ELSP 2010 Webversion

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Scholarships for emerging business leaders

in the globalised marketplace
LEADERS • Internationally-recognised mba or m.sc.
SCHOLARSHIP (agribusiness) degree programmes
• International experience through study
PROGRAMME in Denmark or South Africa
Denmark will again in 2010 offer scholarship support to young emerging business
leaders from our development partner countries. The Emerging Leaders
Scholarship Programme (ELSP) covers 90% of the total cost of completing
an internationally-recognised Masters degree programme in Business or
Agribusiness at one of the five selected universities in Denmark and South Africa
listed on page 2 of this flyer.

Denmark sees the Private Sector as a prime driver of job creation and income
generation. Emerging business leaders and entrepreneurs need international
business skills and networks to compete in the global marketplace, but often cannot
yet afford the full cost of a Masters programme. The Emerging Leaders Scholarship
Programme (ELSP) will assist successful applicants to overcome this barrier.


The ELSP is open to young emerging business leaders from Danida’s programme
partner countries, currently Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso,
Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, South Africa,
Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zambia. Women from Sub-Saharan African
countries are particularly encouraged to apply.

ELSP is one of several complementary instruments by which Denmark contributes

to add value to Private Sector Development in its partner countries. Danish
Embassies will therefore be asked to comment on and prioritise ELSP applications
in the context of the applicant’s home country.

All applicants must be accepted by their intended Masters programme before an

ELSP scholarship award can be made.
APPLICATION PROCESS writing and practical application of knowledge in the scholar’s
• Intending applicants should carefully review whether they home environment. www.life.ku.dk/English/education/msc_
fulfill both the academic requirements of the preferred programmes/msc_programmes_life/int_economics.aspx
university and the selection criteria of the ELSP. If in doubt
they should consult the university or the Danish Embassy in • The Sustainable MBA at Aarhus School of Business (ASB),
their home country before formally applying to ELSP. Aarhus University. ASB is committed to contributing knowl-
edge which can enhance and sustain economic growth, and
• Eligible applicants should first download and complete the to developing the potential for innovation leadership both in
standard academic application form from the preferred the private and the public sector. 12 months intensive full-time
Masters programme website. Academic evaluation and deci- study in Denmark from September 2010 combining course-
sion on admission of the applicant will be made by the host work, projects, study trips, internships and graduation project.
university according to their normal admission criteria. Located in Denmark’s second-largest city, ASB has both strong
ties to industry and international experience with more than
• Eligible applicants should also download and complete the 80 nationalities on campus. www.thesustainablemba.dk
ELSP application form from the Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC)
website. www.dfcentre.com/?Programmes_%26amp%3B_
Projects:Emerging_Leaders_Scholarship_Programme In South Africa
• The Full time Entrepreneurship MBA at the Gordon Institute of
• The academic application form together with the ELSP applica­ Business Science (GIBS), University of Pretoria covers every
tion form should be submitted no later than March 1, 2010 to aspect an entrepreneur needs to create a sustainable busi-
the Danish Embassy in the applicant’s country of residence. ness. Five electives customise the programme to particu-
The Embassy will add its comments and forward applications to lar entrepreneurial ambitions. Students work on a business
DFC for final selection and award of ELSP scholarships. Check plan for an innovative business and can present it to a panel
the DFC website for later deadlines for programmes starting of venture capitalists. 13 months from July 2010- for which an
January/February 2011 in South Africa. updated website will be opened in January 2010.
FOR ELSP SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS • The full-time MBA at the Graduate School of Business (GSB),
In 2010 the ELSP will support study on the following internationally- University of Cape Town, runs from beginning Feb to mid
accredited Masters programmes at five selected universities: December each year. ELSP scholarships awarded in 2010 will
be for the GSB MBA starting in February 2011. Applications for
this programme will open at the GSB in March 2010.
In Denmark www.gsb.uct.ac.za/gsbwebb/default.asp?intpagenr=14
• The General Management MBA at Copenhagen Business
School (CBS). Europe’s second largest business school. This
course is one of Europe’s highest ranked full-time MBA’s, with Amount of ELSP scholarship support
special focus on leadership, entrepreneurship and real world ELSP scholarships will normally cover 90 per cent of the total cost
experience gained in a diverse international class of highly- of tuition, travel, residence, living expenses, and insurance for
decem b er 2 0 0 9 / f o t os : danida / D esigngra f i k / 1 2 7 6 0

motivated students. The course demands 12 months full-time the duration of the selected Masters programme. ELSP applicants
and intensive study in Denmark, starting September 2010. will be required to cover 10% from own resources, employers or
www.cbs.dk/ftmba sponsors. This may amount to between DKK 40,000 and 65,000
for study in Denmark, somewhat less for study in South Africa.
• The M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics), with focus on Agri­
business, at the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of For more information or detailed application instructions visit the
Copenhagen. Starting in August 2010 the course takes 24 ELSP web page at www.dfcentre.com
months and combines full-time study in Denmark with thesis-

IISBN 978-87-7087-284-3 (print version)

E-ISBN 978-87-7087-285-0 (web version)

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