Curriculum Vitae Europass Raneti Tudor Andrei

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Tudor-Andrei Raneti

Software Engineer / Developer / Computer Programmer,

Political Refugee (EEA citizen) / Human Rights Defender / Senior Lawyer
Relocating anywhere in interest of work


Link available on, where my human rights activity results are published
Please donate any amount to support my human rights defender fight against the supranational
organized crime to save the world's orphans and defenseless from chemical lobotomy. Your contributions are
necessary to free my time for investigating and denouncing the Romanian "state" mafia puppeted by CIA and its
allies since the 1989 Romanian coup d’état, and its international ramifications into EU, CoE (ECHR), ICC, INTERPOL,
the various UN bodies and other branches such as the propaganda mills Amnesty International, Transparency
International and others such as Wikimedia Foundation acting as an US propaganda and disinformation tool,
covering up the Romanian Crimes against humanity and faking reality about Europe and the world for that matter
on behalf of this international organized crime, just as the US-based Facebook social networking is doing by illicitly
censoring selectively human rights defenders, infringing flagrantly on the right of speech. The results of my
investigation are summarized in my ECHR and ICC dossiers published at: Raneti vs Romania at ECHR and Raneti vs
Romania at ICC, leveraging the Romanian atrocities against the international factions that caused them. Your funds
are more than welcome and will be used to cover my living, travel and work expenses such as the acquisition of
electronics, information and operations such as printing or hosting the information obtained, for institutional
communication and abilitation to access every human rights defending instrument available, post and fax fees,
judiciary taxes etc., and if the funds are enough, recruitment of more human rights defenders on key missions,
motivating investigative journalists and subventing of key anti-mafia activism etc. I spared no expense in this
antimafia campaign but my activism nearly ruined me and my family and I cannot afford taking all the "glory"
anymore :) - I need your help. At your service, Tudor-Andrei Raneti, human rights defender and political refugee
because 8 Crimes against humanity have been perpetrated by the Romanian "state" mafia to end my denunciation
of its criminal activity

Human rights defender:
(portal in progress)
Software engineer: (could publish but since the industry is corrupt and nobody wants to see it on my
laptop working, it's a waste of time publishing the code as well, therefore not a priority)

I'm a political refugee (EEA citizen) from the murderous Romanian “state” mafia and a human rights
defender, licensed (BSc - 4 years) in Mathematics-Informatics with ~4 years work experience in computer
programming, and ~9 years of experience in juridical and investigation fields, and prefer long term intellectual
employment and stability ironically opposed to my biography, which is proof I can adapt to and perform any
unforeseen intellectual task

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My employment so far wasn’t congruent with my potential and I’ve been held back by vicissitudes and the
rampant criminal corruption in Romania that generated it, corruption which destroyed my efforts even and
especially after I rose above the situation fighting against the Romanian “state” mafia, which is why I’m looking to
restart my software engineering career abroad because I love software development and I never give up. My
alternative goal is to participate in a law apprenticeship scheme to work to pay for my studies and get licensed.
However, to achieve this I require a break from my future employer from the obtuse IT employment
examinations which emphasize only on how to achieve a task, knowledge which can be easily researched on the
internet on the go and which I’ve forgot being non-essential, examinations which do not even refer to what to
achieve and why as how to effectively raise the company instead of just taking random steps and confuse that with
progress, knowledge which cannot be available on the internet or anywhere else because it requires analytical
analysis based on the specific circumstances, and multi-disciplined individuals such as myself.
The reason why I need a break from examinations is that because I’ve been a full time human rights
defender since November 2012, I don’t remember every keyword and function name on demand, but I recall what
they do when confronted with them, and I remember what to do or the abstract of programming, reason for which
I am not as fast as before because I have to research on internet the missing bits of knowledge. The next hoop is
that not only I cannot get employed because I don't have the time for meaningless tests (as if I'm not a bachelor in
informatics with at least 4 years of provable work experience) because I do any other work to pay my expenses
while I further my agenda, but I'm not even accepted on low experience positions or where I'm ten times
overqualified like software testing, proving there's no such thing as equal opportunity employment in the IT sector
but is Confucius said - doesn’t matter what you know but who you know (A.K.A. “references)
Opposed to the meaningless interview I have an (offline) portfolio evidence I can be a full stack developer
again as I’ve always been because I’m self taught, meaning that I was even before I had experience to prove it, as
doing the job of a senior is as I explained only a short matter of time for me given the right conditions, including if
it pays off. The reason my portfolio is offline, is that it contains a breakthrough in science in its business logic which
I do not want to share yet, representing the core service of my commercial program / simultaneously portfolio
This is why I’m targeting graduate and junior developer positions, or software tester, to access the IT work
environment which is a resource for me at the moment, and recap the details of advanced computer programming
while doing my work at the same time. I thus envision if employed, I would very quick go senior full stack
developer again and secure my career
For the above reasons I’m open to negotiating any type of IT employment that leads to the fulfillment of
my intent to restart and hold a software engineering career, spicing up my application with the fact I am much
more than the position I’m applying for, so perhaps I’m quite suitable for a future management or business
consultant position, or alternatively as an unlicensed law practitioner

11/03/2012–Present Human rights defender (since 09/11/2009 part time), senior lawyer, IT, other
After Delhaize Group bribed the Romanian "state" mafia "magistrate" capo régimes through its Kinstellar SPARL
"lawyers" to sell out and destroy my IT career since 2012 refusing to judge my work litigation against its second falsified
disciplinary lay off against me, I became a full time human rights defender against the mafia. I'm a reasonable person not a
raging denouncer of corruption as proven by the fact I only sued and won against Delhaize Group in 43961/3/2009,
reintegrating myself in the same workplace with the judge’s order as proof of my innocence, after Delhaize Group proved evil
stigmatizing me with the first falsified disciplinary lay off preventing me to get employed elsewhere when it could've just simply
let me continue my IT career just laying me off for no reason, and as proven by the fact I haven’t even denounced its economic
crimes to this day. The enmity with Delhaize Group leadership only appeared after I’ve sued, won and bruised the convict

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"masters of the world" Belgian bosses ego, annulling the first disciplinary lay off falsified by a gang of sociopath Romanians
instigated by a girl named Madalina Ramona Placintaru who lied I hit her after she harassed me at the workplace for almost a
year to determine me to leave, as she did to the employees before me - being the only other programmer in the department is
easily understandable why, that being a red-neck she is raising herself by denigrating others to cover up for her incompetency
Relevant Delhaize Group criminal activity against me is demonstrated in paragraph I.A.II.^6.1 of my ICC penal
complaint published at address:
Humanity, which acts as full demonstration of the criminal activity of the Romanian "state" mafia against me, mafia which is
behind the devastation of Romanian economy as proven by the over 3 million Romanian economic refugees as if after a civil
war. The demonstration of the 2 Crimes against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts the mafia
perpetrated against me to silence me, I've summarized in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures published at
About the employment opportunity as a software engineer, I have a portfolio on my laptop which I can show and
describe below amongst my work experience which I consider less relevant because it was less demanding than myself.
About the employment opportunity as a law practitioner, I am proven superior to any law practitioner I’ve ever
heard of, in the above linked documents. The evaluation of my juridical experience can be described as part time between
2009-2012 and full time since 2012. My portfolio is an over 20 GB archive of dossiers against the Romanian “state” mafia,
amongst which the dossiers linked above. I also mention I cracked a notorious ICSID case for Hassan Awdi
My overall experience proved me objectively to be proactive, energetic, enthusiastic, self-taught, loyal to a fault
unless totally betrayed, and inspiring as certified by the mafia's paranoid efforts to silence me for my investigative and juridical
activity of denouncing its criminal activity publicly, proven by an over 20 GB archive of dossiers as portfolio covering, civil, penal
and disciplinary matters demonstrating I’m able to solve any type of case even without experience as I had none to start with
and been competent nevertheless, in law practice and investigation, just as in IT. Furthermore, having to take all sorts of jobs to
survive I’ve noticed I’m at least decent at a variety of other intellectual tasks like importing, marketing or selling for example
meaning I catch on eventually to any thing due to the unstable lifestyle I’ve been offered, forcing me to make adapting and
continuous learning a way of life, meaning I'm also seeking to continue my studies, get licensed in law or further my IT career
credentials with relevant certifications

09/01/2017–present Senior Lawyer, Other

• Achievements: besides the murderous Romanian “state” mafia wing, I’ve uncovered and denounced
the liquidator Romanian “state” mafia wing through which it finances itself by dilapidating the
Romanian economy, investigating and cracking the Hassan Awdi’s illegal expropriation of 142
properties worth 650 million dollars, and journalist Dan Diaconescu false political conviction (i.e. for
denouncing Oltchim dilapidation by the Romanian “state” mafia), and its international ramifications
into EU, CoE (ECHR), ICC, INTERPOL, the various UN bodies and other branches such as the
propaganda mills Amnesty International, Transparency International and others such as Wikimedia
Foundation acting as an US propaganda and disinformation tool, covering up the Romanian Crimes
against humanity and faking reality about Europe and the world for that matter on behalf of this
international organized crime, just as the US-based Facebook social networking is doing by illicitly
censoring selectively human rights defenders, infringing flagrantly on the right of speech
• Constructions - Demolisher, Builder, (Wall, Ceiling, Floor) Fixer, Painter, Cleaner
• Retail - SEO, Marketing, Imports/Exports
• Hospitality
• Warehouse

2016-2017 Student at Law College, passed 1 year, Focsani, Romania
at Ecological University from Bucharest
The Romanian “state” mafia committed acts of state terrorism and wrongful repression through illegal home
breakings and arrests right before Orthodox Easter 2017, planning to Qualifiedly Murder me to stop me from denouncing its
th th th
criminal activity, then perpetrated the 7 Crimes against humanity committal against me between 27 May 2017 and 8 June

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2017, and then issued its final solution to indefinitely incarcerate me to life, Torture, Bodily Harm which are incidental to the
mafia’s real intent to Qualifiedly Murder me, forcing me to become a permanent refugee since 1 September 2017, and freeze
the law college

12/?/2014–12/?/2014 Graduate student, Focsani, Romania

as a result of an EU sponsored program
EU funds assimilation agent diploma

02/?/2011–present Human Rights Defender, Senior lawyer

Delhaize Group refused to fully obey the judge’s order, and harassed me in various ways to leave my place of work.
After losing the appeal, Delhaize Group hired the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” namely Remus Codreanu who falsified 3
disciplinary sanctions against me, then illegally and groundlessly disciplinarily fired me again with falsified documents on 2 of
November 2012. Sued Delhaize Group again, but this time Delhaize Group bribed through the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” the
mafia “magistrate” capo regimes who refused to judge to this day. This practically proves my competence, proactiveness and
excellent work ethic, since I wasn't fired for incompetence, I was harassed and still I performed my contractual and legal duties

02/?/2011–11/02/2012 Software engineer

at S.C. Romania Hypermarche S.A. or "CORA", a subsidiary of Delhaize Group, Bucharest (Romania)
I developed alone 3 projects working in Eclipse IDE:
1. An administration project using Java, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JSF, EJB / Oracle10g, JBoss, Ant, then the project
manager changed specification and I replaced JSF with RichFaces
2. A project about cash registers data parsing and integration into the database using Java, Hibernate and Oracle10g
3. An administration module on an existing project using Java, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Struts, Hibernate, Oracle 10g,

~2009~2012 Can show a personal portfolio in which I’ve been the researcher, architect, programmer
and entrepreneur
using Java, HTML / CSS, JavaScript, Vaadin, Hibernate, Shiro, Apache Commons, PayPal, Tomcat, statistics and
probability, Eclipse IDE
I developed a commercial lottery prediction program that doubles the chance of winning at least and on which I
planned to capitalize through micropayments versus access to the chance optimized combinations, or sell as a whole. I couldn’t
go into production because I couldn't share enough time between fighting the mafia and do the required last months of
development for a proper launch and ensuing capitalization as marketing and administration would’ve fallen on me alone also
Planned to distribute as a mobile friendly site and mobile app.
Achievements: real-time granular statistics in a web application, maximal client orientation and real research backed
service, no nonsense 100,000+ lines of code while only at a fraction of the foreseen possibilities of development. The scientific
discovery in itself is something to show for as I’ve never heard any team of mathematicians/programmers/researchers to have
made this breakthrough and in fact the encyclopedia declares it impossible while I proven experimentally it’s not

02/15/2010–04/15/2010 Software engineer

at S.C. Alten Si-Tehno Romania S.R.L., Bucharest (Romania)
I’ve done development on an overrun insurance contracts administration project using Java, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, J2EE,
Seam, Hibernate, JasperReports, SQL Server, Maven, UML (AndroMDA, ArgoUML) and Netbeans IDE
The employment terminated because as the corrupt IT “responsible” Daniel Boboc put it: “you can’t be in litigation with
CORA and work for us”, and I was only hired because I hid this fact after experimenting and observing I can’t get hired because of
it meaning slander from Delhaize group, e.g. as Oracle Romania gave me a promise of employment and retracted it because
CORA refused to give me a reference, mentioning that issuing proof of employment is a legal obligation, and asking from
candidates references is illegal being immoral favoritism or discrimination as is the LinkedIn "social" network. Also is worthy to
mention that Oracle sociopaths were instigated by the Delhaize sociopaths to conduct a mock interview, checking on my license
on false pretense of falsification, holding a “free” phone conference interview supposedly with USA where I was charged instead,

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and Oracle only mentioned they require a reference after issuing a promise of employment which it broke as Oracle never had
the intent to hire me, and the corrupt Livia Protopopescu HR chief who did this claimed as an obvious pretext that: “How do we
know you’re not a problem employee”, as if there aren’t laws and internal regulations against any possible problem from
employees, meaning in reality Oracle is just as corrupt as Delhaize Group and fears hiring an honest employee

09/11/2009–02/?/2011 Human Rights Defender, Senior lawyer

Illegally and groundlessly disciplinarily fired with falsified documents by Anca Decu, head of Delhaize’s CORA HR. Sued
Delhaize Group and annulled its falsified documents and reinstated myself in the same workplace with the payment of all
missing salaries by judge’s order from 43961/3/2009. Delhaize Group appealed and lost proving stupid organized crime which
instead of using me wasted time, resources and revealed its true colors. The relevancy of this mention is that I’ve done pretty
much all the work to win going to every other competent institution which didn’t solve anything but intimidate the corrupt
judge and prove that the entire Romanian “state” is corrupt, even having to do the plead instead of my lawyer who’s work was
garbage and pretty much abandoned my case although I’ve paid him handsomely

10/06/2008–09/11/2010 Software engineer

at S.C. Romania Hypermarche S.A. or "CORA", a subsidiary of Delhaize Group, Bucharest (Romania)
Did Java development using Struts, Hibernate, GWT, Tomcat) and Eclipse IDE. Migrated PHP code in Java without ever
learning PHP, which is how I know experience only accounts for development speed and nothing else. Executed some work
tasks on a MySQL database. I've automated a maintenance job using JSE, XML[XSD/DTD]. Participated in internal sites
administration and maintenance meaning I’ve used Windows Server 2003, IIS, Sharepoint, 2.0 and SQL Server.
I've worked on an Oracle database executing SQL scripts for solving problems in the customer loyalty reward business
administration program using Toad and SQL Developer clients. Assisted in an ETL project executed in ODI using Sybase data
warehousing. Executed reporting duties using JasperReports and IReports. Participated in documenting the projects using MS
Office, and diagram and modeling software such as SmartDraw and Enterprise Architect


01/10/2004–01/07/2008 Licensed in Mathematics-Informatics, Informatics specialization - bachelor equivalent
at Spiru Haret University (NORIC recognized from 2016)
1st year: Algebra, Geometry, Algorithms and Computer Programming, Computational Logic, Computer's architecture,
2nd year: Differential Equations, Formal and Automatized Languages, Combinatorics and Graph theory, Probability
Theory, Operational Research, Computer Networks, Programming Techniques, Object Oriented Design and Programming, Data
Structures, English, IT Practice, Information Theory
3rd year: Numerical Analysis, Web programming and multimedia, Systems Analysis and Design, Data Bases,
Mathematical Statistics, Operating Systems, IT Practice, Coding Theory, Computer Networks, Java Programming
4th year: Optimization Techniques, Artificial Intelligence Models, Individual Project, Compiling Techniques,
Administrative-Business Informatics, Multimedia Techniques, Simulation Languages and Models, Program Correctness
Verification, Data Servers, Neuro-Fuzzy Networks

Mother tongue: Romanian


Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

English C2 C2 C1 B2 C1

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Italian B1 B1 A2 A2 A1
French A2 A2 A1 A1 A1
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills Character: energetic, enthusiastic, discreet, social, team player

Discreet. I am always discreet about company policies and maintain 100%
confidentiality in the company's interest, unless it irrationally acts to destroy
my life as Delhaize Group did
Social. I easily socially interact and make new friends quickly due to my open
and enterprising personality.
Team player. I am supportive towards my coworkers, not an undermining power
hungry sociopath. I am a Christian after all and I plan to make God proud

Organizational/managerial skills Character: dedicated, analytical, self-taught, responsible, proactive, inspiring.

Responsible. Due to my superb work ethics I identify with ease with my
responsibilities and typically go beyond the line of duty to solve the tasks at
hand in a professional fashion

Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information Content Problem

Communication Safety
processing creation solving

Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user Proficient user

Digital skills-Self-assessment grid

Have experience with C syntactically derived languages: C++ / C# / Java. Familiar with HTML / CSS, JavaScript. Familiar
with Regex. I've created numerous statistical SQL scripts and built and managed my own database. I've studied assembly
language and would've liked to work in reverse engineering. I can learn on my own any other programming language or
informatics paradigm. I am familiar with Windows architecture, API. I am experienced with OOP mostly and prefer Java or C#.

IT Interests: Oracle technology, Microsoft technology, Object Oriented Programming, mobile and web development,
emerging technologies, research, Artificial Intelligence and automatizing.
Juridical interests: politics, social justice, social engineering, human rights advocacy
Hobbies: gaming, reading science, watching sci-fi and fantasy movies, documentaries, fitness, health

Can annex on demand a copy of my license diploma and other documents

References = favoritism = discrimination = illegal; so I will give none as I do not support immorality

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