Pediatrics Viva Q&A

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‘ynat happens in IUGR the ratlo of OFC and ches elreursference? b.when Is che peak growth velocity In adolescent girl What Is che probable age of chile who climus ‘with alte"nate steps butcan at Say his name ancl se? a. whac is the prooable age of a chilchwho hold head at 90 degree? ©. A baby has unilateral moro with positive palmnar grasp rere where Is the Site of lesion? ‘A.chilel can walk down stairs with alternace steps holding on to the rll yrat is the probable age? FC is 3 em more than chest circumference. Just before commencement of menarche 30 merths. re weels. cs.c6 ayear. Achild can walk down stairs with akternate steps holeing on te tre rail. ‘what is the probable age? Ac whet age the moro reflex disappears? st hormonal change to accur in puberty? short stature? ‘what is the characteristic of hypothyroid short stature? ayer. Aparoximately 12 weeks. Sleep augmented pulsatile secretion of pit gonadotrophin and growth Farmone. Below third percentile of less than 2 5D. Asymmetrical dwarfism with delayec! none age. ‘What ithe characteristic af genetic shart sawre? ‘What is paychosoral share stature? hac ere tye causes of shore sauure? {4 one year Pow many carpal bones are seen realologicalh Fat liver patchy denigmentation of hair and bedema ie diagnosis cl Achill with alopecla, eccematcus lesion over ‘rout and genielia and hypogonatdism is liaely to have suffered from: Gain Inhelghes more than somiyr Bone age and body proportions are artal Emedonal desrbacion, symmetrical Bone age normal or delayect Genetle shorestature: clromesornal (down syndromercurrer syncrarner endocrinaljtuitary hypo raids. untanal qicketsrnalnarcony: Chronic disease (chrenicrenal fllureongenital hear cisease) ‘Two carpal bones uashierkor| Zn detiency. ‘the characteristic three radlalagicel feacure of rickets is lahat is the calorie requirement for severely malnourished child? What are the percentage of calorie from diet in balance diew How breast feeding offerstower risk of Infection? cupping ‘raying ane: widening of eptahyss. 200 calfkgfday and 10% of tote calories shoul tome fram prdteins of higher biological values. 15% from protein 50% from carbohycrave andt 35% from fat Because of presence of secretary 1g4 lysozyme acraferin: Tow pit. bficous factor ane viable phagocytic macrozhages. what are Fon cevendentencyines? ‘rch arsine are syrehesiesn the cestine? ‘hats tre chet prowin of mike Human ik certains wich nutrients in greseer ‘meuntthar cow's rik? nat are de choracterates ofthe steal ef an ‘ache breast be8 Baby? ‘what she characterises af eoletrurs? & ‘atalase and cxochrome C. se Panectrert act Str bie casein, lei ace rte ac more sugar lactose) Low pit sgoloen calour ana See reson ‘beep yell with alkane rezeion, ‘amity, igh proteins orl Contains anivodtes igang. Protectan against ebesy. demyelinating dseose, atherosclerosis, and ‘aberee rele “wthac ts marasenus? ‘What is the dose of vitamin & for measles? ‘what are the Imgortane signs of hypentarninosts R ‘what are CF of riboflavin detclency? Deficient of energy ‘body weigrt less iran 6D¥ of expected weight 2 lakh unit orally each day for 2 days ppseudorumourcersb' pacilloedeme, relsec fonanel. ane cranial nerve palsy, hyperostosis and hypercakcaerla Glossitls cheliosks scaly dermatls erat, That ar he aduarages of breast Teedngin lever life of the chile? ® yb beri neraus systematic tector ber essioaceul Spe atecte ond Wonder bar irranalevere. hat are the OF oF hlamine deilency? vihocare GF ot ean detcleny? Diarrhoea dermadsniernertiared swollen Bae seri vicar tte deen? EE emis USM ne sopra vowemeceteain ano sheeceee gral bowie Tolcdtar ysereracass. Crarioesbes ‘Snel bossing Fach rosary ‘whutare CF of karin D deiency? Harrison gragee Helajes eruption of sah pec ell wieningot epiphysis of feng bone. wonat percentage of chiloren under 5 are stunted in Nepal? ‘Ac what age there Is greatest risk of PEM? How will you classify a child whose weight is 50-40% and aecema present? How will you dassify a child whose weight is less than 60 and oedema aresent? Tell three indication for admission of a malnourished child IIs more than 50% (54% based! an 1998) Nepalticrontcrientstatussurvey) 6-18 months, ewashlorkor. Marasmic Kwashiorker. Weight deficit of less than 70% ot weight for height or <60% for weight Hb = Sams hypothernia persistent cierrhoee dehydration sepsis, Hypothermia ‘Tell four causes et death in malnusrton. hypogtycernia dehycretan and dyselecrobternia ‘which fluid wail you use forest dehyairation —_Resomal which contains low salu an Frmalauerien? panes ane Hematological disorders 2:4 chile aged! wo years presents with anemia. Peripmeral smear shows target cells and hypochromirraerecytie Hb elecrropheress picture with Hh of gr. There fs 2 positive ‘amily history. The next investigation ot cholce Feature af Fetal REC is Alkali densturation resistance, As per WHO fornfants lessthan 6 months, the Hg cutelevel ‘er rsa ‘what percentage of chilcren between 6-23 rronthe suller Foen anerva tn 2085 Nepal? What is the commonest cause of anerri Nepal? ‘What is the dase of oral iron to treat iron deficiency? ‘What are the three causes of hypochramic ‘acytic anemia? What are three causes of normochremic anemia with low reticulocyte count? Nutritional anemia emgykg of elemental iron Iron deticiency/ thalasseemia/ lead poisoning Leukeria/chronic infection/pure RBC anernia \Whatfurther two tes: you will do fer a child having normachramic anemia with high reticulocyte count? Whats the mostlikely dlagnos's of a child whose total count is 2,500iemm, platelets0,000'emm, REC:200,000/emm and no lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomesaly? Whats the mostlikely dlagnos's for a child with thrombocytopenia and raised FDP? Whattwo investigations is cane for bleeding, disorders? \Whatthree tests areperformed fervascular and platelet defeces? Coombs test and hemoglobin electraphoresis Aplastic anernia, Hemalytic uremic syndrame, Bleedingtime and cloting time Platelet count/ Hess test/ bleeding tre. notte tess ar assessed for dagnosng engin detec 4 or 8 Shnarcse eta ebemaalttedrg reedby presi fromesaguaton dee? ‘mans Heed re smal and kp fo fogs hots the dese se of coapuation fac Femophie ida single hemarivosk? Febrile reaction allergic reaction circulatory over load Hemolysis, Tell three complications of transfusion reaction? Fullstn smaller dare bales ore atic cf \Wihetare fe ttves feuires seen incoldinury a \whenyou should natuse bag end mesh \hatare ne tee cieractenstccet poster Whats perineal perio? whats the nowmalanthropometne measurement berewbam? \Whetare he five observations madein APGAR corre Hyposcemi, Bradycerda Metaboli ac dose Seerema “hick meconium expttion Diaphragmatic hers Look this ano, yoru cazzorsabsen talprotdesteyoné nal bese 28 wets of geatsionto ? days arbi vweighe 25 Ke Orcs Tongans 20ers respira efor, Fear reas laura the body, rust ore ‘efi stan, Energy requirement far new born Anewborn has flaccid paralysis of right upper limb, pronated handin the ‘waiters position, Where isthe lesion? Anewborn has absent palmar grasp inthe left hand, lefepupil is smallfirregular, Where is the lesion? 55 keal/kag/day: at the end of first week 11 0ketkag/day. Erbs palay at Sth and 6th cervical reats, Klumpke's paralysis 8th cervical sttharacic and sympathetic plexus leftside, ‘What Is the first step of neonatal resuscitation? ‘Whatwill you do ifthere Is no cry, but occasional gasp end heert rave is <1 00/rani Whatlobaratary teat villyou order ifthe neonate has the jaundice within 2b hours of birth? Whatis the most Ikely diagnais ofjaundice na neonate neticed after 24 hours, dirext reacting bilirubin isnot raised and hoernatcerit is high? Tellthree investigation yeu will perform in a necnete whase mother noticed jaundce an 20h day oflife otherwise well? Dryand cover with tewels/give oxygen by face mask and gentle oropharyngeal suction and peripheral stimulation Insert arapharyngealair way/ extend neck bag, mask resuscitavon Coombs test bloed graup and Rh of metherand baby and bilirutin Polycythaemia Thyraid tuncten urine for reducing substances SGOT,

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