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System Info
Product Flow Simulation 2013 SP3.0. Build: 2339
Computer name ELHAKIMY-PC
User name elhakimy
Processors Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2350M CPU @
Memory 4043 MB / 8388607 MB
Operating system Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
CAD version SolidWorks 2013 SP3.0
CPU speed 2300 MHz

General Info
Model C:\Users\elhakimy\Downloads\review urban
Project name Project
Project path C:\Users\elhakimy\Downloads\1
Units system SI (m-kg-s)
Analysis type External (exclude internal spaces)
Exclude cavities without flow conditions Off
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Reference axis Z


Initial Mesh Settings

Automatic initial mesh: On
Result resolution level: 5
Advanced narrow channel refinement: Off
Refinement in solid region: Off
Geometry Resolution
Evaluation of minimum gap size: Automatic
Evaluation of minimum wall thickness: Automatic

Computational Domain
X min -2.017 m
X max 2.013 m
Y min 0m
Y max 2.558 m
Z min -6.515 m
Z max 1.880 m

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Boundary Conditions
2D plane flow None
At X min Default
At X max Default
At Y min Default
At Y max Default
At Z min Default
At Z max Default

Physical Features
Heat conduction in solids: Off
Time dependent: Off
Gravitational effects: Off
Flow type: Laminar and turbulent
High Mach number flow: Off
Humidity: Off
Default roughness: 0 micrometer
Default wall conditions: Adiabatic wall

Ambient Conditions
Thermodynamic parameters Static Pressure: 101325.00 Pa
Temperature: 293.20 K
Velocity parameters Velocity vector
Velocity in X direction: 0 m/s
Velocity in Y direction: 0 m/s
Velocity in Z direction: -10.000 m/s
Turbulence parameters Turbulence intensity and length
Intensity: 0.10 %
Length: 0.011 m

Material Settings

Global Goals
GG Av Static Pressure 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Static Pressure
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Dynamic Pressure 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Dynamic Pressure

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Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Velocity 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Velocity (X) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (X)
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Velocity (Y) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (Y)
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Velocity (Z) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (Z)
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Turbulent Viscosity 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulent Viscosity
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Turbulent Time 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulent Time
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Turbulence Length 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulence Length
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system

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Use in convergence On

GG Av Turbulence Intensity 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulence Intensity
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Force (X) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Force (X)
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Force (Y) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Force (Y)
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Force (Z) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Force (Z)
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

Calculation Control Options

Finish Conditions
Finish conditions If one is satisfied
Maximum travels 4
Goals convergence Analysis interval: 5e-001

Solver Refinement
Refinement: Disabled
Results Saving
Save before refinement On

Advanced Control Options

Flow Freezing
Flow freezing strategy Disabled

General Info
Iterations: 279

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CPU time: 601 s
Mesh generation started 21:28:50 , Aug 08
Mesh generation normally finished 21:29:31 , Aug 08
Preparing data for calculation 21:29:32 , Aug 08
Calculation started 0 21:29:35 , Aug 08
Calculation has converged since the following 21:39:33 , Aug 08
criteria are satisfied: 278
Max. travel is reached 278
Calculation finished 279 21:39:43 , Aug 08

Calculation Mesh
Basic Mesh Dimensions
Number of cells in X 30
Number of cells in Y 21
Number of cells in Z 67

Number Of Cells
Total cells 42406
Fluid cells 40798
Solid cells 708
Partial cells 900
Irregular cells 0
Trimmed cells 0

Maximum refinement level: 1

Name Unit Value Progress Use in Delta Criteria
GG Av Pa 101325.11 100 On 0.00046009180 0.00518443746
Static 4
Pressure 1
GG Av Pa 59.97 100 On 0.00190387415 0.00574414806
Pressure 1
GG Av m/s 9.972 100 On 0.00023064021 0.00062883655
Velocity 1 5 7
GG Av m/s -2.457e- 14 On 0.00023799670 3.25146998e-
Velocity 004 2 005
(X) 1
GG Av m/s -0.016 100 On 0.0002344942 0.00127262265
(Y) 1
GG Av m/s -9.952 100 On 0.00024812242 0.00087726515
Velocity 1 5
(Z) 1
GG Av Pa*s 0.0001 100 On 1.82263613e- 1.86210573e-

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Turbulent 007 006
Viscosity 1
GG Av s 4.937 100 On 0.00056256571 0.0210206391
Turbulent 8
Time 1
GG Av m 0.010 100 On 1.55455259e- 2.84545696e-
Turbulence 006 005
Length 1
GG Av % 0.18 100 On 0.00026810797 0.00384159566
Turbulence 5
Intensity 1
GG Force N 0.024 61 On 0.0296586573 0.0181286243
(X) 1
GG Force N 28.929 100 On 0.0388869005 0.291480721
(Y) 1
GG Force N -15.892 100 On 0.0325520824 0.385414629
(Z) 1

Min/Max Table
Name Minimum Maximum
Pressure [Pa] 101263.05 101390.82
Temperature [K] 293.17 293.25
Density (Fluid) [kg/m^3] 1.20 1.20
Velocity [m/s] 0 12.429
Velocity (X) [m/s] -6.176 6.238
Velocity (Y) [m/s] -6.271 5.178
Velocity (Z) [m/s] -12.178 1.100
Temperature (Fluid) [K] 293.17 293.25
Mach Number [ ] 0 0.04
Vorticity [1/s] 0.002 101.643
Shear Stress [Pa] 0 0.58
Relative Pressure [Pa] -61.95 65.82
Heat Transfer Coefficient 0 0
Surface Heat Flux [W/m^2] 0 0

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