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PETER KWASNIEWSKI Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness Why the Modern Age Needs the Mass of Ages e Foreword by ‘Martin Mosebach #5 Angelico Press 2 Reverence Is Not Enough: On the Importance of Tradition Shocked to ee the enorme deraton Visited upon Umbia tora sere of powefl earthquakes Thisreion of al inches the town of Nort the birthplace of aint Benedict and Scola tev and the ste (since the Jbl Yea of 2000) of + Benedieine Imenasery famous for Latin Harpy and delicous bee. The ews as prsilelydresing to me at an oblate of this monastery tho ad just pent two weeks there inl teaching a course on the Ep t the Hebrews As Tooked at photo ofthe damage could not ep thinking of two vers fom that eter: We have Bere no shige but we el one that come” (514) and"Whom the lord loves, be chastity and he sourgth every son whom he recive (Hb 2:6) The monk, tre to the pr ofthe Bene ne moto scan vrei! are ebuding in eres. Many people are coming to ther ai, and. in dae course, they will nt oly sr bit, God wing ome ot stronger than before. Lignure Ibe pe: praccisune ferrari et ran eu pale Meme ri nigra cg etna ial lant. °A tee hth hope it be ext it groweth gre gan, andthe Reet ali pony eso boughs thereof spot (jb 47). asst Bey hance band ih hy is ae I: rie Last mw mowrts of 2016 the Cathol world was Noble Beau, Transcendent Holness ‘The damage in Norcia was subwati, The earhguakes hap: pened suddenly, their magnitudes were considerable: and thee have been power aftershocks, Beatifl churches throughout the town, including the medieval basilica over the anceat Roman crypt. are copied into ruins. Ie bulge that wee stil standing. ‘huge cracks zigaggeé down she wal Experts carefill nape bulding afer bulking 10 anes problems and set prone for reconstruction, Paces once Fl of life were no longe inhabit ble eas of expensive reais wil be neesay before daly fe ‘an resume with any Kind of fallaess. Then there ae the costs hat ae hares to speak about, berate they te emotional, personal, ‘pita some people wil be sanctfed by these ial wie others ‘ay tae ocasion fr sinning, De tthe phew of as a ew separate days, Norcia became a lac of dite conson, head ‘ches and heartaches too numerous o count. Ihe lo beome & place of heroic charity and generosy,» summons to patience, «ope nd determination, and a reminder of whet is mom impor fentinie ft szems to me that we can take ths earthquake asa parable er ‘the Church in our times. Something sialar commenced about ity eas ago inthe day-to-day if of the Catholic Church, namely, ¢ ‘eres of sudden and sizeable changes inthe manner in which the Holy Scrce ofthe Mas and the other Iturgles and sacraments wee celebrated, together withthe often heel meanings that were attached to thowe changes. The ground shied undemesth vs 4 enturieroldItugia tes and practices were replaced lost vemig with rapily-constrated form and unprecedented nov. lies [n Wester Europe and America, there was an epidemic of ‘unbridled experimentation; all crtaines vanished the mag aad ‘compas of tradition were discarded, replaced by communal exe= expression. The advent ofthe Novus Ordo Misses ‘ike an earthgua in ts sddenness ar well a in the deasation ‘hat followed se it in so many places? Local churches that bad oe eae ef ern mah tn Hy We Pll Noverence Is Not Enough: On the Importance of Tradition Iw thriving in numbers of fitful an in presty and religious ‘wwatonscolapsed, ax milions of Catholics stepped practicing Iie ith snd thousands of pret, monks, nuns, and ses aban Adve tei hoy cling When the due etd, instead of areaewa, thee were ge crackin theetlectal and sta structre the wil and elings of aris beauty had falen apart; ecesiascal stares were dangerous inhabit not enable? lls century later, however any in the Church have yet to ‘me to gup withthe reports of ur or engineering spect ho wer eel swce ofthe mapnitade ofthe eethquake and he ‘ope of te damage—orpere who know and love (or Sew and ted) she Char’ iergy. theology. an tations experts falar vh human disciplines uch a anthopology,pyeblogy, and sci- ‘logy There wat Meg. Klaus Gamber, who, sein the vast ier ‘nc: beseen the cael Roman Rite andthe reformed arg in ‘ry sgafcant clement, maintained tht the new coud not be vowed sea mere revision ofthe old but had tobe tented as die src panes pet al ne poe at ‘So ype ego rot ie sou in penn of Se cedar te ‘Soe tt pa eee oa ht diene inte mapas ge te Die Ot wi el ce ‘inal ri the omputon osm ets iia ware 2a nr oc om paige ‘epae f pn Nevrna ge at dt ‘ovbgyvareting ln cent en esc de Seis tga Ln ing Si ft iy On 9 cng Nt ci OF Rd Casey Me ntsoplpaland yeh ences a Se! iy 3-3 s Noble Beans Transcendent Holts tinct “modern site There was Michael Daves, who demon: strated nis boo Cranmers Gay Order, thatthe changes made to the Roman Catholic liturgy parleled thowe made by Thomas (Cranmer in hs creation ofthe Protestant tary ofthe Church of England, Therewad Lass Dobay, who pelastakingly docs roeated the rtud>muscal incoherence ofthe new tes, Thee is Doe Alcin Reld, who has ahown thatthe Iti refer of the oe cant beconldered tbe in cntinnty with the Reman tr {ition by eny historically grounded and phlesophicaly coherent tundentanding of “orgnie"® There it host of authors, amon whom coud be named Aidan Nichol, Catherine Pidatock, Mary Douglas and Anthony Archer, who, droving on human daptines such asthe athropelogyof religion, hae expoed with embarrass ing arity how badly the revived Iiurgical tes asesed the actual ‘needa of modern man, and how they have not oly alle to ter the tide of secalaram and dencralation but hee even conta ed tot ‘Niarl disasters ze responsible for many physi and ctrl cls bat thy alo serve toring out the bet n people. Something Similar ofthe itargeal and theoloial eoluion tat tok lc ast entry. Once became len thatthe get Caholic a fon was under stack and exposed to the risk of extinction, the oly Sint raised up many neble souls fom ll ranks sss nd 5. Kaus Gunter The Ror fhe Rot Ly Poi a ak (sin aon cmmen "Theta est ak ‘toa of we, soe screed just PAelom the ees? ‘go pel nan Chan Ore ad phd Agpenrso ‘Ra i i rt bn espa DewlpmentgfeLiny, 6 Reverence Is Not Enough: On the Imponance of Tradition sete ifthe famous as wells the humble, oppose this fore ‘march of moderizaon. A high-profile petition signed by many famous people fom Great Britain, beeing Paul VI for he contin ued allowance of the Tidentie tag, rested inthe so-called ‘agatha Christ indult? whereby priests in England cou obtain permision vo celebrate the tational rie. Pope John Paul ncourged bishops tbe generous in making rom for Catholics tached to thelr trplcl radon. Most nail, Pope Benedict XVFealed the Church back o contnulty with her glorious past her futile tradition, her unsurpassed culture of Beauty inthe service of the Word. In these decades of wandering in the vid ness inthis Babylonian capt o contemporary Western fashion, ‘he movement to rediscover nd rere the filles of the Churcs ‘worship has quiet grown. Clergy, religious, and lay dedicated to the uae antiguior ate now found in every counzy and on every continent tae communis are characterized by lrg failes tnd high numbers of vocations tothe priesthood tnd consecrated Le. Fully Catholic worship goes hand-in-hand wih doctrinal incegegy consistent wines of if, and 2 renewed this fr hol es. This rch good ne, amidst the robe @ Aft ths extended metaphor an cbjecon might be rased “Why ‘eadion so important? len it enough jst to ave everett gy As long as we ave sincere in our intentions and sous about ‘our prayer al these ether shings—the language of our worship, the ‘ype of muse the duction ofthe pie a the ls the way people ‘ecrve communion, whether or ad we kp the sume readings and prayers that Catholics used for cats, and go forth—ate just Incidental or accidental features. They re ‘exerals) end Jesus taught or hat external eet the mala thing in eligion” There i ofcourse, sme truth wo this objection. Our intentions sre jndeedfandamenial If non-believer pretended o get beptized 2 par of «ply on stage be would not realy became a Christan, ‘No axernl by theses willever guarantee hat we are worship Jing the Father in spiit and in ruth Jn-43-24)and an atte Noble Beauty, Transcendent Hotness of reverence and seriousness the most ruil requiement ofthe ars clarandi Nevers, ble thatthe ejection as stated i ‘erroneous, and dangerously 50, because it presumes, and thereby fosers a radial wapsformation ofthe very nature ofthe Catholic religion under the inuence of Elightenment philosophy ‘Prot tall angumentsdbout which peace s betas cr worse is the overarching principle of the prizacy of tradion, meaning the inherent daim tht our wligious inhertance, handed down fom ‘our feathers, mason a, We do not “ow thi gi, much ess “produce” i Tradion comes to us fom above, from God who rovdently designed us ab socal animals who inherit our lan uage, our culture, and ou selon it comes tous rom aur ances torn who ate called enacts in Latin telly, the ones who have gone before” They ae ahead of us, nt behind ws the have finished running the race and we stand to benefit for their calle tive wisdom. St.Paul sats the principles Thessonians i: "We pay and beseech you ia the Lord Jesus that a you have rexved from! us ow you ought to walk and 19 please God, 9 also yo ‘would wal, that you may abound the moce”™ “The selection of tation andthe cal of change embodies = pecllly modern atitude of mastery ove tradition? whic isthe {oil equvalet of Baconian and Cartan “mastery over nate” ‘The comblaation of capita and technology bar slowed to abuse the satura word treating raw material for exploitation {a pura of the sisfaction of or sesh desires In sila way, ‘he influence of rationlem and incvidualem has tempted ue 2 tees Catholic tradition asi were a collection of isolated fice from whic ws, who ae astonomovs and superior can make wh ever section pleas us In adopting this arrogant stance, we fal to recognize, with creatrely hum hat our rationality is socially Contitted and traditon-dependet. By filing o honor ovr an=- esos. we flo lve according to our pola nature and our Christian dignisy as recipients of a concrete historical revelation 2 Theda sh hm a om 8 Reverence Is Not Enough: On the Importance of Tadton that endures and develops organically overtime and space? The palm verse comes to mind “Know ye thatthe Lor, hei God be made us, and ot we ourselves (Ps 93) Sse eit ose om ps ‘on We donot mae osreves nor do we rae our lio or our Trg we recive our existence, we recive ou fh, we recive ‘urworship! Ton comes tous om outside ouraes, before {nd beyond ws. unambigensty xpressr our dependence on (God as creatures, as Christiana cobs withthe sins An bit is one who inherits no the salf-made man” of eptalism ‘The reformed tray, moreover, lke modern liberals its ceaals choice spontaney, and divest, whereas the historic tar fies of Christian, both Easern and Wester, present the wor ‘hiper wth uly atculated act of worship to which we rately yield ours taking oni featres ean icon panel eceives yer Mier lier of preseribed color unt the Deal image sande ford! The worahiperactaconding to oles and a script they have reeced, plating it words om thelr ps wearing the mas (ast ‘vece) or proapon of Cri, otha they may acguee is mind in ‘hile and deserve to obtain His glory fn theif come. The it urgy is cosine puting on af Christ which presupposes a put- ting of ofthe old man, with his warped desire for sutbensiy?” 9. Mae py God hom we wep isn abseacon bu os elt annonce decree te Te a ee Cay et otentnnce tad re Rtnaes nny enh Wena ign “Thelema dosnt ek expen fog ha rn ap ‘one that mt eproduig on pane adn he sol he posal ey of 2 ay re tmp ht hen ene Se rw

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