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NDA & NA Exam(1)/:2016 DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO T.B.C.: ADN-S-SND wi i ‘Test Booklet Series Serial No. Se TEST BOOKLET MATHEMATICS —_—— Time Allowed : Two Hours and Thirty Minutes ‘Maximum Marks : 300 INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT ‘THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OF ITEMS, #7C. IF $0, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Shect, Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer ‘Sheet liable for rejectian. 3 You have to enter your Roll Number on the ‘Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. 4. This Test Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and English. Each item comprises four responses (answers), You will select the response which you want te mark on the Answer Sheot, In case you feel that there is more than one correet response, mark the response which you consider the best, In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. 5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. 6. All items carry equal marks. 7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the respanse to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admistion Certificate. 8. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Shect and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet, You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end, 10. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS, (i) There are four alternatives forthe anawor to ovury question, For éach question for which a wrong anewer has been given by the candidate, one-third (0-33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. (ii) Tf eandidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be saihe penalty as above ta that question. (it) Wx. question is left blank, deo anawer in given by the candidate, there wll be mat penalty for that question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO D0 SO sara %, aceite i eon ea gee Res es Te | ADN-S-SND (1-4) 1, Let S be a set of all distinct numbers of the| 5+ form qo mhere pe ell, 2,3, 4, 5, 6). What is the cardinality of the set S? (a) 1 (b) 23 ) 32 (36 2 Ife>0and 4a +¢< 2b, then ax”— be +e=0 = has a root in which one of the following intervals ? (a) (0,8) (by 2,3) fe) (8,4) @ 2,0) a Wf A=ixe Bi x4 6x-7<0) and B= (xcR:x"+9x+ 14>0), then which of the following islare correct ? 1, ANB=(xe B:-2 03 4a40< 2b, al ax?@-br+c=0 7 wen Ae, feafeited ciara 8 a fee oH a 2 2 fa) (0,2) (by (2,3) ©) 4) @) 2,07 we Astxe BR: x24 6-7 <0) § ot B=(ceR:x2+9x+ 14> 0)8, at Pretend # B atana wet t/t? 1 AMB={xeB:-2 30 © 3a? (dO sft Ro 21) <0, oat xxx iy een wea 8, at Prefered 4S aaa ww eB? fa) n=1te b) |z|=2 (e) g=1-8 @ [elet a bh gl [x y z]|h ob ¢) feoR are? gfe (a) fax+hye+gz hab+f gefeel fa h ¢ (b) [hx by f& oe |S ax+ hy + ez he + by +42 ex+ fy eee () (d) laxthy+g: be+by+fe gxsiy +a) 8. Out of 15 points in a plane, n points are in the |12, same straight line. 445 triangles can be formed by joining these points, What is the value of n? (a) 3 ) 4 (od) 6 @ 6 13. 9% ‘what is the imaginary part of z equal to? (a) 0 1 () > iB o@ > id) 1 cee 10. If both the roots of the equation x? — Gkx +k? = 4 = 0 lie between - 8 and 5, ‘then which one of the following is correct ? fa) -8 iC equal to? @) "ec, b) HG, ) ao, a) c,, uw. ADN-S-SND Wem nS We 15 fegal 4S on fag we et eet |12, en we | feat at frera 445 Page sae, wad 81 na Te? fa) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 @ 6 18, mr orferefeea urn fares werat B 2 (a) (b) te 14. (a) cafe aefterem x? — dk +k? 4 = 0% Sat We —aat 5 & ote fee #, at eafated Fa era) uh Hdl BY fa) -2» B-ig, fra arat 8? ioe f@ “a, i SEG. @: a, ay ‘a; Consider the following for the next three (03)|Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : Let a, x, ¥, z, b be in AP, where x + y + z= 15, Let 4,p,q,r,b bein HP, where p+ q7 +r! = 5/3. 16, What is the value of ab? fa) 10 ) 9 8 (@) 6 1%. What is the value of xyz? fa) 120 {b) 105 fe) 90 (a) Cannot be determined 18. What is the value of pqr? (a) 85/243 b) 81/35 (ey 243/35 (a) Gannot be determined Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : ‘The sixth term of an AP is 2 and its common difference is greater than 1 items that follow: x+l ox 3x Letax’+bxt+or+da|Qeed x+l x Qox Seed Gx-1 then 21. What is the value of c ? @) =1 (by 84 fc} 85 (a) 50 22, What is the value of a+b+c+d? fa) 62 th) 63 fe) 65 (68 Consider the following for the next two (02) ‘items that follow : The interior angles of a polygon of n sides are in AP. ‘The smallest angle is 120° and the common difference is 5°. 19. What is the common difference of the AP 80 ea ie Product pr the frst, fourth and Rh /o9, How many possible values can n have ? 8/6 Von Mer) ) 9/5 ae 8 (©) Three td) 1/6 (d) Infinitely many 20. What is the first term of the AP so that the/e4. What is the largest interior angle of the product of the first, fourth and fifth terms is Sacra greatest ? ee (a) 160° only b) -6 (b) 196° only (ce) -8 (ec) Either 160° or 195° (ay 10 (d) Neither 160° nor 195° ADN-S-SND: (8-A) amet ft (03) wpaiett a fer Fimritrfene 9 fren ihre A wife a, x, y, 2b, HATA AST (APA &, Gel x+y +a=158 9 CHSE o, p,q. rb, PUA oh HP) AS, wet ple gt+rt=5/s 21 16, ab Stan ak? fa) 10 b) 9 {ch} 8 id) 6 xyx Fl HH MTR? fa) 120 (b) 105 fe) 90 (a) Pratt adi fen or aaa par Sto a1 2? 95/243 () 81/35 (eo) 249/35 (a) Pretfte ef fee or sar aruel 4) (uz) serio && Re Fiererfer oe Prar| biter feat ania od (AP) a1 Baal ve 22 afk ae a He 1 safer BI ware di (AP) et ad set fer @, mnie est, Sa sit vet cet ar ere safe a? (a) (by @ 2 (u/s aniat St (AP) aa VET VG aa B, aA Feet, ahi aft chad sat or tect aaftenca tt 7 @) -4 hb) -6 fe) -8 td) 10 ADN-S-SND 17. 18, (a) 19, als 9/5 20. (r= ret at (02) edad & fore Feat a free atta: pare ef, x41 Ox ax | ax’ +bx?}octd=|2x+3 x4] x 4 Q-x ax+4 Sx-1 it 21. cH RH RTR? Soe! 34 35 50 fa) tb) (e) @ atb+esd Hm ee? 62 63 65 68 fa) th) (© (a awed FP (02) Tertort a feng Freafertian a Prare a Foe a Gh AES Sia AHI At (AP) Ht € | rgen sie 120° 8 aie ard stat 5°81 n& fixer Gua ara gt Bend F 2 fa) tb te) id) Sela: as 24, ARS a eS eT sia fae 8? Hast 160° ‘eet 195° ar at 160° 31 195° Wal 160°, 3 Hi 195° 23. (a) (b> © (a) A) 26, ifm = ( | and n [ 1 ap ent a. o 1 1 0 is the value of the determinant of m cas 6—n sin 8? (a) =1 (b) 0 teat (@) 2 cox —sine 0 26. If fix) = |sinx osx |, then which of 0 Wi. & the following are correct ? 1 RO) x flo) = M8 +9). 2 ‘The value of the determinant of the smatrix 110) 6) is 1, 3 The determinant of ffx) is an even function, 29, Select the correct answer using the cade given below : (a) Jand2 only (b) 2and3 only (©) 1and 3 only (@) 1, 2and3 27. Which of the following are correct in respect of the system of equations x + y + a = 8, x~y+2a=6 and 3x-y+5c=k? 1, They have no solution, if k= 15. 2, ‘They have infinitely many solutions, if| 39, k= 20. 8, ‘They have unique solution, if ke = 25. Select the correct anawer using the code given below : (a) Land 2only (b) Zand only (c) Land only @) 1,2and3 ADN-S-SND (8-A) 1 a1 2 9 IAs and B , then 2 38 1 -2 which of the following is/are correct ? 1, AB(AB")is a unit matrix, 2 (AB) t=At Bt Select the correct answer using the code given below ; (a) 1only (b) Zonly (@) Both 1 and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 al] re Ut) , tains! | #4) = 9°)? for any %> ly > Land z> 1, then which one of the fallowing is correct 2 (a) Inyisthe GM of inx, In x, fn x and dn z tb) In yis the AM of ta x, in x,Jnxand In 2 ic) Inyis the HM of In x, (nx, fn x and dn x (d) In yis the AM of lex, Inx, Ing and In If the number 235 in decimal system is converted into binary system, then what is the resulting number ? (@) (11110011), tb) (11101011), {e) (11110101 (a) 101101105 aa. aft a-[; 4 att a=| 4 A Was, Gt -1 @ mos O—n.sin 6 & Beltre m1 Wa wate? fay -1 ib) 0 f) 1 @ 2 osx -sinx 0 aR fy = feinx cos x 4 a 7 0 pie es) Frafatas 4 a sat mete 7 27. ADN-S-SND 1. MG) x fg) = + 6). 2 AIR fe) x fle) Arles a A121 |ag, 3. far anf GH aa ee 8 AS Ru ne ae a sei a oe A (a) Faq sh2 ) Sat 23s () *ariss (1, 2303 adhe fat x+y+2=8, x-y+22=6 HK Ox-y+Seek HWY F Aofeea Fe aha att? 1, Wea 158, at sr ard ae aT A 2 a k= 208, dl arth arin: ote ea B | | 30. 3 BR k= 258, at ora aifadia ea 8 are feu 1a ee ar i at AT Se PT: (Rae atts ) Sa 2373 () Saar 1aits a) 1,233 (9-A) fribaet? ara nets 1. AB(AT BA) um are sree 2 (AB) =aT Bl ‘ate fee na ae ar wate a aa see gia: fa) Baa 1 (b) Saat 2 (©) 1ft 2ari a) aaah aRa-| itm a= he a3 af afe fart fixe ly >i tte 1 & fr z HE), goat freien 42 eta ee ai 8 2 (a) dn x, Dn x, dn x AC In BT SIT TET (GM), Iny® (6) dns, bn x, In x OM In x BAT TET (AM, In y ® () nx ing, nx Wt ing oS TT (HDD, in y? id) In x, In x, In 2 A In x Sr BATA ATT (AM), Iny® elie se. af qamca agi ff dem 235 = tare ugla @ vitafda fear ara &, at afore ear me? (a) {11110011}, (b) @1101011) (@ 1110101), (a) (11011011)9 Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : Let. and f be the roots of the equation a? (1 284) x4 (1-204) = 0. 31. Under what condition does the above equation have real roots ? 1 f@) wet ae) ated oy as 2 pol (c} as z ta) ats 2 32. @ ei 2 1 (b) aP> = 2 @) wad . i ay a? (2.3) 1 ate [3,5] only L 33. What is y < equal to, where « is the cube root of unity ? fa) 1 (b) ® oF (a) i, Where i= f-1 ‘ADN-S-SND (40 34. In an examination, 70% students passed in Physics, 80% students passed in Chemisizy, 75% students passed in Mathematics and 85% students passed in Biology, and x% students failed in all the four subjects, What is the minimum value of x? (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 15 (@) None of the above Consider the fallowing for the next two (02) items that follow : For the system of linear equations 2x + Sy + 52 = 9, ‘Ix+By-2n=8 and 2x+3yeda=y 35. Under what condition does the above system of equations have infinitely many solutions ? (a) A=Bandped (b) Asband=9 () A=9andp=5 (d) A=9andp=5 36. Undor what condition does the above system ‘of equations have unique solutions ? fa) Azbandu=9 (b)) A#65 and j= 7 only (e) #6 and |i has any real value {d) has any real value and 29 87, What is the number of odd integers between 1000 and 9999 with no digit repeated ? fa) 2100 (b) 2120 fe) 2240 td) 3331 =A) ariet at (oa) pata a fire Freier or Frene| were ae eiifae oot p aiact xf 1-204) x 41-204) <0 Ae | 31. fea sftde & ada afm adtee } et arecfers: et? x ta) , = v . % Be W Sit Ble boi mie (b) © (a) L268 fe ome tm, ae a PE (afre) mr ate & 2 fa 2 (by @ 2 te) 34, TH aden 3, si A com Rene aeiht ae, vars # soe fart sdet qu, afta FH 75% fae seiol ge otk Safina 9 see frereff aah qe, ait xm Gert at an fei § aap gu | x BT AIH BM ame? (a) 10 (b) 12 (ce) 15 a) sehen a8 are Fat simi at (02) erie a fore Aeafeiterr ve fren eiifare : “ian alert Para 2x + dy +52=9, In+sy-22-8 SR Oxadyeie=p Be fra sftde 3) anita arden often flere ware: se wet Bt? fa) ASS SHED tb) Asso ps9 () Asoatu=5 @ A=98Rpss ae. fire oftey % ania suds aefieen fee safes eat eT? fa) 2=53R=9 tb) Bae. 45 atta =7 (co) Ae G3it wan ate arelae ae (@) are areata ae aK eo 35. 87, 1000 3% 9909 % ate, fed) ste at damm fier, fase qofsi At sen 2? @ (b) ke) 2100 2120 2240 @) iw, Seti= JHT ADN-S-SND_ (i= (d) 3831 A) 38. What is the greatest value of the|42, positive integer n satisfying the condition te ea ee : 1000 () 8 i) 9 {c) 10 @ ow Consider the follawing for the next two (02) items that follow: De? 4 9x equation x’ — $mx + 2m” = 0 has both roots 39, 43, = 0 has roots —2 and fi while the positive, where «>0 and B>0, ‘What is the value of «:? (a) 2 tb) 1 () id) 4 ad. ‘If B,2,2m are in GP, then what is the value offvm ? fa) 1 ) 2 fe) 4 d) 6 41, ADN-S-SND sin A+ 2 sin 2A + sin 3A is equal to whieh of| the following ? A 1. 4sin 2A cos* (4) 2 2 2 in 2 [sin soon) 8 Sein A.cosA ons* (2) Select the correct: answer using the code given below ; (a) Land 2only (b) 2and 3 only (co) 1and3 only (d) 1,2and3 (12-A) Tf x=sin 70°. sin 60° and Y= cos 60°. cos 80°, then what is xv equal ta? fa) 1/18 tb) 1/6 fo) Wt ay 1/2 If sin 6, + ain @ + 8in Qy + sin 8, = 4, then what is the value of cos Hh + 608 Dy + Gos 8 + os 8, ? (a) b) (e) (a) a BS Ro What is the value of [vmg)Gom mt )oomt) 8 & 8 (a) ; (b) ae a fee @ 3 If x eos 6 + y sin 6 = z, then what is the value of (x sin @—y cos 6)" ? @ ey? (bx? -y? 2? f 2-ye2 (x+y? 42? 42. eae er el are oa Wo ea ? (a) 8 (b) 8 (ec) 10 @ n ST wicca) ear re. ase ay A ? 3 os axa = 0% We -2 oi pe, wale eer x? amx +m? =0 % Sat ye wai F, wet a> 0 ait poo 81 39. GAT eR? (a) 1/2 ) 1 © 2 ‘a) 4 44. 40, af 6,2, om qpin WA (GP) HZ, a pm Hr om Te? fa) 1 (b) 2 @ 4 (@) 6 41. sin A+2sin 20+ sin 3a Prefetian 4 8 fra aa @ 2 1, 4sin 24 cos? ) 2 2 2sin2a (sind +a) 3. 8sin Acos Acos? (3) ra feu ne ae a wa ae art ee aa: () ae isiee (bh) Sat oats ( Fai siks ia 1,203 ADN-S-SND (13-8) a x=sin 70°, sin 50° aft y=cos 60° sos 80°, Thay fous suet B 2 fo 1/16 8 fe) 4 (a) 1/2 af sin 0, + sin 8, + sin @, +sin 0, = 42, @ cos 6, +-c0s 0p + cos 83 + cos 84 TA FAT? @) 0 ) 1 @ 2 id) 4 (1+00s8)(1+one8*)(1+ ae8E (1 0004) IA TR? fa) (b) es Z- te) 8 I a sit bie BIE BIE ae xcosd+ysinb=z &, a (x sin @—y cos 6)" 1 BRT Fat ® 7 48. What is the value of cos (2 cos! 0-8)? 49. fa) O81 tb) 0-56 (ce) O48 @ 028 47, The top of-@ hill when observed from the top and bottom of a building of height h is at angles of elevation p and q respectively. What is the height of the hill ? hota @® —— cot q — cot p 50, ; hoot p ‘cot p ~ oot q 2htanp ae tang ‘ae ghtang jang—tanp 51. 40, reweter a 9—" ee wate ane wider sin 81°? a 45 +5 4 i Woei5 +6 +05 4 52. oS f+ 5 a 345 - 5-8 a ee 4 ADN-S-SND (14-A) A moving boat i& observed from the top of a cliff of 150 m height. The angle of depression of the boat changes from 60° to 45° in 2 minutes, What is the speed of the boat in metres per hour ? a Se v3 py #500WS—» v3 (e) 4800/8 @ 4500/3 +0) 3 ; 1—tan 2° cot 62° What is oes ornar evual to? () v3 (bo) -v8 fo V2 -1 (d) 1-2 An equilateral triangle has one vertex at (0, 0) and another at (8, /3), What are the coordinates of the third vertex ? fa) @, 23 )only (b) (@,-¥3 } only (©) (0,28 yor (8,3) (@) Neither (0, 2/3 nor (3, —V3) What is the equation of the right bisector of the line segment joining (1, 1) and (2, 3)? fa} 2x+dy-11 (b) Qx-4y-5=0 ( Bx-d4y-11=0 @ x-y+1=0 a7. ADN-S-SND cos (2 cos”) 0-8) ST FT TB? O81 0-66 0-48 0-28 (a) (by © a) ue vardt at frat, bh darg oft saree & frst att aa @ Bsa feu ort at mae: p ait q F| SPH Sit Tee | erst Al Seng eet Be ® aasts= cot q cot p @ ete cot p— ata © 2h tan p tan p— tang ahtang (a) tang-tanp af in ay = Ht tr ) sin 81° 1 AM aT . 49, 51. 52. (18-A) 150 m ft dg Hl GH asi we H rea 3 we aes aa a Xa a I 8 | aa wT sere int 2 fire H 60° get 45° HT STAT ara Ah are, tet via ue i, fea #2 4500 eee ae 4500(/5 - 1) —— ® 43 (©) 4500/8 fy 48003 +» 5 Aatan 2! wot 62 pais are t 2 tan 152° — cot 8° (a) 8 tb) V3 fo 2-1 @) 1-2 Ter aang Pgs ar ea SM (0, 0) OT Se Ga ait (3, JS) aR 1 ate wil oe Feats wen 2? at (0, 28 } at (3, 4) (0,248 7 (3,-V3) amt ©, 2V9),7 8 (3,-J/3) (a) () (e) (a) G, ) oe (2, 9H sigt ae tars % cla fears a ata ee? (a) 2x+4y-11=0 tb) 2x-4y-5=0 {e) %&-4y-11=0 (a) x-y+1=0 54. ADN-S-SND What is the radius of the circle passing through the point (2, 4) and having centre at the intersection of the lines x — y = 4 and Qx4 By +7202 ta) (by © (a 3 units 5 units v8 units 342 units What is the equation of the hyperbola having Tatue rectum and eccentricity 8 and V5 te) (dh If the point (a, al lies between the lines | x+y | = 2, then which one of the following is correct ? [al<2 Jap. 2 The sum of the squares of direction cosines of the line segment PQ is unity. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (@) Lonly (b) 2only (c) Both 1 and2 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 Consider the following for the next two (02) items that follow : ‘A line L passes through the point P(S, - 6, 7) and is parallel to the planes x+y+z=1 and Dry 22 =8. 63. What are the direction ratios of the line of| intersection of the given planes ? (@) <1,4)3> (b) <-1,-4,3> () <1-4.8> (d) <1,-4,-3> ADN-S-SND (18— 64. What is the equation of the line L? see 4 tb (ce) (td) ‘Consider the following for the next twe (02) items that follow : Let a = + e+ AS oe > > i+}, b =8i+dk ond b ad, > = > where ¢ is parallel to & and d is perpendicular toa. 66, Whotis © equalto? adh @ = oo 20d (e) @ od we d=x1 + y] 42k, then which of the 66, following equations is/are correct. ? 1 yoxs4 2 2-3-0 Select the correct answer using the code given below; fa) Lonly fb) 2only fe) Both Land 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 A) serch zt (02) rpaiat a feng frerferfive oe frar| ary: Wr cfifag Q, farg Pt- 2, 1,- 551, Tate Sx—Qy +224 1=0 F friar 2 | 61. frafefed 0 fea efifere ; 1, Q& Fen 4,-3,- 81 2, PQea arg syeea a vara & | 3, fire a, -1,-ay tarde PQ nerfs 8 ait Raa no ware oH Feaa | anf seri 3 sa att? (a) aw sine ) Baa 2sh3 () Baa iait 3 (@) 1,238.3 2, Pofefae n far ae: 1 Yards pg® fess <3,-2,2>81 2 tangs pq s fees & ant ar aires we 8 | safe seri Fa aad ae Be? (a) Sat 1 ty) Hae 2 fe) Latte 2aht @) adaazte ret a (02) sreriont a Fire Prratertiar oe Fran) ifr: wm tan 1, fey Ps, 6, 7) # Ber Tah Baik aude x+y +2= 19 2x-y-22=3% GARR I 63, fer 7 aude #1 ofaeae tar S psa wank? @ <14,3> ) <-1,-4,3> @ <1,-4,3> (d) <1,-4,-8> ADN-S-SND (19-A) co) @ ad = xleyj+ ek, oh Pertetan mie 4a wra/s adi 2/8 2 Lo y-x=4 2 22-3=0 re feu am ae a we ae Se (a) aa 1 (b) fran 2 (co) 1att 2eet @) amiahe Consider the following for the next two (02) |'72- items that follow : + > » Let a, b and ¢ be three vectors such that a ashes sO send as | 20.) 6 | edhe ns [e1=%4, Peboe 67. Whatis a .b c+ e.a equalto? (a) -392 (b) = 166 ) 0 fd) 166 Sas 68, What is the angle between a and b ? fa) 80° (b) 45° (e) 60° lag (a) 7° 69. In a rightangled triangle ABC, if the hypotenuse AB = p, then what is +> 43> >> AB.AC + BC.BA + .CA.CB equal to? fp &) () 2 (ay Be 74. 2 ee ee ae 70. A foree F =3i 42) -4k is applied at the point (1, —1, 2). What is the moment. of the force about the point (2, ~ 1, 3)? @) i+ajsak Aue b) 2i+j 42k @ ai-7j-2k @) abyap-t 7. 1. What is the domain of the function fix) (a) (b} (c) (dy ADN-S-SND (20-4) Consider the following in respect of the _ +x, x20 function fix 2-x, x<0 1. _lim ffx) does not exist, xo 2, fix) is differentiable at x = 0, 3. fix) is continuous at x = 0. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) only (6) Gand 2.only (a) Land 3.only Let f:A— R where A= B\(0) is such that fix) = = On which one of the following sets is fx) continuous ? @ A (b) Bafxe R:x20) (Q Cale R:x<0) (@ D=R Which one of the following statements is correct in respect of the fiinction fix)=x® sin x? (a) Ithas local maximum at x = (b) It has local minimum at x (¢) It has neither maximum nor minimum atx =0. (@) Ithas maximum value 1. ‘What is the area bounded by the curves ly] stax? (a) 4/3 square units (b) 8/3 square units fe) 4 square units (d) 16/3 square units onret @ (02) eaten a fore frerfertirr oe Qex, x20 ad aire: 72. 3 wm | waa A Q-x, x<0 mm tie a, Posto dh alee ever tf) Gafertaa ae far fife: Pewe kas, Me Pl a1 Pi =s] 1 am aw erie ee até | =14 8 | vale 2, fin, x=0 TC saberfa 2 | 6 PRR +e. w Reh aR A? a fx)xs0 Tae e (a) -392 = tm) 2168 aria went 8 2 sai wet Be? @ oO ) Fag 1 eer ) Fees 08, 2 ah Fata ar aia? Baar zaies (a) 90° ath ae ad) Feet 1 a 3 fe) 60° (a) 75° 73. am cite fA 8, wel A= B\ (0) Fa TR oo. wma fret anc 4, aR wt ap= pa] fea A218! | Brtetan myer a ABLAG + BC.BA + CA.CB figs waa @ fre wh K xy aaa 8? a (a) A f@) op tb) Be {xe BR: x20) ) op () O=(keR:xs0) (cop @ D=R 2 ay FR ea 74. FE fix) = x8 sin x & Hey A Read Her mo. faq u,-1,9 Twa F= af +2) - ak a eat we we? ern ort & | firg (2, -1, 3) % afte: wet ar (oy Fee Parti share x= 0 7 1 Ste Qo) Weer eer fife 2 -07F 8 | (ee tay @ x20 Wa a we srs 87 a tb) gia} +2k faters | to) 2t-7j-ak (@) gem afteray 9 18 | a) alvaj—k ; 11, SEA fix) = aa via (atta) ete |7 wat ly | grr sive Baer sar 8 2 (a) fae gargat a co (b) 9/aal gangat ay MOSS el (©) «at saat @) xt (a) 16/3 genet ‘ADN-S-SND (21-A) Consider the following function for the next|80. tivo (02) items that follow : = {Sx +i&-1, -1 1? fay 0 83, (b) 2x=1 () 4x-2 (qd) &x-4 79. What is f(x) equal to when 0 0 Let fxd = be a real valued function. Oo, x=0 Which one of the following statements is correct ? fa) fix) is a strictly decreasing function’ in (0, x). ix) is a strictly increasing function in 0,2). fix) is neither increasing nor decreasing in (0,x), (@) f(x) is not decreasing in (0, x), Which of the following statements is/are correct ? (bi (e) 1, fix) is right continuous at x = 0. 2, fix)is discontinuous at x = 1, Select the correct anawer using the code given below : (a) Lonly (b) 2only (c) Both Land 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 Consider the following for the next two (03) items that follow: Consider the parabola y=x"+7x+2 and the straight line y = 3x — 3, 86. What are the coordinates of the point on the parabola which is closest to the straight line ? fa) i () -8) fe) (-7,2) (d) 4,10) 87. What is the shortest distance from the above point on the parabola to the line ? aye 2 wi0 o 2e Bice 1 © = 0 We Naa ADN-S-SND (24- Consider the following for the next three (03) items that follow: | —2, -8sx<0 |x-2, o0, [x] <1, lyl 0 and y(1) =1, then what is y(—3) equal to? (a) (6) () (d) only -lonly Both -i and a Neither -1 nor 3 What is the order of the differential equation = +lyaet ? fa) 1 2 @ 3 (d) Cannot be determined Which one of the following differential equations represents the family of straight lines which are at unit distance from the origin ? a boa ©) (rx z 1+(2) wat Ce 2 Goh (a) @+aecxe™* 40 (b) (r— sex) o™* +0 (©) Ge+tanx)c* +e @) @-tanxe™*+e ADN-S-SND- a efifay fix) a Rar wert & 1 e[Z|+s8em<0 at i} fix) dx: Pps wee x =I 21) 2f-1) an 4 fJossae eer: xP yxt ea? et TE fete. x ors aly cot, (wat c>0, |x| <1, y| <1) 1 Fae wa are rarer tac A ore (feat) sie safe (arid) wera: eat BP al 2 21 22 fa) (b) (c) (dy fig. 8 ya ren a, Fee ram 2 a amt? @ a (b>) Fae te) dha a) Sires 95. af xdy=ydx+yldy, y> 0 att w=1, a7. (27-4) ail yi a) eae ate #2 ag 3 Fact —1 =1att sat TH Lats (a) tb) de) (a) dx meet aelterr dy + frase A ae we? (a) 1 ) 2 () 2 (a) rsifte set tat erat fofataa sara ato Fa am ws, owe Ras ge at fetta scr 8 e-firg 8 uae ait 7 € 2 @ a --(ah @ gee 4 A ele W . we Fe sats ey 0 winx 4g (x4 sec x) e! (x —seex) eT" * +e ix+tanxte™* +e (x tanx) ™*+e 98. 100, 101. 102. ADN-S-SND #/2 ie | 9 _ ~kcot, then what is the Soosx+5 ° value of k? (a) 1/4 (by 1/2 te 1 (a) 2 s at [rie equal a? Ft (a) —232/5 (by =116/5 fe) 1106/5 (a) 238/5 A special dice with numbers 1, -1, 2, —2, 0 and 3 is thrown thrice, What is the probability that the sum of the numbers occurring on the upper face is zero 7 (4/72 (by 1/8 (co) a/72 (a) 25/216 ‘There is 25% chance that it rains on any particular day. What is the probability that there is at least one rainy day within a period of T days? (a) (28 103. 104, 105. -A) A-salesman has a 70% chance to sell a product. to any customer. The behaviour of successive customers is independent, If two customers ‘Anand B enter, what is the probability that the salesman will sell the product to customer AorB? fa) 0-08 (b) 0-91 (e) 0-70 @) O49 A student appears for tests 1, It and IIL. The student is considered suecessful if he passes in tests I, II or T, I or all the three, The probabilities of the student passing in tests J, TW and III are m, n and 1/2 respectively, If the probability of the student to be successful is 1/2, then which one of the following is correct? fa) m(l+nys1 4b) a(t+m)=1 to m=1 (@ oo mn=1 ‘Thrée candidates solve a question, Odds in favour of the correct answer are 5 : 2,4: 3 and 3:4 respectively for the three candidates. ‘What is the probability that at least two of them solve the question correctly ? fa) 209/943 tb) 134/343 fo} 149/843 fa) 60/s43 100, 101. 102. ADN-S-SND- =2 —_ _ Soosx+5 ae =kot!2, Wt k #I WH 0 me? (a) 4 @) 2 @ 1 (2 3 [ates Ra ect 1 fa) (b) —233/5 =116/5 fe) 1106/5, (d) 232/5 1-1, 2-2, 0 sft 3 Femi art us feet wia a dia an tar ran | adh were OSTA are erat & aes & ae et At ae wae? wie us ‘wie 25/216 fied ium fare fa asi gt ar eat 25% 21 7 fei a aaie a ani ar enter oe fea ee ft salem a 8 2 7 (a) 1- (3) 4 + 1 (b) (3) (a) xb) (e) (a) 103, 104. (29-A) vss Faget gr feel Tew Fl Ee Seg as FT Hat oe 2 | TN West ay oaRR Tata @ a 3 mee a oft Bad §, at ee ifrea an 8 fe fee wee Am B st ae were a am 7 fa). b) (e @) 0:98 0-81 0-70 O49 He oa Warsi 1, 0 sk mA deen @ | za wa A weet wer ot & ot clans 1, 0 a 1,1 a ait at # sei a) orn 2 | ea oe A stent 1 on atk mF sth eA A wifrennd srt: m,n aft 12 ¢ | alg oa avet A of) srftenar 1/2 2, ot freifefiaa 3 8 Sra we aah 8? (ay (b) m(1+n)=1 nQ4m)=1 (c) (ay m=1 mn=1 . de saiigan we oa we BA #1 ati aefigartt % fem adh sat 9a 7 saga wT: 5: 2, 4: 39it 3:48 1 eee rar eer 8 fae at 4 anaes a scien wer at ata ge wt £2 (a) 200/843 (b) 134/343 fe} 149/343 ta) 60/343 106. Consider the following statements : 1. ‘The mean and median are equal in symmetric distribution. 2, ‘The range is the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value in the data, 3. ‘The sum of the areas of the rectangles in ‘the histogram is equal to the total area bounded by the frequeney polygon and the horizontal axis. ‘Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) Vand 2 only (b) Zand # only (ec) Land 3 only (dy 1,2and3 107. The seores of 15 students in an examination were recorded as 10, 5, 8, 16, 18, 20, 8, 10, 16, 20, 18, 11, 16, 14 and 12. After calculating the mean, median and mode, an error is found. One of the values is wrongly written as 16 instead of 18. Which of the following measures of central tendeney will change ? (a) Mean and median fb) Median and mode (c) Mode only (@) Mean and mode 108, For 10 observations on price (x) and supply (y), the following data was obtained : Yx= 190, F y= 220, Fx" = 2288, Ty? = 5506 and 3 xy = 3467. What is the line of regression of y on x? fa) y=091x+8-74 b) y=102x+8-74 (2) y=108x- 702 (d) y=0-91x - 702 ADN-S-SND (30-A) 109. In a study of two groups, the following results ‘were obtained : Group | Group A B ‘Sample size 20 25 ‘Sample mean || et Sample standard deviation | 10 12 Which of the following statements is correct ? (a) Group A is less variable than Group B because Group A’s standard deviation is smaller, (b) Group A is less variable than Group B because Group A's sample size is amaller. (c} Group A is less variable than Group B because Group A’s sample mean is smaller (4) Group A is less variable than Group B because Group A's coefficient of variation is smaller. . Consider the following statements in respect of class’ intervals of grouped frequency distribution : 1. Class intervals need not be mutually exclusive, 2. Class intervals should be exhaustive. Class intervals need not be of equal width. Which of the above statements are correct ? fa) land 2only (b) 2and 3 only {e) Land 3 only (d) 1,2and3 106. Frafetian erat we fren sire : 107, ADN-S-SND 1. Baie goa Ho areg sie anfetenr aera att #| 2, @ (32) 4 alee ae ait ape ary a rs Sr ster aie (Fa) ate B 3, oreaRe i onedi & areal an ina, alana aya ai Qf aa gr uheg Be Aaa FH ava aia a sre eeci 89 aie at ee () Saat sive (b) rae 8 (©) faa ars @ 1,233 forat ater #15 oat wrels 10, 5, 8, 16, 18, 20, 8, 10, 16, 20, 18, 11, 16, 14 aft 12) aafatetion fer 7 | aren, aferer otk ager (ts) sr sfwer a % are, uw ale wd mE | Boat ¥ 3 ue aH ert @ 18 * acer 16: fervor rant | Satta aft & eaten ant HSA acer sree > (a) area sfiq afta ) Tera ik ae (eo) Saer agers (a) aver ate ager . ima Go A Yt (yy 10 Teor Preaferfint aes wire Fe Ae: Sx = 180, Sy = 220, By? = 5506 Ft S-xy = 3467. 24 y ht SRM tar er By y=OQix+ 874 y= 1084874 Bx? = 2288, is) (b) ie) (d) y= 102x ~ 7402 y=O-Gix — 702 109. 2 aye seas 4, freafefea shore wet 110. (31-A) fas ame: ae A 20 a B& fet Sea ‘wfreal area ‘wfecet rete freer 25 22 23 10 12 fresfafam audi # a ahsat 28 8° wg A, FAR BA ata aH oid @, iif aE A SI arte faery eget @ | {a} (b) TAR A, aaR BAL sen am sien 2, ith aye A al ofaqal ara craaK 2 1 we A, aye BA atten am ofa? 8, aii agg A a afieel rer arg 2 | TE A, WE BA ae ae steed @, aif Hae A an Faaen aries erate | o) (d) alga akan saa & at sine & at fratatsa eri a fran fifa, Le sare ad 2 fh al ste et arrafia ef 1 a. owt sire Frie crh aafe | 3. me arene eh 2 Ra af sitet FHF, thang 1 aude wet aa ata att § 2 (a) at 1 see (b) act 2 ott 3 (co) War 1 ates @) 123s 111, A medi ie is known to be 75% effective to/114. Three independent events, A,, A, and AS eure a patient. If the medicine is given to i 5 patients, what isthe probability that at least| occur with probabilities PIA) = 1, ‘one patient is cured by this medicine? Led 7 i= 1,2, 3, Whatis the probability that at least © Toa one of the three events cecurs ? 1 243 fa) > a) ae F024 ‘ o 2 to 18 3 ozs 3 @ = 781 ta 781 ‘ 1024 = (a) oa 115. Two variates, x and y, are uncorrclated and 112. For two events, A and B, it is given that have standard deviations o, and a, 8 3 2 ek respectively, What is the correlation P(A) = —, P(B) = — and PA|B) = =. If A 75 10 Him coefficient between x+y and x—y? and B are the complementary events of A and tw 2282 B, then what is P(A |B) equal to? oetae @ 3 oy Ste 20,5 a ow 4 of -o2 4 oa i of ta? ® 3 me yp eras @ 2 Oxf i 116. A random sample of 20 people is classified in the following table according to their ages : 118, A machine has three parts, A, B and C, whose Age Frequency chances of being defective are 0-02, 0-10 and 15-26 2 0-05 respectively. The machine stops working 2535 4 if any one of the parts becomes defective, 5 What is the probability that the machine will ‘ not stap working ? 2 55 - 65 [ E ee ‘What is the mean age of this graup of people ? tb) O16 fa) 410 Paeoe tb) 415 te) 420 (ad) Oo td) 425 ADN-S-SND- (32-A)

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