests that the smaller HOL
has as great a presence at home and nearly so in Europe and Asia as its much
larger competitors, but that it has been less successful in penetrating markets in
Africa, Latin America, Australia/New Zealand, and the Middle East.

HeinOnline initially focused on traditional legal materials. Indeed, when first

released, HOL provided full online access to only 25 academic law reviews,but
by 2006 the database of law reviews had expanded to more than 800 journals.
Starting in 2007, HOL provided full-text searchable access to every flagship
law review published by an accredited U.S. law school.At the time of
HeinOnlines inception, Lexis and Westlaw did not offer access to older law
reviews, but only to those published since the 1980s. Thus, HOL initially
envisioned itself mainly as a historical archive, but this changed due to market
demands by professors, scholars, and law librarians, who wanted access to
HOLs scans of the more recent journal issues as well, rather than the
keyboarded version in Westlaw and Lexis.Even before HOL expanded to
include all new law review issues, it was adding other material, starting with
the Federal Register in 2002 and a Supreme Court library that included PDFs
of all volumes of U.S. Reports. Significantly, Hein offered the full and
complete version of all reported cases, while its competitors often provided
truncated and edited versions, with changes in spelling or punctuation to reflect
modern usage. This was especially true for 19th century cases, which contained
extensive lawyers arguments in the U.S. Reports. These were often deleted in
the Lexis and Westlaw versions, but fully available on HOL. Libraries of
Treaties and Agreements, legal classics, U.S. Statutes at Large, all Federal
Regulations (including those that had been long superseded) were added by
2007, and more material including extensive state material followed.
Materials come from all English-speaking nations, but the database also
includes a great deal of other foreign materials. These include the Israel Law
Reports, the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP), materials from the
European Centre for Minority Issues, comprehensive coverage of student-run
law reviews relating to Chinese law,and a Foreign and International Law
Library.HeinOnline carries a number of sources which are otherwise
unavailable from competing database products. For example, it has PDFs of
scans of the entire Federal Register, which is updated on a daily basis. Its
library of law journal articles differs from competitors star-paginated plain text
versions. Because Hein uses PDFs, rather than keyboarded text, every
document shows original pagination, punctuation, spelling and typesetting.
However, as with any electronic product, there are occasional scanning errors.
The use of fully searchable PDFs is significant since many similar databases do
not provide full texts of even all U.S. Supreme Court reports, and keyboarded
texts of opinions also often do not include italics and other typeface
distinctions found in opinions, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Furthermore, because nothing in Hein has been keyboarded, no typographical
errors have been introduced into the text.In 2016 Hein launched Slavery in
America and the World: History, Culture, & Law."
The emergence of HeinOnline reflects trends in law librarianship as well as
economic changes. In an interview setting, librarians at law firms noted that
access to the Federal Register and every law review ever published in the
United States allowed their firms to discard bound volumes, reduce
subscriptions to some materials, and at the same time reduce the need to order
materials on inter-library loan. The director of the library at one of the largest
firms in Chicago noted, We cancelled subscriptions, got rid of the bound
volumes, and reduced the amount of borrowings we needed to do at the Cook
County Law Library and other local law libraries. (Allyson Withers of Sidley
Austin Brown & Wood LLP, quoted in Moss) As a journalist noted in writing a
history of HOL, the online product allowed all libraries to cope with the over
burgeoning shelf space devoted to law reviews.
Main keyfeatures of this site is
A)-True print Technology - With SCC Online, you can easily print, email,
copy and paste extracts of judgments or whole cases. With our signature
TruePrint technology you are provided with an actual image of our own law
report as well as other licensed law reports when you request a print (.PDF)
These TruePrint pages can be submitted to any court of law with confidence.
B)-Accessibility & Mobility - SCC Online Web Edition is hosted on the
Internet, and allows for access to our databases from anywhere in the world.
The Web Edition is device independent and platform independent and usable
on Windows PC, Macintosh, Linux or a tablet or mobile phone with internet
capability. Our online payment gateway also makes it simple and convenient to
purchase, renew or upgrade your subscription at any point of time.
C)-Digest Notes Database - Digest notes contain ruling in a capsule form
along with party names, citations, names of Judges, bench strength, date of
decision and relevant annotations. Why spend time hunting through lengthy
judgments when an expert board of editors has carefully curated Headnotes
and Casenotes that enable you to find exactly what youre looking for? The
digest notes then lead you directly to the available full text judgments by
simply clicking a link.

There are different legal web portal available in India : - It is an Internet Portal for Professional Legal Services in
India. It provide legal information and services to corporate/individual or other
entities, through a well channeled network of Lawyers/Law Firms all across
India. India is the seventh largest country and most populous democracy in the
world. Legal services in India are vault by distances and sprinkled expertise
that creates lack of interest among the people. Legal, has been created
to overcome these regional barriers and to achieve legal consultancy/service
by providing one platform to all legal experts. Legal invites everyone
to join and share the legal expertise.
What They do - Consultancy, Research, Survey, Information based -Legal-
Search, Legal work outsourcing and Legal Processing Offices. They says that:-

Today, information on laws is difficult to access. The language is complex,
and economic and language barriers pose special challenges. There is no
single resource aimed at the citizen, that publishes every law and explains
what they mean in an accessible user-friendly format.
Nyaayas mission is to demystify Indias laws.
To fulfil this mission, we are building:
Indias first free online repository of every central and state law.
Explained in simple English.
With interactive guides and visualisations, to get people to the right legal

Significance of online legal database and legal web-portal in legal

research -
Its a Online place where law students can have knowledge about different types of
cases and can refer to them and it contains every case judgement, facts and all details
of the case so that we can do a good legal research on any case and it also helps in
moot courts because we have to refer the case and by this means we can refer to
different and lots of cases available on different online legal database. It is also
needed for those peoples who wants legal advice because they provide an option of
legal advice in their sites which is also found to be helpful towards legal aid. By this
we can also find different citations of every case which we are referring , we can
search which constitutional article is applied in that case or is it from IPC or CrPC or
IEA etc. We can also check the related act to that particular case. We can also have an
overview of different law taxonomy or legal maxim because in many cases it has
been mentioned so we can have knowledge about diffrent legal maxim or legal

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