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Anterior cranial-base time-related changes: A

systematic review
Mona Afrand,a Connie P. Ling,a Siamak Khosrotehrani,b Carlos Flores-Mir,c and Manuel O. Lagrave
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Introduction: The anterior cranial base has long been considered a stable reference structure for superimpos-
ing radiographs. However, some studies have questioned its stability. Therefore, the purposes of this systematic
review were to give an overview of the studies evaluating growth and development of the anterior cranial base,
assess their methodologic quality, and evaluate their validity and accuracy. Methods: Medline, Embase, and
Google Scholar were searched without limitations up to June 2013. Additionally, the bibliographies of the nally
selected articles were hand searched to identify any relevant publications that were not identied before. The
lowest levels of evidence accepted for inclusion were cohort and cross-sectional studies. Results: A total of
11 articles met all inclusion criteria. They were published between 1955 and 2009. The sample sizes of these
studies ranged from 28 to 464 subjects. Their methodologic quality ranged from moderate to low.
Conclusions: Sella turcica remodels backward and downward, and nasion moves forward because of the
increase in size of the frontal sinus. These events lead to a continuous increase in the length of the cranial
base until adulthood. The presphenoid and cribriform plate regions can be considered stable after age 7, making
them the best cranial-base superimposition areas. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014;146:21-32)

n understanding of craniofacial growth is crucial bone. However, some cartilaginous growth centers
for improved diagnosis, treatment planning, called synchondroses remain active between ossied
outcome evaluation, and long-term stability.1 areas and mature at different times of life. Bastir et al2
Historically, orthodontists have used the cranial-base stated that the earliest structure to mature in shape
structures as reference structures to evaluate craniofacial and size in the skull is the midline cranial base (at
growth. The anterior cranial base is considered to have 7.7 years of age). However, this has been recently ques-
completed its most signicant growth before other facial tioned. Malta et al4 found that the anterior cranial base
skeletal structures.2 Hence, the anterior cranial base has is not stable in size and grows during all pubertal phases
long been considered a stable craniofacial structure to be (CS1 to CS6 of the cervical maturation stages). They
used for cephalometric superimpositions during the reported that the anterior cranial-base length (sella to
usual orthodontic treatment age range.1,3 nasion) increases until early adulthood.
The cranial base is initially formed in cartilage, with Various methods have been described to evaluate
ossication centers appearing early in embryonic life; craniofacial growth. Craniometry was the rst measure-
with time, they progressively replace the cartilage with ment approach for evaluating growth, used since the
15th century.5 The advantage of this technique is that
precise measurements can be made on dry skulls, but
Postgraduate student, Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine and the limitation is that all the growth data are cross-
Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
sectional.1 Anthropometry was then used as the gold
Private practice, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Associate professor and division head of orthodontics, Department of Dentistry, standard because it can follow growth directly on each
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. subject. Despite its accuracy, however, obtaining growth
Assistant professor, Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, measurements through direct measurements is difcult
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of because it is time-consuming and requires patient
Potential Conicts of Interest, and none were reported. compliance to remain still for a long time.6 Early in the
Address correspondence to: Carlos Flores-Mir, Department of Dentistry, Faculty 1900s, serial photographs started to be used to assess
of Medicine and Dentistry, 5-528 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy, 11405 87
Avenue NW, 5th oor, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G facial growth. However, they only show trends of growth
1C9; e-mail, rate and direction, and they lack accuracy for some mea-
Submitted, August 2013; revised and accepted, March 2014. surements. Later during the last century, the metallic
Copyright 2014 by the American Association of Orthodontists. implant radiography method provided new information about the growth pattern, but the disadvantage was that
22 Afrand et al

Table I. Search strategy for MEDLINE via OVIDSP (1950 to the present)
group Medical subject heading (MeSH) or key word
1 Maxillofacial development/OR growth/
2 *skull/or ethmoid bone/or exp facial bones/or exp skull base/or expsphenoid bone/OR exp *mandible/or *maxilla/OR cranial
3 Cephalometry/is, mt, st, td, ut [Instrumentation, Methods, Standards, Trends, Utilization] OR exp Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/is,
mt, st, td, ut [Instrumentation, Methods, Standards, Trends, Utilization] OR exp Imaging, Three-Dimensional/is, mt, st, td, ut
[Instrumentation, Methods, Standards, Trends, Utilization] OR superimpos*.mp. [mp 5 title, abstract, original title, name of substance
word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept, rare disease supplementary concept, unique
identier] OR exp Methods/is, mt, st, ut [Instrumentation, Methods, Standards, Utilization]
4 1 AND 2 AND 3
Limitation: human subjects.

it required placing implants on the subjects; this is no MATERIAL AND METHODS

longer considered ethical.7 Vital staining methods were This systematic review was reported using the
also used in experimental animals to evaluate growth, PRISMA checklist as a template.11
but because of their invasiveness, they have only been No review protocol or systematic review registration
used in humans to diagnose areas of rapid bone remod- was considered.
eling.8 In phase 1, only the titles and abstracts collected from
Soon after the invention of the technique of lateral the electronic database searches were considered. Articles
cephalometric x-rays in the 1930s, this became the that assessed craniofacial growth or analyzed treatment
most common way to evaluate facial growth among or- outcome but had a control group without treatment
thodontists. The disadvantage of this imaging technique were considered. No language limitations were applied.
is that 3-dimensional (3D) structures are represented in 2 Studies assessing fetal growth with photographs only
dimensions. Several morphometric tools such as thin- or assessing frontal x-rays only were excluded. Animal
plate spline analysis, elliptic Fourier analysis, nite studies were also excluded.
element analysis, and tensor and shape coordinate anal- In phase 2, in which copies of full articles were re-
ysis have been applied to 2-dimensional cephalometric viewed from those selected in phase 1, some articles
comparisons. These methods have allowed for visualiza- were excluded if they did not specically evaluate cra-
tion of morphologic changes without the need for nial-base growth, or if they were reviews or case reports.
typical reference structures.9 Ultimately, all included studies must have assessed the
In the late 1990s, the 3D digital imaging technique growth and development of the anterior cranial-base
was introduced. This provides comprehensive informa- structures.
tion regarding anatomic relationships and eliminates With the assistance of a senior health-sciences
some limitations encountered when studying 2-dimen- librarian, we conducted a computerized systematic
sional images.10 Laser surface scanning and 3D stereo- search in 2 electronic databases. Medline (via OvidSP)
photogrammetry methods are also the results of recent and Embase (via OvidSP) were searched from their
technologic advancements in 3D imaging; however, earliest records until June 15, 2013. The bibliographies
they usually apply only in 3D facial surface scanning.6 of the selected articles were also hand searched for addi-
As can be perceived from this introduction, multiple tional relevant studies that might have been missed in
methods have been used through the years to analyze the electronic searches. In addition, a limited gray liter-
craniofacial changes. Even though the anterior cranial ature search was conducted with Google Scholar.
base has been considered stable and used as the refer- Specic medical subject headings and keywords were
ence structure for superimposing radiographs, this has used in the search strategy of Medline (Table I). The search
recently been questioned. Because the use of the ante- strategy for the Embase database was derived from the
rior cranial base as a reference structure has paramount former and was modied appropriately (Appendix 1).
importance in orthodontics, it would be extremely useful In both steps of the review process, 2 reviewers (M.A.
to comprehensively analyze the evidence to question its and C.P.L.) independently reviewed titles and abstracts
stability. Therefore, the purposes of this systematic re- according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria noted
view were to give an overview of the studies evaluating above. Disagreements between the 2 reviewers were
growth and development of the anterior cranial base, resolved through discussion until consensus was
assess their methodologic quality, and evaluate their val- achieved.
idity and accuracy.

July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Afrand et al
Table II. Summary of characteristics of included articles
Sample size percentage
Article Study design and sex Age Method change Results Validity/reliability
1 Malta et al4 Longitudinal 36 Mean age at  Lateral S-N:  The cranial base grew  Interreliability determined
(2009) F 5 21 T1 5 10.4 y cephalometry T1-T2: 3.5% during all pubertal for CVM, tracings and
M 5 15 (SD, 0.98)  Linear increase phases. landmarks.
 T1 Prepeak measurements (P \ 0.001)  The largest growth is  Intrareliability of
(CS1 & CS2) at T1, T2, T3 T2-T3: 4.0% during the interval between measurements determined,
 T2 Peak S-Ba, S-N, increase the prepeak and peak phases, no measurement error
(CS3 & CS4) Ba-N, CC- Ba, (P \ 0.001) decreasing in the postpeak reported.
 T3 Postpeak CC-N, FC-Po T1-T3: 7.1% period.  ICC reported more than 0.95
(CS5 & CS6) increase  These data show that (0.946-0.998).
(P \ 0.001) cranial-base growth
occurs until adulthood.
2 Jiang et al24 Longitudinal 28 Annual records  Lateral NA  The anterior cranial base  Reliability determined (does
(2007) F 5 15 from 13-18 y cephalometry continued to grow and not mention intra or inter)
M 5 13  Modied mesh the length increased  Measurement error: no more
diagram analysis during the study period. than 0.04 (Dahlberg's
 Scaled average  In females, most structures formula)
18 y diagram increased in size uniformly
superimposed across 6 y of growth. There is
on the 13-y disproportionately enhanced
average growth of the anterior
diagram cranial base upward in
males only.

3 Franchi et al20 Longitudinal 34  T1 Prepubertal  Lateral S-N:  The longitudinal changes  Intrareliability determined
(2007) F 5 10 CS1 Mean age: cephalometry T1-T2: 7.1% in the shape of the cranial for landmarks and CVM.
M 5 24 10 y  Thin plate spline increase base from T1-T2 were not  Landmarks measured twice
 T2:Postpubertal analysis registered at (P \ 0.05) signicant. and the average was taken.
SC6 Ba, S, Na  On the other hand, No values reported.
differences in (centroid)
size changes were
Lewis & Roche18 Longitudinal  T1: 17 or 18 y  Lateral  The mean age at which  None
July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1

4 20 NA
(1988) F 5 12  - 8 succeeding cephalometry the maximum lengths were
M58 x- rays for  S-N, Ba-N, Ba-S identied ranged from 29 to
everyone measured 39 y among the various
 1 x-ray between dimensions.
40 and 50 y  There were small but real
increments of growth after
17 or 18 y.

July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1

Table II. Continued

Sample size percentage
Article Study design and sex Age Method change Results Validity/reliability
5 Melsen14 Cross- 126 Ages: 0-20 y  Autopsy tissue NA  The cribriform plate was  Reliability: 2 sets of double
(1974) sectional F 5 50 blocks stable after the age of 4. registrations, a repeated
M 5 76  Conventional  Jugum sphenoidale (t-plane) blind registration of the rst
histologic and showed appositional growth set of sections. Magnitude of
macroradiography up to 4-5 y and again in the error due to inconsistency in
 Categorized bone prepubertal period. the registration procedures
surfaces based  Growth of both was of order of 10%. No
on growth sphenoethmoidale and other values reported.
activity frontoethmoid
1. apposition synchondroses completed
2. resorption by age 7.
3. inactivity  Tuberculum sella showed
variable growth pattern until
age 18.
 Anterior wall of sella was
stable after age 5-6 y.
 Posterior wall of sella showed
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

resorption until 14-17 y

(M & F)
 Sella moves downward and
 The anterior part of sella was
the most stable in almost all
subjects over 5 y
 Changes in sella turcica were
due to resorption activity in
the lower half of the
posterior wall and the oor
to some degree.

Afrand et al
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Afrand et al
Table II. Continued

Sample size percentage
Article Study design and sex Age Method change Results Validity/reliability
6 Steuer19 (1972) Longitudinal 54  Ages: 5-11 y  Lateral cephalometry NA  95% of comparisons up to  None
F 5 31  40% of cases 8-10 y  Tracing from dorsum sella 5 y apart had 3 or more
M 5 23  Annual x-rays to planum spheniodale segments congruent, which
 5 patients had 5-y was divided into 7 segments indicates that
interval records,  At least 3 segments should be superimposition on the
one 7 y, and one 8 y congruent for valid middle outline of sphenoidal
portion of cranial base is
 Total 274 superimposition.
acceptable during the usual
orthodontic age range, but
generally the trend is toward
less congruence with time
because of slight craniofacial
growth changes.
 Deepening of the hypophysial
fossa was noted in the recall
group of 7 subjects who had
cephalograms taken a
number of years after the
last one.

7 Knott21 (1971) Longitudinal 66  Measurements at ages T1: 6;  Lateral NF 1 FW 1  From age 6-12 y for each  Intrareliability of
F 5 19 T2: 9; T3: 12; and T4: early cephalometry WP(N-S): sex, the frontal segment measurements
M 5 23 adulthood (Norma lateralis T1-T3 (6-12): increased in average size determined in
 Mean ages: males, 25.1 y; roentgenograms) 6.1% increase by 2.8 mm, the ethmoid instances greater
females, 25.8 y  Linear (no P values) segment by 1.0 mm, no than 0.2 mm
 2/3 of subjects at age 15 y measurements: T3-T4 (12-adult): change in average size for (average obtained).
N-F, F-W, W-P, 5.1% increase the presphenoid dimension.
P-O (no P values)  Downward movement of
 Angular Frontal nasion is found in
measurements: segment NF: measurements from the line
NPO, FPO, WPO T1-T4: 3.3% extended through the frontal
increase point and the sphenoid wing
(P \ 0.01)
July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1

point and also relative to the

line through the F and P
points.The increase in NPW
angle indicates upward
movement of nasion realtive
to presphenoid segment.

July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1

Table II. Continued

Sample size percentage
Article Study design and sex Age Method change Results Validity/reliability
8 Melsen15 Cross- 132  48: All deciduous  Lateral cephalometry NS:  The reference point sella on  Intrareliability:
(1969) sectional Dry skulls sex: dentitions erupted of the skull Primary 8s average was moved 2 mm measurements repeated on
not specied  64: mixed dentition  22 linear measurements erupted: 10% downward and backward in 10 skulls from different ages.
 20: 8s fully erupted & 2 angular increase relation to the tuberculum No systematic error found.
Mixed-8s sella from the full deciduous No values reported.
erupted: 2.3% dentition stage to the stage
increase when canines and premolars
S-S0 :(depth of are erupting, which indicates
sella turcica): eccentric growth of sella
Primary 8s turcica.
erupted: 2.3%
(no P values)

9 Stramrud16 Cross- 464, all  Subjects from 3-15 y  Lateral NA  The anterior cranial fossa (N-  None (systematic
(1959) sectional males (average 30 subjects roentgenograms S minus the thickness of the error mentioned in
in each age group)  7 linear measurements frontal bone) increases in some tables)
and adults from and 9 angular length markedly until age 7
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

19 -25 y (34 subjects) measurements and then there is a slight

increase until puberty.
 The frontal bone thickness
increases from age 3 to
 Nasion tends to move
downward during growth
when the internal cranial
base attens out and upward
when a deection of the
internal cranial base takes

Afrand et al
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Afrand et al
Table II. Continued

Sample size percentage
Article Study design and sex Age Method change Results Validity/reliability
10 Ford13 (1958) Cross-sectional 71 Age: 0 to over 20 y  Dry skulls (measured NA  Pituitary pointnasion  None
Sex notspecied by divider and ruler) dimension continues to grow
 7 linear measurements after eruption of permanent
rst molars (6-8 y)
 The cribriform plate
completes its growth by the
age of 2 years
 The sphenomesethmoid
synchondrosis ceases growth
completely by age 7
 Increase in the thickness of
the frontal bone accounts for
increase in the pituitary
point-nasion diameter after
eruption of the permanent
rst molars. This is
associated with the increase
in the size of the frontal

11 Bjork17 (1955) Longitudinal 243, all males T1: 12 y  Lateral cephalometry NS:T1-T2: 6.6%  The cranial base is elongated  None
T2: 20 y  Anterior cranial base increase (no P value) due to apposition at the
structural glabella region
superimposition  Eccentric remodeling of sella
technique turcica during growth results
in displacement of the
midpoint (S) backward and
downward or upward
 In 90% of cases, only a small
change could be detected
relative to the position of the
contour of the ethmoid plate
July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1

relative to N-S line.

F, Female; M, male; NA, not applicable; NS, not signicant.

28 Afrand et al

review phase, only 11 articles satised the selection

Table III. Methodologic scoring for the included
criteria. Eighty-three articles failed to satisfy the second
set of selection criteria and thus were excluded
Study design (6 U) (Appendix 2).
A. Objectiveclearly dened (U) A summary of the key data and results of the selected
B. Populationadequately described (U)
C. Sample sizeconsidered adequate (U)
articles is presented in Table II. The articles are mostly
D. Selection criteriaclearly described (U), adequate (U) longitudinal studies, except for 4 cross-sectional
E. Follow-up lengthclearly described (U) studies.13-16 All are in English and were published
Study measurements (4U) between 1955 and 2009. Their sample sizes ranged
F. Measurement methodmentioned (U), appropriate (U) from 28 to 464 subjects. Five studies did not report
G. Reliabilitydescribed (U)
H. Validitydescribed (U)
any reliability assessment.13,16-19 The accuracy of the
Statistical analysis (3U) measurements was not determined in any study.
I. Statistical analysisappropriate (U) The methodologic appraisal of risk of bias is outlined in
J. Presentation of dataexact P value stated (U), variability Table IV. The methodologic quality of the studies ranged
measures (SD or CI) stated (U) from moderate to low. Common weaknesses were failure
Maximum number of U 5 13. to justify or calculate the sample size (all studies), insuf-
cient statistical reporting,13,15,17-19 and failure to validate
From the articles that met the inclusion criteria, the the accuracy of the ndings.13-16,18,19
same 2 reviewers extracted the data independently in Table II summarizes the articles selected for this
duplicate. They compared the extracted data and review. The studies that quantied the growth of the
resolved discrepancies by reevaluating the literature un- anterior cranial base, which is usually delineated in
til consensus was achieved. cephalometric studies by sella and nasion, demonstrated
The data from the studies that met the inclusion that the length of the anterior cranial base continues to
criteria were study design, population characteristics increase during the adolescent years (average increase of
(sample size, sex, age), method used to analyze cranial- 7.1% from CS1 to CS6).4,20 Some studies reported
base growth, results (eg, change in percentage), and reli- forward movement of nasion until adulthood.13,16,17,21
ability and validity of the reported method (Table II). Finally, 1 study that followed the subjects until 40 to
All selected studies were evaluated for bias methodo- 50 years of age demonstrated small increments of
logically according to a nonvalidated modied quality growth in adulthood, and the maximum length was
assessment instrument for clinical trials used by Gordon reached around 29 to 39 years of age.18
et al12 (Table III). Since all selected articles were observa- Histologic and dry-skull cross-sectional studies re-
tional, the criterion of the instrument was adjusted to ported that the cribriform plate completes its growth
evaluate this study type. The criteria assessing random- at the latest by the age of 4 years.13,14,21 Based on
ization, blinding, and timing were eliminated from this, it has been proposed that the cribriform plate is
the quality assessment tool, and a criterion to assess val- the rst component of the anterior cranial base to
idity of the method was added. Articles with a score of reach its nal development state.
50% or less were categorized as poor or low quality. Three studies with different methodologies (histology,
Good quality articles had scores over 50% and up to dry-skull measurements, and longitudinal cephalometry)
75%. Any article receiving a score greater than 75% conrmed that the sphenoethmoid synchondrosis ceases
was considered to have high or excellent quality. growth by age 713,14,21; therefore, the presphenoid
If the collected data were considered to be adequate, region (the plane surface on the sphenoid bone, in front
a meta-analysis would have been planned. of sella turcica) is considered stable after age 7.
Downward or upward movement of nasion was re-
ported by 1 study,21 and downward and backward
displacement of sella was observed in 4 studies.14,15,17,19
A ow chart representing the selection of articles in A meta-analysis was not possible because the meth-
each stage of the systematic review is presented in the odologies of the selected studies were too heteroge-
Figure. Searches of electronic databases, partial gray neous to justify combination of the study results.
literature, and Google Scholar resulted in 253 original ar-
ticles. We retrieved all articles for full-text assessment,
except for 1 article.27 Based on the title and the available DISCUSSION
abstract, only 94 articles met the initial inclusion criteria In this review, we aimed to analyze studies that had
and were selected for full-article review. After a nal evaluated the growth of different areas of the anterior

July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Afrand et al 29

Fig. Flow diagram.

cranial base and evaluate their methodologic quality. structure for 2-dimensional growth studies require high-
Our results indicate a consistent agreement that the quality lateral x-rays and experienced eyes. However,
anterior cranial base as a whole is not a stable struc- overlapping of structures is of no concern in 3D imaging
ture, and different areas of this structure complete techniques; thus, considering the cribriform plate in a 3D
growth at different stages of life. Considering that superimposition could be valuable.
the anterior cranial base is composed of frontal (which The presphenoid region's anteroposterior length was
includes nasion), ethmoid, presphenoid, and sella tur- reported to be stable after the age of 7 years as assessed
cica (which includes sella) regions, based on the studies by different methods.13,14,21 Some appositional activity
in this review, the presphenoid and ethmoid regions was observed in the histologic assessments of the
should be considered as fully developed before the presphenoid region in the prepubertal stages.14 Even
usual orthodontic age (by age 7 for the presphenoid though the appositional activity in this region would
and age 4 for the ethmoid regions); however, the fron- not change the length of presphenoid region, it would
tal and sella turcica regions continue remodeling until modify its height. Therefore, caution should be exercised
early adulthood. when using this structure as a reference because it could
A longitudinal study of serial cephalometric radio- lead to inaccurate vertical evaluation of growth.
graphs reported only a 1-mm average increase in the It has been stated in the literature that about 86% of
length of the ethmoid region from ages 6 to 12 years.21 the growth of the anterior cranial base is considered
The magnitude of this measurement most likely has no complete by the age of 4.5 years; however, the remaining
signicance and could well be due to measurement er- growth contributes to increases in the length of the
rors. Moreover, measurements in millimeters should be anterior cranial base (sella-nasion) even after puberty.22
taken with caution because they can be misleading Increases in the thickness of the frontal bone, apposi-
and a source of error. Reporting changes in percentages tion in the glabella region, and increases in the size of the
would be more appropriate because these would take in- frontal sinus contribute to increases in the length of the
dividual variations into consideration. One could argue anterior cranial base and forward movement of nasion
that locating the cribriform plate structure on the lateral until adulthood (3.3% increase in the frontal bone
cephalometric radiographs can be difcult because of segment from age 6 until early adulthood, P \ 0.01, as
overlapping of bilateral structures in this area. Therefore, reported by Knott21).13,16,17 A cross-sectional study
identifying and using the cribriform plate as a reference assessing the growth of children from 3 years of age to

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1
30 Afrand et al

Table IV. Methodologic scores of selected articles

Study design Study measurements Statistics

Article A B C D E F G H I J Total % of total

Bjork17 (1955) U # x xU U UU U x # xx 7 53.8%
Ford13 (1958) U U x UU x U# x x x xx 5.5 42.3%
Stramrud16 (1959) U U # xx x xx x x U UU 5.5 42.3%
Melsen15 (1969) U # # ## x U# # x # #U 7 53.9%
Knott21 (1971) # U x UU U x# # x # xU 7 53.9%
Steuer19 (1972) U U # UU U x# x x # xx 6.5 50.0%
Melsen14 (1974) U U U ## x ## x x # xx 5.5 42.3%
Lewis & Roche18 (1988) U # # U# U ## x x # #x 6.5 50.0%
Franchi et al20 (2007) U U x UU # U# # x U UU 9.5 73.0%
Jiang et al25 (2007) U U x U# U UU # x # UU 9.5 73.0%
Malta et al4 (2009) # # x UU U ## # x U UU 8.5 65.3%

A to J, methodologic criteria in Table III. Two consecutive symbols means that 2 criteria were evaluated as per Table III.
UFullled satisfactorily the methodologic criteria (1 check point).
#Fullled partially the methodologic criteria (0.5 check point).
xDid not fulll the methodologic criteria (0 check point).

early adulthood found that the distance from nasion to used for superimposition, but the same study mentioned
the nearest point on the internal contour of the frontal that the hypophysial fossa deepened in a small sample of
bone increases linearly during those years.16 Even though subjects who were observed for longer than 5 years.19
the cross-sectional data of this study did not give infor- Bjork,17 who presented the sella-nasion line as a stable
mation about individual variations of growth, the results reference for superimposing, also observed eccentric re-
agree with longitudinal evaluations of growth. modeling of sella turcica during growth, resulting in
One longitudinal study reported that nasion moves displacement of sella downward and backward. He also
downward or upward, depending on the angle measured recorded an elevation of the tuberculum sella in relation
or relative to the structures in the cranial base where the to other structures of the anterior cranial fossa. He might
measurement was made.21 The counteracting results re- have taken into account the counteracting resorptive
ported in this study could be due to weak or no statistical and appositional remodeling processes in the sella region
analysis, depending on the measurement. The amount and assumed that sella remains stable. With these
of upward movement of nasion was statistically insignif- observations, it seems that downward and backward
icant (less than 1 ) over a 2-year period. Measurement displacements of sella occur during growth.14,15,17,19 A
error was not reported. Whether nasion moves down- cross-sectional study detected only a 2.3%
ward also remains questionable for the same reasons. displacement of sella from the deciduous dentition
No other studies evaluated the direction of movement stage until adulthood.15 The signicance of the move-
of nasion during growth. Because nasion is outside the ment of sella remains to be investigated. Because resorp-
anterior cranial fossa, it is possible that it migrates dur- tion takes place on both the oor and the rear wall of sella
ing growth, since it is inuenced by several structures: turcica, both height and length of these structures would
eg, the frontonasal suture, the frontal sinus, and the be affected, as well as the angular measurements of sella
growth of the cranial base. used in cephalometric analyses.
A unique histologic study of the cranial base showed The sella-nasion line is a frequently used reference
that as a result of remodeling of the sella region, sella will line to assess growth of both jaws; however, both sella
be displaced downward and backward relative to the and nasion could be displaced during growth and give
anterior wall of sella turcica.14 Therefore, the size of sella rise to erroneous results when that line is used as the
turcica increases. The anterior part of sella was the most reference.3 Technologic advances in imaging could be
stable, and resting (inactive) bone was observed in almost used to assess the changes of the anterior cranial-base
all subjects over 5 years old. Changes in sella turcica were structures during growth to obtain accurate results of
most likely to some degree due to resorptive activity in the true changes in this area. For accurate results, inter-
the lower half of the posterior wall and the oor. A 5- pretation of facial changes should be done only by
year longitudinal study evaluating exclusively the growth superimposing on truly stable structures.
of the area, from planum sphenoidale to dorsum sella, Two-dimensional cephalometry is the most common
indicated that this area has reasonable stability to be technique used to evaluate growth of the cranial

July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Afrand et al 31

base.4,7,9,15,16,18-21,23,24 All the studies that were CONCLUSIONS

considered to have good methodologic quality also
used lateral cephalometric technique to evaluate 1. A consistent agreement was identied that the
growth.14,15,20,21,24 The studies with other techniques anterior cranial base as a whole is not a stable struc-
did not meet the requirements and were categorized in ture. Different areas of this structure complete
the poor-methodologic-quality category. The reason growth at different stages of life.
could be that more recent studies, which followed 2. The cribriform plate was found to be the rst structure
more rigorous statistical and methodologic protocols, in the anterior cranial base to complete growth (by age
used lateral cephalometric analysis to evaluate growth. 4), followed by the presphenoid region (by age 7), mak-
Intraexaminer and interexaminer reliabilities of ing them the best cranial-base superimposition areas.
landmark identication and measurement accuracy 3. Sella turcica remodels and moves backward and
usually should be reported to validate the ndings of downward during growth. Bone apposition in the
the cephalometric analysis. Among the studies selected frontal region and the increase in the size of the
for this review, only 5 reported some kind of reliability frontal sinus (both affecting nasion) contribute to
measurements,4,14,20,21,24 and only 1 study reported the increase in the length of the anterior cranial
the intraclass coefcients.4 No authors validated their base (delineated by the sella-nasion distance) until
ndings and measurements. adulthood.
No 3D studies have yet quantied the growth of the
anterior cranial base. A possible explanation might be SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
that researchers pioneering these relatively new methods
are still examining applications of 3D imaging tech- Supplementary data associated with this article can
niques. Most of the studies selected for this review be found, in the online version, at
were identied through hand searching. 10.1016/j.ajodo.2014.03.019.
Only 3 studies were selected through the systematic
search.4,19,20 The possible explanation could be that REFERENCES
some of these studies were not indexed for MeSH 1. Proft W, Fields H, Sarver D. Contemporary orthodontics. 5th ed.
terms in the databases, or the studies were published Saint Louis: Mosby; 2013.
before the databases started. Possibly, eligible studies 2. Bastir M, Rosas A, O'Higgins P. Craniofacial levels and the
could have been missed in this stage, and this could morphological maturation of the human skull. J Anat 2006;209:
have resulted in failure to identify all relevant reports 3. Ghafari J, Engel FE, Laster LL. Cephalometric superimposition on
and in selection bias.25 Commonly accepted techniques the cranial base: a review and a comparison of four methods.
to conduct a systematic review were used. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987;91:403-13.
The quality of the studies was rated by 1 examiner 4. Malta LA, Ortolani CF, Faltin K. Quantication of cranial base
(M.A.). Absence of 1 standard tool to assess the quality growth during pubertal growth. J Orthod 2009;36:229-35.
5. Finlay L. Craniometry and cephalometry: a history prior to the
of observational studies could be an unavoidable risk advent of radiography. Angle Orthod 1980;50:312-21.
of bias because the use of a nonvalidated tool has its 6. Brons S, van Beusichem ME, Bronkhorst EM, Draaisma J, Berge SJ,
own drawbacks.26 Maal TJ, et al. Methods to quantify soft-tissue based facial growth
Of the selected studies, 4 evaluated the anterior and treatment outcomes in children: a systematic review. PLoS
cranial base from a cross-sectional database. Cross- One 2012;7:e41898.
7. Bjork A. The use of metallic implants in the study of facial growth in
sectional studies of growth have limited applications children: method and application. Am J Phys Anthropol 1968;29:
because they give no information about individual vari- 243-54.
ations during growth.10 8. Sarnat BG. Some methods of assessing postnatal craniofaciodental
Most of the selected studies were published during growth: a retrospective of personal research. Cleft Palate Craniofac
the last century (1955-1988).13-19,21 Many were J 1997;34:159-72.
9. Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara J. Thin-plate spline analysis
incomplete, had poor descriptions of their methods, of treatment effects of rapid maxillary expansion and face mask
and were weak in statistical analysis and reporting of therapy in early Class III malocclusions. Eur J Orthod 1999;21:
their ndings. Some authorseg, Ford,13 Steuer,19 275-81.
and Melsen14,15are considered pioneers in this eld, 10. Harrel WE Jr, Jacobson RL, Hatcher DC, Mah J. Cephalometric im-
and their studies are referenced in many articles aging in 3-D. In: Jacobson A, Jacobson RL, editors. Radiographic
cephalometry: From basics to 3-D imaging. 2nd ed. Hanover Park,
published today. These studies were unique and Ill: Quintessence Publishing; 2007. p. 233-48.
valuable when they were conducted, but they lack the 11. The PRISMA check list. Available at: http://www.prisma-statement.
major methodologic qualities of current research org/2.1.2%20-%20PRISMA%202009%20Checklist.pdf. Accessed
standards. October 25, 2013.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1
32 Afrand et al

12. Gordon JM, Rosenblatt M, Witmans M, Carey JP, Heo G, Major PW, 20. Franchi L, Baccetti T, Stahl F, McNamara JA Jr. Thin-plate spline
et al. Rapid palatal expansion effects on nasal airway dimensions analysis of craniofacial growth in Class I and Class II subjects.
as measured by acoustic rhinometry: a systematic review. Angle Angle Orthod 2007;77:595-601.
Orthod 2009;79:1000-7. 21. Knott V. Change in cranial base measures of human males and females
13. Ford E. Growth of the human cranial base. Am J Orthod 1958;44: from age 6 years to early adulthood. Growth 1971;35:145-58.
498-506. 22. Ranly DM. Craniofacial growth. Dent Clin North Am 2000;44:
14. Melsen B. The cranial base: the postnatal development of the cra- 457-70, v.
nial base studied histologically on human autopsy material. Arhus; 23. Brodie AG Jr. The behavior of the cranial base and its components
1974. as revealed by serial cephalometric roentgenograms*. Angle
15. Melsen B. Time of closure of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis Orthod 1955;25:148-60.
determined on dry skulls a radiographic craniometric study. Acta 24. Jiang J, Xu T, Lin J, Harris EF. Proportional analysis of longitudinal
Odontol Scand 1969;27:73-90. craniofacial growth using modied mesh diagrams. Angle Orthod
16. Stramrud L. External and internal cranial base: a cross sectional 2007;77:794-802.
study of growth and of association in form. Acta Odontol 1959; 25. Robinson KA, Dickersin K. Development of a highly sensitive search
17:239-66. strategy for the retrieval of reports of controlled trials using
17. Bj
ork A. Cranial base development: a follow-up x-ray study of the PubMed. Int J Epidemiol 2002;31:150-3.
individual variation in growth occurring between the ages of 12 26. Sanderson S, Tatt ID, Higgins JP. Tools for assessing quality and
and 20 years and its relation to brain case and face development. susceptibility to bias in observational studies in epidemiology: a
Am J Orthod 1955;41:198-225. systematic review and annotated bibliography. Int J Epidemiol
18. Lewis AB, Roche AF. Late growth changes in the craniofacial skel- 2007;36:666-76.
eton. Angle Orthod 1988;58:127-35. 27. Odegaard J. The sum of the angles as a growth indicator of the
19. Steuer I. The cranial base for superimposition of lateral cephalo- facial skull. A geometric study. Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd Zentralbl
metric radiographs. Am J Orthod 1972;61:493-500. 1988;76:583-7.

July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Afrand et al 32.e1

Appendix 1. Search strategy for Embase via OvidSP (1974 to present)

group Medical subject heading (MeSH) or key word
1 exp maxillofacial development/ OR Growth/
2 exp *skull/ or anterior cranial fossa/ or ethmoid bone/ or facial bone/ or jaw/ or mandible/ or maxilla/ or middle cranial fossa/ or sella
turcica/ or skull base/ or sphenoid/OR cranial [mp5title, abstract, subject headings, heading word, drug trade name, original
title, device manufacturer, drug manufacturer, device trade name, keyword]
3 exp three dimensional imaging/ OR exp cone beam computed tomography/ OR exp cephalometry/ OR superimpos*.mp. [mp5title,
abstract, subject headings, heading word, drug trade name, original title, device manufacturer, drug manufacturer, device trade name,
keyword] OR procedures/ or "imaging and display"/ or "mathematical and statistical procedures"/ or medical procedures/ or
"photography and lm"/ or "prediction and forecasting"/ or radiological procedures/
4 1 AND 2 AND 3
Limitations: Human subjects.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1
32.e2 Afrand et al

Appendix 2. Articles excluded in phase 2 Author Reason

Standerwick et al18  Not assessing cranial-base
Author Reason growth
Muretic & Rak1  Cranial-base growth was not
assessed Baccetti et al19  No superimposition on
cranial base
Cudia & Michelizzi 2
 Cranial-base growth was not
 Cranial-base growth not
Bondi & Colangelo3  Cranial-base growth was not Standerwick et al20  Not assessing cranial-base
assessed growth
Colangelo & Luzi4  Cranial-base growth was not
Stahl et al21  No superimposition on
cranial base
Springate5  Not assessing cranial base  Cranial-base growth not
growth assessed
 No superimposition Gu & McNamara22  No superimposition on
Bartzela et al 6
 Not assessing cranial base cranial base
growth  Cranial-base growth not
 No superimposition assessed

Jahanbin et al7  Anthropometric technique Turchetta et al23  Procrustes analysis

using only photographs  Cranial-base growth not
 Not following growth assessed
Nielsen8  Explains about structural Penin24  Just explaining Procrustes
analysis superimposition technique
 Review article
Thordarson et al25  No superimposition, study-
Liu et al9  Comparing a group of ing different subjects of
treated cases craniofacial different ages
characteristics with healthy  Cranial-base growth was not
individuals assessed
 Cranial base not covered Wahl26  Review
Kau et al10  Longitudinal study of 1
Simon 27
 Procustes analysis
 Cranial-base growth was not
 Digital stereo photogram-
metric surface acquisition
 Assessed soft tissue changes Veleminska et al28  Creates a system to predict
facial growth
De Clerck et al 11
 Not assessing cranial-base
growth Chang et al29  Just mentioned were super-
 No superimposition imposed
 Cranial-base growth was not
Tai et al12  Not assessing cranial-base
Sakima et al30  The stability of the cranial-
Cevidanes et al13  Not assessing cranial-base base sutures was not as-
growth sessed
Cevidanes et al14  Not assessing cranial-base
Greiner et al31  Not assessing growth
Goel et al32  Not assessing cranial-base
Murata15  Not assessing cranial-base growth
 No superimposition Veleminska et al33  2 groups of patients
Cevidanes et al16  Procrustes analysis
 Cranial-base growth was not
 Not assessing cranial-base
Langford et al34  Measuring maxillary volume
Alexander et al17  Just stated which technique on MRI on different age
used, no other details groups of children
 Cranial-base growth not
covered Danguy & Danguey-Derot35  Explains architectural anal-
Guyot et al36  Soft tissues analyzed

July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Afrand et al 32.e3

Author Reason Author Reason

Alkhamrah et al 37
 Referenced to another article Huggare & Cooke 55
 Cranial-base growth was not
for the technique assessed
 Cranial-base growth was not Buschang et al56  Cranial-base growth was not
assessed assessed
Driscoll-Gilliland et al38  Just mentions natural struc-
Cope et al57  Cranial-base growth was not
tures used for superimposi-
tioning assessed
 Cranial-base growth was not Doppel et al58  Cranial-base growth was not
assessed assessed
 Maxillary superimposition
Rothstein & Yoon-Tarlie39  Cross sectional data method
 Cranial-base growth was not
assessed Solow & Siersbaek-Nielsen59  Cranial-base growth was not
Haffner et al40  Explains how to orient 3D assessed
x-ray Vallee-Cussac60  Cranial-base growth was not
Efstratiadis et al 41
 Looked at mandibular
movement Coben61  Review
 Cranial-base growth was not Korn & Baurmrind62  Only assessed maxilla and
assessed mandible
Breitsprecher et al42  Cranial-base growth was not  Cranial-base growth was not
assessed assessed

Rousset & Blocquel43  Cranial-base growth was not Jakobsson & Paulin63  Cranial-base growth was not
assessed assessed
Kusnoto et al44  Not well explained, exact Motoyoshi et al64  Cranial-base growth was not
landmarks and orientation of assessed
Nielsen65  Only maxillary superimposi-
 Cranial-base growth was not
tion discussed
Peltomaki66  Cranial-base growth was not
Buschang & Santos-Pinto45  Cranial-base growth was not assessed
Odegaard67  Was not able to retrieve
Kapust et al46  Cranial-base growth was not
assessed Arai Ishikawa 68
 Only orthodontically treated
cases studied
 No superimpositions
 Cranial-base growth was not McDonald69  Case report
assessed Lavelle70  Cranial-base growth was not
Hall & Bollen48  Only evaluated treated pa- assessed
Zeng71  Cranial-base growth was not
Battagel 49
 Not evaluated cranial base, assessed
just maxilla and mandible Solow & Siersbaek-Nielsen72  Cranial-base growth was not
and soft tissues assessed
Ferrario et al50  Cranial base growth was not
McNamara et al73  Does not assess cranial base,
assessed only jaws
Isaacson51  Review/editorial Burke & Healy74  Soft-tissue facial changes
Jensen & Kreiborg 52
 Cranial-base growth was not assessed
assessed Son & Park75  Cranial-base growth was not
Iseri & Solor 53
 Cranial-base growth was not assessed
assessed Baumrind et al76  Cranial-base growth was not
Battagel 54
 No superimpositioning, assessed
compared shape changes Moss et al77  Describing a new method to
 Cranial-base growth was not
analyze growth
assessed  Cranial-base growth was not

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1
32.e4 Afrand et al

7. Jahanbin A, Mahdavishahri N, Baghayeripour M, Esmaily H,

Author Reason Eslami N. Evaluation of facial anthropometric parameters in
Todd Mark78  Review 11-17 year old boys. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2012;37:95-101.
Coutand & Bouvet 79
 Maxillary superimposition 8. Nielsen IL. Analysis of general facial growth, maxillary and
used mandibular growth and treatment changes ("Structural analysis").
Int Orthod 2011;9:388-409.
Lundstrom & Woodside80  Cranial-base growth was not 9. Liu R, Lu D, Wamalwa P, Li C, Hu H, Zou S. Craniofacial
assessed morphology characteristics of operated unilateral complete cleft
Fischer81  Comparing different super- lip and palate patients in mixed dentition. Oral Surg Oral Med
imposition methods Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;112:e16-25.
 Cranial-base growth was not 10. Kau CH, Kamel SG, Wilson J, Wong ME. New method for analysis
assessed of facial growth in a pediatric reconstructed mandible. Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;139:e285-90.
Oberholzer & Joho82  Review
11. De Clerck H, Cevidanes L, Baccetti T. Dentofacial effects of bone-
Cleall et al 83
 Cranial-base growth was not anchored maxillary protraction: a controlled study of consecu-
assessed tively treated Class III patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
Mills et al84  Cranial-base growth was not
12. Tai K, Park JH, Mishima K, Hotokezaka H. Using superimposition
of 3-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography images
Shuff85  Cranial-base growth was not with surface-based registration in growing patients. J Clin Pediatr
assessed Dent 2010;34:361-7.
Moorrees et al86  Describing mesh diagram 13. Cevidanes LH, Motta A, Proft WR, Ackerman JL, Styner M. Cranial
method base superimposition for 3-dimensional evaluation of soft-tissue
changes. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137(Suppl):
Cronqvist87  Cranial-base growth was not S120-9.
assessed 14. Cevidanes LH, Styner M, Proft WR. Three-dimensional super-
Baume88  Review imposition of the skull base for the longitudinal evaluation of
the effects of growth and of treatment. Orthod Fr 2009;80:
Hoyte 89
 Review 347-57.
Ranly90  Review 15. Murata S. Determination of craniofacial growth in patients with
untreated Class III malocclusions and anterior crossbites using
 Review the centroid method. Eur J Orthod 2009;31:496-502.
16. Cevidanes LH, Heymann G, Cornelis MA, DeClerck HJ, Tulloch JF.
Superimposition of 3-dimensional cone-beam computed tomog-
raphy models of growing patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop 2009;136:94-9.
17. Alexander AE, McNamara JA Jr, Franchi L, Baccetti T. Semilongitu-
dinal cephalometric study of craniofacial growth in untreated Class
III malocclusion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;135:700.e1-
14; discussion 700-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2008.06.025.
18. Standerwick RG, Roberts EW, Hartseld JK Jr, Babler WJ,
Katona TR. Comparison of the Bolton standards to longitudinal
cephalograms superimposed on the occipital condyle (I-point). J
Orthod 2009;36:23-35.
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July 2014  Vol 146  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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