Sun 98 Form

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Sun Style of T'ai Chi

Standard Competition 73
Movements Form
Research by Michael P. Garofalo
Huo Bu Jia Taijiquan - The Taijiquan Form of the Flowing Steps

Kai He Huo Bu Taijiquan - The Opening Closing Active Step Taijiquan

Sun Style Taijiquan 73 Movements Competition Form
By Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.

Welcome to the Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form webpage. I hope this webpage
will benefit you in your study of this beautiful and lively Sun Taijiquan Form. I
welcome your comments, feedback and suggestions. This webpage is currently
undergoing weekly development, sections are being converted into the PDF format, and
the webpage should be completed by the end of July, 2010.

I first learned the Sun Taijiquan 73 Form by using instructional DVDs or VHS media
produced by Taijiquan masters like Paul Lam, Jesse Tsao, Jiang Jian-ye, Lee De Yin,
Guangzhi Xing. and Liang Shou-Yu. I found the book and DVD titled "The
Competition Routine of Sun Style Taijiquan," edited by Zhong Shan, to be of great
benefit. I have benefited from reading books and articles by Sun Lu Tang, Tim
Cartmell, Paul Tam, Zhong Shan, Sun Jian Yun, and others. Viewing and studying
UTube and Google videos has sometimes been very useful. I have also benefited from
some direct personal instruction from two Sun Taijiquan teachers: Paul Lam, and Troyce
Thome. I was certified to teach Tai Chi for Arthritis, which makes use of the 11 and 30
movement Sun Style Taijiquan forms developed by Paul Lam, M.D.. I look forward to
learning more in the future through my daily practice, research, study, correspondence,
workshops, seminars, teaching, and occasional private lessons. It is my intention to
complete the research and publication on this webpage by the Summer of 2010.

Since personal instruction in the Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form or 98 Classical

Form, from a qualified teacher or Taijiquan master, is very difficult to obtain in the
United States, most Taijiquan enthusiasts in the USA will need to learn the basics of the
Sun Taijiquan 73 Form on their own. People, like me, who live in less populated rural
areas, are extremely unlikely to have access to a Sun Taijiquan teacher for regular
instruction. Fortunately, using the many outstanding media resources now readily
available will make the task of learning the basics of the Sun Taijiquan 73 Form on your
own much easier. Since there are many more media resources for learning the Sun
Taijiquan 73 Competition Form than for learning the Sun Taijiquan Classical 98 Form,
it is wiser to begin with learning the 73 Form. I have provided suggestions regarding
what I have found to be the best video and print instructional resources for learning the
Sun Taijiquan 73 Form below. After you know the form well and wish to significantly
advance your knowledge and skill, you will then need to train daily and diligently, get in
top physical condition, and seek coaching from a Sun Taijiquan master. Keep in mind
the advice of Zhong Shan,

"With the development of information technology, the learners should further enhance
their knowledge and perfect their skills through reading books and using the multimedia
resources, such as video tapes and VCDs. Sometimes, to some extent, you can master
the competition routines even without a coach in person. Quite a number of people are
known to have learned and practice Tai Ji Quan by using the multimedia teaching
materials and some even won places in competitions besides keeping fit. But of course,
if given a chance, it is always more beneficial to learn personally from masters."
- The Competition Routine of Sun Style Tai Ji Quan, Edited by Zhong Shan, p. 138.

Best Wishes,

Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.

Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California
July 2009
Historical Background
Sun Style Taijiquan Original 98 Movements Form and the 73 Movements
Competition Form

Grandmaster Sun Lu-Tang (1861-1933), was already a master of the internal martial
arts of Bagua Quan and Hsing Yi Quan, an experienced fighter, a renowned author and
teacher, and very familiar with many other external and internal martial arts styles
before he began a more detailed study of Taijiquan. In 1911, Sun Lu-Tang learned Wu
Yu-xiang style of Taijiquan from Hao Wei-Chen (1849-1920). By around 1916, Sun
Lu-Tang had created his own version of a Taijiquan bare hand form; and, it is reported,
performed his own Taijiquan form every day until he died. In 1921, Sun Lu-Tang
published his book "A Study of Taijiquan."

Grandmaster Sun Lu Tang was one of the first persons to write and publish books on
all three of the core "internal" Chinese martial arts (i.e., Xing Yi Quan, Ba Gua Quan,
and Tai Ji Quan), one of the first persons to openly teach both men and women these
three arts in some major cities in China, and one of the first persons to actively and
publicly promote the non-martial aspects of these arts to help improve health and
fitness, moral character, and spiritual insight. Sun Lutang's books Xing Yi Quan Xue:
The Study of Form-Mind Boxing (1915), Baguazhang (1916), and A Study of Taijiquan
(1921) were influential early works about the internal martial arts (Nei Jia Quan). His
teaching and writing helped interest many modern "Scholar Warriors" in the many
interrelations (both real and imagined) between the internal martial arts and Wudang
and Emei Taoism, Daoyin (Qigong), Shaolin Buddhism, and traditional Chinese
medicine and philosophy (e.g., I Ching, Five Elements, Ba Gua).

Sun Lu Tang says, "There is great emphasis on the method of cultivating the body. All
people - men, women, the old, the young - may practice in order to replace temerity
with bravery, and stiffness with pliability. Those who are extremely weak, who suffer
from fatigue and injury or illness, or who have weakened your qi from the practice of
other martial arts to the point that you no longer have the strength to train, all of you
may practice Tai Ji Quan. With practice, the qi will quickly come to a balanced state
and will become strong, while the spirit naturally returns to a state of wholeness.
Disease will be eliminated, and the length of life increased." (A Study of Taijiquan,
1924, p. 60).

Sun Lu-Tang's 1921 book, A Study of Taijiquan, was not very detailed in terms of
descriptions of the movements, and there were relatively few photographs in the book,
and usually only one black and white photograph of Sun Lu-Tang was provided for each
movement. As with most Taijiquan forms, as the years passed after 1921, various Sun
Taijiquan teachers modified movements and sequencing of the original 98 movement
Sun Taijiquan form. Sun Lu-Tang's many fine students continued to teach the Sun
Taijiquan 98 Movement Form long after his death. Three members of the Sun family
taught the Sun Style of Taijiquan: his son, Sun Cunzhou, his daughter Sun Jian-Yun, and
his granddaughter, Sun Shurong. By the late 1980's there were a number of versions of
the Sun Taijiquan forms. This situation, of course, presented problems for those judging
Taijiquan "competition" events.
In 1988, the National Wushu Sports Taijiquan Committee in China established a sub-
committee to develop a standard Sun style of Taijiquan hand form for use as the
international Sun Taijiquan competition form. The sub-committee was led by the expert
chairperson, Professor Men Hui-Feng (1936-) of Beijing University. The sub-
committee did a careful study of the original 98 movement hand form created
by Grandmaster Sun Lu-Tang, and published in his 1921 book titled "The Study of
Taijiquan." The knowledgeable members of this committee also consulted with Sun Lu-
Tang's daughter, Sun Jian-Yun, and with many other experts on and teachers of the Sun
Lu Tang Style of Taijiquan. The committee finished its research, created the new Sun
73 Taijiquan International Competition Form, obtained higher level review and
approvals, and finally published in 1991 the Sun 73 Taijiquan Competition Form, in
both print and media versions.

Nearly 74% of the movement sequences in the Sun Taijiquan International

Competition 73 Movements Form are identical to the original 1921 Sun Taijiquan 98
Movement Form. Kicking remains about the same, although the 73 Form has a double
jump kick (Movement #35) not found in the original 98 Form. For the main purpose of
a standardized international competition form, the new 1991 Sun Style Taijiquan 73
Competition Form has been judged by a number of martial arts experts as a reasonable
and fair representation of Sun Lu Tang's Taijiquan in terms of style, techniques used,
sequence, stances, postures, pace, and spirit.

"The Sun Style Competition Form was completed in 1991, in response to the lack
of uniformity in content and structure of the traditional routine when it comes to
competition. The competition form is, therefore, introduced with the intention to
standardize its movements and raise standards of Taijiquan competition. It must be said
that there has been a great deal of investigation, research and consultation put into the
process of compiling the form, as was the case in compiling many other competition
forms. This routine has been favorably received by athletes, coaches and judges."
- Faye Yip (Li)

Return to the Main Index for this Webpage

List of Movements
Sun Style Taijiquan 73 Movements Standard International Competition

List of Movements: 1-73 Sun 73 Form. One name, in English, for each of the
numbered 73 movements is provided. (PDF, 17 Kb, 1 Page, 2003)

List of Movements: 1-38 Sun 73 Form. One name, in English, for each of the
numbered movements 1-38 is provided. (PDF, 15 Kb, 1 Page, 2003)

List of Movements: 39-73 Sun 73 Form. One name, in English, for each of the
numbered movements 39-73 is provided. (PDF, 15 Kb, 1 Page, 2003)

List of Movements: 1-73 Sun 73 Form. One name, in English, for each of the 73
numbered movements is provided. Resource links are included. (PDF, 26 Kb, 3 Pages,

List of Movements: 1-73 Sun 73 Form. The number and name for each of the 73
movements is provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, and Chinese characters.
Resource links are included. (PDF, 133 Kb, 4 Pages, 2008)

List of Movements: 1-73 Sun 73 Form. The number and name for each of the 73
movements is provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters,
French, German and Spanish. Reference sources for the names for each of the 73
movements are cited. Alternative names are cited. Resource links are included.
Research by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.. (PDF, 284Kb, 31 Pages, 2008)

List of Movements, Sun Lu Tang's Original Long Hand Form, 98 Movements, 1921
(PDF, 18Kb, 1 Page, 2003)

Slide Show of Sun Lu Tang Performing the Sun 97 Taijiquan Form

1. Wu Ji Becomes Tai Ji (Wu Ji Bian Tai Ji)

Commencing Form (Qi Shi : ) [Zhong 2003]

Commencement Form [Lam 2000]
A Study of Wu Ji [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #1]
A Study of Tai Chi [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #2]
Commencing Posture [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #1]
Wu Ji Becomes Tai Ji [Garofalo 2008]
Wu Ji Devient Tai Ji (French)
Wu Ji Wird Tai Ji (German)
Wu Ji Se Convierte Tai Ji (Spanish)
: Wu Ji Bian Tai Ji : Wu Ji Becomes Tai Chi
Beginning Posture
Maintien Commenant
Postura Que Comienza
: Qi Shi : Beginning Posture
: Wu Ji : Everlasting, unbounded, not limited, not finalized, not fixed,
: Bian : Change, transform, alter, become.
: Tai Ji : Absolute or extreme ultimate, the source of all things.

2. Lazily Tying Clothes (Lan Zha Yi)

Tuck in Robes (Lan Zha Yi: ) [Zhong 2003]

Leisurely Tying Coat [Lam 2000]
Lazily Tying Back the Clothes [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #3]
Too Lazy to Tie Coat [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #2]
Lazily Tying Clothers [Garofalo 2008]
Attacher Paresseux Des Vtements
Kleidung Faul Binden
Perezoso Atar Las Ropas
: Lan Zha Yi : Lazily Tying Back the Clothes
: Lazily Tying Clothes

3. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)

Open Hands [Zhong 2003]

Opening Hands [Lam 2000]
Opening Hands [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #4]
Open Hands [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #3]
Opening Hands [Garofalo 2008]
Mains D'Ouverture
ffnung Hnde
Manos de la Abertura
: Kai Shou

Comparable information for each of the following movement names may be found in an
Internet published 33 page PDF document. You can read and print nicely from the
published PDF file. It will save some file space in this document.

List of Movements: 1-73 Number and name for each of the 73 movements is
provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters, French, German
and Spanish. Reference sources for the names for each of the 73 movements are cited.
Alternative names are cited. Resource links are included. Research by Michael P.
Garofalo, M.S.. (PDF, 295Kb, 33 Pages, 2008)
4. Closing Hands

5. Single Whip Left

6. Lifting Hands

7. White Swan Cools Its Wings

8. Opening Hands

9. Closing Hands

10. Brush Left Knee and Twist Step

Section 1, Movements 1 - 10

Section 2, Movements 11 - 20

11. Hand Strums the Lute

12. Advance, Deflect, Parry, and Punch

13. Apparent Close Up (Ru Feng Si Bi)

Apparent Close Up [Zhong 2003]

Apparent Closing Up [Lam 2000]
Appearing to Seal and Close [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #14]
Step Back and Block [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #13]
Apparent Close Up [Garofalo 2008]
Apparent Close and Push
troit Apparent et Pousse
Offensichtliches Nahes und Sto
Cercano Evidente y Empuje
: Ru Feng Si Bi : Apparent Close Up
Appearing to Seal and Close
Sembler Sceller et Se Ferment
Das Scheinen zu Versiegeln und Schlieen
El Aparecer Sellar y Se Cierra
: Appearing to Seal and Close

Comparable information for each of the following movement names may be found in a
33 page PDF document. You can read and print nicely from this PDF file. It will save
some file space in this document.

List of Movements: 1-73 Number and name for each of the 73 movements is
provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters, French, German
and Spanish. Reference sources for the names for each of the 73 movements are cited.
Alternative names are cited. Resource links are included. Research by Michael P.
Garofalo, M.S.. (PDF, 295Kb, 33 Pages, 2008)

14. Carry Tiger and Push Mountain

15. Opening Hands

16. Closing Hands

17. Brush Right Knee and Twist Step

18. Lazily Tying Clothes

19. Opening Hands

20. Closing Hands

Section 2, Movements 11 - 20

Section 3, Movements 21 - 30

21. Single Whip Left

22. Fist Under Elbow

23. Repulse Monkey Left

24. Repulse Monkey Right

25. Brush Left Knee and Twist Step

26. Lazily Tying Clothes Left

27. Opening Hands

28. Closing Hands

29. Single Whip Right

30. Cloud Hands Right

Section 3, Movements 21 - 30

Section 4, Movements 31 - 40

31. High Pat on Horse

32. Kick Left Foot

33. Kick Right Foot

34. Step Forward and Punch Down

35. Turn Over Body and Double Jump Kick

36. Diagonal Subdue Tiger

37. Toe Kick Left

38. Spin, Right Heel Kick

39. Advance, Deflect, Parry and Punch (Jin Bu Ban Lan Chui)

Advance, Parry and Punch [Zhong 2003]

Step Forward to Deflect Downwards, Parry and Punch [Lam 2000]
Advance Step, Deflect, Parry and Punch [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #47]
Step Forward, Parry and Punch [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #46]
Advance, Deflect, Parry and Punch [Garofalo 2008]
Deflect, Parry and Punch
Guidez, Parez et Poinonnez
Lenken Sie ab, Whren Sie ab und Lochen Sie
Desve, Parry y Perfore
: Jin Bu Ban Lan Chui : Step Forward, Parry Block and Punch

Comparable information for each of the following movement names may be found in a
33 page PDF document. You can read and print nicely from the PDF file. It will save
some filespace in this document.

List of Movements: 1-73 Number and name for each of the 73 movements is
provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters, French, German
and Spanish. Reference sources for the names for each of the 73 movements are cited.
Alternative names are cited. Resource links are included. Research by Michael P.
Garofalo, M.S.. (PDF, 295Kb, 33 Pages, 2008)

40. Apparent Close Up

Section 4, Movements 31 - 40

Section 5, Movements 41 - 50

41. Carry Tiger and Push Mountain

42. Opening Hands

43. Closing Hands

44. Brush Left Knee and Twist Step

45. Lazily Tying Clothes

46. Opening Hands

47. Closing Hands

48. Diagonal Single Whip

49. Parting the Wild Horse's Mane

50. Lazily Tying Clothes

Section 5, Movements 41 - 50

Section 6, Movements 51 - 60

51. Opening Hands

52. Closing Hands

53. Single Whip Left

54. Cloud Hands Left

55. Cloud Hands, Lowering

56. Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg (Jin Ji Du Li)

Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg [Zhong 2003]

Golden Cock Standing on One Leg [Lam 2000]
Rooster Standing on One Leg [Sun Lu Tang 1924, #71]
Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg [Sun Jian Yun 2003, #69]
Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg [Garofalo 2008]
Le Coq D'or se Tient sur une Jambe
Der Goldene Hahn Steht auf einem Bein
El Gallo de Oro Est Parado en Una Pierna
: Jin Ji Du Li : Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg

Comparable information for each of the following movement names may be found in a
33 page PDF document. You can read and print nicely from the PDF file. It will save
some filespace in this document.
List of Movements: 1-73 Number and name for each of the 73 movements is
provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters, French, German
and Spanish. Reference sources for the names for each of the 73 movements are cited.
Alternative names are cited. Resource links are included. (PDF, 295Kb, 33 Pages,

57. Fan Through the Back

58. Jade Lady Works the Shuttles

59. High Pat on Horse

60. Cross Hands and Slap Kick

Section 6, Movements 51 - 60

Section 7, Movements 61 - 73

61. Step Forward, Punch Groin

62. Stepping, Lazily Tying Clothes

63. Opening Hands

64. Closing Hands

65. Single Whip Left

66. Single Whip and Lowering Down

67. Step Up to the Seven Stars

68. Step Back and Ride the Tiger

69. Turn Body, Swinging Lotus Kick

70. Bend the Bow and Shoot the Tiger

71. Double Crashing Fists Strike

72. Uniting Yin and Yang

73. Returning to Wu Ji

Section 7, Movements 61 - 73
List of Movements: 1-73 Number and name for each of the 73 movements is
provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters, French, German
and Spanish. Reference sources for the names for each of the 73 movements are cited.
Alternative names are cited. Resource links are included. Research by Michael P.
Garofalo, M.S.. (PDF, 295Kb, 33 Pages, 2008)

Sources for the Names of the Movements of the Sun Taijiquan 73

Competition Form:

[Zhong 2003] The Competition Routine of Sun Style Taijiquan. Zhong Shan, Chief
Editor. Wu Don, Executive Editor. Li Wei, Editor of English Version. Published in
Beijing, China, 2003. 151 pages. ISBN: 7537720851.

[Lam 2000] Sun Style Tai Chi - 73 Forms. The Competition Forms. An instructional
videotape by Dr. Paul Lam. Narwee, Australia, East Action Video, 2000.

[Sun Lu Tang 1924] A Study of Taijiquan. By Sun Lutang. Translated by Tim

Cartmell. North Atlantic Books, 2003. 160 pages. ISBN: 1556434626. Translation
based on a 1924 text. This form presented in this book is not the 73 Form; it is the
classical Sun Taijiquan 98 Form.

[Sun Jian Yun 2003] Sun's Style Tai Chi Chuan. By Master Sun Jian-yun and Master
Paul Lam (Tam Fung-ngar Paul). Translated by Peter Chan and Leung Ming-yuen.
Published by Peter Chan and Co., Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2003. 141 pages. Distributed
by Plum Publications. Hong Kong Registry No. 962-8665111. This form presented in
this book is not the 73 Form; it is the classical Sun Taijiquan 97 Form.

[Garofalo 2008] Sun Style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Standard Competition 73 Movements
Form. Research by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.. Webpage: 350Kb, May 2008.

Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Competition Form, List of Movements: 1-73 (PDF, 131 Kb,
4 Pages) Number and name of movement in English, Chinese Pinyin and Chinese
Characters, and resource links

List of Movements: 1-73 Number and name for each of the 73 movements is
provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters, French, German
and Spanish. Reference sources for the names for each of the 73 movements are cited.
Alternative names are cited. Resource links are included. Research by Michael P.
Garofalo, M.S.. (PDF, 295Kb, 33 Pages, 2008)

Note: I used the following resources to prepare the translations found on this webpage.
The best resource I have found online for working with Chinese and English
translations is the MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary. I used the AltaVista Babel Fish
Translation Service to translate from English into French, German and Spanish. I once
started an online glossary for Sun Lu Tang's Internal Martial Arts. I also use a variety of
internal martial arts books and online resources which provide similar charts, lists, and
glossaries in varied languages. The book "The Competition Routine of Sun Style
Taijiquan," by the Chief Editor, Zhong Shan, was especially useful. I welcome your
suggestions and contributions for improving the translations or providing translations
into other languages.

Return to the Main Index for this Webpage

Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements International Standard Competition

Section 1, Movements 1 - 10

Section 2, Movements 11 - 20

Section 3, Movements 21 - 30
Section 4, Movements 31 - 40

Section 5, Movements 41 - 50

Section 6, Movements 51 - 60

Section 7, Movements 61 - 73

Section 1, Movements 1 - 10
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition

List of Movements: 1-38

Section 1, Movements 1 - 10 This chart provides, for each movement, the number of
the movement, the name of the movement, the final direction to face for each
movement, a very brief description of the movement, and the summary chart (below)
for movements 1-10. (PDF, 91 Kb, 2 Pages, 2008)
1. Wu Ji Becomes Tai Ji (Wu Ji Bian Tai Ji)

Name: Commencing Form (Qi Shi : ), Wu Ji then Tai Ji, Standing in Wuji and
Opening Move, Commencing Form of Taiji (Taiji Qi Shi), A Study of Wu Ji and Tai Ji.
: Wu Ji Bian Tai Ji : Wu Ji Becomes Tai Chi.

Begin at position 1a, with the waist facing N12. Relax (Sung), clear the mind, calm the
spirit, be present here and now. Stand at attention with the arms at the sides (1a). The
heels are touching and the toes are pointed outwards slightly, so that the feet make a V
shape (1a). The crown of the head is lifted. The shoulders are relaxed. Root and center
oneself. This (1a) is the position of Wuji.

Description of movement sequence: Turn the right toe inward, and turn body towards
NW11 (1a-1b). Raise the hands up with the fingers pointing down (1b). As as the
hands move to about chest height (1b-1c) the fingers point forward (1c). Draw the
hands in towards the body, and lower the hands to the Dan Tien level (1c-1d). Bend the
knees slightly (1c). Lift both arms up, keeping them close to the body, to about chest
height with the finders pointing forward (1d-1e). Shift the weight into the right leg (1d-
1e) and step forward towards NW11 with the left foot, heel first (1d-1e) Draw the right
toe forward until the right toe is next to and behind the left (1f). As the right leg moves
forward, push both hands forward towards NW11 (1e-1f). The waist and chest face in
the direction of NW11.

The movement sequence from 1d-1f, stepping forward with one leg and then following
with the other leg is common in Sun Taijiquan. It is referred to as "Step and Follow
Step" or "Follow Step." The first leg steps and the heel is placed first. The second leg
steps with the toe. The knees are slightly bend. The torso is upright and poised. The
back toe is placed so that it touches the ground next to and slightly behind the front foot,
back toe near front heel. The knees are slightly bent.

Most authorities identify position 1a with "Commencing Form" and with Movement
#1. Most authorities combine the movements 1b-1f with 2a-2e and call them all "Lazily
Tying Clothes" (1b-2e), or Movement #2. I differ from the authorities about what
constitutes movements #1 and #2.
I call positions 1a-1f, Movement #1, and give its name as "Wu Ji Becomes Tai Ji." In
my opinion, position 1a represents Wu Ji: the empty state, the primordial fecund
condition, that which cannot be named, the undifferentiated, Oneness, before the Big
Bang, Zero, outside space and time, motionlessness, Wu. The body rises up and the
hands circle up and down in positions 1b-1d, the typical opening move of raising the
hands and lowering the hands of nearly all taijiquan forms, which represents: the
opening, the differentiation into Yin and Yang, creation, emergence, the creation of
complimentary forces, the essential beginning of space/time/being, Beginnings, the
Grand Ultimate, the definitions of limits, the Tai Ji. The rising up and stepping forward
and pushing forward (1d-1f) represent: the power of the universe, the five elements, the
Bagua, the I Ching, complexity, evolution, the emergence of the ten-thousand things,
will and intention, saying "Yes" to life, and the assertion of spirit. This is why I call this
sequence (1a-1f) of movements "Wu Ji Becomes Tai Ji." I also think that this opening
movement, Movement #1, Wu Ji Becomes Tai Ji, coordinates and blends well with the
final two movements of the 73 Form, that is, Movement #72, Uniting Yin and Yang, and
Movement #73, Returning to Wu Ji. This is how I interpret this sequence of moves, and
this lifts my spirits. I find it charming and meaningful. Knowing of Sun Lu Tang's
penchant for Taoist philosophy, I think he might smile and have some sympathy with
my fanciful ideas. If you like, of course, you may also think that these movements (1b-
1f) represent or are called or are part of "Lazily Tying the Clothes" (1b-1e). Indeed, I
am probably just lazily trying to tie some ideas around the body of a dance.

"Creation and reversion are both expressed in Taiji quan forms. Practitioners begin by
standing motionless and being free of thought [1a], then move in symbolic separation of
yin and yang, lifting the hands as yang energy rises to create Heaven [1b] and lowering
them [1d] as yin energy sinks to create Earth. Like the creation of the myriad beings,
the movements transform from posture to posture without pause. In the end, the hands
drop and the feet come together [72b]. Practitioners find stillness and return to
formlessness [73c]."
- Daoist Body Cultivation, Edited by Livia Kohn, 2006, p. 195.

2. Lazily Tying Clothes (Lan Zha Yi)

Name: Tuck in Robes (Lan Zha Yi), Leisurely Tying Clothes, Lazily Tying Back the
Clothes, Lazily Tying Clothes : Lan Zha Yi : .

Position 2a = 1f. Many authorities say that the movement sequence of 1b-2e is all part
of Lazily Tying Clothes. However, other instances of Lazily Tying Clothes in the 73
Form, namely Movements 18, 26, and 45, all look rather like 2a-2e with the addition of
drawing the hands down before striking with the fingers (26b-26d), then circling back
and to the side and then striking forward with the palm along with a follow step (26d-
26f) or (2c-2e).
Description of movement sequence: From position 2a = 1f, rotate the arms at chest
height in a clockwise manner towards the right side (2a-2c). The arms circle in a
clockwise manner at chest height from left to right about 240 (2a-2c). Pivot on the left
heel, then step back slightly with the right foot (2b) and position the right foot with toes
facing E3. The left fingers touch the forearm of the right hand (2c). The right hand
faces up, and left hand faces down (2c). The right hand makes a small clockwise
inward circle and is drawn to the chest (2c-2d). Step forward with the right leg, heel
first, and place the right foot facing E3 (2c-2d). As the weight moves into the right leg,
the right hand moves forward, fingers up, towards E3 (2d-2e). Follow step with the left
toe (2d-2e). The movement from 2d-2e is one continuous and coordinated movement
with right hand moving forward as the left foot follow steps. At position 2d, the waist is
facing E3.

Slide Show of Sun Lu Tang Performing the Sun 97 Taijiquan Form.

3. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)

Name: Open Hands ( : Kai Shou), Opening Hands.
From 3a = 2e, turn the body to the left, 90 counterclockwise, to bring the front of the
body to face N12 (3b). Move both hands to the left and bring the hands in front of body
at chest height (3a-3b). Turn the right foot on the heel until both feet are facing N12
(3a-3b). Fingers are pointing up (3b). Palms face each other (3b). The hands are
relaxed and the fingers are gently spread apart, and the thumbs point towards one
another and are held about 2 inches apart (3b). Exhale gently through the nose while
moving from 3a to 3b. The hands move from the side position (3a) until the hands are
about shoulder width apart (3b), and then gently move towards each other (3b) until
both hands hands are separated by about 6-8 inches or about the width of your head
(3b). From position 3b, as you breathe in through the nose, gently and slowly move the
hands apart (3b-3c). Keep the fingers pointing up and palms facing each other. Stop
opening the hands when they are about shoulder width apart (3c). Keep your body
standing tall, back straight. The knees are slightly bent. At position 3c, the waist is
facing N12.

Moving from 3b to 3c is the act of "Opening Hands" (Kai Shou) and is an essential
qigong move of Sun Taijiquan, and part of the essential transitional move between
postures of the Sun Taijiquan Form.

Sun Lu Tang says, "The hands feel as if they are holding on to a balloon, and as the air
in the balloon increases, the hands are slowly moved apart. The two thumbs are about
an inch or two away from the chest. Move the hands apart until the tiger's mouth [i.e,
the are from the inside tip of the index finger to the inside tip of the thumb] of each
hand are in front of the shoulders, at shoulder height. The five fingers are separated.
Pause for a moment." - A Study of Taijiquan, 1924, 2003, p. 81.

In photos of Sun Lu Tang in position 3e, his left heel is slightly raised; but other current
73 Form instructors have you keep both feet flat on the floor in Opening Hands.
Instructors vary in how much distance to keep between the feet when doing Opening
and Closing Hands. Sun Lu Tang keeps his feet close together (3b), while other
instructors place the feet a comfortable distance apart (6" to 15").

Breathe in through the nose when opening hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect (3b-3c). Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax
and settle; find the central equilibrium.

In Taijiquan, the complimentary concepts of "Opening" and "Closing," and their

experiential correlates, are quite complex. Master Bruce Frantzis (Tai Chi Health for
Life, 2006, pp.213-251) is a good source for starting to learn about these more advanced
concepts in Tai Chi Chuan. Specifically, as related to opening and closing (pp.238-243),
"Opening means to expand, grow larger, or flow outwards and emanate like a sun.
Closing means to condense inwards, and get smaller along an inward direction of
motion, like the gravity flow of a black hole or dwarf star. Closing carries no
connotation of tension, contraction, or force in the movement, only a continuous inward
flow toward a point of origination, like iron filings towards a magnet. Opening and
closing actions can occur with any of the body's soft and hard physical tissues. Equally,
opening and closing can occur anywhere within the body's subtle energy anatomy
(channels, points, aura, etc.)."
4. Closing Hands (He Shou)
Name: Close Hands ( : He Shou), Closing Hands, Draw Hands Together.

Move the hands from about shoulder width apart (4a = 3e) to about 6-8 inches apart
(4b). This movement is called Closing Hands (He Shou). Gently breathe out through
the nose when closing hands (4a-4b). Stand up straight. Hold the head erect.
Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and settle; find
the central equilibrium.
At position 4b, the waist is facing N12.

Moving from 4a to 4b is the act of "Closing Hands" (He Shou) and is the essential
qigong move of Sun Taijiquan, and part of the essential transitional move between
postures of the Sun Taijiquan Form.

In photos of Sun Lu Tang in position 4b, his left heel is slightly raised; but other current
73 Form instructors have you keep both feet flat on the floor in Closing Hands.

Sun Lu Tang says, "Lift the right toes off the ground and, pivoting on the right heel like
an axle, turn your body to the left. As you turn, turn your right toes inward until they
point directly forward. This turning movement must be done with the qi united, in one
smooth movement without pauses or breaks. The jing must be balanced; do not use
brute force. As you turn, the two hands maintain the position as if holding a balloon, as
they close back together. The hands close until the thumbs are about an inch apart. The
palms of the hands are empty, and they maintain the position as if holding a ball. The
legs are bent. The right sole is placed flat on the ground and the left heel is lifted, with
the ball of the foot on the ground. There must not be the slightest use of force in the
entire body."
- A Study of Taijiquan, 1924, 2003, p. 82.

The Opening Hands (Kai Shou) and Closing Hands (He Shou) movements are repeated
9 times in the 73 Form at # 3/4, 8/9, 15/16, 19/20, 27/28, 42/43, 46/47, 51/52, and

"Sun Shi Tai Ji has a very specific figure; Kai He (to open - to close) which is found
neither in other forms of Tai Ji, nor in Ba Gua or Xing Yi. This Kai He appears with
each connection and transition. It makes it possible to control and adjust breathing and
to accumulate the Shi (energy potential) in order to prepare for the next change."
- Master Bob Melia, Sun Shi Tai Chi
5. Single Whip Left (Dan Bian Zou)
Name: Single Whip Left ( : Zou Dan Bian), Single Whip to the Left Side (Dan
Bian Zhou), Single Whip.

From position 4b = 5a, step out with left leg towards W9 (5a-5b). Open both of the the
arms to sides, right hand towards E3 and left hand towards W9, with the fingers of both
hands pointing upward (5a-5b). Look first at the left hand, then at the right hand (5b).
Both arms are extended at about shoulder height (5b). End in 5b with left leg bent with
70% of weight in left left, in a left side bow stance. Gaze at the right hand (5b). At
position 5b, the waist is facing N12.

In the Sun Style of Taijiquan, Single Whip always follows Opening Hands and Closing
Hands (i.e., Movements 5, 21, 29, 48,53, and 65). In the Yang Style of Taijiquan, the
Single Whip always follows the movement called "Grasping the Sparrow's Tail."


6. Lifting Hands (Ti Shou)

Name: Lift Hands and Step Up (Ti Shou Shang Shi); Lifting Hands ( : Ti Shou);
Step In and Lift Hands; Raise Hands and Step Forward.
Step back to the right side towards W9 with the right foot, bringing it back next to the to
the left foot (6a-6b) placing the right toe on the ground (6b). The right hand circles
downward towards the waist (6a-6b). The left hand circles upwards (6a-6b) to a
position slightly above the head with the palm facing towards N12 (6b). The right
fingers point downward (6b), right thumb facing the Dan Tien, the right little finger
facing forward. The left hand is about at forehead height, palm facing N12, left palm
open (6b). At position 6b, the waist is facing N12.

7. White Swan Cools Its Wings (Bai He Liang

Name: White Crane Spreads Wings ( : Bai He Liang Chi); White Crane
Flashing Its Wings: White Swan Cools Its Wings

Slide the right hand up the body and raise it slightly above the head, with the palm
facing forward towards N12 (7a-7b). The left hand moves from the forehead (7a = 6b)
along the mid-line of the body down to the waist (7b). Step forward with the right heel
(7b-7c). Draw both hands to about chest height (7c) with the palms facing forward
(7c). Push forward with both hands, palms facing N12 (7d). Follow step with the left
foot to a left toe stance with the left foot slightly behind the right heel (7d). At position
7d, the waist is facing N12. Don't move the head up and down very much.

Sun Lu Tang says, "As the hands move, the right foot simultaneously steps forward,
touching down on the heel. The feet should be spaced a comfortable distance apart. As
you move the right foot forward, the body remains upright and stable. Do not move the
body or shift the weight as the right leg moves. [This method of stepping (7b-7d) is
constant throughout the form. Whether advancing, retreating, or stepping to the side,
the foot steps out first, with no movement of the hips or torso, the heel is placed down,
and then the body weight is gradually shifted to the stepping leg. One must never "fall"
into the foot when stepping out.] The energy of the waist presses downward (7b). Use
the intent to pull in the roots of the shoulders and legs. This energy must not be obvious
externally. The pressing up of the crown of the head (7b) must not be obvious [i.e.,
using too much force or tension]. The center of the heart is empty and quiet. Without
thought, the body is naturally stable. This is know as the wondrous mystery."
- Sun Lu Tang, A Study of Taijiquan, 1924, p. 85.

8. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)

Name: Open Hands ( : Kai Shou), Opening Hands.

From 8a = 7d, draw the hands in towards the chest and turn the palms to face one
another (8b). Move the hands together until they are about 6-8 inches apart, the width
of your head, with the fingers facing up (8b). Exhale gently through the nose as you
move from 7c - 8b. Inhale gently through the nose as the hands open to about shoulder
width (8b-8c). Stand up straight. Hold the head erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded
inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and settle; find the central equilibrium. At
position 8c, the waist is facing N12.
A note on the source of these line drawings.

9. Closing Hands (He Shou)

Name: Close Hands ( : He Shou), Closing Hands.

From position 9a = 8d, gently exhale as the hands move from about shoulder width (9a)
to about 6-8 inches apart (9b), with the fingers facing up and the palms facing each
other. The thumbs of both hands point towards each other and are about 2 inches apart.
At position 9b, the waist is facing N12. Gaze forwards to N12.

10. Brush Left Knee and Twist Step (Zuo Lou Xi Ao

Name: Left Brush Knee and Twist Step ( : Zou Lou Xi Ao Bu); Twist Step
(Ao Bu), Brush Knee (Lou Xi) and Palm Strike; Brush Left Knee and Twist Step.

From position 10a = 9b, draw the right arm in a circle down and up to point to NE 10 as
you turn the waist to the left side (10a-10b). The right hand is drawn up to about
shoulder height (10b). Look at the right hand (10b). Step out with the left heel in the
direction of W9. The left hand first moves so that the left fingers touch the right
forearm as it moves towards NE10 (not shown in the illustration); then the left hand
moves in a circle down and across the left thigh (10a-10b) - the classic "Brush Knee"
movement. Turn the torso to the left as the right hand is draw at shoulder height past
the face and in the direction of W9 (10b-10c). Follow step with the right foot by
drawing the right toe to a position behind and to the side of the left foot (10c), as the
right arm "Pushes" forward (10b-10c). The left hand ends beside the left thigh, palm
facing down (10c). At position 10c, the waist is facing W9, and the eyes are looking in
the direction of W9 (10c).

Section 1, Movements 1 - 10 This chart provides, for each movement, the number of
the movement, the name of the movement, the final direction to face for each
movement, a very brief description of the movement, and the summary chart (below)
for movements 1-10. (PDF, 91 Kb, 2 Pages, 2008)

Sun Taijiquan 73 Form, Movements 1 - 10

Section 2, Movements 11 - 20
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition

List of Movements: 1-38

Section 2, Movements 11 - 20 This chart provides, for each movement, the number of
the movement, the name of the movement, the final direction to face for each
movement, a very brief description of the movement, and the summary chart (below)
for movements 11-21. (PDF, 87 Kb, 2 Pages, 2008)

11. Hand Strums the Lute (Shou Hui Pi Pa)

Name: Hand Strums the Lute ( : Shou Hui Pi Pa), Playing the Pi Pa, Play the
Lute, Play the Guitar.
From position 11a = 10c, draw the right foot back towards E3 (11a-11b) and put more
weight into the right foot. The left heel lifts so that only the left toe is on the ground
(11b). Basically, assume a left empty stance (11b). As the right foot moves backward
the left arm extends forward at about chest height with the fingers pointing forward
(11b), and, at the same time, the right hand moves back towards the body and ends with
the right fingers, pointing forward, near the left upper forearm near the elbow. At
position 11b, the waist is facing W9.

12. Advance, Parry, and Punch (Jin Bu Ban Lan

Name: Advance, Parry and Punch ( : Jin Bu Ban Lan Chui); Advance Step,
Deflect, Parry and Punch; Deflect, Parry and Punch.

In this movement, we advance forward (12a-12e) towards W9 with four steps. At 12a =
11b, we begin by turning the left palm to face downward, and the right palm to face
upward (12a). Step forward with the right foot (12b-12c), and the right hand moves
forward and the hand turns over so that the palm faces down, and the left hand draws
back into the waist and the left palm faces up. Then, step forward with the left leg (12c-
12d), and the left hand moves forward with palm up, and the right hand moves
backward towards the waist with the right palm turning down. As the weight settles
into the left left, curl the left arm with palm facing inward at about chest height (12d-
12e). Finally, punch forward with the right fist, thumb up, with right forearm finally
resting on top of the left rounded arm. As the right punch is delivered the right foot
follow steps to place the toe behind and at the side of the left heel (12e). At position
12e, the waist is facing W9. In the final stance the body should be upright, head up,
knees bent.

Keep in mind we are practicing Huo Bu Sun Taijiquan - The Active Step Sun Taijiquan.
This movement (12a-12e) is done rather quickly and smoothly, without any bouncing or


13. Apparent Close Up (Ru Feng Si Bi)

Name: Apparent Close Up ( : Ru Feng Si Bi); Appearing to Seal and Close;
Withdraw and Seal.

From the Punch position of 13a = 12e, separate both hands, bring hands to about chest
height (13b), palms facing forward towards W9. Step back with the right foot and draw
the elbows into the body (13b). Finally step back a half step with the left toe. Weight is
in the back right leg. At position 13b, the waist is facing W9.
14. Carry Tiger and Push Mountain (Bao Hu Tui
Name: Carry Tiger and Push Mountain ( : Bao Hui Tui Shan); Embrace Tiger,
Push Mountain; Push (An)

From the left toe stance of postion 14b = 13b, step forward a half step with the left foot
(14b-14c). The both arms push forward, at about chest height, palms facing W9, as the
back right foot follow steps forward to place the right toe next to the left heel. At
position 14c, the waist is facing W9. 14a =12a and 14b = 13b. The body is held
upright, head up, looking towards W9.

15. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)

Name: Open Hands ( :Kai Shou), Opening Hands.

From 15a = 14c, turn clockwise to the right, pivoting on the right heel, and moving the
left foot to the right (15a-15b). At position 8b, the waist is facing N12. The toes of both
feet are on the same line. Exhale gently through the nose as you move from 15a-15b.
There should be a comfortable distance between the two feet, but not too wide apart.
Move the hands together until they are about 6-8 inches apart, the width of your head,
with the fingers facing up (15b), thumbs about two inches apart. Inhale gently through
the nose as the hands open to about shoulder width (15b-16c). Stand up straight. Hold
the head erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax
and settle; find the central equilibrium. At position 15c, the waist is facing N12.

16. Closing Hands (He Shou)

Name: Close Hands ( : He Shou), Closing Hands, Withdrawing Hands.

From position 16a = 15c, gently exhale as the hands move from about shoulder width
(16a) to about 6-8 inches apart (16b), with the fingers facing up and the palms facing
each other. The thumbs of both hands point towards each other and are about 2 inches
apart (16b). At position 16b, the waist is facing N12.

Breathe out through the nose when closing hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and
settle; find the central equilibrium.

17. Brush Right Knee and Twist Step (You Lou Xi

Ao Bu)
Name: Right Brush Knee and Twist Step ( : You Lou Xi Ao Bu); Brush
Right Knee and Left Palm Strike; Twist Step, Brush Right Knee, Palm Strike with Left
Strike; Brush Knee.

From position 17a = 16b, the hands flow in a downward arc. The left hand the lifts
upward to about shoulder height, palm up, with the left fingers pointing towards NE10
(17b). The waist turns clockwise to the right side, and the right foot steps out to the
side, with the toes pointing towards E3 (17a-17b). The right hand moves downward to
about waist height and crosses over the left leg, with the right palm facing down (17b).
The body is now facing E3. Push forward with the left arm, palm facing out, pushing in
the direction of E3 (17b-17c). Follow step with the left foot, bringing the left toe to the
side of the right heel (17b-17c). Look at the left hand (17b). At position 17c, the waist
is facing E3.

18. Lazily Tying Clothes (Lan Zha Yi)

Name: Tuck in Robes ( : Lan Zha Yi): Leisurely Tying Clothes; Lazily Tying
Back the Clothes; Lazily Tying Clothes.

From position 18a=17c, draw the right hand up from the right thigh to about shoulder
height, with the right palm facing down (18a-18b). The left hand turns over, palm up, at
about chest height (18b). The left leg steps back (18a-18b) as the arms are draw down
to about waist level, the left fingers touching the right wrist, and then stepping back
with the right foot in a follow step move (18b-18c). Step forward with the right foot
(18c-18d), and the hands are moved up and forward, right hand with palms up and left
hand touching the right wrist, and then follow stepping with the left leg as the right
fingers strike forward (18c-18d). The waist is facing E3 throughout this sequence (18a-
18f). Finally, circle the right and left hands in a small clockwise manner back towards
the body as the left foot steps back and the right toe lifts (18d-18e). Then push both
hands forward, right palm facing E3, left fingers on the right wrist, and follow step with
the left leg, bringing the left toe next to the right heel (18e-18f).

Inhale (18a-18b), exhale (18c-18d), inhale (18d-18e), and exhale (18e-18f).

Lazily Tying Clothes reminds me of the most frequently repeated movement in the Yang
Style of Taijiquan, that is "Grasping the Sparrow's Tail" sans "Ward Off (Peng)" (18a).
18b-18c corresponds to Roll Back (Lu). 18d is reminiscent of Press (Ji). Finally, 18e-
18f reminds me of Push (An). In Yang Style, Grasping the Sparrow's Tail is always
followed by Single Whip; while in Sun Style, Single Whip always follows Opening
Hands and Closing Hands (i.e., Movements 5, 21, 29, 48,53, and 65). Grasping the
Sparrow's Tail is repeated 9 times in the Yang 108 Form and 2 times in the Standard
Yang 24 Form; while Lazily Tying the Clothes is repeated 6 times in the Sun Taijiquan
73 Form.

"Another characteristic of the Sun Style is the stepping method: advancing or

retreating steps are usually followed by a half step forwards or backwards. This is
different from other styles of Taijiquan, such as Yang Style where bow stance is widely
employed for postures. When you practice Sun Style movements, you will find the body
weight is constantly shifted between the two legs. Sun Style Taijiquan emphasizes the
good control of balance between the transference of body weight so that all movements
can be performed smoothly without a jerk, pause or sudden increase in speed. This is
why Sun Style Taijiquan is also referred to as "open and close" Taiji, or "nimble step"
Taiji. It is important to understand that only when the mind, body and qi are in accord
can you gain the power to generate and enhance the true qi and to heal."
- Fay Yip (Li), The Development and Practice of Sun Style

19. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)

Name: Open Hands ( : Kai Shou), Opening Hands.
From 19a = 19a, turn counter-clockwise to the left, pivoting on the left heel, and moving
the right foot to the left (19a-19b). At position 19b, the waist is facing N12. The toes of
both feet are on the same line. Exhale gently through the nose as you move from 19a-
19b. There should be a comfortable distance between the two feet, but not too wide
apart (19b). Move the hands together until they are about 6-8 inches apart, the width of
your head, with the fingers facing up (19b), thumbs about two inches apart. Inhale
gently through the nose as the hands open to about shoulder width (19b-19c). Stand up
straight. Hold the head erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly
bent. Relax and settle; find the central equilibrium. At position 19c, the waist is facing

20. Closing Hands (He Shou)

Name: Close Hands ( : He Shou), Closing Hands.

Beginning from the open hands position (20a = 19c), breathe out gently through the
nose while you are closing your hands (20a-20b). The fingers are pointed upwards and
separated, and thumbs are open. Bring the thumbs together until they are about two
inches apart (20b). The fingers are about 6-8 inches apart. The feet are close together.
Both hands are comfortably close to the body (20b). Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and settle;
find the central equilibrium. At position 20b, the waist is facing N12.
Section 2, Movements 11 - 20 This chart provides, for each movement, the number of
the movement, the name of the movement, the final direction to face for each
movement, a very brief description of the movement, and the summary chart (below)
for movements 11-21. (PDF, 87 Kb, 2 Pages, 2008)

Sun Taijiquan 73 Form, Movements 11 - 20

Section 3, Movements 21 - 30
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition

List of Movements: 1-38

Section 3, Movements 21 - 30 This chart provides, for each movement, the number of
the movement, the name of the movement, the final direction to face for each
movement, a very brief description of the movement, and the summary chart (below)
for movements 21-30. (PDF, 91 Kb, 2 Pages, 2008)

21. Single Whip Left (Dan Bian Zou)

Name: Single Whip Left ( : Dan Bian Zou); Single Whip; Left Single Whip.

21a = 20b. At position 21b, the waist is facing N12.

"Single Whip" (21b) always follows a sequence of two movements (19c, 20b) called
"Opening Hands" and "Closing Hands." In this position, the body is posed similar to
wu ji (empty stance) - a basic posture in xingyi. The palms face each other, as they open
and then close. These movements are used to cultivate the qi, center the practitioner
and harmonize the movements with the breathing. This movement is a variation on taiji
practices that visualize the "energy ball," the sensation of qi in the hands. During
"Opening Hands" (19a) the energy ball is expanded with an inhalation; during "Closing
Hands (20b)," the energy ball is compressed and made denser, like a collapsing star.
"Single Whip" (21b) expands the energy ball once more, so that it engulfs the entire
- Gene Ching, Radical Taiji: The Rising Sun of Taiji

In the Sun Taijiquan Style, Single Whip always follows Opening Hands and Closing
Hands (i.e., Movements 5, 21, 29, 48,53, and 65); while in the Yang Taijiquan Style, the
Single Whip always follows the Grasping the Sparrow's Tail movement sequence.

22. Fist Under Elbow (Zhou Di Kan Chui)

Name: Fist Under Elbow ( : Zhou Di Kan Chui).

22a = 21b. At position 22b, the waist is facing W9.

23. Repulse Monkey Left (Dao Nian Hou Zou)

Name: Left Step Back and Whirl Arms (Dao Juan Gong Zou); Repulse Monkey Left
Side ( : Dao Nian Hou Zou).
23a = 22b. At position 23c, the waist is facing SE5.

The Sun Taijiquan Competition 73 Form follows the Classic Sun Taijiquan 98 Form
fairly closely from movement 1 until movement 23 of the 73 Form. The classic 98 form
adds more postures to Step Back and Whirl Arms/Repulse Monkey (movements 23 and

24. Repulse Monkey Right (Dao Nian Hou You)

Name: Right Step Back and Whirl Arms (You Dao Juan Gong); Repulse Monkey Right
Side ( : Dao Nian Hou You).

24a = 23c. At position 24c, the waist is facing NE1.

25. Brush Left Knee (Zuo Lou Xi Ao Bu)

Name: Twist Step, Brush Left Knee, Right Palm Strike; Left Brush Knee and Twist
Step ( : Zou Lou Xi Ao Bu); Brush Knee; Brush Knee and Push; Brush Left
Knee and Right Palm Strike.
25a = 24c. At position 25c, the waist is facing W9.

26. Lazily Tying Clothes Left (Lan Zha Yi Zou)

Name: Tuck in Robes (Lan Zha Yi), Leisurely Tying Clothes ( : Lan Zha Yi
Zou); Lazily Tying Back the Clothes, Lazily Tying Clothes.

At position 26f, the waist is facing W9.

"The main technical characteristics of the competition routine of Sun style Tai Ji Quan
are as follows: The postures are high and the footwork is agile; the body is centered and
upright; the rhythm is natural and lively, agile and light; the movements are filled with
the internal strength with the hardness embedded in softness; the speed is smooth and
tender, like the floating clouds and the flowing water. When practicing, pay attention to
the coordination of the advancing and retreating of the footwork and the use of the
movement of opening and closing the hands to connect each turning."
- The Competition Routine of Sun Style Taijiquan, 2003, p. 4.
27. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)
Name: Open Hands ( : Kai Shou), Opening Hands.

27a = 26f. At position 27c, the waist is facing N12.

Breathe in through the nose when opening hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and settle;
find the central equilibrium.

28. Closing Hands (He Shou)

Name: Close Hands ( : He Shou); Closing Hands.

28a = 27c. At position 28b, the waist is facing N12. Breathe out through the nose when
closing hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded
inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and settle; find the central equilibrium. In
position 28b, the waist is facing N12.

29. Single Whip Right (Dan Bian You)

Name: Right Single Whip (You Dan Bian Shou): Single Whip Right Side ( : Dan
Bian You).

28b = 29a. At position 29b, the waist is facing N12.

30. Cloud Hands Right (Yun Shou You)

Name: Right Wave Hands Like Clouds (You Yun Shou); Cloud Hands Right ( :
Yun Shou You); Waving Hands Like Clouds to the Right.

30a = 29b. At position 30f, the waist is facing N12.

Section 3, Movements 21 - 30 This chart provides, for each movement, the number of
the movement, the name of the movement, the final direction to face for each
movement, a very brief description of the movement, and the summary chart (below)
for movements 21-30. (PDF, 91 Kb, 2 Pages, 2008)

Sun Taijiquan 73 Form, Movements 21 - 30

Section 4, Movements 31 - 40
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition

List of Movements: 1-38 List of Movements: 39-73 List of Movements: 1-73

Section 4, Movements 31 - 40 This chart provides, for each movement, the number of
the movement, the name of the movement, the final direction to face for each
movement, a very brief description of the movement, and the summary chart (below)
for movements 21-30. (PDF, 91 Kb, 2 Pages, 2008)

Slide Show of Sun Lu Tang Performing the Sun 97 Taijiquan Form.

31. High Pat on Horse (Gao Tan Ma)

Name: Search High on the Horse; Higher Horse; Pat the Big Horse on the Back; Pat a
High Horse ( : Gao Tan Ma); High Pat on the Horse.

Position 31a = 30f, and position 31b = 30g. From 31b, facing NE2, step back with the
right leg diagonally towards SW7, as the right had extends toward NE2, palm open, and
bringing the left hand, palm open, towards the right arm (31b-31d for legs, 31b-31c for
arms). Bring the left hand forward towards NE2, and the right hand back to alongside
the left elbow; bring the left foot back slightly to a left empty toe stance and settle the
weight into the right leg and sit back somewhat (31c-31d). At position 31d, the waist is
facing NE2.

This stance looks like the Yang style "Separate Hands" ("Left Play the Pipa"), and very
much unlike Yang style "High Pat on Horse."

32. Kick Left Foot (Zuo Jiao)

Name: Left Toes Kick; Toe Kick Left; Left Separation Kick ( : Zuo Fen Jiao);
Kick Left Foot ( : Zuo Jiao)

Position 32a = 31d. At position 32d, the waist is facing E4. The left foot kicks in the
direction of NE2. This is a left toe tick.

33. Kick Right Foot (You Jiao)

Name: Right Toes Kick; Toe Kick Right; Right Separation Kick ( : You Fen
Jiao); Kick Right Foot ( : You Jiao)

Postion 33a = 32d. At position 33d, the waist is facing E3. The right foot kicks more
in the direction of SE5.
34. Step Forward and Punch Down (Jian Bu Da
Name: Jump Step and Punch Down (Jian Bu Da Chui); Step, Punch Low; Step
Forward and Punch Down.

Position 34a = 33d. At position 34e, the waist is facing the earth, and the head is
pointing to E3.

35. Turn Over Body and Double Jump Kick (Fan

Shen Qi Er Jiao)
Name: Turn Over Body and Double Jump Kick (Fan Shen Er Qi Jiao); Turn, Strike,
Hop, Double Jump Kick; Turn, Hop, Jump Kick.

Position 35a = 34e. At position 35e, the waist is facing in the direction of W9. High
kick with right foot in the direction of W9.

There are many days that my body, at age 62, is not as agile and strong as on other
days. Since the double kick is the most challenging combination kick in the 73 Form
routine, I make an adaptation. What I do is step forward with the left leg from 35d-35e,
and bring my left knee up for a high knee strike while keeping the right hand at the
waist. I then place my left foot on the ground in a stable and secure position, capable of
holding the entire weight of my body (275 lbs). I then kick as high as I can with the
right foot and slap the right shin with my right hand.

36. Diagonal Subdue Tiger (Xie Fei Ke Hu)

Name: Hand Defense and Tame the Tiger (Pi Shen Fu Hu); Diagonal Subdue Tiger;
Turn Body and Straddle the Tiger.

Position 36a = 35e. At position 36d, the waist is facing W9.

37. Toe Kick Left - (Zuo Fen Jiao)

Name: Toe Kick Left (Zuo Fen Jiao); Kick with Left Foot; Separation Kick to the Left;
Left Heel Kick .

Position 7a = 36d. Heel kick with left foot, a high fast kick, in the direction of W9.
At position 37c, the waist is facing N12.

38. Spin, Right Heel Kick (Zhuan Shen You Deng

Name: Turn Body and Heel Kick (Zhuan Shen You Deng Jiao); Spin, Right Heel Kick.

Position 38a = 37c. Turn clockwise 180 degrees. Kick with right heel in the direction of
W9. At position 38d, the waist is facing SW7.

39. Advance, Parry and Punch (Jin Bu Ban Lan

Name: Advance, Parry and Punch (Jin Bu Ban Lan Chui); Step Forward to Deflect
Downwards, Parry and Punch; Advance Step, Deflect, Parry and Punch.

Step right foot forward, left hand forward palm up, and the right hand with palm down
at the height of the left elbow. Step forward with the left foot in W9 direction, move
right hand forward with palm up, move left hand with palm down to height of right
elbow. Step forward with the right foot in W9 direction, follow step with the left foot.
As the right foot steps forward the right hand is drawn into a ward off position about
chest height, and the left hand makes a fist and punches forward above left forearm.
Both hands make a fist. When stepping move forward in the W9 direction.

At position 39d, the waist is facing W9.

"The principles of posture and body alignment for Taiji form practice are
fundamentally the same as for all qigong exercises. Thus the principles of posture for
standing meditation [#1] apply to form movement as well. The following principles are
additional considerations in practicing Taiji form movement: 1) Keep a relaxed, natural
posture. 2) Keep the "five bows." 3) Keep central equilibrium, and straight and
centered. 4) Avoid an excessively low stance. 5) Understand the importance and
function of turning the waist."
- Yang Yang, Taijiquan, 2005, p. 82.

40. Apparent Close Up (Ru Feng Si Bi)

Name: Apparent Close Up (Ru Feng Si Bi); Appearing to Seal and Close; Apparent
Closing Up.

At position 40c, the waist is facing W9.

Section 4, Movements 31 - 40 This chart provides, for each movement, the number of
the movement, the name of the movement, the final direction to face for each
movement, a very brief description of the movement, and the summary chart (below)
for movements 21-30. (PDF, 91 Kb, 2 Pages, 2008)
Section 5, Movements 41 - 50
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition

List of Movements: 39-73 (PDF, 15 Kb) Number and name of movement

41. Carry Tiger and Push Mountain (Bao Hu Gui

Name: Carry Tiger and Push Mountain (Bao Hu Tui Shan); Carring the Tiger and
Pushing the Mountain; Hold the Tiger, Push the Mountain, Embrace the Tiger and Push
the Mountain.

At position #41 ... the waist is facing W9.

42. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)

Name: Open Hands (Kai Shou), Opening Hands.

Turn the body counterclockwise to the right 90 degrees.

Breathe in through the nose when opening hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and settle;
find the central equilibrium.
At position #42 ... the waist is facing S6.

43. Closing Hands (He Shou)

Name: Close Hands (He Shou); Closing Hands.

Breathe out through the nose when closing hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and
settle; find central equilibrium.
At position #43 ... the waist is facing S6.

44. Brush Left Knee and Twist Step (Zuo Lou Xi Ao

Name: Left Brush Knee and Twist Step (Zuo Lou Xi Ao Bu); Brush Knee and Twist
Step Left; Brush Knee and Push.

Turn the body counterclockwise and step with left foot to NE2.
At position #44 ... the waist is facing NE2.

45. Lazily Tying Clothes (Lan Zha Yi)

Name: Tuck in Robes (Lan Zha Yi), Leisurely Tying Clothes, Lazily Tying Back the
Clothes, Lazily Tying Clothes.

Step back with right foot, follow step with left foot, drawing left hand down with palm
down and right hand touches left hand. Step forward with left foot, follow step with
right foot, attack jab with fingers of left hand with palm up, right hand on left wrist.
Step back with right foot, draw left hand with palm up in a counterclockwise arc at
shoulder height, push left hand forward and settle wrist for left hand palm strike, follow
step forward with right foot, and right hand on left wrist.
At position #45e ... the waist is facing NE2.

At position #45e ... the waist is facing NE2.

46. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)

Name: Open Hands (Kai Shou), Opening Hands.
Turn slightly clockwise to face E.
Breathe in through the nose when opening hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and settle;
find the central equilibrium.
At position #46 ... the waist is facing E3.

47. Closing Hands (He Shou)

Name: Close Hands (He Shou), Closing Hands.

Breathe out through the nose when closing hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and
settle; find central equilibrium.
At position #47 ... the waist is facing E3.

48. Diagonal Single Whip (Xie Dan Bian)

Name: Oblique Single Whip (Xie Dan Bian); Diaongal Single Whip (Dan Bian); Slant
Single Whip; Single Whip.

Step with right foot to E4. Both arms open gracefully into single whip position. Palms
facing out and fingers held upward. End by looking at left hand.
At position #48b ... the waist is facing NE2.

49. Parting the Wild Horse's Mane (Ye Ma Fen

Name: Parting the Wild Horse's Mane (Ye Ma Fen Zong); Part Wild Horse's Mane.

At position #49d ... the waist is facing E3.

50. Lazily Tying Clothes (Lan Zha Yi)

Name: Tuck in Robes (Lan Zha Yi), Leisurely Tying Clothes, Lazily Tying Back the
Clothes, Lazily Tying Clothes.

At position #50f ... the waist is facing E3.

Section 6, Movements 51 - 60
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition

List of Movements: 39-73 (PDF, 15 Kb) Number and name of movement

51. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)
Name: Open Hands (Kai Shou), Opening Hands.

Breathe in through the nose when opening hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and settle;
find the central equilibrium.
At position #51 ... the waist is facing N12.

52. Closing Hands (He Shou)

Name: Close Hands (He Shou), Closing Hands.

Breathe out through the nose when closing hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and
settle; find the central equilibrium.
At position #52 ... the waist is facing N12.

53. Single Whip Left (Dan Bian Zou)

Name: Left Single Whip (Zuo Dan Bian); Single Whip to Left Side

At position #53 ... the waist is facing N12.

54. Cloud Hands Left (Yun Shou Zou)

Name: Left Wave Hands Like Clouds (Zuo Yun Shou); Cloud Hands Left; Waving
Hands Like Clouds Left.

Step with right foot to the right side. Bring left foot closer to right foot.
Move to the left towards W9.
At position #54f ... the waist is facing N12.

55. Cloud Hands, Lowering (Yun Shou Xia Shi)

Name: Wave Hands Like Clouds and Push Down (Yun Shou Xia Shi); Waving Hands
Like Clouds and Lowering Hands;
Cloud Hands, Lowering.
Basically a Brush Left KneeAt position #55c ... the waist is facing W9.

56. Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg (Jin Ji Du

Name: Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg (Jin Ji Du Li); Rooster Stands on One Leg.

Golden Rooster Stands on Left Leg at position 56b.

At position #56b ... the waist is facing W9.
Golden Rooster Stands on Right Leg at position 56d.
At position #56d ... the waist is facing W9.

57. Fan Through the Back (Shan Tong Bei)

Name: Deflect Through the Back (Shan Tong Bei); Fan Through the Back; Fan Back.
Step back with left leg (#57a), then with right leg (#57b).
Brush left knee and reach down to Pick Up the Needle from the Bottom of the Sea
Raise up, step out with left leg and extend left arm in Fan Through Back (#57e). Waist
facing W9.
Pivot 180, step out with right leg and extend right arm in Fan Through Back (#57f).
At position #57f ... the waist is facing E2.

58. Jade Lady Works the Shuttles (Yu Nu Chuan

Name: Jade Girl Working the Shuttles (Yu Nu Chuan Suo); Fair Lady Working at the
Shuttles; Beautiful Lady Works the Loom.

Left hand high at head, right hand at chest, waist facing NE2 at #58b.
Right hand high at head, left hand at chest, waist facing NW10 at #58d.
Left hand high at head, right hand at chest, waist facing SE5 at #58f.
Right hand at face, left hand forward at chin, waist facing NW10 at #58h.

At position #58h ... the waist is facing NW10.

59. High Pat on Horse (Gao Tan Man)

Name: Search High on the Horse; High Pat on Horse; Higher Horse; Pat the High
At position #59 ... the waist is facing NW10.

60. Cross Hands and Slap Kick (Shi Zi Shou Pai

Name: Cross Hands, Swinging Lotus Kick (Shi Zi Shou Shen Bai Lian Jiao); Cross
Hands and Kick; Cross Hands and Patting Foot; Level Hands, Turn Cross Hands; Pat
Kicking Right Foot.
Right hand over left hand at chest height, facing W9 at #60a.
Hands crossed at 60b, facing E3 at 60b.
Kick high with right foot and pat foot with left hand.
At position #60d ... the waist is facing W9.

Return to the Main Index for this Webpage

Return to the Sectional Index for the 73 Form

Section 7, Movements 61 - 73
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition

List of Movements: 39-73 (PDF, 15 Kb) Number and name of movement

61. Step Forward, Punch Groin (Jian Bu Zhi Dang Chui)

Step Forward and Punch Down : Jian Bu Da Chui :

Forward Step to Punch Groin.

Stepping forward three steps and then punching low.
First left foot step at #61a. Second right foot step at #61c. Third left foot step at #61d.
Punch to groin with right fist at #61d.
At position #61d ... the waist is facing E3.

62. Stepping, Lazily Tying Clothes (Bu Lan Zha Yi)

Name: Lively Step and Leisurely Tying Clothes. Tuck in Robes (Lan Zha Yi), Leisurely
Tying Clothes, Lazily Tying Back the Clothes, Lazily Tying Clothes.

Toe stance left foot and draw fists to waist at #62b with waist facing E3.
At position #62g ... the waist is facing E3.

63. Opening Hands (Kai Shou)

Name: Open Hands (Kai Shou), Opening Hands.

Breathe in through the nose when opening hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and settle;
find the central equilibrium.
At position #63 ... the waist is facing N12.

64. Closing Hands (He Shou)

Name: Close Hands (He Shou), Closing Hands.

Breathe out through the nose when closing hands. Stand up straight. Hold the head
erect. Shoulders are slightly rounded inward. Knees are slightly bent. Relax and
settle; find the central equilibrium.
At position #64 ... the waist is facing N12.
65. Single Whip Left (Dan Bian Zou)
At position #65 ... the waist is facing N12.

66. Single Whip and Lowering Down (Dan Bian Xia

Single Whip and Lowering Movement.
At position #66 ... the waist is facing W9.

67. Step Up to the Seven Stars (Shang Bu Qi Xing)

Forward Step, Seven Stars.

At position #67 ... the waist is facing W9.

68. Step Back and Ride the Tiger (Tui Bu Kua Hu)

At position #68b ... the waist is facing W9.

69. Turn Body, Swinging Lotus Kick (Zhuan Shen

Bai Lian)
At position #69b ... the waist is facing W9.

70. Bend the Bow and Shoot the Tiger (Wan Gong
She Hu)
At position #70b ... the waist is facing SW8.
71. Double Crashing Fists Strike (Shuang Zhuang
Quan Chui)
At position #71b ... the waist is facing SW8.

72. Uniting Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang Merging Into One.
At position #72c ... the waist is facing N12.

73. Returning to Wu Ji (Fan Hui Wu Ji)

Closing Form.
At position #73b ... the waist is facing N12.

Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Competition Form, List of Movements: 1-73 (PDF, 131 Kb,
4 Pages) Number and name of movement in English, Chinese Pinyin and Chinese
Characters, and resource links

General Remarks
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition
By Michael P. Garofalo
I have adopted a directional scheme to use when describing Taijiquan movements:
North is at the 12:00 o'clock position, East = 3:00, South = 6:00, and West = 9:00. If
you wish to start from another direction, consult the alternative directional schemes
provided elsewhere.

The Opening Hands (Kai Shou) and Closing Hands (He Shou) movements are
repeated 9 times in the 73 Form at # 3/4, 8/9, 15/16, 19/20, 27/28, 42/43, 46/47, 51/52,
and 63/64.

The Lazily Tying Clothes or Tuck in Robes (Lan Zha Yi, ) movement
sequence is repeated 6 times in the 73 Form at # 2, 18, 26, 45, 50, and 62. The
Leisurely Tying Clothes movement is a Hao family and then Sun Lu Tang Taijiquan
replacement for the Yang and Wu Yu Xiang Taijiquan movement called "Grasping the
Sparrow's Tail." A movement called "Lazily Tying Clothes" is also found in Chen

The Sun Style Taijiquan 73 Form is performed at a faster pace than other styles of
Taijiquan. Thus, it is called "Flowing Steps Taijiquan" (Huo Bu Jia Taijiquan) or
"Active Step Taijiquan" (Huo Bu Taijiquan). Master Men Hui-Feng, who led the effort
to develop the Sun 73 Form, performs the entire Sun Taijiquan 73 Form in 5:42
minutes; and most people I have seen demonstrate the Sun 73 Taijiquan Form do it in
under 6 minutes. In comparison, Master Chen Zenglei performs the traditional Chen
Taijiquan Old Frame First Form, 74 movements, in 13:46 minutes.

Practitioners of the Yang and/or Chen styles of Taijiquan should not assume that a
movement in the Sun style of Taijiquan, with the same name, is performed in a way that
is the same. For example, the movement "Step Back and Whirl Arms #23" sometimes
called "Repulse Monkey #23" in the Sun 73 Form, has nothing in common with
"Repulse Monkey" in the Yang style; or, note the marked difference between "Parting
the Wild Horse's Mane" in Yang style and Sun Style (#49). However, many of the
moves, except for the width of the stance, are somewhat similar to Yang style, e.g,
"Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg' (#56), "Brush Knee" (#10), "Fan Through the
Back" (#57e), etc. I think the radical divergence of the Sun Taijiquan from the Chen,
Yang and Wu Taijiquan foundations is what led Master Jou Tsung Hwa to argue that to
go beyond Wu Style Taijiquan as Wu (Hao) Taijiquan did, and then like Sun style
Taijiquan did, is a move into "formlessness." I think that Master Bruce Frantzis is
correct in calling the Sun Style of Taijiquan a "Combination Style" when he says (Tai
Chi: Health for Life, 2006, p.177) that "The combination styles that you are most likely
to find in the West are the Sun style, which combined Hao tai chi with ba gua and hsing-

Sun style Taijiquan was created by Sun Lu Tang (1861-1933) as a blend of the Wu
Yu-xiang style of Taijiquan from Hao Wei Chen (1849-1920) who taught Sun Lu Tang
in 1911, and Sun Lu Tang's master level expertise in Hsing I Quan, Bagua Quan, and
Wudang Qigong.

Madame Sun Jian Yun, and a few others, did not agree with some of the sequencing
and the inclusion of a few of the moves found in the Sun 73 competition form (e.g.,
high jump kick, #35). In the end, Madame Sun Jian Yun, and a few others, did not
endorse the new 73 Sun Form. [One must not, of course, forget the bitterness of many
traditional martial artists because of the excesses of the Maoist Communist Cultural
Revolution in the 1960's, and the suspicions and resistance of some to governmental
Wushu standardization.] However, overall, for the main purpose of a standardized
international competition form, the new 73 Sun Style Taijiquan Form has been judged
by a number of martial arts experts as a reasonable and fair representation of Sun Lu
Tang's Taijiquan in terms of style, techniques, general sequencing, and spirit.

A substantial percentage of the Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form is identical to the

original Sun Taijiquan 98 Form in sequencing. 54 movements of the 73 form are in the
same sequence as the 98 form, and are largely performed in the same way.

Sectional Arrangements of the Sun Taijiquan 73 Form

Here is my own arrangement of the Sun 73 Form into 7 sections, seqments, or parts:

Section 1, Movements 1 - 10

Section 2, Movements 11 - 20

Section 3, Movements 21 - 30

Section 4, Movements 31 - 40

Section 5, Movements 41 - 50

Section 6, Movements 51 - 60

Section 7, Movements 61 - 73

Here is the arrangement found in The Competition Routine of Sun Style Taijiquan, 6
Segments, Zhong Shan, Chief Editor; and in Dr. Paul Lam's Sun Style Tai Chi 73
Forms, 6 Sections.

Segment/Section 1, Movements 1 - 22

Segment/Section 2, Movements 23 - 34

Segment/Section 3, Movements 35 - 41

Segment/Section 4, Movements 42 - 53

Segment/Section 5, Movements 54 - 57

Segment/Section 6, Movements 58 - 73
Slide Show of Sun Lu Tang Performing the Sun 97 Taijiquan Form.

Identical Movement Sequences in the Sun Taijiquan 73 Form and the

Classical Sun Taijiquan 98 Form

Sun 73 Sun 98

Movements 1- 26 Movements 1 - 26
Movements 36 - 49 Movements 44 - 58
Movements 59 - 73 Movements 84 - 98

Illustrations of the Sun Taijiquan 73 Form

I believe that the illustrations (line drawings) came from the book: Sun Style Taijiquan,
73 Forms. Textbook. Beijing University of Sports Education, China. 72 pages, b&w.
There is a Chinese only and English only version of this book according to Internet
sources. 177 line drawings of the 73 Form. Publication date unknown. I do not have a
copy of the publication, as of 1/1709; but am seeking one. This Sun 73 Form classroom
instructional text is not readily available to English readers. Suggestions?

I have seen different sets of these black and white line drawings on the Internet in
both .pdf and .jpg formats. I reorganized the illustrations into smaller groups, touched
them up, numbered them according to the movement sequences in the Sun Taijiquan 73
Form, placed them on a transparent background, and converted them into a more
condensed .gif format.

Performance Times for the Sun Taijiquan 73 International Competition


Complete Performance Time

Sun Taijiquan Standard International Competition 73 Form
Time Performer Source

5:31 Liang, Shou-Yu Sun Style Taijiquan with Applications, VHS, 1996
5:17 Tsao, Jesse Tai Chi Sun Style Competition Form 73, VHS, 2002
9:22 Jiang, Jian-Ye Sun Sytle Tai Chi Competition Form 73, VHS, 1997
Sun Style Tai Chi - 73 Forms, The Competition Form,
7:30 Lam, Paul
VHS, 2000
Sun Style Tai Chi - 73 Forms, The Competition Form,
5:42 Men, Hui-Feng
VHS, 2000
Ocean Hou's Sun Style 73 Competition Taiji Form
5:01 Ocean Hou
Demonstration UTube
3:52 Li, Cheng-Xiang Sun Style Long Competition Form 73, VCD
10:08 Xing, Guangzhi Tai Chi for Life, Sun 73 Style, DVD, 2005
5:37 Unknown Sun Tai Chi 73 Mouvements UTube Online Video, 2007
Tai Chi Sun Style Modified, 73 Form UTube Online
4:22 Nguyen Hoai Van
Video, 2006
5:20 Unknown The Competition Routine of Sun Style Taijiquan, 2003

Traditional Sun Style Taijiquan, 98 Movement Form, 1921

Sun, Jian Yun (1914- Traditional Sun Style Long Form UTube Online Video,
6:32 2003) B&W

Traditional Sun Style Long Form. UTube Online Video,
7:44 Sun, Peng

Return to the Main Index for this Webpage

Bibliography, Links,
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition
A Note to Readers: The Cloud Hands website has been online continuously since 2001. In this past year,
2008, over 1,900,000 webpages (excluding graphics) were served to readers around the world from the
Cloud Hands website. Since 2005, I have also provided an associated blog to point to changes and
additions at the Cloud Hands website: The Cloud Hands: Mind/Body Movement Arts Blog. Since Cloud
Hands is a very well-established and stable website, it provides readers with a good and secure starting
point for their online research into Taijiquan and Qigong. The Cloud Hands website is funded entirely by
Green Way Research, with volunteer efforts by Michael P. Garofalo.
Unfortunately, as everyone knows, many other websites and webpages and videos appear and then
disappear from the Internet scene. Authors do not pay to keep up their web hosting services, loose a "free
hosting" option, change filenames, recode away from HTML, or decide to remove webpages for various
reasons. Consequently, links to some good webpages or videos become invalid and the files are no longer
found on the Internet. You may find a some of these "dead links" to nonexistent webpages or videos cited
below; and, there is no way to avoid this troublesome situation. For this reason, when you do find a good
and useful webpage, be sure to save the webpage to a folder on your hard drive or server.
I welcome your suggestions for how to improve this webpage. Your comments, ideas, contributions,
and constructive criticism are encouraged. Send your suggestions to my email box.

Ba Gua Zhang, Pa Kua Chang: Sun Lu Tang Style

Cane, Zhang, Short Staff, Jo, Hanbo, Gun Weapons and Exercise Methods, JoDo, Zhang

Cloud Hands Blog

Cloud Hands Website

The Competition Routine of Sun Style Taijiquan. Zhong Shan, Chief Editor. Wu Don,
Executive Editor. Li Wei, Editor of English Version. Published in Beijing, China,
2003. 151 pages. ISBN: 7537720851. A detailed study of the Sun Taijiquan 73
standard competition form. Book comes with a VCD, color, 50 minutes. The
accompanying VCD ISRC: CN-C20-02-0040-O/V-G8. I could not find identification of
the performer or instructor on the VCD. There is no English narration on the VCD, just
The book is written in both English and Chinese. I used this very useful book to
determine the names of the movements and to help me prepare the the glossary for Sun
Lu Tang's internal martial arts system. The book includes many numbered black and
white photographs of each movement in the 73 Sun Form. The book is part of an
"Chinese-English bilingual series of guides to learning and practicing the competition
routines of Tai Ji Quan." Other titles in the series help you learn to perform the
competition versions of the Yang, Chen, Wu, Wu (Hao), Sun, and 42 Forms. I benefited
from reading their suggestions on how to prepare for and participate in Taijiquan
competitions. I ordered the Sun Taijiquan 73 form book and VCD from Tai Chi
Depot. The VCD includes a demonstration of the form, and an instructional segment
where the instructor slowly moves through the 73 form move by move from a front
view, and then from a back and side view. There is no English language narration.

The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan: A Comprehensive Guide to the Principles and
Practice. By Wong Kiew Kit. Shaftesbury, Dorset, Element, 1996. Index,
bibliography, 316 pages. ISBN: 1852307927. Chapter 18, pp. 262-277, is about the
Sun-Style Tai Chi Chuan. There were 97 postures-movements in Sun Lu Tang's original
Tai Chi set. Sun Kiam Yun, a lady Tai Chi master, does a 72 posture form. This book
includes a list of the postures-movements-patterns in the 72 form by Sun Kiam Yun and
includes excellent detailed line drawings of her doing this form.

Deng Fu Ming, Sun Taiji Master. Instructional DVDs, in Mandarin with English
subtitles. Plum Publications DVDs and VCDs. Master Deng demonstrates Sun Style
Xing Yi, Ba Gua and Taiji.

The Development of Sun Style Tai Chi Chuan Excellent article by Peter Lim Tian
Tek. German Translation Interesting biography of Sun Lu-Tang. 17Kb.

Green Way Blog

Illustrated version of the Sun Style 73 Competition Form. Black line illustrations.
Source unspecified.

Illustrated version of the Sun Style 73 Competition Form. Black line illustrations.
Source unspecified.

Internal Martial Arts (Nei Jia Quan), Sun Style - Quotations, Sayings, Commentary

List of Movements
Sun Taijiquan International Standard Competition 73 Form
List of Movements: 1-73 Sun 73 Form. One name, in English, for each of the
numbered 73 movements is provided. (PDF, 17 Kb, 1 Page, 2003)

List of Movements: 1-38 Sun 73 Form. One name, in English, for each of the
numbered movements 1-38 is provided. (PDF, 15 Kb, 1 Page, 2003)

List of Movements: 39-73 Sun 73 Form. One name, in English, for each of the
numbered movements 39-73 is provided. (PDF, 15 Kb, 1 Page, 2003)

List of Movements: 1-73 Sun 73 Form. One name, in English, for each of the 73
numbered movements is provided. Resource links are included. (PDF, 26 Kb, 3 Pages,

List of Movements: 1-73 Sun 73 Form. The number and name for each of the 73
movements is provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, and Chinese characters.
Resource links are included. (PDF, 133 Kb, 4 Pages, 2008)

List of Movements: 1-73 Sun 73 Form. The number and name for each of the 73
movements is provided. Names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters,
French, German and Spanish. Reference sources for the names for each of the 73
movements are cited. Alternative names are cited. Resource links are included.
Research by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.. (PDF, 284Kb, 31 Pages, 2008)

Sun Style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Standard Competition 73 Movements Form. Research by
Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.. Webpage: 450Kb, June 2008. This webpage includes an
introduction, information on the history of the Sun Taijiquan forms, a detailed
bibliography, extensive links, references to video resources, a large collections of
quotations about Sun Taijiquan, recommendations on the best media resources on the
topic, and suggestions for learning the 73 competition Sun Taijiquan form. A detailed
comparative list of the names of each of the 73 movements is provided, with source
references, and the movement names are given in English, Chinese, Chinese characters,
French, German, and Spanish. This webpage includes detailed descriptions of each of
the 73 movements with black and white illustrations for each movement sequence along
with commentary and comparisons. Many additional nomenclature lists and section
study charts in the PDF format, photographs and graphics are also provided - over 1 MB
of information. This webpage is the most detailed and complete document on the
subject of the Sun Taijiquan Competition 73 Form available on the Internet. This
document was published by Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Red Bluff,
California, 2008. URL:

List of Movements, Sun Lu Tang's Original Long Hand Form, 98 Movements, 1921
(PDF, 18Kb, 1 Page, 2003)
Lost T'ai-chi Classics from the Late Ch'ing Dynasty. By Douglas Wile. State
University of New York Press, 1995.

Nomenclature of Movements, 98 Movement Form International Sun Tai Chi


Online Videos of the Sun Taijiquan 73 Form

Opening and Closing Hands An essential Sun style movement in Sun Taijiquan and
qigong practice.

Original 98 Movement Long Hand Form, Sun Lu Tang, 1921

Plum Publications Santa Cruz, California. Offers DVDs/VCDs from Sun Jian Yun,
Deng Fu Ming, and Joanna Zoya. Sun Lu Tang DVDs/VCDs: Page 1, Page 2.

"Principles and Practice of Sun Style Tai Chi" by Yip, Li (Faye). Tai Chi: The
International Magazine of Tai Chi Chuan: April 1998, Vol. 22 No. 2.

Quotations: Internal Martial Arts (Nei Jia Quan), Sun Style - Quotations, Sayings,

Recommended for Learning the Sun Taijiquan 73 Form

San Ti Shi: "Three Harmony" Standing Exercise International Sun Tai Chi

San Ti Shi: Bibliography, Links, Quotes, Notes, Photographs

Slide Show of Sun Lu Tang Performing the Sun 97 Taijiquan Form.

A Study of Taijiquan. By Sun Lutang. Translated by Tim Cartmell. North Atlantic

Books, 2003. 160 pages. ISBN: 1556434626. Includes a very informative biography,
with photographs, about the life of Sun Lutang (Sun Fu Quan). There is an
introduction to the form, and very short chapters on each of the 98 movements in Sun
Lu tang's original long hand form. Many black and white photographs of Sun Lu Tang
in movement postures. Limited details in movement descriptions and descriptions of
transitions. Cradall uses a text published in 1924. This book, and Sun Lutang's other
books on Baguazhang (1916) and Xingyiquan (1915) were groundbreaking and seminal
works in the history of the internal martial arts (Nei Jia Quan). In fact, an argument can
be made that Sun Lu-Tang's published works marked the introduction of these ideas into
a much wider circle of Chinese Neijia Quan enthusiasts of physical culture, and
intellectuals seeking knowledge of the internal martial arts and their many interrelations
with Taoism, Daoyin (Qigong) and Chinese philosophy.

Sun Lu Tang: Books, DVDs, VCDs, Pamphlets. Plum Publications, CA.

Sun Lu Tang (Sun Fun Quan) 1861-1933 Chronology of his life.

Sun Lu Tang's Style of Internal Martial Arts: Bibliography, Instructions, Links,

Resources, Quotations. By Mike Garofalo. 1.3MB.

Sun's Style Tai Chi Chuan. By Master Sun Jian-yun and Master Paul Lam (Tam Fung-
ngar Paul). Translated by Peter Chan and Leung Ming-yuen. Published by Peter Chan
and Co., Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2003. 141 pages. Distributed by Plum Publications.
Hong Kong Registry No. 962-8665111. "Some books are nothing less than essential.
For the Sun style enthusiast this is a keystone written by the famous instructors own
daughter who practiced for over 70 years. Well written in generally good translation this
book discusses the Sun style with its key points, Sun Jian Yun's life, the breakdown of
the form with written examples of usage, key points to remember in practice and
historical notes. Our only criticism is that the photographs are rather small. On the other
hand there are specifics about, for instance, Sun footwork which are very helpful in
understanding the fundamentals of this branch." The form presented in this book has 97

Sun Style Long Competition Form. Instructional VCD, 130 minutes. Instructions, in
Chinese only, by Li Cheng Xiang. 2 VCDs. Available from Plum Publications, VCD
675. ISBN: 788721100X.

Sun Style Tai Chi Chuan

Sun-Style Taichi Chuan. 2 instructional VCDs. "Such VCD is of English version and
both the English subtitle and explanation can help practitioners well understand the
essentials of Sun-style Tai Chi Chuan. Lee De Yin, who is the contemporary famous Tai
Chi master and professor now working with People's University of China and state-level
coach in Beijing Martial Arts Committee, gives lectures in the program regarding the
key points for every phases in the 73-posture routine forms. He also showcases every
postures in a detailed way (reviewed often from front or back)."

Sun Style Tai Chi Chuan: Quotations, Sayings, Commentary

Sun Style Tai Chi Chuan 73 Forms: Instructions, Lists of Movements, Bibliography,

Sun Style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Standard Competition 73 Movements Form. Research by
Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.. Webpage: 350Kb, May 2008. This webpage includes an
introduction, information on the Sun Taijiquan form, a large collection of quotations
about Sun Taijiquan, a detailed bibliography, extensive links, references to video
resources, and suggestions for learning the 73 competition Sun form. A detailed
comparative list of the names of each of the 73 movements is provided, with source
references, and the movement names are given in English, Pinyin Chinese, Chinese
characters, French, German, and Spanish. A detailed description of each of the 73
movements with black and white illustrations for each movement sequence is provided
along with instructions, commentary and general comments. This is the most detailed
and complete webpage on the subject of the Sun Taijiquan 73 Competition Form
available on the Internet.

Sun Style Tai Chi Chuan with Applications. Directed by Grandmaster Liang, Shou-
Yu and Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming. International Standard Routine. Produced by Yang's
Martial Arts Association, Boston, MA, 1996. VHS, 52 minutes. A demonstration of the
overall form, then the form is broken into six parts and each part is demonstrated twice -
no instruction. 20 minutes of applications. Performed by Grandmaster Liang, Shou-Yu
and Ramel Rones. Information. ASIN:1886969469.

Sun Style Tai Chi Competition Form. Instructional videotape by Jiang Jian-ye. VHS,
82 minutes. Albany, New York, CDTKA, 1997. The standard competition 73
movement form approved by the Chinese National Wushu Association for international
competition. Website: Jiang's Tai Chi Videos. Master Jiang Jian-ye is a Taijiquan and
Wushu expert with a Master's degree in Physical Education, has produced many high
quality instructional videotapes, and has many of his videotapes distributed by Wayfarer
Publications and through Tai Chi Magazine. I value the quality work of Master Jiang, I
own a number of his instructional videotapes, and have learned a lot from him. His
explanations are clear and detailed, and he shows repeated views at different angles and
sometimes at different speeds as necessary for faster forms. Sun Style Tai Chi
Competition Form. "Created by the Chinese National Wushu Association."
Instructional videotape by Jiang Jian-ye. VHS, 120 minutes. Website: Jiang's Tai Chi
Videos. This is the 73 Movement standard competition form.

Sun Style Tai Chi - 73 Forms. The Competition Forms. An instructional videotape by
Dr. Paul Lam. Narwee, Australia, East Action Video, 2000. A competition form created
by Professor Men Hui Feng of Beijing University based on the Sun style. "This detailed
instructional video includes a demonstration of the set by its creator, Professor Men
Hui-Feng. Sun style is characterized by its powerful qigong elements, agile steps and
flowing movements." VHS, 103 minutes. Contents: Introduction to Tai Chi and the
Sun style. Comprehensive instructions. Demonstrations of the complete set by Dr. Paul
Lam from front and back views. A demonstration by the creator of the set, Professor
Men Hu--Feng. ASIN: B000066G1T.

Sun Style Taiji Chuan. Instructional VCD. "VCD is the English version and both
the English subtitles and explanation can help practitioners well understand the
essentials of Sun-style Tai Chi Chuan. Lee De Yin, who is a contemporary famous Tai
Chi master and professor now working with People's University of China and state-level
coach in Beijing Martial Arts Committee, gives lectures in the program regarding the
key points for every phase in the 73-posture routine forms. He also showcases every
posture in a detailed way (reviewed often from front or back)." Part of the Chinese
Kung Fu CD series.

Sun Style Tajiquan: Bibliography, Guides, Links, Resources, Instructions, Research

Sun Style Taijiquan Competition Routine. Instructional DVD by Li Chengxiang. 120

minutes. English and Chinese subtitles with voiceover in Chinese. 73 Form routine.

Sun Style Taijiquan Glossary

Sun Style Taijiquan Quotations and Notes

Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Competition Form, List of Movements: 1-73 (PDF, 131 Kb,
4 Pages) Number and name of movement in English, Chinese Pinyin and Chinese
Characters, and resource links.

Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Forms. Textbook. Beijing University of Sports Education,

China. 72 pages, b&w. In Chinese and English. 177 line drawings of the 73 Form.
Distributed by Tai Chi and Chi Kung Institute. "This is the English textbook for students
studying Sun Style at the Beijing University of Sports Education in China, which we
reprint here for students of the Institute with permission. This book presents the Sun
Style Tai Chi Competition Routine in 73 Forms, illustrated with 177 diagrams and
accompanied by written descriptions. It also contains a floor plan, which outlines the
distribution of movements in the routine."

Sun T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Competition Routine. By Le Deyin and Wu Dong. Ebook. 300
color photos.
Sun Tai Chi Chuan 73 Form

Sun T'ai Chi Ch'uan - Valley Spirit Homepage

Sun Tai Chi Video and Book 73 Competition Form. ISBN: 7537720851.

Sun Taijiquan Blog

Sun Taijiquan: Standard Competition 73 Movements Form, List of Movements: 1-73

Number and name for each of the 73 movements is provided. Names are given in
English, Chinese, Chinese characters, French, German and Spanish. Reference sources
for the names for each of the 73 movements are cited. Alternative names are cited.
Resource links are included. (PDF, 295Kb, 33 Pages, 2008)

Sun Taijiquan: Standard Competition 73 Movements Form. Research by Michael P.

Garofalo, M.S.. Webpage: 350Kb, May 2008. This webpage includes an introduction,
information on the Sun Taijiquan form, a large collection of quotations about Sun
Taijiquan, a detailed bibliography, extensive links, references to video resources, and
suggestions for learning the 73 competition Sun form. A detailed comparative list of the
names of each of the 73 movements is provided, with source references, and the
movement names are given in English, Pinyin Chinese, Chinese characters, French,
German, and Spanish. A detailed description of each of the 73 movements with black
and white illustrations for each movement sequence is provided along with instructions,
commentary and general comments. This is the most detailed and complete webpage on
the subject available on the Internet.

Survey of the Sun Style Demonstration VCD, 60 minutes. By Sun Jian Yun, family
members, and senior students. Available from Plum Publications, VCD25. ISBN:
788721100X. "Starts with a performance of Sun T'ai Chi by Sun Jian-Yun, herself an
"old Shihfu". Other students and family members help demonstrate T'ai Chi, Sun Style
Ba Gua Partner Sword practice, Sun Style Hsing Yi Fist Set, and a rather nice Sun style
Xing Yi sword." DVD

Tai Chi Chuan: Theory and Practice. By Paul F. N. Tam. "This book covers
history, lineage, and writings of the old masters, pushing hands and the form itself. Tam
is a direct descendant of Sun Lu Tangs teachings and one of Sun Jian Yun's
top disciples." Hardback, In English, 300 pages. In Chinese. 1991.

Tai Chi: Health for Life. How and Why It Works for Health, Stress Relief, and
Longevity. By Bruce Frantzis. Berkeley, California, Blue Snake Books, Energy Arts
Inc., c 2006. Index, 320 pages. ISBN: 1583941444. VSCL.
Tai Chi for Life: Sun Style Tai Chi. 73 Standard Competition Form. DVD Instruction,
90 minutes. Instruction by Master Guangzhi Xing. Turtle Press. "Sun style was
developed by Master Sun Lu-Tang, using elements from various Chinese boxing
schools. It features quick hand and foot movements as well as smooth footwork, earning
it the name of "the form of the flowing steps." On this DVD, Master Xing teaches you
the 73-movement form developed by the Chinese National Wushu Association from the
traditional Sun family form for international competition. Begin with a warm-up
followed by detailed instruction in the movements that make up the forms. Master Xing
demonstrates from the front, rear and side views, performing the complete form then
teaching the individual movements one by one with detailed instruction." Instruction in
English and with some text over video. Huo Bu Jia: The Form of the Flowing Steps.
Copyright Turtle Press, 2002-2005.

Tai Chi Sun Style Competition Form 73. Instructional videotape by Master Jesse
Tsao. 60 minutes. Tai Chi Healthways, 2002. Telephone: 858-793-8939. The form
is demonstrated by Master Tsao, then he teaches the form in 15 lessons, posture by
posture. Sun Style Tai Chi. Demonstration by Jesse Tsao. UTube, 5:37 min.
Demonstration of his instructional videotape. 73 Form. Email Jesse Tsao.

Taijiquan, Sun Style: Quotations, Sayings, Commentary

Taijiquan Theory of Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming: The Root of Taijiquan. By Yang Jwing-
Ming. Boston, Massachusetts, 2003. References, glossary, index, 270 pages. ISBN:

Taijiquan Xue (A Study of Taiji Boxing). Classical Taijiquan, Volume 1. By Sun

Lutang. Translated and edited by Joseph Crandall. Pinole, California, Smiling Tiger
Martial Arts, 2000. 100 pages. ISBN: 1929047177. "Sun's original preface written in
1919 and photos of Sun performing the 98 part Sun Style Tai Ji routine. Part Two is a
push hands sparring routine plus an explanation of its use as a bridge from the 98
movement form to free style sparring and ultimately to combat." Book (8.5" x 11",
Velo-Bound format) Distributed by Plum Flower Press, formerly High View
Publications, at 800-531-0693. Joseph Crandall translates a book published in 1921.

Videos Online of Sun Taiji 73 Form

Workshops and Seminars about Sun Style Taijiquan

Please send me information about any workshops, seminars, or intensives about Sun
Style Taijiquan short forms, 73 form or 98 form. I will advertise them on this webpage.
Return to the Main Index for this Webpage

Videos Online
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition

Ocean Hou's Sun Style 73 Competition Taiji Form Demonstration. UTube, 5:01 min,
color. A Master level performance by Ocean Hou. A very nice soundtrack with
renaissance style music. The performance in a beautiful titled patio of a public garden.
This is the best online video of a performance of the Sun 73 form.

Sun Lu Tang Performing the Sun 97 Taijiquan Form. This is a slideshow. UTube, 3:09

Sun Taiji Competition Form, 73 Form, Performed by Professor Men Hui Feng. Utube,
4:48. Very grainy black and white video.

Sun Tai Chi 73 Mouvements. UTube, 5:37 min. Quite dark and hard to see clearly the
graceful movements of a lady doing the form. 73 Form.

Tai Chi Sun Style Modified, 73 Form UTube Online Video, 4:22, 2006. Performed by
Nguyen Hoai Van, France.

Tai Chi Sun Style Modified. UTube, 4:22 min. 73 Form.

Sun 73 Tai Chi. Demonstration by Guy C. Prentice, 2007. UTube, 6:48. A bit blurry
and grainy video.

Sun Style 73 Forms Instructional DVD Introduction to Paul Lam's instructional VHS.
UTube, 5:38 min.

Sun Style Short Form. UTube, 2:33.

Sun Style Tai Chi. Demonstration by Jesse Tsao. UTube, 5:47 min. Demonstration of
his instructional videotape. 73 Form.

Sun Style Tai Chi 73. UTube, 5:54 min. An older American man performs the 73 form
in a room. No sound.

Sun Tai Chi UTube Search

Sun Taijiquan UTube Search

Sun Taijiquan Competition Form. UTube, 5:31 min. This video features a front view
and simultaneous insert of a side view. Demonstration by a man in a white uniform in
a spring green park.

Sun Taijiquan, Videos Online, List

Taichichuan Sun Style. Interesting Moscow Taiji club practice of Sun Style Taiji.
UTube, 2:27.

Taiji - Sun Style 98 Form. Demonstrated by Sun Jian Yun. Utube, 7:42, color.
Probably the best video version I've seen of Master Sun Jian Yun (1913-2003) doing the
traditional form.

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Sun Style Taijiquan

Quotations about Sun Lu Tang's Internal Martial Arts : Tai Ji Quan, Ba Gua
Quan, Hsing Yi Quan

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Recommendations for
Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Movements Standard International Competition
By Michael P. Garofalo

I get email from readers asking me to recommend books, videotapes, VCDs, or DVDs
for them to use to study the Sun style Taijiquan 73 competition from. I have viewed
many VCDs, DVDs, and/or VHS videotapes on the subject of the 73 Sun Form. I have
collected nearly all of the printed and media materials on the subject. As far as I know,
this webpage has the most information online about the subject of the Sun 73 Taijiquan
Form. I welcome suggestions from readers of this webpage about this topic.

I have provided numerous strategies, tactics, tips and suggestions for learning Taijiquan
forms on your own on my webpages on the 24 Standard Short Yang Form and the 32
Standard Sword Yang Form.

Based upon the products that I have reviewed, I recommend the following
instructional resources:

1 2 3 5

1. Sun Style Tai Chi - 73 Forms. The International Competition Form. An

instructional videotape by Dr. Paul Lam, M.D.. Narwee, Australia, East Action Video,
2000. VHS, 103 minutes. ASIN: B000066G1T. Excellent color photography and
sound work. Detailed instruction by Dr. Lam of each movement of the 73 Form. A
student demonstrates while Dr. Lam describes the movement. Each movement is then
demonstrated by Dr. Lam with a front and back view. On screen text gives the number
and name of each of the 73 movements. "This detailed instructional video includes a
demonstration of the set by its creator, Professor Men Hui- Feng. Sun style is
characterized by its powerful qigong elements, agile steps and flowing movements."
Contents: Introduction to Tai Chi and the Sun style. Comprehensive posture by posture
instructions by Dr. Lam, students modeling movements, different views, repetitions
from front and back sides. A demonstration of the complete form by Dr. Paul Lam, with
front and back views. A front view performance demonstration by the committee
chairperson and main creator of the set, Professor Men Hui-Feng. Professor Men Hui-
Feng of Beijing University was the committee chairperson and main creator of this
competition form, published in 1991.

I enjoy the slow, careful and detailed descriptions by Dr. Lam and his use of students to
demonstrate as he gives you clear instructions on how to do the Sun 73 Form.
2. The Competition Routine of Sun Style Taijiquan. Zhong Shan, Chief Editor. Wu
Don, Executive Editor. Li Wei, Editor of English Version. Published in Beijing, China,
2003. 151 pages. ISBN: 7537720851. A detailed study of the Sun Taijiquan 73
standard competition form. Book comes with a VCD, color, 50 minutes. The
accompanying VCD ISRC: CN-C20-02-0040-O/V-G8. I could not find identification of
the performer or instructor on the VCD. There is no English narration on the VCD, just

The book is written in both English and Chinese. I used this very informative book to
determine the names of the movements and to help me prepare the the glossary for Sun
Lu Tang's internal martial arts system. The book includes many numbered black and
white photographs of each movement in the 73 Sun Form. The book is part of an
"Chinese-English bilingual series of guides to learning and practicing the competition
routines of Tai Ji Quan." Other titles in the series help you learn to perform the
competition versions of the Yang, Chen, Wu, Wu (Hao), Sun, and 42 Forms. I benefited
from reading their suggestions on how to prepare for and participate in Taijiquan
competitions. I ordered the Sun Taijiquan 73 form book and VCD from Tai Chi Depot.

The VCD includes a demonstration of the form, and an instructional segment where
the instructor very slowly moves through the 73 form move by move from a front view,
and then from a back and side insert view. There is no English language narration. The
VCD is inferior to the other instructional DVDs or VHS videocassettes I recommend.
However, the fact that the VCD is combined with the book, and both are sold at a very
reasonable price, make this set a valuable learning resource. VSCLC.

3. Sun Style Tai Chi Competition Form. Instructional videotape by Jiang Jian-
ye. VHS, 82 minutes. Albany, New York, CDTKA, 1997. The standard competition 73
movement form approved by the Chinese National Wushu Association for international
competition. Website: Jiang's Tai Chi Videos. Master Jiang Jian-ye is a Taijiquan and
Wushu expert with a Master's degree in Physical Education. He has has produced many
high quality instructional videotapes, and has many of his videotapes distributed by
Wayfarer Publications and through Tai Chi Magazine. I value the quality work of
Master Jiang. I own a number of his instructional videotapes, and have learned a lot
from him. His explanations are clear and detailed, and he shows repeated views at
different angles and sometimes at different speeds as necessary for faster forms. He is
enthusiastic and focused.

4. Sun Style Taiji Competition 73 Form Instructional DVD or VHS videotape by

Master Jesse Tsao. 60 minutes. San Diego, California, Tai Chi Healthways, 2002.
Telephone: 858-793-8939. Email Jesse Tsao. The form is demonstrated by Master
Tsao, then he teaches the form in 15 lessons, posture by posture. "Sun style is the
youngest among the five leading styles of Tai Chi. Sun style is characterized by its
compactness of movement, its high, upright posture, and its lively footwork. This DVD
video teaches the Chinese national standard routine Sun Style Form 73. Master Tsao
teaches posture-by-posture in detail in English. He also demonstrates the entire routine
in both front and back views. (Difficulty: Beginner through Advanced Levels)" For
selections from this instructional media resource look at the online video Sun Style Tai
Chi 73 Form (Jesse Tsao, UTube, 5:37 min).

5. Sun Style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Standard Competition 73 Movements Form.

Research by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.. Webpage: 450Kb, January 2009. This
webpage includes an introduction, information on the history of the Sun Taijiquan
forms, a detailed bibliography, extensive links, references to video resources, a large
collection of quotations about Sun Taijiquan, recommendations on the best media
resources on the topic, and suggestions for learning the 73 competition Sun Taijiquan
form. A detailed comparative list of the names of each of the 73 movements is
provided, with source references, and the movement names are given in English,
Chinese, Chinese characters, French, German, and Spanish. This webpage includes
detailed descriptions of each of the 73 movements with black and white illustrations for
each movement sequence along with commentary and comparisons. Many additional
nomenclature lists and section study charts in the PDF format, photographs and graphics
are also provided - over 1 MB of information. This webpage is the most detailed and
complete document on the subject of the Sun Taijiquan Competition 73 Form available
on the Internet. This document was published by Green Way Research, Valley Spirit
Taijiquan, Red Bluff, California, 2009. URL:

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Standard Directional Scheme Used for Describing the Sun Style

Taijiquan 73 Form
Used By Mike Garofalo

Directional Instructions and Alternatives

Clock Hour Compass

Direction Direction A

N 12 12:00 o'clock North - Front Side

of Body
NE 1 1:30 o'clock Northeast
East - Right Side
E3 3:00 o'clock
of Body
SE 4 4:30 o'clock Southeast
South - Back Side
S6 6:00 o'clock
of Body
SW 7 7:30 o'clock Southwest
West - Left Side of
W 9 9:00 o'clock
10:30 o'clock Northwest

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Michael P. Garofalo's E-mail

Red Bluff, Tehama County, North Sacramento Valley, Northern California, U.S.A.
Cities in the area: Yuba City, Marysville, Oroville, Paradise, Willows, Durham, Chico,
Hamilton City,
Orland, Corning, Rancho Tehama, Los Molinos, Tehama, Proberta, Gerber, Manton,
Red Bluff,
Cottonwood, Anderson, Shasta Lake, Shasta County, Palo Cedro, and Redding, CA,

Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Valley Spirit Taijiquan Center, Red Bluff, California

This document was first published on the Internet by Green Way Research in January,

Sun Style of Tai Chi Chuan

Sun Lu Tang (1861-1933) Biographical Information

Sun Taijiquan Competition 73 Forms

Cloud Hands: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Chi Kung Website

Cloud Hands Blog

Green Way Blog


Fitness and Well Being

Detailed Index to the Cloud Hands Website

Sun Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Quotes, Notes.

Sun Taijiquan: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Instructions, Quotations, Index

Sun Style Taiji Quan: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Instructions, Quotations, Index
Sun Tai Chi: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Instructions, Quotations, Index

Sun Lu Tang's T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Taijiquan, Taiji Quan, Tai Chi

Sun Lu Tang's Bagua Quan, Baqua Zhang, Bagua, Baguazhang

Sun Lu Tang's Xing Yi Quan, Hsing I Chuan, Hsing I, Mind-Form Boxing, Form-Will

Sun Lu Tang's Sword, Jian, Saber, Dan Dao

Sun Tai Chi Chuan: Instructions, Guides, Lessons, Lists, Notes, Bibliography, Links,
Videos, Blog, Quotations, 73 Form, Weapons

Sun Taijiquan: Instructions, Guides, Lessons, Lists, Notes, Bibliography, Links, Videos,
Blog, Quotations, 73 Form, Weapons

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