Cases of Veterinary Homeopath1 - 261 Cases-3.DocCases of Veterinary Homeopat

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Cases of veterinary homeopathy.

(1) Prahlad Dhanji Patel of chotasan campa. Aug:2000 Phone:2778-236790. Bullock was sick since 10 days
,dehydrated bloody enteritis, no rumination blood was thick & stickey. No response after fluid therapy also,
Nux vomica:30 + Arsenic album:30 =10ml two dose in 50 ml of water at 3 hr interval, After 45
min of first dose bullock has started ruminating, slowly started eating. Bullock died after 3 month with
plastic in intestines.
(2) Cross bred cow owned by Harshad shamal Patel (9/2000_2778-236834) had bloody milk after calving
with udder edema_after 3 days of treatment no response So
Bufo rana-30 + Arnica-200} 5 ml in 50 ml of water PO 20 ml at 6 Hr interval.
Excellent result after dase of drugs- clear milk, with no complication in next lactation also.
(3) Bharat M Patel Kadiadra 2778-236471-(7/01)*(A) bullock panting in monsoon not walking in agricultural
Rustox-200 + Arsenic200 =40 tab 2-2-2 PO
Good result after treat, recovered completely.
(B) Buffalo after calving not taking concentrate-golden yellow faeces.
Nx30 + Ars200 =40 pills 2-2 PO
After 3 days, recovered completely also increase in milk production.
(4) Alkha Pathu Patel KDR 236575 Buff-wastig gradually after so many treat-stiff cant able to stand up- thick
skin (1700 Rs-refered to dy & asst. Dir. Of vet-poly also).sus for P deficiency.
Liq. Alfavet-450 ml+2 = 30-30ml PO Some sort of improvement in general cond.
Tab. Fivephos:200- 10 - 10 PO
Excellent improvement in all general condition, 2.5lit of milk daily walks easily, 6 month later P.D. +ve,
than after calved twice with prolapse but cured by homeopathy only.
(5) Jashu Virsang Patel Choriwad Buff-236865 R.O.P. With prolapse. Arnica CM was sprinkled on prolapsed
mass in chilled water , edema was subsided dramatically & retained easily with no further complication in next
lacta. & sold out in 16000/Rs.
(6) Bhikha Veera Chavda Cow cb(penda vali) 10/2000 was full term pregnant, after old joggery not taking
food, treated with alopathy for two days, not responded.
Nx-30 + Ars 30 = 5ml in 50 ml of water total 3 dose at 6 hrs interval PO
Fabulous result after first dose only-cured completely with no problem.
Note: Cow was rejected by sabar VO in camp for pregnancy-was made pd+ ve.
(7) Dinesh Alkha Patel Kdr buff-24/11/00 Cow Cb hypothermia 95`F dull depress
Nx-30 + carbo veg 30 +China 30 + Ars 30 = 3 dose at 6 hrs interval.
At evening only cow was taking feed conc. & temp was 101.2`F.
(8) Ramesh Kachara Desai B calf 11 month-recurrent tympany gas in intestine, no rumination, treated with
other drugs but not responded.
Nx 30+ Ars 30+ Colchicum 30= 6 ml in100 ml of water 30 ml 1 hrly
Calf get relief within 24 hrs only.
(9) Chennai vety college: for warts 2ml Sulfur 30 +2 ml dist water= s/c weekly
2ml thuja 30 + 2 ml dist water=s/c weekly
all warts growth disappears after 3 rd dose.
(10) Keshabhai Raichand Patel Panchgamada 12/2/01 Cow CB mastitis bloody milk hard udder hot too.
Bell 200 + Phyto-Q +Arn 200 =40 tab 2 tab at one hourly PO for 3 days
Good response
Bry-30 + H.S.200 + Bell 200 =40 tab 15 days remarkable recovery.
(10) Bhikha veera patel*A: cow cb Kdr P.P.Sickness weak not taking food & water.
Nx-200 + Ars-200+China-200 =1dr 3 times PO Cured.

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*B): calf cb pica Liq Alfavet 450 ml 5ml bid po 10 days cured & became pregnant at 16 month.
*C):cow cb let down of milk_ sepia200+ silicea200= 40 tab 3 tb prior to milking cured .
*(11 Narsinh Pathu Patel :(A)cow cb kdr-236225:just calved udder edema with bloody milk
Bufo-30+ Ipicac-30=20 pills 3 pills at 3 hr interval.
Excellent result within 12 hrs only-clear milk-edema subsides.
(B) Cow cb - for udder edema-painful-stony hard.
Apis-30 + Bella-200 = 30 tab 3-3-3 every 3 hrly- cured within 12 hrs of treatment.
*12) Harshad shamal Patel kdr Cow cb:P/R flaccid uterus small smooth ovaries-Anestrus.
Sepia-200 + Cal phos 200 = 40 tab 3 daily, Pulsatila 200-20 tab 4 tab weekly
Come in heat after(16/3/01) than
C.P-200 + Sepia-200 + Phos-200 = 3 tab daily PO
Pulsatila 1 M = 4 wkly. Became pregnant & calved normaly in(April-02_12.5 lit of milk/day).
*13) Natha Sanja Patel Kdr-Cow CB stand first in village-18 lit/day (21/03/01)
suddenly fever ,off feed, swelling on udder with curdled milk, drop in milk to 1 lit from 8 lit.
A Bell-200 + Bry-200 = 40 2tab every 2hrly PO
BHepsul-200 + Phyto-200 =40 tab 2-2-2 PO
Improvement in swelling, taking feed 23/3/01 3 lit of milk, one teat seriously affected, so part of teat
was fistula-pus drain out of it, all skin around teat was cut off.
ABry-200 + H.S.200= 50 tab 2 -2 PO
BUrtica 1M + Lecithin-200 =50 tab 2 2 PO
14/4/01- good result in 3 teat- 4 lit of milk- daily ASD-
Lachesis-30 = 30tab 2 tab daily PO , H.S.-200 +Silicea-1M =30tab 2tab daily po
Wound healed but milkrestrict to 4 lit only, in affected teat 50 ml of clear milk, cow was RB after coarse of
treat. As part of positive side effect she was PD +Ve.
H.S.-1M 30tab 2 tab weekly cured completely.. last stage of preg. Decided to give following treat. For
development of udder & teat. 22/4/02.
Cal fluor-200 + Cal phos-200 =40 tab 2 tab daily po > improvement in size & shape of udder- teat
22/5/02_ Conium30 + Cal phos-1M + Hep sulf-200 = 40 pills 2 pills daily po
surprising result in life of vety practice. Calved normally 0n 5/6/02 with 17lit/ day milk from all teat.
(14) Falji Veera Patel- buff pre partum prolapse
Car veg-30 + Sepia-200=40 pills 2 - 2 po, Sulfer-200 + Calphos-200= 40 pills 2 -2 po Alfavet 15ml
Daily po improvement in all conditions.
(15) Raju Ramji PatelCow cb 2 yrs (April-02)- treated with all routine treatment but not responded
P/R flaccid genitalia small- smooth ovaries-even after good feeding management
Pulsatila-200= 10 pills 3 tab every 3 days , liq Alfavet- 10 ml daily po
Sepia-200+Iodum-30+ Phos-200= 30 pills 3 daily po
After full coarse of treatment she was came in heat not in proper way but she was surprisely PD +Ve
after one AI only ( owner has forcefully gifted a pent piece )
(16) Raghu Dhera Desai buff calf- recurrent dermatitis after Ivomec treat.(12/4/02)
Sulfur-200 = 20 pills 2 tab daily for 15 days
Cured completely with lusterous skin coat.
(17) Jagu Vera patel cow cb bloody milk & edema
Bufo-30 + Ipicac-200 = 30 pills 2 pills every 6 hrly po- cured within 24 hrs only.

(18) Bhikha veera patel buff- (18/4/01)_dehydrated with impaction.

Nx-200 + Ars-200 + China-200 =30 pills 2 2 2 po ,animal recovered within 3 days
21/4/01 = Nx-200 + Ant pota tart-200 = 20 plls 2 -2 po, Alfavet-30-30 ml po.
(19) shyamnagar Horse castrated by layman- septicaemia,off feed- with alopathy.
Bell-30 + Ars-200 =40 pills 2 - 2 - 2 po > recovered completely.
(20) Dahya savji patel cow cb KDR 236699- calved before 3 days bloody milk

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Ipicac-200 + Bufo-30 + Arn-200 =30 pills 2- 2 2 2 po excellent result within 12 hrs only.
(21) Satish Alkha Patel cow cb udder edema(24/4/01): Apis-30 + Bella-200 =30 2tab TID PO-cured.
(22) Ramesh Kachara Desai cow cb(24-4-01)-recurrent tympany , no rumination, dull, depress.
Ant tart potass. 30 + Carbo veg30 + Nx-30 =30 pills 2-2-2 po, Homeolax 20 tab po-cured.
(23) Mohanpura-Cow ref. By Dr. Vyas- gangrenous mastitis. Foetid feed
Ars-200 + Carveg-200= 2-2, Lachesis-200+ sec cor-30+ H.S.200= 2-2 7 days PO good improvement,
Lachesis-30 +Cal fluor-200 + H.S-200 = 2-2 , ASD With calendula powder
Exllent omprovement in all general condition. Gangrenous part disappeared.
(24) Pravin Barot Nava chamu Buffalo ref. Dr vyas. Post partum prolapse since 2 month.(8-5-01)
Sepia-30 + Secal core-30 +Podophylum-30 = 40 tab 5 pills at 5 hrly.
(25) Jiva Amichand Patel Lalpur (8-5-01) Prepartum prolapse.
Carboveg-30+ Sepia-30+Nx-30 =2-2 10 days than 3 pills at weekly interval- improved.
(26) Hari Chhagan Patel ghatiyavot-buff- recurrent dermatitis(9-5-01), itching dry skin with eczema.
Sulfur-1M= 2 tab daily morning 10 days - good improvement in condition
Sulfur-1M = 20 tab 2 tab , with Liq Alfavet- 15-15 ml po.. cured completely.
(27) Manu dhera patel Talati Cow cb Kdr(12-5-01), Haemoglobinuria full term pregmnant, with fever& watery
blood-off feed dull depress.sus for Babesiosis.
China-200 + Phosparus-1M =40 pills 2 tab evwry 3 hrs, Tab five phos-200 =5-5-5 po, Alfavet-30-30ml
Cow cured & calved normal coarse without any complication & sold out at 16000 Rs.
(28) Ramji Shamal Patel Bhajpura_buffalo (15-5-01)-chronic recurrent rheumatism since last 2 years, not
responding to routine trearment sus for Lameness due to Hypo phosphataemia-
Liq Alfavet-30-30ml for 15 days & Tab fivephos-200 10-10 po , pul S.A.P.-30 gm daily po.
Cured & became pregnant after treatment.
(29) Bikha Virsang Patel kdr Dog Pomeranian- cont vomition after ingestion of grass- food poisoning, dull
depress dehydrated not responding to alopathy
Nx-30+ Ars-30+ Chin-30= 2 drm 5 gobules at 15 min interval night, recovered till morning.
(30) Ramesh shanker patel chorivad Dog Doberman jackey (15/5/01)- acute UTI with fever 105.2f ,
dull depress haemoglobinuria, not taking food, poor response to other drug.
Merk solu-200 + China-200 + cantharis-200 = 1 dr 3 glob. At 30 min interval, than hourly, than TID PO
Excellent result within 2 days temp. (N), weak, on (18-5-01)Nx-30 = 4-4, Tab five phos-50=2-2-2-2
Cured completely on enquiry- (7-6-01). Five phos contd. For one month.
(31) Dipak patel chotasan- cow cb (20-5-01) bloody milk-
Bufo-30 + Ipicac-30 = 40 pills 2 pills every hour po cured completely.
(31) Jashu Jita Desai cow (21-5-01)-udder edema
Bella-30 + Ipicac-30 = 20 tab 2 tab every 2 hrly- recovered within 2 days.
(32) Bhikha Poja Patel- chotasan-Cow cb(23-5-01) P.P.Sickness, not taking feed-concentrate
Nx-200 + Ars-200 = 30pills 2-2-2 po taking conc. & feeds- cured completely.
(33) Narsinh Moti patel mahida- Cow cb (27-5-01)udder edema with bloody milk ,
Bella-30+ Bufo-30+ Apis-30 =30 pills 2-2-2-2 po cured .
(34) Hasmukh Shamal Patel cow cb(5-6-01) ventral udder edema, full term preg.
Bell-200+ Apis-30 = 20 pills 22 po cured completely.
(35) Pramod Kalu Desai buffalo (6-6-01) retention of lochial discharge due to dystocia. No let down
caulophy-30+ Silicea-200+ Sepia-200 =20pills 22 po all discharge comes out,
(36)Kodar Jiva Patel cow cb (9-6-01) calved before day ,prolapse with bloody milk..
Arn-200 + Bufo-200 =20pills 2---2 po excellent recovery.
(37) Hasmukh shamal patel cow no let down of milk (12-6-01)
cauloph-30+ lecithin-30=20 22 po, sepia-200+ silicea-200= 20 tab 22 cured completely.
(38) Rajiben chenva buffalo (12-6-01) emaciated full term preg. Nerve injury due to needle prick so unable to
bear weight on hind legs.
Hypericum-200= 20 tab 22 , Kali phos 6x 20 222 . some sort of improvement.
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(39) Raju Moti Patel Laxman-pura Bullock-(14-6-01),emphysema of shoulder region not taking food,
emaciated, dehydrated, no rumination, air below skin,
Nx-200+ Ars-200=20 22 , Apis-200+ Arn-200=20 pills 222 .. cured completely.
(40) J.B.Patel Idar Dog pup Alsacian fever 104.2F,gastroenteritis, vomition dehydration not taking food---
Ars-30+ Ipicac-30 = 20pills 4 pills every one hrlycured within 24 hours(18-6-01)
(41) Rabari Ramji Sendha : Vetla : (18-6-01) Coe with mastitis with fever lameness, flakes in milk off feed
Bell-30 + Phyto-Q = 30 piils 2-2-2-2 po excellent recovery after 48 hours only.
(42) Bhikha Veera Patel :cow cb (19-6-01) full term pregnant flakes in milk, tratment for mastitis
H.S.-200 = 30tab 2 evening , Phyto-200 + Urtica-30 = 30 pills 2 morning,
Cured completely , calved with normal milk production.
(43) Kanu Hari Patel : cow cb Mastitis (21-6-01) udder edema flakes in milk.
Apis-30 = 10 pills 2 tab hourly po , Bella-30 + Phyto-200 = 30pills 222 po, cured in 2 days.
(44) Jagu Nathu Desai :buffalo (23-6-01) p.p.sickness, recurrent tympany, indigesion.
Nx-200 + Carbo veg-200 = 30 pills 222 po , cured completely.
(45) Jashu shantu Patel: Pratap Gadhcampa- buffalo (23-6-01) aborted at 6 month,no let down of milk
sepia-200+ silicea-200= 30 pills 22, lecithin-30 + Ricinus-30 = 30 pills 22 , cured 2.5 lit /day.
(46) Jita Mohan patel-Bhajpura-good quality buffalo (23-6-01) head masters, acute mastitis flakes in milk ,
temp-104.3F,hard fibrosed quarter of udder.
Bell-30+ Acon-30 = 20 pill 2 pill every 1 hour whole night, Phyto-30+Bry-30=20pills 2-2-2 po
Unbelievable result in the morning. swelling subside to great extent, milk comes to normal within 2 days
Cal carb-200 + lecithin-30 = 30 pills 22 po 7 days, cured completely.
(47) ref. Dr VyasJiva Amichand patel- Lalpur buffalo (23-7-01)..postpartum prolapse,pyometra.
Aloes-30 + Podophy-200 =40pills 2-- 22 po, Sepia-200 + secal cor-30 = 22 2 po , good result.
(48) Desai Moti Poja buffalo bloody milk (25-6-01)
Ipicac-200 + Bufo-30 =20 pills 22 po , excellent result cured.
(49) Arvind Pathu Patel cow udder edema (26-6-01)
Bryonia-200+ Bella-200 =30pills 2---2 not responded well.
(50) Virsang sanja Patel Bhajpura buffalo Dermatitis-(26-6-01) mild itching dry skin small papules indigestion.
Nx-200- 20 tab 2 evening, Sulfur-200= 20 tab 2 morning. Good improvement, no new abscess,
Sulfer-200 = 20 2 daily morning po (7-7-01), cured completely , liq Alfavet 3030ml po.
(51) Brijesh Patel cow cb ROP with straining injury to urogenital track & vulva .
Cantharis+ Sepia-200= 20 tab 22 , Arnica-200+ Calendula-200= 20 tab 22 po, cured completely.

(52) Mohan Savji Patel Chorivad cow cb mastitis, chronic case treated by sabar vo- LI, fibrosed udder flskes in
milk 2-7-01 ,
Calflour-200 + Bryonia-200=30 pills 222 , Phyto-Q+ Silicea-200= 222 PO, good improvement in all
general condition after 10 days.
(53) Hari Shamal Patel Bhajpura buffalo 5-7-01 recurent mastitis dry skin.
Graphites-200=30pills 11 po , Sulfer-200 =20 1 daily morning PO. Cured.
(54) Raghajibhai Patel Vadiyavir 7-7-01 acute mastitis.(refd. By Dr Vyas)
Bry-30+Bell-30 =40 pills 2 , 3qh , H.S-30+Silicea-30 =40 pills 222 PO
(55) Mahandra Bikha Desai 7-7-01 ,cow cb bloody milk
Bufo-200 + Ipicac-200 =20 222 PO,
9-7-01 ,# Bufo-30+ Ipicac-30 =30 222 , good result after 3rd day,
Arnica-200+ bufo-200= 20 pills 222 PO cured completely.
(56) Kamlesh Pathu Patel 8-7-01 buffalo-2, silent heat anestrus.
Pulsatila-200= 12 tab 3 every 4thday PO, tab fivephos 6x= 10 tab daily PO,
Came in heat & PD +Ve.
(57) Vasant Shamal Patel buffalo 10-7-01 chronic mastitis, full term pregnant fibrosis.
Calflou-200+H.S-200=20 2 daily, 15-8-01, H.S.-200+Urtica-200 =50 2 daily PO

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Improvement in milk but not cured completely so
Calflour-200+ H.S.-200=40 2---2 po good result.
(58) Mohan Chhagan Desai-cow 11-7-01 per acute mastitis watery milk stiffness milk 100ml only,
Bella-30+ Acon-30=50 pills 2 tab one hrly, H.S.30+ Pulsatil30=2222 PO, 17-7-01,
edema disappeared, milk clear, not taking feed alopacia with ulcers on skin,
calflour-200+ lecithin-30=30 pills 11 PO, liq Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml PO
after 30 days of treatment coe recoveredcompletely.
(59)Prabhudas Hira Patel buffalo gangrenous mastitis,(10-7-01)
H.S.-200+Lachesis-200 =30 pills 22 PO followed by 11 , Psorinum-1M = 20 tab 2 daily PO,
Phytolaca-Q + Bella-200 = 30 pills 11 PO, cured.
(60) Ashok Reva Patel cow cb heifer 4 yrs silient heat (10-7-01).
Liq Alfavet-450 ml 2020 ml PO, tab fivephos 6x 100 = 5 daily PO, Puls 1M 2 weekly PO,
came in heat & pregnant on (9-3-02).
(61)Alkha Pathu Patel- cow cb udder edema with bloody milk (14-7-01)
bella-30 + Lachesis-30 =30 pills 2222 PO.
(62) Kesha Khema Patel- Laxmanpura cow cb udder edema up to naval level,
Apis-30 = 2 tab hrly PO, Bella-30 + Puls-30 = 30 pills 2222 PO.
Cured within 24 hrs of treatment.
(63) Falji Devji Patel cow cb (25-7-01) chronic mastitis pregnant curduled milk,
Phytolaca-Q + H.S.-200 =40 pills 11 PO till parturition,
Cured without any problem after parturition also.
(64) Harshad Virsang Patel cow cb-(26-7-01) per acute mastitis flakes in milk, ROP foetid discharge milk
only 1 lit, Puls-200 +calflour-200=22 PO, Silicea-200 + Phyto-Q =30 pills 222 PO,
improvement in milk production 5 lit.(3-8-01)
Puls-200 + Calflou-200 = 40 pills 2 morn, Urtica-1M + Lecithin-200 = 40 pills PO 2 evening,
Excellent improvement in all conditions 14 lit milk |day.
(65) Narsinh Pathu Patel cow janakvali-(26-7-01)- pregnant, flakes in milk kadiadra,
Phytola-Q + Pulsatila-200 =40 pill 11 PO, H.S.-200 = 40 pills 1---1 PO,
Cured & delivered normally sold out 18000/ Rs to mohanpura.
(66) Bikha Veera Patel(chavda) cow cb RB0-26-7-01-, history of dystocia by layman, mild endometritis.
Sepia-200 + Pulsatila-200 =30 pills 2 pills daily PO Came in perfect heat & PD +Ve.
(67) Ramji Raman Patel- Bhanpur- (ref. By Dr Vyas) bloody milk with flakes since 2 months off feed, fever,
edema of part of quarter.
H.S-30 + Puls-30 =40 pills222 PO, Acon-30 + Bella-30 =40 pills 222 PO. Follow up not done
(68) Manibhai Patel (society vala) Chotasan- cow cb lactating, yellowish curduled milk.
Bella-200 + H.S.-30 = 40 pills 222 ) PO, Puls-200 + Phyto-Q =30 pills 222 PO
Cured within 3 days with normal milk production.
(69) Bhikha Virsang Patel cow calf- lateral recumbancy,excessive joggery feeding ,watwry diarrhoea,
Ars-200 =15 222 PO, Carbo Veg-200 =15 222 PO,
Good improvement & cured within 12 hrs only.
(70) Mukesh Hari Patel (padavala)-2-8-01/cow cb calved before 6 days haemoglobinuria,fever, off feed,
panting (babesiosis), China-200 + Phos-200 =50 pills 2 tab 1 hrly from 20.30 PM, Tab Fivephos 6X-100= 10
1010 PO, liq Alfavet-450 ml 3030 PO.
Excellent result within 48 hours only, urine became normal within 12 hrs nly.
(71) Ashok Reva Patel-cow-heifer- anestrus after all routine treatment,
Pulsatila-200 + Sepia-200 = 40 pills 2 pills daily PO,
Came in heat after 15 days & found PD +Ve & calved normally.
(72) Mahadev Desai Vetla-Cow cb(7-8-01), mastitis of left hind teat, treated by dairy vo ,fever milk reduce to 2
lit from 20 lit.

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Bella-200 + H.S.-200 =30 pills 22222 PO, Puls-200 + Phyto-Q = 30 pills 222 PO, mild
improvement clots disappeared, 600 ml of milk from affected teat, 7 lit of milk (11-8-01)
Calflour-200 + Urtica-1M =60 pills 11 PO,
Recovered completely & 805 lit of milk 3 teat as one teat was already lost before. Was pregnant 3 month. So
advise for Inj C-Tax-500 mg + inj Hynidase-1500 IU + inj Placentrix 4 ml intra mammary.
Calved in April-02 with 12 lit of milk/ 3 teat.
(73) Raghu Dalji Patel (master) buffalo-recently calved, not taking concentrate (8/01) mild ketosis,
Nx-200 + Ars-200 = 30 pills PO, with Liq Alfavet-450 ml 3030 PO,
Excellent improvement in all general conditions, milk also increased.
(74) Vinu Jita Patel- cow cb (13-8-01) full term pregnant & mastitis edema & flakes in milk rt quarter.
Pulsatila-200 + H.S.-200 = 50 pills 222 PO, Excellent result & calved without any problem.
(75) Raghji Pathu Patel-cow cb m, epimeral fever- (14-8-01), decrease in feed intake, unable to get up,
Gelsamium-30 + Nx-200 = 30 pills 222222 , than 222 PO ,
Excellent result in two days only.
(76) Narsinh Shamal Patel (clerk) cow 15-8-01-, fever stiffness hard udder flakes in milk ,decrease feed intake,
Acon-200 + Bella-200 = 30 pills 2222, Phyto-200 + Bryo-30 = 30 pills PO.
Cured completely.
(77) Bikha Virsang Patel-cow cb-(16-8-01), pregnant & mastitis curduled-flakes in milk.
Pulsatila-200 + H.S.-200 = 60 pills 222 PO, clear milk ,
Prophylactically Puls-200 + H.S.-200 = 60 tab 11 PO, recovered & calved normally with no problem
of mastitis in lactation.
(78) Ramji Shamal Patel Chotasan- buffalo (21-8-01) deep seated abscess in mendible, treated for 30 days
with all routine drugs,
Arnic-1M + H.S.-1M = 40 pills 22 PO, excellent result cured completely.
(79) Ambalal Jetha Patel-chotasan campa,buffalo udder edema,
Apis-30 + Bella-200 = 30 pills 222 PO, cured.
(80) Brijesh Monghaji Patel- cow cb- Kdr(22-8-01), just calved udder edema with lack of appetite.
Apis-30 + Bella-30 = 2222 , 222, 22 PO, liq Alfavet-450 ml 3030 PO
Curerd completely.
(81) Hari Pathu Patel (22-8-01) buff-3. Anestrus.
Sepia-200 + Puls-1M + C.P.-200 = 80 pills 22 PO. Out of three 2 became pregnant but one requited treat.
In S.H.Camp on 3/02, both earlier calved on 13-8-02.
(82) Vinu Moti Patel- chorivad-cow 24-8-01 udder edema,
Apis-30 + Bell-200 = 30 pills 222 ,22 PO , liq. Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml,
Excellent result & cured.
(83) Raju Talsi Patel Chotasan campa-22-8-01, Buffalo chronic mastitis,
Calflour-200 + H.S.-200 = 30 pills 222, Phyto-Q + Bry-200 + 30 pills = 222,
Cured completely.
(84) Falji Vera Patel (bavji). 8/01, buffalo after i/m injection unable to bear weight on hind legs, sus. For
nervine injury. Arnica-200 + Hypericum-1M = 40 pills 2 tab 2 hrly, 2222 PO,
good improvement.
(85) Rasik Magan Patel Chotasan campa- Cow mastitis hard to touch,
Calflor-200 + Urtica-1M = 50 pills 22 , cured completely.
(86) Hari Pathu Patel buffalo, teat obstruction with mastitis,
Calflor-200 + Thuja-1M = 30 pills 222 PO.
(87) Jita Pathu Patel(Manuben) 29-8-01, buffalo agalactia,
Lecithin-30 + Urtica-1M =50 pills 22 po, Liq Alfavet-450 ml 3030 po, good improvement in milk
production from 1.5 lit to 3 lit.
(88) Kamlesh Pathu Patel(29-8-01), buffalo calved before 10 days operated for teat obstruction but due to
mishandling by farmer mastitis developed, fever stiffness flakes in milk.

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Calendula-Q + C.F.-200 = 40 pils22 , Phos-1M + Acon-200 = 20 piils 22 PO, not much improved so,
Bell-200 +Bry-200 = 30 piis 222 , Apis-30 + Silicea-200 = 30 pills 222 , good improvement,
(7-9-01)_Phyto-200 + C.F.200 = 40pills 22, Bry-200 + Silicea-200 = 40 pills22 PO, Pyrog-
1M-10 2 daily PO, LiqAlfavet-450 ml 3030 ml , fever, milk clear watery white, lack of feed intake, (13-9-
01),improvement in all general conditions so ,
Rustox-200 + Calcarb-30 = 30 pills 22 PO, animal cured & giving 15 lit. of milk/ day.
(89) Kesha Khema Patel Laxmanpura, buffalo-(29-8-01), udder abscess in previous lactation which was
opened 20 lit of pus was removed, so during pregnancy to prevent abscess in next lactation preventive drugs
was given,
Calflour-200 + H.S.-30 = 40 pills 22 for 60 days,
(90) Devji Narji Patel Chorivad- Cow cb-2-(30/31-8-01) , per acute mastitis was attended within 30 min of
onset at 19.15 PM, stiffness ,fever swelling on udder off feed tamp. 106.2 F milk reduce to 1.5 lit from 8 lit.,
Acon-30 + Bella-30 = 40 pills- 2 tab every 1 hourly whole night,
In the morning 60 % of recovery, milk became clear, taking feed ,swelling reduced.
Phyto-30 +H.S-30 = 30 pils 222 PO followed by
C.F.-200 + Urtica-1M = 40 pills 22 , good result in both cows within 48 hours was reported sucessfully
Affected quarter became normal without reduce in milk.
(91) Kamlesh Pathu Patel- 02778-036924,Buffalo (1-9-01) heifer P/R small shrunken ovaries, mild
development of genitalia, good feeding system was maintained.
Sepia-200 + Puls-1M = 30 pills 2 morn,
Iodum-30 + Phos-1M = 30 pills 2 Even., Tab Fivephos6X= 100 55 PO, came in heat & PD +Ve.
(92) Brijesh M.Patel cow cb bloody milk (5-9-01) calved before 24 hrs.
Puls-200 = 10 tab 2 OID , Arn-30 + Bufo-30 = 40 pills 222222, 22222 ,
Improved in all condition.
(93) Mahesh J.Patel.(Pativala) cow cb , mastitis fever swelling on udder flakes & curduled mik(2-9-01)
Puls-200 + H.S.30 = 40 piils 22 , C.F.-200 + Phos-200 = 40 pills 22 PO,
No complication after calving.
(94) Patel Kanti Natha-Suryanagar campa,(7-9-01), recently calved foetid uterine discharge & pyometra
with mastitis , off feed,
Phyto-200 + Silicea-1M = 30 pills 222 , Merc sol-200 + Puls-200 = 30 pills 222 ,
Pyrog-200 = 12 tab 2 pills daily OID.
Good result & cured.
(95) Pramod Kalu Desai:Buff-(17-9-01), Chronic Indigestion . typical case was treated, revacious hunger like
pig-taking food from mouth & discarding from anus.micturation with small faeces,
Nx-200 + Sulf-200 = 30 pills 2 pills Morn, with Liq.Alfavet-450 ml 3030 PO,
Not improved hance repetories again So
Iodum-30 + Ars-200 = 30 pills 2 daily at evening PO.
Dramatically improved in all general conditions sold out in his family 14000/ Rs.
(96) Falji Narji Patel- Goral-(10-9-01)calved recently treated by lacally,stiffness, grayish skin coat P/R uterus
was hard to palpate,
Nx-200 + Ars-200 = 30 pills 2222 , Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml , good improved so,
Sepia-200 + Silicea-200 = 30 pills 22 , excellent improvement & sold out 8000 / Rs.
(97) Ramesh Manka Prajapati- Chorivad-Buffalo, P.P.Sickness,(10-9-01), freshly calved, grain feeding,
rumen full of water golden yellow colour, watery faeces, severe dehydration, unable to get up, no
rumonation,with aloathy following drugs were given.
Nx-30 + Ars-30 = 30 pills 222, China-200 + CarboVeg-30 = 30 pills 2 pills every 1 hrly,
First case of ruminal acidosis successfully treated with homeopathy, buffalo has responded very well to
treatment & recovered completely, Alfavet-450 3030 ml .

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(98) Valji Vena Patel, Laxmanpura-buffalo-(9-9-01)-(Ref. By Dr.P.G.Patel, VO Vijaynagar) she was preg.
Full term swelling in part of udder with fibrosis, even gangrene has started in some part,
A: Lachesis-200 + Pyrog-200 = 40 pills222 , followed by 22 PO, contd for 15 days
B: Silica-200 + Phyto-200 = 30 pills222 good result (15-9-01),
B:Silica-200 =20 pills 22 PO,
C: Calflor:200 + Utica-1M = 30 pills, excellent improvement in fibrosis & gangrenous part of udder.
So following treatment was prophylactically given,
H.S.-200 + Puls-200 = 50 pills 2 tab OID, Alfavet-450 ml 3030 PO
Calved normally with no complication.
(99) Devji N.Patel,Chorivad-cow-cb , pica,low milk prod.
C.P.-200 + Phos-200 = 40 pills 222 ,C.F.-200 + Urtica-1M =40 pills 222 PO,
Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml PO, improvement in all general conditions.
(100) Vasant Shamal Patel (A)buffalo-(17-9-01) fibrosis with teat obstruction,
Bell-200 = 20 tab 22 ,C.F.-200= 20 tab 22 , Thuja-30 = 22 PO, fair improved.
(B) for prevention of habitual abortion with panting ,(17-9-01),
Rustox-200 = 20 tab 2 pills daily morning, Sabina-30 + Caulophylum-200 = 40 pills 2 tab evening.
(101) Patel Mukesh Keshar-Goral-cow cb-2778/260164-(20-9-01), history of abscess before 20 days at base
of teat, hance milk was not coming from affected teat,part was swollen & hard to touch only 50 ml of watery
fluid was coming from teat.
C.F.-200 + Silica-200 = 40 pills 222 ,Arn-200 + Bella-200 = 40 pills 2222 ,
Good improvement after treatment, (25-9-01).
Hydrastis-30 + Puls-200 = 40 pills 22 , C.F.-200 + Urtica-1M = 40 pills 22 , Alfavet-3030 ml,
Excellent recovery & 700 ml of clear milk from affected teat after complete coarse & cow sold out 14000/ rs
(102) Ramji Dhanji Patel Chotasancampa- buff(20-9-01), chronic mastitis with fibrosis, flakes in milk &
teat was shorten to some degree,
Bell-200 + Bry-200 = 30 pills 222 ,Phyto-200 + Silica-200 =40 pills 2-2-2-2, Pyrog-1M= 15 tab 3 OID,
Reduction in swelling & flakes in milk also reduced to great extent, (25-9-01),
Bella-200 + C.F.-200 = 40 pills 11, Phyto-200 + Silica-200 = 40 pills 11 ,
After full coarse of treatment teat has shown great recovery & all 4 teat are equally distributed.
(103) Ramesh Kachara Desai-Buff-(25-9-01), recurrent indigestion ,cold extremities.
Nx-200 + Ars-200 = 30pills 22 . Alfavet-3030 PO.
Improved well & cured completely.
(104) Raju Tulsi Patel-Chotasan campa buffalo-(28-9-01) mastitis with fibrosis curduled milk yellowish,
Bell-200 + Apis-30 = 30 pills 222 , Silica-200 + Phyto-200 = 30pills 22 PO,
Greatly improved & clear milk from all four teat.
(105) Mahesh Hari Patel-STD_cow_teat obstruction,
Arn-200 = 30 pills 222 , Bryo-200 = 222 & massage with camphour liniment,
Clot & fibrosed part dissolve it self.
(106) Kanti Lakha Patel-Nava rampur buff-(Ref. Dr.Vyas) mastitis ulcers at base of teat ,edema persist,
Cantharis oint- for ext application, Silica-200 + Nitric acid-200 = pills, recovery in ulcer(8-10-01)
Bell-200 + Phyto-200 = 40 pills 222 PO, good recovery So,
Silica-200 =22 , Nitric acid-30 + Acid flour-30 = 2222 PO.
(107) Jashu Sanja Patel-Chotasan-(28-9-01)/2778-236059.-buff heifer, Anestrus.
Sepia-200 + Puls-200 = 20 pills 2 tab daily, Alfavet-450ml 30-30 PO, PD +Ve
.(108) Dinesh Hathi Patel-Deoli-cow-for increase in milk production(28-10-01)
Urica-1M + Lecithin-30 = 30 pills 22 PO.
(109)Alkha Pathu Patel-cow mastitis-fibrosis of teat-decrease in milk(bandi)
(29-9-01), Bella-200 + Bry-200 = 30 pills 2222 , C.F.-200+H.S.-200 =20 piils 22 ,
(6-10-01), good improvement so ,

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Bella-200 + C.F.-200 =40 pils22 , Utica-1M + Thuja-30 = 40 pills 22 , good recovery but not in milk
production from that teat.
(110) Kanu Hari Patel (mukhi)-cow cb-(3-10-01) chronic indigestion, ketoacidosis.
Ars-200 = 40 pills 22 , Phos-200 = 30 pills 22 , Alfavet-3030 PO,
Cured completely.
(111) Bikha Veera Chavda-buffalo-(3-10-01), recurrent milk fever cont. for five days not responding to
routine drugs, C.P.-200 + Ars-200 = 30 pils 222 22 2 , 22222, cured M/F, but animal was
not producing milk to its capacity, so again detail history taking revealed dry rough skin, presanility, alopacia.
Lycopodium-1M =40 pills 11 , 1 OID, animal recovered fantastically.after coarse of onemonth
finallybuffalo recovered .
(112) Dheera Moti Patel-Deoli-(10-10-01)-cow udder edema & not let down of milk.
Sepia-200 + Silicea-200 = 30 pills 222 ,Bry-200 + U&rtica-1M = 30 piils, good improvement in milk
production also i.e. 5 lit,
Bry-200 + Bell-200 =30 piils ,Phyto-200 + H.S.-200 =30 pills 222 PO, cured.
(113) Narendra Falji Patel-buffalo-Mastitis(10-10-01),
Pyrog-1M = 15 tab 3 tab daily , C.F.-200 + Urtca-1M = 22 , cured.
(114) Jayanti Prabhuji Patel (Padavala-compounder)- buff bull for increase libido,
Yohimbine-30 + Agnus-30 = 30 pills 22 PO. Good improvement.
(115) Ramji Moti Patel-Deoli-Cowcb for milk prod.
Urtica-1M + Lecithin-200= 40 pills 2-2 , Alfa-Q + C.P.-200 = 40 pills 22 PO.
(116) Bechar Jita Patel-Panol-buffalo- 2778/255219*, chronic constipation & hypocalcimia, full term pregnant,
Liq Alfavet-450 ml- 3030 , Iodum-30 + C.P.-200 = 50 pills 22 .
(117) Pratapsinh Darbar-Chotasan- horse contractor- horse having a ulcer on saddle site, treated with routine
medicines but not responded well so,
Calendula MT + Arn-30 = 30 pills 222 ,healed within 15 days.
(118) Bhikha Kodar Patel-Laxmanpura-buffalo-(5-11-01) pyometra with mastitis, watery milk udder hard to
touch. Bry-30 + Bell-200 = 30 pills 222 , Phyto-200 + H.S.-200 =30 pills 222 ,
Pyrog-1M=10 pills 2 piis daily PO.
(119) Mohan Chhagan Desai-cow bloody milk, udder edema calved before day(2778/236472).
Apis-30 + Bell-200 = 20 pills 3333 , Bufo-30 + Ipicac = 20 pills 333 PO. Cured.
(120) Hasmukh Reva Patel-cow cb (22-11-01) calved before day pica, decrease milk prod.
Liq.Alfavet-450 ml 3030 , Nx-30 + Phos-1M = 40 pills 33 PO.
Excellent result.
(121) Narsinh Pathu Patel(kaki) cow cb (8-11-01),RB nymphomania, discharge every day, not responded to
hormonal therapy too.P/R Rt ovarian follicular cyst.
Apis-30 + Sepia-200 = 30 pills , fabulous result after week, all sign of nymphomania disappeared & P/R cyst
was dissolved, than she was treated for mild metritis in Ratary camp, than PD +Ve & calved without any
(122) Jita Sardar Patel(Mukhi) buffalo, Mesan-(3-12-01), part from teat canal to quarter was hard & fibrosed
treated by local LI. With hynidase & taxim.
Thuja-200 + C.F.-200 = 40 pills222 , teat was soften, fibrosed mass dissolved it self.
(123) Pravin Bhikha Patel-Mesan-cow cb-2778/266407-teat obstruction with mastitis, hard indurated udder &
flakes in milk(3-12-01).
Bell-200 + Bry-200 = 40 pills 333 , H.S.-200 + Phyto-200 = 40 pills 333 PO,
Swelling reduced improvement in milk production.
Phyto-Q + Bry-200 = 40 pills 2--22 ,C.F.-200 +Urtica-1M =40 pills 222 PO,
On telephonic enquiry clear milk from teat.
(124)Bhikha Veera Patel-cow cb (2)-heifer prohylactically to prevent Anestrus problem(7-12-01).
Sepia-200 + Iodum-30 + Phos-200 =80 tab 33 , Puls-200 = 30 tab 2 OID, came in heat, conceived & calved
without any problem.

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(125) Ramesh Pathu Patel-Vasai-Cow cb-(2778-260540* 9-12-01). Treated by Dr Shah sdvo for RB, history of
dystocia so with alopathy,
Sepia-200 + Puls-200 =30 pills 33 , came in heat on 23-12-01, advised for NS.,
On 12-3-01 PD +Ve, calved without any problem & in subsequent period also prohylactically treated &
sucessed also.
(126) Ramji Prabhu Patel-buffalo- (9-12-01) bloody milk due to injury painful swelling on affected part.
Arn-200 + Hemamalis-200 =50 pils 3 pilla 3 hrly, so on 11-12-01,
Ipicac-200 +Bufo-200 +Arn-200 =35 pills 222 , after 7 days good improvement brownish milk,
(16-12-01) Phos-200 + Bufo-1M = 30 pills 33 5 days cured completely.
(127) Raghaji Pathu Patel Cow cb full term pregnant udder edema,*12-12-01*
Bell-200 + Pyrog-1M =30 pills 3 daily, calved with problem of bloody milk,
Alfavet-450 ml 30 ml OID, Ipicac-200 + Bufo-200 + Bell-200 = 40 pills 33 cyred on 12-12-01*
(128)Dinesh Jeshing Patel Chorivad-cow recurrent bloody milk clots in milk(9-12-01)-2778/236039,
Apis-30 +C.P.-200 =30 pills222 , Bell-200 + C.F.-200 = 30 pills 222 , Alfavet-450 ml 30 ml OID,
(14-12-01) good response Ipicac-200 + Bufo-1M = 40 pills 33 cured but again developed mastitis due to
injury by calf during sucking.
(129) Hitash Bikha Patel Chorivad-Cow cb(2778-236644) having 3 teat only for preventive measure
mastitis(11-12-01) fibrosis & cow was pregnant.
Pyrog-1M 30 pills 3 evening, C.F.-200 + Thuja-30 = 40 pills 22 , good improved So,(28-12-01)
C.F.-200 +Thuja-30 = 80 piils 2 pills daily,
Calved without any problem whitish fluid from 4 th teat. On 7-4-01 mastitis,
C.F.-200 + Puls-200 = 30 pills 2 OID, H.S.-200 + Phyto-200 = 30 pills 22222 ,
Clear udder with 5.5 lit of milk/ time.
(130) Mahesh Hari Patel-chorivad-Dog deshi scabies with severe itching, alopacia & redness of skin.
Sulfer-200 = 1 dr. 5 piis daily morning,
Excellent cured within 7 days.
(131) Tulsi Ravji Patel-Chotasan campa-2778-236332*(15-12-01) buffalo , hard mass at base of mendible S/for
abscess , Pyrog-1M= 30 pills 3 tab daily PO, swelling disappeared but mastitis developed on (20-12-01)
Bry-200 + Phyto-200 = 30 tab 2222222 , 2222 ,
C.F.-200 + Silicea-200 = 30 tab 222 , Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml , good result after treat. So (31-12-01)
Urtica-1M + Phos-200 = 20 tab 22 , 5.5 lit of milk.
On enquiry 10-1-02 general health of animal also became good, 6.5 lit of milk/ time, bright skin coat.
(132) Rasik Patel-Chotaan campa-buffalo- abscess on mendible,(02-2-02, ph.2778-236444)
Pyrog-1M + C.F.-200 = 30 tab 3 OID, cured after coarse of treatment.
(133) Naresh Keshar Patel-Rangha- buffalo, recurrent milk fever(21-12-01),
Thyrodinium-30 = 15 3 tab daily, Alfavet- 3030 PO, excellent result no milk fever after calving.
(134) Girish Lalji Patel-Cow cb(23-12-01) acute mastitis,fever,stiffness, decreased milk & curduled. 1 lit of
milk only, swelling on dependent part.
Carboveg-30 + Sulfer-30 = 30 pills 333 ,Phyto-200 + Silicea-200 =30 pils 333 PO,
Liq Alfavet-3030 ml PO, improved in swelling & all condition & in 48 hrs 750 ml of milk from affected teat,
6 lit. of milk within 10 days of treatment on *31-12-01* so,
Urtica-1M + Lecithin-30 = 50 pills 22, improved in all but milk from affected teat was slightly watwry &
yellowish in colour. (10-01-02).
Sulfer-1M = 10 tab 2 daily in morning, C.F.-200+ Urtica-1M + Bry-200 =50 tab 11 ,PO
on enquity 16-01-02 it was cured absolutely.
(!34) Prakash Valji Vena Patel (31-12-01), Laxmanpura*-Buffalo*,bloody milk ,
Ipicac-200 + Bufo-30 = 30 tab 333 , cured.
*Calf* abscess developing on knee joint,
Perog-1M + Silicea-200 = 30 tab 11 PO, healed it self only.
(135) Alkha Pathu Patel-Cow cb-(24-12-01,ph.2778-236575) moti , atrophy of udder within decrease in milk,

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Phos-1M + Urtica-1M + C.P.-200 = 60 pills 333 improved but mastitis with stiffness temp.105.2F,
Bell-30 + C.F.-200 = 30 tab 3 tab every 3 hour(26-12-01),
Good result & 3.5 lit of milk,
28/12, Phyto-200 + H.S.-200 =40 pills 333,
(3-1-02) C.P-200 + Phos-1M = 40 pills 22 ,& C.F.-200 + Urtica-1M = 40 pills 22 , improved.
(4-12-02) C.F.-200 + Phyto-200 = 40 pills deprived appetite, yellowish milk so finally.
(12-2-02) Utica-1M + Nx-200 = 30 pills 222 & Lecithin-30 + C.F.-200 = 30 pills 222 PO
excellent improvement & cured completely.
(136) Narsinh Pathu Patel-Cow cb-(24-12-01* Ph.- 2778-236215) full term preg. But milk was not reducing so
to decrease the milk 6 lit /day to 00 following drugs,
Lac caninum-30 + Urtica-30 =40 pills 22, dramatically after 3 dose of drugs only milk was totally
disappeared from udder. & on (22-01-02) calved with 10lit/ day so
Urtica-1M + Lecithin-30 + C.P.-1M = 60 tab 22 PO.
(137) Sajjadali Mohmad Momin-Barodiya campa-(31-12-01), treated by relative LI for 15 days 3500/ Rs on
(July-2001) but not responded & one teat was shortened, only25 ml of whish fluid with flakes was coming
C.F.-200 + Thuja-1M = 40 pills 33 , after 5 days minute improvement, general health was improving,
(22-1-02) milk from other quarter was increased, general health turns to excellent, improvement in size of teat
also was noticed,
(30-01-02), C.F.-200 +Phos-1M +Urtica-1M =50 tab 11 & alfavet-3030 ml PO advised, than owner didnt
turn but on enquity (25-6-02)- teat size normal, fibrosis disappeared 1 lit, of milk from affected teat eventhough
cow was pregnant. For development & to prevent mastitis duting pregnancy following sugessions.
C.F.-200 + Conium-200 + Iodum-30 = 60 tab 1 daily,
On enquiry 4-03 vetlas Ramji Rabari 100 % teat was cured after calving.
(138) Abbasali Nurmohmad Momin-Barodiya campa, Cow mastitis & fibrosis flakes in milk, milk reduce to 6
lit. from 20 lit. (1-1-02),
Phyto-200 + H.S.-200 = 40 pills 222 , C.F.200 + Bry-200 = 40 piils 222 , good improvement after 3
rd day, clear milk 10 lit/day. (18-1-02),
C.F.-200 + Urtica-1M +Lecithin-30 = 40 pills11 , excellent result,14 lit. of milk/day.
(139) Hari Dalji Patel- Vasai-Cow cb(1-1-02, ph.2778-260064) heifer P/R flaccid uterus, small& smooth
ovaries, treated by SDVO not responded,
Puls-1M + Sepia-200 = 30 pills 2 daily & Iodum-30 + Phos-1M = 30 pills 2 evening PO, excellent result
within 10 days come in heat & advised for NS, telephonic PD +Ve on (18-4-02).
(140) Sabbir Nurbhai Momin-Barodiya campa-Cowcb(2-1-02) decrease in milk strong in nature,fatty, revacious
appetite, drop by drop urination & small-scanty faeces, 4.5 lit. of milk only i.e. half of its capacity.
Iodum-30 + Cantharis-30 + Arn-200 = 60 pills 2 QID, 2 TID,
50% improvement in faeces & urine, also in let down of milk,
Thyrodi-30 + Silicea-1M + Sulfer-200 =40pills 11 , coe become calm & quiet, normal defaecation &
urination, milk reaches to 12 lit./day.
(141) Bhikha Veera Patel, Cow cb (5-1-02), pregnant full term, injury due to patara, so for preventive shock &
to hasten healing, Calend-Q + Arn-30 = 30 pills 222 & Oin. Calen for ext. application, suture lined healed
it self without any complication, sutured removed on 21-1-02. lameness problem in affected limb due to
nervine injury so Arn-30 + Hypericum-1M =40 pills 11 PO.
Recovered & calved with post. Presentation on 25-4-02.
(142) Jashu Jagu Desai-Fuva ponjiyavalv-(2-1-02) Coe cb mastitis with swelling 3 lit. of milk with flakes,
Phyto-200 + C.F.-200 = 40 pills22 & Alfavet-3030 ml , improvement in milk quality & quanty.
C.F.-200 + Urtica-1M = 50 tab 111 , excellent recovery 16 lit of milk/day, but due to death of calf problem
of let down of milk,
Falfori-1M + Nitric acid-200 + Puls-1M = 40 pills 222 , not responded well to treatment.

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(143) Mahadev Sendha Rabari-Cow cb (6-1-02, Ph- 2778*236703) after milk fever not much of milk
production 8 lit/ day, Urtica-1M + Lecith-30 + Ricinus-30 =60 pills 3333 PO, 16 lit/day milk after full
treatment & sold out 17500/ Rs.
(144) Ramji Sendha Rabari (6-12-02), buffalo chronic mastitis & curduled milk,
Phyto-200 + H.S.-200 = 50 pills 3333, 333 & alfavet-30-30 ml , good response,
(9-1-02)- C.F.-200 + Urtica-200 = 40 pills 22 ,
superb result & buffalo sold out but remaining tab given to Paresh Jita Patelcow which has tremendous
improved in milk i.e.7 lit / day.
(145) Vinu Bechar Patel- Chotasan- Cow cb-(6-1-02). M/F complex & p.p.sickness,
Phos-200 + Iodum-30 = 40 pills 2222, 222 & Alfavet-3030ml PO.
Completely cured & 12 lit. of milk/ day.
(146) Mohan ChhaganDesai-KDR-Cow cb(6-12-02) udder edema & naval edema too.
Apis-30 + Bell-200 = 30 pills3333, improvement but udder was hard & painful to touch.
Bry-200 + C.F.-200 = 40 pills 222 , on 16-1-02 cured & milk 14 lit/ day.
(147) Ismael Usuf Patel\ Meharpura campa.- 2772/227098- (Ref. By Dr.N.D.Zankhvala A.D.I.O.
Cow cb treated by senior vet. Of Dist. & SDVO Advised for amputation of gangrenous udder. Per acute
mastitis before 20 days affected quarter fibrosed & foetid smell from itmilk reduced to 3 lit/day from 24 lit/day
Inj. Cefotaxim-2 gm for 7 days.& case was accepted as a chalange after clinical discussion in VO meeting. so
After analyzing history & signs (as we have not seen the cow ) following ..
C.F.-200 + Lachesis-30 =60 tab 222 & H.S.-200 + Phos-1M = 60 tab 222 & alfavet-3030 ml
(17-1-02), edema reduce foetid smell disappeared, improved all general conditions(70% according to owner)
milk 10 lit /day ,
Puls-200 + Silica-200 =30 pills & H.S.-200 + C.F.-200 =30 pills 111 & alfavet-3030 ml ,
Excellent improvement, gangrenous part was disappeared & udder looks like normal, 12lit.milk/day 200 ml
yelloeish white fluid from teat,
(29-1-02) Iodum-30 + Phos-1M +Urtica-1M = 50 tab & C.F.-200 +Kali bich-200 =50 tab 11 &
Tab Fivephos6X-200 gm= 10 daily PO.
Telephonic enquiry milk from affected teat was reduced itself without complication & cow recovered .
(148) Brijesh Monghji Patel-Cow-cb (8-1-02) low milk prod. After mastitis 4 lit/day,
C,F.-200 + Urtica-1M + Lecithin-30 = 60 pills 22 .
Improved milk production to 7 lit/ day.
(149) Raghu Dalji Patel-buffalo-low feed intake after calving(8-1-02),
Nx-30 + Ars-200 = 40 pills 222 & alfavet-3030 ml . recovered after full coarse of treatment.
(150) Ramji Narji Patel-Buffalo- (8-1-02) Dermatitis with golden yellow faeces & chronic indigesion.
Ars-200 + Sulfer-1M = 30 pills 2 daily & Alfavet-3030 ml ,
Improved in all general condition & milk production too.
(151) Monghji Dheera Rathod(layman)-*10-1-02* umbilical abscess due to licking by cow,
H.S.-200 + Bell-200 = 40 pills 1st day 2 pills q3h,111 , magically recovered within 48 hrs.
(152) Prabhudas Pathu Patel- Cow cb (16-1-02) Anestrus with small ovaries ,atonic uterus.
Sepia-200 + Puls-200 = 30 pills 2 OID morning,& Phos-1M + Iodum-30 = 30 pills 2 OID evening.
(153) Dahya Savji Patel-Cow cb- (21-1-02) acute mastitis with bloody milk hot painful swelling on udder,
Kali bich-30+ Chemomila-30 = 30 pills 2 QID,& Phyto-200 +H.S-200 = 30 pills2 QID PO,
Excellent cure within 24 hrs only.
(154) Rahimbhai Alibhai Momin-Yadgar cloth-(20-1-02) Cow cb Acute mastitis , flakes in milk, dull depress
off feed, milk reduced to 6 lit. from 18 lit.
Hydrastis-30 + Puls-200 = 30 pills 1111 ,& Bryo-200 + C.F.-200 = 30 pills 1111 , excellent
result within 24 hrs,clear 9.5 lit. of milk,
(24-1-02) Urtica-1M + Lecithin-30 + Ricinus-30 =50 tab-good improvement but again reoccurred in one teat,

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(28-1-02) Hydrastis-30 + Bry0-30 = 40 pills 2222 ,cured & 17 lit. of milk/day, edema subsides, than
advised nosode, Streptococcinum-200 10 tab 2 tab weekly.
(31-1-02) Pyrogeninum-200- 10 tab 2 tab weel\kly
cured completely & no reocurance of mastitis.
(155) Abbasali Patel-Barodiya campa-(22-1-02) scanty faeces& micturation, milk reduce from 16 lit. to 6
lit./day, shivering while urination.
Iodum-30 + Urtica-1M +Lecithin-30 = 60 pills 11, excellent result with alopathy so,
(28-1-02), Alfavet-3030 Po,milk increase up to 9 lit./day, cured compty.
(156) Virsang Moti Patel-Ghatiyavot-(22-1-02),Buffalo-calved before day,subnormal temp., weak, emaciated
unable to get up, China-200 + Nx-200 = 20 tab 2 tab q2h, improved after 4 th dose & started rumination, but
suspected for abscess due to prick of inj. On (29-1-02), Bella-30 + Pyro-1M = 20 pills , no development of
abscess & swelling subside it self.
(157) Prakash Chhagan Patel-buffalo- treated by SDVO(22-1-02) teat obstruction,
Bell-200 + Puls-200 + C.F.-200 = 60 tab 222 PO, cured & teat resume its size.
(158) Mohmad Suleman-Barodiya-(23-1-02) Cow cb low milk after M/F & P.P.Sickness, 7 lit//day.
Urtica-1M + Lecithin-30 + C.P.-1M = 50 tab 22 & Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml ,
Remarkable result within 7 days, general improvement in all condition milk 14/lit from 7 lit./day
(159) Momin Patel(Sajjads uncle)-Barodiya-(23-1-02) Cow cb chronic indigesion, loss of condition with foetid
discharge, rough coat, low feed intake ,
Merc sol-200 + Nx-200 + Ars-200 = 50 tab 22 & Alfavet-3030, on enquiry (4-3-02) good improved
health & milk 20lit/ day.
(160) Rahimbhai sarpanch- Cow cb-quality of animal &treated by SDVO they suspected for JD. Chronic
diarrhoea, rough coat, RB( with Exinot-30 ml(2) + Bol. Neodox-6s OID 3 days, Nutrisac powder-50gm-50gm
& Cyclomin-7 -1 weekly)
Alfavet-450 ml 3030 & Tab Fivephos-6X-100 1010 PO.
(161) Kishor Jita Patel-Buffalo-Anestrus(23-1-02) P/R well developed genitalia & ovaries.
Iodum-30 + Sepia-200 + Puls-200 = 40 tab 22 PO,
Came in heat & found PD +Ve also calved without any complication.
(162) Vasudev Madhu Patel-Bhajpura-(22-1-02) Cow cb- mastitis with pus from teat milk 9 lit/day.
Streptoc-1M=10 1 OID morn, & Pyrog-1M = 10 1 even PO & C.F.-200 + Puls-200 =30 pills 111.
Improvement in swelling, talking feed, 20 lit/day, whitish yellow milk from affected teat,
(31-1-02) C.F.-200 + Puls-200 = 40 pills 111 ,& Urtica-1M + Phos-200 = 30 pills PO,
milk stopped from teat & no foul smell from udder.
(163) Jetha Kanji Patel- Chotasan campa-(23-1-02) Buffalo, operated with teat tumour extrator by SDVO i.e.
Dr. P.S.Patel but not followed up so acute mastitis developed , decrease milk up to 2 lit/day,
Ledum-200 + Arn-30 = 30 pills 2-2-2-2-2, 2-2-2-2, improvement in pain & swelling, milk restore to 4.5 lit.
(25-1-02) Urtica-1M + C.F.-200 = 30 pills 22 , cured & milk 6.5 lit, on 30-1-02 only.
(164) Falji veera Patel-Cow cb RB (25-1-02) P/R atonic uterus small smooth ovaries.
Sepia-200 + Puls-200 = 30 pills 11 , Alfavet-3030 ml., not followed up.
(165) Bhikha Virsang Patel-jeckey- Cow udder edema extending up to naval, full term pregnant.
Bell-200 + Puls-200 = 30 pills 22 , good improved till calving without any complain.
(166) Bikha Prabhuji Patel-Chorivad-Cow cb (29-1-02)calved before 4 days udder edema,
Apis-30 + Bell-200 = 20 pills 2222 PO,
Excellent improvement within 24 hrs only.
(167) Raju Ramji Patel ( pentvala)-Cow cb-(28-1-02), anxious fever vices of sucking of milk, frequent eating &
defaecation .milk production was not up to its quality,
Iodum-30 + Cantharis-200 + Sulfer-1M = 40 pills 22 , improvement in general condition & milk production,
But not came in heat,
Sepia-200 + Phos-1M + Puls-200 = 40 pills 22 , came in heat & PD +Ve also.

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(168) Gulam Ibrahim Momin- Pahadiyol cmpa- Cow cb- (30-1-02) history of dystocia & ROP followed by
pyometra, cervico-vaginitis & dysuria,
Pyrog-1M = 15 tab 3 OID & Bell-200 + Iodum-30 + Canthris-200 = 50 tab 222 ,
Improved but still foetid smell from mouth, frequent defaecation.
Merc sol-200 + Ars-200 = 30 tab 222 & Lecithin-30 + Ricinus-30 = 30 tab 222 PO, not followed up.
(169) Bhokha Veera Chavda-Buffalo-(30-1-01), history of chronic debility, quality animal & feeding
management also but not producing up to mark, subestrus, recurrent M/F ,
Iodum-30 + C.P.-1M = 30 pills 2 OID even. & Sepia-200 + Puls-200 = 30pills 2 OID morn, PO.
But not much improved, problem of indigesion, rough body coat.
(17-3-02)- Sulfer-1M + China-200 = 20pills 22 .
improvement but not satisfactory for me & daughter in law so,
Alfa-Q + C.P.-1M = 40 pills 22 PO, still not improved as needed so I have refused on base of sanility of
animal that was dislike by owner & she told that buff is not sanile but looks like aged so again after detail case
history taking & repetrisation on (28-4-02) only single medicine was given i.e.
Lycopodium-1M = 20 tab 2 tab daily PO
Dramatical improvement in all general condition of animal & milk production also, she came in heat & PD +Ve
(170) Heera Hathi Patel- Badoli-(Ref. By Dr. Vyas) blood in milk calved before 12 days.
Arn-30 + Hemamalis-200 = 40 pills 2222 . & Bufo-30 + Ipicac-30 = 40 pils 2 QID PO.
(171) Prabhu Pathu Patel-Cow cb- (31-1-02) fibrosis of udder since 2 yrs.flakes in milk,loe milk production,
Bryo-200 + Urtica-1M + Phos-200 = 40 pills 22 , improved milk production 12 lit/day,
Sepia-200 + Puls-1M = 40 pills 22 & tab Five phos-6X-200- 10 tab daily PO.
(171) Narsinh Dhanji Patel-Chotasan campa-Buffalo-(3-2-02) emaciation with respi. Distress, ventral edema up
to umbilicus.
Colocynth-30 + Sulfer-1M + Bell-200 = 60 pills 222 , animal died due to severe ascitis.
(172) Jashu Sanja Kuber Patel Chotasan-Cow cb-(12-2-02) P/R flaccid uterus ,small& smooth ovaries.
Sepia-200 + Puls-200 = 30 pills 2 morn, & Iodum-30 + Phos-1M = 30 pills even.& Alfavet-30-30 ml PO.
(173) Dinesh Lalaji Desai. Dani.-buffalo-calved before 6 month, milk 5 lit./time,
Sepia-200 + Puls-200 = 30 pills 2daily morn, Iodum-30 + Phos-1M =30 pills 2 even. Not followed up.
(174) Narsinh Sardar Patel-Mathasur(Ref. Dr.Vyas) buffalo anestrus,
Alfavet-3030 ml , Phos-1M + Iodum-30= 25 pills 22 , Sepia-200 + Silicea-200 = 25 pilla 22 PO,
(175) Girish Lalji Patel-master,Buffalo-(9-2-02), owner rushed to vet. But due to on leave for G.P.S.C. exam &
other was not available DR. Dhruv himself has given medicine from history of owner & got sucess
tympany, panting dry muzzle, off feed so Bryo-200 + Carboveg-200 = 20 tab 3 tab q0.5h(started at 16.15 & at
18.30, ) she started to taking feed & ruminating, active- alert too .
(176) Prabhudas Shamal Patel-Cow cb (4-3-02) teat injury due to that dribbling of milk,
Calendula-Q + Arn-200 = 20 pills, good response,
(31-3-02) developed mastitis, swelling on udder with flakes in milk, Arn-30 + Bell-30 = 30 pills 2 q2h PO
till recovery & cured .
(177) Kanti Kodar Patel- Buffalo-(4-3-02) teat obstruction operated but due to lazyness of owner developed
mastitis, milk prod. Only 5 lit/day,
Urtica-1M + Bryo-200 = 40 pills 222 , excellent result cured & milk 10 lit/day, 1 lit from affected quarter.
(178) Narsinh Pathu Patel-Cow cb-(6-3-02) recurrent mastitis with flakes in milk,
Puls-200 + Bryo-200 = 30 pills 222 & Lachesis-200 + C.F.-200 = 30 pills 222 , cured completely &
than no mastitis but than operated for teat obstruction on (7-5-02)
C.P.-1M + H.S.-200 = 30 pills 222 PO. Improved & cured.
(179) Pankaj Bikha Patel-Nandanagar-Buffalo-( ph.2778-236379*6-3-02), owner specially waited for me for 15
days as I was on leave due to G.P.S.C(Ref. By Dr. Parikh vo HMT.), history of chronic mastitis & main
complain was no butter after churning of curd, sigs includes dry rough body coat, fibrosis of part of udder,2.2 lit
of milk/ creamy layer on top of milk.

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Bryo-30 + C.F.-200 + Phyto-200 = 40 pills 222,( on 13-3-02)- started to form cream on top layer of milk,
decrease in swelling & fibrosis mass, flakes were absent in milk. Milk also increasing in quantity.
Alfa-Q + Sulfer-1M + Phos-1M = 40 pills 22 , for 10 days.
(23-3-02) surprising result was observed,6.5 lit. of milk/day in dry stage, formation of butter & ghee started,
skin become oily, fibrous mass also reducing in size.
Alfavet-30-30 ml & Sulf-1M + Phos-1M = 40 pills 11 PO,
(11-5-02) C.P.-1M + C.F.-200 = 30 pills 1 daily for month for part of fibrosis, cured completely.
(180) Hari Chhagan Ghatiyavot-Cow cb (8-3-02)- calved before day, bloody milk with flakes in milk,edemaof
udder.milk 250 ml/day only.
Bell-30 + Bryo-30 = 30 pills 2 pills q2h & Phyto-200 + C.F.-200 = 40 pills 222 PO,
Improvement in milk quality & quanty 600 ml/day, edema subside, no blood clots & flakes in milk.
Chemomila-200 + Urtica-1M + Lecithin-200 = 60 pills 222 & Five phos6X-100 1010 PO, clear milk
odd smell subside, milk 3 lit /day .
(181) Raju Ramji Patel-(A) Cow cb-(17-3-02) ROP with mild tonicity of uterus ,
Puls-200 + Sepia-200 = 40 pills 22 & Phos-200 + Iodum-30 = 40 pills 22 not followed up.
(B) coe cb udder edema ,calved before day (17-3-02) ,
Bella-30 + Arn-30 = 20 pills 222 PO, improved but still one quarter was hard to touch so,
Bryo-200 + Apis-30 = 30 pills 222 , cured without any complication.
(182) Reva Ghemar patel-Mesan-Cow mastitis-(9-3-02*Ph. 2778-266727) fibrosis ,calved before 15 days,
sudden drop in milk production, white fluid from affected teat, 14 lit /day,
Bell-200 + Chemomila-1M = 30 pills 2 QID & C.F.-200 + Phyto-200 = 30 pills 2 pills QID.
(183) Pravin Chhagan Patel-Vasai-cow cb (12-3-02*2778-260540) heifer of 4 yrs, not came in heat, lean &
thin,P/R moderately developed genitalia & inactive ovaries.
Sepia-200 + Puls-200 + Phos-1M = 40 pills 22 PO, not followed up.
(184) Bharat Gulab Patel-(A)Cow cb-(13-3-02) history of ROPbefore 5 month, loss of condition,low milk
Silicia-200 + Sabina-30 =30 pills 22 & Secal cor-30 + Phos-1M =30 22 pills PO.
(B Cow cb- good general health,P/R flaccid uterus,
Sepia-200 + Puls-200 + Phos-1M = 30 pills 3 OID PO, (C)
Cow cb , udder edema, Bella-30 + Bryo-30 = 20 pills 2222 PO.
(184) Ramji Shamal Patel-Bhajpura-buffalo- stiffness unable to get up, walk easily,low feed intake,
Phos-1M + C.P.-200 + alfa-alfa-Q = 40 pills 22 & Alfavet-3030 ml.
(185) Ramji Keshar Patel-Bullock- Bhajpura-(13-3-02) interdigital fibroma,operated but due to maggotnot
healing so,
Silicea-1M + Calendula-Q= 20 tab 22 , good improved & healed so on (3-4-02)
Silicea-1M + Calendula-Q= 20 tab 2 daily PO, cured completely.
(186) Naransinh Vadiyavir,Layman AI worker-Cow recurrent prolapse treated by SDVO, history of still birth
with dystocia,lean & thin watwry discharge,(26-3-02).
C.P-1M =30 tab 22 PO & Agnus-30 + Sepia-200 = 30 tab 22 PO,
Improved in all general conditions.
(187) Mahesh Monghji Patel-cow cb culled animal due to chronic disease & fever anemia, low feed intake,pica,
low milk production.
Ars-200 + Phos-200 + Alfaalfa-Q = 30 pills 222 , improved taking feed, concentrate ,giving milk also.
(22-3-02) 1.5 lit of milk, Liq Alfavet-450 ml-3030 ml PO.
(188) Jagu Moti Mahida-Cow cb (22-3-02) emaciated,aborted before 15 days, low feed intake & not taking
concentrate milk 8 lit/day.
Urtica-1M + C.P.-1M + Alfaalfa-Q = 40 pills 222 PO on (24-4-02) milk prod. 13 lit /day, excellent
improvement in all general conditions, dry skin turns to oily & lusterous.
(189) Babubhai STD-Cow cb-heifer, Anestus, small smooth ovaries.(15-3-02).
Sepia-200 + Puls-2oo + Iodum-30 = 30 pills 22 PO .

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(190) Manoj Devchand Patel-Bhanpur-(15-3-02)-Cow cb-history of pyometra& ROP handled by LI,off
smelling,panting,watery blood,
Sabina-30 + Silicea-1M = 40 tab 2q1hrly, improved in off smell & general condition, taking fooe too.
(16-3-02) Antim tart-200 + Ipicac-200 = 222 & silicea-200 + Khreosotum = 20 222 PO,
Psorinum-1M= 5 tab single dose, improved all respiratory signs,taking feed, 100 ml of clean milk on 20-3-02,
Nx-200 + Lecithin-30 + Urtica-1M = 40 pills 22 ,Phos-200 + Sulfer-200 = 20 pills
& fivephos6x=100 1010 PO for 10 days, recovered well but died due to other problem.
(191) Jagu Hathi Patel-Ranga-Cow cb(15-3-02)calved before 3.5 months, scanty defecation & aneuria with
strong temprament & suspicious too,
Iodum-30 + Silicea-1M + Ars-200 = 30 pills 22 PO, not followed up.
(192) Jagu veera Patel -chavda-Cow cb(17-3-02), mild tonicity with inactive ovaries
Sepia-200 + Puls-1M = 30 pills 22 & Tab Fivephos-6X=50 tab 55 PO,
Came in heat & found PD +Ve in Aus-02.
(193) Sabbirbhai Barodia campa-(18-3-02)-Cow cb-hard teat with difficulty in milking-sus due to injury,
Bell-30 + Bry-30 = 30 pills 2 q1hrly & Arnica-Q
(194) Alpesh Pathu Patel-Cow cb- (20-3-02) aborted before week & injury in birth canal with udder edema,
Bell-200 + Calendula-Q = 30 pills 33 PO & oint. Calendula for ext. application.
(195) Bharat Month Patel (A-)Cow cb-(20-3-02) chronic indigetion ,dull & depress. 12 lit of milk/day,
Puls-200 + Nx-30 + Urtica-1M = 80 pills 222 PO with Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml PO,
active ,alert & 1.5 lit increase in milk on (25-3-02)
(B) Cow calf- dermatitis Sulfer-1M = 30 pills 2 wkly to cow & 1 wkly to calf on (18-4-02)
(196) Bharat Monghji Patel- Buffalo-(20-3-02), calved before 2 month,cracks on legs & at base of horn, dry
skin,blood oozing from cracks,avoid concentrate,low milk production, foul smelling sweating,
Nux-200 + Ars-200 = 30 pills 22 & Psorinum-1M = 10 tab 5 weekly, good improved in all conditions.
Meserium-200 + C.P.-1M = 30 pills 22 PO,
Excellent improvement ,colour of buffalo turns to jet black from grayish, no blood from cracks & its heals,
calm in nature & oily skin so on (7-4-02),
Psorinum-1M = 20 2 tab every 15 days, cured completely & calved without any problem.
(197) Harshad Virsang Patel-dairy vala- Cow cb -(25-3-02), small elongated warts on neck region, full term
pregnant & lost one teat due after treat of SDVO.bleedind from wart to touch.
Thuja-1M = 30 tab 2 tab daily evening for 15 days,
Unbelievable result & all wart slough of it self, no new growth & as a positive side effect milk from mastitis
affected teat started it self.
(198) Nimesh Falji Patel-Cow cb heifer-(28-3-02), due to dysticia pustular vulvo vaginitis , pain in urination,
very irritant,masculine just like horse, milk 6 lit/day,
Nx-30 = 20 tab 22 & Cantharis-30 =20 pills 2222 PO, Thyrod-1M = 15 tab 5 tab weekly,
remarkable improved in all conditions, calm & no problem of let down, 8 lit/day,
Nx-200 + Urtica-1M = 30 tab 3 evening & Canth-30 + Ledum-30 = 30 tab 3 morning,
On (18-4-02) taking concentrate & milk 12 lit/day,
(20-4-02) Ricinus-30 + Lecithin-30 + C.P.-1M = 40 pills 22 PO, cured.
(199) Harshd Shamal Patel-Cow cb-(28-3-02) chronic diarrhoea & kyphotic,more salivation,dry skin coat,
stiffness & lower milk production.
Nx-30 = 20 tab 22 & Merc sol-200 = 20 pills 22 PO,
On (3-4-02) greatly improved in all conditions & faeces full term pregnant & calved without any problems.
(200) Hasmukh Shamal Patel-Bullock- (A)-Alopacia on neck region with black spots, severe itching with
reddish thick skin, aggravation during end of monsoon & starting of winter, faeces dry pallets like,
Sulfer-200 = 30 tab 3 tab morning daily once & Causticum-30 + Bry-30 + Merc sol-30 = 40 tab 22 PO,
improved much in all conditions, decrease in itching, low feed intake so ,
Sulfer-1M + Nx-200 = 20 tab 3 tab weekly PO.
Hasmukh shamal Patel-Kadiadra, (B) Cow cb calf- Umbilical hernia-(29-4-02)
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Clinical features Medicine (Rx)
Over stratching of umbilicus leading to abscess & umbilical Arn-30 +Led-pal-30 + H.S.-200 = 20 pills
hernia,4 inch ring. 2222 PO
After week good improvement & cured after full course. C.T. same 22 PO
(201) Atul Raghaji Patel- Chotasan-Cow cb- ( Ref. By Vinubhai).

Date C/F Rx
1-4-02 Chronic indigesion ,treat by SDVO, golden Nx-200 + Ars-200 = 30 pills 222
yellow faeces, long rough body coat ,milk Sulfer-1M = 15- 3 pills 3 daily Morning PO
prod 8 lit/day, low feed intake
6-4-02 Improved appetite & milk 11 lit/day Nx-30 + Lecith-30 + Urtic-1M = 40 pills2
2, Sulfer-1M= 15 3 tab weekly PO with Tab
10-4-02 Milk 12.5 lit/day, cured. Fivephos-6x=100 1010 PO
(202) Naresh Falji Patel-Cow cb-Acute mastitis.

Date C/F Rx
1-4-02 Edema of udder, painful to touch,loe feed Pyrog-1M= 15 tab 3 tab weekly &
intake,yellowish white flakes in milk. H.S.-200 + Puls-200 = 40 pills 222 PO
9-4-02 Good improvement in all general condition. Pyrog-1M = 20pills 2 tab q15 days,
Puls-200 +H.S.-200 = 40 pills 2 tab dailyPO.
(203) Bhikha Jetha Patel-Cow cb-Nana poshina -Chronic mastitis- ph. 2778-266800.

Date C/F Rx
2-4-02 Chronic case treated by SDVO,fibrosis of Pyrog-1M =15 3tab weekly PO ,
affected part & yellowish watery fluid came out Puls-1M + C.P.-200 = 40 pills 2 QID PO,
from teat & milk 6 lit/day.
4-4-02 Fibrosed mass smaller in size, clear milk & C.P.-1M +Utrica-1M = 40 pills 2 BID &
appetite, milk 8 lit/day Puls-1M + C.F.-200 = 50 pills 2 BID PO
10-4-02 Telephonic message 100 ml of clear milk teat Liq.Alfavet-450 ml 30 ml Bid PO
with improved all general condition.
(204) Hari Maku Gadhvi-Savasala-Buffalo-Recurrent mastitis.

Date C/F Rx
3-4-02 Recurrent problem in milk, flakes in milk with fever Pyrog-1M= 15 5 pills monthly PO,&
treated by Dr.Vyas twice for 3500 /Rs, low feed in take, Phyto-200 +Bry-200 + Sulfer-200 = 40
dry rough skin coat with dermatitis. pills 3 pills daily morning PO.
18-4-02 Excellent result & has positive side effect on body coat LiqAlfavet- 30 ml daily PO,
Milk quality normal. Phyto-200 + Bry-200 + Sulf-200 = 30
Health of buffalo was excellent in all conditions. pills 2 OID
(205) Ramesh Pathu Patel-Vasai-Cow cb-Udder edema
Date C/F Rx
5-4-02 Calved before 2 days, painless edema, Bry-30 + Bell-30 = 30 pills 2 QID PO
13-4-02 Improved but some what anxious& low feed C.P.-1M + Iodum-30 = 40 pills 3 TID, than 2
intake, recurrent defaecation BID & Thyrod-1M = 20pils 3 Weekly PO
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13-5-02 Superb improvement in all general conditions. Adv. For Alfavet- 15-15 ml PO
(206) Raman Dalji Patel-Cow cb Vasai-pyometra.

Date C/F Rx
5-4-02 ROP handle by LI, injury to birth canal during Kreosotum-200 + Silicia-200 = 30
dystocia,foetid smelling discharge from uterus, milk 5 pills 2 TID with Alfavet- 30 ml BID
lit/day. PO.
15-4- Clear uterine discharge,improved all general Liq Alfavet-30 ml BID PO
02 conditions,milk increase to 14 lit/day.
(207) Rasulbhai sarpanch-Barodia campa-(Ph.2778-276248)

Date C/F Rx
5-3-02 Pregnant of 6 month, lower appetite & chronic Sulfer-1M =15 3 morn OID & Nx-200 + China-
indigesion, Kyphotic,milk 10 lit/Day,rough body coat 200 + Puls-200 =30pills 2 TID PO
15-3- Aborted before 3 days but improved all general Liq. Alfavet-30 ml BID PO
02 conditions
(208) Jashu Sanja Patel-Chotasan-Food poisoning 2 buffalo & 1 calf.

Date C/F Rx
3-4-02 All 3 animals suddenly affected diarhhoea due Nx-200 + Ars-200 = 30 pills 2 TID PO
to food poisoning.
5-4-02 Improvement in all animals, ruminating Nx-200 + Ars-200 =2 OID
taking feed.
(209) Hitesh Bhikha Patel-Chorivad-Cow cb.

Date C/F Rx
4-4-02 History of dystocia,ROP, restless mild fever,loss of Acon-200 =20pills 2 OID morn &
condition,milk 6 lit/day Silica-1M= 20pills 2 OID evening PO
14-4- Improved all conditions& Temprament was calm & Alfavet-450 ml 30 ml BID PO
02 milk 13 lit/day.
(209) Narsinh Kheta Patel- Pratapgadh Buffalo.

Date C/F Rx
5-4-02 Injury to udder,swollen ventral part &sus for H.S.-1M = 15 pills 333 PO
development of abscess.mild fever,off feed, Acon-30 + Bell-30 =30 pills 3 QID PO
10-4- Improved within 12 hrs,taking feed,swelling mass Silica-1M= 20 pills 2 OID PO &
02 was localized at one site. Arn-30 + Bell-30 = 40 pills 22 PO
18-4- Opened &sterile pus evacuated & healed Advised for antiseptic dressing &
02 itself,calved without any complain. Syr. Alfavet-450 30 ml bid PO.
(210) Ramji Dheera Mahida-Cow cb.Kadiadra.

Date C/F Rx
14-4- Acute mastitis,loe milk production,off feed ,flakes Bry-30 + Calflour-200 = 30 pils 2 TID PO

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02 in milk,stiffness. Tab Fivephos6x-100 = 1010 PO.
16-4- Improvement in edema & all general health. & milk Syr.Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml PO
02 too.
25-4- Cured with normal production.
(211) Narsinh Dhanji Patel-Buffalo-Chotasan campa.

Date C/F Rx
16-4-02 Aborted before 7 days,ROP, foetid C.P.-1M+Puls-1M +Silica-1M =40 pills 2
discharge, no milk TID PO
26-4-02 Good improved milk 4 lit/day, no discharge Liq Alfavet-450 ml 30 ml BID PO.
21-5-02 Improved all general conditions,5lit Advised for AI or NS when comes in heat.
(212) Natha Sanja Patel-Cow cb-Kadiadra( Ref. Case of mastitis), for atrophied teat & udder.

Date C/F Rx
22-4-02 Treated for mastitis with homeopathy & found good Calflor-200 + C.P.-1M = 40 pills PO
cure,so during pregnancy for recovery of udder &
22-5-02 Atrophied quarter comes to normal size,funnel shape Conium-30 + C.P.-1M + H.S.-200
teat, marked reduction in fibrosed udder. =40 pills 2 tab daily PO
5-6-02 Excellent result calved on 4-6-02,normal milk Alfavet-30 ml BID PO
(213) Lalji Hemraj Desai-Cow cb-KDR

Date C/F Rx
21-4-02 Injury to udder,blood mixed milk with clots Arn-30 +Hemama-200 = 30 2 QID PO
26-4-02 Not much improved,no swelling & not let down C.F.-200 + Chemom-1M +Arn-200 =40
of milk pills 2 six time 2 days
1-5-02 Less pain,proper let down of milk,7lit milk/day C.F.-200 +Arn-200 +Bufo-30 = 30 pills
22 PO
8-5-02 Cured completely wih normal udder & teat size .nil

Paper to be presented at National Seminar on Homeopathy in Animals at Thrissur

During my Clinical experience of I had gone through no of cases, out of which I have selected three selective
cases in which our modern medicines have limited value i.e. mastitis, Theileriosis & ketosis.

(214) Case no-1

Owners name : Popatbhai Jajadiya village:Budhel Ta.Bhavnagar Cow cb HF.
A quality crossbred H.F. cow referred to veterinary polyclinic Bhavnagar on 7-7-03 with
following history.

Created by poshak1:13 AM 19 3-7-05Created on

07/11/2004 08:55:00
Date Clinical Findings Rx
7-7-03 Quality AI born heifer of 19 month of age calved Sepia-200 + Puls-200` + Kreo-30 = 20 gm
before 7 days, sudden swelling on udder & treated by 4--444 PO,
local LI, not responded, low feed intake, hard Calflou-200 + Phyt-200 + H.S.-200 = 20 gm
fibrosed swelling on affected part, off smelling 4444 PO,
uterine discharge, 100 ml of clot & flakes mixed milk Syr.Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml PO.
from teat, milk production was 2.5 lit /day
11-7-03 Improved all general conditions, taking feed, Sepia-200 + Puls-1M + Kreo-30 = 20 gm
reduction in size of fibrosed mass, clear uterine 444 PO,
discharge was voided out, improved quality & Calflou-200 + Phyt-200 + H.S.-200 = 20 gm
quantity of milk to 5.8 lit /Day 444 PO,
Liq Alfa vet- 1515 ml PO,
15-7-03 Excellent result 1500 ml of clear milk from affected Urtica-200 + Con-200 + Lecit-200 + Ricinus-
teat, 200 +Cal flour-200 = 30 gm 44 PO,
Swelling reduced completely, active, alert. Milk 14 Liq. Alfavet-450 ml 15 ml OID PO.
20-12-03 Improved in all condition except teat was reduced in Advised for good housing & feeding
size & 20% of less milk from it, so advised for management, regular min-mix.
Homeopathy treatment for normal size & production
from quarter at 8th month of pregnancy.
4-10-04 Cow was full term pregnant, only 60 %of milk from Sabal sar-200 +Cal flo-200 + Con-200 +Iodum-
affected teat during last phase of lactation. 200 = 20 gm (5gr) 11 PO 30 days, Followed
by one tab OID 15 days, than one weekly PO,
Tuberculinum-1M = single dose as nosode PO,
Liq. Alfavet-450 ml 15 ml daily PO.
29-11-04 Inspirative telephonic message, size & production of Advise for good hygiene & management, Cow
affected teat seems to absolutely normal, milk 19 has leaky teat so advised for dipping of teat in
lit/day, even milk from that teat was more than rest Arnica soln after milking.
DD-11 team has recorded case for Gramjagat

(215) Case no-2.

Owners name : Solanki Abhesingbhai Dudhabhai of village Navagam Ta. Sihor Jafrabadi
Phone no: 02846-224792..Mobile no.-9826905014.
First challenging case was referred to my polyclinic from senior veterinary officer of district after my First
posting of Deputy Director to Saurastra region where A.H. practices are totally different than north Gujarat.
Quality Jafrabadi buffalo was yielding 23 lit of milk/day & her mother was award winner of 10,000 Rs in
competition in Gujarat state.

Date Clinical Findings Rx

4-3-02 Calved before 45 days & sick since 25 days, low
feed intake, avoid concentrate, grayish dry body Natrum Phos-6X = 60 pills 444 PO,
coat, treated by with all routine drugs for
postpartum sickness & ketosis, loss of hairs, Lycopodium-1M = 20 pills (3gr) 2222
Created by poshak1:13 AM 20 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
yellowish milk & urine-faeces too, dung dry pallet PO.
like, mild response to drugs but as milk increase
again she turns to sick. Aggravation of signs at
Lab. test- +Ve for acetone test of ketosis.
9-3-02 Tremendous improvement in all general conditions, Five phos-6x = 100 gm 1010 PO,
milk increased to 3 lit/day clear whitish, taking Liq. Alfavet-450 ml 3030 ml PO.
concentrate & feed, skin coat was fair & shining.
28-3-02 Body color turns to black, no skin lesions, and milk Advised for good nutrition & A.H. management.
production 22 lit/day, taking full quota of Liq Alfavet-450 ml 15 ml OID PO.
3-10-02 Absolute healthy-no complain. PD-+Ve & than calved without any problem.
16-9-04 Calved without any problem but milk only 10 Trinitrotolvoene-30 + China-200 + Ferum phos-
lit/day, low feed intake, head shaking, alopacia , 200 +Lycopo-200 + Phos-200 = 20 gm(5gr) 1
severe conjunctivitis with lacrimation, dull& QID PO,
depress, intermittent mild fever, watery blood, Natrum phos-6x = 20 gm 1010 PO,
avoid concentrate Syr.Iroplus-115 ml(2) = 1515 ml PO.
27-9-04 Improvement in general conditions,& skin,milk,eye Trinitrotolvoene-30 + China-200 + Ferum phos-
200 +Lycopo-200 + Phos-200 = 20 gm(5gr) 1
Liq. Alfavet-450 ml 30ml BID PO &
Tab. Biochemic no 25 = 100 1515 PO
19-10-04 18 lit milk/day, active & Alert, taking feed & Tab. Biochemic no-25 = 15 OID PO, &
concentrate to its capacity ,skin coat shining. TNT-30 + Lyco-200 + NP-200 + Nv-200 = 20 gm
1111 PO & Sulfer-1M = 2 dose weekly
interval PO.
5-11-04 For recording of DD-11 visited farmer, he was Advised for good nutrition & management
pleased as buffalo was cured & giving 23 lit practice.

(215) Case no 3 (Theileriosis)

A progressive A.H. practitioner have a quality cross bred cows but since last two years calf donot survive
due to unknown disease. As per his history local vo has tried his level best & even we had tried for homeopathy
once didnt successed too. But during our campain of Pashu Arogyamela I have visited his farm, I surprised to
know about Theileriosis after examining the calf.

Date Clinical Features Rx

4-11-03 Temp-106.8F,dull depress & panting, lacreimation with icteric Trinitrotoulovene-30 + Phos-200 + C.F.20
conjunctiva, enlarged pre scapular lymph nodes, AI born blood n) 555 & Biochemic no-11 = 10 gm
8-11-03 Unbelievable out come, temp.-100.2 F, active & alert, no Trinitrotoulovene-30 + Phos-200 + C.F.20
panting ,reduced size of lymph nodes. n) 55 & Biochemic no-11 = 10 gm 5
7-7-04 Growth rate was not good, pot belly ,over grown hairs. Advised for deworming & Phos-200 = 10
tab Fivephos-6x = 50 gm 55 PO,
Alfavet-450 ml 1010 ml PO
5-11-04 During recording for DD-11, improved in all conditions & she Advised for good mineral mixture with pr
was coming in heat also, trace mineral suppliment.

216. Case-no 4 (Recurrent Milk fever).

Created by poshak1:13 AM 21 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
Pravinsinh. Dholakuva (02846-222410)
A typical case of recurrent milk fever was referred to veterinary polyclinic.
Quality cb jersey cow maintained on high plane of nutrition & in 4th lactation.

Date C/F Rx
4-10-03 Calved before one month & suffer from milk fever C.P.-200 + Iodum-30 + China-
five times, lean & thin cow, regular deworming & 200 = 20 gm 555 pills TID
calcium supplement in last trimester of pregnancy, PO
alopacia, low feed intake, dull, depress, inactive, Tab. Urticalcin-25 gm 55 PO
milk 17 lit/day, anaemic m.m. of eyes. &
Tab Fivephos-6x = 50 gm 10
10 PO.
8-10-03 Telephonic msg. Good improved in all conditions,
increase in 4 lit of milk/day, fair skin coat, active C.T. same contd.
alert & no M/F.
20-10-03 NO milk fever in 15 days, 23 lit milk /day, Thyrodi-1M = 4 dose 1 dose
participated in milk yield competition by G.O.G. as weekly PO, &
a positive side effect all general condition & Puls-30 + Nx-200 + Phos-200 +
production of animal was too excellent F.P.-200 = 20 gm 555 PO
31-10-03 Cured completely & no reoccurrence of M/F in Liq Alfavet-450 ml 1515 ml
next lactation. PO & good mineral mixture 50
gm daily PO.
5-11-04 For DD-11 programmed, it was all right. Good feeding & regular
deworming with min.mix

217. Case no 5 (Lameness).

S.P. Bhavnagar (0278-2510596 Mobile: 9426901144 )

A challenging case was brought to my notice i.e. of police horse; named black queen (through bred)
was suffering from lameness since last 6 months. She had made an automobile accident before 6 months &
treated by local V.O than referred to veterinary college Anand for 40 days, but not of much improvement &
mounted P.S.I. was thinking for condemned. Black queen was award winner at national level for Gujarat police
so I have accepted chance to treat her with homeopathy under guidance of homeopathic consultant.

Date C/F Rx
16-7-03 On examination pain on left stifle & Bellis pare-200 +Ruta gra-200 = 20 gm 10
fetlock joint, cant able to bear weight
1010 pills PO &
on limb, swelling on coronet also. Arn-200 = 20 gm 1010 PO & oint Arn
for external application at affected joints.
23-7-03 30% improvement in pain & swelling, C.T. same
able to bear some weight.
30-7-03 Swelling was 85% reduced & try to C.T. same
run, on standing position was bearing
7-8-03 Excellent improvement in walking & Bellis-200 + Ruta-200 = 20 gm 1010
swelling was disappeared. PO
Rumasan salbe for external application
Created by poshak1:13 AM 22 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
4-9-03 Improved greatly & only10% pain C.T. same for one month.
March-04 Delivered healthy foal without any Cured completely
Oct-04 On duty for petroling without any

218. Case no-6. Acute Mastitis in buffalo.

Ramsangbhai Chavda of village- Lakhanaka Ta.Vallabhipur Dist.Bhavnagar (Gujarat)

Date Clinical Features Rx

18-10-04 Quality jafri buffalo was sick since 10 days VT-6 = 20 gms 10 pills QID PO & Bio
with higher antibiotics (Sinulox- chemic no-1 = 50gm 10 BID & TNT-
Megamycin) & routine drugs for mastitis, 30 + China sulf-200 + Phos-200 + F.P.-
off feed, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, head 200 = 20 gm 10 pills BID
shaking, Alpaca with follicle, milk reduced Oint. Thuja & C.F. for external
to 8 lit from 20 lit/day, calved before 15 application.
days, stiffness, weight loss too. Hard
fibrosed mass with creamy yellowish pus
like discharge from affected teat, dry-dull
hair coat, dehydrated.
23-10-04 Tremendous improved in all general V Oint. Thuja & C.F. for external
conditions, swelling reduced in size, taking application. &
feed, clear white watery fluid from affected VT-6 = 20 gms 10 pills BID,
teat, improved milk production 18 lit/day, Bio chemic no-1 = 50gm 10 BID &
active, alert, shiny hair coat, no head TNT-30 + China sulf-200 + Phos-200
shaking. + F.P.-200 = 20 gm 10 pills BID
4-11-04 Milk production 24 lit/day, 100 ml of clear Alfa-alfa-30 + C.P.200 = 20 gms 10
watery milk from affected teat, fibrosed pills OID & Bio chemic no-1 = 50gm
mass reduced in size greatly, improved in 10 BID pills.
all general conditions, recorded an
interview for DD-11 (Gram-Jagat
18-12-04 On enquiry during camp she was cured Advised for homeopathy in next
completely in all conditions & reduced lactation for development of affected
milk production from affected teat. quarter in last trimester of pregnancy.

219. Case no 7 Foot & Mouth disease.

Lokbharti Gauchely Sanosara Ta Sihor Dist.Bhavnagar Gujarat. One of known institution of

Gandhijis though in Gujarat & doing some scientific work for farmers in Agriculture &
A.H. (Lok-1 & 2 variety of Wheat was developed by this institute.

Date Clinical Features Rx

29-4-03 Sudden out break of F.M.D. in Gir & With routine therapy I have advised
C.B. herd of Gaushala, 23 death was following homeopathy drugs to manager of
reported first time in Gir calf in Gaushala.
Created by poshak1:13 AM 23 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
Gujarat within 3 days that was VT-9 = 200 gms 10 pills QID PO with
shocking for A.H. people, all typical Five phos 6x = 450gms 1515 PO
signs of disease i.e. fever, blisters on Alfa alfa-200 + C.P. = 250 gms 10 pills BID
tongue, Gums & inter digital space, & no suckling of milk for calves.
Lab. Investigation +Ve for O strain
of virus & P.M. in calves have typical
degenerative changes in myocardium.
Milk production reduced greatly to
i.e. 70%.
10-5-03 Improvement in all affected animals, VT-9 = 200 gms 10 pills BID PO with
milk production was resuming to Five phos 6x = 450gms 15 pills PO
normal, no death after treatment, Alfa alfa-200 + C.P. = 250 gms 10 pills
31-3-04 Only reduction of 8000 lit of milk Alfa alfa-200 + C.P. = 250 gms 10 pills
/year which was very much lesser OID
than expected by officials of A.H. & With Natrum Salf-6x = 250 gms 1515
Gaushala. Majority of Gir animals BID PO.
have lesser problem in conception but
few C.B. animals have problem of
panting in summer so for that..
June-04 During camp visited Gaushala & they Good management practice & regular
were very much pleased with result of vaccination
Homeopathy in panting too.
4-11-04 Visited Gaushala for recording a
programme for DD-11 (Gram Jagat Good management practice & regular
Rajkot Door Darshan) vaccination

220. Shanker Magan Patel-Chatasan campa-Cow gir-02778-236444-(22-4-02)

Date C/F Rx
22-4-02 Cracks on teat since 4 weeks,not Nitric acid-200 + Urtica urens-1M = 30
responding to routine treatment, pain pills
during milking. 222 PO
29-4-02 Cracks heals it self,complete let down Nitric acid-200 + Urtica urens-1M = 40
of milk. pills
11 PO
18-7-02 Reoccurance of problem, let down of Nitric acid-200 + Aconite-30 = 30 pills
milk was not proper, 22 PO

28-7-02 Cured completely without Liq. Alfavet-450 ml 15 ml oid PO

221. Yogesh Dhula Patel-Cow cb-Bloody milk-(Ref. By dr. Vyas).

Date C/F Rx
July-02 Calved before 6 days, low thirst, off Nux-30 + Ars-30 = 30 pills 22 PO,
smelling milk & red colour from all Bufo-30 + Ipicac-30 = 30 pills 22 PO
- Excellent improved in all general Good management & nutritions.
Created by poshak1:13 AM 24 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
222. Asholbhai Gulabchand Patel-Abdasan-cow cb chronic mastitis with bloody milk-(25-4-02)
Date C/F Rx
25-04-02 Calved before 20 days,treated by sabar Phytolaca-200 +Cal carb-200 = 30 pills 2
vo 20 visits in 10 days, also by local LI tab every 2 hourly PO &
too,severe udder edema with udder was H.S.-1M +Chemomila-30 = 30 pills
touching to ground, hard & painful 222 PO .
swelling,dystocia & ROP handled by LI,
cow was so weak so that cant able to
stand up properly, aggressive cow, 8
lit.of milk/day
29-04-02 40% improved in all cond.,reduced pain H.S.-1M +Chemomila-30 = 30 pills
during milking, edema reduced as veins 222 PO .
were visible, able to seat easily, Phyto-200 + C.F.-200 = 40 pills
22 PO
03-05-02 Milk clear ,pain reduced to great extent, Hydrastis-30 +Apis mel-30 +Bryo-200 =
still blood mixed fluid from affected 30 pills 222 PO & Urtica-1M +Phos-
teat,13 lit milk/day 200 = 40 pills 22 PO,
Liq. Alfavet-450 ml 30ml-30 ml

20-5-02 Good improvement except from affected Conium-30 + Millefolium-30 + Ipicac-200

teat bloody milk, taking feed properly & = 40 pills 22 PO
complete let down of milk,
10-6-02 Excellent improved in all conditions, 20 Phos-1M +Ipicac-30 +Cal flour-200 = 40
lit milk/day, edema was reduced to great pills 22 PO &
extent so owner can able to milking it Liq Alfavet-450 ml 1515 ml
with keeping bucket under it,
28-6-02 Cured completely & sold out in same Provide good bedding under udder.
village at 13000/ rs cost.

223. Asholbhai Gulabchand Patel-Abdasan-buffalo- phone-02778-260300-

Date C/F Rx
25-4-02 Loss of condition,stiffness of whole Alfa-Q + C.P.-1M + Rhus tox-200 = 30
body,kyphotic, arthritis of different pills 222 PO & Liq . Alfavet-450
joints, PD+Ve 6 month, suspected for ml30-30 ml BID PO.
flourosis, cant able to walk, hard
painful swelling. on joints, cant able to
seat easily.
29-4-02 Sort of improvement in pain & CT same
12-6-02 Swelling reduced, can able to walk RT-200 + Bryo-200 = 40 pills 22 PO,
freely, improved all general conditions. Liq Alfavet-450 ml 1515 ml PO.
12-7-02 Good improvement in stiffness, walking Nux vomica-200 + RT-200 = 40 pills 22
,pain & swelling too. ,
(Think for Bry-1 M)
24-7-02 No further improvement VT-6 = 20 gm 10 pills QID PO

Created by poshak1:13 AM 25 3-7-05Created on

07/11/2004 08:55:00
1-8-02 Can able to seat some what easily Bryo-1M = 30 pills 22 PO,
,swelling greatly reduced.
14-8-02 Skin become fair,can walk easily, taking Bryo-1M = 30 pills 1 OID PO
feed & fodder, kyphosis greatly reduced.
14-9-02 Sold out to kadiadra village 3500/ Rs. Bryo-1M + Iodum-30 = 30 pills 1 pills
Full term pregnant. OID,
5-10-02 Calved without any problem-8 lit milk/ Tab. Five phos-6X=50 gm 1010 PO

223. Asholbhai Gulabchand Patel-Abdasan-buffalo- phone-02778-260300-

Date C/F Rx
25-4-02 Loss of condition,stiffness of whole Alfa-Q + C.P.-1M + Rhus tox-200 = 30
body,kyphotic, arthritis of different pills (5 gr) 222 PO & Liq . Alfavet-
joints, PD+Ve 6 month, suspected for 450 ml30-30 ml BID PO.
flourosis, cant able to walk, hard
painful swelling. on joints, cant able to
seat easily.
29-4-02 Sort of improvement in pain & CT same
12-6-02 Swelling reduced, can able to walk RT-200 + Bryo-200 = 40 pills(5 gr) 22
freely, improved all general conditions. PO,
Liq Alfavet-450 ml 1515 ml PO.
12-7-02 Good improvement in stiffness, walking Nux vomica-200 + RT-200 = 40 pills(5 gr)
,pain & swelling too. 22 ,
(Think for Bry-1 M)
24-7-02 No further improvement VT-6 = 20 gm 10 pills QID PO
1-8-02 Can able to seat some what easily Bryo-1M = 30 pills(5 gr) 22 PO,
,swelling greatly reduced.
14-8-02 Skin become fair,can walk easily, taking Bryo-1M = 30 pills(5 gr) 1 OID PO
feed & fodder, kyphosis greatly reduced.
14-9-02 Sold out to kadiadra village 3500/ Rs. Bryo-1M + Iodum-30 = 30 pills (5 gr) 1
Full term pregnant. pills OID,
5-10-02 Calved without any problem-8 lit milk/ Tab. Five phos-6X=50 gm 1010 PO

224. Rajubhai patel- Goral-Cow cb-(02778-260028)-prepartum prolapse due to cervico-vaginitis.

Date C/F Rx
25-4-02 1. Straining, micturation, Cantharis-200 + Sepia-200 = 30 gms.
2. O/E: congested mucosa of vagina (5 gr) 22 PO,
7-5-02 Good improvement in frequency Liq. Alfavet-450 ml 1515 ml PO
&intencity of prolapse.
11-7-02 Improvement in cond. Day by day Cantharis-30 + Sepia-200 + Carbo veg-
30 = 30 pills(5 gr) 22 PO
2-9-02 On enquiry calved without any complain. Advised good management.

225. Narsinh Jetha Ugara Patel-Nana Poshina-(A). Buff-bloody milk-(02778-266529).

Created by poshak1:13 AM 26 3-7-05Created on

07/11/2004 08:55:00
Date C/F Rx R
5-5-02 Treated by SDVO 10 visits, blood in Arn-200 + Hemamalis-200 + Phos-1M=
milk with clots, full term pregnant. 30 pills(5 gr)
11-6-02 Good improved all conditions Conium-30 + Cal flour-200 +H.S.-200 =
40 pills(5 gr) 2 OID PO
Oct-02 Calved normally without complain Tab Fivephos-6X=50 gm 10 tab daily PO

(B) Cow cb-Mastitis-

Date C/F Rx
11-6-02 Bad smelling milk from teat, than Puls-1M +C.F.-200 +Urtica-1M = 40 pills
watery milk-100 ml of fluid like milk, (5gr) 222 Po & Syr Alfavet-450 ml
3030 ml PO
5-7-02 50 ml of clear milk from affected teat C.F.-200+ Bry-200 = 20 pills( 5 gr) 22
Note: After inspired from this treatment owner himself has taken medicine for Arthritis & recovered completely
226. Hasmukh shamal Patel-Kadiadra-calf-Umbilical abscess.

Date C/F Rx
29-4-02 Due to sucking of umbilicus, hot painful Arn-30 + Ledum-30 +H.S.-200 = 20 pills
swelling-s/s for abscess. (3 gr) 222 PO
7-5-02 Recovered but sus for herniation. Nux-1M + Ledum-30 = 20 pills (3 gr) 1
1 Po
17-5-02 Recovered Good management

227. Ashok Hari Pate-Cow cb-(02778-236092)-Teat obstruction.

Date C/F Rx
7-5-02 Difficulty in milking, hard fibrosed Arn-30 = 20 pills (5 gr) 222 PO. &
mass in teat canal. Bry-30 = 20 pills (5 gr) 222 PO
17-5-02 80% improvement in all general cond. Massage with sarsav oil.

228. Hari Dhiru Patel-Cow cb Chotasan-(02778-236067)

Date C/F Rx
7-5-02 History of dystocia-injury to birth canal-ulcer & Arn-30 + Chemo-30 +Calen-30
laceration of vagina vulvar lips. = 30 pills (5 gr) 2 pills QID PO
11-5-02 Good improved in all cond. foetid smelling uterine Chemo-30 + C.P.-1M +
discharge, taking food. Myristica sabifura-30 = 40 pills(
5 gr) 22
4-6-02 Clear discharge & came in heat Advise for AI
12-11-02 PD +Ve on enquiry Regular feed supplementation.

229. Narsinh Shamal Patel-Buffalo-Cracks on teat-(2778-236099)

Date C/F Rx
27-4-02 Parakeratosis with blood oozing Graph-30 + Bry-200 = 20 pills (5 gr) 2 evening
cracks on udder & teat. & Sulfer-1M = 20 pills (5gr) 2 morn PO
Created by poshak1:13 AM 27 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
22-5-02 Good improved in cond. Within 10 Bryo-200 + Sulph-1M = 40 pills (5gr) 2 Morn
days in itching & dermatitis & Alfavet-450 ml = 1515 ml
2-6-02 Excellent cure,skin looks fair & shiny. Tab Fivephos-6X = 50 gm 1010 PO

230.Raju Ramji Dheera Patel- Cow cb-Blood in milk with mastitis.

Date C/F Rx
27-4-02 Laceration with udder edema,calved Bell-30 + Calend-30 = 30 pills(5gr) 2 pills
before 24 hrs. every 3 hrly. PO
1-5-02 Good cured within 24 hrs but again Chemo-30 + Bufo-30+ Arn-30 = 30
pinky milk,painful udder. pills(5gr)2222 PO
4-5-02 Cured & reoccurance less seviarity Phos-1M + Ipic-200 +C.F.-200= 30 pills 2
22 Po
21-5-02 Laceration on Rt. Teat & yellowish Phyto-200 + Myristic-200 + H.S.-1M = 20
curduled milk, hot painful udder. pills 2 pills every hourly
23-5-02 Pain reduced ,milk quality not improved C.F.-200+Urt ur-1M + Lecith-30 = 50 tab 2
5-6-02 Not much improved milk quality. C.F.-200+Ricinus-30+Agnus-30 = 40 pills
(5gr) 22 PO
17-6-02 Good improved in all & no reoccurance Phos-200 + C.F.-200 + Sulph-1M = 40 pills
of mastitis. (5gr) 11 PO

231. Bhikha Veera Chavda - Cow cb- To prevent post partum complains.

Date C/F Rx
28-4-02 Dull & dry skin coat & for udder Iodum-30 + Cal. Phos-1M = 40 tab (5 gr)
development to maintain good health. 11 PO.
17-6-02 Excellent result ,skin shiny & lusterous Bryo-200 + Urtica urens-1M = 20 tab (5gr)
with well developed udder-calved on 2222 PO ( to prevent mastitis due to
17-6-02 only without any problem. physiological udder edema)

232. Bhikha Veera Chavda-buffalo-msn-chronic debility.

Date C/F Rx
27-4-02 Dry skin with crusty lesion, pre sanility, history of Lycopodium-1 M = 20 tab 2
recurrent milk fever 5 times, alopacia,feed intake & OID
production was not up to mark to its quality. 5 lit/day
9-5-02 Improved all general conditions, was anestrus. Lyco-10 M = 30 tab 11 PO
19-6-02 Milk 8 lit/day, come in heat, shiny skin coat,colour of Lyco-1M= 40 tab 2 weekly 4
animals turns to jet black. doses than 2 tab every 15 days 4
doses than 2 tab monthly.
Nov-02 PD+Ve & absolutely healthy. Pul. Min mix- 30gm BID
June-02 Calved without milk fever & any complain. Tab Five phos-6X= 10 OID PO.

233. Rasikbhai Magan Patel-Chotasan campa-Bullock-(02778-236444).

Date C/F Rx
9-5-02 Chronic fungal dermatitis treated by VO with Sulphur-1M = 20 tab 2 morn &
multiple abscess at different skin with H.S.-1M = 30 tab 2tab QID PO
Created by poshak1:13 AM 28 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
16-5-02 Good improved in skin CT same cond
5-7-02 To prevent reoccurance Sulph-1M= 30 pills 2 tab daily morn
& H.S.-1M = 30 tab 11 Po
21-7-02 After full coarse of treatment cured Sulph-10M = 30 tab 2 weekly &
Tab Five phos-6X= 50 gm 10 tab PO
Oct-02 Due to chronic skin problem owner was Good management practice.
thinking to sold bullock but due to complete
cure of problem- it has been postponed.

234. Manilal Dheera Patel-Chotasan-Bullock- Enteritis-(2778-236067).

Date C/F Rx
18-5-02 Severe colic followed by diarrhoea than blood Merc sol-200 + Ars alb-200 = 30 pills
mixed fluid, severe dehydration, no rumination, 3333 PO & Mag phos-6X =
stickey tar like black faeces 200 tab 5555 PO.
19-5-02 Tar like black fluid was passes, colic some what Ant tart-200 + Nx-200 + Ars-1M = 20
relieved, no recovery in dehydration. tab 2222 & M.P.-6X=10 TID
21-5-02 No improvement & died.

235. Monghji Nathu Patel-Chotasan-Cow cb-Mastitis.

Date C/F Rx
18-5-02 Temp-105f, stiffness, dull & depress,hard Bella-30 +Bry-30 = 30 pills 2 QID &
painful swelling on udder ,clots mixed milk. H.S.-30 +Puls-30 = 30 pills 2 TID
20-5-02 Good improvement, swelling reduced. Bry-200 + C.F.-200 = 30pills 2 TID &
Puls-200 + Phyto-200 = 30pills 2-2
23-5-02 Cured completely-for milk production, Tab Five phos-6X =50gm1010PO

236.Ramjibhai Shamal Patel-Bhajpura-Buffalo-Pre partum prolapse.

Date C/F Rx
19-5-02 Full term pregnant, cervico-vaginal prolapse Canth-30 + Ferum met-30 + Sepia-
with painful urination, cervico-vaginitis. 1M = 30 pills 222 .
24-5-02 Excellent cure &general health also improved. Tab Five phos-6X = 100gm 10 OID
12-6-02 Calved without any problem on 10-6-02. Quality management & Min-mix
237. Bharat Dalji Desai(Bhano)-KDR-Buffalo-Recurrent M/F.
Date C/F Rx
20-5-02 Calved before 2 days, twice M/F, low feed & Conium-30 +Nx-30 =30pills 2 TID
concentrate intake. & Thyro-30 = 10tab 3 weekly.
24-5-02 Improved in all & no milk fever than on ward Tab Five phos-6X = 100gm 10 OID
238. Narsinh Moti Patel( Mahida)-Cow cb-KDR-bloody milk.
Date C/F Rx
19-5-02 Just calved7stony hard udder milk pinky. Con-30 + Bell-30 = 20 pills 2 QID
21-5-02 Cured completely & 1 lit clear milk from teat. Tab Five phos-6X = 100gm 10 OID
239. Raghu veera Patel-Secretary-Cow cb-Mastitis with toxaemia.
Date C/F Rx
20-5-02 Calved before 10 days & due to injury to teat Bell-30 +Con-30 +Myristica-30 = 20
with small stone-turned in to infection, temp- pills 2 tab every 2 hourly.
104f,udder hard & painful,off feed.

Created by poshak1:13 AM 29 3-7-05Created on

07/11/2004 08:55:00
22-5-02 Good improvement,temp-100.8f,blood mixed Bell-200 +Apis-30 +Puls-200 = 40
milk from affected teat. pills 2 QID PO.
26-5-02 Not much improvement, stiffness & shivering, Pyrog-1M =10 tab 22 PO &
off feed, salivation, udder stony hard painful., Gelsam-200 +Lache-200 = 20 pills 2
muscle twitching. 22 PO.
31-5-02 Appetite improved, faeces normal,not Lach-200 +Bry-200 = 30 pills 2 TID
improvement in matitis cond, dull depressed & & H.S.-200+C.F-200= 30 pills 2 TID.
dehydrated animal, foetid smelling fluid from
affected teat.
7-6-02 Swelling extended to all four teat,no milk from Petrolium-30 = 20 pills 22 &
rest of teat also, bluish discoloration after C.F.-200 +Lach-200 = 40 pills 2 TID
allopathic treatment with i/v calcium & Puls-200 + Bry-200 = 40 pills 2
preparation during my absence. TID.
17-6-02 Teat become soft,clear milk from other teat, No suggestions & prognosis if
foetid fluid oozes out from teat,on recumbancy. unfavourable.
20-6-02 Cow died & it was first shocking result for me.

240.Harshad Virsang Patel-Dairywala-Cow cb-For development of udder.

Date C/F Rx
21/5/02 Shorting of teat due to mastitis in Thuja-1M 30gms 2 tab daily evening PO
previous lactation, but after thuja 700 ml C.F.-200 +Conium-30 = 40 pills 2 PO with
of clear milk from that teat Liq Alfavet-450 ml 15-15 ml PO
21-6-02 Excellent improved in all cond. Thuja-1M 30gms 2 tab every 15 days PO
C.F.-200 +Conium-30 = 40 pills 2 PO 2 tab
daily PO
27-6-02 Calved without any problem 1.5 lit of C.F.-200 + Urtica-1M = 30 pills 2-2-2 PO
clear milk from affected teat

241.Virsang Dalji Desai-Cow cb - Acute Mastitis(2778-236841)

Date C/F Rx
4-6-02 Swelling on teat, flakes in milk, low milk Bell-200 +Bry-200 = 20 pills 2 q2h PO
production, painful udder.
5-6-02 Swelling & pain subside completely Phyto-200 +C.F.-200 =40 pills 222 PO
7-6-02 Recovered 4.5 lit of milk-350 ml from
affected teat
242. Jitabhai Manaka Patel Vadoth-(2778-22620) Cow Cb.
Treated by Dr.Sanjay Vyas medicines was given without examination from history only.

Date C/F Rx
6-6-02 Quality animal milk reduced to 3 lit from Puls-200 +Phyto-200 = 40 pills 222 with
18lit,fibrosis of quarter, yellowish flakes Lachesis-200 +C.F.-200 = 40 pills 222 PO
like watery milk, dull & depress, off feed, Liq Alfavet-450 ml 30 ml30 ml
10-6-02 Excellent improvement , 9 lit of milk, Puls-200 +Phyto-200 = 40 pills 22 with
reduction in fibrosis mass & 100 ml of Lachesis-200 +C.F.-200 = 40 pills 22 PO
clear milk from affected teat, taking feed Liq Alfavet-450 ml 30 OID
Created by poshak1:13 AM 30 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
1-8-02 500 ml of milk from affected teat, 16 lit CF-200 +Bell-200 = 30 pills 22 PO
of milk, lemon size fibrosis mass at udder Thuja-30 = 15 pills 1 OID PO

243 Hari Chhagan Patel-(Ghatiyavot) Cow CB- Hbnuria

Date C/F Rx
6-6-02 Calved before 10 month, 7 month Tab. Five phos-6X= 100 tab 101010 PO
preg.,Temp-104.2F, off feed, coffee China-200 + Phos-1M= 30 pills 2 pills 3qh PO
coloured urine, Liq Alfavet 450 ml= 3030 ml
7-6-02 Taking feed, temp-102f. clear urine China-200 + Phos-1M= 30 pills 222 PO
within 18 hrs only
15-6-02 Cured completely Tab. Five phos-6X= 100 tab 10 pills daily PO

244. Ashok Gulabchand Patel-Buff-Lameness(2778-260300)

Date C/F Rx
12-6-02 Stiff ness, difficulty in walking, 8 month RT-200 +Bry-200 = 40 pills 22 PO
pregnant, improvement after VT-6 treat, Liq Alfavet 450 ml= 3030 ml PO
12-7-02 Good improved all condition & walking, Nx-200 + RT-200 = 40 pills 22 PO

24-7-02 Can able to seat with flexion of limb, Bryo-1M = 30 pills 2---2 PO
reduce swelling,
1-8-02 Improvement in kyphotic condition Bryo-1M + Iodum 30 =

245.Bhikha Veera Patel-Kadiadra-Cow CB-(penda vali).

Date C/F Rx
12-6-02 Decrease feed intake after calving, Nux-200 +Ars-20 = 40 pills 22 PO
chronic acidosis,yellowish smeling
faeces,9 lit of milk, improper let down of
19-6-02 Excellent improved in feed & problem in Silicia-200 + Chemomola-200 = 40 pills 22 PO
let down of milk,
25-6-02 Not responding Aconite-200 = 40 pills 22 PO
20-7-02 No improvement, Partial let down of milk Sepia-200(VT_hell-well) = 2 dr 10 gra BID PO
due to fear,
31-7-02 Drop by drop urination, after applying Nx vomica-1M = 20 pills 2 tab daily at night
oint on udder awaken due to this only ,
after detail repeterisation to signs
10-8-02 Some sort of improvement in let down Nx-1M = 1 tab daily at night for 15 days
both time Than 1 tab every 3 days
10-9-02 Excellent improvement in all general Nx-1M = 1/2 tab Every 3 days
conditions, calm & quiet no restlessness

246. Jayesh Bhikha Desai Cow CB-Let down of milk with udder edema.

Created by poshak1:13 AM 31 3-7-05Created on

07/11/2004 08:55:00
Date C/F Rx
17-6-02 Freshly calved, painful udder due to Chemomola-200 + Bry-200 = 30 pills 2 QID
19-7-02 Cured completely Adv. For good mgmt.

247. Hasmukh Shamal Patel Cow CB-for decrease milk production

Date C/F Rx
17-6-02 Full term pregnant, milk was not drying Lac can-30 +Urtica-30 = 20 pills 2 QID PO
so for drying off milk drugs was given
7/02 Drying off within 3 day only & calved Good mgmt practice
normally in july-02 without any complaint

248.Alkhabhai Pathu Patel-Cow CB Mastitis(2778-236574)

Date C/F Rx
19-06-02 Flakes & turbidity in milk, milk hard to Sulpher-1M = 20 pills 2 pills OID PO
touch affected part of udder Phyto-200 + C.F.-200 = 30 pills 222 PO
23-06-02 Improved in quality & quantity of milk C.P.-200+ Alfa-30= 30pills 22 PO
1-9-02 No mastitis since last occasion Sulpher-1M = 2 tab monthly PO

249. Narsinh Pathu Patel Kdr-Cow CB for increase milk production.

Date C/F Rx
20-6-02 Calved before 10 days, 12 lit/days Ricinus-30+Urtica-1M+C.P.-1M =40 pills 2 BID
4-7-02 Excellent improved in milk 16 lit/day Ricinus-30+Urtica-1M+C.P.-1M =40 pills 1 BID
24-7-02 Good improved in all general condition, Ricinus-30+Urtica-1M+C.P.-1M = 20 pills 1 OID
milk 18 lit/day

250.Reffered by Dr Parikh VO Prantij- Buffalo Mastitis.

Date C/F Rx
July-02 Mastitis with bloody milk ,him self Arnica-200 +C.F.-200 = 60 pills 222 PO
given homeopathy but not responded
well`,flakes in milk too, milk 1.5 lit/teat
7 days after Dramatic improved in all cond 4 lit/ teat Arn-200 +Utrica-1M +C.F.-200 = 60 pills 22
70% improved in fibrosed mass PO
August-02 Clear mastitis, less milk from teat rather Con-200 +C.F.-200+urtica-1M =40 pills 22
than other teat PO

251.Bhanji Monghaji Patel-Motesari campa (Ref. By vo Talod)-2770-239012.

Date C/F Rx
22-6-02 Calved before month, 4 lit milk, after C.F.-200 + Phos-200 = 40 pills 222 PO
curd making foetid bad smell from whey Sulpher-1M = 20 pills 2 OID
& butter is not properly made. C.P.-200 + Alfa-30 = 20 pills 11 PO

22-12-02 After enquiry on marriage occasion said Advised for good nutritious food.
by her daughter cured .
Created by poshak1:13 AM 32 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
252. Kamlesh Pathu Patel-Buffalo(heifer)- for udder development

Date C/F Rx
23-06-02 9 month pregnant heifer buffalo, healthy for Cal Phos-1M +Iodum-30 + Conium-30 = 40
udder development & prevention of post partum pills 22 tab PO
14-07-02 Excellent improvement in udder development Cal Phos-1M +Iodum-30 + Conium-30 = 40
pills 11 tab PO
31-7-02 Well developed udder & calved without any Cal Phos-1M +Iodum-30 + Conium-30 = 40
complaint pills 1 tab OID PO

253. Hitesh Bikha Patel-Choriwad-CowCB.

Date C/F Rx
24-6-02 Curdlded yellowish milk , un even let down of C.F.-200 = 20 pills 5 QID PO
milk ,painful udder with edema Phyto-200 = 20 pils 5 QID PO
26-6-02 Edema subside , clear milk with some flakes C.F.-200+ Urtica-200 =30 pills 222
Bry-30 +Lecith-200 = 30 pills 222
Alfa-alfa-30 +C.P.-200 = 40 111
30-6-02 Clear milk with normal milk production Alfa-alfa-30 +C.P.-200 = 40 11 PO

254.Bikha Veera Patel- COW CB-(Chavda).

Date C/F Rx
26-6-02 Aged cow in 18 lactation, for easy parturition & Cauloph-30 +Puls-200 = 30 pills 2 QID
prevention of ROP
30-6-02 Calved with some traction & foetus normal Sepia-200+ Secal cor-30 = 20 pils 2 q1h
1-7-02 Placenta expelled some what easily, milk 1.5 lit Phos-200 +Sulph-200 = 30 pills 22 PO
23-7-02 For increase milk production, 6 lit/ day VT-1= 10 pills TID PO
28-7-02 Milk 8 lit/day Good mgmt practice

255.Girish Lalji Patel-Bullock-Deep seated Ulcer on brisket.

Date C/F Rx
26-6-02 Ulcer seated deeply at brisket region not Calendula-Q +Nitric acid-30 = 20 pills
responding to routine treatment 22 PO
4-7-02 Excellent response, 50% improved in bledding Calendula-Q +Nitric acid-30 = 20 pills
14-7-02 Cured completely Advise for good bedding

256. Dalpatsinh Darbar- Bhajpura-Buffalo.(2778-236802)-Recurrent milk fever.

Date C/F Rx
24-6-02 Calved with history of recurrent M/F in every Iodum-30 +C.P.-1M =20pills 22 PO
lactation, calved on 14-6-02
30-6-02 Active alert without any M/F Alfa-alfa-30 + C.P,-200 = 30 pills 11
Dec-02 Till today no M/F
Created by poshak1:13 AM 33 3-7-05Created on
07/11/2004 08:55:00
257.Mahendra Reva Patel-Mesan-Cow CB-(Ref, by Dr Vyas-2778-266727)

Date C/F Rx
30-6-02 Acute Mastitis before 3 month, hard swelling Bell-200 +Chemomila-1M = 30 2 QID
on udder, no milk ,off feed , yellowish water C.F.-200 + Phytola-200 = 30 pills 2 QID
comes out of teat
4-7-02 2 lit of milk , swelling reduce in size, thirst C.F.-200+Lachesis-200 = 40 pills 2 QID
decreased, furious animals. H.S.-200+Bry-200 = 40 pills 2QID PO
Pyrogen-1M = 20 pills 2 tab every 4 day
8-7-02 4 lit milk from other teat, 50 ml fluid mixed Alfa-30 +C.P. =40 pills 22
milk from affected teat. C.F.-200+Lachesis-200 = 40 pills 2 TID
Conium-200+ Bufo-30 =30 pills 22 PO
16-7-02 No bloody milk,4.5 lit of milk taking food C.F.-200+Conium-200 +Phyto-200 = 40
pills 111 PO
30-7-02 Clear milk from affected teat too Advised for advance medication in next

258. Hasmukh Shamal Patel-COW CB-Heifer udder development.

Date C/F Rx
5-7-02 Preg. Of 8 month (At 14 yrs) & to prevent Iodum-30 + Con-200 + C.P.1M = 40 pills
p.p.sickness 22 PO
20-7-02 Well-developed udder with fair skin. Iodum-30 + Con-200 + C.P.1M = 40 pills 1
27-7-02 Calved without any problem with 12 lit of milk. Alfa-30 + C.P.-200 = 30 pills 11 PO

259.Dheeru Prabhuji Patel-Buffalo-(2778-236133)- head shaking.

Date C/F Rx
8-7-02 Whole night head shaking with wall as a vices, Millefolium-30 = 20 pills 222 PO
calved before 10 month
11-7-02 Within 3 days only get cleared Alfa-30 + C.P.-200 = 30 pills 11 PO

260. Prakash Bhikha Desai-COW CB-Teat injury.

Date C/F Rx
9-7-02 Injury to teat, leakage of teat Calend-30 + C.F.-200 = 30 pills 22 PO
24-7-02 Good improved but secondary mastitis with Bella-30 +Bry-30 = 20 pills 2 tab every 2
edema, flakes & fever hrly PO
25-7-02 Improved in general conditions C.F.-200 +Phyto-200 = 30 pills 2 TID PO
27-8-02 Not expected improvement, leakage in teat, Arn-200+ Chemomila-200 +Conium-30
restless cow =40 pills 22 PO
2-9-02 Clear milk from teat without any leakage & Arn-200+ Chemomila-200 +Conium-30
when problem of flakes arrives- subside with =40 pills 1 OID PO
above drugs Alfa-30 + C.P.-200 = 30 pills 11 PO

Created by poshak1:13 AM 34 3-7-05Created on

07/11/2004 08:55:00
261. Prabhudas Pathu Patel-COW CB- Chriwad-(2778-236302)

Date C/F Rx
11-7-02 Injuy to udder due to head of suckling calf Arn-200+C.F.-200+Phyto-200 = 40 pills 2
flakes from teat, painful swelling 22 PO
15-7-02 Improved in all conditions Alfa-30 + C.P.-200 = 30 pills 11 PO

Created by poshak1:13 AM 35 3-7-05Created on

07/11/2004 08:55:00

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