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EnggJM EnggA'hO Exam Semester: Apd 201~ DII8: 12lIII2015

DIIpar1menI 01CNI Engin'IHIg. BUEl
Reinforced Ellth ICE.... ,
Tine: 3 hout$ ToIaI t.t.I<s 100

a) Whit Ifl' th" mal" components of a rtinforcl!d f'Jrth t.lructufeo1 lkt 1M factOt'l .ffft'tint (7)
~rfo'ml"(p of 't!jnfof'c~d earth for' til soU states Illd (il) r,lnrO'Cf'nlfflt dl ..t'lbution.
b) l'it th.<al.nd hydraulic proptf1I lor .. lttUnss.ownlhttlcS (6)
c} '0'''8n w,th 8.o<ynthetles vary by Ihe deSl8n theory. 8uld.lIn and ."umptlonsexpliin (6)
d) 8rl,ftv de<erlb. tho desIgn Inlormatlon required lor relnlo ... d !IOiI "'uetu'. de,18n. (6)

.., Why drlln ..~ ISnecrssary for.n embankment? Ol'aw. tVpkal"yotJt of horizonl.l dta,f't ~ndesese (7)
'bVI);... Iyplul prnwro d...,.m 10<.) <andy sool;Ii) "'ft 10",.dlum Ny soli, Ill)"HI cloy S04l (6)
fi Comport bel_"" 'CUI & Cove ... nd NlITM _ .... :hod Is ,uit.~
lor (OftSltUCt.". _Ito ria
..,.tom In 01>0.. dty> 16)
d) Compare be'tWftn uttimate limit~:atHand stl'Yice-lbUoty limh~1.r6 ",

'ari7)t the ch@(ksthat are applied for designlosa !"Inforced w.11utin, T~-ba(k If'dge method. (7)
~Ist thf ''''torS (ausln. post-conStruction deformation of telnfn,r ..d \tructurl' ",
cj Show Inlll.1 proportlon/.l,. 01trop~,o,dal wall. environment.1 wall. embedded wall. (6)
~w se hematlt dlGs'am Showing reinlortement u,ed to tontrollnlll.llt.blli\y 01embon"",ent I) (6)
ba~.1 relnlorumonl ben th embankment; II) basal relnlorcemenl with vertleal draIns; III) basal
ma.ttreSS telnfotct'ml!'nt

~",n 0contJeller s~' pOle lor Ihe SUb-SOItprOperl"" Ihown " lhe Ioltow'''8 f"ure Use (25)
.. conYe:ltiOnal t'M'thod For wb-sotI pmpertiH uS(" lina' Ittt""h of tM SKOnd layt'. [)fttl'll'ift 1M
sectIon mod ..... reQwtd lor the .-. pile ,I I,. ..0 kslond latlO< .. Ietv IfS,," 2 S \Vo1l the SKt_
modulus for the .. me ~r pR lor til.. case be .. me ,1 yOU use "",ptfied method "",.ad or
conwntiONl methOd? What are toe common sbopH of "HI she'l pile,? Giw ...... tJoamp!H ",here
such .hett pRe. ar, uWl! I

1,11& pc'
is It +1-32',(.1,0

, .. 115 pet
... 0. <,0900 In'
f\r\aIlt' ......~

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