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Summarized by ACRG - they serve as the front line of the encounter
_____________________________________ with the criminals or those who threatens
the social order.
- Executive arm of the government charged
CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM - refers to the with the enforcement of the law
system used by the govt to maintain social
control, enforce laws, prosecute offenses, and LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY - are
administer justice, sentencing and organizations and offices of the government
rehabilitation of offenders. that enforces the laws and assist the
enforcement of the laws as mandated by the
> 5 PILLARS: law creating them.
5. COMMUNITY 1. Philippine National Police

GOALS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE: 2. National Bureau of Investigation - is the

A. Justice - involves balancing the rights of investigative arm of the DOJ.
victims and the rights of accused criminals, - the premier investigative service and
and how these individual rights are related research agency of the government
to one another and social control. - Law enforcement of last resort
B. Crime Control - involves prevention and - handles sensational cases which are of
going after criminal offenders, through great interest to the nation
arrest, prosecution, criminal conviction, - the NBI does not have the power to make
and punishment. warrantless arrest

THEORIES: 3. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency -

1. Restorative Justice - assumes that the created under RA 9165 - Comprehensive
victim or their heirs can be in some way Dangerous Drug act of 2002; address the
restored to a condition of just as good as worsening drug problem and senseless
before the criminal incident. killing, mostly drug related, and the
2. Retributive justice - an eye for an eye tendency to corrupt public officials and the
approach mind of the youth hooked on drugs.
3. Psychiatric imprisonment - treats crime
nominally as illness and can be treated 4. Bureau of Immigration and Deportation - to
through psychiatry control and regulate the entry and stay of
4. Transformative justice - emphasizes trust aliens to the country.
in members of the society (the offender - serves as the countrys gateway to the intl
can change) community as well as the buffer point in
5. Consensus Model controlling the entry of unscrupulous aliens
6. Conflict Model in the country.

- they have the authority to effect warrantless - License of the operating agency is from the
arrest, if the purpose is carrying out a final Chief of PNP
decision for deportation. - USE OF FIREARMS
When allowed? in the performance of
5. Bureau of Customs - under the auspices of their duty, in the prescribed uniform
the Department of Finance; to implement Where allowed? within the compound
and effective revenue collection, prevent of the establishment where they are assigned
and suppress smuggling and entry of to guard
prohibited imported goods, supervise and
control over the entrance and clearance of Exemptions:
vessels and aircrafts engaged in foreign 1. Escorting a big money or valuables
commerce, and the enforcement of the 2. when in hot pursuit of criminal offenders
Tarriff and Customs Code of the Phil. and
other laws, rules. and regulations related to - can only effect arrest under circumstances
Tariff and customs administration. provided in Rule 113, Sec. 6 of the RRCR
- has the power to effect Search without - Period of Detention (art 125, RPC)
warrant a. grave - 36 hours
b. less grave - 18 hours
CHAPTER TWO c. light - 12
COMMUNITY * without necessary delay and within
the prescribed time, take the person arrested
I. BARANGAY TANOD to the proper judicial authorities for such
- given effect throughout the nation through actions they may deem proper to take
RA 7160 (the Sangguniang Baranggay was
given power to form community brigades When can they search without warrant?
and create such other positions or offices as 1. Upon arrest, with 2 witnesses
may be deemed necessary to cary out the 2. on his natural course of duty
purposes of the Barangay govt
- EO no. 366 in 1996 (Pres FVR) mandated III. WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM (RA
creation of Barangay Peace and Order 6981)
Committee to serve as implementing arm of Section 3. Admission into the Program. - Any person
who has witnessed or has knowledge or information on
the City/ Municipal Peace and Order Council the commission of a crime and has testified or is
at the Brgy. Level testifying or about to testify before any judicial or quasi-
judicial body, or before any investigating authority, may
- means brigade or body composed of civilian be admitted into the Program:
volunteers, duly created at the barangay Provided, That:
level, to assist the barangay officials in the
a) the offense in which his testimony will be used is a
effective exercises of law enforcement for grave felony as defined under the Revised Penal Code,
the maintenance of peace and order and the or its equivalent under special laws;lawphi1
promotion of public safety. b) his testimony can be substantially corroborated in its
material points;

II. PRIVATE POLICING AND SECURITY (RA c) he or any member of his family within the second civil
5487) degree of consanguinity or affinity is subjected to threats
to his life or bodily injury or there is a likelihood that he
will be killed, forced, intimidated, harassed or corrupted
- Task: to protect investments and to curb to prevent him from testifying, or to testify falsely, or
evasively, because or on account of his testimony; and
robbery, internal theft, shoplifting and
d) he is not a law enforcement officer, even if he would
trespassing. be testifying against the other law enforcement officers.
In such a case, only the immediate members of his family
may avail themselves of the protection provided for under THE RULE ON ARREST
this Act.

If the Department, after examination of said applicant and ARREST - the taking of person into custody in
other relevant facts, is convinced that the requirements of
this Act and its implementing rules and regulations have order that he may be bound to answer for the
been complied with, it shall admit said applicant to the
Program, require said witness to execute a sworn
commission of an offense (Rule 113, sec. 1,
statement detailing his knowledge or information on the RRCP)
commission of the crime, and thereafter issue the proper
certification. For purposes of this Act, any such person
admitted to the Program shall be known as the Witness. WARRANT OF ARREST - an order in
writing issued by competent authority directing
Section 10. State Witness. - Any person who has
participated in the commission of a crime and desires to a peace officer to bring into custody the person
be a witness for the State, can apply and, if qualified as subject of the warrant upon the grounds stated
determined in this Act and by the Department, shall be
admitted into the Program whenever the following therein.
circumstances are present:

(a) the offense in which his testimony will be used is a *only the judge can issue a warrant of arrest
grave felony as defined under the Revised Penal Code or
its equivalent under special laws;
*the Senate can also issue an order of
(b) there is absolute necessity for his testimony;
commitment (equivalent to arrest warrant)
(c) there is no other direct evidence available for the where a witness is punish for contempt who
proper prosecution of the offense committed:
disobeys any order of the Committee or
(d) his testimony can be substantially corroborated on its refuses to be sworn or to testify or to answer a
material points;
proper question by the Committee or any of its
(e) he does not appear to be most guilty; and
members, or testifying, testifies falsely or
(f) he has not at any time been convicted of any crime evasively.
involving moral turpitude.

An accused discharged from an information or criminal WHEN IS AN ARREST WARRANT ISSUED?

complaint by the court in order that he may be a State
Witness pursuant to Section 9 and 10 of Rule 119 of the - when there is a case filed in court and the
Revised Rules of Court may upon his petition be judge finds probable cause to issue said
admitted to the Program if he complies with the other
requirements of this Act. Nothing in this Act shall prevent warrant
the discharge of an accused, so that he can be used as a - Exemption: an arrest warrant may be
State Witness under Rule 119 of the Revised Rules of
Court. issued without a case filed in the court if
the complaint or information is filed in the
IV. STATE WITNESS (RULE 119, SEC. 17, MTC for preliminary investigation
RoC) purposes.

2 kinds of determination:
a. Judicial determination - preliminary
V. DIFFERENCE inquiry for the determination of probable cause
for the issuance of a warrant of arrest
The state witness in the RA 6981 can be any b. Executive determination -
person who has participated in the crime and preliminary investigation to ascertain whether
whos not yet charged of the crime, whereas or not a person should be held for trial (will not
the accused in Rule 119 sec 17 is already affect the judges decision of issuing a warrant
charged of the crime and his discharge to of arrest)
become a state witness can be a ground for

*even if the judge finds no sufficient ground to responsibility of the officer to ensure that
issue a warrant of arrest, he is duty bound to this is accomplished
transmit the records to the prosecutor. 7. he has the right to waive any known right
(must be voluntarily, intelligently)
*the issuance of an arrest warrant is under the 8. waiver to a lawyer must be done in writing
judges discretion; he can issue or not and in the presence of a legal counsel,
unless void
* there is no requirement that the entire 9. right to give an indication of warning when
procedure for the preliminary investigation he does not wish to be interrogated (the
must be completed before an arrest warrant interrogation process will be stopped or
may be issued. must not start)
10. his initial waiver of right to remain silent,
HOW IS AN ARREST MADE? counsel or any of his right does not bar him
An arrest is made by actual restraint of a from invoking it at any time during the
person to be arrested or by his submission to process
the custody of the person making the arrest. 11. any evidence, as the case may be,
obtained in violation of the foregoing,
No violence of unnecessary force shall be whether inculpatory or exculpatory, in
used in making an arrest. The person arrested whole or in part, shall be inadmissible in
shall not be subject to greater restraint than is evidence
necessary for his detention (Rule 113, Sec 2,
RoC) * a warrant of arrest will expire - 10 days only


It shall be the duty of the officer executing the (Rule 113, sec. 5, RoC)
warrant to arrest the accused and deliver him 1. in flagrante delicto - when in his
to the nearest police of station or jail without presence, the person to be arrested has
unnecessary delay. committed, is actually committing, or is
attempting to commit an offense; (Study
the officer has to inform the accused of the Larranaga vs CA)
following: 2. hot pursuit arrests - when an offense has
1. the person arrested must be informed in a just been committed and he has the
language he understands about the reason probable cause to believe based on
of arrest and shown the warrant of arrest personal knowledge of facts or
2. must be informed of the right to remain circumstances that the person to be
silent and his statements can be used arrested has committed it; and
against him *personal knowledge - actual belief or
3. has the right for legal counsel reasonable ground of suspicion, based on
4. If he has no money, the court can provide a actual facts, that the person to be arrested is
lawyer for him probably guilty of committing the crime.
5. No custodial investigation in any form will
be conducted without a legal counsel Umil vs. Ramos - just because a person is in
(except for a waiver) the hospital does not mean that his
6. he can freely communicate with his lawyer, membership to the NPA ceases
immediate family, doctor, minister, duly - the decision did not rule that a mere suspicion
accredited natl or intl NGO. it shall be the
that one is a NPA member is a valid ground of
warrant of arrest. However, because of the law 3. used or intended to be used as the
penalizing them (RA 1700), membership alone is means of committing the offense (Sec. 3, Rule
unlawful. at any time of the day or night, they are 126, RRCP)
presumed to commit a crime.

* FRUIT OF THE POISON TREE - there must be a probable cause to be
evidences got from a search pursuant to determined personally by the judge, after
invalid arrest are inadmissible in the courts examination under oath or affirmation of the
(vice versa) complainant, and the witnesses he may
produce, and particularly describing the place
3.Prisoner escape - when there person to be to be searched and the persons or things to be
arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a seized. (Art III Sec 2 phrase,1987
penal establishment or place where he is Constitution)
serving final judgement or is temporarily
confined while his case is pending, or has *probable cause for a search warrant - facts
escaped while being transferred from one and circumstances which would lead a
confinement to another. reasonably, discrete, arid, prudent man to
believe that an offense has been committed,
TIME OF MAKING ARREST - any time of the and that objects sought in connection with the
day or night offense are in the place sought to be
searched. (must not be based on hearsay)
OR ENCLOSURE (Sec. 11, 12 Rule 113, RoC) An application for search warrant shall be filed
with the following:
(a) any court w/n whose territorial
CHAPTER SEVEN jurisdiction a crime was committed.
RULE ON THE APPLICATION OF (b) for compelling reasons stated in the
SEARCHES AND SEIZURES application, any court w/n the judicial region
where the crime was committed if the place of
SEARCH WARRANT - order in writing issued the commission of the crime is known, or any
in the name of the People of the Philippines, court within the judicial region where the
signed by a judge and directed to a peace warrant shall be forced.
officer, commanding him to search for However, if the criminal action has already
personal property described therein and bring been filed, the application shall only be made
it before the court in the court where the criminal action is
*only the court can issue a search warrant (no
exceptions) * search warrants regarding violations of Anti-
Subversion Act, crimes against public order
WHAT ARE PROPERTIES SUBJECT TO BE (defined in RPC), illegal possession of
SEIZED? firearms and ammunitions and violations of
1. Subject of the offense; Dangerous Drugs Act no raffle; will
2. stolen or embezzled and other be acted by the Executive Judge of RTC,
products, or fruits of the offense or Metro. TC, and Muni. TC
the right of the people to be secure in their
- can break the door or window if refused WITH REGARDS TO ARREST
admittance to the place after giving notice
(Sec 7, Rule 126, RoC) (compare People * reliable information alone is not sufficient to
vs. Salanguit and People vs. Go) justify a warrantless arrest under Sec. 5,
- Search of house, room, premises must be Rule 113. the accused must perform an overt
made in presence of the lawful occupant or act that would indicate that he has
his family member and two witnesses (sec. committed, actually committing, or is
8, ibid) (People vs Go) attempting to commit an offense.
- leave a receipt to the lawful occupant, or in
his absence, in the place (still in the * unnecessary or unreasonable force is not
presence of 2 witnesses) (sec. 11, ibid) allowed in making an arrest
- Sec. 12 commands the officer of the raiding * force - an act of physical coercion x x x x
team after execution of the warrant: involves an actual physical contact between
1. Deliver the property seized to the persons x x x x an officer displays a weapon
judge who issued the warrant, together w/ the in a particularly egregious or threatening
true inventory thereof, duly verified under oath; manner (The Manual of Illinois Peace
2. the return must be made within 10 Officer Use of Force in Making an Arrest)
days; failure to return will require the officer to
3. the return of the search warrant will SEIZURE
be logged with the other information
* one cannot force his way into any mans
WHEN MUST BE CONDUCTED? house on the illegal orders of a superior x x x
- served in day time except when the property even the humblest hovel is protected from
is in a certain person or place (sec. 9, the official intrusion because of the ancient
ibid) rule, referred in all free regimes, that a mans
house is his castle.
- 10 days only Exception:
a Customs police may at any time,
INSTANCES OF WARRANTLESS SEARCH enter, pass through, or search any land or
1. Search incidental to Lawful Arrest enclosure of any warehouse, store, or other
2. Plain View Doctrine building not being a dwelling place x x x x any
3. Search of Moving Vehicles vessel or aircraft within the limits of any
4. Customs Searches collection district x x x, removal of any false
5. Search with consent bottom, partition x x x or other obstruction x x
6. stop and frisk x, open and examine any box, envelope x x x
and likewise to stop, search and examine any
vehicle, beast, person
THE EXCLUSIONARY RULE ON ARREST *a search warrant must particularly state the
AND SEARCH AND SEIZURE place to be searched and the objects to be
WHY? to limit the articles to be seized (avoid
fishing expedition)

*a search warrant shall issue in connection

with one specific offense (Rule 126, sec 4,
RoC) - thus, the articles must be related with
the offense

* no search warrant will be issued on basis of

loose, vague and doubtful facts

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