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Moly-Cop Tools, Version 2.

About the BallBal_Direct Spreadsheet ...

Scope :

The BallBal_Direct spreadsheet was designed to compute the Size-by-Size Mass Balance around the Hydrocyclone
Classifiers of any given Conventional Ball Mill circuit, operating under the Direct configuration (see Flowsheet), on the
basis of actual plant measurements.

Theoretical Framework :

Whenever actual grinding data are collected in a plant environment, they will invariably be affected by natural
experimental and measurement errors, in such a way that the basic mass balance equation around the hydrocyclones, for
particles of size di :

fiCF CF = fiU U + fiO O ??? , for i = 1,n

will never be satisfied. In the above expression CF, U and O represent the mass flowrate of solids in the cyclones feed,
underflow and overflow streams, respectively. Similarly, fiCF, fiU and fiO represent the fraction of those total respective
streams corresponding to particles of size di.

The Ballbal_Direct routine allows for the calculation of a whole new set of corresponding adjusted or fitted values fiCF, fiU
and fiO, such that the objective functions :

f i = [ wCF (fiCF - fiCF)2 + wU (fiU - fiU)2 + wO(fiO - fiO)2 ] ,for every particle size di

are minimized and the adjusted values so generated strictly satisfy the mass balance restrictions :

fiCF CF = fiU U + fiO O , for i = 1,n

where wCF, wU and wO are user-defined weighting factors included to represent the relative quality and reliability of the
samples from each of the 3 streams and the mass flowrates CF, U and O are calculated as :

CF = F (1 + CL)
U = F (CL)
O = F

where F is the dry Fresh Feedrate of solids to the grinding section and the Circulating Load (CL) is estimated by :

CL = { usd S [(fiO - fiCF) / (fiCF - fiU)] + ufs (1/fSO - 1/fSCF) / (1/fSCF -1/fSU) } / (usd + ufs)
all i

where fsCF, fsU and fsO are the weight fractions of total solids in the cyclones feed, underflow and overflow streams,
respectively, and also usd and ufs are user defined weighting factors included to represent the relative quality and reliability
of the size distribution measurements vs. the percent solids measurements in all 3 streams. In general, a high relative
value of a weighting factor is indicative of a more reliable measurement with respect to the other measurements
participating in the same equations. A statistically sound weighting factor may be calculated as 100/(% error) 2;

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Moly-Cop Tools, Version 2.0
About the Ballbal_Direct Spreadsheet ...

where (% error) corresponds to the combined sampling and measuring error percentage. Weighting factors must never be
set equal to zero.

The least-square minimization problem stated above may be linearized and solved through the Lagrange Multipliers
Method (see About ... in Cyclobal_Single).

Further refinement of the adjusted values so computed is achieved by imposing the condition that these values must
conform to the Plitt's Classification Efficiency curve : (see About ... in Cyclosim_Single)

Ei = Bpf + (1 - Bpf ) (1 - exp [ - 0.693 (di/d50c)m ])

with the aid of the Excel Subroutine Solver to minimize a least-square error objective function with respect to parameters
Bpf, d50c and m.

Finally, the size distributions for the remaining streams of the circuit (fresh feed, mill feed and mill discharge) are
calculated on the basis of the adjusted values so obtained.

Data Input and Program Execution :

Most of the data required by the model must be defined in each corresponding unprotected white background cell -
inside the red double-lined border - of the here attached Data_File worksheet. Gray background cells contain the
results of the corresponding formula there defined and are protected to avoid any accidental editing.

The remaining information required to run the program is entered in the Control_Panel worksheet, where the user is
requested to provide initial guesses of the Bpf, d50c and m parameters (see About ... in Cyclosim_Single). The Bpc
parameter is rarely used and was incorporated to take into account the possible short-circuit of coarse particles to the
overflow (as could be the case in highly pressurized cyclones). Finally, the user must specify the relative weighting factors
for the various feed, underflow and overflow streams plus the relative weighting factors for the size distribution and
percent solids measurements.

To run the program, select the objective function Cell E23 in Control_Panel and then, from the Tools Menu, select
Solver ..., then Min and then By Changing any combination of Cells C21:F21. Clicking on the Solve button will execute
the desired calculations.
Important Notice : Solver ... must be run every time any element of input data gets to be modified. Otherwise, the
current outputs are not valid.

Calculation results are summarized in the Reports worksheet.

New Moly-Cop Tools users are invited to explore the brief comments inserted in each relevant cell, rendering the whole
utilization of the worksheets self-explanatory. Eventually, the user may wish to remove the view of the comments by
selecting Tools / Options / View / Comments / None.

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
(Version 2.0)


Sample N 1
Weighting Factors :
Streams :
Fresh Feed 0
Mill Discharge 1
Cyclone Feed 1
Cyclone U'flow 1
Cyclone O'flow 1

Size Distributions 1 % Passing

% Solids 1 10.00

Initial Guesses :
Bpf Bpc d50c m
Mill Discharge
0.372 0.000 179.8 1.619 4 Cyclone U'flow
Cyclone O'flow
Column F
Obj. Function : 0.005 Column I
Column J
Classifier Constants : Fresh Feed

a1 9.68
a2 1.401
10 100 1000 10000
a3 54.95 Particle Size, microns
a4 0.524
l 0.950 Note : Current calculations are not valid, if SOLVER has not been run after the last data modification.

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
(Version 2.0)
BALLBAL : Mass Balance Closure around a Ball Mill Grinding Circuit

Circuit Type DIRECT Sample N 1

Remarks Base Case Example

Mill Dimensions and Operating Conditions 3348 Balls Charge Mill Charge Weight, tons Apparent
Eff. Diam. Eff. Length Speed Charge Balls Interstitial Lift 0 Overfilling Volume, Ball Slurry Density
ft ft % Critical Filling,% Filling,% Slurry Filling,% Angle, () 536 Slurry m3 Charge Interstitial Excess ton/m3
18.5 22.0 72.0 38.00 38.00 100.00 35.0 3885 Net Power 63.76 296.48 47.48 0.00 5.395
rpm 12.82 10.0 % Losses
4316 Gross kW Feedrate, ton/hr (dry) 400.0
Cyclone Dimensions (inches) and Operating Pressure (psi)
Number Diameter Height Inlet Vortex Apex psi Ore Density, ton/m3 2.80
10 20.0 75.0 3.50 7.50 3.67 7.98 Balls Density, ton/m3 7.75
Default Values: 60.0 5.0 7.0 3.5


Fresh Feed Mill Discharge Cyclone Feed Cyclone U'flow Cyclone O'flow
i Mesh Opening Mid-Size ton/hr % Retained % Passing ton/hr % Retained % Passing ton/hr % Retained % Passing ton/hr % Retained % Passing ton/hr % Retained % Passing

1 1.05 25400 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

2 0.742 19050 21997 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
3 0.525 12700 15554 20.00 5.00 95.00 13.69 1.12 98.88 18.17 1.12 98.88 18.17 1.49 98.51 0.00 0.00 100.00
4 0.371 9500 10984 66.40 16.60 78.40 31.26 2.56 96.32 41.49 2.56 96.32 41.49 3.39 95.12 0.00 0.00 100.00
5 3 6700 7978 56.28 14.07 64.33 30.71 2.51 93.81 40.76 2.51 93.81 40.76 3.33 91.79 0.00 0.00 100.00
6 4 4750 5641 41.32 10.33 54.00 27.88 2.28 91.53 37.01 2.28 91.53 37.01 3.03 88.76 0.00 0.00 100.00
7 6 3350 3989 33.36 8.34 45.66 29.03 2.37 89.16 38.53 2.37 89.16 38.53 3.15 85.61 0.00 0.00 100.00
8 8 2360 2812 27.36 6.84 38.82 33.26 2.72 86.44 44.14 2.72 86.44 44.14 3.61 82.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
9 10 1700 2003 21.64 5.41 33.41 38.59 3.16 83.28 51.21 3.16 83.28 51.21 4.19 77.81 0.00 0.00 100.00
10 14 1180 1416 20.40 5.10 28.31 50.47 4.13 79.16 66.98 4.13 79.16 66.98 5.48 72.34 0.00 0.00 100.00
11 20 850 1001 15.60 3.90 24.41 59.40 4.86 74.30 78.83 4.86 74.30 78.83 6.45 65.89 0.00 0.00 100.00
12 28 600 714 14.16 3.54 20.87 75.81 6.20 68.10 100.61 6.20 68.10 100.51 8.22 57.67 0.10 0.02 99.97
13 35 425 505 12.04 3.01 17.86 92.58 7.57 60.53 122.86 7.57 60.53 120.92 9.89 47.78 1.94 0.49 99.49
14 48 300 357 10.36 2.59 15.27 107.08 8.76 51.77 142.11 8.76 51.77 131.20 10.73 37.05 10.90 2.73 96.76
15 65 212 252 8.84 2.21 13.06 108.22 8.85 42.92 143.62 8.85 42.92 116.40 9.52 27.54 27.23 6.81 89.96
16 100 150 178 7.52 1.88 11.18 94.65 7.74 35.18 125.60 7.74 35.18 85.79 7.02 20.52 39.81 9.95 80.00
17 150 106 126 6.48 1.62 9.56 74.57 6.10 29.08 98.97 6.10 29.08 56.90 4.65 15.87 42.06 10.52 69.49
18 200 75 89 5.52 1.38 8.18 55.19 4.51 24.57 73.25 4.51 24.57 36.44 2.98 12.89 36.81 9.20 60.29
19 270 53 63 4.72 1.18 7.00 40.68 3.33 21.24 53.99 3.33 21.24 24.14 1.97 10.91 29.86 7.46 52.82
20 400 38 45 3.40 0.85 6.15 29.37 2.40 18.84 38.98 2.40 18.84 16.23 1.33 9.59 22.75 5.69 47.13
21 -400 0 19 24.60 6.15 0.00 230.40 18.84 0.00 305.76 18.84 0.00 117.22 9.59 0.00 188.54 47.13 0.00
Totals 400.00 100.00 1222.84 100.00 1622.84 100.00 1222.84 100.00 400.00 100.00

% Solids 95.00 72.00 62.20 76.00 40.00

Slurry Density, ton/m3 2.569 1.862 1.666 1.955 1.346
Weighting Factor 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
(Version 2.0)
Sample N 1

Remarks Base Case Example

40.00 % Solids
60.29 % - Size 18
psi 7.98 150.0 P80

# of Cyclones 10
Vortex 7.50 Circ. Load 305.73
Apex 3.67 0.372 Bpf m3/hr 1566
0.392 Bpw

% Solids 76.00

m3/hr 355.1
ton/hr 400.0 Water, 223.9
F80 9795 m3/hr

Gross kW 4316.1
kWh/ton 10.79 % Balls 38.00
Wio 15.08 % Critical 72.00
% Solids 72.00

% Solids 62.20

Moly-Cop Tools / 366085563.xls / Flowsheet 09/16/2017 / 22:07:31

Moly-Cop ToolsTM, Version 2.0 Sample: 1
Grinding Circuit Mass Balance Estimator

Remarks: Base Case Example


Configuration : DIRECT

Fresh Mill Mill Sump Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone

Feed Feed Discharge Water Feed U'flow O'flow
Ore, ton/hr 400.0 1622.9 1622.9 0.0 1622.9 1222.9 400.0
Water, m3/hr 21.1 407.3 631.1 355.1 986.2 386.2 600.0
Slurry, ton/hr 421.1 2030.2 2254.1 355.1 2609.2 1609.2 1000.0
Slurry, m3/hr 163.9 986.9 1210.8 355.1 1565.8 823.0 742.9
Slurry Dens., ton/m3 2.569 2.057 1.862 1.000 1.666 1.955 1.346
% Solids (by volume) 87.2 58.7 47.9 0.0 37.0 53.1 19.2
% Solids (by weight) 95.0 79.9 72.0 0.0 62.2 76.0 40.0

Particle Size Distributions (Cummulative % Passing)

i Mesh Opening

1 1.05 25400 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

2 0.742 19050 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
3 0.525 12700 95.00 97.65 98.88 0.00 98.88 98.51 100.00
4 0.371 9500 78.40 91.00 96.32 0.00 96.32 95.12 100.00
5 3 6700 64.33 85.02 93.81 0.00 93.81 91.79 100.00
6 4 4750 54.00 80.20 91.53 0.00 91.53 88.76 100.00
7 6 3350 45.66 75.77 89.16 0.00 89.16 85.61 100.00
8 8 2360 38.82 71.36 86.44 0.00 86.44 82.00 100.00
9 10 1700 33.41 66.87 83.28 0.00 83.28 77.82 99.99
10 14 1180 28.31 61.49 79.16 0.00 79.16 72.34 99.99
11 20 850 24.41 55.67 74.30 0.00 74.30 65.89 99.99
12 28 600 20.87 48.60 68.10 0.00 68.10 57.68 99.96
13 35 425 17.86 40.41 60.53 0.00 60.53 47.79 99.48
14 48 300 15.27 31.69 51.77 0.00 51.77 37.06 96.76
15 65 212 13.06 23.97 42.92 0.00 42.92 27.54 89.96
16 100 150 11.18 18.22 35.18 0.00 35.18 20.52 80.01
17 150 106 9.56 14.31 29.08 0.00 29.08 15.87 69.49
18 200 75 8.18 11.73 24.57 0.00 24.57 12.89 60.29
19 270 53 7.00 9.95 21.24 0.00 21.24 10.91 52.82
20 400 38 6.15 8.74 18.84 0.00 18.84 9.59 47.13

D80, microns 9795 4679 1273 0 1273 2021 150.0

Specific Energy Consumption : 10.79 KWH/ton (Gross)

Operational Work Index : 15.08 KWH/ton

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Moly-Cop ToolsTM, Version 2.0 Sample: 1
Grinding Circuit Mass Balance Estimator

Remarks: Base Case Example


Number of Cyclones : 10 Operating Conditions :

Cyclone Dimensions, in : Feed Flowrate, m3/hr 1565.8
Diameter 20.00 Pressure, psi 8.0
Height 75.00 D50 (corr.), microns 179.8
Inlet 3.50 Water By-Pass, % 39.2
Vortex 7.50 Solids By-Pass, % 37.2
Apex 3.67 Plitt's Parameter 1.62
Ore Density, ton/m3 2.80 Circulating Load, % 306

Mass Balance around the Classifiers

Size Distributions, % Passing Classifier Efficiency

i Mesh Opening Mid-Size Feed U'flow O'flow Actual Corrected

1 1.05 25400 21997 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.000 1.000

2 0.742 19050 15554 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.000 1.000
3 0.525 12700 10984 98.88 98.51 100.00 1.000 1.000
4 0.371 9500 7978 96.32 95.12 100.00 1.000 1.000
5 3 6700 5641 93.81 91.79 100.00 1.000 1.000
6 4 4750 3989 91.53 88.76 100.00 1.000 1.000
7 6 3350 2812 89.16 85.61 100.00 1.000 1.000
8 8 2360 2003 86.44 82.00 100.00 1.000 1.000
9 10 1700 1416 83.28 77.82 99.99 1.000 1.000
10 14 1180 1001 79.16 72.34 99.99 1.000 1.000
11 20 850 714 74.30 65.89 99.99 0.999 0.998
12 28 600 505 68.10 57.68 99.96 0.984 0.975
13 35 425 357 60.53 47.79 99.48 0.923 0.878
14 48 300 252 51.77 37.06 96.76 0.811 0.698
15 65 212 178 42.92 27.54 89.96 0.683 0.495
16 100 150 126 35.18 20.52 80.01 0.575 0.323
17 150 106 89 29.08 15.87 69.49 0.497 0.200
18 200 75 63 24.57 12.89 60.29 0.447 0.119
19 270 53 45 21.24 10.91 52.82 0.416 0.071
20 400 38 19 18.84 9.59 47.13 0.383 0.018

Ore, ton/hr 1622.9 1222.9 400.0 Classifier Constants

Water, m3/hr 986.2 386.2 600.0 a1 9.680
Slurry, ton/hr 2609.2 1609.2 1000.0 a2 1.401
Slurry, m3/hr 1565.8 823.0 742.9 a3 54.950
Slurry Dens., ton/m3 1.666 1.955 1.346 a4 0.524
% Solids (by volume) 37.0 53.1 19.2 l 0.950
% Solids (by weight) 62.2 76.0 40.0 Bpc 0.000

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Moly-Cop ToolsTM, Version 2.0 Sample: 1
Grinding Circuit Mass Balance Estimator

Remarks: Base Case Example


Eff. Diameter, ft 18.5 Mill Power, kW (Gross) 4316

Eff. Length, ft 22.0 Mill Power, kW (Net) 3885
Speed, % Critical 72.0 Throughput, ton/hr 1622.9
App. Density, ton/m3 5.39 % Solids (by weight) 79.9
Charge Level, % 38.0 Sp. Energy, KWH/ton 2.66
Balls Filling, % 38.0 Reduction Ratio 3.67
Lift Angle, () 35.0 Arbiter's Flow Number 2.47

Size Distributions
Mill Mill
i Mesh Opening Mid-Size Feed Discharge

1 1.05 25400 21997 100.00 100.00

2 0.742 19050 15554 100.00 100.00
3 0.525 12700 10984 97.65 98.88
4 0.371 9500 7978 91.00 96.32
5 3 6700 5641 85.02 93.81
6 4 4750 3989 80.20 91.53
7 6 3350 2812 75.77 89.16
8 8 2360 2003 71.36 86.44
9 10 1700 1416 66.87 83.28
10 14 1180 1001 61.49 79.16
11 20 850 714 55.67 74.30
12 28 600 505 48.60 68.10
13 35 425 357 40.41 60.53
14 48 300 252 31.69 51.77
15 65 212 178 23.97 42.92
16 100 150 126 18.22 35.18
17 150 106 89 14.31 29.08
18 200 75 63 11.73 24.57
19 270 53 45 9.95 21.24
20 400 38 19 8.74 18.84

D80, microns 4679 1273

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Number of Cyclones 10
Classifier Dimensions, inches.
20 75 3.5 7.5 3.669508
Classifier Constants
a1 a2 a3 a4 l Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone
9.6796047 1.401085 54.94998 0.524202 0.950148 Feed U'flow O'flow
Circulating Load, CL 3.057348 Solids, tons 162.28 122.29 39.99766
Slurry Split, S 1.107862 Water, m3/hr 98.62 38.62 60.00
Cyclone Pressure, ft 11.05621 Slurry, tons 260.9006 160.9064 99.99415
Cyclone Pressure, lb/in2 7.98 Slurry, m3/hr 156.5749 82.2935 74.28137
Corrected Cut Size, d50c, microns 179.7775 Solids Density, ton/m3 2.8 2.8 2.8
Water By-Pass 0.391616 Slurry Density, ton/m3 1.666299 1.955275 1.346154
Fines By-Pass 0.372093 % Solids (by volume) 37.01662 53.07084 19.23077
Coarse By-Pass 8.909E-05 % Solids (by weight) 62.20 76.00 40.00
Plitt's Parameter 1.619455
ton/hr (model) % Retained (model)
Opening Mid-Size Classifier Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone
Efficiency Feed U'flow O'flow Feed U'flow O'flow

1 25400
2 19050 21997.05 0.999911 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 12700 15554.26 0.999911 18.17 18.17042 0.00 1.12 1.49 0.00
4 9500 10984.08 0.999911 41.49 41.48635 0.00 2.56 3.39 0.00
5 6700 7978.095 0.999911 40.76 40.75279 0.00 2.51 3.33 0.00
6 4750 5641.365 0.999911 37.01 37.00277 0.00 2.28 3.03 0.00
7 3350 3989.048 0.999911 38.53 38.52856 0.00 2.37 3.15 0.00
8 2360 2811.761 0.999911 44.14 44.13137 0.00 2.72 3.61 0.00
9 1700 2002.998 0.999911 51.21 51.20358 0.00 3.16 4.19 0.00
10 1180 1416.333 0.999911 66.98 66.97024 0.01 4.13 5.48 0.00
11 850 1001.499 0.999902 78.83 78.82078 0.01 4.86 6.45 0.00
12 600 714.1428 0.998938 100.61 100.4987 0.11 6.20 8.22 0.03
13 425 504.9752 0.984245 122.86 120.9252 1.94 7.57 9.89 0.48
14 300 357.0714 0.923455 142.11 131.2281 10.88 8.76 10.73 2.72
15 212 252.1904 0.810607 143.62 116.4209 27.20 8.85 9.52 6.80
16 150 178.3255 0.683104 125.60 85.80095 39.80 7.74 7.02 9.95

Page 11

17 106 126.0952 0.574924 98.97 56.89738 42.07 6.10 4.65 10.52

18 75 89.16277 0.497384 73.25 36.43228 36.82 4.51 2.98 9.20
19 53 63.0476 0.446966 53.99 24.13229 29.86 3.33 1.97 7.47
20 38 44.87761 0.416424 38.98 16.23154 22.75 2.40 1.33 5.69
21 0 19 0.383419 305.76 117.2336 188.53 18.84 9.59 47.13

Total 1622.84 1222.87 399.98 100.00 100.00 100.00

Page 12

% Passing (model) % Passing (exp) (Weighted Error)^2

Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone
Feed U'flow O'flow Feed U'flow O'flow Feed U'flow O'flow
1 1 1
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
98.88 98.51 100.00 98.88 98.51 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
96.32 95.12 100.00 96.32 95.12 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
93.81 91.79 100.00 93.81 91.79 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
91.53 88.76 100.00 91.53 88.76 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
89.16 85.61 100.00 89.16 85.61 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
86.44 82.00 100.00 86.44 82.00 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
83.28 77.82 99.99 83.28 77.81 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
79.16 72.34 99.99 79.16 72.34 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
74.30 65.89 99.99 74.30 65.89 100.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
68.10 57.68 99.96 68.10 57.67 99.97 0.000 0.000 0.000
60.53 47.79 99.48 60.53 47.78 99.49 0.000 0.000 0.000
51.77 37.06 96.76 51.77 37.05 96.76 0.000 0.000 0.000
42.92 27.54 89.96 42.92 27.54 89.96 0.000 0.000 0.000
35.18 20.52 80.01 35.18 20.52 80.00 0.000 0.000 0.000

Page 13

29.08 15.87 69.49 29.08 15.87 69.49 0.000 0.000 0.000

24.57 12.89 60.29 24.57 12.89 60.29 0.000 0.000 0.000
21.24 10.91 52.82 21.24 10.91 52.82 0.000 0.000 0.000
18.84 9.59 47.13 18.84 9.59 47.13 0.000 0.000 0.000

0.000 0.000 0.000

Page 14

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