Int Brochure IDE 03-15proef

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Industrial Design Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering

... enable people to improve their

diet through smart engineering

Any supermarket carries a dizzying number of

products. Packaging cries out for attention with
appealing promises like extra Vitamin C, packed
with anti-oxidants and organic, fairtrade or MSC
certified. Yet hardly anyone knows what healthy
food is anymore. Top chefs like Jamie Oliver are
encouraging a return to the enjoyment of natu-
ral, healthy food. And technology can help. Just
suppose you were to devise a useful application
for mobile phones. So that supermarket shoppers
could scan the barcodes on packaging. Enabling
them to see at a glance whether the manufacturers
promises are justified.
Industrial Design
The sky is the limit. As a result of globalisation
and modern technology, we see a world of
opportunities that keeps evolving. Boundaries
between products, services and consumer
experience are becoming increasingly blurred.
This requires a new type of designer - with a
broad view: the open innovator. Our English-
language Industrial Design Engineering study
programme teaches you to design solutions
for todays and tomorrows complex challenges
and to combine creativity with entrepreneurial
skills, so that the products and services that
start in your mind, end up in the real world.
This study programme is already backed by
a solid network in the business community.
Businesses are eagerly looking out for these
designers of the future.

Key elements
nnA three-year Bachelors programme taught entirely in English
nnA high-level, solid academic grounding with a strong focus on
practical skills
nnInternational career prospects
nnStrong business and industry links with opportunities for
international work placements
nnAn opportunity to work with other highly-motivated students
withdiverse backgrounds
Your learning experience
Industrial Design Engineering is a three-year English-taught Each year in this three-year programme has been assigned a
Bachelor of Engineering. The creative process lies at the heart of theme. The first years theme is The Explorer, Blazing new trails.
this technical programme. You wont be looking for the standard You can only explore new trails with a truly investigative attitude.
answers, but for genuine innovations, whether it concerns a product, The theme of the second year is The Creator, Designing your own
(web)service or your own company. From the initial brainstorm, world. The primary focus will be on the design process, which will
to designing and testing concepts with users, to the market be explored in detail. The Entrepreneur, Making it happen is the
introduction, we will take every step in the process together. theme chosen for the last year, because a good idea will also need to
Youll learn to design creative and successful solutions for complex be marketed. The years courses are built around team projects with
issues in trade and industry and non-profit organisations, solutions external partners. You will enjoy supportive lectures and practical
that are of value to the user, the market and society. assignments.

Year 1 Module 1.1 Module 1.2 Module 1.3 Module 1.4
The Explorer You & The World Futuring People Solutions
Blazing new Project Community Project Future Project Society & You Project Create the Solution
Trails Personal Branding Mechanics & Maths Design Exploration Implementing Business &
Cultural Differences Basics of Technology User Research Products
Visualisation & Visualisation & Visualisation & Visualisation &
Communication 1.1 Communication 1.2 Communication 1.3 Communication 1.4
Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching
Year 2 Module 2.1 Module 2.2 Module 2.3 Module 2.4
The creator Itch & Insights Ideas & Concepts Materialisation Implementation
Designing your Design Project 1: Design Project 2: Design Project 3: International Insights research
World Ideas & Concepts Materialization Realization
Business modelling User Involvement Production preparation
Materials & Manufacturing Construction & Requirements Prototyping & Craftsmanship 3
Prototyping & Craftsmanship 1 Prototyping & Craftsmanship 2 Plan the project
Plan the project Plan the project
Year 3 The Entrepreneur Making it Happen
Description The Entrepreneur can translate his solution into an attractive business proposition. To enable this translation, students will
learn how to evaluate commercial appeal of concepts, how to set up a business model for innovative concepts and how to
develop synergetic partnerships for market introduction.
Mission Our entrepeneur is a pratical idealist, they can turn ideas into concrete plans which can be realized. He/she manages this
because he/she understands the interest and needs of stakeholders and is able to activate others to join in.
Year set up Core idea of the year: in part one the student can learn and experiment in short courses & projects, the second half year the
students have to set up their own business as a graduation project or do a traditional graduation project as an internship.
Year 3 Minor Graduation
Entrepreneurship in Innovation

Possible Minors:
Business Modelling & Value Creation
Networking & Partnerships
Creating Tribes & Movements
Sustainable Business
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Cross Border Prosperity
Global Design & Manufacturing

You choose minors in the first half of the year plus

Entrepreneurship in Innovation and the second half of the year is
dedicated to your graduation project.
Please check our website for the most up to date information on the curriculum
Year 1:
The Explorer Blazing new trails
The first year is about developing a research attitude and open mind Module 3
to discover trends and opportunities. Developing research skills Society & You, User Research, Visualisation & Communication:
is not enough, students need to be able to translate results into Information
meaningful concepts, using visuals in all forms of presentation and You will be asked to explore a trend, find a challenge and make a
be able to communicate this to our innovative companies. This is the briefing for a designer of the solution. Once again, a few Innovator
basis for developing valuable solutions. companies will be involved so the challenge you will work on should
be of value to the company and society. In this module you will work
Module 1 on your research skills and intercultural communication skills which
Personal branding, Project Community, Cultural differences, are required to design a good brief. The concept of Visualisation &
Visualisation & Communication: Image Communication will be further explored with a focus Information.
You will work on a concept for an online community for your course You will learn about 2dvisualising and communicating research
and work in Design teams on a common Global goal. In this module outcomes, gaining insights through design skills such as sketching,
also Visualisation & Communication will be covered. You will learn info graphics, diaries, film and music.
about the power of images. How to communicate/represent/analyse
a situation or a problem by use of visuals such as moodboards, post- Module 4
ers, analogies, colors, paint, clay, sketching. Project, Creativity, Visualisation & Communication: Experience
You will use the design brief you worked on in the previous module
Module 2 and design, conceptualize and prototype the solution in an iterative
Intro -past -Futuring-Roadmap, Basics of innovation, process (diverging, converging) by means of a pressure cooker and
Visualisation & Communication: Story use co-creation. Implementing the solution and designing a suitable
In this module you will work on a magazine, roadmap, and pres- business model is part of this project. Creative facilitation is also part
entation for a State of the Future. You will learn about the impact of this module and you will learn how to run ideas generation ses-
of innovation on human values, business and society through sions and how to trick our brains into being truly creative by using
the years. The concept of Visualisation & Communication will be stimulus techniques. The concept of Visualisation & Communication
further explored with a focus on the power of Stories. How can will be further explored with a focus on Experience. You will learn
you v isualise stories by means of sketching, writing, digitalising about 3dPrototyping and sketching, drawing on a napkin and craft-
(illustrator, indesign, powerpoint), use of storyboards, roadmaps, ing. In a workshop you will get a chance to be creative with foam,
scenarios. clay and wood.

Year 2: Year 3:
The Creator Design your world The Entrepreneur Make it happen
The second year is about creating meaningful solutions and quickly The Entrepreneur can translate his solution into an attractive busi-
transforming these into tangible results. The key factors here are ness proposition. To enable this translation, students will learn how
creativity, prototyping and envisoning. To raise awareness on how to to evaluate commercial appeal of concepts, how to set up a business
choose between concepts, students will get tools to evaluate impact model for innovative concepts and how to develop synergetic part-
on people, the environment and business. nerships for market introduction.

The core subjects in the second year are: Creative Facilitation, Visu- The core subjects in the final year are: Innovative Business Model-
alization, Responsible Design, Rapid Prototyping, Concept Testing. ling, Commercial Feasibility, Change Management.

Janneke Sluijs
> Co-developer of the Industrial Design
Engineering programme, the Netherlands
The student combines trends and developments in
technological, economic, cultural and social fields to
add value through innovative products, services or business
models. Think of an application on your phone that scans
products in a supermarket and can immediately indicate that
this product is environment friendly, or that you should not eat
it because of your high blood pressure.
Entrance requirements and costs English language skills
To enrol in the three-year programme, you need the equivalent Since our international Bachelor programmes are taught entirely in
of a higher level Dutch VWO diploma such as an International English, you will need a good command of the English language,
Baccalaureate, German Abitur or three British A-levels at grade C both spoken and written. Bachelor candidates who were educated
or higher. Other diplomas may also be acceptable and these will in Holland, United Kingdom, Ireland, United States, Canada,
be evaluated upon application. More details are available on our Australia, New-Zealand, South Africa or Malta need not take
website at an English proficiency test. All other prospective students are
required to hand in a valid and sufficient TOEFL (Test of English as
Please check our website for the most up-to-date information on a Foreign Language), TOEIC, IELTS (International English Language
your tuition fees and other costs. Testing System) or Cambridge ESOL (CAE/CPE) certificate to the
Enrolment Centre.
How to register and further information
The application process will depend on which country you are from If you have not quite reached the level you need to enrol for a
as well as your diplomas. Students with a Dutch diploma should degree but your results are promising, we offer an English Prep
go to for details on School programme, which takes six months or one year. On
how to apply. Students with a non-Dutch diploma can find all the completion of this, you will not only be ready to join a Bachelor,
application criteria on our website but youll also have learned a lot about Holland, The Hague and
enrolment our university.

For more information on the application process you can also The minimum language requirements are provided in the tables
contact the Enrolment Centre on +31 (0)70 445 85 85 or by filling in below.
the online contact form at

Language requirements
Cambridge ESOL
Certificate in Advanced
TOEFL scores IELTS scores English (CAE)
Bachelor TOEIC Certificate of Proficiency
Programmes scores in English (CPE)
Paper Computer Internet
Listening Reading Writing Speaking Overall Grades
based based based
European Studies
550 213 80 * 1 670 * 2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 A/B/C
3 year
European Studies
550 213 80 670 * 2 - - - - 6.0 A/B/C
4 year
IBMS 550 213 80 670 * 2 - - - - 6.0 A/B/C
ICM 550 213 80 *1 670 * 2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 A/B/C
IDE 550 213 80 *1 670 * 2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 A/B/C
IFMC 550 213 80 *1 670 * 2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 A/B/C
LAW 550 213 80 670 * 2 - - - - 6.0 A/B/C
PFT 3 year 550 213 80 *1 670 * 2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 A/B/C
PFT 4 year 550 213 80 670 * 2 - - - - 6.0 A/B/C
IPM 550 213 80 670 * 2 - - - - 6.0 A/B/C
SSMS 550 213 80 670 * 2 - - - - 6.0 A/B/C

*1 With minimum subscores of 20.

*2 The minimum score of 670 applies to the Listening and Reading module. Both the modules
Speaking and Writing and Listening and Reading must be successfully completed.
- No minimum subscore required.

More information about this programme

For programme information feel free to contact Coen Dekkers, online form
programme lecturer, on +31 70 445 8775 or by e-mail at For information regarding visa procedures, scholarships,
accommodation or insurance, please visit ourwebsite
For information regarding the application process, diplomas, or contact the International Office on
English language requirements or the tuition fees visit our +31 (0)70 445 85 05 or by e-mail at
or contact the Enrolment Centre on +31 (0)70 445 85 85 or via an
The Hague and Den Haag
The Hague
The Netherlands La Haya

The Hague University

of Applied Sciences
Our 22,000 students come from all
over the world (more than 146 dif-
ferent nationalities!!). It is a diverse
and lively group. Our students can
choose from more than 50 different
programmes and make use of the
excellent facilities that the univer-
sity has to offer.

We focus on you, your work and

leisure time. Our cutting edge
library, computer facilities and
science labs will help ease your
The Hague is a great place to live and study, an study. We have several restau-
excellent city for doing business and an inter- rants, extensive sports facilities
national diplomatic crossroads. It is the political and student lounges where you
capital of the Netherlands and residence of the can unwind and make new friends.
royal family. The International Criminal Court,
the Peace Palace, the War Crimes Tribunal and
Europol are just a few of the organisations that
contribute to The Hagues reputation as an inter-
national city of peace, justice and security. The Hague is central to Europes largest port and
There is something for everyone in The Hague. two international airports.
Marvel at the historic architecture, soak up the
sun on the sandy beaches, or walk in the steps of The Netherlands enjoys a strategic geographi-
Mondriaan and Vermeer. The Hague offers all the cal position and is often called the gateway to
benefits of a big city with a small town feel. Europe. As a result there is a strong international
It is also home to large numbers of companies flavour, particularly in the countrys western urban
and organisations with international influence. conurbation (the Randstad), of which The Hague is
Internationally renowned businesses like Shell and a central part. Almost everybody speaks English.
Siemens have headquarters in The Hague.

Colophon The Hague University of Applies Sciences

Editor: Communications & Marketing Visiting address: Johanna Westerdijkplein 75
The Hague University of Applied Sciences 2521 EN The Hague
Print: OBT bv, The Hague, The Netherlands The Netherlands

We have done our utmost to provide you with the best Postal address: P.O. Box 13336
possible information about studying with us, but changes 2501 EH The Hague
may be made to the educational programme. Therefore no The Netherlands
rights can be derived from the information in this brochure.
For the latest information please consult our website International Office T +31 70 445 85 05
Maart 2015

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