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In 1991 the Federal Government established the Council for Aboriginal

Reconciliation (CAR), its aim was to establish an instrument of
reconciliation within 10 years
27 May 2000- CAR presented its final proposal for Aboriginal
It was recognised that reconciliation had to take into account the different
experience of each Aboriginal Community.
Majority of Indigenous people are now affiliated with a Christian Church
this can be problematic with the relationship between Aboriginal
spirituality and Christianity. The relationship has evolved since the
mission days. Many churches now incorporate Aboriginal practices into
Church life and make connections with existing Aboriginal belief systems.
Some traditions, which were destroyed, are now being remodelled.
Sorry Day in 2008 brought public recognition by the Commonwealth of
past mistakes, there are still questions in Christian Church as how best to
achieve reconciliation.
o Some people argue Aboriginal spirituality should be injected into
Australian Christianity.
o Others argue Aboriginal people have the right to maintain their
own identity including spiritual and cultural practices.

The impact of immigration

1. Outline the changes brought to Australias religious landscape by
immigration since 1945.
There was the dramatic increase of population; massive post-war
immigration changed the ethnic mix of Australia.
Wide ranges of religions have been introduced.
Increased greater attendance of church
2. Increase religious diversity brings many challenges to the religious
landscape of Australia.
Increase conflict disagreement, misunderstandings
A lot of intolerance in misunderstanding and not willing to
Makes people have a great sense of community

Denominational switching
Denomination- Branch of a Christian church
1. Define the term switcher and drifter in the context of changing
patterns of adherence to Christian denominations.
Switcher: moves from one to another
Drifter: a person who is continually moving from place to place, without
any fixed home or job.
3. Outline why people change from one Christian denomination to
Changes in attitude.

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