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Name_____________________ Date_________________________

"Numbers 10 to 100" Word Exercise

Directions: Using the words provided, fill in each blank with the most appropriate answer.

Word Bank:______________________________________________________________________
eleven twenty eighteen twelve thirty
fifteen forty fourteen ten one hundred
sixty nineteen eighty thirteen sixteen
seventy fifty ninety seventeen

_________________1) "19" Numbers Wheel Wordsearch. Find the words listed above.
_________________2) "12"

_________________3) "14"

_________________4) "100"

_________________5) "30"

_________________6) "17"

_________________7) "20"

_________________8) "16"

_________________9) "15"

_________________10) "90"

_________________11) "10"

_________________12) "11"

_________________13) "40"

_________________14) "70"

_________________15) "60"

_________________16) "13"

_________________17) "18"

_________________18) "80"

_________________19) "50"

Copyright ESL KIDS LAB

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